mu nd Dds-dbl; Bardwm! Hammocks. Palnts. Silverware. Churns. Shipments. Iswhat Cuumy of Grey Farmers would like In klmw. We cannot tell you, but '0 (JAN 'I‘EIJ. Yul: that. H. H. MILLER, Hm Hanuw-r (funvennrur is lending money om gmud farm nmrtgamw at IOWOI’ "'08 0' intm'vst than \'nn can borrow elsewhere, and un wry [ilwral terms and at smali oust. That is tho- rvason Wh peopled! m-o-r tlw (-unntry pass by other Handel's Old travel Illilt‘.‘ tn burrow from him. Be BFas Several Very Fine Pam I'm sale. at very low ï¬gures and on \PIV 6:l.~_\ harms. l'arm lands are lmmul In increase in price and now is Hm tune tn buv. How to Grow. lll'l ALSU undertakes the collection of Nut." and Accounts, and it is a ptetty bad claum that ho cannot make some mmwy «mt of no charge for his trouble If not collected. He Does Fire, life . . and Accidem Insurance In ï¬rst. class (,‘umpanies and at lowest rates, draws all kimls of writings, arranges businessqunrrels, efl'ects settlements with creditors. sells Ocean tickets, buys old notes anal always has on haul farm and Villas. properties which he as willing to trulo or exchange for other property. Twenty years' experience and residence in the neighburhmnl cuuuts for something and enables H. U. MILLER to do your business with proï¬t to you as well u to himself. N. B. â€"â€"-\ S pecial Bargain is ofl’erlod on Ln: ’8 tun. 2, W. (n. R. Bentiuck avrmvr-Uurhzm xxx milesâ€"owner gone West and bound to sell. H. H. MILLER. â€"62 mom MCFARLANE ($1 00. June 13. 1901. “J1 you 999. our stock 0' Hum- mm-ks. They are worth ex. amining Every person ro- quiring one such should buy ('“Q'. U0 um forget the Bancrupt stock of Silverware. Any por- sun wanting swarms of dilat- vm sizes and design: should HI“ early. Just tn ham] another ship- Ilmnt of the celebrated Rocker (.‘hnrns, which a child can work with ease. “Hr \Hwkiy supply 0' Ready- lniXml Paints has arrived. Any [Ir-r53" can use than paints satisfactorily. Our Inig- gv paint is; something extra. ‘ . o A mom: other artncles received this wee-k are Carpet. Sweeporfl, (‘2')[hf‘h‘ Wringers. Clothes lizukms. Dash Chums Bird [Evy-e, Cream Cans. Bicycles. I’ixhing Tackle, Whips and \\'heviharr0ws. Sulphate of Copper, Whale ()il Soap, Hel- lebore. Slugshot and other Insecticides for spraying. Always t0 the front with our line of gnmls. 5O Buahcll â€"Wheat to Shop Open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attended to. Pumps 01' all Kinds. W. D. CONNOR from 50 up to ................ 250 Table linen, 54 in. wide, yd ...... 250 Buggie dusters from 600 up to. .1 50 ‘24 only glass table setts, each. . . 350 30 only glass berry bowls, each.. 10c Napkins per doz from 350 to ..... 65c 4 only genuine oill paintings on canvas, 22 in. by 26 in. with 4 in. gold leaf lrames,each only.1 50 'l‘oilet. soaps. a. cake up {ran . . . . 52c Piques in white and fancy, yd... 13c Dress Gingham, just. the thing . for childrens’ dresses.yd. 7 and 10c White and cream silk gloves, pr. 45c White 'I‘afl’eta gloves, pr ........ 25c White and black silk mitts ...... 25c Ladies’ and childrens’ unkervests Don’t forget. us when you want. a pair of shoes. as we carry a full line of the celebrated Sterling Bros. make of Shoes. Big 4 W. H. BEAN. IMPLEMENI WAHEHUUMS THE LEIRGEST STOCK lust Received 'f‘, mm: of all Kinds conauntly on Do You Want For Sewing Machines, Organs Pianos, give us ; trial. ingly low prices. Lower Town. Galvanized and .Iron Pipâ€" ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. . NEW STORE JUST OPENED. Flour, Feed, Grocery and Confectionery Store George Lawrence, ‘ Durham, - - Ontario. We always have a full line of the best. Groceries. Pumps from $2 upward. The Season is now on when far- mers will ï¬nd a pressing need to get some laborosaving device to keep up with the