West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Sep 1901, p. 9

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not. vcn CORN HOOKS AND DRAWING TOOLS. 5 , Just to hand a vatiety 0! Corn Hooks and Draining Tool: {or your inspection. new nuns. If you "quire an Apple Peatev, call early and see our nssortment. CRYSTAL WASHBOA ROS. roar scnusns. EX TENSION LADDERS. Bverv farmer snomu uuvv one of our Extension Ludo tiers. They are just. the thing [or picking apples. AMERICAN STEEL WIRE WOVEN FENCE. RUGBY WHIPS. l ARRIS’I‘ER. NOTARY, CON- VEYANCER. Em, Etc. Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms $0 suit borrower. OFFICE- "0 0e UJIv-v--_,, Dupersuuu EU u see- .v .. _ _ l ARRIS’I‘BR, NOTARY, CON. more precarious Sprint: Wheat- A" M‘ VEYANCER, Etc, Etc. tennisia contains three villages, ll: Priceville Flesherton and Eugenia. ,\ u a ‘ . . . . . "333:"; $;‘,3:v;?mnable ""08 and on These Will be found described in their b' _____ proper places. A We wish to correct an error in the )l-‘i‘lCEâ€"â€"M'l t eBlock Over theB nk. " " yr . ( ‘ ) orthography of the name;an error (“3] which is apparently countenanced by H m. The name It is frequently spelled " Arteinesia." This is false spelling; and like every other error, large or small. is worth d correcting The name is"Artemisia’ ; -from her whose devotion to the ‘ d Mausolus Office hours: 9 to ‘2 a. m. 2 t0 4 p. m lgesulenge and ofiice, Old Bank buildings. gave to the ancients and to [,3 a new ‘PI‘OY ‘°“'“' Durham. name in funereal Architecture. It 1 Telephone No. 10. is also the name of a plantâ€"but it is never spelled " Artemesia." - w and as every man is m ‘ mccal mo“ ’ Assessmi nt Rolls as a "Householder” a deed from the I‘POITII 0' A30 D‘AL“ IN Crown, and none as “ Freeholders ” but those who live on patented lots, 30 would be attained Swedish, Scotch Canadian no “um purpo he distinctions thus by following t It will be observed BRIIIIE 8. ”RM WORKS. We hm . there are three systems of survey in the townshipâ€"lots “ South ” of the . d, and “Durham Road,” those ‘ East ” or " West ” of the " Toronto and Syden- 1 . . nscnptions Cut on Shortest ham Road,” “d those it North of the Notice. Durhgm Roadâ€"3" in the latter are. " ----- G- #â€" DURHA)! included all the concessions not in- GAIAFIAXA S'r. ha; just. been opevfied. which are cheap person. enough for any If you want. to make wash- ing easy. secure one of our Crystal Washbourds. There is no Peace to equal our American Steel Wire Woven Fence. end we are selling great. quantity of it. Our “ Uncle Tom” Buggy W hifi at. 25c is a snap. 3 who will be the the lucky man to och of all Agricultural Implo- tooth). Boomers, menu, including Plowa. Gang Plows. Drills, Bun, Etc. 1 shall also carry the best nukes oi Wna Sieiglis. Etc. Etc. Pianos nnd Org-ma ol the but. innku wil 80M, Buggies, Cutters, 1 be kepg in stock. , ' To THE FARMERS. larmer should have our Extensign Lad- Look out [or future unnouucemente. DURHAM THE COUNTY OF GREY. ALLAS PA‘K. A Post-office in the township of Bentinck. on the Durham Gravel Bond, 6‘ m. W. of Durham. and about. 4 m. E. o! Hanover.â€"-George B. A!- lan, Postm‘nster and General Merch- ant. Mails dnily'. east and west. About half a mile distant are Feuson’s Mills. ABTEIISIA FALLS. 'l‘hese [ails are on the Beaver River, at the town plot of Eugenia, in the township of Artemesia. They an without doubt the finest natural object in the County. Since Eugenia has been laid out, the falls have gen- erally been known by the name of the village as “ Eugenia Falls.” 8"".3 WC" -uv v' the village as “ Eugenia Falls.” ARTHISIA P. 0. Since the village has been laid out. 1 the p‘ace is known as Flesherton, ‘ although the Post-ofiice still retains ‘ its old name 0‘ Artemisia. ' aarsmsla TOWNSHIP. Artemesia is aflourishing and well- . settled tou nship, in the eastern half of the County of Grey. In 1861, its was. by the census. 