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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Aug 1901, p. 5

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mey tn Luau at reasonablu rates and on terms tn mi! bummer. ”PFNII-Tâ€" - McIntyre Muck (Over the Bank.) This Week's Shipments. UARION HARLAND COFFEE POTS. HOUSEHOLD SCALES. CARPET SWEEPERS. BUGGY RUOS’ AND WHEELBARROWS. Our Preserving Kettles. ()Il'wa Imuh‘: ‘Jtu 12 3 m. 2 tn 4 p. In RusMHu-a and uflica, UM Bank buildings. Upper 'I‘uw n, Durham. CON - NOTARY. EN. Eh I L . RI RE TV. .5.\. l.\. RV. um.“ \ \ I) l *W. GUTHRIE. Bunercup Rocker Chums. Blacksmithing ! Dom and Window Screens. WI. WHITHORB. begs to an- “AIAI‘RAXA S'r. HH’HMTIIZR UP AND DEALER IN Swedish, Scutch 8: Canadian w lid to Ohmic}. 06a. Coupe! and Tin Boilers. \Vm. McCalmon, monuments Rvpalil'cd. and Durham 50mm". “ember Cullcgc Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario». GRANITE MRBlE WORKS. nuance that he has nnw removed hi! lilackuniming busing“ '0 Cochralle’fl “M shuui‘ “here be “ill M 9'93”" '," anmul m all the requirmnems of Ins ulcl ('Hshlfliflf.‘ and when. Sundae Hun guaranteed. WM. WHIIMORE. \V. S. DAVIDSON, J. G. HUTTON. M. D. C. M Machine 01!, Harness Oil; Axle Grease and 11001 ()intment, go to We- are still selling Preserving Ko-rth-s at, w-ry low prices. Sm'ult: one while» you have 'Ill‘t c-hance. This week’s shipments con “fund the following: If you quuin» a Churn. ex- amine our Blulcrcup Rocker (TInn-u before pmchasing any other. as there is nothing to them Have yuu seen the display Hf Knives and Forks in one of Mir \x'iwlmvs. I)” not hm- (hia‘ nppurtunitj' ut' mpplying yuur wants. Tho- dvmzmd ha“ been so great that we have been obliged .to Buy in another stock of Screen “mus and “indow Servens. No home is complete without August 1 5. 1901. “'9 Lave at pnsmn a very “hP assornm-nt of Com-er and Ti!) Boilrrs, whivh we are of- fering at thrmn'dinary low pram-s Inscriptions Cut on Shortest Notice. June 25th. IWI. 'I'eluphune $0.10. H E nndrrsignod wish” tn in- timate to the guinea] pubflc that he I» traparml to do gll kinds luswkmuit in; at one price to all. Factory made shown. 25c. cant). flaunt made» Shoes, 3k. Setting. â€" -- 100 cash. S. P. SAUNDERS. it no w 8“stan DY RE A M AT OLD PRICES (Thu-k. lh-nry. In'ivknmkc-r. (iam- fraxa strvrt. L. '1'. Cooking, (it-urge, plastvrvr, L. T. Cuchl'auw, .-\. «K' .\., l’l'upriPUH's lukernmu quulry. Cm-hmuv, Alvxmulm', J. l’. (uf A. «k A. ('m'hruuv). (‘m'hl'auu'. Adam, (Hf A. .-\. ('m'h- mum. ('ursnn. .lnhn. gnu-ml nu-m-hzmt um] prmlun- tlvule-r. “all'ilfl'zlle st” L. 'l‘. ('nlv. lh-ury. [n'uprivtm' “Rnyzll Exvhangt- Huh-l." (hu-M’mxa st" L. 'l‘. ('hit-tit'k, ('hl'istuphm'. blacksmith. Durham Mills. l’c-tvl' l’uttvrsml. Pru- pric-tur. lmu-l' Lmvu. Durham l’t-zu'htsh “'urks, H. Rmvs- \s‘a-ll. I’l'upl'it-tul', Qm-t-u Stu-M. l'. '1‘. Durham Hun-l. Jelllu's KUill')’, I’l'u- 'privtm'. uppt-r tuwn. Durham “Standard." \\'hitv d; .luhnsum. Publish-rs. Dunglas, lhrlx'rtJm'nwx'. L. 'l‘. Durgmvll. \\'m.. blacksmith. Delanvy. Michael. labum'm', L. T. r Dalgiish. Rulk'l't, gvnm'al nmrchzmt V laud millnwm-r. (hu-afmxa st... L . T. Sinee the appearance of our last3 j L. '1‘. pull- liration of sin-h ancient history Would he of little or no interest; others pronounce il .