THE BIG STORE. Made 01' nice Navy Blue Serge. 'l‘\\'n.picvvs. sizvs '32 to '28, with Sailor Collar and well worth unybixly’s thrcc (lullm's. A limited numbvr left only. Are Most Black Goods for the Fall All are new Full Dress Goods are in. You r \ally should tall and look over our stock of Black Goods in plains and funcys. Durham has never shown such a grand assortmont. Popular Wear. MACHINE ï¬ll, 350 BMW. Sl'MMER CURSETS. 25C New lot. all sizes. and great sellers. Try one pair. Regular priceâ€"50c a pair. Special . . . Clothing We went down to Hamil-l ton last week and bought a large stock of Ready- made Clothing, made by the celebrated tirni, John Calder 00., who failed recently and sold out at a big discount on the 8. We bought them so low that we can easily sell them for less than the ordinary merchant pays for his THE BIG STORE. J. A. HUNTER. Buys' Bib Overalls, each ........ Boys’ Sweaters .................. Buys’ Running Shoes .......... Boys’ Ready-made S. Pants. .35¢ We have a decided advantage over other stores in having our own Dressmakers on the without any delay. It’s al- ways good policy to buy from first shipment in order that you may have ï¬rst choice. Our ï¬ne goods are all in single Skirt Ends or single Dress Ends. LOOK OUT for large sn- nonncoment later â€" possibly next weekâ€"and than get in u fut. as you can sud buy. ANNOUNCEMENT '. A. HUNTER. up. On Monday evening. the 15th inat. there passed away at. hie home on the 8 con.. Artetneaia. Mr. Jonathan llieltling. who bore a lengthy illness with wonderful it rtitude and cheer- lulness. His remaina were followed} by a large funeral t-ortege to the} English church cemetery at Maxwell where interment took place on Wid- nesday afternoon. An appropriate service was conducted by Rev. C. L. Mills in St. Mary’s church, where . the deceased has for many years been enrolled as a member and regularly worshipped. A large number “of tirangemen were present to pay their ' last sad oflice of tespect to adep-trted brother. .\lr. llicltling was one ol the early settlers in Artemesia townâ€" ship, and took a deep interest in Agricultural Societies and all that pertained to the wellare ol the farm- 'tng class. For uprightness of life and character. and kind neighborly qualities. he was highly esteemed in the community where he lived De- ceased was till years of age, and . leaves to mourn his departure a ' widow. two sons, Fred and Charlie. ‘ and one daughter. Mariah, at home. and one. daughter, Mrs. (Reta) Cun- rdell. ol‘ Pelee Island. Mr. W. (i. Collins. Organizer for the Cax.adian Order of Chosen Friends, who has been working here for a couple of weeks in the interests of the Order, has succeeded in his work and on Friday evening lust organized a new council which elect- ed the {allowing officers for the cur- rent term:â€"-Past Councillor, 'l‘hos. A. Blakely ; Chief Councillor, Mrs. M. Wilson; Vice C. C., Mus M. K. Beaten; Recorder, W. H. Bum; Assist. Rem, Chas. Staï¬ord; 'l‘rea.. Mrs. .1024. Land, of Toronto. has disposed of her house and ten. acre plot. of land a mile east. of the village to Mrs. W, Patch, who is now occupy- ing the same. Mr. Patch is very low at present 53313;. l‘UDo’ uuua. uvnuv-u , -.v.u. M Wilson; Prelate. Mrs W. H. Bum; Marshall, Herb. Smith; War den, .\lrs.’l‘. A. Blakely; Organist, Mrs. W. G. Slaughter; Guard, A. \\ilson; Sentry, M. K. Beeton; Medical Examiner. Dr. Carter; Trus- tees. A. \\’ilsou,'l‘. A. Blakely, M. K. Beatou. Improvements continue to be made and among those who are at present improving their properties and beautifying their homes are Mr. A. S. VanDusen painting exterior of dwelling and fence in front; 5â€. R. N Henderson painting excerior woodwork of the cottage; .\ r. W. Strain and Mr. Win. Neil each paint- ing [once surrounding their dwel- lings. .