ICIDBS :~~ 0 Oil Soap. Bh FIELD IAND GARDEN SEEDS! I! you Want. a wheel call and see the Rmycle at Gordon’s We know you'll appreciate its good points, and it has many. The new whpels are her. now, and the Cataloguns â€"- - ‘ Barman! Fence Wire. SPRAYERS. Fishing Tackle. ICIDBS :â€"--Slug Shot. 0 Oil Soap, Bluesfote. Hell- obore and Other insecticides. 9musms:--A full as- sonment by package or 1b.. -â€" rmmz~lbr the preven- tion of rust is very highly re- commonded. Try it. - â€" TINWAREL SUGAR “Flt-«Tho Royal Giant andlmperial, -- ._ ._ BAP]:~ Dwarf Essex for Sow- ing. -â€"- â€"â€" ... “lam: Mammoth Sawlog and Yellow Globe. -â€"â€" BRUéqgs. GRASSâ€: ~- 'limothv. Orchard. Kentucky. Blue and Red Tops. m :~All the Standard PAINTS. Our American Steel Wire Woven Fence is the most reliable Fence mhnufac'. ured â€Wanna ppr Rod. - - - Call and impact our Fishing Tackle. which is second to none.~----~-- Racyclcs. Just opened out a quantity of Sprayers, ranging in price Iron: 7.) cents £0815“) each ; nlso blueszone for Spraying. Do not neglect to s; ray your orchard early. - . - (U. Black. We are ahead 0! any of our competitors in Granite and Tinware fquualn) and as lortmeut. ' Cream Cans and Miik Pails: i abundance. Baking Powder gie'eu away with Grauizeware. - - - Our Stock of Brushes is something oxtra:â€"â€"~-_Wbite- wash. Pain}, Flesh, Cream Se'paravor, Scrub, B on, S'ove, \Vall, Banniï¬er. Finger and Horse. - - - Paint. that is sold in THE HMRDWA RB STORE. Why? Because Lt is the best. paint. manufactured. Every person is their own painxer by usingReadyomix- Paints. Au immense shap- ment just_ to hand - - - A]! sensible'peoyvle aim the 9 Gordon. GET ONE. :«All the Varieties 1901. For Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos, give us 3 trial. Perhaps you need a new Buggy. We: can supply you at. astonish- ingly low prices. Just Received a. Do You Want THE LQRGEST STOCK IMPLEMENI WAREHUU MS Come and see what a lot of Tlnware we give -â€"ior SI .00. - OUR SPRING PRINTS ARE NOW IN Stair " It? -‘ SILL: Best table oil cloth 45 inches Wide D. $ {A 0‘ Table linen 51 inches wide ........ Flue wlnte col'nterpaxzes $1.“) an: {$5. .15 FIDO! oil goth 1 yard wide t Received a Large Stock of -â€"--â€"â€"- the best Wagons made in Canada, and we are bound to sell them at Rock Bot- tom Prices to make room for our Harvesting Machinery, which will be here in good time. You Want a Plow. a Harrow, “ a SCUï¬lel‘, or 3 Cream Separator? If so we can suit you to a '1‘. Shop open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attended to. kW. 0. CONNOR. yards [51195237 inches “1116.253 pair. -' ‘47 "-" W13. CONNOR 0! Farm and Domestic Imple- ments ever seen in Durham, it will certalnly my intending purchasers to Call and see our goods before purchasing else- where. Pumys of all Kinds. The Se. son is now on when far- mers will ï¬nd a pressing need to get some labor-saving device to keep up with the times. and as we have McKinnon’s Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. - DURHAM. â€"- Pumps from $2 upward. LACE CURTAINS. Mauufacturar of And Dealer in -â€" ............ or. yd. A“ (1) 2111118125 ea. Calder’s ’Block, .. .250 He yd w] yd M ' man up pnysacxan and sufferer dike ! lose heart and often despair of e cure. but f here's the excepting: ._ Wm. Pegg, 9f Nor. I m..-) (\_A ._ ___- â€" '6‘. v- -‘V wood. Out. 3:93: “ I was nearly doubled up with rheumatism. I got three bottles of South'Americen Rheumatic Cure end they cared me. It's the quickest acting medicine I ever saw."-18 Last Tuesday morning Mr. John McDonald son of Mr. Hugh McDono ald of the south line, arrived home from Michigan. with the ï¬rst ï¬inger of his right hand in a bottle of alco- hol. John was running a butting saw in a mill and in some way the digit got too close to the revolving disc and tore it so badly that. it had to be amputated at the third joint. The accident happened last Saturday and two hours after the doctor cut off the injured member. John was on the train on his way home.