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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Aug 1901, p. 4

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IHNOCEHTS ABROAD ~ ROUGH/N0 ITâ€"-»THE BABES IN THE WOODS. crowds that flock Ilmll call " ed the pier of night we ing into Ilu boats swan a source of min. Hm without du our stal'bou Ah! sighed Mac ash overboard fro: DURHAM CHRONICLE DURHAM, AUUCS‘ 1.7m. 1901. vonce m 1 ing in sw “Not much ” kw w; “only a memory.” He then lapsml in could see by Hm far-c his ayes that he was gone days when) be u the Bay with his [ms chained him with t our baggage hmug llgnl troubled with porters. town looked its best, lighted up, both with g tricity. After getting we had tea and then at. a tour through the stree other places with the 0] ing Rothesay “after hc Fair time. After leaving the i we started up the High Street v is) a very pOpuIar resort for Lila Fair folk. although its uttmc never impressed me very much. joining are the ”r Vastle’ an an and historic structure, the Pulic tice. one or two whiskey shops 6 voice While in thia vicinity we, by way of amusement. tried looking for lodgings. With this object in view we entered a close, and after getting through a Very zig-zag shaped lobby lound a door. Knocking at. this. it was opened by an oiti lady who quer- ied in good broad Scotch. " Wch W hit is’t ye’to seekin’.” Mac toplied in very dignified Style, "Lodgings for two gentleuwn.” “I’m sorry to say sir. that a’ ma' had. no ion’," replied the old lady. "Whtt’s that '9.” said Mac, “all your boot-tiers fou’ ? lac found by this time that the old My was not so simple as she looked. and. politely declining her ole! o! thecoal-bunker, we took our luv. without. further discussion and looked for no more lodgings that night, hot “rolled in the direction of the “pl-node. Aboot 11:30 p. m. the streets were becoming donned. We took a seat but tho bond ”and and hadn’t been ‘horo long till on old woman carrying o Inge boskot came along and sat. down on s an: beside a young fellow tho: was loodod up lot the night. “1 Ion,” said she, "it’s gey cheap. but I dinna want to be hard on ye nine. yo’ro has Glesga.” “NOW Sir, [said uaithing’ 0' the kin’. I said ma beds were fun. But sir. ye look like twa wee men. I'll tell ya whit. I'll mak a sbakedoon for ya in the pawn and only charge yo "I: Ibillin apiece.” “Now that’s exceedingly generous of you.” said Mac, “but, are you sure two Ibillings is not too little; they could not give as cheap rates at an hotel.” Mac than ehquired if she hadn‘t a furnished coal cellar or a lumber-room that we could deep in for the night. ”0’ ay.” she said. ”I’ve a’ that, but they’re a' euguged, an’ I’ve nae- thing :00 but. the pantry and the coal bunker. Hoo wid the coal bunker suit ye? I’m thinkin it. wid due fine for ye." Accompan ”WI: GLASGOW NOTES. A ”0' flu I. In A ml \V b? n It A In. Sit Auol '. IRWIN. Editor and Preprietor. ,ot ashor MS ll D \\ uolidays many or the ads of this busy city I g at Rothesay every \ me. On account of it flock here at this re not to bk had for . The result is that 1 I8 visitors have to r night, or like the [a p in the \\ ouds with 11 green award for a bed as for a covering. no: 'obiu to cover them ‘ tiwrsugztin who have ire to wantipr about. 