SEVEXTY-I-‘lvn per cent. of the new students from outside of Stratford, who were enrolled at the opening of our Fall tour. came from nearer other business colleges than ours, and students were enrolled from laces in which other business col- Gates are located. The wanted the best Business and horthand training and came here for it. Our graduates get emplo ment immedi- ately on leaving col ego. Nine of our students have recently taken mitions as teachers in business col- eges. Write for“ our catalogue. f/IIZ/Jflz Barman. W. J. Elliott, - Principal ARRISTER. NOTARY, CON-‘ VEYANCER. Etc" Etc. ' Nancy thoan u reasonable rates and on t. tor-s to am: borrower. . 051:. hours: 9:012 min. 2:04 Residence and «nice. Old Bank b ' Uppfl Town. Durham. “'0 are still selling goods and plenty of them, at the Hardware Store. Why! Because we always have the quantity and quality, and our prices are right. Just received an im- mense shipment of Silverware, which we are selling cheap. Grocery 6: Provision Store. Snaps for This Week. W Coll... Physicians sad 50W. Saga: Shells ........ . 3 Line Snupa.... .. . Buggy Whips ....... Bottle Tan Polish . . . Odd Knives ......... Apple Parers.. 5 Boxes Axle Grease. Putty Knives. . . Truce Chains. . . We’re Selling Suits at * Cost While They Last. 1 Don. Knives Forks Duh Churn ........... Shot. Gun ............. Clothes Wringer ..... Wheelbarrow . ........ ROCERIES Prunes. Raul J. a. Hur'oui â€a D. c. "0 STRATFORD. ONTARIO- . S. DAVIDSON, Flour, Feed, Groceries, Fruit, Nuts, Confec- tionery, Fresh and Cured Meats at ,lowest prices. Goods delivered to all parts of town. . Healy, Telephone No. )0. Will sell all our Reedy-made Suits at cost. A In: assortment to select. from u sstonishingly low prices When we say we sell at cost we meen it. It come along and prove us by eXsmiuing our good! ;: Fresh Groceries it the lowest living proï¬u. Lsisins, Currsnts, Sugst, Tess. Bolus. Eta, Etc. .15 .25 .25 SOUTH END iTHE COUNTY OF (may. 1 CLABKSBUBG. i It is now some years since W. J. ‘ Marsh, Esq.. took up 400 acres of wild land adjoining the northern boundary of the town-plot of Thom- bury ; with aroaring stream pursuing its headlong way through his domain. ‘ In 1856 he settled on his land, and saw mill. and a few houses. In 1859. W. A. Clark purchased of him a water privilege on the Beaver River. with 95 acres of land attached. Mr. Clark made immediate preparations “or building his woollen mills, and a rresidence for himself. In 1860. John Tyson came in. and purchased of Mr. Clark water privilege and land“for al flouring mill. The flouring mill was put in operation in January. l861, I and the woollen factory in October ' ,of the same year. The parties who i owned the ground adjoining.-â€"W. 'I‘. Marsh. W. A. Clark, and A. J. Whit- ney,â€"-oflered every facility to parties wishing to settle in the new village; and soon stores. inns, and mechanics’ sheps began to make their appearance in the new Village, as yet without a name. The inhabitants .wished it called Clarksville, after the enter- prising proprietor of the wcollen works; but P. O. authorities seem of late yeais to have set their faces against any more villes, and so they compromised the matter by establish; _--.-A Uvmy. Villlvv“ .--v ing a P. 0. under the nune of CLARKSBURG. At ï¬rst it was merely a sub-ofï¬ce in connexion with Thorn- bury. but for a. your past it has been independent, and receives daily mails from Collingwood. Clarkshurg is alittle overa mile from Georgian Bay, having only the town-plot of Thornhury (a square block of 900 acres) between it and the shore. The population is nearly 200. The whole place, as it stands, is the result of four years’ enter- prise. It is fortunate for the present and future interests of the village. _ ._ -_..l I-.Lnnn H urn 3;: itwsvt‘ehief men and fathers †are men of such stability of character, enterprise and perseverance. The “Northern Woollen Mills,"â€" W. A. Clark. Esq.. Proprietor,â€" were, as already stated, put in oper- ation in 1861. They are intended [or two sets of manufacturing ma- chines; and will work up, when all completed. 