THE BIG STORE. MM“ bin. 81:09!de hys and Saturdays. A few new line-s jnSf to hand. Com.- in and MW Durham’s larg- osm Ursa Goods Stock. “'0 maka up )our «lressvs for you if you desire it. - . . - . Spring Gloves. for the “ Emil Pew‘ney †Gloves which are consid- ered the best gloves on the market. Every pair guaranteed Large as- sortment just opened up. You will observe the numerous articles this store sells ‘ GUARAN'I'EED.’ That's the way we do business. we want you to get your money’s worth or no sale. The good stutl’ carries a guarantee the poor stufl' does not. You pay your money and take your choice, but all sensible people buy the best. ------ We bought 10 pines of Towi- in; v and gut an inside price on it. “e are ufleiing II this week at Tc. y.d Regular 106. Towels. For Women only is also a guaranteed urticle made by e-xpm‘irnc- 9d waiknwn. and we think they ate the only line- shoe Every pair is Stumped with price. Just ask any woman who has worn our Empress Shoe and she will give 301: an idea. of how easy and twat ï¬t- tin; they are. Thu Empress Uxfurd at. $2.00 is all linwl with kid, Wide [09, extrusion sole. etc. - - - - - - - - - miscellaneous. Dress Goods, List of Articles Soul-fly Low hr this Week: Print : ~10 pivcea print, Reg. '0 cts. yard bought at 5 price. selling at :3 cm. )d. This lot. will not. last mure than a day or 30. Come early lt’sasnap. Empress Shoe. Yuuzâ€"QO odd wsts, Men’s Mid Boys’, 0'" 337 ovum each. Mzâ€"L’S odd sizes Men’s Shuts, erolmed rotlou, Reg. 60 cu. (:- 40 Ms Batch. Wdi Espâ€: 'â€"â€" I-‘ew more rolls Ia-h at i Reg. price to clear. Mm : «Garden Hoes. Relic-s. Spades, Shovels. Manure Potts. Oil. Varnish, Turpentine Bondy-flixed Paints. etc. TxiE BIG STORE. hp: -- .5 Cakes Toilet Soap for a) (Lents Call for a butter box. We [9. fund the price 300. when box i. returned. Eggs no 9 etc. cash this week. Ruah them in be. for. they no lower. Butter and Eggs. Goods. Youcan easily get u; pair of G l 0 V c 8 here just I n y on r l i k i n g. W 0 a r e the agents ‘ Mm. W. J. Douglass and Masfer ‘Ross are spending this week With the farmer’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. VauDusen. Miss Christoe is visiting friends in Collingwood this week. Miss Maud Smith is visiting her sister in Toronto. Mr. Fred Tucker, tailor, left. on Fridav last to take a position in Col- lingwood. Miss Ellie Laidlaw. of Durham, was the guest. of the Misses Sullivan a couple of days lasc week. A largely attended Missionary Service was held in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening laSt Mrs. W. H. 'l‘hursron. of this place, ably taking charge of the same. Miss BrOnks, returned Missionary from China, delivered an interesting ad- dress on Missionary work in China. dealing briefly with the Boxer up- rising and hardships endured by the Missionaries. A ladies’ choir furn- ished appropriate music. Mr. Fred Graham luft on Friday lastio take a railway position at. Fort. William. A"bor'Day was not observed as such by our Public School staff on Friday last. A number of the bogs, not overzealous gardners. absented themselves that day. but the Princi~ pal was not to be caught that way and will spring on a little manual labor some day when there is a full attendance. Mr, Andrew Wilson was in Toron- to pan. of last week visiting his motuer who is ill. At the public service in the Pros- byterian church on Sabbath after- noon, Rev. Mr. 