West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 May 1901, p. 4

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”l. kn0\vu as l)“\\'iviiieg. “"1; be. liovo that " as God Can sme ihe soul "0 can “V0 the body. and ii it, is His wish to recall thr- body and soul, n physician and medicine Cali avail ” A low nights before hPr death she uprated a desire to have: a doom: and, and the husband promised to .l on. in the morning if she the» 1.15M. Bil brother caliing noxi uni-g agreed but stipulated thai Oh. how. must take the right road through God’s direction. The horse d “or... ”rolled 0! to a favorite “I. and the woman '88 allowed to . h grad may. The Toronto. A week or two ago we referred to the death 0! a \\ omau in W rm Lathe: for whom medwul aid was not. pro- out“. She belungwd lo the noligious .9 (lion’s resolution in. the Convention proposed. That plrdgc given by Mr. Rose has, as our remix-u. are awam, been carried into 95m}! aml it. remains nnw for the munimpnlnies of the. province to avail lliemselws of the aid provided by that bill Many lr - lieve this is only the beginning of a or. in road lmilolmg in tnis country; 3h“ under the «lines! ion of CHIN] etent non the old method will give place !; more selenium; niul more perman- Ont "0th and llml the next decade will witness a complete lralislurluw “on of our public lll‘llways.â€" Flesh. erlon Cor. M. P., one of the Provincial cotnmiw tee was,” says the Telegraph. " the only member not present at the lust conleretite. He has been a fearless advocate of road limiting reform and was the first man to sum‘ort by us olution the principle of (loverntnen' out as the only substantial means of encouraging municipalities to im» prove their main highwa) 3. TI"; mpllou of this principle has done; nor. to advance the cause of good reeds than the eflorts of all former cont'entions that. could not before agree upon tiny definite plan of flu- tion. and we now see this Sallie prin- ciple oi Stine aid as being the. main moving force or central idea that has brought about. the present splendid forward movement here it1 Welland County.” It was. we believe. prin- cipally through Mr. Richardson’s active interest in this matter that the County Convention was hell, and pertlv through the sutne cruise thatt the Provincial convrntion was heltt in'l‘Olonto two years ago it) which he was appointed at nele;ate by Grey County Council. At the Toronto Convention his proposition to ap- point ecomtntttee to unit upon tin Porvinciul Government With the ob joet ol' enlisting the intertsts of lbw Uovernment and getting financial and [or improvmg the highways ol the Provmee met with much appos- ition. Several metnhets ol’ the Leg- islature and one member of the Gov- ernment were present. and all. we were informed. attltl it was useless to attempt it; that the Government would not and COHltl not give any nnsncial nitl. Some. we learned, wet t. as for its to say that the prop. oeition was only made for the pur- pose of ell‘bflll'asulg the Government. At the first meeting of the Convert tton i' so. emetl hopeless to make any lit-sunny against :he sitetttn of 0}:- position. The luliuvlfl; dtV. how- her. Mr. Richards-on lltttl at band of stalwarts who fought the oppositittlt down in vigorous debate and car iii the resolutions mow-(l hy him the previous day. A committee was up poitttetl, 0. which Mt. RitzlmrtlSOn was one. to wait on the Government ill February. They met in Toronto it few days lt8l0l‘8 the opening at Parliament and the Hon. Mr. ROss. the Premier. being inlOl’mt-d of their meeting sent a message requesting their presence at his chamber iii the Puliatnent building to coul’er with them on the object of their mission It was at than. informal gathering than the Premier gave at premise that he would (subject to the approval of I lit. colleagues in the Ministry) itttro- ‘ once it bill to upproprinte one million 1 dollnrs to be applied much in the l some way and pttrpost» as Mr. Rich- at a an The following unmet which was taken from the Welland'l‘elegmph is evidence of how Mr. M. Bichardsmfis plan. to promore reforms in road making are appreciuled in other parts 0! Ibo Province: " Mr. RichardsUn, The Toronto Star is worrying over the member for South Grey, and charges him with Silence during the eunon so far. We are not uwme whether Mr. Richardson has yet woken in the House or not. but Lnowrng him as we do. we hazard the Opinion that! he will nor waste the tune of the House in mere talk. HO always “33 something when he nndortalics to Speak, and The Star must not think that Mr. Richardson’s silence is an indication of weakness, and on.