BARRIS'I‘ER. NOTARY, GON- VIYANCER. Etc" Etc. Honey to Loon at rouonablo uto- and on term to suit. hwrown. OrPICIâ€"Mclntyn Block (Over the Bank.) -'v' Upâ€. [0' II. Rifles and Guns. Axle Grease. Snvmv-rlvn per cent. of the new students fro- outeide of Stntford. who were enrolled u the opening 0! our Fall tort. came (to. nearer other busineu collate! than ours, and student-p _wer_e enrolled (roan Harness. Cement. Chums. Etc. W. J. Elliott, - Principal Baydwarc. .UIII "II-III..â€" vvv-v v..- --- has in which can» basis-L col- agas are located. The wanted the bout Business and borthnud "ti-mg and um hon for it. Out graduates as: on t immedi- ately on leaving col Nine of out. gtudoub have goes-fly taken muons as WM?! to begin.“ co!- . Wu†for our catalogue. Inâ€: low if possible. Sept. 19. 1901. J. a. "y’fou. “0 \\ h are people cou- tinua ly talking about W. Black ? Because they get such great Bargains at his es- tablishment. You’ll examine the stock, and compare pnces. Gmu,â€"-I bog 3o noonnco Ch» I hove secured the agency (or the colobntod Ptoot l Wood luplomooto, and romcgfnlly so- licit u ohuo 0! your puronm. I Pufpooo «trying a complete nook of all Agticnlmnl Implo- Inoms. includiu Plown. Harrow. (disc and â€ï¬‚ag-tooth). Seaman, Bung Plowo. Drills, Em, Etc. ' ‘ I shall doc carry the but Ink“ 0! Wagon, Buggies, Cutter Sioighs. Etc" Etc. PiOIOI nnd Organ o! the he» nah. will ho kept In nook. Look out. [or (not. “tannin-«u. A part cnrload o! Axle Gnuo was taken in stock this week. You can get six boxes for 25¢. quantity. Jackson and Shallow Lake Cement. always in stock. In Chums, Washing M:- chines. Clothes Wtingeu an Tuba‘wo load the mar- Csll and see them. S. DAVIDSON, TO THE FARMERS. D. CAMPBELL, ’ n. D. c. "a ITHE COUNTY OF GREY. A Post Ofloo on tho Toronto and Sydonhnm Grnvel Bond. 11 m. 8. E. of Chntowortb. nnd shoot 18 m. from Owen Sound. Mail on Wedneednys nnd Sound»- a, from Cbntnworth and Arteminin P. 0. John Flaming, on. Post Inn-tor. BIG BAY. This is Shellow Bey [shellow in the sense 0! not running fer into the lend], between the two Inlets, Owen’s Souud end Colpoy’s Bey. It indents‘ the North Shore of Keppel, end is four tnilee ecroee from point to point. A line thus cerried ecroIis would be lrotn e mile to e rnile end e helf {roux the deepest recess of the Bey. Just there, as mill streetn debouches into the Bey, end the new villege of “North Koppel†is struggling into existence. The Bey, though epper- ently well protected by Uriï¬ith’s lslend lying directly in front, isl lieble to be vexed with befling winds end currents setting in from two or three directions between the Islends; end in former times it was not el- weys possible to celculate the time e boet would teke in getting past the Bey. Some of the eerlier vovegers, vexed et these unwilling delays, ‘geve the piece the neme oi “ Purga- tory Bey.†The neme “Big Bey.†This is a very pretty River. and deserves a better name than the rather rude one it bears. A genera- tion ago. the mouth of the river formed a safe and convenient shelter for tne batteaux, which served nearly all the purposes of lake navigation for surveyors. explorers, and traders. Some of these parties. camping for the time on its shores, found, washed‘ 'out by the freshets. a skull of re- l markably large pr0portions; probably ‘belonging to some Indian warrior, whose fame has missed reaching us. The river where the “Big Head†was found, or the “ Big Head River,†was from thenceforth the rather un- poetical name of the stream. Its . farthest source is in Holland near lthe 'l‘oronto Line, about 5 m. below Cbatsworth. The south fork rises on Lot 7 or 8 in 12th Con. Holland, and runs through the village of Walter’s.Falls. The general course of the Big Head River is N. E. Its length is but little over 20 m. It turns various mills; but might be made use of to a much larger extent than at present. This is also one of the trout streams of the region ; and certain favorite parts of its course are well known to anglers. It falls into Georgian Bay at Meaford. It is unfortunate that its mouth is im- peded by a sand-bar. so that it is of no value to shipping unless dredged out. BLANTYRE. A Post Ofï¬ce in the N. W. part 0! the township of Euphrusia, about. 