80,000 lbs. wool per anuum. The main building, which is iour-and-a-half storeys high, stands 34:62 feet on the ground. A sheepskin factory is attached, ï¬nish- ed in 1864. At present the pelts are exported in pickle to the United States; but Mr. Clark intends, as soon as arrangements to that end can be completed, to have them dressed on the premises. About 20 hands are employed in the various depart- ments of the works. Custom carding and falling is likewise attended to. 'I‘weeds, lulled cloths. beaver cloths, blankets, flannels, c., are all manu- factured. and are now known allover the Province. Mr. Clark has ï¬lled some very large orders during the last two years, for Montreal. Toronto and Hamilton wholesale houses. Fvl‘ this trade, his twilled scarlet flannels and checks are in special request. The establishment of the Northern Woollen Mills has greatly stimulated the growth of wool in the county. The “Beaver Valley Mills" are mwmhummmbouuohroflc .tilmont {or you-I. rm Dr. Von Ian’s Mupplo Mats and ulijflom unmomommntmofnymm “mum. daylight {0110an IMPI'I'IEIT DVSPEP‘I’IOS (Conï¬rmed From Last Week.) Nuts, Confec- FORTY YEARS AGO. ‘ Durham. A fair 'the property of John Tyson, Esq; land form one of rho chief estshlish- ‘menzs in the villsge. The building is of wood. neatly psinted. snd in its various ï¬sts sï¬ords smple storsge for grain. There are three run of stones. Flour to slsrge smonnt is imsnnlnctured st. these extensive mills. There are 3 stores, 2 comfortable hotels. 2 shoemakers, a shop for case tom spinning and weaving. l harness shOp, 2 waggon shops. a blacksmith, tailor, cooper. tinsmith, and several carpenters. The Potash works of Mr. B. J. Marsh. were erected last year. There is no church precisely in the village. the English church be- ing just within ' the town-plot of Thornbnry, though answering for hoth villages, which indeed are likely ere long to grow into one. An ex- cellent school is in operation. i'l‘here is an excellent opening in} Clarksburg for both a foundry and a tannery. These wants will no doubt. besoonsupplied. There isa spate water privilege above the mills, and two privileges below, where the whole volume of the Beaver River could be made available; and at least 3 other privileges in the village, supplied from the surplus water, which is very abundant. averaging . about half the force of the stream. Clarksburg is in the township of Colliugwood. l m. N. of Thornbury; 14 m. N. W. of Collingwood Harbor; 8 m. S. E of Mealord; and 28 m. E. S. E. of Owen Sound. Albery, Robt., eeddler and harness maker. Atkins, George. carder. Northern Woollen Mills. Beavér Valley Floating Mills. Jno. Tyson, proprietor. Beaver Valley Hotel, Francis Le Roy. proprietor. Bracken, Robert, laborer. Bro“ n. Wm., shoemaker, at H.