'l‘hom referred leel- ingly to the sore bereavement which ’had befallen his predecessor in the death of his only daughter, and also paid a touching tribute to the men)- o:y of the deceased who had‘ been a general favorite in the congregation. At the close of the service a special meeting of Session was held when a resolution of condolence was adopted extending to Mr. and Mrs. Wells sin- cere sympathy in their season of Jeep sorrow. Mr W. A. Armstrong attended the funeral of the late Mr. John Aiken- head in Toronto last week and also pa'd a visit to Salmanaca, N. Y., in the interest of the deceased’s busi- ness there. The sad news by wire on Friday morning last that. Miss Alice Wells, only daughter of Rev. John Wells, of Holland, Mam, formerly of this place. had passed away touched many hearts here. Miss Wells was much beloved during her ï¬ve years’ resid- ence here and made mam friends who deeply mourn her early death (being about. 26 years of age) caused by an affection oi the throat the re sult. of pneumonia and la grippe. Her remains are being brought to. Nairn, Ont.. to be laid along side her much leinented lbrotber, Dr. Wm. Well-n. who preceded her a year. and eight inontlisjago. The loss of son and dauglner within so nliul‘t a period must. be to Mr. and M18. Wells an overwhelming grief and we are con- ï¬denb we voice the sentiment of this community when we say that the parents have tlielienrtfelt sympathy of all in this great bereavement. Mrs. James McClocklin, of this place, is. we regret to say. in a crit- ical condition of health with lung trouble. Dr. Jamieson, of Durham, was in consoltation last week. Dr. '1‘. Henderson, of Toronto, was the guest. of Mr. and Mrs. .108. Black4 burn over Monday. Mr. Brough. English Master. Ow- en Sound Collegiate, is engaged for the meeting of the Literary Society on Friday evening this week. Ten- nyson’s Princess is the subject fur evening and will doubtless be made Very interesting by Mr. Brough. Dr. Primrose. of Toronto. was in town on Thursday last on his way to Osprey to perform an Operation on theS year old son of Wm. Osborn ill with appendicitis. Mr. Charles Phillips. son-inolaw of Mr. Jahn Bel- lamy, of this place. underwent an Operation in Toronto Hospital last week for the same trouble . Mr. Reg. Ward of Montreal, is visiting his father at. the Methodist Parsonage. , Miss Teenie Henderson. of Ware- bam. is visiting her sister. Mrs. (Dr.) Murray. Miss Patch, of Norval. is \isitiIIg her bIother, \iI. Wm. Patch, who is now unable to leave his bed. Mr. and Mrs. A M. Gibson, Mr. J. I". VanDIIaen and Miss McConnell, of Dundalk, were in town on Sunday. b r. Allen Bell, of Winnipeg. is visiting his sister, Mrs. Jns. Mc- Clocklin. Mr. Arthur McClocklin and mother of Durham. no visitors at Mr. Mark Wilson’s. Mr. and Mrs. (Judd were visiting friends lut Sunday. Mr. and Mrs R Eden were visiting Egg-9. mom friendsjast week. Mr. Alex. McCtlmon. of Floshort visiting at his “then†I. lit. John non. ha weak. Mrs. W. J. Bellamy is visiting friends at Lady Bank. Mr. E. Aldhd is visiting at his daughter" a In. H. Burnet, of Dutlum. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Idet now due guests of Mr. and Mrs Jake and: one thy last lino In flcCrio was t] In. in! fl. Nil-.1 THURSDAY. FLESHERTON . VARNEY. Mr. John hopkius, Jr.. has. purchased the farm of Mr. James Ilnpkius’. John imeuds tn go mm farming on a biggoar scale. while Jauues Intends going weat. We are all .wny tu Anne Jim, as he was a kind and ubligivg neighbor, We wish _the‘ both of mem the [Mist of Mic-ream, Mr. James Uudxsiu of Owen Sound engaged with MI. Lentch todn we Ins wagon on the roads we called the othareveniug tosee Mr.’ Thoma.» Mighwn who is very ill at present We would be pleased to hear uf In: speedy I necuvery. - r We “min-d in one uf your issues that you sahl ednuxa “(318 nut wugueâ€" [led but “6 might say that \om mes must. hzue de- ceived yuu “hen you tuuk a daughter to be a son. 'l‘he carpenters are rushing ahead with Mr. William liriglmin’s new store. Will intends to be able to open up about the ï¬rst of the next month, Sunday animal unopened on Mu ' '01 1V: " Allan mun-mutumlomt and about 1%“: “31:13 2:33 of u-awiml's. All the people in this part were startled to hear on Wednesday evening of the death of Mr. Alex- ander Bradley, but were especially his near uvigll hers who had seen himat wnrk almut twenty-{mu hum-s pres-inns, although he had been ailing for a few days. \\'e are not exactly pasted on the dis- ease that ransed his death although it belonged tn stntnateli trouble. He was about middle life, unmarried, industrious, ot' a retiring nature, cun- seqnently had many friends and few enemies. lie l't'nltlt'tl \\ ith his nmther and sisters and work- ed the old homestead as well as anether farm he more recently purchased. “is remains were laid tn test in Maplewuod cemetery folhm'ed by a large numher of sorrowing friends. The Rev. M r. (Jam vbell, of Drumure, conducted the services both at t te heme and graveside. Nmze ut' mxr farvmrs have ï¬nished seed- my mum ulhurs have 2: Int to put In yet. Mr. J. W. Leitcln was in Owen ï¬utlud last “'th om business. Mr J. Juues, of ilepwurth, is visiting rl'lcndn H1 Shin In faulty, .nr. Hcmy Brigham was in Owen Sound hut sun-k nu bumueas, 'l‘nere mu been a few sheep Worried ai‘ouml hem lately by hounds, and we would “no to an“ iso those who lmve hounds to kcep an eye on them, for it they don’t them are, omens who have an eye around will: a “Upbhhbal'l'e‘cd gnu. and some of thelulwill drop. Arbur Day was clulypbmervwl down at. the whoâ€! "m tine “33ml way 0t true planting and oth- erwiuu lu-uulitng the grounds. Mr. and Mm. William Forsyth were \isitiug ti minis Ill \\ alken ton last week. 'l‘m- Rev. Mr. Ryan has announced to hold nor. vice only in tho school houso cvory altvruatvo Sun. clay no on to work up on sulpoiutmout. at Ahor- um-n. Wlwthor tho cllaltgv wnll be for tho bettor limo will tell. Mr. Louis Yandt was the {nest of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Yandt one day ast week. P Mr. Jna. Eden has wtusul to take any barn :1 minus thin year. [now than ro~roof a few. Ho 1, patiently waiting for the rush of Work that is rxpwlml in “whom when the Cement Company by: things in nhnpo for Work. Mr. E. J. Shelton. of the Walkerton Marble Works, was in this part last Week solicitingonloru. a sh'igh lyiu'g with a flat rack on it, upun which it jumpâ€! hn-uking its h-u lwtwm-n tlm t'c-thwk and knw. It in mm' in a plastvrof Paris bandage and appears to lu- doiug all right. Mrs. H. Petty was visiting at Mrs. Z. Chrk’s last Monday. Mr. D. Allan was home for a few days last week. Mr. H. Burnett visited at Mr. J. W. Blyth’s uue day last week. Mrs. Hepburn was visiting 'friends in Varuey last week. Mrs: Kerr. Stu. of Normanby is visiting at hgsr sun, John’s, this [wt week. 