J. A. HUNTER, THE BIG STORE. ting at ............ 66. yd. 200 yds. Sc. print @ ..... 5c. yd. 50 dozen Pocket handker- chiefs“ 1c. 0:. 9 Dozen Straw Hate, last season, 50 centers, from...... ..... . 10 to 25- 0.0 out Reedy-mixed Paints and buy your wall-paper here. We keep only the bent. We don’t want any curiosities around our store and for that reason we part company with a low relics of last season’s stock end say good-bye to them at :hese prices :â€" h0â€000000 ......... 9c.pr0 250 yds. extra wide net- Curiosities Women’s Black Cotton The House- keeper who wants a real 31 r at t y s at should visit our store and examine the new sets we have just re~ ceived. One of them is a Nice P l n i n Blue Set com- plete (6 pieces) for $1.50. 0th- cars in pretty and carefully sel- ected patterns at $1.50 for 8 pieces. This is the very latest. style of Shirt, Collar and Tie for men {or summer. We have a full ï¬rm of the famous “Tooke†Brand all sizes and prices. Bed room Sets Spring Hinges sold_separately if youw want then; Wire Netting or Screen Wire Sold here by the yard. From $I.OO to $|.75. in. m and Bus W‘s-u. Trunks. Every travelling person is es- timated by the appearance of his baggage. You need not be ashamed to travel with one 0! our Trunk: or Valises. We carry a full and complete range -â€"Call and see them. Screen Doors sun Clones at 6 p. I. Etc-pt Walnu- dnys and mâ€. THE BIG STORE. J. A. HUNTER. Now’s the time to put 0 n y o u r screendoors W e h a v e t h e m a ll ready to put on, cor- rect sizes, with spring hinges, etc. complete, in gloom. It came on the oveningl mail Ind told how on the 22nd of; March his son, John. hod been shot: and killed. The young man wont up to the Klondike loot foll. The shoot- ing was quite acoidontol. He had a - rifle in his hoods and did not know it. | was loaded. Tho new: bu crootod tho otriokon fomily.-Kinmdino' One never knows what news a mail moi bring. Peter McPherson. of Tiverton, had no idea on Saturdey week slut a letter was on its way glut would out him and_hio family on to the extent of exchanging photo- graphs, becoming engaged and using her own name. The impatient and anticipant bridegroom could not re- strain himself and arrived at an adjacent R. R. station one evening, recently. His ï¬rst inquiry of the agent was “ Do you knowâ€"â€"â€" ?†The agent replied. " Well I can’t say that 1 know her very well, but there is a man standing over there who does.†The man from the wild and woolly then accosted the man “stand- ing over there." with the same question. The reply was “ Well, I orter. as she’s my wife.†The “lady†who brought this man on a fool’s errand thousand of miles at a cost of hundreds of dollars, has little to boast about. The names are sup- pressed for obvious reasons. It is well to know that the victim is ï¬nan- cially able to sustain the loss, and it is hoped he has the nerve to over- come the disappointment. “ One Foot In the Gravel-It the thousands of people who rush to so worthy a remedy as South American Ner- vine us last resort would get it u e ï¬rst resort, how much misery‘ and unï¬t-ring would be spared. If you have any mm disorder you needn’t suffer a minute longs. A thonund testimonies to prove it.â€"36 Some months ago a man livining in a. far western country, conceived the idea, by no means an original one,that it was not well for a man to live alone. and. enticed by a matrimonal journal, he advertised for a wife. A frisky young matron living near a village not 100 miles from here, read the advt., and determined to have some “fun.†She Opened a. corres- pondence with the man and carried it A man who will live in, do busi- who is dependent upon the public patronage for the success of his busi- ness, and is too stingy to advertise or even subscribe for his town paper. will certainly bear watching, and in case he should come around we would want notice of his intended visit in order that we might have all the movables nailed down to the floor and all the valuables locked in one of Hall’s Latesc Patent Safesâ€"Ex. Stop the Pain but Destroy the Stomach." This is sadly too often the case. So many nauseous noetrums purporting to cure, in the end do the patient immensely more harm than good. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are a purely vegetable pepsin preparation. as harmless as milk. One after eating prevents any d.-.:ordcr of the digestive organs. 60 in a box. 35 ccnts.â€"-4o Running Sam, the outcome of neglect, or bad blood. have n never-failing balm in Dr. Agnew’s Ointment. Will heal the most stubborn cases. Soothes irritation almost instantly after ï¬rst application. It relieves nll itching and burning skin diseases in a day. It cures piles in 3 to 5 nights. 35 cents.â€"39 j “ Mr. Dack, late editor of the Kin- cardine Reporter, is now in Walker- ton. We don’t mean by this that he has gone either to jail or the poor house. although the latter is often the end of editors, and sometimes the former also, but that he has as sumed his duties as registrar of the County. He is now beyond the trials and tribulations pretaining to the average editor, and has gone where delinquents cease to worry, and kickers are no more. Selah!â€-â€" 'I‘iverton Watchman. lo! Kidd, olerlng the above meatlen-| Bulalo. May 18.--One man was! ved generous and free gift to erect a ' shocked to death by electricity andi library, and saying he would aenditwo of his comrades who.tried. to, p over plans, etc., and suggesting that | rescue him from the sputtermg wires 1 ‘the citizens select the sight. Great 1 were severely burned at the Exposi- , excitement prevailed for several 3 tion grounds late this afternoon.‘ davs, but in the midst of the general i The dead man is Martin Kieflg. The , rejoicing it occurred to some oï¬cious‘ injured are Kairer Schultz and An- individual that it might be as well to . drew Coshsky. get confirmation of the letter, and! The men are all Poles. and were the resourses of the town were pledg- f engaged in wheeling dirt from be- ed for the price of atelegram. ex- éneath the manufacturers and liberal plaining the 10"" and “Killian“ if ! arts building, where some excavating it were genuine. It was too had,§was being done. but the reply that came back saidl . , that no such individual as Kidd, . Front burns found on Kieï¬gs face. it is evxdent that he was struck by a ri 'ate secret r' t ar i was . . . p ‘ a 3 o C neg e, live Wire. The shock stunned him,' known to exist and slowly it began , to dawn upon the unwilling citizens and as he fell forward be grasped; . several Other wires and pulled them hldzgtedd’ggtil'mciorldeeï¬e:33“ cruelly from their fastings. Kieï¬g’s com-‘ _._.I__ “J v Kidney Ory.â€"Paln in the but is the cry of the kidneys (or help. To neglect the call is to deliver the body over to n disease cruel, ruthless, end ï¬nally life destroying. South American Kidney Cure has power akin to miraculous in helping the needy kidneys out of the mire of disease. It relieves in six hours.â€"38 THURSDAY. Sold bv McFarlono .1 Co. Sold bv MacFarlane 51. Co‘ Sold by MacFaI-lane Co Sold by Manchu-lane Av Co. .â€". on. .â€"§ l m can A con) man my. ' Take laxative grow Quinino TM. A ‘“__l A Trade discount no per cent. .l dramatic tale contains lively sketches of English character of Richard â€â€™5 time. and is full of strong. brisk dialogue. Round the proud Richard of Gloucester are grouped a number of well marked charac- ters. This is a book which entailed a great deal of labor and research upon the author, and is Worth owning. TRIBUNE Powan PRINTING House. Harriaton. Ont. HIS FINE HISTORICAL AND 7 dramatic tale contains livelv skatnhm And notice is hereb further given that a business meeting oft IO Council will be held at one o’clock in the afternoon of the same day, of which all parties concerned will please take notice. J. 3. BLACK Clerk. Glenelg. May 10th, 1911.3 Ihat the ï¬rst sitting of the Coâ€"urtâ€"(â€˜ï¬ Revhimn, for the Township of Glenelg. for the year “I", will be held at the Town Hal'. Ulenelg. on Saturday, June lst , at 10 o’clock in the foreuoun, Glenelg Court of Revision. M- M- AUSti". 