‘l gmnl thing. and 0V0“ go so far as to commend us for review- ing a sulfeet that should he of interest to all. \ 'e have also learned, during the Week. that some in town are in imssessiou ol the (‘ounty (-iaZetteeI' from which we aeknowledgml having ('lillml our information. \Ve were Hot .surpriseal lo know that some of the hooks are in existence, but even so, the great. bulk of our readers will not } issue, some have told us that the l l a I Foreman, .\lr., Division Court Bailiff, Pagan. John, labourer, L. T. Gainer, Owen, labourer, L. T. Gray, \\'1n., Smith’s Steam Tannery. (5mm, James, physician and surgeon, lassoeiate eoroner for Grey, Garafraxa {stx-eet, L'IT. (lriflin Barthol'emmv, eneral merch- ant, Garafraxa street, L. T. Graham, \Vm., iron finisher, (A. A. L‘oehrane’s Foundry.) Hunter, Archibald, J. P., Durham 0 n . ‘. v V have aeeess to the Direetor)’, and for R‘Md hash L- T- ltheir ln-nelit We will seleet a few por- tions from week to week for a number of months perhaps, and give the pres- ent readers of 'l‘nr: CHRONH‘LE a ehanee to look again over the hy-gone past. This Week we eontinue and tell the names of some who were here in business in years ago. I'I‘IUPLE l)!" DURHAM. .\llen. Joseph, wagon, maker and general hlaeksinith, Garafraxa street. .\rmour. Thomas, pearl ash worker (at ll. Rowwll’s l'aetory). .\I'gyle llolel, ll. .\lat'ka)’. l’roprie- tor. lial'al'raxa street, l'. T. .\llen. llenry, farmer, lower town. .\ndrews. Robert, maker. loWer town. laltlwin. .lolm, earpenlel'. l.. T. boot and shoe- llurt. .\lrs.. (iarafraxa street, I.. T. Iluekingham. l". (3., plasterer. (lara- fraxa sl reel. l.. T. llrown. 'l'liolnas. farmer. l.. T. llro“ n. James, J. l’., general mereh- ant: township elerk for(llenelg, (lam- fl':lx;l street. L. T. Hailey, (ii-urge. lblm'ksmilll, (at .\. ('oeln'ane's Foundry). .\. Blair. Benjamin, plouglnnaker. (at .\. .\. ('oehrane'sl. llurt. .\lt'XH lilac'ksmilh. (at .losehll llal'lws, .\lrs” (larafraxa St... L. T. Horton, Robert, carriage maker and trinuner, (A. A. Cm-hrane’s). llunter, J. 11., general merchant, Hunter’s Building’s, U. T. Harris, Mrs., dressmaker and milli- ner, (larafraxa street, U. T. lnkerman Foundry, A. A. Coch- rane, Proprietors, lower town. lsaaes, George, saddle and harness maker, (larafraxa street, U. T. Jackson, George, M. P. P., Garafraxa street U. 'l‘. .laeksou, David. farmer, agent for (‘anada Permanent Building and Sav- ing Soviety, U. T. . .laekson. \Villiam, (‘rown Land Agent for the (‘ounty of Grey: (‘lerk 2nd Division (‘ourt, (iarafraxa street l' '1‘ Jones. James, sash maker and earâ€"g penter, (iaratraxa street, U. T. ‘ Johnson, .lohn. (of \Vhite Johnson) " Standard " Office, L. T. Jones, 'l‘homas, manufacturer and general dealer ”1 hoots, shoes, leather findings, (iarafraxa street, U. T. Jones, Hugh, teacher. .lamieson, Joseph, earpenter, 1.. T. Jones, .lames, earpenter, (larafraxa street. l.. T. .lae-k, .lohn, painter, l.. T. .lamieson, \Vm., earpenter, (lara- (.‘wmfunl, Just ph ( ., plnsic: i; m smgmm . :wsu: intv v-‘munm fur (‘mmty uf (n. _\ . (nunfmxa st.. l. . (‘zum lUll Russ g¢ m-ml lllt‘l't'hallts, (uuafmx 1 she ct, L. 