A Mann of are neat Shelbyvme, 111., that essays m a ton, ceneee much excitement there. Melbert Bey, em: 01 the U. 8. See- tetery of State, he. reigned “Con- ant-Genera! et Pntcie. Negotietione have been conpleted in Chicago tor the torn-nth. e! the let.- eet beet not! concern 1- the world. Gee-1e fl Debbi-e. blind __ to: 10 The British patent office has grant- ed a resident of Germany a patent {or making glucose by beating onw- duot with emphuric acid, compressing and then boiling it. . Altboo b no official ennoncement baa yet geen made, it peems probable that the portion of the Imperial war loan oliered to the public bu been covered about seven times. UNITED STATES. Sew York has nine new cases of Imallpox. .Every house flooded in Pittebnrl will be disinfected to prevent diaoane or a plague. The Illinois Legislature has pus- ed n bill prohibiting the sale of cis- uettel in tlie State. The census returns so far publish- ed of the Britta}: Isles show that the movement of population from the country to tbg cities continues un- checked. 'a ‘ vvulu. J G“! e The London Gounï¬ Council pro- pose- to put forty steamers on the Themes for traffic between Hammero. «smith and .W'oolwich. British coal exports during 1900 were 44,009,197 tons, an increase of 2,908,897 tons, as compared with the preceding year. ‘ At London the annual return of re- cruit'mg {or 1900 shows a total en- :istment of 98,361, against 42,700 in A'youth aged sixteen died at Ar- dagb, near Longtord, who was 7 (act 1 incl. in height. Louis Godard will make an attempt in a short time to cross the Atlantic in aballoon. starting from London. At London, Robert Gunter and Wyndham 8. Fatal have been made bum-eta. The Militia Department at Ottawa desires every man who has taught in South Africa and who has changed his addrews since coming home to no~ til the Department of his present ad was so that he may receive the Imperial gratuity o! .25. GREAT BRITAIN. The British War Ofï¬ce will? buy Barton's aerial machine. Five thouand pounds have been raised {or the Cork Industrial Ex- hihition. Thomas Brown is suing Hamilton City {or 010,000 for the 10%: m‘ an eye; the result of. an injury from ï¬re- works used in the Laurier demon- stration there last November. Up to the present time census wheduX-a have been received at 0t- tawa Irom name 317 enumerators, whereas for the whole month 01 April in the last census only 53 were re- coived at headquarters. At Whitvmflutb Station, Man, C. \V. Blank. a Gannon tanner, shot and killed another German named A. Rudke. They had a row over cattle. Blank gave himself up at Winnipeg. The option on the salt walk of On- turto, granted to the syndicate which are seeking incorporation {tom Par- liament, has been extended (tom Ap- ril am: until May Slat. Veterans of ’66 ‘are applying for land grants the Dominion Govern- ment hasn’t ordered. Ontario’s grants to the Suutb African boys has misled them. The Ottawa Electric Light Company threatens to raise the rates if new companies are given a lranchisc to operate in the city. The smallpox epidemic at Machod Lethbridge, Maple Creek and other pLu-es m the North-West Territor- ies is under control. The Calgary Board 01 Trade is mov- ing to have all members of the Domin- iun Hume visit the we“ when the House rises. Contractor Jamieson, of Montreal, will build a $300,000 grain elevator at Port Arthur (or the Canadian Northern Railway. Over 400 tons of binder twine have been manufactured at the peniten- tiary at Kingston for the coming sea- Police C : tend drills. An American syndicate is willing to establish smelter: at Ottawa if it is 83"“ 8 big bonus and a free site. Hull, Que, will pay its corporation labourers 15 cents an hour for twelve hours a day." is now ten at 14 centa. Louis G. Evans of the 90th Battal- ion was fined at me Winnipeg Polife‘g’ourt for neglecting to at- Wm. J. Archer, 97 Brunswick ave- nue, was fatally burned in his home on Saturday night. Hamilton claims that the census returns will give it npOpulation of London has sold 01150“) worth of debentures at 1mm 31-2 to 4 per cent. The Kingston