6 m. from Grieravillo, 11 m. from Mea- tord. and 4 m. from Walter’s ‘Falls. IVI‘ â€"â€"â€" â€" m- Jae. Patterson. Postmaster and Gen. eral Merchant. There in also a blacksmith shop at Blantyre. Mails Tneadaye and Saturdays from Griers- ville, Mealord, and Walter’s Falls. BLUE IOUNTAINB. These are continuations of the Hamilton and Niagara formations; and in the township of Collingwood end abruptly in a steep wooded sIOpe tou ard the lake. The altitude in the immediate vicinity of Georgian Bay, [in rear of Milligan’s Hotel, 3 m. E. 1 of Thornbury]. is 750 feet above the? lake level. About 5 m. in rear of Craigleitb P. O. and somewhat nearer Collingwood Harbor, the altitude is 900 feet. Large stretches of table land are found upon their tops. Be- low the limestone of which the Blue Mountains are composed. is found bituminous Shale. as under the clifl lat Niagara Falls. . A few years ago a Coal Oil Reï¬nery was put in opera- ltion near Craigleith. Some oil was (Continued Fro- Lut Week.) BIG HEAD RIVER. Cutters, YEARS AGO. made; but the discovery of oil in Ennisltillen so cheepened the nrticle thst it could not hold out sgninst the competition, end was nbnnddned. [The tell chimney of the Oil Reï¬nery was standing n few years ago, if not at the presint time. The building itself was several years ego.â€"Ed ] nunsoovn'r utLLs. A Grist Mill, (one run oiv‘stones), end a Cnrding Mill built by and be- longing to the estate of the lots John Wilson. Situated in the township of Sydenhsm, about three-fourths of a. mile from Leith Corners,‘nnd be- tween .six and seven from Owen Sound; (on Lot 30, Con. C. Syden- hnm.) . A village situated on Georgian Bay, ‘1 in the township of St. Vincent ;10 m. from Meaford, 19 m. from Owen Sound. by land. Population about 100. It containsa Post Oï¬ce, two Coopers’ shops. one Carpenter’s shop, one Shoemaker’s shop, and a~Wharf 1 with Storehouse attached. In sum- '1 mer. the mail is daily, both ways, by a Steamboat; in winter, mail on Wed- nesdays and Saturdays. from Meaford only. The Steamer “ Clifton †calls at9 a. m. on her way from Owen Sound to Collingwood. and at 4 p. m. on her return, during the season of navigation The principal interest Lin the village is the ï¬sheries. Seven ï¬shing boats are employed. belonging to as many different ï¬shermen, and manned by two and sometimes three hands each. A number of extra hands are employed during the sea- son.’ who are not considered as residents, and not included in our estimate of the population. As many as 1,200 barrels of fresh ï¬sh have been shipped to Collingwood in one season. In 1864. the number reached 800 barrels. Most of these were for the Tortnto Market. Navigable water is very close in on shore ; and ‘ the wharf. though only 60 feet long, ' has, at the present low water 12 feet depth at the end. It is exposed to E. and N. E. winds, though protected from gales from other points of the compass. The absence of water- power has been adverse to the pros- perity of the place, and it has been rather nonoprOgressive for some years. Sabbath services are regular- ly held by the Baptist denomination. and occasionally by the Wesleyan Methodists. Brinan, John, ï¬sherman. Davis, Mrs., (widow Orris.) Kyfer, Richard, ï¬sherman. Knox, Wm. 0., boot and shoe- maker. McLaren, D., postmaster. McLaren. D., senr. McDonald, Neil, ï¬sherman. McDonald, Donald, fisherman. McInnis, Donald, ï¬sherman. McIntosh, Gilbert P., carpenter and builder. McInnis, John. ï¬sherman. McInnis, Duncan, ï¬sherman. Nichol. John. ï¬sherman. Stephens, Adam, teacher. Vail, Robert, cooper. Wylie, th., farmer. Winters, John. cooper. The Steamer Clifton mentioned: above was the ï¬rst vessel Ye Editor remembers seeing. We also had the honor of teaching near Cape Rich over twenty years ago.