times, and as we have Of Farm and Domestic Imple- ments ever seen in Durham, it will certslnly pay intending purchasers to Call and see our goods before purchasing else- You Want . Plow. a Harrow, a. Scufller, or 3 Cream Separator? If so wa can suit. you to ‘ '1‘. Harvesting Machinery, will be here in good time. We beg respectfully to in- timate to the residents of Durham and vicinity that. we have Opened 3 A few doors South of the Middaugh House, and sol- icit a share of your patron- age. Everything ï¬rst. class. Everything fresh. Prices the lowest. A full line of smoked hams, rolled shoulder and bacon, also all kind of a den ad ï¬eld root seeds. %ash [or butter and eggs. \JI. .D. CONNOR. McKinnon’s â€" DURHAM. â€" anhcturor of And Dealer in â€" C. "OKINNON! a Large Stock of the best. Wagons Calder’s ’Block, BUREAU. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Jr. Leaving Pt. II Sr.:â€"Hannah Lawrence, .Amy Edge and Maggie McKenzie aeq., Nellie Moran, Annie Lawnence. Fred Ryan. Jr. IV classzâ€"Arthur Knisley, Grace Willis, Easel Laidlaw, Lillv Walker, Carman Aljoe Sr. III class : â€"Annie Cameron. Etta Fox. James Ector, Everard Mc- Kinnon, John Fox. Jr. II class zâ€"James McLean, Bert Saunders, Eva Burnet, Annie Aljoe, Foster Saunders. Jr. Leaving Part l:â€"Jessie Far- quharson, Willie Brown, Duncan Mco Keuzie. Otto Knapp, Mabel Hunt. PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Sr. IV class zâ€"Esdou Wolfe. Lloyd Bean, Andy Williams, Murray Smith, Arthur Allan and Edith Grant. eaq. Sr. II class :-Hugh Holley, Rob- bie Laidlaw, Russell Currie, Ella Ector and Thomas Holt, Ellie Kin- Sr. Part. II class:--Brock Grant, Ruby Mills. Bella Ector and Clarence Darling aeq., James Vollet, Archie Gray. Jr. IIIclass: â€"Fanny Moran, Mary Ritchie, Alfred McClocklin, Pearl Warner, Albert Maplocklin. nee. Jr. Leaving Part II Jr.:â€"Jessie Munro. John Backus. Laura Hutton, Maude Irwin, Grace Everitt. , J r. Pt. 11 class (A):â€"Irene Latimer, Alister Cameron, Anson Lloyd. Wil- lie quwuing, Essie Noble. Jr. Pt. II (B):â€"Ella Key, Tressa McKay, Elma Hclt, Louis Lavelle, Robbie Campbell. Sr. I clas§:â€"â€"Vlddie Caldwell, Mary Wright and Nellie Hepburn aeq., Harold Aljoe, Mabel Grasby, Dalbert Moore and Eric Kelly aeq. . Intermediate:â€"-Maggie Lauder. James Farquharson, and Wilfrid Calder, aeq. Jr. B;--Gladys Whicmore, Mar- jorie McKenzie. Jr. Azâ€"Ethel Matthews, Christina Darby. Sr. Ivâ€"Bird McNiece, Willie Wat- son. Jr. Ivâ€"Maggie Wallace, Gertie Backus. Sr. IIIâ€")laucl Burns. Jr. Illâ€"Thomas Marshall, Harry Ebenau. Sr. nâ€"â€"\'iola Backus, Janet Kerr. Jr. IIâ€"Arthur Backus, Eva McAliso ter. Pt. II Sr.â€"Willie McAlister, Willie Wallace and Arthur Gadd aeq. Pt. 11 Jr.â€"â€"Jessie Ebenau, Lizzie Burns. 1(b)-â€"Mary Backus, Myrtle Colwell. I (a)â€"James McC. Mar- shall, Thomas Wallace. MAGGIE MCUANNEL, Teacher. Report for S. S. No. 1, Normanby and Egremont. Class Vâ€"Annie Pet- ty. Sr. IVâ€"â€"Lizzie McIllvride, Edith Allen, Charlotte Hutton. ~Jr. IVâ€" Maggie Grey, Mabel Dunn. IIIâ€"Ida Barber, Mabel Pettigrew and Sarah Bryans, aeq. IIâ€"Efl‘ie Hutton, Eva Blyth, Bessie Clark. Pt. II Sr.â€" Robiua Gadd, Florence Barber, Elsie McCalmon. Pt. II Jr.â€"Robie McIl- vride, Annie Pettigrew, Mina Gadd. Jr. B.â€"Charlie McIlvride, Annie Pettigrew, Willie B'ogle. Jr. A.â€" Willie Petty, Harold Barber, Rose Morrison. Average attendance 46. MAUD BANKS, Teacher. The Boston man, who lately mar- ried a sickly, rich, young, woman. is happy now, for he got Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which restored her to perfect health. lnfallible for Jaundice, Biliousness, Malarih,'Fever and Ague and all Liver and Stomach troubles. Gentle but effective. On- ly 25c at all drug stores. 