1' of tho Police Stat )VVEVCI‘ “'I'OI ll H streets. woods and he object of study- er hours", during leaving the hotel, High Street which resort for UlaSgow gh its attractions 0 very much. Ad- USU Ml awll ight w the music we reach IS OI')‘ ti ll H‘ exwmsw: inking of lto row a! :irl while y, that. for mmml Glas- of the toil sy city have every \‘ear. \V Wt the r' 8 W l‘he woods anl tof study ’9 . . (lurin. [I h an ancient .lH)SUCh Pul‘wifls have no out seek for love hat hun- to roam l8 fabled ith noth- Station. do their stranded ll “I“ the whom I a reach- 'shades . steam Jf TOW- hh‘ were HI‘ Cap‘ hrough ODE Exhibi- n doubt your rd this { a visit g-placv and of asgow. of y on I the the time am U m the mily out She her ll tty of Ii If )l‘ Will I now? “Share an it’s aflher jokin yez are. Cud I not coax yez to sing yerself ? ” "Me do ye want Mrs, hie, :30, Me, tau: sing.” "If yez plaise.” .. Wull I gie you ? somthin’ Scotch?” "Scotch whiskey’ll do, but if it’s a «ong, ye’ll be afthm' given me. let it, 5a.,mthin Irish.” "H00 wad Father O’FIynn please \Vha’t the rest? I forget it. "Au’ it’s a singer ye’ll be arther thinkin’ )0 are. Shure’n I’ve heard an ould cow wid a broken voicé tm'n out swater music. If ye can’t sing hether net that I’ll go to shlape. The, (livil a bit 0’ me wud be bothered listhin to the likes 0’ ye if that's all yr. aftllel' singiu’.” Suiting the action to the word she rolled under the seat and rulling her shawl. tightly around hcr soon begun to snore, giving un- mismkeuble evi'leuce that She was in the land of dreams. "But I’m doun for ma holidaysâ€"hie the noo, 3:" I’ve lost In::.-- Me. board an place an â€"- hic â€" a dinna. ken whaur I’m leeviu’. "Phot do ye think av that '3” she axked, slapping him on the back "Share au’ isn’t it good for an ould woman.” “An’ by the» piper that played Bar- my Brnkey to his last could bedâ€" rist his sow]. It’s a foine spicimen yo are) av 51 man on a holiday. But niver moind; listen to m? sing: « ‘ “Oh it’s gruun’, it’s.â€"hicâ€"abo«;t’s woel’s I cauld dae't mysel. But. gie’s anither sang." :5 “Trmh then your bed must ")3 a clivil’u place! if it’s no bumhel‘ ’In an uuhl cuulcl wudvlen SNO." By the time daylight had fairly come we heard the old familiar cry, Haw. Wull. Looking through the bush, wc saw ayouth busy beckoning to a conipani<_m some distance off. The couple on passing us enquired if we had seen twa young fellows com- in’ oot o’ the wood. "Yis lonely. ” said be. but I’m lilo- comfortable here as, him-if was in bed.” “Shure it’s yourself that’s thol lonely lookin’ crathur sittin’ there, like a motlwrless goat on the Hill av; Hawth.” she exclaimed in a voice that. showml her nationality at once. ”What were they like"? we en- quired? ' "Oh one 0’ them wiz a. wee fat fel- low wi a hooker-«loan, (a peaked cap) un’ the ither had a straw basher, (hat) like mine. We replied that two an- swering the descrsption had gone in the direction of the town a short time before. After thanking us they Started in pursuit of their chums. A few minutes later two old men met and we hez~ rd the following dia- logue;-â€" ”Huo’d ye sleep Tam, had ya a guid night. o’t? “ \Veel. Isleepit vcery comfortably tillaboot daylight when the midges begoot tae bite ma faice. ” “Did yeno’? Why maun they’ re in thoosan’ s an’ what nippets they hflle. Ye’d actually think they’d tak a bite oot yer lug.” "I’ve sleepit there a’ niht an they didna bite me.” “But. mebbe ve’r skin is no as ten. Jer as mine. A guid lot depends on that. Ye ken John. hoow’a I’m gaun doon to wash in the saut watter to ml: the nippie ool o’t. “Midges! I didna think there wud be mndges up there ” This may be a cheap way of put- ting in holidays. It may be very ro- mantic to sleep ”under the’green- wood tree ”, but excuse us. We had seen enough and returned to Rothe. say to bed and to sleep. perfectly satisfied that a comfortable bed was our best reward for a night of wun~ daring. So ends our Fair haliday in After this we walked thn ugh the wood and found numbers fast asleep daylight and midges having no efiect on them. This nignatnra is on every bog g! the genuine Laxative Bmmo-Qunme m “WU“l“-~~ Rothésay. “ The best share.” “A’ light, here goes.” 0, Father O‘Flyun. ye‘w a wmwrfnl way win! ya. all the mild unmet-s arrâ€"hie - l'm Uirish bro-d an' born‘ [hail from Killalno, I M! me lmnw whin a shlipawa gin], Singiu \V hack fall-31410. r00. 