- of the-5w. days he may Spring a sunrise on the House by way of an able parliamentary address. All dong we looked upon Mr. BichardSun u an able man, and a representative of whom his constituents have a right to leel proud. DURHAM. MAY 16, 1901. HHHHHH CHRONICLE! W. Irwin, DOWIEISI. Eci imr nu! Prom ‘eton The Lilernry Society held their meeting last week at the home of Mr. Geo Mitchail and wars given an in telloctual Iron in the paper on Ten- nyson’s Princess rend by Mr. A. Bronx!) 8. A.. of Owen Sound. Mr. Brough accompnnied by Principal Slaughter took in the beauties of nature at Eugenia on Saturday. He wu the use» of Hr. nnd Mu Goo. Kimball whilq in town. Inspector Campbell paid our schoo' an official visit on Thursday and_Fri- day last. Although excellent work has been done in thn past the Insper- tor. we are informed, reported the school butter than ever before'which must be inspiring to the "anchors and gratilying lo the pupils and their parents. On Thursday last a horse belonging to W. J, Henderson. of Mt. Zion. suidenly capsized on Collingwood Street the buggy to which it. was hitched precipitating the driver, Dr. Mnr ay. 0! this place. in a very un- desirable manner. A swollen optic, broken buggy spring and damaged shafts was the result of the mix up. The annual meeting of the Cemt- t ery Trust was held in the Town Halt on Friday evening lam. The true. tees’ report was presented and adâ€" opted, and it was decided to issue invi'ation to plot holders to turn Out on the 24th inst. for grave decora- lions. MISS JONES VOICE GREATLY IM- PROVED. The "may admirers of “53.4 Jones singing have been greatly pleased at the improved clearness and richness of tone, so nOticeahle in her late renderings. Miss Jones attributes this improvement to the recent. use of Catarrhozone. It gives clearness and hrilliancy of tone, and prevents hoarseness and huskiness. Promin- ent singers, ministers. actors and public Speakers use Uatarrhozone for the voice, and find it of inestimahle value. You breathe the medicated air from the inhaler into the throat and lungs where it kills disease, we- a vents and absolutely cures Bronchitis, Asthma and Catarrh. Catarrhozone neter fails; never harms; pleasant to use and always successful. Sold with a guarantee on every 8100 package. to cure these diseases, or your money back Small size 25c. Druggists, Polson (30., Kingston, Ont. “The law cannot step in and preven' a man or wom. n from being a tool. The Christian Scientists deny the very existence of disease. They say it is all imagination and sin. The Dowieites admit there is disease, but say it should be cured by faith. not by drugs. As well mighta person argue that if one’s clothes caught tire, or one’s house Was burning down. it. would be the sane thing to Sra'.(‘l still and say, " Thvre is no fire," )r " ’Pbeie is tire, but God will put it out.” The law cannot amend the mental equipment of people who can accept such logic. but whiie a person has a perfect right to accept. and practic.- Christian Science or Dowie-1 isin for him or herself, those who: Apply these vieus where the lives of' Olht‘l‘S are at Stake ought. to he held to account. In -he anwooai. N J., case. for ethple, Christian Science and the insane view of disease it in- culcates were imposed on little child- ren who had no voice in the matter. These children were unquestionably sick, although Christian Science idenies the existence of sickness, and they died. They might. not have re- covered, even had the doctors been called in at. the start, for medical science cannot always save life. It they had recovered without medical aid, the UbriStian Scientists would have claimed it as a vindication of their belief. And now that they have died. the Scientists are saying that the case was taken out of their hands. and are able to claim that they thould hat13 been successful if 'hey had been given the chance. Hrs, Eddy and her Colleagues thus have two strings on (home who sub- inir ihPIDSLlV(S to theiro octrine,aind Whether a patient dies or pulls through. the relatives are left with an agonizing doubt as to whether the right thing or the wrong thing was done.’ I ‘t The United States press tells 0! some bad Unrietian Science cases laSt month. On April 18 a child ’died of diphtheria in Fanwood, New Jersey. after Christian Science treatment had failed. The matter preferred Chris- tian Science to medical treatment. Two other children in the same intui- ly also had diphtheria. but the muther’s faith had given out before their turn came. They h-sd a doctor. and though one of them has since died, for him what could be dune was done.” Saturday night in last week’s issue refers to this matter and then goes ’on to say: “'l‘hiais the second case 'in Canada within a couple of months, another woman, down in the Mari- tine Provinces, having died after childbirth because her husband called in no medical aid, but depended on the efficacy of telegrams to the man Dowie in Chicagoy’or special prayers. This sort of thing, together with similar cases in the ranks of the Christian Scientiscs. is becoming of altogether too frequent occurrence. and it seems to me somebody in both the West Luther case and the Mari- tine Province case should be-severely punished.” WDAYo FLESHERTON . Sunday School is again in full bloom u the Gonna. not if some more of our young men would do lakewise. Couramlniona John. â€" I. ‘1' V is lime enough burned around the Saugeen here to whitewash the whole Centre thirteen times a week. Mr. Hone Benton plowed down his pipe and tobacco some. four or five weeks ago and has not rubbed against. the‘lmbit since. I} would be e wise The men that burn the stone for nnarlx' a whole week at a time are again busy at it. this season. There Sending is over in this locality and thu farmers: can have a snap when- nver they feel like is. an! rub it in. for sure as you were born it will cure you 25c. Makes life miserable. Can it be cured ? Yes, in one night. Polson’s Nervnline gives a complete knockout to pain in the back, for it penetrates throng!) the tissues, takes out the en'eness and pain, invigorates tired muscles. and makes you fee! like a new man. Nerviline cures quickly because it in stronger, more penetrat- ing. more highly 'pain-snbduinq than any other remedy. Don’t sufi 1' an. Other minute, get Nerviline quick. Mr Walter McDonald is talking volunteers and Magma and no doubt means business. Snow ‘nere at daylight on Monday morning last scared some people. The blossoms on fruit trees had a close shave. We hear of no damage so far. Weather still keeps cool. Mr. Ed. Watson. of the Furnitur Factory, visited friends and relative in Primâ€"villa over Sunday. and re turned to Durham Monday morning Inwlvmnnt Agents are thick around how this spring. The latest addition to Hm contingent is Mr. Alex. D. McLeod Good luck to you Sandy. Mr. Jas. McCrae inspected his lmnbvr pilPS and logs at the Sawmill last week. We uv deratand that he is intending to get everything clean- ecl Hp lh's spring. There is room for an enterprising man here. Let some one take hold and put, a. little life arnuml tln: old mill. We hear that Mrs. John Campbell and daughter. Katie, of the North Line, Altmnesia. also intend visiting friends in the old Land this summer. .lohn McAl‘thur, Esq., of this vil- lage, proposes visiting the Glasgow Exhibition and West Highlands of Scotland this summer, after the meeting of the County Council, in June. We hope he may have an enjoyable trip, and return benefited «y his ocean voyage and experience of old country manners and customs. St. Thomas, May 9th, l901.â€"â€"A modern miracle was made known to- day wnen Mr. Riddle, of this city, announced that he had recovered his hearing. He has been almost entire- ly deaf, and it bowlers on the maraculous to find him able to hear everything with great distinctness. As his case is proving of such univer- sal interest, we give Mr. Riddle’s own statement. “My hearing was a1wa38 poor, and not long ago I became almost deaf. It was the re- sult of Uatarrhal Inflammation, but nothing did me good until 1 used Uatarrhozone. It cured my trouble, and I. strongly recommend it to the deal.” Fully nine tenths of the deafness is the result of Catarrh, and can be cured by Catarrhozone. The cures of deafness wrought by this remedy in cases of even twenty years standing are really astounding. Among many others, ministers of the gospel testify to the wonderful powers of Catarrhozone, and your drnggist can tell of some astonishing cases in his own experience. Better give it a trial. if your hearing is im- paired. Price $1.00; small size 25 cents. at druggists or Polson 00.. Kingston, Ont. Rev. J. Ward will attend the Methodist. District Meeting in Owen Sound on Thursday and Friday of this week. M1. R. J. Sproule. of this place, is lay delegate to the same. Rev, L. W. Thom is attending the Presbyterian Synod in session in To- romo this week. The Markdale Standard editor made us a very enjoyable visit. on Thurs- day la~t. Mr. F. A.Bake1, tailor. Dundalk, is “i111 his family 1etur11i11g to town having leased from D1. Chriscoe the shop and dwelling vacated by F. Tucker. Mr. '1‘. J. Sheppard spent Sunday with friends in Mount Forest. -- â€"-«-â€"9--. 090 .