9. CW“ war veteran of WincheSter, Ind.. writes: “ My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor’s treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health.†They always do. Try them. Only 25 cents at all drug stores. 1m. A new invention is out, and the preachers will go crazy over it. It’s a church contribution box that. is passed around instead of the plate The coins {all through the slots of different sizes and all the halves. quarters and dimes alight on velvet and make no noise; but c0ppers and ï¬ve cent pieces drop on a Chinese gong which sounds to beat the band. P. A. Danforth, of LaGrange, Ga., suffered for six months with a fright- ful running sore on his leg; but writes that Bucklen’s Arnica Salve wholly cured it in ï¬ve days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, it’s the best salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold by all druggists. 1m. Mr. Mills, of St. Thomas, has been paying a visit to his mother. who lives in Blanshard township, and re turned home yesterday. Mr. Mills is 77 years old, while his mother has attained the great age of 113 years. Despite her advanced age. her son found that she was in good health, and had passed through the winter well. Mr. Mills formerly resided in Glanworth. Jealous Rival. cannot turn back the tide. The demand for Dr. Agnew’s little Pills is a marvel. Cheap to buy, but diamonds in qualityâ€"banish nausea, coated tongue. water brash. pain after eating, sick headache, never gripe, Operate pleasantly. xo centa.â€"37 The men are all Poles. and were engaged in wheeling dirt. from be- neath the manufacturers and liberal arts building, where some excavating was being done. From burns found on Kieï¬g’s face. it is evident that he was struck by a live wire. The shock stunned him, and as he fell forward be grasped several other wires and pulled them from their fastings. Kieï¬g’s com- rades rushed to his assistance, and their hands and arms were frightfully burned in their endeavours to release him. The current was shut 03 as soon as possible. Kieï¬g was dead and the other two men were uncon- scious. They were removed to the h09pital, where it is said that their condition is serious. O'CICE IS HEREBY GIVEN A METEOR KING, OLD SOLDIER-'8 EXPERIENCE. By John A Copeland. IT SAVED HIS LEG. Sold by Macfarlane Co. woo W. A. GLASS, TAILOR. J. 8: J. Hunters’ Old Stand. In all conceivable designs are here. If you knew how cheap artistic wall pa- per is at our store, you wouldn’t let those rooms go another season with their old wall covering. Freshen them up; it’ll cost you but little, and means lots of comfort. We make and grim vour oxyn goods into a ï¬rst class suxt. Ladies’ Tailoring a Specialty. GENTLEMEN:â€"l am fullv prepared to dis- cuss the new styles for the cunning season, and also the Drives. I am lmuml tn Quit the public in ï¬t. style and wnrkmunehip. and as to prices you can come and judge for yourself. First class suit and ï¬rst class trimmings fur 3.12. I have all the latest cloths. such as English, Irish and Scotch. to choose from. We make a specialty to suit the public. Author and teacher of the Nonpareil Sys- tem of Cutting, Patented. Stacks of Wall Paper. TAILIRING ! 6pd. ‘furniture warerooms HE COURT OF REVISION FOR the prxf‘hig _of“Eggf{n0n§:_ _on _tho .l. the Township of Egremont. on the Assessment Roll of A D., 1901. will be héld in the Village of Holstein, rm Mnnday 27th. inst. at the hour of 1.30 p. m. All interested Parties shall govern them- selx es according Dated at Holstein this 13th 3 D. ALLAN. day of May,A . D 1901. Clerk nel Pattern, Peerless Separator. ‘36 inch cylinder. 50 inch body. Sawyer Maseev Hamilton Good repair through- out. Tank and Pump complete. vrwâ€"v..--__.~CIâ€"._. 'Be Thoroughly Prepared For Business. 