\lr. Neil’s beautifully kept grounds and dwelling were photo- graphed by Artist Bulmer on Friday last. Mr. Wm. Fisher, 4th line. Arteme- sia, lost a valuable mare and colt last week. both being instantly killed by lightning during the storm of Tues- day. Picnics were in vogue here last week. Eugenia was visited by a small party in honor of Miss Ethel Gordon. of Brooklyn, and Miss Rita Uamude, of Toronto. The former left on Thursday to visit relatives in Elora, and the latter returned to Toronto on Friday. A company of seventeen had a jolly time at Belle’s lake on Thursday. and the Baptist Sabbath School picnicked on the Beaver-meadow here on Friday and had an enjoyable time at their annual outing. Mr. Thos. Bannon, Toronto line, had a close call on Saturday last by a kick on the forehead from one of his own horses in the stable. Dr. Carter dressed the wound. and Mr. Bannon will soon be 0. K. again. thankful to have escaped so well. The Foresters’ excursion to Toron- to on Saturday was patronized by a goodly number from here. Among those who took advantage of the trip were Editor Thurston, Wm. Barn- house, Mrs. Fred Buns and Mr. W. H. Hunt. But for timely discovery our vil- laggmigh} have had a conflagration on Saturday evening lust. M'r. W. Pedlar was passing on the sidewalk between W. Clayton’s block and R. Whitten’s shop and discovered some dry debris on ï¬re, which in a few minutea time would have resched a pile of dry wood near by. A pail (1' two of water extinguished the little blaze, which is supposed to hsve started from a lighted match or cigsr carelessly dropped by some passer-by. Lieuts. C. E. Richardson and E. A. Armstrong, with a number of the men of No. GCompany. attended the military funeral given Mr. R. Sproule in Mukdale on Sunday last. Mr. Robert Wright, B. A.. end wife, of Hegersviile, are visiting the former’s parents here. Miss Walker. of Toronto. is the guest of the Misses Munshsw. Mrs. Mc'l‘svish, of Mt. Forest, is visiting her son, Mr. D. Mo'l‘svish. Mrs. W. H. Moore end children. of Winnipeg. are visiting Mrs. Moore’s sister, Mrs. 8. Benton. Mr. and M18. J. Hoooy. of Thorn- bury, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neil from Sum-day till lomhy evening. Miss Flora Martin. of Arthur, in visiting Mrs. War a the Pronbytor- inn Mtnu. Mr. W. 'lhompoon, of Listowol, 3nd R. Thompson, 0! 0mm Sound, are visiting their mother, Mn. Juno [ThompIono THURSDAY. FLESH ERTON . 'l‘he Misses Southgate returned to their home in Toronto on Saturday. I Mr. A. M. Gibson. delegate to the 1 \lasonic Grand Lodge, last week had A the pleasure of meeting an old friend in the person of Mr. Hugh Murrsv, treasurer of the Masonic Grand Lodge. Mr. Gibson and Mr. Murray were companions in Paisley, Scot- }and, over forty years ago, and hav- ging never met since the meeting on ; this auspicious oceasion was a happy ,one. In. Mill“, Mrs. (Rev. Cuyler Ind daughmr. Wipnio. of_ _hitet_:hurgh, tit-visiting their relatives in this place and vicinity. , Mr. Herb. McMillan, oI Wareham. Miss R. Hemphill and Miss Tenn Henderson, of Dundnlk, Sundayed at Dr. Murray’s. Mrs. R. Neilson, Mrs. (Dr.) Ros- borough. Mrs. Leflar and Miss Ray Bannon, spam Friday last with their sister, Mrs. W. A. Armstrong. Master Emerson Bellamy is visit- ing his grandparents in Notawa, and Kendall Mitchell is holidaying at his uncle’s at. Palgrave. Mr. John Gibson left on Monday to MM 3 position in one of the news- pn per oflices in Barrie. Your unsatnsl‘actory experience with other preparations should not influence you against “Putnam’s.†It was the ï¬rst the best, the only painless corn cure. Give it a trial. A corn treated with other remedies wouldn’t do so again if it could help it. Give your corn a chance. Drug- gists who sell only the best always sell Putnam’s Painiess Corn Extrac- Haying is now a. thing of the past for this year, and farmers report a very good crap. Some patches are extra heavy. tor. Miss Jane Reid is at present bright- euing up the old home by her pres- ence. She will be staying for a month or so. Report says “ maybe she will stay altogether.