9’ THURSDAY. 6 Q7205? Before you start for tho PamAim-rivan Exposi- tion. decide wne-ro you will stay in Buffalo anal than how- nothing to do with the gang of hungry guides and solicitors that will beset you in ”w city. Insist u on going to tlw private home of W. 8. Norton. l'o. 23 Bremen Street. where you will he ,tnacle comfortable. Lodging 501-, to $1.00 ffoi' earh person. So crowding. Mc-als 23c. I Take Haynes and Hoyt car from Main Strwt and . get, 03 at Bremen Strum. Convenic-nt to all car lilws. Ranietnlier._ 23_Brtfliwn Street, between Mr. (:90 Black who “as employ ed in the ()“en Sound freight sheds since swing. “as called to 10: onto on F riilay last tn till a partition as guard in the Insane Asylum. Congratulations George. Mr. and Mrs. John McVicar were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Beaton, uf Bleshertnu, on Sunday lust. Mr. E'duard Sullivan, accmnpanied by his cm in Miss W ebster 'peut Sunday last in Mt. Forest. Mr. Maurice Connors, of the 6th, in, com- pany with three of Pomona’s fair dumsels, passed through our burg one evening last. week. Maurice knows a steady job when he gets it. What we would like to know : «s What did white. house Johnny see on the hill, and if the fish were biting well on Aug. lst. ‘ MacFarlane Co. While Mrs John McAulifl, acwmpauied bv Mrs. Michael Mchrath was drising along 013 Tilesda): of las_t wepkjhe horsg became frightened upsetting the buggy and throwing the occupants to the ground. Mrs. McGrath escaped unhurt, while Mrs. Mc- Aulifl' sustained severe wounds about the head. We hope to see her fully recovered SUOII. WEEK BACK AND SPINAL PAINS. Harvesting- is now in 'full swing. .The (em-l weather of late has delayed the ripen- ing of craps, ' - Mrs, \Vm._Nuble,_ of Termite, who is Spéndihg a few weékq with her' parents Mr. and Mrs. D. McRae. 0f Irish Lake, called on friends in Pomona on Sunday. Pains in the back number their victims in thousands. Only very powerful and penetrating remedies will reach these distressing com- plaints, but Polson’s Nerviline is as sure to cure them as anything; in this world can be sure. Rub Nerviline over the sore parts night and morn- ing, and see how quickly it drives out the pain. Five times stronger than any other. Good for internal and external use. Large bottles- "5c Vermont. and lihoile Island Streets. The Reeve reported having expended $609.87 in building new bridge on Durham Road near Durham and repairing sundry old ones. The several road COIDmiSSlOIIBI’S reported the following expenditure on roads since last meeting of council : No. 1, $257.70; No 2, 820908; No. 3, $177.25; and No. 4. $189.99. _Reports ordered to be received and cheques issued. Bentinck Council met at Dornnch on Mon- day. the 5th Aug. Members all present. Minutes of Court of Revision and meeting of 27th May last read and passed. The following accounts were ordered to be paid : C. J. Mickle, of ()hesley, $60 tor land taken for deviation on lots 15 and 16, can. 3, W. (LR; $1.55 to registrar for reg- istering deed fur said deviation ; $5 to John' Dunsmore for taking one Cameron to the hospital at Owen Sound; $11.75 to John Brown for work done by his directions on Brown for work done by his directions on tuwnline lientinck and, Normanby ; $7.73 tn Chas. Meyer for making 61 rods and 11 feet. of wire fence, and $1 to John Patterson. fence-viewer, for examining said fence; :1: 25 to the reeve for 15 days time re Beat- un’s ditch townliue Beutinck and Sullivan; 56 to the assessor for e ualizing assessments L'. S. S. Nos. 1. 