Schoél of Mining will erect two new buildings. CANADA. Guollb’s rate in 21 3-! milk. Halifax new has an anti-prohibition Council. Hull City Council has cut of! three liquor licenses. Brockville is to have apart-packing establishment. {HHEISMWHI "null! Ito-u About Our Own Comm’y. amt arm. tho United sum, and All Part. a! the mono, Condensed and Ami to: Buy VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. ing an inquest upon the body of Charles White, who died suddenly on Sunday. April 14, under circumna- «s that warranted the belief he had died from poison. brought in a ver- m In the Valle! d an Connor'- Juryâ€" Mn. Whit. Placed Undo: Arum. A deapntch tron Brantlord, Ont» â€182-03 many morning tbo' coroner’s jury, which has been hold- The company wants. 10,000 men._.and this part of the plan Mr. Jones is commissioned to execute in Pitta- bnrg and other iron centres. United States. A despatch from Paterson, N. J., Mystâ€"James Jones, one of the sup erintendents at the Passaic Rolling . Mills in this city, left on Tuesday for Pittsburg, with the commission to engage the services at all the skilled iron-workers he can secure in that city, to be employed at Sydney, Nova Scotia. Mr. Jones has been apâ€" pointed as a superintendent in the| rolling mills at Nova Scotia nndern three-years' contract, at a handsome mla- Ty. ; I I _ »~â€"â€"v-â€"u ----"--a- 0! the six who occupied rooms up- stairs, only one escaped, This was a boy, who jumped from awindow. The unfortunate one: that perished were of age from seven to eighteen years. ed to Death. l I A despatch from Parry Sound, 0nt., 'sayStâ€"A disastrous fire occurred {near the village of Hurdville on Mon- iduy night, in which five persons, members of the family of Joseph Parton were burned to death. The fire broke out in the middle of the night. Mr. Parton and his wife were asleep in a room downstairs, and both suddenly waking up found the place in flames. The stairs being on fire, they were unable to rescue any of those upstairs, and, in fact, with difficulty themselves escaped from the burning building. A, L“ ‘2â€" â€"â€"â€" 10.0)) HEN FOR SYDNEY. Family 0! Joseph Patton. At Bromberg. Prussian Poland, nine person“; have just. been fined by the local court for singing a Polish song without having previously in- formed the police of their intention. Considerable excitement exists among the population of Tehcran be- cause 0! the heavy taxes recently imposed upon meat and other food- stuï¬s. 'l‘ho Czar and (‘zarinu will privately visit, England and London during the coming season and will attend the Glasgow Exhibition. 101 annual expenditure 000,000 tacls. The Oity Coumil of Amsterdam has voted 82,412,000 for an electric plant which is to furnish power for street curs, lighting, etc. A desputch from Amsterdam an- nounccs that Mr. Kruger will leave for the United States early in June. Iioiland and Germany will construct a system of cables to the Far East, rendering them independent of the British lines. Augusto .‘Z’arcro, a member of the ï¬rszilian Chamber of Deputies, has Invented a steerable balloon. At Madrid the street railway em- ployes are out on strike. All the metal warts in South Rus- sia are forming a trust. A violent dust- .storm has just visit- ed Mandalay, Burmah. Japan claims indemnitics from China amounting to £4.750.000 stark ing. Four hundred factories in Russia are closed on account of commercial depression). ‘ Thu-e is Leipzig. biamond jewellery worth $10,000 was stolen from the home of H. I’. Grouse at Uticn, N.Y., by two "work- man†who had, of course, been sent iby an electric light cum-puny to ’rcmo-dy a defect in the wiring. Neale McPeck. aNew York broker, has entered suit against Rando’ph Surbridge, a Boston lawyer, and: Isaac Irwin, a~mining operator, of San Diego, (lab [or $25,000 for can- spiracy over the “P‘ortmna†mine in California, in which shareholders are said to have sunk 86,000,000. GENERAL. POISONBD BIB HUSBAID. Frank Fuller and Thomas Smith. Americans, have been bscuteuccd to .six month each at Kingston, Jam- aica. for making false contracts with