†.\liss Hattie also paid a flying visit to her mother, Mrs. P. Reid, but returned to Chicago Saturday. Mr. Robert. Mathews had quite a. severe sunstroke one of those hot days of last. week, and will not be able to go out in the sun for a month or more. Dr. Sneath, of Dromore. is in attendance. There is a petition going around just now for the Egremont Council to grant 8100 to out two hills oppoo site lots 6 and 7, and is being signed by all who see it. We hope they will do something with them. as they are badly in need of it. The amount asked for is not half enough to make a good job of them. Miss Sadie Brown left. Monday for Hepworth for a few day’ 8 visit dur- ing the holidays. Mr R. Henry and Mr. W. Hunter each got a new McCormick mower from Mr. D. Smith, of your town. Mr. Will and Miss Aggie Hunter and Miss Mary Scott visitrd Hump- den friends Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. 8. Patterson and Mrs. Wm. Hunter were visiting the farmer’s sister, Mrs. Hastie, of Traverston, on Friday last. There was quite a few from around here went to Durham on the 12th, but report nothing very exciting except the lacrosse match. Mrs. E. Johnston and Mrs. J. Leno nox were visiting at. Andrew Hun- ter’s Monday last, Mrs Wm. Walker is home from the North-west on a. month’s visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Henry. We are sorry to have to report the death of Mr. Thoe. Bell, who died on Sunday morning at. the age of 65 years. He has been ailing for some time, but never took to his bed till the week before he died. Mr. R. Watt called on his friends along the line one day last week. l-‘m‘rnâ€"Moonn-aOn Wetlands}, the tenth inst, At the guidance of the bri e'a father. b the Rev. W. Fa nhamn. Mr. Hugh Fix-t , of Markdalo. in Eliubeth Ann, daughter to of Mr. Jae. Moore. of Glenelg. BOYD-Bulsâ€"On Wedneedny July 10th. by Rev. Wm. Graham, at the residence of the bride‘s rents, Mr. Allan Bo d, of Gienroad- en to M 0 Annie Victoria, tighter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bnnhmf Edgehiil. - HICKLIuoâ€"In’ Artemosh. near Maxwell. on Mon- day July 15th Jonathan Hickling, age 69 yrs. McNALuâ€"In Glens] . near Tnverston, on Wed- nesdsy July 17th in Kate McNally. young- ent daughter of Mr. and Mn. Wm. McNally, no escaping the germs of consump- tion; kill them with health. Health is your only means of killing them. Scott’s Emulsion of cod-liver oil will give you thnt henlth, if any- There Is nunâ€"Wlmuâ€"On Wednesday the 10th1inat. at the residence of the bride‘s father, by the Rev. Wm. F nhnreon. Mr. Duncan C, Smellie, of Glen to Miss Minnie, daughter e . of Mr. George W1 can of Egremont. age 18 fears. HEN RY’S CORN ERS. MA RRIED . ‘0... O DIED. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Mrs. Walker, of N. W'. T.. daught- or of Mr. Ruin. Henry, Egremont, came 0" the train on Saturday and railed on her sister, Mrs. W. Clark. who accompaniml lmr home. She has been in wry pnol‘ health. but. is somewhat improve]. Will Leunox. of Doriiocli. is pay- ing frvqmmt visits to our hang, and he spons a high sin-ppm, which doesn’t mm] to value anyhody’s dust. Mr. and Mrs. J Idem were the guesis of Mr. and Mrs. John Carson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lillie. Sr... are going to the Nortla~wost. in about a week. There must. lm sullm Mir-action for our boys out in Nurmanby, as they pay frequent visits there. Mrs. Simmons was \‘ixitimg Mrs Adams, uf Holman). fur at {cw Jays. Some of our boys went to Durham Saturday to invest; in some ponies, but did not like them because they bucked too hard to suit them. Mr. Archie Little I'ccvivevl a letter from his Son, Adam, and he is doing a rushing business in the blacksmith- iug. He reports great. crops. Mr. Wm. Camvron hns built a fence along the from of his farm, which adds greatly to the appearance. An exchange tells how a )oung man whose sister went East to school sat. down on her for getting gushy. She was gone for a tenant] then “rote home a letter and signed it Jessica. 