-=Flesher- erton Advance. Whoa Rheumatic": double. a pay up Bhygiciaq and sufferer dike South American Kidney Our. is the only kidne, treatment that has proven equal to correct all the evil: that are likely to befall these physical regulators. Hun- dreds of testimonial: to prove the curative merits of this liquid kidney speciï¬c in case. of Bright’s disease, diabetes. irritation of the bladder. inflammation, dmpsicnl tendency. Don’t delay.-â€"2z The following is the reason given ' by a minister in a neighboring town for women taking their hats off in his church : “No human being can get. much good out of the sermon unless he can see the Speaker face to {ace and study its expression. No Sermon can inspire a man who is looking into a lopsided aggregation of dead birds, scuï¬'ed weasels. cham- eleon skins, ribbons. jet beads, stick straws. paper flowers, corn tassels. and thistle down. It makes the sin- ner feel lost in this wilderness.†Piles cured in 3 to 6 night..â€" 0210 npp'iczuion gives relief. Dr. Agnew’s ()in'mcnt is a boon for Itching Piles,or Blind. Bleeding Piles. It relieves quickly and permanently. In skin eruptionsit stands without a rival. T housands of testimonials if you want evidence. 35 cents.-â€"23 I Henry Watterson thus nominates "Pom Johnston as Democratic candi- date for president in Iil04.-â€"-‘ Did not lLincoln come thus. and Tilden and .‘Cleveland ? Why not this friend of Henry George ; this millionaire An- arcliisr,,so called. who has ï¬ghting blood. racehorse blood in his veins; who springs from stalwart Revolu-l tionary stock; who was born lucky :aml got rich by his own exertion ; at Ionce a typical American and a thor- oughbred Kentuckian crossed on a Buckeye; representing the common people yet not alfrighting the class- es; a possible Cleveland; and planted not merely in Ohio, the Virginia of the modern States and statesmen. but in Cleveland. Ohio, the home,the citadel of the Warwick who is said to make and unmake presidents. I Davix~Arrmvsmith ~That the Municifml ! wurld be paid 3), for legal service. and that v Witlmss tees be aid as tollmvrz~J.S. Black â€2.10. R. J. E wards 81.80. Jas. Staples 33l.40, and Thos. McFadden 81. relative to i Mclnnis suitâ€"Carried. ‘ AIL-(Jannnqiâ€"Dnvisâ€"That G. L. McCaul ! be pan! $5 tnr conducting sqit fur the Cor- ; pumtiuu of Uleuelg.â€"~Carrled. .Arrnwsinirh~Mclnnhâ€"Thut yhe Account of t). Rmnage for printing. auditon-g’ report amounting to 310.08, be paid.-Uarried. Arrowsniithâ€"â€".\lcCannelâ€"-'I‘hat the Reeve and Clerk heaconnmttee to wait on the Treasurer re his communication. and other matters connected with this council and re port at next meeting.â€"Carried. -ï¬q _ v v v..â€" and since 'using Yhe wondéxâ€"‘vfï¬rl remédy l have not had an attack. It relieves in ten minutes.†50 cents.-â€"x7 Eyes and Nose ran Water.â€" C. G. Archer, of Brewer. Maine. says: “ I have had Catarrh {or several years. Water would run from my eyes and nose for days at a time. About four months ago I was in- dueed to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrbal Powder. Mc(3aunel-.\IcInuis-â€"- That Bylaw 4.0!, ï¬xing renmpemtiun of members of: Mumcn- cgpal cunnml to be now read a third time, signed, _sea!ed and engrussed on bylaw bookâ€"Carried. McCaunelâ€"Mc[ï¬nishâ€"That A. McLach- Ian he paid $2.10 for gravel far 1900, as cer~ titicd tu by l’athmaster.â€"Carried. v-v- - cw“. McCannelâ€"lmvis- That Thus. Lauder be paid $2 75. fees for Registration searches relative to Treasurer’s eureties. for towu~ shin «.f (ilenelg. Also Robert Braithwaite, $11.25, for 75 cords of wood for Mrs. Dillon; and U. Lawrence. 81.“) for 1(1) lbs. flour for M rs. Dillon.â€"-Carried. Arrowsmith~ McCannel -- That Shewell Lemma“ be paid the Sum of $8“) for Cofï¬n for the late Samuel McArthur, that being the usual amount paid.