Jamaican labourers to wark in Cuba. Governor Odell has signed the bill taxing lorrign corporations which do not vmploy 40 per cent. of their capi- tal in business in New York State on their capital stock so employed. Besides the heavy loss by flood in the manufacturing and wholesale dis- tricts of Ohio many laborers are idle and about 1,000 people have been ren- dered homeless. A rogue’s gallery of card sharps is to be hung in the card room ' of each of the big trans-Atlantic liners running out of New York. New York police will provide it. Lieut. William Patterson, o! the Coast Artillery. tormetly aPhiladel- phin lawyer. in to be tried by court martial at Manila tor misappmpriat- in: funds. yearn, has graduated with honors from the Chicago Homeopothlc Medi- cal College. W. J. Bryan has announced that)» has no intention or seeking n third nomination for the Presidency ot the United States. FIVE BURNED TO DEATH. astrikn of doctors in '. o! flutdviflc Bun:- Sheep and Lamb. Expat ewu. per ct. 360 Butcher sheep, each. 200 Lambs ¢.t., per cwt.. 475 (10.. b.y., pu- ‘0wt. £00 Steward. Derâ€"fcth.‘ 2-87'1-2 Export wk. per at. 375 Shippers, per cwt. 3425 gntcper, choice, do. 37.- Towntg, May 7.-â€"The receipts of bugs on the market to-da'y were small and prices unchanged. They brought 38.50 to 88.75. Provision: in demand and firm. Quotations are as follows; --Dry salted shoulders, 8 1-4c; long clear bacon, loose ,in car lots. 10c; and in case lots. 10 14 to 10 1-2c; short cut park. 320 to $20.50; heavy mess park. 319 to 819.50. . Smoked meatsâ€"Hams, heavy, 12cm medium. 13c; light, 13 1-20. Lardâ€"Pails, 10 3-40; tubs. .10 l-2c; in tieirces, 10 1-4c. . l ‘ :LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto. May 7.â€"There was .- cbange in the general condition at business at the western cattle yard! to-day. All told, 65 carloads of live stock came in. All round prices were well maintained, and business is in a healthy condition. Hogs are unchanged. "Singers" sell at 63-4c per lb; thick (at and light hogs, at 61-4c per. 1!). Hogs to fetch the top price must be of prime quality. and scale not below 100 nor above 200 lbs. Following is the range at quota- Maple syrupâ€"Supplies are moderate and the demand fair. Five-gallon tins are quoted at $1 per imperial gal- lon; and gallon ti-ns'at $1.10 to §1.l5. Honey-«Deale'rs quote from 101-43 10 1-2c for 5, 10, or 60-lb tins, accord- ‘ bug to size of order; comb honey sells ‘ at 82 to- 8225 for dark; and at $2.50 to i 2.75 for choice clover, per dozen sections. Hops-Quict. Choice 1900 growth are quoted at 14 to 16:; and yearling-s at 8 to 100. I; Beamsâ€"'l‘he market is easy. Ordin- 1 any white beans bring 01.40 to 81.50;l choice hand-picked beans are quoted at $1.60 to 81.65. Bale-d hayâ€"Choice timothy, on track here, $10.50; and two-ton lots. deliver- ed, $11.25. Strumâ€"Steady. Car lots, on track. 35.50 to .6 a ton. DRESSED HOGS AND PROVISIONS. Dried fruit. .11); apples 5 l-2c. 3 to 3 1-24 '"" '0' large. Sales out of store. are made at. 350.. Field produce. etc.-â€"Turn-ips. out of store, 2"» per bag; onions, 81 to $1.10 per bag; carrots} 35c per bag; parsn-ips per bag, 35c; apples, per bbl, 81 to 82; sweet potatom, er bbl, $2.50. I’\._! - Potatpesâ€"Unchangcd at car Lots, om track. Offeriur large. Sales out of More. at 350. Toronto, May 7.â€"-Eggs.~â€"The supply is large and prices easier. Sales (0-day at 10 1-2 to 110 per dozen. . Poultryâ€"The market is unchanged. Bright stock is quoted as follows;â€" Turkeys, 11 to! 120; geese, at 8 to 8 l-Zc; chickens. at? 45 to 60c; and ducks at 50 m 8%. , . _- u: -v v -V) ~"|’V"u_ ber, 72 3-8c. Cornâ€"12 3-83; Mly 43 1-40.; Oatsâ€"~27 1-4 to 270. Tofedo, May 7.â€"-\\'he.at-Cash. 75 3-80; May, 75 3-8c; July, 75 1-40. Corn -Cglsh, 45 L40; May 4'3; July 451-20. Oatsâ€"Cash, 27 1-20. Ryeâ€"52c. Clover- .ueedâ€"Caah, prime, 86.30; October, 85.3? 1-2. Oilâ€"Unchanged. PRODUCE. gv VI A'IU. Duluth. Navyâ€"741358 :â€"-\\'heat -- Cash, No. 1, hard, 76 3-80; N0. 1 North- ern, 74 3-8c; No. 2 Northern, w l-2c; May 713-80; July, 75 l-Zc; Septem- ber, 7:3 3-8c. Cornâ€"12 3-83; Mly 43 1 0.. . AA. n-u - - - -- Milwaukee, May 7.