â€"Ed. cansos’s MILL. A Grist and Sawmill, in the town- ship of St. Vincent. on the shore of Georgian Bay, one mile W. of Cape Rich. It was built in the early days of the settlementâ€"about the year 1842; and comprises. under one roof, the gristing department and the saw- mill. Though the machinery is of a primitive description, the mill is a great convenience to the neighbor- hood. The grist-mill-has one run of a stones. The stream is an outlet of “ Mountain Lake,†near the residence bf Col. Watson, about smile from the mill. 55‘ EN! 9 93" -E‘O. sltblk to (D G “.0 m G .â€" 5n Rmo‘iom-z I». L3 CEDABVILLI . A village in the township of ‘ Pree- ton, nenr the townline of Egremont. on the S. branch of the Sangeen River. There are two stores. grist-mill, eur- rnill, poet oï¬ce and a. tavern. Dietent from Mt. Forest 9 miles. from whence it ie supplied with meile every Fri- Dorey, William 11., prOprietor1 Cednrville Hotel. . Hey, Henry, csrpenter. McKenzie. Jno., genersl merchant. Rogers, 1‘. W.. generel merch- ents, end proprietors grist end sew. mills. Rogers, Themes, poetmeeter. Rogers, Willism. own-1’s Inn. These mills ere in ,the township of Glenelg 1) miles (realize Gersirexs gang Bond end shoot 6 miles N. of nrllem. 8. B. Cheley, Esq., Proprietor. The mill has one run of .eseees (er fleeting. end enotlier in. WV!“ the eetmeel mill. Carson, Robt., proprietor Carson’s Carson, William. Doron, Archibgld, farmer. Carroll, Robert, miller. CAPE RICH. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. McCormick. John. farmer. McDonald, Alox., farmer. McDontld, Donald, farmer. Mr. Thee. Tucker km to wheel to Wing- ‘ hem this week to Vieit . Ae he he hnd e ood deelof rectice lntel he will, n doubt. pull {brongh ell nPght. y (1 Mr. Wm. Bleck hu' returned from Shnllow Lake cement works, end ie now enpged in the larger obit et home. Mr. John Greenwood. of Zion. cnme down n week nfl‘b’undey night and remnined with his uncle, . Thou. Orche until nht morning when they eterted for Le on Exhibition. In Beveletroke. B. C..~ on September 4th. Mien Alice Lewrence end Mr. C. Jenkins joined henrt end bend _for better or worse end ere. now upend- _, AI..- .‘Aâ€"A is s sswmill. and a falling sod cord- ing mill. The water power is abund- snt, the mills being éitusted on the Rocky Sangeen. DH Lam is the nearest post oflioe at present; but s post oï¬ce will probsbly be estsblisb- ed at the mills ere long. Chsfley, S. 3;. proprietor mills. Mchuley. Robert, lessee grist mill and ostmesl mill. {53 mam“ 11' km; Bid «3'. '15 thin-part. e expreaa the aentilnenta of all in wiahing them the heat of good wiehea. All who attended the Swinton Park picnic on Friday were well eatiaiied with the day's outing and the general treatment by the Urangemen. V The in. J. R. Keweu'ym pmcn . amen Thenhgiving Service in the School on Sunday next at. 3 o‘clock p. m. Mr. John Barbour wee so unfortunate u to re- ceive a severe kick from a horse last Sntnrdny. which will cause him to take a tow unpleasant holidays. We hope it will not prove severe but that he will won be around again. Mr. Jae. Eden bed 3 bee last. week heulin ma- terial for the house he is going to build in Dar m. Unfortunate ones have often remarked for con' eolation that there are better pastures on the'road than in the iield. and it is the belief of many in this part at {resent as most of our farmers have gone to wor on the railroad for the fall. Word has been received from ()0. Commissioner Allan. Manitoba. that no is engaged in promotin a Bidder Twine Co. His int. ex perienoe in wor of that. kind has enabled mm more than double the work of any other man iengaged. There was a tull turnout from this rt to Mr. Orchard'a funeral. The better he was nuwn the more he was respected, and he lived for more than a score of years :11 this part. As we were saying in our last, Teacher McDon- ald would receive con tulations on his success at the Entrance Exam nations, that together with the general promotion of t e School caused the Trustees to confer the h ghost honor in their power. re-engagement for next year. We have not heard any of our citizens relate accounts of thunderstorms during a cloudless sky since your account of last _wee . yet. possibly. those stories you related might be correct. but those wonderful tales told by the of a newspaper and backed u by an Imp einent Ag- ent and an experienced o cisl of the present Grit Government is yet a little suspicious. ' Mr. and 11mins. May. of Pitaburg, Tea, is visiting the latter‘s parent, Mr. Hays, this week. The icheekin favmily attended the funeral of their ne hew and cousin. Mr. John McCracken, of Edge ill. on Sammy. South Gre . Durham ............ Septeer 24-25 Sooner Fa .................... 24-25 Cheney .......................... “ 16-17 Guelph, Central .................. ‘° 17-19 Lintowel.... .. .................... “ - 18-19 Palmerston ...................... †24-25 Eat Grey. Flesherton .......... “ 26-27 Bentinck, Hanover .............. October 1-2 North (ï¬rm Owen Sound ........ " 2-4 Glenelg, rkdnle ...... . ....... “ 8-9 Of Avenlon and Pity. Cure Your Oatanh. Purify Your Breath and Stop the Offen- sive Discherge. Raw Dr. Bochrnr. of Buï¬alo, says: "My Wife au'l I were both troubled with distall- .31.: ($313th but we have enjoyed freedom :r-m this aggravating malad since the day .c ï¬r»: used Dr. Agnew’s atarrhal Pow- . r. -- iis gainâ€"n wa; instantaneous. giving or must grateful relief within ten minutes dict ï¬rs; npplication. so cents. 9 DON’T BECOME All .0815!“ BlearingSale Having decided t0 {live up the Implement business for the present, I will oï¬er the bal- ance of my stock for the next thirty days at cost price. This consists of the latest and best goods in my line. Call at once and get the snaps thst are zo- ing. Here is s partial list. you can make money by buying now instead of next yen. 4 Many-Harris Mowers. (the Inuit end up-to-detj). l l2-Hoe Meseey-Herrie Drill. l lO-Hoe Massey-Harrie Drill. 3 Gen; Plowe. l Mikedd, (e beauty). 4 Buggies, (diflerent colors). A few second-bend Buggies. 2 Democrete. 2 Snlky Bakes. 10 Plowe, (escorted and new). 7 Cooking Stovee. 2 Coel Stovee. 6 fleeting end Perlor Stoves. Light end Body Certs. Churne end Wuhere. 5 Penning Mille. 3 or 4 Sewing leohinee. Severel Orgene. A lerge «comment of Plow Bepeire. mm has got' to be sold. FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. CORNER CONCERNS. The prices will be lower than you espeet. Come with the beginning of the rush. (Continued Next Week.) “a...“ Sold by Maoist-lane 61. Co. FALL FAIRS. SNAPS: ooooooooooooooo EING Lots No. 11 and 12. Con. l, N. D. R. Glenelg, and ll and l2. on Con. 2 N. D. l}... also 13 and 14 on Con. 3. N. D, R. each lot containing 56 . acres. or “acres in all. nearly all cleared. Well watered. well fenced. good outbuildings and dwellings. good bearing orchards. In ï¬rst. class state of cultivation, within a few rods of school. 4 miles from Durham. Will be sold en bloc or in separate lots. as purchas- er desires. Easy terms. For turtlier par- ticulars apply to A.C. BEATON. Nov. lâ€"tf Bunessan P. O. N IMPROVED FARM. LOT NO. 7. Con. 4. S. D. R.. Glenelg. ï¬fty-live acres. ï¬fty cleared. about 5} miles from Durham. Good orchard. good concrete house. good well. in fair state of cultivation. For particulars see the owner. July 9.â€"tf. D Melli an Property on George Street. one acre 0 good land at 00d locatxon. a desirable residenoe, will sold on easy terms. Apply to En. MILLIGAN. Palmerston. or to W. CALDER. Dnrhsm. Jen. l7. 1%. ti 1‘]: buildin lots. in one of the most desir able puts of t e town. Plans of the survey may be seen a§ MI" Telford’g gflice.‘ or.l.otu any be examined by epplying to him. Prices right. Terms to suit the purchaser. Excellent opportumty for cash buyers. For further particularalpply to Mas. THOMAS JACKSON, formerly Mrs. Middeugh. Clinton. Ont. 14 N ELIGIBLE TOWN LOT ON ‘ Garafrgu Street, Durham. opposite Lampboll’s Lwory. Good site for bUBIOOSI. 2!) foot frqntage. good stable ï¬tted to accom- modgee sixteen horses. For terms and all puucuhrs apply at this oflioo or to the prOpriotor. ALEXANDER BEGGS. July ht. tt. ALLAN PARK 7- . ______ 63.1.35. ' Small Frame Ho Frame Barn. never falling Well. and one- 1' acre of Land. Will sell cheap to immdiate patella-or. For particulars apply 10 Aug. 19th. 4 RICK HOUSE AND LOTâ€"THE CHOICE AND VALUABLE For Sale. For Sale. For Sale. For Sale. For Sale. For JAMES CARBON. JOSEPH J AQUES, Durham 1’. O. WI