'J. .Ulc'n‘s}. lxls. Mrs. Hurt. Burt. Mrs. Gal'ufruxu “111%. L. 'l‘. Burt, .lnnws, mnuldt-l'. lmw-r tuwn. Huulclvu. Thmuns. c-au-pvntm'. Unr- Imlu Rmul \Vt-st. British Mutt-l, H. .‘lilhlilllgh, Prupriv- tm', upper town. Buylv, \Villialn, hunt and shtmluukvl'. (Earat’mxn “111%, l . T. Bakt-l'. HM'. Isuzu). “'véh'yaln Mvthn- 1‘i5t. ll. '1‘. Mills, L. 'l'. Patel-sun, Peter, pz-nprictnx' “Um- I H E COUN I Y OF G EY “m" m" '. of Pm-kvr( M'Eu « )xr'::i.~t.~'. (h uggisls. ‘: svmlsme-n. «h . l’al'kt'l'. “Hwy. (”1' i’m'Lt‘l' «k Cattle). v l’alt WM 1. A T15. 1’21".“ '5 Flt '- FORTY YEARS A00. .iug 312113..” “51 t u m "" Edwards, I“. H. \wltt-lnmlkt-r. and agvut for the sak- uf jc-wvllm'y and fzuwy goods. Um'afraxa stx-m-t, L. '1‘. Puwlm', va. Juhn A.. lIl'W («mm-('- tiun )Ivthmlist. L. T. Flvtvlu-r. Duncan. gt'llt'l'il] mom-hunt, Gal'afl'nxal stl'm-t 1'. T. _ Framer, Matthuw. gullt'l‘ill mom-hunt. (iurafmxa stl'm't. L. T. Edgv Mills. Juhn Kc'llt'y. husm'. luwrl' tuwn. Evmm. "M'. \V. I!” If. .-\.. Episrupzll. Garafmxa strm-t. hill. toâ€"wear and Cluldren’s Hunâ€"r01 price. 756. SUI) and $1.23, now so for 25¢. 500 and 75c. 3 c-ax'n's TV'hikeChip Leghorn: M1 Brown, Pt'tt'l‘. savvy-r, Durham Ellint. Mrs" tnilnrt-ss, Qum'n stru- Reg. Price, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. Selling for $1.00, $1 50, $1.75. A great_ plunge!- uf plgin‘hatsâ€"Tas- â€"4 ._ ”“1-- .’..SALE... Eérniafi July 25th This Mllllncry Sale will continue for twu g'egka,_ lgegining Thursday ("unlinuml From: Last Week.) NOW’ that the rush nf the season is about over we nfl'er the remainder of qu’ milliuery stuck at a great reduction. ()ver 50 Ilats and Bonnets. trim- med with tucked chifl'nn. rmes and fnlimte. Also tucked chiffon hats of every description. Miss Dick. and “w Matthews, (x‘em'gv, carpenter, (m 'a- tram street U. T. lwavvus. (.‘hzu'lvs, szuldlt-r, (Smith’s Steam Tanm-ry and Sauldlm'y.) lu‘uulc-l'. Jnhu. fawmvr, U. T. lmkv, h‘. L. 31.. printm'. m-ar Edge Mills. L. 'l‘. Millvr. John A” gvm-rul mvmrhzmt. (hunfruxu Htlrm-t, L. T. Miller, .luhn, Unmfmxu std-wt, L. '1‘. Miller, Victor, twunstm- (at A. . A. ('m-hl'slnv’s.) MvKay, Hugh, prnprivtm' “Argylv [Inn-l.” (:‘mrnfl'nxn street, I". T. Munm'. John. ful‘lllt‘l‘, IIwu- Edg“ Mills l..'l'. Mutfatt (Dunk-s, ("fllIN‘DtAI', Dmllmu Rudd \\ PM. .\I\ "‘htun, .105};le Inn-son III: III (iam- fII\:1 shunt 1 MIN kl” MIs.IIIilliII«1~v .uul fnm V gumls hunk»; and statiunvrv Bl'ltlsll thlhuihlings. U. 'L‘ Mumliv, JuhII, In“ 01' tnwn. Muhmnwll, Duncan, Ban-istvr and .A\t-tm'1wy‘, (iaI-ztfmxa street, U. 'l‘. Jnm-s, 'l'hmnas, manufacturer and general dealer m hunts, shoes, leather findings. (im'afmxn street, U. T. Jones, Hugh, teacher. .lzuniesun. .Inseph, mrpenter, 1.. T. mex, James, mrpenter, (hu'nfmxu street. L. 'l‘. Jae-k. John, painter, L. 'l‘. .Izuniesun, \\'|n.. (-m'penter. (inm- Kvlly. .luhn. lvssm' "Edge Mills," lnwvr town. Kincaid, Ruhvrt. tvmustm', Edgv Mills. L. 'l‘. Hunter’s Buildings,” U. '1‘. Harris, Mrs., dressmuker and milli- nvr, Gal-at nxa street, U. T. lnkm'umn Foundry, A. A. Coch- rzuw. l’rnprwturs, luwer town. Isuzu-s, George, saddle and harness makvr, (inratraxa street, U. T. Kellvy, Julm, lalmum-r, Durham Rmul \Vust. Kuilvy, Jmm-s', proprietor "Durham llntrl," upper tmvn. \l( l‘mlmw, Rulth, waggmmnakvr, Quwn street L. 