West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Jul 1901, p. 8

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THE BIG STORE. Kiii Jam tea, 25c at Cuttonado at “X: yard. li'k' Bleached Conan at Cw yd. ‘ Five pieces 12:4: extra wide Fla: at 9? yard. 20 pr. Men‘s Tweed Pants at $1 l )len's Summer Suits, (Mahmud I Men‘s Book at reduced prices t nun» fur the Slater Mme. all wduced. Regular sizes Men‘s Overalls at 50c pair. “omen :4 Hm.» Black I MM" 1 price l3 ,IIext week tnr )0 Men’s (‘otton Shirts and ”a "Matte Shirt. all wizm i as twat thus.» an \0[ Run Over our women’s Zorseas member that “e um alwrzuions on ("W 0 made ('iothiujr for of charge. sure! thing: w hi” made lul‘flt' J. A. HUNTER. The hot we and every that Rumba“ Screen Doors at $1.25 "m... now" a low items on your want list, and you will save money. Markdown a few Collars ¢¢%4$%%%*%%% Dressy THE BIG STORE. at 3% Pau- h 10)!) pairs \\ own n s ( oxnsers a” SURF, hand up“ stmk, much». to 30” at am, wk 25: Pair 'orsvl J. A. HUNTER. (fumplete “0119:4th newest. idea t'ur Ladies. It makes an uttt z'tctiw suit out ut a mmumn thcss and they (5051‘ but a snug. IMO, 457w and WW mueh. “t' the first to wear them! H Cotton at 51- yd. '{Jc extra wule l-‘lanneletto \\' )u “t lat'k ‘ HNHII ”080. reg ... .‘AL A“ Mir-r demands white, wnmun knows now n-wear Skirts. Blous' '(H'o-I'H. etc. are just nmr jllaf as long as makt- up )ourself. Him! is worth some- ’t wus't- it making an tlwm Ready- m'c .slmwing such 8 Huh summer. Re- “e make any slight lete, same as you pay for in other places all sizes; ’ants at $1 pair. (fuatsand Pants .’ 0' our Ready. or women free 91' pair. Dark Flan. .1 tn "lake 9. Prices regular I An interesting event took place in four Public School at the closing of the holidays on Tuesday afternoon of Ilast week. Miss Irwin who has had charge of the intermediate room for four and a half years and Miss Mere- dith the primary department for three years, were that day. severing their connection with the school andi ‘ their pupils seized the opportunity to express in some tangible form ;' the appreciation of and love for their teachers who have during these years faithleiiy endeavored to would their characters and develop their young gmiads. A number of the parents On Tuesday, of last week, as Mr. 'l‘nimble’s buss Was coming in from the Sta'ion when opposite Hill Street at Mr. Herd’s shop, a horse belong- I3mg to Mr. W. A. Armstrong. ‘which ran away from its own stable where it was about to he unliitched from the buggy. dashed down the street and instantly coming up to the broad side of the buss. bounded across it at the dashboard. overturningit in its flight. Percy Trimble, the driver, and a little boy of Mr. Wm. Tucker’s were the only occupants of tire bus and miraculously escaped injury. Both vehicles were considerably dam- aged and the runaway horse receiv. d some wounds. “CVâ€"CV“ 5-.“ of the Methodist church served meals on Monday and received a liberal patronage. ----ruv-.-u--.U' IVI., “Blluu‘l'c’ “. H. Bunr, furniture, a nice display; \V. H. Thurston. the Advance Job press printing and distributing dod- gets; a large elephant and several ‘ monkeys were excellently represent- 0t! and kept their keepers busy and equally engaged the attention of the spectators. The clowns were as us- ual the cynocure of all eyes. A mounted Calithutnpian band of about a score from Eugenia under the com-I| mand of Capt. Carr were a unique. l aggregation and brought up the rear:I ’ with good effect. Their " long tom ” tiring and cheering for King and country was a splendid closing of the morning pregzani Eugenia won the Utilithuinpian prize and J. W. Herd tit Sons the prize for the best trade representation in the parade. In the afternoon the gate receipts at the? Agricultural grounds were about 52.30.00 and a program of lacrosse,’ races, etc.