1m. Fall wheat is an excellent crop at date of writing, hay will be abundant and all other crops are looking well. Mr. A. Boglq. .who has been very ill for the past week, us Improving under the treat- ment of Dr Brown. Two little girls of Mr. Hartford. who were visiting their .grandfather Mr. J. Calvart, were taken ill with diphtheria hst week, but under Dr. Brown’s treatment they recovered and have been running arou’nd for some days past. Mrs. James Hal'iday. of Normanby. who has been laid up with a broken kneeocap, contracted inflammation of the lungs and was seriously ill for some days. She 18 now out of dam r. Dr. Meikle, of Mt. Forest, is in 11th ance. Mr. C. Blyth‘s sale came off all right, many things being favorable to the pur- chaser. N The frost on Saturday night damaged early potatoes and some other vegetables. The Statute Labor is on for another sea- son. The ratepayers W1" not have much labor tedo as most. of it was rforrned in the winter shovelling snow. f the Coun- cils of Egremont and Normanby would do their duty and compel the farmers who occupy one-third. and in some cases one- half of the road with their fences, to remove them, it would be a great advantage to the public, and there would be less drifting of snow. The members of the Council do not care to annoy their patrons lest they lose a vote. but if each councilman in his own ward would attend to this matter he would get double the votes next time, DON’T FORGET ABOUT YOUR COBNB If they give you pleasure and you have them as an adornment don’t apply Putnam’s Painless Corn and Wart Extractor, for in twenty-four hours they would be entirely remov- ed and their beauty destroyed. Now this is known to nearly '-everybody, including your druggists; ask him if is not so. S. McGowan, of Normanby. was in Mt. Forest last week. He says he lost 840. Seeding is completed in this locality. DIDN’T MARRY FOR MONEY . s. 3. N0. 1, NORMANBY. SCHOOL REPORTS- ORCHARD Mr. John Campbell put up a new fence along the front of his place. and ï¬nished by leveling the roadside so that a sleigh can get along the fence when the road is bare. The peo le of this heat commence Statute Labor on ‘hnrsday, with Mr. Noble Wilson as pathmaster. Mr. Findlay Clark visited Mr. F. Kins- man on Sunday. ‘ .Mr. Sam. Lawrence was arnund buying tunber on Friday. YOU OUGHT TO KNOW THIS : Bronchitic Asthma. can be cured by inhaling Catarrhozone. So says Cap- tain McDonald. of Kingston, Ont., who was positively cured, after years of suï¬ering, by Catarrhozone. Mr. John McQueen attended the Farm- ers’ Institute meeting i.u â€urlmm, and reports a very interesting and instructive programme. Mr. Willie Wilson spent: tow da 8 last week visiting his sister, Mrs. Hugh ’iLson. of Singinmption. , Mrs. Dinsmore, Sbubenacade, N. 8., says: “Catarrhozone cured me perfectly of Bronchitis and Cstarrh of the nose and throat.†We are 3116 to hear that Miss Mary Eccles is recovering rapidly. Mr. wm. Pollock, Blyth, Ont., says: “ Catarrhozone positively cur- ed mo of Bronchitis." Catarrhozone relreves .quickly, cures surely, is safe, pleasant, and guaranteed to cure. Two sizes 25 cents and 81.00. Drnggists or N. C. Polson 00., Hartford, Conn.. 0â€". 0.0â€".â€"o Well. Mr. Editor, the busy season is over ft 3 while and I will try to look up a few items again, 'l‘he Masons are rushing up the walls of Mr. Robt. Matthew’s house. They are al- most thrpugh. Mr. Win. Lawrence made quite an addi- tion to his house. We ex t there is some- thing going to happen. Yever mind. Will. it’s all right. if you feel like it. When a fellow comes forty or ï¬fty miles to see his best girl every two months and stays two or three weeks people expect that he means business. So we expect to have a wedding to report before long. Mrs. Thomas Brown and daughter, Sarah of Holstein. but formerly of this part, are visiting