'l‘. )lt-Ke-nziv. lem-ivk, gem- nl mom-h- unt. (Sm-afmxa street, luwer tuwn. MrNah, Alvxzmdcr 13., Postmas’ tc-r. [nsurmu-c Agmnt, Conveyancer and ngvnt fur uhtainingloans, luwm' tuwn. Mt'Kt'llzit' 6': Bl'utht-I'. (Alvxzmdt'l' .‘h-Kmnziv Arch'd McKenzie), gener- al uwrvhants‘, (iarafraxa strm‘t, lawm- town. I‘D-Donald, John. blacksmith. (at A. k A. (‘m-‘nranv's Fuundry). lower town. McIntyre. D., tailor, Garafraxa at. lower tnwn. Mchnuvll, J. \V., licensed auction- (-vl'. cabinet maker, and hlllldt'l', (im'nfnlxa strtfvt, luwvr tuwn. )h Kimmn, (.hzu'lvs tumnstvr, Edge Mills lmwr town. M(~(‘;mlvy, \Vm.. weaver. Edge Mills lmvm' tuwn. Mch-vhuie, N. (L. (Neil Mvah- nu- :lml (:‘Illu-rt Mvaclmie), gmwml nu'rvlumts, (finx'afmxa 5L, lower tuwu. McKN'hniv. Miss, millixwr, Uaruf 'axat stl'H-t. lnwvr Lawn. McCulloch, John, carpentvr, Gara- fraxa street, lower town. )lt-Faulvy. Thomas, ‘rardvr. Edge Mills, luwm' tnwn. MvClm'v. Robert, furmnan, Pater- sun's “'00”le Factory, luwer tuwn. McGauley. John, miller, I’atm'sun’s Flouring Mulls, lower town. McKenzio, Danald. boot and shoe- makm', (im'afmxa street. lower town. McCasey, John, labourer, L. T. Neelands. James, nwrchant, Gara- fraxa street, lower town. Pitt, J uhn, cmier, Smith’s Steam Tannery, lower town. Pagan. John, lalmurer, L. T. (’ininvr. van, labourer, L. T. (;1-;n',\\'1u.. Smith’s Steam Tunnm'v. (mun, Jauws, phy sician and surgeon, :lSMH iutv ( ”IUHt‘l' f0!“ (11'9", Gax'afraxa st!“ (”Q t. L 11. Pan-um, John. tiumuith, Garafuua st: vet lower town. Perry. John. farnwr, near Edgv Mills, luwer town. Park, Rev. Wm., Canada Presby- terian, lower town. Pringle, Robert, carpenter, upper town. Porter, Francis, millwright, lower Fur-mmm, Mn, Sana, L. '1'. Council met July 30th. Minutes sustain- ed. The reeve repnrted that he had consulted the 'l‘p. Sulivitur-respecting the 'fi'qirnmtia’m uf the Union School at Conn. llis opinion is that the legal stein had not been taken, and favored an appeal which has since been entered. Connniseiener Walls reported that lie engaged Mt. Forest grader with a man fur Beat No. 1, Con. 10, for 15 days at 3‘1 per day, amount 84.50; lumber from (,ieorge Freeman fur repairin Walker’s and Rawn‘s bridges, $5.01 ; .lolnrfilnnt drawing lumber, spikes, and work en Walker’s bridge, $1.00. Joe. Rawn drawing l:.mber,’and work on Rawn’s bridge, $1.50: Wm. Seaman spikes, '24 eta, amounting to 812,28 payment recom- mended. Wally-MelMyraâ€"After hearing the re- port re l'niun School and the recommend» tint: of the solicitor that we do not pay the 323 being our share of the expenses of the arbitration. and we appruve of the arrange- ment entered into regardiugau appeal.~â€" Carried. ' Robbâ€"Mel“ adden--' I‘Imt “3 take noactiou reguding Ur. \leikle 5 311°me for attend- ance an M: uul Reid and that. the reme call and explain matte: s to lum. â€"-Uarri6d. ant. McIntyreâ€"--Rubb-â€"--'l‘hat Cunnuissiuuer Walls" repog't be adopted and prders granted and he receives :52 cum.- Earned. McIntyrqâ€"Mc Paddeu â€" That furemfing raport be received and tikxl.