'l‘lw pmplv are generally vary busy wading, but Julm (furnish, J r., thushetl some days ago. We are snrry to “word the duath of Mr. Alex. Bradley, who died suddenly at the age of 25 or 27 M r. “on. Svhrmu has tlm contract of tlm stone Work at Kuupp‘s m-w stable. l’ruspects for fall wheat are good M_the present lium. and the acreage is In advance 0! past years. Many at our farmers have ï¬nished seeding and many “he nut halt through. the we: wwb‘her pre- Vemmg nmny i'rum making much progress. anrs. (Jinan. â€add and Juo. Carson did some applo' Irm: plllllillg In this part. [Insp'ctiuu of lln-ir work and ten cums per true is tin-1r ad. Mr. ohm. May has IN tlw franwwm'k of his new hum In Hn- Haw Lrnsu and Han Mum-work to Mr. Jun. léilthiu. Boll: um cunqu-u-nl wuu'zu'turs. Miss Hanks and the children made great impronemehts around the school grounds, and also inside, by way of cleaning up the m'nuhds, making gravrl walks and plant- ing tluwers, which adds greatly to the appearance. 1 think we have the most tidy achuul and gl'UuUdD' in the country. Mr. Julin Irving, who for many years kept "H5 ()rrlmnlnm- huh-l, lint rvcvntly of ()rangnvillc, «in-d Inst 'l‘hurmlny. He had an attack of in. grimu- inst winter from which he contracted mn- munmiun. He was lmriml nHDrangnville, n nmn but of frivncls guing down to attend the funeral. Mr. Thus. Caldwell purchased a team of Indian puniea lately which had never been taught tn go double. lle hitched them up and for same days the ' went Very well. Of untrue as lung as the little span were doing light wnrk it was all right, but. when he hitched them to a waggnn, although it was unly a «me heme. ene uf thetn get trat'tinns \\'¢- Imu- nuw a new l’uatmastvr in the person M' Jan. Mark. a l'arnwr of (In: township 01‘ Egrvv nwnt. Mr. Mark has alauthe mntract of carry- ing the mail betweenUl'cluu'tl and llulstvin, The Nmagh mail now gum tu Ayum, a new carrier lu-ingmupluywl to “NW tlm mail twice a Week iusu-aul at daily as p11; viously. kit'kml h'inmo-lt' nut 0t barium» and (Wag mu, ran mound the: bard wlu-rv unturtmmtvly t wru was The roads are drying up nicely and the dust is flying. Bunnyâ€"At Oxchard. on Thursday. May 2... Alex Bridle; , aged about 45 yearn. Tluoanâ€"[n Durham as Monday, “"ï¬ 0. am ' Lon daughter 9! Barflateraad l". J ‘P Telfo . aged 8 yearn-Tm 'l'lu- Mount Forges! ï¬shers ham bee-n trying tlwiv luck Ilw last tew days. 'l‘lw Landon ï¬shers lmvr nut put in am apprarumw yoet. Mr. Jnlm (‘aln-rt has already a large munbor of young slovkors on has farm. many at them 1001(- mg well. Mr. lhuid liolu â€mm; of “alkc-rtun, ia\isiling his brotlu l Hubt. It Rubcrtsun, for 3 ft w «Luna Mr. Cannon informs us that, things in «Miller! ion with the Crisyin Bridge Inuk lnighwr than ever before, He u as pl'eM'lH last week when the en. giuwr was taking his levels, and oh'ullwd from Mr. Gordon. one of Grey Commissioners, a promise that, if the engineer’s report was favor- able to building the bridge on the boundary line, that as far as he was mutter-nod he would do all he could toinduce the Grey County Council In agree to pay its share of the most. Mr Cameron has reasons for baliav- iug that. the engineer’s rpport will fawn the boundary line.