'l‘lmn he wrote back thus: “ Dear sister Jessica: Your welcome letters received. Mammaica and Papaica are well. Aunt Mnryica and Georgica Started for Californica yes- terday. I have bought a. new hors- ica. It. is a beautica. Its name is Monocle. Your Aï¬eetionntei 'n broth- erica Samica.†Her next letter was signed Jess. Canadian wonu-n will ho planned to lvarn that Canada can now boast of a niagazinv which is an authorlt ' on culinary and household suhjovts. w how 04 itors and t-ontrihutora aro Canadian turn and women, and whirl: is puhliahml under t-lu- distinguish-d iatronago of tlw (‘ounteas of Minto. 'l‘lw initllaununor nuiulwr of tho. (‘ANADIAN llovszxrznl'rzic is particularly intorcmting and in- structivv, containing t-xm-llont art “"03 on “'l‘hrw (.‘lasmm of Ilouawhold \Vorkt'rs, " by H. A. Nelson. Kingston; “Manual Training in Schools.†hy Sugden Pickle-:4. lirmrkvillv; "'l‘lw Nomi of Do- nwstic Science.“ hy Elizalwth May 'l‘orront-v. (‘hau‘auguay Basiui Qua: and “ Household E 'ononiic Reading ('luhs," hy Miss A A. (.‘howu. Kingston. A svnopaiu of tho growth of Donn-Mir Sch-nu- and Manual Training throughout tlu- Dominion is giron in_a coudvnavd readable goriu. “ 'l‘ubh- Topics." hy Mrs. Mary (.‘. Bradley. Hum- ilton, is n drpurtnmnt whirh is proving wry lu'lpfnlas the recipes art- not too olnhornlo for use in tho uwmgu homo. rontniningnmny am- Solmble “wipes and ltsvi‘lll dirt-«lions for ll-tosw engage-d in culinary work. Xott-s frolu the Household Editor nrv always timely and this month tho now do mrtnn-nta. “ Homo Hints and Helps," and “Tank: and Home Dvoorations" will lie-greatly npprocintvd. Among tho manv short :u'ticlos whirh will he found interesting may lm nusntlonvd “’l‘lw Preparation of Coma.†" To Make Good Toast," " (lure of the Refrigvn utor," "Art in llonsmvii'vry." “Summor Drinks." â€Industrial Art." etc. Much inn-rusting news is giwn from tho many assoointions of women as to what is heingdono by tlwm. 'l'ho nmgnzim- contains uhout :30 pngw; of matte-r and is Well illustrated. ()no dollar at. year. (,‘ANAIHAN HUL’SBKEEI'EB Pin. (30., Toronto. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey, in the matter of the Estate of George Wilson, late of the Township of Egremont, in the County of Grey, Farmer. Deceased. Notice to Creditors NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN L pursuant t0__R. S. 0.. )897, flap. 129, __ vv '__ Sec. 3Q and amending acts. that all persons having claims against the estate of the said George Wilson. who died on or about the ï¬rst day of November A. D. 1886. are re- lnired to send bv post prepared or to eliver to J. P. 'I‘elforil. of the Town of Durham. Solicitor for the Executor, on or before the their names, addresses and descriptions and full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified. and that after the said day the Executor will proceed to dis- tribute the Assets of the Deceased among the parties entitled thereto. havint; regard only to the claims of which he 3 null then hav'e notice. Dated this 2nd day of July A. D. 1901. A. H. Jackson, Private Money to Loan : Farms Bought and Sold. Insurance Agent, etc. LOWER TOWN . - DURHAM, The Canadian Housekeeper. Notary Public, Commissioner. CONVEYANCE 11th Day of July A. 0. won, Old Aooounts and Debts of ell Kinda Collected on Com- VARNEY. :-MacKenzie’s Old Stand, *0..- J. P. TELFORD, Solicitar for Executor. ONTARIO. l A Scotch Shorthorn bnll. rising: 2 years old. hred by John Anderson. Mavtield. (int by Gladstone Statesman. he ivy British Statesman. imported. 