2 8: 3%. and B., 32 to John Cbllinsou. pathmaster. statute labJr money paid in b Mrs. McDonald for part lot 42, con. 2, \ . G. R. The following grants were made :~$5 to clean track along side Skeue’s bridge west of Garafraxa r'oad ; $5 to to Elmwond public library: 350 additional to be spent 0d roads in each of the four road dwxsions. 'l‘hos. Bailey was {unpainted pathmaster in place of Andrew vamgtoue deceaxed. Council adjourned to meet at the Royal Hutel, Elmwood, on Monday, the 16th day of September next. The clerk was ordered to notify parties who had ut brush and timber in River “t x crossing ots 1, ‘2 and 3 of? con. 1 W. G. 1%., to have the‘same removed atonce. "Applications for the office of Collector received from D. McDougall and W. ’G. Hastie. D. McDougall was reappointed at the same salary and with same sureties as last year. ‘ been reada first, second and third time were ordered to be passed, signed and sealed. From frightful disfigurement Mrs. Mannie Galleger, of La Grange, Ga., applied Bucklen’s Arnica Salve to great. sores on her head and face, and writes its quick. cure exceeded all her hopes. It works wonders in bores, Bruises, Skin Eruptions, Cuts, Burns, Scalda and Piles. 250. Cure guaranteed by all drugginta. 1111. ~ By-law 6 tu levy 3 mills for townshi rate, 1 8-10 mills for county rate and 2 rm [9 for general school rate and B y- law‘No. 7 levy- ing school, ra tags for the cllgrent‘yegg' having L..__- Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early appliéation of proper lenses. Present neglect means future trouble. ' Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight. Dru ggists 8L Booksellers. BENTINCX COUNCIL. Rooms at Pan-American. TO SAVE HER CHILD. POMONA 00.9-0 9â€". 0.0 P-O 0.0 .â€"~‘ IMPLEMENT WAREHUUMS THE LEI RG EST STOCK Do You Want a Plan. a Harm. a S( ufticx, on u Cream Separatol I“ If so “H can suit you to a T. Just Received For Sewing Machines Organs and , Pianos, give us a trial. REPAIRS of all Kinds constantly on hand. ' C. McKlNNON, Lower Town, Durham Perhaps you need a new Bu ggn We can supply you at astonish ingly low prices. from be up to ................ 250, Table linen, 54 in. wide, yd ...... 25¢ 'l‘able Oil Cloth, 45-in wide. 250 Bn'ggy dusters from 600 up to. .1 :30 24 only glass table sctts. (-acli. .. £3.30 :30 only glass berry bowls, each” 100, Nappies per doz from 3.30 to. .. . . (350 4 only genuine oill paintings on canvas, ‘22 in. by ‘26 in. with 4 in. gold leaf frm’nesmacli only.1 {i0 Toilet soaps. a cake up from... . :20.- He Sells CHQAp! Piques in white and fancy, yd. ,. Dress Gingham, just the thing for childrens’ dresses.yd. 7 and White and cream silk gloves, pr. White 'l‘afl'eta gloves, pr. . . . . . .. White and black silk mitts Ladies’ and childie us ’undetvests Don’t forget us when you want a pair of'shoes, as we carry a full line of the Celebrated Sterling Bros. make of Shoes. Pumps from $2 upward. Shop open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and pI‘OP' erly attended to. Pumps ofall Kinds. W. H. BEAN. W. D. CONNOR Big 4, “"6 always have a full line of the best. Groceries. WOOL HII Your (Zustom (Zarding 11:: Excellent Hssortment we Keep leavs in Stock S. SCOTT, Galvanized and 11011 Pipâ€"- ing; Brass, B1 ass Lined and 11011 Cylinders. The Se: son is now on when fur- mc-rs will find a pressing need to get Some laborosuving device to km'p up "Vi”! Hm tinuw. and as we have Of Farm and Domestic Impleo lm-nts ever seen in Durham, it will certaluly pay intruding purchasers to Call and 593,91” goods bthl'O [oln‘t'lmsillg FISC- where. t RECOlved a Large Stock of tho. best Wagons made in Canada. and we are bound to sell them at, Rock Bot- tom Prices to make room for our Harvesting Mucllinm'y. \‘clnivll will be here in good time. McKinnon’ys Now is the timo to bring in your wool, for which we pay the highest price in cash or trade. of Clothing. 