â€"Carried. b v Chas, Sinai], cost $6.90; gravelling 29 “is. Lot 25, Con. 20. by eno. Campbell, cost $21.47: grading on townline Proton and Egrelnont by W. Kinsman. €59.50, Egt’s. share $4.75; grading and ditching Lot 26, Con. 18. by G. Whitter. $13 25; deepening ditch Lot 25 Con.18. by Dan. Robinson. $1.50; graveliing 16 Ids. Lot 27. Con. 18, by Jno. McDougall, $10; new culvert and re- airing old one Lot 26. Can. :32, cy James .IcDonald, $4; a fill of 70 feet of stones, dirt and gravel. and changing watercourse at Lot 16, Con, 21 and 22. by Chas. Smnil, $39.75 ; a tile culvert. >53, and a new culvert Lot 15, Gun; 17_ and_18. by Thus. Reuwick. \Valtun, 'l‘lumms. general hlm-k- smith. \Vatm's, George, miller \Vilsun, Mr's., nuar Edgv Mills. \Vilsnn, Juhn. near Edge Mills. \Vhitv Juhnsnn. l’uhlislwrs Dur- ham Standard, hunk and juh printmrs. \Vhitv. Ruhvrt, Publisher. \Villvy, Jmnvs. hunt and shuvmnkvr. \\'umll:uul. Jnshun. gmwml nwn-h' Cmmniasinner McIntyre reported gravel ling 35 rds. [wt 1!), Con. 2|. by Ben. Harri Tumulgmt $l_«'f.00;_culver[ _a_tAL0t ll. you 20. Shewoll, John, chairmaker and painter. Stevvnmn. Sh-vensnn, numlder (at A. A. (701°1u'mw’s Foundry). Svpvs, .l 11 oh, waggnn maker (at A. A. (‘m 111.1mw Foundry.) T111- k1 “1, \\ .1111: mm her. "luttnn, \\ m. 11.. waggcm- -1|1lk(‘1° (at A. k A ('°°(N111:1111°. ‘). \ ”111°“, ( 11:11'108, t1°° mister. \\ estern Insurmu-v (‘ mnpzuny, \Vm. Russ. Agent. Commissioner McFadden reported grad- ing 33 Ids. by Archibald Baird. cost $18.80: cleaning ditch by lien Crittenden‘ cast 52 25 : repairing mad and (hubby’s pond by David Ritchie. cost $47. Egremont's simre $23 50; gravelling crossway Lot 1. townline b Sam. Ritchie. $15.50. Lgremnnt's share ’ .75. Payment recommended. Smith Thmnas‘ pt-nlnivtm‘ Smith’s Steam Tamwn, saddle and harness maker. - Stewart, Rev. Alex, Baptist. Storrv 'l‘hmnas, farmer. Smith, Ruiwt t, 1.210 u-l- ash worker, (at H. Ru“ mu 11 5 P011 lash Factory). Melutyro---\\'allsâ€"--'I‘hat Commissioner McFadden’s report be adnpted and urders grauged, and that he receive '33 com. fees.â€" Canned. Commissioner McQueen reporld pm:- nhnuhnn c-nm I l‘\,.L_...L , Commissioner McQueen re orld pnr- chasing from J. Doberthan 500 t. tamarack lumber for windbreak on Russnell’s bridge. cost 85.50: J. McPhee putting up the same. cost $2; bridge 12 ft. wide. 4 ft. high. with approaches. Let 18, Gun. 7 and 8. by W. J. Canltield. $24.50. Payment recommended. Robb-\\'alls--'I‘hat Commissioner Moo Queen’s repurt be adopted and.0rdera granted, and he receive 82 com. tees:- Carried. mu no, won. H mm In. by l‘lms. Kenwick. 3?; mm] $159.62; also one day going for (118. Payment recommended. McFaddenâ€"Wallsâ€"That Commissioner McIntyre's report be adopted and orders granted, and he receive $55.50 com. tees.â€" Uarried. - ~ McFaddenâ€"\\’alls--That McIntyre be paid 82 50 a going fur tile.-Uarried. Commissioner Robb re orted gravelling 40111.4. at 60c. r rod, ‘ th sideroad Con. 16 and 18 by l. Haw, c at 824; 52 reds grm'eiling same place at 65c. per rod by A. Milieu. co.