-â€"-Wheat-â€"-Hig No. 2 Northern, 73 1-2 to 740. ll Firm, No. l 5! l-:.’.c. Barleyâ€"Dull: 2, 57 to 580; sample 40 to 54 1-40 h ‘ :- -- _ . --- --. vku “I. '00.“). Chicago, May 7.-â€"-To-day‘a passion in the grain pits was a strenuous one. Sharp advances were (scored for de- livery the present month, while July options showed moderate sympathetic {strength May corn and cuts were and to be practically cornered and showed at the close gains of 1-4 to lo respectively. May wheat roec 5â€"80. and July 1-8 to 14c. July corn closed 3-8 to I-Zc, and July oate,1-8 to 1- 3 improved, The provision mar- ket was 71-: to 10 to 350 improved in‘ prices. ' Minneapolis, May 7.-â€"-Cloi~e:-â€"\Vheat -â€"Cash, 74 1-5.5; May, 73 3-80; .luly,. 7-1 5-39, on track. No. 1 hard, 761-8c;| No. 1 Northern, 71 1- c; No. 2thrth-’ em. 71 3-8 to 72 3-8c. Flour and bran. â€"p_n_changed. I 0;: t mealâ€"Firm. Car oats, in bags, on trw at 8353.": pur_bbl.; and i1 Flourâ€"Firm. Holders of cent. patents. buyers' bags freight». ask 52.70 per bbl., t is bid. Ryeâ€"Steady. Car lots, 4%. west, and 50c, east. Buckwheatâ€"Ibo demand is lair, Car lots, west, are qubted at 5203: and east, at 54c. ’ the Midland, 310; No. 1 white. west. are quoted at 801-2c. ' vâ€"vv Cornâ€"Steady. No 2 yellow. on track here, 60c; No. 3, 49¢; Peas - Strong. No. 2, middle freights, 651-2c; and east at 661-2c. Barleyâ€"Firm. Cargocs of No. 2, at Lake Ontario ports.v500; No. 2 cast, is Quoted at. 47c; and No. 3cxtra, at 461-20. Millfocdâ€"Thc market is easy. with fair offerings. Ton lots. at the mill door, Western Ontario points. sell as followszâ€"Bran, .14; and shorts, .15. Cornâ€"Steady. No 2 yellow. on track hare, 60c; No. 3, 49¢; Toronto, May 7.â€"-‘Wheat-The tone at the iocal market was firm to-day. Prices are as followsâ€"Red wheat, 681-20; white wheat, 681-2c; No. 1 goose wheat, 671-2c, low freight: to New York; Manitoba No. 1 hard, Tor- onto and west, 920; and No. 2, 87 1-20. Grinding in 'transit privileges 2o 1 Prices of cutie, Choose. Gram. tn the Leading Marketa. interior. bags on tirack, auje quo'Lâ€"e; ulna ‘- L) ‘ Cattle. track. ‘0fferiangsfl ‘faiï¬g-r 2c; evaporated, 5 to E and in Wood at 83.45. 7.-â€"’1‘o-day’a passion in was a strenuous one. 7.7-}"hegt-Higbcr; lots of rolled a 37 1.2 375 270 for 'D middlo A despatch from London aayn:-lt is reported that Mr. Morgan is nego- 'tiating for. it he has not already pur- chased, the Dominion and William Johnson lines, The opinion in Liver- pool is that the Leylend line ehere- holders have reason to be well set- iefied with the financial upect at their bargain, the recent proeperity of the shipping industry ‘compeliin. "II "A._- l- L_-_ _ _ n I . A Mr. Borgia. thl marko’, A similar fir'éfluliasvoccurred at Khamgaon, Province of Berar, result- ing In the death of 11 persons. Aim-e Eli, on the Kattywar peninsula, have been burned to death. The re- maind.ernwcrc__tatnl_ly burned. 30,000 magaziné rifles, and, 5.60â€â€œ ing of his intention to raise a milljon soldiers. He has just ordered a bat. tery cl Krupp guns. which is to be delivered in Angust. Mob Fire on Police, Who Execute a Fatal Charge. A despatch from Murcia, Spain, saya:â€"A thousand men are out on strike at the Aguilaa mine. The com- [pany has refused the men’s propos- ! u als and therehave been serious dia- turbances. Some of the miners fired on the police guarding the property and the gendarmes charged the crowd killing one man and wounding sever- . :11 others. Ameer Orders 9. Battery of Krupp Guns and Will Raise 1.000.000 Men. A despatch from Calcutta, India, saysâ€"The revelations in regard to the armed strength of the Afghans has caused uneasiness in India. The Ameer ct Afghanistan airgady has Onnnn ______7 ' funny. based on the expectation that hostilities would be prolonged, are ‘likely to be cancelled. ‘ The. daily round-up of small com- ma-ndoes and their leaders during the ' past fortnight has made the. captures Marge tn the aggregate. and other evidences are many that the end is ' not by any means as distant