'l'wucds, Flan- nels, Blankets and Yarns to select from at the very lowest prices. Spinning; Pulling, ¢.:., 8L0. will be attended to wit“. despatch. best assortment of Choice Groceries. Etc. Give us a call and be convinced. Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€" ,W. II. CONNOR. WANTED Furniture warcrooms. See Here! STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES of the undersigupd about the 15th of July, :1 Gray Cow with turnedoiu horns, givnng milk at time. Reward. . tf Cum. Mommies; Bath-II. l a. .0 .I .C .‘.I.. .II xOI CI .4.I. .I I R... murmhhha 3.9.9... ...... ...... 3.... 39...... e JNO. A. DARLING (5m Here for Your Stationery DURHAM, - ONTARIO New and Beautiful Things in Don't expect us to describe them! Be sure to come and see them! We ofier a magnificent array of Watches. Clocks, Rings and Jewellery. mmmmmmmxw Shewcll s; Ecnaban. All Kinds of Feed kept in stock at the lowest prices. Shorts, per 100 lbs Bran, per 100 lbs ..... 10 lbs. Rolled Wheat. School Books and all rived. Books pur- chased here, covered free of charge. ~mz'z mm a GEORGE LAWRENCE Best Milverton Flour, pvr hz-u- A. GORDON CHEMIST AND DRI'UGIS'I‘ r01 Cow Astra y. The Furniture and Under taking business formerly carried on by J. A. Shewell will henceforth be known by the firm name of Shewell Lcnahan, a partnership having: been formed for the transaction of business. ()ld CuStomers and new ones are resyectinlly l‘vquea‘tcd ti. call and visit us in our new Show Rooms in the Moln- t) re Block, next door to tin- Bank, where we will be found night and day to cater to the wants of all. Special Drives . . in furniture . . During the Holiday Season. '1'1lisis the. place to come when in mood 01° the fulluwing‘ : Lower Town. Durham. DRUG STORE 1'91' 100 . $1 00. the very 906 Sic Hr, ._ 715 7w 7:» ___- «a; a ; ’ Q 7 \ Wk '4» , ggl=a 5 g 5 (Ain’t, 8’87] ’ \‘ 7N 7w 7w 7w 3', Q9}, _\'I,__\ “I, 3“?! \VI. “10‘ , (’59,. ‘mfi A": 5",! 5 (AS \‘V/ \‘V/ ’11? fln‘ '1 -uc- ¢â€"‘ “‘I" “Y," “I” “7,’ .‘11’ «o: a. -¢.' ‘9- § ‘ '1.\\ 619‘ (.9 c.) - $242325“ .'0 o o . It? 3:4 04‘“ \x?“ 0.? \x?‘ a? 3 ‘ 'x \u t. M? M? mcfiwgmm _ oq'o" . HATS AND CA PS in all styles and at lowest prices consistent with quality. OVERCOATSâ€"Dandies {or $10.00, cheaper ones if you Wan! them. ' SUITSâ€"The very best, for the money in the latest stylvs. li‘OUl‘ W 1'] \ll â€".\lou's, Women’s and Children's Bo 3:55, Shoes. ()vmislmuS, Rubbers, etc.. etc. From Head to Foot NDERWB “UK You must see it to appreciate tho quantv. ENT’S FURNISHINGS â€"Coilars. Ties, plain and fancy shirts uf high quality and low price. FRESH GRDJEQIES ALWAYS IN STOCK. \f; I-) (; ICU {ANTEFJ SA'I‘ISI~‘.-\CI‘10N . Vln‘ ‘ b"? -’ ‘5 o. O 'fli‘ 7] ‘ u '0' 9:}, J"; :3”. 5",; s‘ 70" 73"“? -- "1.4.": 'm‘ “It? '1‘? '2‘ v, A3]: égré ’m‘ A A ’41 1% mm “a CASH SYSTEM . Fchrthur, c' and Bargain Tables. WE CAN FIT YOU and Repairing Herc ”15(- » from Quebm, Montreal and Toromo. .se of about 820.000 worth of Full rush out our prvsem stock to make so stovks of firm-class Boots and gran rmlucuious at lh'aytou, ()m-u ms was» ,3 as as as be. [,8 as ,5. [,5 as. be» I, ," -' -' --. A.-." " All! "a"." Sm £4 :4 so 474 Si: ‘34 Sq $4 .54 Sq S4 S4 ¢ PEEL, IMMENSE HEARING SME OF SUMMER FOOTWEAR! August I 5, [WI . McKechuies’ Old Stand THE SHOE MAN ‘0', ’ Q '49 ‘Q/ ‘ I O . Q ’30? 'l‘\\ Q‘ "4 S": 'm‘ \‘”0 7.0 \L a” NI. '0

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