-â€"Telesc5pe. Gunnuâ€" \t the Manu,1)omooh, to Mr. and Mrs. Graham, a non. CORN ER CON CERNS. ALLAN PALK ORCHARD w-‘ 0.9 .. BORN. DIED. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. W A. GLASS, TAILOR. g sesaslaugseszagemwm (-EN 1‘! I: MI; N" :~â€"l IIIII fullv pIopIIred to dis- cuss the III-II st} i0~ for tho (‘Hlllillg season and Map the priv vs l mu hnIIIIIl to Quit the public III lit sule IIIul \uIIkIIIIIIIuhir. and as In pricw \nu NH! come and )IN go for yuurmlf. lirst (“law suit and ï¬rst class triuuuiugs fur Islzl. l have all the latest cluIlIs, such as English. Irish and Scotch, to choose ft‘Ulll. We make II specialty to suit ti: ‘0 public. AIItlIIII IIIIIl thIclIeI ut the Nonparcil Sys- ‘ teuI uf Cutting Patented. hardware {ifarercoms. Ladies’ Tailoring a Specialty. We make and trim vnur my" gonds into a ï¬rst class suit. Sbewcli s; Emban. WWW ! In all conceivab!e designs anehere. If you knew how cheap an tistic \\ all pa- per is at our store, you wouldn’t let those rooms go another season with their old wall covering. Freshen them up; it’ll cost you but little, and means Iots of comfort. Stacks of Wall Paper. -‘I‘lll- .mwagmwagw Fora‘Fnll Stock of up-to-date uullmery and trimmed huts, im‘lndi'ng Sailor Ha's. Ready. to wear hats. as well as a new szm-k of real hand-made Bat- mlhurg 13139 and Millinvry'nov- (him: of all kinds; luitlleno un- swn in Durham, and at' u". luv-«2'11 of prime. call and in Sl'Eut the stovk of .‘m- -â€" milllncrv. ._____.._â€"..- "ora'Full Stock of up-tu-date FWWWI Miss Dick. J. J. Hunters’ Old Stand. MacFABLANE _ 00. On the Banks 0f the Saugeen Lower Town, Durham. New High Class Lcnulmn, u [ml ! lwl'flhip having: lwcn {Ohm-cl for the Hubsw'tmn nl Imsim'ss. UM Utm'nnsms :HH] new ones urn Ie-apemfuily r quested 10 (NH um! Viéit us in our new Show Rauuw IN Ihe McIn- t.;. m liloék. next door to the Bank. wlwue we will be found night and day to cater I0 1116 wants of all. Special Drives . In furniture . 'l'lw Furni'mv and Under taking lmsiluss fmmenly union! on In .l. A Shovel] will In tam-fwd: lw klmwu by the ii» In mmw uf lewell During the Holiday Season. Dragging Booksellers. “who! your future IIIOOQII «ls-pends upun tlu- thurou h premium-n 1m rem-ire. Ilnerezorr tu- cart-tn when you are no- rctlnx a act-nut. Nu tum sclumln are altku. 'l‘lw «re-rllaut rrputnt iuu that omr Cullrgo- o-ujnyu. tlw large patruuage We re- ceive. tlu- updrmtnl “0013!!“ uur utudvutu haw- in suturing tum lmlctiug planned». imli note that uur Srluml i~‘ mw m Ilu- \‘rry luv-t in tlor Imminim Write fur uur lu-uutiful rutalugm- in “um-t. 3ch will ttml full particulars wnm-rning mzr t‘utt. gr. ll yam want tlw lbw-t ill lbw-tumu- Htmmt‘u-n gun can get it lu-rr. Stuclrutu um «mm at 33:3 timv. Collections oi all Kinds Promptly Attended to Conveyancer. Valuator. mum-am Agent .. . .. bioney thuan at reumnmbla rates and m. “run to sun burruwel . Arthur H. Jackson .l l’riceville, newly bricked all round. new brick kitchen, new windows and other inmruvemeuts. On the premises are a guml amble and tum never tailing