13 MacFARLANE 00. Datum: a Bookseller: . Shewcll s; [cnabm On the Banks 0f the Saugeen Boggy: POW:ER_ENGINE, CUR- Lower Town. Durham. Thresher for Sale. New High Class Special 1mm . . . In furniture . . . The Furniture and Under- taking business formerly carried on by J. A. Shewell will henceforth be known by the firm name of Shewell Lenahan, a partnership having been formed for the transaction of business. Old Customers and new ones are respectfully requested to call and visit us in our new Show Rooms in the McIn- tyre Block, next door to the Bank, where we will be found night and day to cater to the wants of all. During the Holiday Season. A pply to JOHN WILSON, Box 10}. Durham. or at Mill, Egremont. Inscriptions Cut on Shortest N otioo. GAIAPBAXA 81'. â€" DURHAM Swedish, Scotch Canadian GRANITE MABBlE WORKS. Monuments Repaired, and Wm. McCalmon, mom: 0' m [)qu I! .1. Shoes made far all kinds 0f diseased or deformed feet. A CALL Soucn‘m). W. GUTHBIE. â€" BLACKSMITH. T. MORAN, Will visit. Priceville on Friday of each week from 9 a. m to 4 p. m. Member College Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario. Ofï¬ce hours: 9m 12 a. m. 2th4 p.11: Residence and oflice Uld Bank buildings. Upper Town Durham. BIaCksmithiflg ! AT OLD U Melligan Property on George Street, one acre of good land in good ltwntion, a. desirable residence, will be sold on any terms. Apply to ED. MILLIGAN, Palmerstor, or to W. CALDER, Durham. Jan. 17. 1900. If Nov 5 tf. .l. Priceville, newly bricked all round. new brick kitchen, new windows and other improvements. ()n the premises are a good stable and two never tailing wells. The place has always done at good business and will be rente-l right to a good nmn. The furniture will be sold to lessee. For further particulars apply to. HE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Priceville. newly bricked a“ round. Mill Streetâ€"In Rear of Calder’s Block. Lmvar Town. Durham EING Lots No. ll and 12. Con l. N. D. R.. Glenelg. and II and I2. on Con. 2. N. I). R.. also 13 and 14. on Con. 3. N. I). R.. each lot containing 50 acres, or â€acres in all. nearly all cleared. Well watered. well fenced. good outbuildings and dwellings. good bearing orchards. In ï¬rst class state ot'cultivation, within a tew rods of school. 4 miles from Durham. Will be sold en bloc or in separate lots. as purchas- er desires. Easy terms. For turther par- ticulars apply to Mona: terms u Collectl OFFICE DURH.‘ Convex Much of your future nnocese depends upon um thorou h preparation 'ou receive. therefore b.- mref when you are ee voting a echml. x0 “.0 schools are alike. The excellent reputation that our College enjoys, the. large patronage we 11.. ceive. the splendid sum-ease our students have in securing and holding situations. indi'mte that our School iii one of the very best in the. lhnninioo Write for our beautiful catalogue in which 3m: will ï¬nd full rticulnre concerning our (Tullege. If you wont tl; beet in hueineen education 30" can get it here. Students can enter at any time Arthur H. Jackson General Blacksmith. ORSESHOEIN G A SPECIALTY. RICK HOUSE AND LOTâ€"THE 'VE do Go HUTTONO Mo Do 6. MO '. J. Elliott, - Principal Hotel to Rent. Notary Public. Commimioucr, etc. rymcog'. Valuator, Inna! all Kinds Pro-aptly Attended to Farm for Sale RIb'l"3R, N01 ARY, CON YAL\(JLR.: Em. Em. rII'I-‘lcmâ€"McKeuzie's Old Stand, v. s. DAVIDSON, tâ€"Mclntyre Biuck. (Over the Bank 10.1.03" at reasonable rates and on sun burrouol. STRATFURD. ONTARIO is on "917.130: of tho mum I timate to The general public that he is prepared to do all kinds 1 Blacksmithmg at one price to all. - HE undersigned wishes to in- timate In the general unhlic For Sale. Factorv made Shoes, 25c cash. Hand made: Shoes. 390. Sowing. Private Money to Loam Farms Bought and Sold. “~- M ..--~ H.- A C. BEATON, Buuessan 1’. U. A. Burma, J’rlceville. 100 UNTA RI J. C. Healy, Grocery 6: Provision Store. A Smtcli Simrzhuru bull. l'i‘ill‘! 2 S'GMS Hid. bred by Juim Auderaon. Muvtield. Got "3' Gladstone Siaumuau, he by British Shim-"ml". imxmrtmi. :mm; Dam. Pinkey. by [reams Duke, second dam Venus. by Sir \\ altar Scott, third dam. Jessy, by Lau- Qastor Comet. Terms, 81.