Bardwa‘rc! ' MoFARLANM 00. Spray Pumps Paints. Graniteware Scrnn Doors CALL AND INSPECT OUR HARNESS DEPT. Sheep Shoals in Abundance. Right on Time DUEBER - HAHPDEN WATCH. C . . May .23: 1901. We have something special to ofler \ou this week in Silver- “are, especially Tea and Des- 861’! IDOODS. ‘! prices DOVE! bofore hand of, lining just received an immense Bulk- rupt stock. Secure ono of our spay pumps. Spray your fruit trees often, and save money. Another shipment of Tubs, Charm and Wheelbarrowsjust to hand, which we are selling very cheep. Our weekly supply of heady- mixed paints have arrived. Sherwin-Williams is the most reliablo paint. â€â€˜1‘! V“. v-"-__ per Nickle Kettles, Cepper arid 'l‘in Boilers. See our Granite Kegfles. Cop- For Severn Doors an Windows we [cm] the market. A. GORDON is the man who carries a Sulphate of Copper, Whale Oil Soap, Hel- lebore. Slugshot and other Inflticides for spraying. '03 SALE .1 Shop Open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly 'and prop- erly attended to. £41 I). CONNOR. W. D. CONNOR Table linen 51 inches wide Flue Whit-8 countcrpaxzcs S OUR SPRING PRINTS ARE NOW IN Stair “ 18 Best table nil ch Fl DUI Grape Huney In H). i Comc and see what. lot 01 Tinware we give â€"â€"Ior $1.00.- \Ve carry a full line of Sterling Bros. Hand Made slmes for Illell, woman and children, Try a pair if you Want a good shoe. THE LQRGEST STOCK IMPLEMENT WAREHUUMS . g . Galvamzed and Iron Pup- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Do You Want lust Received Perhaps you need a. new Buggy. We can supply you at. astonish- For Sewing Machines, Organs nnd Pianos, give us a trial. REPAIRS of all Kinds constantly on hand. Lower Town. Durban. LACE CURTAINS. yards lung, 27 inchm wide, .253 pair. A ..n .6 If... .‘ biand g. pac' Ion tea ((1 Pumps from $2 upward. The Serson is now on when far- mers will ï¬nd a pressing need to get some labor-saving device to keep up with the times, and as we have Of I’m-m and Domestic Imple- ments excr seen in Durham, it will certalnly pay intending purchasers to Call and see our goods before purchasing elseâ€" where. 0H (t Cream Separator? If so we can suit. you to a '1‘. made in Canada, and we are bound to sell them at Rock Bot- tom Prices to make room for our Harv ing Machinery, which will b mm in good time. ingly low prices. nuts *- DURHAM. -â€" Sells Chzap ! McKinnon’s . H. BEAN. Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€" luth lutil 4. ~12 4:4 O. IcKINNON, 'au'd r5 illc‘ wide a Plow. a Harrow, a Scuflier, or a a Large Stock of the best Wagons ......... He. yd. :lxes wide. 200. yd. " â€350411. ;e ........... 3c. [-yd. $1. 00 and $1.2.) ea. When it was discovered that in nearly every instance throughout the riding Reform Patrons had been chosen as census enumerators, it was thought to be for seduc'ive purposes to lead those gentlemen from the paths of freedom and independence back into bondage and destroy any other good ['l'incipl. 3 they had ac. quired by being with better associ- ates and make them like the mm. of the Reform party. When it was discovered they were using the ofï¬ce for gaining political intelligence, they were thought. to be going from bad to worse. When discovered in the trick in place of honestly and truthfully acknowledging their guilt it was thought to be worse and worse and more of it, but when the climax was reached in this township one Sunday night when one of the en- umerat’ors appeared at a home with his pack to tall-e the census. There may be some good come out of this census taking at last, but there is a great amount of evil to begin with. Every week ends up bad for the people down the road since the re- moval of the Murdoch post ofï¬ce. They often have to wait till Satur- day’s shopping at either Holstein or! Durham before they get. thz»ir.Chron-l icle and the time seems like eternity.‘ Quite a number of our young men invested in new bicycles last week and now miraculous. escapes and ex- citing experiences surpass any ï¬sh stories ever told. Alore than Special interest is now being taken in cement works since the track has‘men surveyed through this neighborhood to the lake and we all BXPUU: in the near fv ture to go to and from tow“ by train. Crops look must. prosperous at {'PTPSi’XH and many of our farmers are trying LO engage hc!p fur the rest of the summex'. Men’of course there will be. but no boys judging-from the amount of wages they get. Better without a Stomach than with one that’s got a constant †hurt" to it. Dr. Von Stan’s Pineapre Tablets stimulate the digestive organs. Let one enjoy the good things of life and leave no bad effects-â€"carry them with you in your vest pocket-60 in box. 35 cents.