“ was curled out but havel been, at time of writing unable to' get the results other than Oratige-‘ i ville vs Markdnle lacrosse was wonl by the former, 8 to 4. The concertl in the evening given by Mr. Cameron and Mrs. Wright with Mr. M. K. Richardson in the chair was well patronized and at the conclusion a tine (lislilay of fireworks was gu’enl under the management of Mr. R. N. Henderson to whom much of the success attending the celebration must be attributed. The Ladies Aid t l t l I I ‘ t C C I _ I dl m" ' rneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pléurisy A \\ 1130", “Mb“ 3'01) an . an . 3: and Bronchitis, thousands of whom two \vaggONS " 30°51 “’prese" anon, it has restored to perfect health. W. A. Art-Isil'mlx. Jeweufl' very ar- For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, xiszimlisplay; 1~b""PP“‘"l’dr-V“°°ds Hay Fever. Hoarseness and Whoop‘ \Vuil l'tfpl'f'SUlHUcl; .Dclthst Aiuuay. ing COUgb it is the quickest, surest WWII“? ""l""’-‘"‘"‘“7'°“ OPHaW‘KO" cure in the world. It is sold by all dummy; J- P ”H‘WH' masf”y'.”“:' druggists, who guarantee satisfac- l'is implements, very attractive , “ - r-- ‘ ‘ ‘ A Sons, blacksmith shop, carriage works and bio.) cle displayed on Ihreel waggons; Lloyd Scully, butter Midi eggs; W. Moore. hniness maker, workman at the bench; W. Clayton. boots shoes. 1: fine display ; I). Mc-i 'l'au'ish, blacksmilh and carriage winks u ell represented; M. K. Beag (on. timber dealer with large stick' of timber and workmen thereon ;l Vauideleur String Band gave muchl mnuseinent with their music and un- iclue Ollliil; l". A. Baker, tailor shop, nmchines humming; John Nuhn, woollen mills, loom and spindles in HpequJOH ; '1‘. Bulmer. photoigrapher, ' picture iiot yet developed; Charles Stewart. dairy, LlOg churn in opera- tion and the whole much admired: i I l i C van, W. A. Armstrong and .i. Nuhn’e waggon being specially good. The brawn and muscle of labor were splendidly represented on several dons by operatives at work. Bells clunged, bellows blowed, anvils rang and on one of Heard Sons’ floats a horse was shod during the parade. : At 10 o’clock the procession formed lat the Baptist. Church and led by the, Collingwood Band for nearly an hour! {paraded the principal streets, going I to and from the Agricultural grounds 'tue effects. M. Richardson (t Co's. Jim-{one dispersing The following“ I Was the order observed: Policeman, 1' ID lull costume, Dr, Emerson Hen-é )dcrson, of Toronto, who was a chur-I ucteristic Hibernian and wielded the baton with effect ; Collingwood Band; I l Mr. R. N. Henderson, President of” :Uomtnitlee in white painted cart'iugei ;' with live-tied coachman; Mr. M. K g i Richardson, .\l. l’., and Dr. Boyle in ' itzull'lugc; committee. H) on horse- ‘ hawk ; Artetnmiu council in carriage ; : .\l. llichurdson Co’s drygood’s van ; I l a I I". (3. liarsledt’s hardware van, a vmy ultmctive display; Fleshertou Baud ; P. Louck’s, flour ; John Hale’s carpenter shop in very neatly framed building; Thompson’s bakery; Herd i The ceiehrstionhere on Dominion { Day was a grand success end the im- 'me:ise crowd of visitors went home , we“ pleased with the dayrs (an. 'Muuy last year were not out. in tune | to witness the 'l‘rude’s procession but iwere hat to be disappointed this year Vand before ten o’clock the streets were thronged with on expectant crowd whose expectations were fully met in the spectacle witnessed by them. Our citizens in oflice and tore and 8’10}! and factory turned; out and vied with each other in mak- ing this part of the celebration a suc' cess. There were some fine decoraol THURSDAY a FLESHERTON . to fight consumption, with Scott'l Emulsion of cod-liver oil, is long in advance. If it threatens, you can pounds. The the lately ap- pomted pastor of the Methodist church here arrived on Wednesday. Our butter factory 1s still to the front in point of make for the pre- sent season. Operations were com- menced on the 14th May. and the make till the 15th June was 46,592 _‘___._I_ "its citizens in the person of W. T. ’Browne, who passed away peace- ‘qully on Saturday evening of last , week. .