their many friends around the Corners. Mr. and Mrs. T. Keith were visiting friends on this line one day last week. Mrs. Peter Brown, of Holstein, who has been visitiu at Mr. Wm. Hunter’s for the past two wee s, returned home on Saturday. Miss Bella Ferguson returned heme Sat- ulrday after spending some months 111 Ham- i ton. Mrs. Hastie and her daughter Mar . of Traverston. spent Sunday 'with Mr. ohn Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Geddes were visiting at Mr. Andrew Henry’s onSaturday last. VALUABLE ADVICE TO RHEUMATICS Eat meat sparingly, and take very little sugar. Avoid damp feet, drink water abundantly, and always rely on Polsons Nerviline as an' absolute reliever of rheumatic pains. Being ï¬ve times Stronger than any other remedies. its power over pain is sim- ly beyond belief. Buy a large 25 cent bottle to-day, test 1t.and see if this is not so. Polson’s Nerviline al- ways cures rheumatism. Met on May 28. Minutes of former meet ing were read and conï¬rmed. Council formed court of revision members of courttock and subscribed oath requrred by mumcrpal act. ' The following reductions were made : Justus Roedding, 8100; C. D. Knapp. 350; C. Koonig, 3100; the assessor sustained in G. Drierer’s assessment. The names of the persons hereinafter mentioned were put on assessment roll. Wm. Edwards, E. Gadd R. Gadd, E. Al- dred. 1). Gibson. Clark 'l‘orry 6. Forbes. J. Smith. F. Holm, G. Haufmann, Phil. Weber. A. Rahn. Dan. Kreller. A. Feiclc jr., H. Weinert, A. Vollett, Jos. Nason, W. H, Bushnell. Court rose. council resumed for general business. Assessment roll passed as revised by couneil. The following orders issued on treasurer : Sam. Koenig,(x GEidt, Gear 0 Baker m. f. lot20con. 5.1%. Withcrow .White, G. liakeri. s. 9. pt. lot 53 con. _3_ A. Ovenq -- -- Varne, 819,1‘ .Cleary repairing approach to bri Re sideline between lots 63 b4 3, 31 '1‘. Clear-y and J. Heruzberger ren east side apprpach to same bridge. 8:1): Girodat hauling piledriver and driving piles brid lot con, 17, 813.;50 Pat. Far- relly do, 831. 59; .Farrelly on contract M. Krohn for 20 weeks’ keep of widow weigel,§-gq; "Z. 9_lll'k repaigipg bridge a_t r'éii do £31.50â€) Fséréll'"’dn'é6ht}£ét bui_ding sajd bridge, 850; .fl 3.31339 r_e- building culvert lot. 13 con. 158: 16.82.- A. Sei ditching atlotlcon. E" 50c; L. Fuum do ot8con. “56; 6, 83; E.Widmever re sideyvalkinulflepsu‘dt, 91 -- W.$hilling missioner Gni'dinor letting jost2; Mr. Globe 81; vv'Vâ€"v and inspecting Mr. Koeuig g. 81: Mr. Schreiber. 32: Mr; Monica. .16; total sidewalk in Neustadt, '31 - w. shini‘hg'éï¬Ã© yards gravel taken by J. eppler p. m. in 1903. 310.20; M. Murray on account of sal- ary as assessqr, 065: M. Murray Sec-Twas. 8. Grey Spun Show annual grant, 815' Municipal .Wor statute labor lists and collector’s roll paper. $.15: G. Ho f refund of express charges pqstaue. 84.40; Com- missioner Gardiner letting and inspecting 822. Councillors, services at meeting of date. 812.8). Reeve Moriceu and Com. Globe met the reeve of Bentinck re road asked by Peter Wagner. and recommended that Council take no action in the matter. Report adopt- A 4-foot plapk walk to be build from A ton mill bridge to the gate of Noah angel-’3 stable and from there an 8-foot gravel vyalk to the road leading towards the motenes. Council will meet again on J one 17th. GEORGE Horn-x Clerk, A TERRIBLE -IDBION “ Of a gasoline stove burned a hdy hero frightfully,â€-writes N. E. Pal- mer, 0t Kirkmnn, la. “The best doctors couldn’t. heal the running 'eore thst (allowed, but Bucklen’e Arnica Salve entirely cured her.†Infallible for Cute, Corns. Sores. Bails, Bruises. Skin Diseases and Piles. 25c nelldrnggiue. 1m. DURHAM CHRONICLE. NORMANBY COUNCIL. HENRY’S CORNERS. BOOTBVILLE. Crowded out last week â€R'O.