as pro~ : Boer sympathiscrs have prophesied. , The War omce Hopeful or an Early Termination. A dcspatch from London saystâ€"Ac- ’cording to the Standard, the War ‘ Office is more hopeful of the termina- tion of the war in South Africa than (it. has been [or weeks. The arrange-' ‘mm'nts for food and forage for the ,army. based on the expectation that ,‘hoslilitios would be prolonged, are! {likvly to be cancelled. b o OVER FIFTY CREMATED. . She bought a handsome pistol at the third shop and a box of ammuni- : t.:°oo‘n. After returning to the Halifax ‘ she sent foa- the hotel bill, paid it, and the woman had gone, but found her seated in a chat: dead, with one cham- iber of the sax-shooter empty. Even the maker’s name on her boots andl other clothmg had been obliterated, 'and the name of the photographer who had taken a picture of a four- {year-old child was removed from it. :An umbrella bare the name “Sternes t 0 New York.†The following unsigned' note was in her purse:â€" . “I earnestly desire that no effort will be made on the part on the au- thorities. newspapers, or others. to ,édentify me. Let my death be. deter- mined beyond any doubt before lburial.†SPANISH MINERS STRIKE. The body is at the morgue await- ixmg identification. The warning was {spent by her in bed and at noon she arose and asked the maid to put on a fire. The day imm warsm-, and the reason for her re- quest is now apparent. for all her let- ters were burned in the open grate. After the fire was lighted the woman emgagcd a cab and told the driver to take her to show where ï¬shing tackle was far sale. She entered three places, and at each asked for a revolver. ' UNEASINESS IN INDIA. Unknown Woman Shoots Herself in Halifax Hotel. Yarmmth, oonnecting with the steamer to Boston, there arrived a fine looking woman! of about 35 years of age, who gave her name to the Halifax hotel people as “Mrs. Mary D. Eastman, Quebec.†Some time be- tween 4and 6 o‘clock in the afterg noon she committed suicide by shoot- ing herself through the brain. The woman left no means of identification except the name on the register, and lit is probable that that was an as- sumed name. She could not have come from Quebec. The money in her purse was in American bank notes and the police here think she may have come from (lamb-Edge, Masa, where the East-mun murder trial is now going on. They have wired there for information. She was sumptu- owsly attired. IORGAN STILL BUYING. ramble Fires Reported From India. â€â€™0‘“ MB. per cwt. . Light 11036, per cwt. . Heavy hoes. per owt. . Sowa. per cwt. . Stags, per cwt. . . Calais. $116!: CLOSE OF THE WAR. THROUGH THE BRAIN. '- spring, mm... . 200 [3, PO! QWt. . . 8“) Milton and (‘1'... I. each. . . . 20m - -â€".. ----_. ti buy an} that» of Inc-lens at an army, but itt was an educating force and a Military school to supply teaching to the active mili- tia, and theretore it was important to have in it the beat class of men to be obtained. ind having scoured them, to retain them. One of the-grant dit- 'flcnmen___ had been to_ retain good - The resolution to provide for pen- sions to staff officers and officers and men of the permanent militia force. and to the widows and children of such officers. was taken up. Dr. Borden said that the resolution pro- posed to adopt for the first time in Canada the principles of pensions for the officers of the permanent force of this country. It would apply only to the permanent force and the perman- ent staff. and not to the active militia in the ordinary sense of the word. In every country which had men perman- ently employed for defensive purposu there was such a pension system. and. although Cansda Was adopting this late in t-hc day, it wasasound prin- ciple which he was sure the country 1 would approve of. The permanent force was not simply organised as the On the item of $2,000,000 for rolling stock, Mr. Blair explained that the in- tention was to purchase 1,470 box and freight cars. 17 refrigerator cars, 20 and sleeping cars, and a coach for the Royal party. The bill'was than reported from committee. and now stands