\i r Browne was in his usual [state of health up to Monday even- ,ing when he was suddenly seized [with that ever-dreaded disease. pneuinoiiia. All that medical skill could do and the attention of kind friends proved of no avail. He was [a prominent member of Court Hol- stein C. O. I". No. 174 of which he lwas Chief Ranger. The funeral ltook place to the Mount Forest {cemetery on Monday and was eon~ ducted bv the Foresters, the pall- bearers being S. Seaman, J. Randell. P. F. Thair, W. S. Horsburgh, R. E. Mickleboro’ and G. Calder. He leaves behind him to mourn his loss a wife and three sons besides his aged father P Browne of this vil. lage, J. L. Browne of Durham and Thomas of London, also two sisters in British Columbia. We extend our sympathy to the sorrow-stricken family. 2 Mr. A. McCreight and bride have settled down in married life, having itaken up their aboie in our village. ! Miss Sanderson, of .Riverview. I’Spmt a few days lately as guest of Our village has again been called upon to mourn the loss of another of its citizens in the person of W 'l‘ "VII-\'u Ilv‘r; all“ at Elle other epipe-intments on the Holstein Circuit on Sabbath last. He goes this week to occupy his new charge in Arthur. tion or refund mofiey. Largéâ€"bggiigs 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. 1m. No Discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excite~ ment that has been caused by Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump~ tion. It’..- severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption. Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever. Hoarseness and “heap- :n... (V-.-A.L Mr. W. P. Crossley is rejoicing over the arrival of a young son on Friday last. Mrs. 8, Kingston fell a few days ago and struck her face on the cor- ner of a table inflicting several severe flesh wounds. ___- . .‘o ‘VIUI‘C.| u' u Mrs. J, W. Henaerson and Miss H. Bellamy. of Toronto, are visiting rel- atives here, The latter will remain for sometime. Miss Ethel GOIdOfl, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. is visiting at Mr. M. Richard- Miss Hattie Cole 18 home from ronto visiting her parents. '-'\ tang, are Visiting the former’. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Strain have re- turned from Ann Arbor for the sum~ mer. MES: Flo Powell. of Toronto, is the gupsc o! the Misses Munshaw. The Misses Southgate, of Toronto. are visiting their uncle; Mr. George Mitchell. l t _. . ’ the address and Lily Boyd to make 6 men :11 It . . . Miss Tessie Philli r w d . the presentntron. In Muss Merednth’s - - . ps’ 9 “.8 room Masters Clarence Defoe and Av;lle,ée Spefld'm‘ h” thdayfi With Harold Karatedt performed the same we town and other friends. duties. Beth teachers feelingly “""-"""'-- thanked their pupils for so kind an ACUTE AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM uxpression of their love. ' Are equally influenced by the al.i Among the large number of visit- must m"§5‘°al 95'9'3“bd“'nl{ power ors in town over the holiday werel.°f. P016?” N91,""l”}*’s equal In Ined~ Ur. ’1‘. Henderson, Dr. E. Henderson. "cm“! "due to ““3 tunes {he Quantity .\lr.JohnGordon, Miss MnyDamude, of any other rheumatnc. remedy. Mrs, 'l‘. Aikenhead and daughter. Mr. Nervnllne our”, because ‘t ”Robes Jos. Arm trong. Toronto; Mr. W. the source of.the d'seaé" l”)?! drives Buskin and Miss Buskin. Guelph; 1t 0“" 0f ”'9 ”3‘9"" l"“{mlme is an Mr. J. Baker. Stayner; Mr. Lo‘u unusually “0°" rheumauc “We. and Karstedt and Miss Thaler, Elmwood; makes. many unusual curee. Just Mr. E. VanZant and daughter and rublt ӣ31813?