~.t 23mm. gravelling ‘4) rods at 65c. per rod Lot 23. Con. 14. by S. Robb. cost $13: gravelling 20 rods at 66c. per rod same Silace by M. Mclnnis, cost $1331); gravel ing 24 rods at 63¢. per rod by Irwin Robb. cost $15.12; culvert at Lot 11. Con. 14. ‘22 ft. wide 2 ft. deep by J. Garden, cost. 35.75: J. Murdock putting in 1 new log of covering and 1 new stringer in culvert Lot I3. Con. 12. cost 81.“): bridge Lot 12 CO“- 12. 16 ft. wide 2 ft. deep. by D. Hunter, cost $14.50: 5. Sim hauling tile from Mt Forest to Yeovnl, 50c. Pnyment recommended. Smith, John R., saddle and harness maker, and tanner. Sutherland, Rahal-t, lmkm' and mm- f9( tiuner. Walleâ€". McIntyreâ€"-'l‘hat Commnssioner ROhh’a report be udoptod and orders gant- Ross. \Villiani, (of Cameron Ross), agcnt for “'estcm Insurance (‘0. Ryan, Michael, clerk at Miller’s. Rowland. John, ctmstalilc. “Royal Exchangc" Hutcl." Henry Cole, Proprietor. chwick. J anics, blacksmith. Rmvswcll, Herbert, general incr- chant, prupricmr Peat-lash Fmrtory. Slatchcr, \Vm" miller, Edge Mills. Stewart, Ruin-rt. clerk at M. Fraser's. Sullivan, Jana-s, tinsniitll (with A. 8: A. Cochranc). Rmnbough. “.11., PI(.‘D\iIl(i:ll Land Survm or and (‘om'evancen Paterson, J ohn. Patersons Fleming Mills. “'ilsnn. Alex” tzlilnr. \\'m_nl, l)1°.. physirian and snrgmm. EGREMON T COUNCIL. (( ‘cmtiunml Nc‘xt “'t-ck.) paid 82 50 £18 ‘palyuxgut fur 9-...0.â€"¢ CHRONICLE. Cummissiuner {Fall Ierm Opens Sept. 3rd. , N I /.. 0 ,W4 /_7? // _ RICK HOUSE AND LOTâ€" THE Melllgan Property on George Street, one acre at good land m uod location. a desirable residence, will esuld on easy terms. Apply to El). MILLIGAN, Palmerston or to W CALDER, Durham. Jan. 17. 1900. 1f 1‘1 building lots. in one of the must de.~ir able parts of the town. Plans of the survey may be seen at Mr 'l‘elt'urd’s nfiice, or lUt.‘ may be examined by applying. to him. Prices right. Terms to suit the pln'chaser. Excellent opportunity for cash buyers. For further particulars apply to MRS. THOMAS JAuxsuSz, formerly Mrs. Middaugh. Clinton. Ont. July 9.-â€"tf. \\alls-Mck'adden-â€"'l‘hat Commissioner Rubb’s {iron be adopted and order granted. â€"Larrl . Resolved that the following accounts be rand :â€" A. Mctlillivray gravel 85.19. J. irown doflAO. Jno. Garvey do 82.0}, W, R. Bowman do 84, W. Bryans do 82 J. Rico do 32. J13. Eccles do for 19(1) $120 J. Hinks (109.66. n. Donald do $7.08. o. Woolis do “.66. J. McDonald do 81323. G L. Haws do $3.03. I). Halliday. do 952.40. J. Uarson, do 33.76, J. McPhee. do 84.86. J. Swansum d0 “7.23, Mrs. Morrison do 81.9). J08. Campbell do $7.85. Frank Jordon do 83.63. W. Seaman nails $3.54. U. Freeman lumber AN IMPROVED FARM. LOT NO. 7, Con. 4, S. D. R , Ulcuelg, fifty-five acres, fifty cleared, about, 5.1, miles from Durham. Goad orchard, gum! concrete house, guod we“, in lair state ufcultivatiun. For particulars see the owner. McIntyre-Rum, â€"That Mr. Allan's report 0|! Work in Holstein. amounting: to 877 m, be adopted. and Thom Orchard 26.1. hours work, mnuuutiug to $3.31, be paid, orders granted.-Carried. 