2572'), standing in this respect seventh among the townships of the County. ln its general aspect Artemisia is somewhat uneven and hillv. The soil is pronounced very good. The northern part of the township has a descent toward the lake, drOpping down toward Euphrasia and the val- i ley of the . ' lies very high. ‘Inaple and elm. Artemisia was sur- ' lots in 1849 and ’50. veyed out into l In 1848 the " Toronto and Sydenh'am - â€"- aim n... C Road” was run out, as also we " Durham Road.” and the next year the “ Grent Lote laid out and apportione settlers. George Snider, the Sherifl of Grey. acted as agent in the settlement of these roads. After ‘ the lots belonging to these two road LLA ‘ng' nf the settlement u. m--- - --_ ° to these two road systems were taken up, the nest of the township soon followed, For several years the settlers felt them- selves at a great distance from mar- kets; but since the roads have been improved, and the tratic set in toward the Northern Railway. they are able ‘to realize within a very few cents the highest rate for all their produce. In common with most of the town- ships in the County, Artemisia has suflered somewhat from spring and autumn frosts. A much greater at- tention is now paid to the raising of Fall Wheat than formerly. The indications at present are that it will supersede to a large extent the lately more precarious Spring Wheat. Ar- temisia co_ntains three villages, ’ ‘-J I‘m-mania (Continued Fro. Lu: Week.) A very large Imoul in this township is yo and ss every man is (l Assessm‘ nt Rolls as a. ‘ only. who has not. a Crown, sad none as but those who live on no useful purpose wo by following the di: mode, here. It wil â€"L-- ‘Vquv- ' - u 7 'â€" v us run out, as also the Road." and the next year at Lots” of 50 acres were and apportioned to actual ! secured the agency and respectfully so- :cluded in the other sections [Assessment list. There are twelve School 5 in the township; and anc “ Union ” Section, the bther n|___|'_ No. 3. John Wright. teacner. House, log. Average attendance in 1864, about 38. Maps, blackboard, object lessons, c. No. 4, Andrew Wilson. teacher. House, log. Furnished with Globe, Ornery, c. Average attendance in 1864, about 15. â€"--. ALA- No. 5, James Marsnau, tuuuuuso House, log. Average attendance in 1864, about 24. Maps. blackboard, object lessons, c. No. 6, Ferguson Wright, teacher. House, log. Average attendance in 1864, about ‘22. Maps, blackboard, object lessons, c. - . 1’ VJI-__“ No. 7. Miss Margaret Ludlow, teacher. House, 10g. Average at.- tendance in 1864, 46. Maps, black- board, object lessons. c. No. 8, James Henderson, teacher. Hous , log. Average attendance in 1864. about 18. Maps. blackboard, No. 8, James 1'1! Hous 10?; Aver 1864 about 18 object lessons, C No. 9, Miss E. A. Wright, teacher.‘ House, log. Average attendance in‘ 1864. about ‘24. Maps, blackboard, object lessons, c. No. 10, not organized. No. 11. George Harrison, teacher. House, log. Furnished with maps. blackboard, object lessons, 85c. Aver- age attendance in 1664, 24. No. 12. Organized, to come into operation in 186:3. There is a Township Library in Artemisia. in nine branches. which are changed annually. There is an average of about 73') volume-s in each division. This is very creditable to lthe township. ‘ i The following returns are from the census of 1861z-Occupiers of land, 471 ; of whom 14?. hold from ‘20 to 50 acres, and 22-53 from {)0 to 100 acres. Under cultivation, 10,029 acres. wheat produced, 44,658 bush. Barley, 1.52:3 bushels. Pease. 