for its third reading. RAILWAY ESTIMATES. The. House went into Committee Of Suï¬ppl}: 01} the railway estimates. The Solicitor-Genera'l intimated on the third reading 01 the amendment offered by Mr. Monk requiring de- puty returning officers to enter on the records any objections made. to them during voting hours would be accepted. but would be limited to pro- tests made by scruti'neers in the poll- ing boot he, ' “ That the salaries of the seventeen puisne judges of the Superior Court of Quebec, whom residences are fixed at Montreal or Quebec, including the judge to whom the district of Terrebonne, is assigned. shall be each 85,000 per annum.†"That the salary of an additional judge of the Territorial Court of the Yukon territory, shall be 85,009 per annum. put through com-urittee, so :11 the resolution: “That the 83 the Chief Justice of the Q Court of the North-\Vest Ter shall be 85,000, and of the [our judges of the said court each per annum. real be raised to “id†per annum v as put through committee, so also was the resolution: "That the salary of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the North-“’est Territories shall be 35,009, and of the four puisne judges or the said court each $4,003, n-.. Aâ€" In the PENSIONS. J UDGES’ stoned ofï¬ce" A deapatch from St. Pctersburc aays:â€"-Distreeeing accounts are ar- riving here of the situation of the village pomhtiam throughout Bes- sarabin, especially in. the Soroki dis. trict. caused by the famine arising from the failure of the Last harvest. The peasants are living on huqks of maize boiled in water. Belt of them are suffering with typhus (ever. They Ire clad in nu have no Mniture. or other houehold neon-mien. Home. and sheep have decreased tron titty. to sixty per cent. â€in: to luck at lance. In some value- horses are' no“ ut a mu. each. Ebewhere' seventy percent. at the urn-u have lat ell this s: Peasants Arc Living on Bush of AWFUL FAMINE IN RUSSIA. Gossip of this sort 13'?“er current, but there is nothing about it thatcan be substantiated. ~ BRITIS‘I SHIPOWNERS MAY SUPPER. Mvr. “'ilaon. of Wat to and Company, ohipowners. arrived with Mr. Shangh- nes-sy. of the Canadian Pacific, on .he steamer Oceanic. They learned at Queenntown o! the Leyland deal. Mr. Wilson said that within ten years most of the greatest eutern rail- roads of the United States would operate their own steamers. which would enable them to control ocean rates. British shipowners who are unable to secure connections with the railways of the United States would probably be prejudiced to some extent by the pending developments. 4 i l it 7‘- bullion dollar steel trust and the tonal (1.4»qu mat-awn cut.- an... A . 3 .‘ . Atlantic Carrying trade. lnt’orma- 0" ' ‘5" "" "' “m ’n ‘ (ion on the subject continues to he in- A mineral radium “'hik‘h PIT-this!!! 'oidetitnite. and shipowners would give ‘°_ furnish “u." a permanent. liï¬h'o m much to get an insight into Mr. Mor- ““1â€â€œ 1Wâ€. 18 130mg extiemnented I): girl's plan: It is amerted that the with in Smithsonim 1.14m"... Wash- whole Leyland transaction chiefly" ington. Th0 diSPUVprpr, .‘Ium, Skit)- aims at plat-ing (hp line in closertdo‘VBk“ curiet a l’oli~.h chemist, [cont touch with the Atlantic Transport line! i\\:0.ht'l‘mcllt'u“y‘ sealed Vials run- and that it is likely to rewult- in the 3 tanning “39 luminous substance to latter company practically control- Prat. Langley 0‘ the mFIHUlIOn. ling the Leylanad line. In that case â€0‘ long “30' The†contained ““2: I the combination would dispose of an “an†â€0'â€me resembling starch. - asp-9331.; tonnage ’01 700,000, if the In one vial it is powdered. and in. the l vessels building are included, and this‘ 0‘13"" broken "310 99b". With'fflcel i would exceed the tonnage of any other a tenth of an inch in length. “up. line in the world. two little bottles, each about the one. It is recognized that the acquisition 9‘ a 1â€,â€? “FF“ throw.out a ((988- of the Leylaud line although a higf‘Sh Wm“? “Shh by WIN“! 3 printed thing. need not in itself cause great â€â€œ39 may b" “"d ‘t he.