‘ 0.9 9â€"4 Much of your future success depends upon the thorough preparation you receive. therefore be careful when you are selecting a school. 1\'o two schools are alike. The excellent reputation that our College enjoys, the large patronage we re. ceive, the splendid success our students have in securing and holding situations, indicate that our School is one of the very best in the Dominica Write for our beautiful catalogue in which you will ï¬nd full particulars concerning our College. If you want t w best in business education you can get it here. Students can enter at any time. Be Thoroughly Prepared For Business. Money thoan at reaeomble rates and on terms to amt borrower. W. J. Elliott, - Principal EING Lots No. 11 and 12. Con. 1, N. D. R. Glenelg. and 11 and 12, on Con. 2. N. l). ., also 13 and 14 on Con. 3, N. D, R., each lot containing 56 acres. or “acres in all. nearly all cleared. Well watered. well fenced. good outbuildings and dwellings, good bearing orchards. In ï¬rst class state of cultivation, within a tew rods of school, 4 miles from Durham. Will be sold en bloc or in separate lots. as purchas- er desires. Easy terms. For turther par- ticulars apply to A. C. BEATON, Nov. lâ€"tf Bunessan P. O. HE I COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Prjcevifle, newly bricked all round. new brick kitchen}, n_ew wmdouws and othel" IIUVV VI IVUI I-Ivvuuv-u, --â€"v- . '__...v improvements. On the premises are a good stable and two never tailing wells. l‘lie place has always done a good business and will be rented right to a good man. The furniture will be sold to lessee. For further particulars apply to. D Melligan Property on George Street. one acre of good laud m good location. I desirable resxdenoe, will be sold on easy terms. Apply to ED. MILLIGAN, Palmerston, or to W. CALDER, Durham. Jan. 17. 19(1). tf OFFICEâ€"McIntyre Block, (Over the Bank Nov 0 tf. Jan. 17. 1900. Will visit Priceville on Friday of etch week from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Ofï¬ce hours: 9 to 12 a. m. 2 to 4 p. m Residence and ofï¬ce, Uld Bank buildings. Upper Town, Durham. Blacksmithing ! W. GUTHBIE, â€" BLACKsmm. T. MORAN, ORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. Shoes made for all kinds of diseased or deformed feet. A CALL SOLICITED. Swedish, Scotch Canadian GRANITE MAHBlE WORKS. Monuments Repaired, and Wm. McCalmon, Notice is hereby given that B law No. 402, of the Town of Durhamâ€"a law for the better sanitary condition of t e town. auditioning u of all it closetsâ€"Willem†into force :n hire 0 ect on the ï¬rst day at July next. .Heavy peniltiea for the infrin out of thug Bylaw are prescribed, an will be strictly enforced. “'31. A. ANDERSON, Durham, May 27, 11. C. Inscriptions Cut on Shortest Notice. GARAFRAXA S'r. â€"â€" DURHAM ?rihted copies of this Bylaw may be ob- tained at the Clerk’s ofï¬ce. and every rate- ptyer of the town is {equested to call and agake himself acquainted with the provi- 91008 of the bylaw. 1.!) no} Pattern, Peerless Separator. â€™ï¬ inch cybndero. 50 inch body. .Sawyer Muse Hamilton. Good tcpur through- out. cnk and Pump complete. 13 Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Mill Streetâ€"In Rear of Calder’s Block. Lower Town, Durham ARRISTER, NOTARY, CON- ' VEYANCER. Eton. Etc. RICK HOUSE AND LOTâ€"THE General Blacksmith. W. s. DAVIDSON, do Go HUTTONO Me D. Go Mo HO_R§E P0 w_ER_ENq1NE, 0011f Public Notice. Hotel to Rent. Farm for Sale Thresher for Sale. STRATFORD. ONTARIO. IIPOBTEB OF AND DEALER IN Apply to THE undersigned wishes to in- timate to the general public that he is reputed to do all kinds Blackemit ing at one price well. Factory made Shoes. 25c cash. Hand mades Shoes, 300. Setting, â€" â€" 100 each. For Sale. JOHN WILSON, Box 104. Durban. or t Mill Wt. A. BUTTERS. Priceville.