“). payable Jul. ï¬n.) ALL Wonk Gumnmnn at “Live and let. live" PRICES. JOHN G. BEATON. p , , cu ................ Lamas Cou.h§.pN. o. R.:Buley .......... Buwun. April 17. won-2 m. pd. ‘flay ......... . ....... ’ .Buttcr .............. â€Eggs per dozen ...... {Apples per ha: ...... . EI’ou/oms per bag. . .. . Pumps {Flour per cwt ..... . ' IUulmeal per suck. . . .. I '13"; PIREAV‘IE l"1‘0 '11::me ult'ugvsl- Chop percwt .......... ‘. IBM! to uvici euen - l . t. w mama mtuml’h " “ alga-(33:83:31? w 6* NEW Pumps AND Reruns. DRILL, Sheepskins .......... CURB. Ric-CURB, PRESSCURB Turkeys per lb. ...... WELLS. Allord'arn taken at (be old stand Geese per lb ,,,,,,,, M0" ’ ' -' u- t- ‘.' {med mf'm" I mm M†be "romp ’ ' 'Ducks per pur ...... . *" Wool ............... . A'. ‘l’?...... n M or. time. Men’ 8 Stitched Dongolas. mthe Mme“ chape. 1193.13.25. Men’sBoanlf. 82.75. $3.,00 83.25am! ..... . .. .. Men 6 Chocolate Bale. only ........................ . Men' 8 Ten Calf, heavy sole. Good Year Welt ........ We have also a full uock of Men' 3 Low 811093 SH Light Gaiters et very low prion. Men’ 5 Bufl‘ bale a m ry nut shoe. onlx. . . . . . . . Men’ 0 Donuola 89.18 and Gaiters ......... . ..... Men’ 3 Kip Boots. extra hoovy sud good wearers. Mou' s Kangora Deuther, just the shoe for wearing toned and laced boote is also very attentive. In buying we have paid great attention to three (jinn-Quality, Nyle and Reasonable Prices. A very neat. little Dongola Oxford at ..................... 3 l 00 'l‘rilbees m $1.25, 61.35. 61.630 and ........................ l 65 A beautiful stitched Oxford, the very latett thing at ...... 1 65 Strap slippers, up from ................................. l 25 French Heel Slippers, Patent Leather Slippers, Four-Strap Slip- pms. we have them _all. _()_ur stock 9f Ladies’ and Children’s but- N othing is more necessary to complete a stylish :lp- pearanee than a nice, neat shoe. A new suit of clothes and a shabby pair of shoes, note how it looks. We have made special efforts this spring to make our stock of Roots and Shoes to. suit every- body in both quality and price. A few special lines: Boots 6: Shoes. FIRE INSURANCE PROMPTLY A TTENDED TO Try us for Boots and Shoes. FOR SERVICE. See Our Cream Separators, Washing Machines and Wringerc. Flour, Feed, Groceries, Fruit, Nuts, Confee- tionery, Fresh and Cured Meats at lowest prices. Goods delivered to all parts of town. GEORGE WHITMOBE. Gentlemen’s Shoes. II" I“, uu-UD‘HUUQUU Ooooaooooooooo... o" 'N Bals and Gaiters. . . ....... . ............ 9. 00 . extra heavy and good wearers .......... ‘2 bu )eather, just the shoe for wearing all the 2 00 longolu. “the mlateat ahapv. "93.33.25, noon 2 75 32.75. 33.00, 83.26 and. ................. 3 50 Bals, only .............................. '2 [)0 heavy sole. Good Year Walt .............. 3 {I0 Ladies’ Shoes. SOUTH END DI’RHAM J no. Livingston, 5F." \Vheut . . . . 1§pring Wheat“ West of the Middtugh House DITRHAU Lamb. ........ Tallow IAII'd .......... Dried A; plea .. M..." .... Sheepskins .......... Turks; a per lb. ...... Geese per 1b.. ........ Ducks per pair ...... . Wool ............... . Beef ................ Lamb ............... Tallow . . . . . ......... IJII'd ................ Dried A; plea ........ Fell Wheat .......... C 60 Spring Wheatu . ..... 60 Out- ............... 30 Pen ................ 60 Barley .............. 40 Hey ................. 9 00 Butter .............. 13 Eggs per dozen ...... 9 Apples per be: ...... . 40 Pou'Oee per bag . . . . . 30 Flour per cwt ..... l 90 Uuuueal per “ck. . . .. 2' (:0 Chop per cwt ......... l 10 Dressed Huge per cut. '4’ 00 Hides per lb. ........ 5) Sheepskins .......... 30 Turkey. per lb. ...... 8 Geese per 1b.. ........ 5 Duck: per pair ...... . 30 Wool ............... . 12 Beef ................ 5 Lamb ............... 8 Tallow . . . . . ......... 5 SHWROOMS ! Spring Tooth Harrows. Plow: and Dine-burrows, Steel Laud Roller. and Seed Dl‘illl. May 16. 1901. Frost 6: Wood DUBHAN, WT “PORT. . Slippers, and .1 Durham. M A\' Ii», 1%]. ....C l 50 10 4i 10 00 H a.“ 17! 10 41 l3 62 30 62