†do†.to uneasiness to ShiDOWIV‘X'S, but p013 ‘h{'m. The SUbSLancc 091‘. t“'9 dl.’ sistent rumours of further purchases] ".0", â€â€œ3 0" â€3'" one "I“? 9'4“)", cause anxiety in certain quarters that ‘ daylight; the 0â€!" resembling X- amounts to rays. the experiments prove that SERIOUS ALARM. “ can b9 “5'34 "1 Photocraphy. having the effect of sunlight on a negative. tThese frightened people foresee the t and when tried as an X~rayit woo British flag driven on the Atlanticifound capable ot photographing and perhaps off the Pacific. and Br» through the cover of a plate holder. tish trade generally lrozen out. It was further determined that in It is rumoured. on the other hand. { giving 0“ light no apparent energy that Mr. Morgan has failed in part t is expended. it is believed that an of his endeavour. namely. to t-onsoli- , infinite time. would be required to ca- date the Atlantic shipping as he has . h'tust the light giving property of consolidated the steel trade of thefthe two vials. Further. one-halt United States. . The (‘unard and . pound of it would light an ordinary White Star lines have. it, is said. re- 9 room. Heretotore chemists have (used to consider such a proposal. i looked upon the radium as valuelon: although they offered to sell theirgnow it is w orth CLM per ounce. It vessels outright it Mr. Morgan was. is {ound in very smallquantities. and prepared to pay their price. The;only in uranium. What further do- Hamburg-American and 1(0th Ger-t vt-lopments are to (allow ia a math: man Lloyds are also supposed to have Id interesting conjecture. been approached. but they are. said __,.____ to have replied that they were do- ing very well and did not care to NIHILIST "‘0‘. Ԡâ€LA." enter tin gmalgamation. D S f Those frightened people foresee the British flag driven off the Atlantic and perhaps off the Pacific, and Bri- tis'h trade generally frozen out. It is recognized that the acquisition of the Leyiaud line although a big thing. need not in itself cause great uneasiness to shipownnrs, but. por- si-stcnt rumours of further purchases cause anxiety in certain quarters that amounts to the combination would dispose of an aggregate tonnage of 700,000, if the Vessels building are included, and this would exceed the tonnage of any other line in the world. They Wait In Awe tor the Next Deal-Btlicl Now That the Atlantic l‘rnuport Line Will or flu Been Acquired. A despntch from Inndon says:â€" Shipping circles continue to be en- Igrmsed with. the future of the Ley-' stand line, and what has becn dubbed the Morganntisc alliance between the| ibitlion dollar steel trust and the Atlantic carrying trade. Informa- tion on the subject continues to be in~ definite, and shipowners would give much to get an insight into Mr. Mor- gan‘s plans. It is asserted that the whole Leyland transaction chiefly aims at placing the line in closer touch with the Atlantic Transport line? and that it is likely to result in thct‘ latter company practically control- ling the Leylnnad line. In that case BRITISH SHIPOWNERS AGITATED OVER THE [ORGAN DEAL. OCEAN UARRYING TRADE. were a cursory examination was made by a physician, and the wound- ed man was taken to the hospital. The woman who was with him at the limo of the shooting was arrested later. She gave the name of Purdy. Ofï¬cer fingers, Nothing is known of Vin- ccnt's antecedents, as he ha: been here but a short time. ‘ town walking on Spruce street, near Magazine. They were both drunk and disorderly. and the officer ar- rested Vincent. The latter broke awgy and showed tight, and when the it was he left furrows from his finger nails in the officer's (ace. and Dacy shot him with his revolver. Vincent fell, and was taken to the police Etn- ‘:A_ jConstablo Seriously Wounds n Re- ; stating Prisoner. Mich.. says:-0fticer Jerry Dacy shot and seriously wounded n resinti" prisoner about nine o'clock on Tues- day evening. The prisoner. who gave 1 his name as Vincent. and his address, I 13 Guitard street. Montreal, is now lying in the 600 General hospital. He has a bullet wound in his left breast. the bullet having lodged in his lung. and there in another wound in the groin, penetrating to the base of the spine. At the hospital last night it was stated that the wounds were. - ri- Mounted Police, which had been in Operation since 1889. - Here IN SELF-DEFENCE "3 wounds were 3 ti- Once every year, the pigeon-racing clubs of Yorkshire. England. arrange a race from Winchestel to their na- 0 ' tive county, 1 distance of over a hun- {dred and eighty miles. The rare I takes place on n Saturday, and late on the previou- Friday evening the "pigeon special" leaves York-hire. , The hirds come from almost ovcry .1 WWII In Yorhhine and they are distri.