20833; Dam. l’inkey. by Irene Duke. second dam Venus. by Sir Walter Scott. third dam. Jessy. by Lan- ca§ter Comet. Terms. $1.00. payable Jan. 0 1902. July 10th, 1001 "(H'SE AX!) LU'I‘ON Ql'EEX ST. THE llrulwrl)’ of Mrs. J. L. Bruwuu. 'l‘lw lmum- contains 12 rmmm. mmvmnivntly situated. and quite nowâ€"would mukc- an excellvnt [warding Imus-w. A pply m Bunessan, April 17, 1901.â€"â€"2 m. pd. and on very now an mum. ... .. ..- cost. That is the reasonl wh people all over the country pass by other ï¬nders and He Has 3.0“?“ Y9â€; HE â€ALSO undertakes the collection of m Notes and Accounts, and it is a pretty bad claim that he cannot make some money out of no charge for his trouble if not collected. How to Grow In ï¬rst-class Companies and at lowest rates, draws all kinds of writings. arranges business quarrels. efl'ects settlements with creditors, sells Ocean tickets, buys old notes and always has on hand farm and village nropertiesAwbiqh he is willing to trade or He Does Fire, lite . . and Accident Insurance p70 [“08 wmcn [ID ID wuu exc auge for other prOperty. WI IVIIVV w-uâ€" - v..- , in the «$131303 counts for something and enables H. H. MILLER to do your bgsineu with proï¬t to you u well an to N. B.â€"-A Special Bargain is ofl'ered on Lot 28. Con. 2, W. G. 8.. Bentinck. mo acresâ€"Dawn an: milesâ€"owner gone West and bountl to sell. .he Paris Purple. Blue Stone. Hel- libore and Insect Powder. PURE DRUGS OF ALL KENDS. Try our Cream of Witch Hazel. an exquisite toilet lotion for ronghnes of the skin, sunburn, etc., etc. Calder Block WOOL Jill Your (lustom {lardlng HI! Excellent Hssortmcnt We Keep leavs In Stock S. SCOTT. Fishing tackle at half price. JOHN A. DARLING For sale at very low hitures and on very easy bound to terms. . Faym lauds aye mcg'ease 111 price and now As Paris Green JOHN G. “EATON. I’mp. Lott! 3 0011.3. N. 1).“. Now is the time to bring in your wool, for which we pay the highest price in cash or trade. of Clothing, Tweeds, Flau- nels, Blankets and Yarns to select from at the very lowest prices. Spinning, Pulling. c., c. will be attended to with despatch. best assortment of Choice Groceries. Etc. Give us a call and be convinced. For Service. For Sale. t f. Pure J. 1.. BROWN 1'} WANTED Photographer. Durham. Fall Wheat . . . . . . Spring Wheat“ . . Oats. . . . .. ..... Peas Butter . . ‘. . .‘ ..... Eggs per dozen“ Apples per bag . .. Potatoes per bag. _ Flour per cwt i lOat meal per sack Chop per mm. . . . a Dressed Hous per Hides per lb. ‘Sheepskins Ul‘urkeys pm 11).. E “'UU] ......... ?Beef.... ..... Drimi Appies . . . ,Ducks pm- pair .. iGreese per 1b,. . .. building luts. in mm nf the most JBI-‘il' able parts ut the hm 1:. Plans of the survey may be seen at. Mr 'l‘vlfurd’s “Rice. or lots may be examined by auplyum‘ m_ lum. Prices right. 'l‘erms "tn sil'IVi'’liéwinui'thluvlgli': Excellent oppmltuuity fur cash buyers. Fur further particulars apply to Mus. 'I‘umus JACKSON. formerly Mrs. Middaug’h. Clinton. Out. H “055‘, all [nll'tivs having notes or ac- counts due me will vall and settle the same at theleleplmne uliice without. delay. All lmles and accmmls ux'or due will be placed in cuurt after Aug. 15th. 1101. J. C. Healv, Grocery 6: Provision Store. .-\\'l.\'(Ԥ DISPUSEU 01" MY BFSI- Druiux. JULY CHOICE AN n \‘ALU ABLE MARKET REPORT. Flour, Feed. Groceries, Fruit, Nuts, Confec- tionery, Fresh and ,Cured Meats at lowest, prices. Goods delivered to all parts of town. F t n. SA ,1 c. Native. 24, 1901. ,8 GO W. LAIDLAW. IO :50 SOUTH END 62 62 4O H 10 I If you want it 3 0 ¢ g take it‘with 3 a Kodak. g c“ ‘â€MMMC c‘“mmmd We have sm‘III‘Iin â€l0 Ilgcnav for the Celt» bIIIted I IIstmIm KodIIks of \IlIiolI we. have. II nice assortment from *1 up. No lIeIIvy plates to carry and nu dark room neces- saI v to load. You 0 an load in luuad dIuiigrlIt and so simple II child can 0pm ate it. TRY I $I.’00 BROWNIE. July 26, 19m. MacFARLANE El]. If you are taking a holiday take a Kodak with you. Durham.