9.010 bushels. Oats, 22,176 bushels. Po- tatoes. 43,315 lushels. Turnips, 64,3335 bushels. Hay, 1,154 tons. Maple sugar, 15,266 lbs. Wool, 3,469 lbs. bbls. 'Municipal Council:--W. K. Flesher, Artemisia P. 0., Reeve; J. H. Yeo- mans, Priceville. Deputy Reeve; : Councillors. Messrs. Love. Elliot. and Hawkins. Richard Campbell, Arte- misia P. 0., Clerk and Treasurer. Magistrates.--Robert. McLean Purl dy. Archibald Cairns, W. K. Flesher, William Clark. James Fowler. Wm. Purdy, Richard Campbell, George 'Armstrong, William Ferguson, Alex. Irvine. Beaty. Owing to busy times, it is some time since a budget. went in from Mull Corners. but we will try to write a few items. Mr. Jno. Stewart with his steam thresher is doing the line in swift order. Mr. Dan McLean,_ _of the. Corners. Mr. Dan McLean, of the Corners. left Tuesday on a visit to his brother Hugh, of Newdale, Man. MBA. Hamilton, who was engaged with Mr. A. Fletcher for the harvest, left the last of the week. .v.- v--' _ Mr. D. McLean engaged Jas. Hill to take his place while in the West. Our genial councillor took in Craw- .__J ““1... Inner and helped them bo: A SICK STOMACH is always relieved, and its unpleasant consequences averted by taking thir- ty drops of Polson’s Nerviline in a little sweetened water. It instantly relieves the Nausea and by its sooth- ,ing and stimulating powers, calms 'the stomach and enables it to com. plete the process of digestion. Nerviline has been proved more than a million times the best remedy for Iausus, 5.1, â€"‘,V -v- Butter, 33, 927 lbs. Park, 474 James Marshall, teacher. r Average attendance in 1t. 24. Maps. blackboard, (Continued Next Week.) 'jélx'K-‘MbDona‘l‘d, Francis 31 U LL CORN ERS. A. Wright, peacher. Wright. teacher. Treadgold. teach- Furnished with of the . K. Flasher, " Maud Muller ” still wee on being parodied. Here is the la. . st “in!" an American source. thongh the usual “ might have been ” stanza appears to be missing :â€" Maud Muller. on s summer’s day, Set a hen in a brand-new way; (Maud. vou see, was a city 'rl. Trying the rural life a whir .) She covered s box with tinsel gsy. Lined it snugly with. uew-mown hay, ‘ Filled it nicely Me as. and then Started to look for a. li ely hen- Out of the flock selected one; And then she thought that her work was done: . It would have been: but the stubborn hen Stood up sud csckled “ Ks-doot” and then Maud Muller csme. and in hurt surprise Looked coldly into the creature’s eyes. The“ lid its 168‘ to the box, “ Y0“ bet,” Said she, “ I know how to wake you set.” llutsttll_it_sto9d_xsnd worse and Worse. .- “an“.-. 0:. than univnrm lint snu u Huuu. u... "v.-- ..-__ __ . Shrieked forth :ts wrongs to the universe. Then a bad boy. over the barnyard fence. Tee-heed. “ Say, Mend. there’s a. dnfi'erence ’ l‘ween hens. you know, an’ it is that One says ‘ Ka-doot !’ an’ one ‘ Ka-dat . Then Maud recalled that the ugly brute ‘ She tried to set had said “ Ka-dcot 2” And ever since that historic: day She blushes in an embarrassed way. To think of the bobble she made, when She tried to set a gentleman hen. in a prompt, pleasant and effective! way, by inhaling the germ-killing, throat and lung healing Catarrozone. Delightful to use, simple in its oper- ation, free from stomach nauseating and destroying substances. It is a ’ marvel of scientific etficacy. Catarrh- ozone kills the germs that excite the UZUI‘U “Illa VIIV av-"-~ disease, heals the inflamed surfaces and prevents absolutely a recurrence of the malady. Catarrhozone cannot fail to cure Hay Fever because it de- stroys its cause. Druggists, 250.. $1.00, or mailed to your addresg if price is forwarded to Poison (.30., Kingston. Ont. Bin a Returning until WWW) Jail . tantly NW- "th- Bod Doe ...... Edmonton ...... } $40 calms , com. From :11 points in Cumin. Gaping. Sault Ste. ”flan. ' undo, Wind-6t and but. '0 than ‘ For pamphlat givhg further punctual up!) fly for to the nuts» 03nd!