-â€"â€"48 Seeding is through except the root crOp. Mr. Scheuermann intends leaving for Algoma mills in at short time whme he will fill a position in one of [119 mines. Miss Maggie Puss arriveg home Ins: Sunday. One of our young men will be happy. .\lr. Dan McDonald paid friendsa visit on Sunday last. Mr. Thomas 'Hill sold a pair of cut- tle at a big price, also Duncan Omnip- bell sold a pair of pigs six. months old at. the handsome sum of $25.00. Who says there isn’t. money in farm- ing? Miss Minnie Scheuermann bright- ened the family circle a week ago last Sunday Mr. Bob Hewitt Suudnyvd with friends in Vickers. 4 ~ - The masbns have ï¬nished the stonewom for Mr. W. A. Hazlett’s new barn. and made a complete and good job of it. Itching, Burning, Skin Dis- oasoo Cured for Thirty-ï¬ve Cantoâ€"Dr. Agncw's Ointment. relieves in one day, and cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eczema, Barber’s Itch, Ulcers. Blotchcs and all eruptiops of the skin. It is soothing and quieting and acts like magic in the cure of all baEy humors. 35c.â€"-‘47 ‘ Mr. John Alexander is ill at, pres- ent, and we would be pleased to hear of his Speedy recovery. Miss June Bailey, of Hamilton, is home on avisiting trip to her par- G'It‘So A few weeks ago we reported about. some sheep worrying that was done by hounds. and we alao warned the peeple to keep an eye on their dogs, but all was of no use. Last week there Was a dog caught worry- ing 96030 more sheep. He mapped. He won’t. worry any more sheep. We are pleasvd to any. that. Mr. Robt. Herd is able to bvaround after his long illno-ss. The masons «have commenced the stonework for Mr. John Beckeuhaur’s barn. Mr. James Hopkins sale last, week was largely attended and every thing sold for a good ï¬gure. We heard a man say the other ev- ening that he caught a ï¬sh that he didn’t catch that weighed exactly three pounds. He- says-Ithat. he knew it dii, for it had the scales on it. The cap we made (or the Vickers scribe seems to ï¬t him a. little too tight. But never mEnd that Billy, we’ll lengthen the string a little as you grow older. been extensively used for all forms of throat and CORNER CONCERNS. You "nix-tour you! Vtwcruoleno has Sold by MacFarlano Sr Co Sold lw MacFarlane Cu. ALLAN PARK WELBISCK. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Miss Sarah Jack calm- home from the Queen City last Wu k. whm'v she had been duqing the winter sensyn. : Mr. A. Cook has treated himself to an ideal tap buggy. Will Banks and gang left on Fri- day for J. Patterson’s. of Artemesiu, to begin his framing contracts. ‘ A meeting of the members of the Traverston Beef Ring Association will be held in Hastie’s Hall on Mon- day evening, May 27th. Zieniles are going to have a big concert. in the near future. Notice given next week. ’ Mr. Thos.‘Smntb. our popular mail- carrier, has got a new buggy, new harness and a. ï¬ne waterproof coat. Traverston is very quiet just now. but we expect to see the mill begin to hum shortly. Dc“- .’ UV v..- vâ€" __ --l _ _ and much of t at 'purit; depends on rfect kidney ï¬ltering. I these organs are d aeaaed and will not perform their functions. man will seek in vain for strength and woman for beauty. South American Kidney Cure drives out all impuritiï¬ through the body's " ï¬lterers "â€"repairs weak apots.â€"46 Beginâ€"ti 80 nd and much oft at r Mr. and Mrs. Archie Little, of Durham, were the guests of the Emmer’s parents one day last week. Mr. Hastie, of Traverston. passed through our burg last. week on his way to Holstein. He changed his mind and turned back. but not, alone. \Iiss Berâ€: 1 Pettigrew has gone to l)111l1:11u to ï¬ll an engagement with .\lns. ..F Mmlock. Mr's. John Carson and Mrs. Wm. Clark were the guests of Normanby friends one day last week. .1 \lhs Maggie Allan is engaged with Mr. Glass to [emu tailoxing. Miss Ethel Eden was the‘guest of Miss Lena McCalmon one day last week. Mr. and Mus. Wagoner were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Yandt one day last week. Mr. Arthur Clark was visiting the parenxal home over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCalmon. Jr.. were the guests of the latter’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fee, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Eden were the guests bf Egremont friends one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eden were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCalo mou one day last week. Master Clark McEwen, of Mt For- est, is, at pre eut, visiting his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Little. Mrs. Wallace was visiting friends around our burg one day last, week. Mr. David Leith lost. a Valuable horse the other dav, which is a great loss at this time of the year. Mrs. Lee-sou came home the other day from a visit. of two or three months in Indiana with her sons and daughters. She reports all well and had a good time. Mr. Wm. Marshall lost a valuable cow the other day with purple fever. Plll-osophy.