14 fl (larafraxa Street, Durham, opposite Campbell’s Livery? Gum! site tor bus-megs, 30 feet fruutage, good stable titted tn accom- modate sixteen horses. For terms and all particulars apply at this otlice or to the proprietor, _ ALEXANDER ”EGGS, July m. M. ALLAN PARK Wallsâ€"Mclntyreâ€"That the clerk be in structed t0 notify (filenelg Council that this Council will not be responsible for any accident occurring on the roadway through (irasby’s pond since the (Hench; cmnmis. sioner refused to have the road put in a safe state of renninâ€"Buried. Cnmmissiuner Robb reputed renaxriug bridge 10th sideroad. Con. 10 and 12. by J. Ugulfield, cost $1.50. 'l’ayment recommend- 4-Carried. Tsko waive Bromo Quinine Table“. All drawn refund the money if it (all: to cm. I. vao‘o “gumbo: cub bu. ed. and he receive $6 cum. fees.-â€"Carried. The reeve and clerk renoited that they had interviewed our solicitor respecting opening: road allowance through Mr. Legge's farm. and that we are advised to have nothing to do with this matter, as the statutes make no provision for private road allowances. Wallaxâ€"McFad'deuâ€"That the petitiun uf Peter Reid and 49 others praying tur a grant. of $1“) for the improvement of the hill at Rut 6. Con. 20. be granted.-â€"Carried. D. Allan and Thus. Orchard gmzea de- lailed account ef work dung and moue' exheuded on the street and sulewalks. Ho - stein. - McIntyreâ€"McFaddenâ€"-I‘hat we now adjourn to meet again on Friday. Sept. 13. to strike the rates, apwint colectors, ap- plicants to state salary. and all school trustees’ estimates to be .1" pet'ore tig‘nIt date. Rubh-~-Mcl’adden-â€"-That the bragging report be adopted and tiled. and cuumunev receive SLOO Backsâ€"Carried. Nov 5 tf. 1 l’riceville, newly bricked all round. new brick kitchen. new windows and other improvements. On the premises are a good stable and tWU never tailing wells. “it: place has always done a good business and will be rented right toa good man. The furniture will be sold to lessee. For further particulars apply to. V “113‘. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, l’riceville, newly bricked all round. ' EING Lots No.11 and 12. Con. 1, N. D. R. Gleuelg. and 11 and 12. on (Jon. 2, N. I). it. also 13 and 14. on Con. 3. N. D, R., eachlot containing 50 acres, or 300 acres in all. nearly all cleared. Well watered, well fenced. good outbuildings and dwellings, good bearing orchards. In first class state of cultivation within'a lew rods of school, 4 miles from Durham. Will be sold en bloc or in separate lots. as purchas- er desires. Easy terms. For turther par- ticulars apply to A. C. BEATON, Nov. lâ€"tf Bunessan P. O. W. J. Elliott, - Principal TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. .'\_' ELIGIBLE TOWN LOT ON Never before in the history of our colle e have our graduates been so remarknh y successful in securing excellent situations immediately on leaving college as during the present vear. It you have a di lotnn from our college you need no ”po itical pull " or influential friends to help you to sucvesa. You can stand on your own nn-rits and will aurely advance to tho front. Our courses of study are con» pletc, s} automatic. valuableâ€"tho heat in Canada to-doy. Catalogue free. CHOICE AN 1) VALU ABLE Hotel to Rent. Farm for Sale STRATFURD. ONTARIO. FOR SALE. For Sale. For Sale. For Sale. Jusm'u JAQUES, Durham 1’. U. '15? um, Clerk. A. Burmus, Priceville. “.4‘ _.--.' anuuuxmrrrrnvxrmn mum-4mm :9. 1.1.3:: :4 meant

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