-â€"Carried. ‘McCannelâ€"-Mclunisâ€"That Alex. Bell be paid Sam on salary as â€seasonâ€"Carried. ,_..-- - v - can sue“, Pal-SMUB W ' adirln'rnnlent: "A'll .t’he members present, lT‘he Reeve in the chair. . Minutes of the ! last meeting read and mnbxmed. Communic-ations were read as follows:- Frmn U. Ranmge. account for Printing. ; 1521‘. Martin, re drainage. R. J. Iretun, re timber on Roads. James Staples, r0 scrap- er. R. Braitlxewaite. account for wood for Mrs. Dillon. G. Lawrence. account for .fluur for Mrs. Dillon. Sbewellï¬z Lenahan.‘ ' acmunt fur cofï¬n for S. McAlthur. G. L.’ , Bylaw N9.404. ï¬xing remuneratipns for! ' McUanl, account for Legal servires. The Council adjoin-med. McUaImelâ€"MclImis-â€"'l‘imt a cheque be issuedun the Treasurer fur the sum of $409.61, being Vouchers for orders given by Mn. Stapleswhiie Reeve of Glenelg. fur wmk dune at Uleucross bridge in 1H».â€" Carried. --.. .un uy.1v1. .quug ISIIIHHIBI'IUOHS 301' nunnbers ut Cuuucnl Committees and Road (.‘nlmnimiuuers was introduced and read a ï¬rst and second tune. The Councilmen Ap‘ril l3zl:._ purwaut . lur_“nn.m‘â€"L l" Sold by Marina 0: Co. Sold bv MacFarlane Co Sold bv MauFarlane 6:. Co. Sold by MacFarlane 4% Co. GLENESG COUNCIL. >- '9 Q.o -4 Nothing galls the natural pride of ‘a true-blue Scotchman more than to ‘ have his country overlooked. A striking instance of this feeling is [said to have occurred at the battle of l'l‘rafalgar. Two Scotchmen, mess- ‘mates and bosom cronies, happened to be stationed near each other when the celebrated signal was given from Admiral Nelson’s ship: “England‘ expects every man to do his duty." “Not a word about poor Scotland.†dolefnlly remarked Donald. His friend cocked his eye and turning to his companion, said : “Alan. Donald, Scotland kena weel enench that nae son 0’ her’s needs to be tell’t to dae A good pastor of a church not a hundred miles from Guelph, recently caused a succession of smiles to rip- ple over the faces of his congrega- tion by quietly remarking. at the close of an operatic performance by the salaried soloist. “We will now resume the worship of God." Carried away by his own eloquence a London orator was earnestly com- mending the project of raising a mem- orial'to the late Queen. so that “we may now be able to tell her virtues to our fellowmen, and when ‘we are dead and gone. to our children yet unborn l†A thankful wife sent. the following recommendation to a patent medicine firm : “Gentlemen, before taking your medicine I was too weak to spank the baby, but. now I can lick my husband, Heaven bless you.†Wah Lee looked as if he were lost on Sunday night. He must have been looking for a girl. Some one might have relieved his anxiety. ‘ tor could not help, but a few months’ use of this wonderful medicine made me as well as ever and I gained much in weight.†Infallible for Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung trouble Trial bottles. free. Guar- anteed bottles 50c and 81.00 at. all druggists. 1m. FOUGHT FOR HIS LIFE. “ My father and sister both died of Consumption,†writes J. ’1‘. Weather- wax, of Wyandotte, Mich., “ and I was saved from the same frightful fate only by Dr. King’s New Discov- ery. An attack of Pneumonia left an obstinate cough and very severe lung trouble, which an excellent doc- Messrs. Wm. Moore and Jas. Sul- livan attended the Oddfellows’ an- nual service in Markdale on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, of Rochester, are visiting the farmer’s relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Mitchell was formerly in the butch- ering business here and has many friends who are pleased to give him a shake. Miss Ayies, of Point Edward, who visited the past two months with her sister, Mrs. Jos. Blackburn returned home Wednesday. Mrs. R. N. Hendeason and little daughter