- 0 -â€"â€"-â€"-â€" . Sabbath lest was Educational day! Miss Minnie McIntyre is swsy to' in the Methodist church here. Rev. Buflalo on a visit. Buchanan, of Markdale, preached on Miss McGa-egor from Durham is on excellent and highly appropriye ser- :1 vacation in our burgh at present. mon in the morning. A heavy shower of bail named Dr. and Mrs. Carter drove over to Meaford on Saturday. The Dr. has returned but Mrs. Carter remained to Visit for a week with old friends in the pretty lake town. Mr. and Mrs. VanDusen ViSlted old friends in Chatsworth on Thursday of 1am week. Mrs. (Kc-v.) Wismer is visiting this week with friends at Arthur. GLENELG CENTRE. THE DEAF MADE TO HEAR. PAIN IN THE BACH -â€"-~â€" ->â€". 0.9 5-4 PRICEVILLE. . -‘ OBI h0-â€"-â€"â€"_â€". 3'" “ . ”Mg .1" t ‘- “ My father and sister both died of Consumption.” writes J. fl‘. Weather- }wax, of Wyendot‘te. Mich., “ end I 'was saved from the same frightful fate only by Dr. King's New Discov- ery. An attack of Pneumonia left an obstinate cough and very severe lung trouble, which an excellent doc- tor could not help. but a. few months’ uee of this wonderful medicine nude me as well u ever end I gained much in weight.” Infellible for Coughe. Golda. end‘ell Throat end Lung trouble Trial bottles free. Guer- enteed bottlenx 50c end 01.00 ct ell dreamer ‘ r In. h.‘ C. L. A. and enthusiasts of the game over there are going to boom the game this season for all it is worth. They are not satisfied with the boys they grow at home for this year’s aggregation. but are trying to import ’a few swift players. 'l‘hree enthusi- astic lacrosse men, Messrs. Art. Laid- law,Geo. Hughes and liob McCracken. visited Hanover a day or two ago and endeavored with their seductive tones to influence a couple of our budding lacrosse Stars to leave home and feast their eyes on Durham scenery this summer. We don’t be- lieve they were successful, however” in getting strong players from this‘ toun that they were in hopes of securing. By the way a number of shining lights of Hanover’s team of 1900 have been much in demand by the places that are trying to get to- gether a strong twelve. Hanover’s old rival Duhrum is classed with Owen Sound and Mark- dale in_ the i_ntermediate series of the when you came round. the amount had been outlawed {or over ten years The other evening he attended one of3onr meetings and got religion. The next day he came and' settled and this is your commission. Rev. Ramon. the revivalist. relat- ed this storv at a meetingiu Toronto " Speaking of the influrnce of relig- ion: recalls to my mind a little inci- (lent that. occul'led while I was hold int: revival services in the town of \Vquerton a short time ago. I had hem in the town nearly a week and was walking down the street one day when I was approached by an old miller. all original character in his way, u ho accosted me with °‘ Mr. Ilaumn, the Evangelist. I presume.” I said " Yes.’ "Well, take this,” sa d he‘ handing me an envelope. ”I understand you are doing good work.” I Opened the envelone and found that it contained $1.95 whereupon I asked him if he had been attending our meetings, He said “ No I have not been at your Church for sixteen years.” ”Howl then.” said I, “ are you so interested in our work.” “ Well. it is this» wav,” he replied, “a number 0“ years ago a fellow living here got Hour from me to the amount of two dollars but he never paid me, an i. A CERTAIN REMEDY FOR CORNS. And one always to be relied upon. is Putnam’s Painlt ss Corn Extractor. Safe. sure and a!“ ays painless. Nearly fifty imitations prove its value. Beware of such. Get. Put- Ham’s at dlllggiSQS. or if you cannot. get it, we will send it to you by mail upon receipt of 25 cents. post paid, to Canada or the United Sta'es. N. C. Polson 00.. Kingston, Ont. Prison for [our monthsâ€"Toronto News. George Hall. is an honest gentle- man, who originally came from the north of Ireland, but now lives in the County at Grey. near Flesherton. He was in town on Monday. and lsmyed at the American hotel. York street. where Hansel Spraggon was ltheu engaged to carry water out of the cetlar, and pour it down a sink in the laboratory. Hall, with a few drinks on board. encountered Spruc- gon. who is a thief with three con- victions as well asa water-carrier The latter thought he savt a chance to play his old trade, so he jostled Mr. Hall, hugged him. and extracted his purse, which contained about 86. Then he vanished. Mr. Hall talked. voluhly of his experience. and after 10 o'clock Detective Sletnin, bearing of the matter, dropped in at the: American hatel. Spraguon was notl there. of course, but just at that moment the telephone rang