“ “"33 5'00 have an Mr. M VnnZant. Oukville; Mr. W. attach lhe l‘m'medzate PBSUM will J, Douglas, Collingwood. surprise you. 290- Mr. and Mrg. D. Waight, of Pene IT DAZZLES THE WORLD HOLSTEIN . petrone received 16h: H.000â€"4 *‘0 0.0 H â€"â€"-â€"___ V ‘Quuza‘uuh a.“ Before cloeing school for the holkleye the teacher. Mr. McDonell. held a public exnmlnu- “on which planed ell present. and eve one feel- confident of the enooeee of the on due- who note for exam , , --_- w...‘J ylt'lllh. Egromont S. 8. Convention is to he held on July the 10th, at Fail-burn church. Mrs. W. Amos is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mchleeken. .W........... "a, mu umoorawu In various ways. Possibly the most pleasant time was spent by those who attended the Varuey pic-nic. '1‘ o - Mr. John G. Beaten is rvsbiugling some of bio buildings and beautifying in the hue of fences. etc. We don't see much nf Mr. John (Emsby. but can heat-bis voice bri ings herding. A bigger budget next week. Good-bye, Mr Editor. Pat enjoys the climate. Mr and Mrs. George Bin: Lake picnic last week. and Miss Edwards. of ()wmn nigh: with friends around In 11111 Messra. '1‘. Davis, Charliv Arnott and George Craig are all sporting new top buggies with thuir mum broad smile am witty chat. Mr. Archibald Benton and daughter, Maggie. "punt Saturday and Sunday with Bontmck friends. , Tho numbor of Archioa, Williams. Billy's. ugalcls. and the man in gray. who salts the sheep, are getting too numerous around tho Sau- geen. and should lw looked after on Sundays. Alex. Bilmio and Neil MoGillivmy. pathmmet- era. (lid ‘iusticu to the highway this and last week. 'l‘io buys from the went like tlw gran-l pit to perihelion. \Vho can blame you. boys. Stay with it. ' Mr. \Valter McDonald is lwnm from Camp. 124 talking of "polling up an 51w mmm pa Just the thing for this wwthur, Walter. Mr. and Mrs. '1‘! again after a visit Mrs. Wm. McAlla School closed on Friday last for the summer holidays of seven weeks Our teacher, Miss Bull. is spending hers at the parental home. Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Kells are home . _.... -_ Mrs. Carson. who has been vi~itiug with her daughter, Mrs. Gilbert. re- turned to her home near Priceville last week. Miss Bull, of Sault Ste Marie, on her way home to Brampton, stopped over Friday with her sister, Ella. Messrs. A Dunlop and Sid Gilbert, ol’ Brampton, took advantage of the ominion Day cheap rates on the U. . R. and visited friends here. arriv- ing on'Satnrday and returning: on Monday evening. The Wade Bros. hzwe taken posses- sion of the Crgss far purchased some time m which they Mr. James Cross left Sa urdav fm the States where he inleuds visiting his brother. Then he will leave for the Old Country will play a match Wilh the Scotch- men of Crawford on Saturday next. Miss M. Scheuermann Sunduyed with friends around the burg. Mr. ChristOpher Scheuermann paid friends in Ireland a flying visit a few daysago. Mr. Duncan Campbell In his stock by the purchase as improved of 9. Here- Most of our young f Garden Party at Dow good time. Mr. Dan McDonald is filling his old position in Potter’s. 0”: took in the och and had a Mr. wm Wade spout IaSL Toronto. We may expect 3c in the near future. CORN ER CON CERNS _ --_.-â€"w- vuIU‘I ' UUNL rub it in the next time you have an attack The immediate result will surprise you. 25c. Miss Tessie‘ Phillips, at Wards- ville, is spending her holidays with Alice Brown and other friends. GLBNELG CENTRE. w ‘ coo y.“ *a visit to tlwir daughter? McAllan, of Stratford. Thorge Bilgnie took in VANDELE UR - 'uuu .Il . and remit"; 'g'ood tinm B may expect something Sound. spenta furt' the Centre in merry CHRONICLE. {he I rial: 1p. and parlor. K e July 2. 