left. on Monday to sp’end a couple of weeks in Toronto. Mrs. A. S. VanDusen spent Friday last with her son. J. F. in Dundalk. Mrs. l. B. Lucas, of Markdale. vi8~ ited Wednesday of last week with her mother, Mrs. M. Richardson, and made calls on a few old friends. Mr. Alex. Wilkinson. of Schem- betg, was the guest of his old friend Mr. George Mitchell, a couple of days last week. Mr. Isaac G. Norris, of this place, has concluded a course in the West- ern Dairy School, at Strathroy and mow holds a second class certiï¬cate from that institution for cheese and butter factory. His brother, Lorenzo, 'left some time ago to take up the study of pharmacy in adrug store Our sense of sight and smell were one day last week, delightfully re- galed by a beautiful bunch of May flowers (the ï¬rst to us this season) placed on our table by our young friend. Miss Flossie Thurston. Mr. W, Sinclair is home from Vic- toria College, Toronto, for a visit. with his parents. Mrs. F. Dafoe entertained a num- ber of friends at a very pleasant party on Friday evening last. The builders commenced work on Monday on Mr. Wm. Clayton’s new brick residence on Durham street. Mr.John Wright is doin the brick work and Mr. Chas. W.%ellamy is contractor for the wood work. l' Quarterly Communion Seivice. the last under the miniatery of Rev. Mr. ,Ward. was held in the Methodist Church on Sabbath morning last. Mr. Ward was assisted by Mr. W. Sinclair and Rev. '1‘. R. White, of Eugenia, the latter occupying the , pulpit at both morning and evening 1 services. The memorial service in the Bap- tist chureh ou Sabbath morning last held in memory of the late Mrs. Jae. Staflord, of the 4th line, was largely attended. The pastor, Mr. Lamont, preached an appropriate and comfor- ting sermon from Rev. 14:13.“ Bless- ed are the dead which die in the Lord.†_ _'â€"â€"â€"--Hv A number of cgses caméi before His Honor for adjustment and it was al- most six o’clock before tho end of the docket was reached. B'LEBHEBTON. ‘hia duty. That’s just (him to the Engiishera.†Division Court was held in the Town Hall here, on “ ednesday of Here 18 a story-of Carnegie told by last week, Judge Morrisoqptï¬esiding. £1,133,315 2499.? ET?†M’;.C‘m°.81° DURHAM CHRONICLE. HITS AND KISSES. H 0.9 9-4....â€" u-ucw uuuu LVU Ullfllo II. II. Ulluunfl, the Hanover Conveancer is lending money on flood farm mortuaaes at lower rates I) Is what Count of Grey Farmers would like to know. \’ e cannot y3te1l 0'“ but we CAN TELL _YOU that H. H. _MILLER, How to Grow I! you have not tried it send for free sample, in agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT a BOWNE. Chemista. Toronto. .00. and 01.001." druttlotn. lt feeds you a little without any work at all by the stomach. That little may be enough to set your whole body going again; for it helps you more than it feeds you. Whatever else it may beâ€" it is a vacation for stomach and partly for bowels. If your digestion needs a rest -â€"whatever else may be trueâ€"you can get it from Scorr’s EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil. Unusual question! v.- vrr‘ ket am not counterfeits. -c__--â€"â€" vuI JHUUI “I". UII'UBKIO {and Mr. Schwab were spending a few days in Florida. and as a lark went to a colored church. After the ser- mon the minister asked for a collec- f- tion for whitewashing the church. When the basket was passed to Mr. Carnegie and Mr. Schwab they drop- ped in a couple of crisp bills of large: denominations. When the basket was placed on the desk in front 01 the colored divine that gentleman put on his spectacles, and with as,- touishment stamped on his face, closely examined the bills. and then. addressing the congregation, said :â€" “De whitewashin’ ob dis chn’ch will begin to-morrow, providin’ dat dese here notes dat de gentlemen in de rear ob de chn’cb dropped in de bas- 50 Rachel. -â€"“’heat to â€"-the Acre THURSDAY.