â€"Tbere are pills and pillsâ€"but Dr. Agnew's L'iver Pills at 10 cents a. vial lead in demand. The sale borders on the phenomenal. Sluggish liver.constipation, or irregular bowels are the precursors of many’ physical disorders. These little wonde‘rs remove the cause. 40 In a vial for to centsâ€"45 A Il\'l U It! uuu v.-.'--"' --_ -_ hume exqe: t, perhaps†that lit-ought ab'out uuuuu vauu. u, yv. yur..-‘ ---.-- __ - T, 7 by the closer proxnnity of holders of last season’s clip to the;new- clip of Ontario wool. A great deal of the last clip is still held by large dealers in the country and at prices above an export basis. Dealers here have knowledge of at. least 800,000 lbs. of the 1900 clip which is offering. but it is impossible at. the moment to work any for export at a Proï¬table price - a price which let our many mhlers flat. to say nothing of a margin for interest, expense and a small rotit. A let- ter from the largest mill in h aesachusetts; received a few days ago by Mr. E. '1‘. Cer- ter, cmmnentingpn market conditions. and: n ‘ fl_-_- L.--‘ ..".' I'v- vv u" , L‘HllllllUll uun â€"-“ l have been offered Canada fleece wool in Boston for the past month at 260â€"60day3 â€"â€"and have not bought it because I do not want it. I have a deal of bankrupt wool in Philadelphia and Bostonâ€"Rents 20c. select- ed Irish hogs 266, sup. Irish hogs 27c- and sup. Shro shire hogs 27c. all delivered Boston, an 60 days. I cannot buy Canada wool." These prices are equal to consider- ably less than 15c Toronto Another letter from a well~known Ameri can buyer noted a price for Canada flmce which woud require the exporter here to get the 'wool for 130 or less to show any proï¬t. . ~ A marked change has come over the wool trade in Australis, Argentina and in Mon- tana and other territories! sections where large numbers of sheep are raised. Form- erly the sheep were raised primarily for the wool, and a. small grade of animals yielding tine wool were grown. the mutton being a. secondary consideration. Now the sheep are raised tor mutton ex rt. which has been stimulated by the re rigerstor trade, and the wool is considered as o sort of bye- product. The sheep raised for the mutton export trade are large. being crossbreds. and the wool is coarse. Thus the amount of wool grown in the countries mentioned is now entering more directly into competition 11.3w entering more directly into competltjou my}: Canadian sorts. Ind our «901 “feeling qflectp of .the chapge jg thq sï¬uatngn. A ,-L__. recenply. said :--“ The London auction: or qolonml wools o nod ï¬rm for merino. and hue crosqbreds, ut curse crossbred! show ed a gleclmo Di 5 to 7‘ per. cent. {Since the openm there has been keen competition for the nor grades at prices which chow slight “lance. but medium and coupe crossbred: ore selling u lower prices dun ever known in thehbhï¬ofthe M and Mfornthebulkd chino. We 6}:th 'ih - Li'G-Jrï¬aole‘ Wri't'i'né" 'to â€" ill"; Garter. recently. suit-"Tho London tuguons of colonial wools o nod ï¬rm for merino- and ï¬ne crossbreds. at 093m crossbrgll Illa! There is no change’it} the sitqqtiop a‘t Sold by MacFarlane 51. Co TRAVERSTON Sold bv Mcb‘arlane Co. VARN EY. . -‘ 0.0 *4‘5â€"-â€"- .â€" "'___ on pqrity of the M WOOL. i hate to say it. but the outlook insteed of improving does the reverse. English wool- ure for the time being a dead letterâ€"clean I knocked out by these crossbreds.†Pulled Wooléâ€"Are slow and prices are the same at 16¢: to 17¢ for super: and We to 20¢ for extras. Fleeceâ€"The market shows no chnngo whamver and local dealers are quoting Canada 151]) clip nominal at 13c to 14¢. The Port Elgin Brush factory is d' tributing free to the farmers of thsat neighborhood quantities of seed for raising broom corn with instruc- tions for cultivation. Several thous- and tons of broom corn are consumed annually in Canada which is raised in the .States of Illinois. Nebraska and Missouri. It is also raised in New York state, and we believe can be grown in Ontario. A ton for every 2; or 3 acres is an average crOp and the present price ranges from 860 to 880 per tomâ€"Ex. builder. Food. In health, you want nothing but food; and you: baby wants nothing but food. But, when not quite well, you want to get back to where food is enough. The most delicate food. that is known to SCO'IT’S EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil. ' When usual food is 11 bur- den, it feeds you enough to restore your stomach; baby the same. The body-builder is food; the body-restorer is of Cod Liver Oib How to Grow If you have not tried it, send {or free up“. a agreeable taste will angle on. p COTT BQWN hemlata. SCOII’S [IIIIIISIOII bVV IV a. oronp oronto. ,.oo;a11 dru 50 Rachel. â€"Wbeat to â€"the Acre