‘ Sheridan's. Casey’s Hotel. Marsh St. Casey, John, proprietor of Casey’s Hotel. , ~ Calvary, John, carpenter. Clark, W. A.. proprietor Northern , Woollen Mills. Clark. Andrew, Northern Woollen Mills. Dickson. James, cooper. Drake. George, fuller, Northern Woollen Mills. Drake, Mrs. Douglas. John, tailor. Fairgrieve, John T., superintend- ent Northern Woollen Mills. Fraser, Hugh, custom, weaver and Spinner. Fraser, Thomas, weaver. at. H. Fraser’s. Gelston, James. weaver, at H. Fraser’s. Gogglns. Wm., spinner. Northern Woollen Mill. Hutchinson, James. employee at Northern Woollen Mills. Hunter, Walter, postmaster, and general dealer in dry goods, groceries, c. Agent Western Arrnrance Co. Header, James. farm. Hufl, Thomas W., painter. Keast. Thomas. horaeshoer and general blacksmith. Lyne, Henry, general merchant. Le Roy, Eugene. saddler. Le Roy, Francis. proprietor Beaver Valley Hotel. Le Roy, John B., waâ€"gon maker. Marsh. B. J., general merchant. Marsh, W. J., J. P., farmer. Mche, Patrick. saddler, at B. Allery’e. Miller, Allan. farmer. Northern Woollen Mills, W. A. I Clark, prOprietor. . " - I , __-_ "§G}'s'e},'Kihbs, wool puller, North- ern Woollen Mills. Ray, Wm.. Casey’s Hotel. Rowe. Peter. former. Rorke. Joseph. J. P., Commission- or in Queen’s Bench. 8 oridnn, Wm., boot and shoe mu or. J Sheridan. Humphrey. boot. nnd. ohoomnkor. Sheers. George. carpenter. Stephens. Baht... tinsmith. Tyson. John, proprietor, Bonvor Volley Uillc. Tyson. Milton, miller. Boner Volley Millo. Tyson, Charles, Bauer Volley vat-u", l'"l' ,_ Pinney, Henry, curder, Northern Woollen Mills. Mills. Whitney. A. J., carpenter. mmuasmhnm com-mu gill-m ' “law-“0‘ A story is told ol- a man named1 Moon,’ who was presented with a dsughter by his wife. That was s new Moon. The chl 3'00!) was so overcome with joy that he went oï¬ sud got drunk. sud thst was s full Moon. When he hecsme sober he hsd 25 cents left. Thst was the lsst quarter. But when his mother-in- lsw met him st the door with s roll- ing pin there wss s totsl eclipse of the Moon with seven stsrs visible. importenc things to remember is not. to eat. too much meet. Meet once n dny, in small quantities. is snï¬cient. Vegetsbles and fruit should always be enten freely, end drink plenty of water. It is e curious (not. thet most. people drink too little instead of too much super; er lenst n gnu: n dny is desirable. A pint of hot wster sipped slowly before estiug. is very good when s tendency to rheumstio troubles exists. Always est slowly ; nothing will sge you more quickly then an improper sssimulstion of food. end this is one of the faults most of us commit. Dr. Agnew’s Cure for me Heart is n helm Ipemï¬c. Under it's sway, an or all of chest sensations of distress will vani like dew before the morning sun. It is winning golden cncominnl! 9‘- _. A_--A_A-O n“. 336-35"; 3 new-failin'g "treatment. One dose gives relief in thirty minutes. A few bottle! will cure the most stubborn case. at A ing claims againsLthe estate of the‘ late Samuel Orchard who died on or about the 5th day of September instant are here-‘ by requested to deliver or send the same by post on or betore the 15th da of October next (1901) to Miss N. M. E. rchard or to G. Lefroy McCaul her $olicitor. when the same (If correct will be liquidated. All persons indeb to the said Samuel Orch- ard deceased. will pay the amount of their said indebtedness to the said N. M. E. Orch- ard who will give receipts for the same. G. LEFROY MCCAUL. Solicitor for Miss Orchard. Dated at Durham this 14th day of Septem- ber. A. D., 1901. tlon, I BEG LEAVE T0 INFORM MY CUS- TOMERS and the public in general tint I m prepared to furnish NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. DRILL, CURB, RIB-CURB, PRESSCURB WELL8._ All orders “teens; the old :99}! Pumps. ididod to. ALL Won: Gunman!) at “Live and let live†Paloma. clearing Sale Having decided to Rive’ up the Implement business {or the present. I will oï¬er the bal- ance of my stock for the next thirty days at cost price. This consists of the latest and best goods in my line. Call at once and get the snaps that are tro- ing. Here is a. partial list. you can make money by buying now instead of next year. NY PERSON OR PERSONS HAV 4 Msssey-Hsrris Mowers, (the lstest snd up-to-date). l 12-Hoe Massey-Harris Drill. l 10-Hoe Massey-Harris Drill. 