and it turned out the missing man was at} the other end of the line. The man: who answered Sprnggon, on the de-l tective’s instruction. found out where‘ the other was. and Sletnin hurried to, the place. which was the corner 01 'York .and Queen streets. As the detective came up he saw Spraggonl standing there, but the other also? saw him approaching, and started westerly. Slemin ran after him. caught him opposite the foot of the University avenue. and led hitn east-. etly. \\ hen they got to Jacob Utatnmn's second-hand store, Detee. tive Sletnin asked and received permission to go in to search the pllS'HlUl'. The latter. honerer. re~ si~ted, and Sletnin had to fight. He eventually got Spraggou on his back. and searched him. He found part of the. money at the time. and a better Settl'ttll at No 1 Station revealed the rest. Sprnggon was tried before, Police Magistrate Denison and cou-l victed. lie was sent to the Central. A heavy shower vof héil pinged through our Burgh on Sunday lust. FOUGHT FOR HIS LIFE 31 Try us for Horse and Cattle 3‘ medicines of all kinds-our stock is lergemvell assorted and fresh while the prices represent honest value for honest goods. If you have a cold or In grippe try a. box of our tabletsâ€"e sure cure. Baby Cough Syrup. Wild Cherry Compound. Cod Liver Oil Emulson sud Pure N orwegien Cod Liver Oil. ’ REPAIRING GUARANTEED. W. A. Macfatlane. Accidents on rsilwsy trsins should he considerebly less frequent if the new Belguim friction pully brake is brought into use. Tests of the new broke were recently made in the presence of engineers representing the principal railways of Frence, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain, and were pronounced as highly 3M- isfsctory. The tests were made With a train going at s speed of 50 miles an hour. which was stopped by the tire brake now in use in sdistsnce of 990 feet, and in less than 25 seconds. The train at the same speed. was stopped by the new brake in a dus- tttnce of 438 feet, and in less than sixteen seconds. If a. train going 15 miles ttn hour can be brought to a standstill in less than 150 yards it must he considered as the final tt'i umph in breaking. This invention is known as the Lnyers system. and consists principally in a lrietion pul. ley fastened to the axle. on which the shoe acts. and despite the sud- deness of the Map it is said to “'Ork with surprising smoothnessâ€"'1‘ Oron. to Star. McIntyre Block S. SCOTT, RINGS! W JflHl A.flAHLlNG f Canned Gauds of All Kinds Groceries.â€"Raisins. Figs, prunes, currams, etc.. etc. The best Teas and Cofl'ecs always in stock at lowest. prices. Darling’s Are you thinking of get- ting the Engagement or Wedding Ring? If so call at the Jewellery Score in McIntyre’s Block A large assorted stock every Ring guaranteed or money refunded. Prices right and to suit. all persons. GIVE US A CALL. DURHAM. $10.1. McKlNN MCI-III. No wire lighter than No. 9 used as horizontels,‘ none smaller than No. 7 for verticals. ell thoroughly aelvenized. Not a} pound of suit wire is used: This lence cen be built I rough end broken around. or m swamp land where it is Impossible to build roll wire fence. We give for lese mouev e fence weighing et lenut 25 to 50 per cent. {0 the rod more then woven Wire fence. The herd wire hes twice the tensile or braking etren th of soft wire of the same size. By the use of heavy uprights ya“ l to anchor atone: between posts to revent h e from lifting the bottom gain-ding under. The Front Wedge Loo melted in irect end perfect bind Wire end . . . . . in: Withoutn crimp. twin: or binding in either wares. It is the only rfect lock which permit: the theev herd wire foru rights. The ete ere Ad” I l l 1 ' - b.3011 wheiever needed wit upright et tubes The 8'0 fem “no“ nteel tubing. . ‘4' the “ete- cee be lowered to euit circumtencee. New big-:13?“ 583:.“ line. ”a 02'“ D. J. McKlNNON, é;%%*%%%%$fifififif ***§$Â¥$Â¥$fi%ié GENT’S FURNISHINGS -â€"Collars. Ties. plain fancy shirts of high quality and low price. FRESH GROCERIEli ALWA VS IN STOCK. HATS AND CAPS in all styles and at lowest prices consistent with quality. OVERDOA’l‘Sâ€"Dundies for $10.00, cheaper ones if you Want them. SUI'l‘Sâ€"-â€"The very best for the money in the latest styles. FOOT WEARâ€"Men's, Women’s and Children's Boots, Shoes, Oversboes, Rubbers, etc., etc. UNDERWEARâ€"~You must see it to appreciate the quality. AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Hard Steel Coiled Wire for Horizontals a Uprights. Frost Wire Fence C. McArthur, . \VE CAN FIT YOU AND STEEL GATES. McKechnies’ Old Stand. May 16. 1901.

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