wells. l‘lse place lmx always done a good buflness and will be reutel right. ma uuud nmu. The furniture “ill be sold to lessee. Fur further particulars npply to. EING Lots No. 11 and 12. Con 1. N. l). R. Glenelg. and 11 and l2. on Lou. 2. N D. it. also 13 and 14. on Gun. 3, N. D. it. each lot containing {)0 acres, or :1!) ncreu in all. nearly all cleared. Well w:.tered. well fenced. good outbuildings and dwellings, good hearing orchards. In ï¬rst class state ofculuvution, within a lew roda ot'school. 4 miles from Durham. Will he mld en bloc or in separate lots. as purchas- er desires. Easy terms. For further par Iicnlara apply to A1). BicA'rox, Nov. lâ€"tl' Dunes-man l’. U. mm: com .\| ERUIAL HOTEL. Nov 5 tf. lblflillA M. Ul-‘l-‘ICEâ€" McIntyre Block. (Over the Bank ARRISI‘ER. NU'I‘ARY. GOA VEYANUER. Bun. Lw. . J. Elliott, - Principal w. s. DAVIDSON, Thoroughly PreparedI FOR SERVICE. For BUSineSS. l AScuN'hSlm-unll .nI II ï¬dun‘ STRATNRD. ONTARIO. Ul-‘b‘wuzâ€" MuKruziv‘n 0ch Stand, Notary Public. Commissioner. ole. Farm for Sale 1] ate] to Rent. l'nvue Money to Loan. Farm Bought. and sum. A. BUTTERS. l'ncuville. ()N'I'A 1:1 ----...â€"-â€"v - uuuu vuuun . U] lJll Walter Scott third 'dam: Jessy. by Lull- Ulster Comet. Terms 813(1) payable Jan. “In A Scotch Shurlhorn bull. ri~ing 2 years old. hrad by John Andaman, Ma 'liehi. (jut hy bhulswioe Stmwumn, he hy British htatesman. Imported. 20833; “mu. l’iukey. by Irene Duke. 89(29an dam_\'ouus. by Sir \l?-.l4-_ L‘- -AA AI Bums-an. April 17, wonâ€"2 In. pd. Aï¬cw Pumps 4m: Rumms. Um. DRILL. Uvuu. Rig-CURB. 8:. PRESS IU 1m WELLS. Allordnmtakvn at the old Maud IINH' .‘vlrUqun’KMUI or at Shnp at Charter Smil h'u Fumull x. J. C. Healy, Au. WORK GUARANTEED at "Live and let live" Pumas. Grocery 5: Provision Store. o... “mmu’u l". Mar. :33. w. ,y I )1?“ LEAVE TU [SFURM MY UPS- “'5! 1’.th and NW pulohc in gruel‘ul that I am inn-palm: to turuiah umps. PROMPTLY A TTENDED TO FIRE INSURANCE JOHN G. ‘ “EATON. Prop. ‘ Lut25 0011.3. N. D. R ' See Our Cream Separators. Washing Machines and Wringerl. Flour, Feed, Groceries, Fruit, Nuts. Confec- tionery, Fresh and Cured Meats at. lowest pnees. Goods delivered to all parts of town. GEORGE WHITMORE. Egawfléqanï¬aï¬ï¬â€˜Exam SOUTH END §.bbyL5'ii Fall Wheat.... ......C y 30' Spring Wheat... ..... . 'bh Jan. 03"....†.. J. Peatâ€... N-D-R- Barley...... buy... ...... 9 Bauer .............. Eggs per dozen ...... Apples per bu: ..... l‘utu'ucu per bag . . . . . Flour per cwt ..... | Uauucul per suck. .. .. 2 MY (“‘5' Chop per c\\ ......... rm] that I Unused l’loga pH (“h 7 Mines per w. ........ l. DRILL. Suew‘mkms ..... . . . . 5b 10““ '1‘urhe’. per lb. ..... o “grafï¬ti Grade per 1b.. ........ Ducks†pet pair ...... . \\ uul ............... . Liveuud Beef ............... Lamb ............... Tallow . . . . ..... KORE Ln l'd ............... “Hum 11 U1 lcd Applet, ........ Jno. Livingston, We»! of Ilw Midclaugh House DEBRA" Frost 6: Wood SHO\‘\‘1{00MS ! Spring 'l‘omh Harrowu. Plows and [Jinc-hurrows, Steel Lund Rollers and Seed Drills. Drawn. MAY 8. 1901. May 9. [901. .......... C 60 Int. ...... 60 ......... 30 .......... 60 ........ 40 . . 9 (I. .......... l3 uzeu ...... 9 bag ..... 40 1' bag ..... h CW( ..... | '0 muk 2 “U Durham. L0 :DU [U 41 10 00 H O- . .0 .0. lrl 62 62‘ 3C IO 4% 00 H -- l» 40