“ Puma Agent. or to Nerviw Aw. mm. mac-L humus-t. 1 mm M M mud Hullor’l Betting nun The Name is Enough to satisfy any‘ farmer that he is getting the best. machine made. We have the agency now, and farmers can make no mistake in buying anything turned out by the Massey-Harris Co. Their If Harvest ,m FM Excursions m WILL BE RUN ON Sept. 3n! Best. Milverton Flour, per rel . . . . . . . .......... 1 Returning until Nov. 3rd AND { Sept. Nth Low Grade Flour. per 100 lbs ..... a. . .‘ ....... $1.00. Bran, per 1001bs...... . .85c. 10 lbs. Rolled Wheat. the very All Kinds of Feed GEORGE LAWRENCE MACHINERY. AGENT, best . . . kept, in stock at the lowest prices. CHRONICLE. too well known Winnipeg. . DURHAM. bar- 25c. BREE strays? on rump. Any about of same will plea undersigned who will pay all expenses in OOIIIIOCNOII. ANDREW MARSHALL. RETURN FA 858 Lot 19, Con. 16. Normtnby. A15 5 pd. Frame Batu. an under:- For further puru- lars app Y ‘0 ‘lnL‘ ; I\I|l¢‘,\Y Aug. 24. 2m. Xever before in the history of our caller lab y have our graduates been no ream ‘ xcellent situations immediately on leaving college as during If you have t di‘bloma ’ it'wal ’ ‘filfi UUMAULJLUV-.-” Priceville, newly ' ' new brick kitchen, new win im rovements. 0n the remises are a go 3m 1e and two never ailmg wells. l‘he place has always done a good business and will be renteil right toa good man. The furnitmje will be sold to lessee. For further ,, I‘_ L.‘ IUI partial-Alan's apply '0 Nov 0 tf. 1 UV â€" â€" V U one acre of land on In the Town of Durham. w shed and a never failing reasonable. Apply to IV__ HHE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, ml 1) ll rmnld BEING Lots No. 11 and 12. Uon i, N. D. R. Glenelg. and 11 and [2, on (Jon. 2 N. I). it. also 13 and 14. on Gun. 3. N. D. it, each lot containing 50 acres. or 300 acres in all. nearly all cleared. watered. well fenced. good on ' ' dwellings, good bearing orchards. In first class state of cultivation, “'itllill a tew rods of school, 4 miles from Durham. Will be i sold en bloc or in separate lots. as purchas- er desires. Easy terms. For turtlier par- ticulars apply to A90. llEA'rON, ‘ )l\ Nov. 1â€"“ A“ IAIILUU V 141.: - --_--, , 7, Con. 4, S. D. R , Glenelg, fifty-five ed. about 55 miles from Good orchard, good concrete house, good well. in mir state of cultivation. For particulars see the owner. ...-"‘Il "l""“g July 9,â€"tf. Farm to Rent. D ifelllgandod l’ roperty on errgea out. one acre 0 land :11 good location, a desirable resi denoe. will be sold on easy terms. Apply to En. MILLIGAN. Palmerston. or to W. CALDER Durham. smnronu. ONTARIO En. MILL Jan. l7. 1%. ’. 17th. 14 CHOICE AND VALU anun building lots. in one of the most desir able parts of the town. Plans of the survey may be seen at Mr Telford’s office. or lots may be examined by applying to him. Prices right. Terms to suit the purchaser. wanna... nnmrmnitv for cash buyers. l llwn Ila“ E‘xcellent oppgqllllliflty for cash buyers. for further partlculars apply to Mass. THOMAS JACKSON. formerly Mrs. Middaugh. Clinton. Out Hotel to Rent. A G‘arafraxa Street Cempbell’s Livery. Gt ii) feet frontage, good 3* madame sixteen horses. particuilers apply at tl prOprietor. , A I .I‘Y A1 Elliott, - Principal N IMPROVED FA RM LO'l‘ NO. “I- .I... 84'0“}!le House to Rent. July lat. SHEEP FOU‘RJLAMBS “’LA-‘ Farm for Sale ELIGIBLE BRICK ‘COT-TAGE WITH A For Sale. Elfin Tandy "0 00“” vglubloâ€"tho best in cgulogue free. For Sale. For Sale. For Sale. tf our 091. «a . . ‘ 1" ”DAY.

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