19m. l .l Home tad Lot in Vane containing, 3 of an are of good Inna uh I: he ofi'ers; or tab. A can! sable for tour or fire I bones in on premises. and a splendid wall a the door. was ho sold amp. I HE UNDERSIbNED HAS A Home and Lot in Vnrnoy containing ALEXANDER BEGGS, July lat. u. ALLAN PARK. I1 Gurafrau Street. Durlum. opposite Campbell’s Livery. Good site for busmess, 1!) foot frontage, good stable fitted toaccom- modate sixteen heroes. For terms 5nd all puticuhrs apply st this oflioe or to the proprietor. ‘l’I‘RAYED FROM THE PREMISES of the undersigned. Lot 15, Gen. 3. W. ‘ G. R.. Bentinck. on or about Tuesday. May '2lst, four yearliugs. 2 heifers and 2 steers. Une heifer was a small red mulley. with gigorin in one ear. other heifer red with some w ite about head. One dark red steer, and one spotted steer. mostly red. Any person giving information as to their whereabouts, will be suitably rewarded, JAMES WALSH, July 3rd. Welbeck P. O- July 2. IWI. â€"â€"-- o.” [I ceived up to the first day of August. 1901. for Teacner. male or female. for S. S. No. 4. Sul'ivan. for balance of year. Ap- ply stating wages to GEO. BEDFORD. Sea-Twas" MOORSBURG, P. 0.. ONT. 73'4st waamfiiswaisazswww§ House and lot for Sale. N ELIGIBLE TOWN LOT - g- has -flesggsegeskslewgesxef TEACHER \VAN TED. Wednesday, July ll], ’01 PI’LIQATIONS WILL BE RE [ARGE ASSORTMENT CATTLE ESTRAY. 1'. P. sum, alumna an tmuun Graduate New York, Philadelphia, and Toronto Optical Colleges. Opportunity to have your eyes pmper- ly tested. freq of .charge. . N o uess work but a scxentnfic certamty. iFfi- cult cases accurately fitted. Au. WORK GUARANTEED. ONE of Sailors reads to -,wear Children’ 8 Hats Ladies' Bonnets, at. FOR SALE. In 'l‘rimmed ‘Millit.ery for the rest of the season. a! never enll at private notion. Miss Dick’s. WILL BE AT THE A. LITTLE. VAINEY. lAm'r mom. e DAY ONLY, m counum 10 l3 ON . 1901. 15 10 75 LIVINGS'I‘ON- In Ih-nli ml Sumla v. J um» (Nth atoll, agud 78 years. 10 WII.I.l$â€"~lllim)_0n 62 ”J- -... u IIIII!'-‘"i'.\ at the l't'sidvm'u «of Hlv IH‘NI. Rrv. I). Sharpe. Mr Jnlm H Miss Bosnia Iiurlmwl Uc‘nl. all t w ‘wv ruvvl. “'u with just treatment will never break. The only corset in the market {but gives complete comfort to the wearer. Leave your order fur a pair and be convinced. The Star Corset . Healy, Flour, Feed, (Hméories, Fruit, Nuts, Confec- tionery, Fresh and Cured Meats at luwest prices. Quads delivered to all parts of raw". PRICES RIGHT s. J. C. Nichol, ()vm: Cmmxu'us ()wutu. -_Iu “('llfim'k MARRIED DIED. \_\'¢f¢lllvmla_\‘ 'k. nvar Allan Park Mr. Andra-w Living. IH‘le'n puma“, b); In: Maury \Villiu m d. a“ u! Hvutilu‘k. others The! ("5 no chance w or k. Every pnir isznadcto order and a petfect fit guaranteed. or no sakL rust proof, and \Vhich has been already introduc- ed, nwds IIO COM' menda t ion to those who know 1‘): e i r superior quaiities over all .l unv 20. 1901 SOUTH END .rer. 3880111118!) be NO hea")' and no da é sary to lo: load in b - andsosim ,l’ ’ Operate it. S. 800”. ‘“ DURHAM. Wt Km» Illmvs III Stock Jill Your (auto: carding II II Excellent Rum-m WOOL WANTED load in broad davlitrht and so simple a child can We have secured the agency for the ccle~ brated Eastman Kodaks of which we have a nice assortment from *1 up. No heavy plates to carry and no dark room neces~ sary to load. You can II" A SIM BROWIIE. best unsornnem of Choice Groceries. Etc. Give us a call and be convinced Spinning. Pulling. c .c will be attended to with despatch. MacFAHlANE E0. o! Clething. Tweeds, Flan- uels. Blankets and Yarns to select from at the very lowest prices. Now is the time to bring in your wool. for which we pay the highvst price in cash or trade. If you are “king I holiday take a Kodak with you. Durham. . 190].

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