‘ '2' bated in three section. The first um ' brace- the towns in the neighbour- .. hood of Halifax and Huddersfield: :3 while Batiey. Leeds. Dowebuv'y. York and Wnkefleld. with other pin: c alarm ' another auction; the third aoc’ion consi-tin; of the pigeons from such places .- Shellie“. Doocaltcr. as? Barnaby. As a rule. mama a Wakeï¬eld. are the two towns that .elpply the large-t number of pig'OJ tan-petite". 0n the occasion m‘ the ‘M II“ On were ever «in tho.- ‘und grim and profxibiy half 1 Dung- ml. were interact“ in - ,_ v"-.- ,.. ‘ is found in very smllqu: zonly in uranium. “'hat ‘ v.-lo«pmonts are to (allow ‘0! intm‘csting conjecture. been oacupicd by two companivs of (blacks. Secret correspondence val dicovered at Sicko, by which the plot wan revealed. ‘ Lokal Anzeiger prints 3 deepatch from Brealam, Silo-in, which says:â€" "An extensive Nihiliatic plot ha. be") discovered in Russian I’oinnd. Six hundred arrests were made on Hominy of which number 200 were transporled by special (rain to the “'aratw citadel, The towns of Son- novice. Sielce. and Dombrowa have a m-s'rccr. decorator. -_â€" vut. V ‘ Mercer: come next. with "venu- t,wo, closely followed by seventy-um grocers. Fifty-three goldsmilhs have achieved mayoral honors; so have thirty-eight (ishmongero, lwenly ironmongvrs and nineteen prpporenwâ€" the name formerly given to chand- lors. England's most famous Lord Mayor. Sir Richard Whitlinglon, wall a m-e-rcor. money‘lendcr. and house- â€"â€"‘â€"'vv ‘- Gâ€"‘v V'Vâ€"' ‘ling. the 9th of November iotoo ex-I x pensive a luxury to render the fact that it camel but once ayearamat- ter of Lord Mayoral regret. Taking intoconalderation the preliminary ex-i News. coat of liveriea. renovation-- the gilt ante-coach alone accounta {or £100 on this scoreâ€"and the in- numerable etceterae for which it ie the Lord Mayor's privilege to draw Cheques. each minute of that red- letter day in his career cost- him about £8 63. 8d. was eaw ashow and banquet coating about £2,700; a few yearn ago the figures bulked more largely. amount- ing. no it was said at the time. to £4500; but: last year it was announced the expenditure did not. amount to MORE THAN £8,600. The following in a lit 0! good things calculated to take of! the edge of the appetites of the assembled guests at the banquet -F.iglity tur- '«me of clear turtle. 122 caisson de .019 a la Normande. 170 roast chick- ene. 22 game piers, 25 capona, 23 pig- eon pica. 82 tongues. 70 lobster aal- ad» and 53 casseroles of partridgea in addition to the customary baron- of beef and ether joints eweeta and etceterae. 'l‘hese form the initial item of expense which will, when the year of office is, over. fail not tar short of £30,000. Most of London's Lord Mayors have come from the, draper's shop. No fewer than seventy-four proprietors of such establishments have occu- pied the civic throne. o Notwithstnnding the [act that tho salurylesn Iberiffs pay hall at the ex- pmseg appertaining to the Lord Mayor’s pageant during the day and the aqbcqtlent banquet in the oven- -v 'â€"â€"‘- -U‘v-UW' city exceed! by one thousand pound. the emolument received by the Pro; :ident at the United States. he is no at from making his otticlcl income meet all tbs obligations of his exalted acct that 9:; (citing office he must â€5' Prepared to dip pretty decay-{E hm own nesourcu. nay: the London Dagny Hail. Although the salary of the able! I‘l‘liltttte at the world's greatest -L_4 Kounu: PIG EON RACE. REIARKABLE DISCOVERY.