3 Gsng Plows. l Miksdo', (s beauty). 4 Buggies, (diï¬erent colors). A. few second-bend Buggies. 2 Democrats. 2 Snlky Bakes. 10 Plows, (sssortsd and new). 7 Cooking Stoves. 2 Coal Stoves. \ 6 Hosting and Psrlor Stoves. Light snd Body Csrts. Chorus slid ushers. 5 Fanning Mills. 3 or 4 Sewing Mschines. Seversl Orgsns. A. lsrge assortment of Plow Bepsirs FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. NOTICE TO CBEDITURS. Sold by MwFarhno 00.. Durham. mums hwgot to be sold. The prices will be lower then you expect. Come with the beginning of the rush. Inminnee busing-n “tended to u usual MoGowan’ a inn will be promptly at GEORGE WHITIOBE. W. CALDER. SNAPS: CHBON [OLE DURHAM sold. D the undersigned Lot 55. Con. 3. s. D. B... Bentinck. on or about the ï¬rst of Sept. one awe and two lambs. Owner may have them by proving property and pnying expenses. bent. Entire undersigned, lot 55. con. 2. N. D. 11., Bentinck. on or about the 20th August. two lambs. Owner may have them by proving property and paying expenses. JAMES ALEXANDER, Rant- 14-â€"â€"4 nd. Allan Perk. Sept. l4.â€"4 pd. [Alâ€"ï¬lms House, good Barn. ood Stable and twenty-sun acres of law to rent or sell. For further particulars ap- piy at once to Fl; "v V'U-‘ v- Mums FALKINGHAM. Sept. 10th. 4-pd. Durham. Ont. I1 ed a young bull from Mr. Dickenson. got b " Byron Heir,†Imported. I desire to sel my two-year-old stock bull. and a. bull calf. I also oti'er for sale 12 young ram lambs, a stock ram bred by Mr. Wright. chief Shropshire rize winner of Canada. Also a number 0 Yorkshire igs of both sexes about?! mos. old. Dams red by Bur- ford and Saunders, and got by “Conqueror†Ilqt prize §wee Stake Hog at Toronto Ex- ‘UHI an" an rnnnnn-hln ‘3. Pllbu U" 5"‘V p-v" vâ€"v â€" '- hibiption in 1950. Will sell on reasonable terms. Bulls may be seen at Local Fairs. All above stock elngible for pedigree. W. A. LIVINGSTON. Rant- 9. 2-nd. Allan Park. TRAYED TO THE PREMISES OF A n -\ Sept. 9. HE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Priceville. newly bricked all round. new brick kiwheq. ypw windpws and othe; imï¬rovements. On the ’premises are a ood eta le and two never aihn wells. he place has alwayp done a 3 business and will be rented nglnt to a good man. The furniture will be sold to lessee. For further particulars apply to. TRAYED TO THE PREMISE§QF Nov 5 tf. EING LotsNo. ll and 12, Con 1, N. D. R. Glenelg. and 11 and 12. on Con. 2 N. I). it. also 13 and 14. on Con. 3, Macros in all. nearly all cleared. Well watered. well fenced. good Outbuildings and dwellings, good bearing orchards. In ï¬rst class state of cultivation within a tow rods of school. 4 miles from burham. Will be sold en bloc or in separate lots. as purchas- er desires. Easy terms. For turther par- ticulars apply to A. c. Bna'ros, . Nov. lâ€"tf Bnnessan P. 0. Nov. 1â€"“ AN IMPROVED FARM. LOT NO. 7, Con. 4. 8. D. R . Glenelg. ï¬fty-live acres. ï¬fty cleared. about 5; miles from Durham. Good orchard, good concrete house, geod‘well. in {air state of cultivation. July 9.â€"tf. IIUIIW. “M "VII. Ill ouuuu vâ€"vv ‘ For purticulnrs see the owner. 14 CHOICE AND VALUABLE‘ buildin lots. in one of the most desir . able parts of t e town. Plans of the survey may be seen at Mr Telford’s ofï¬ce. or lots may be. exmmned by spplying to him. Paces right. Terms to suit the urchsser. Excellent opportunity for css buyers. For further particulars apply to Mus. Tnoxss J scxsox. formerly Mrs. Middnngh. Clinton. Ont. AVING RECENTLY PQBQHAS- To Rent or Sell. A" thfrau Street Durham. opposite Campbell’s Livery. Good site for business. 30 foot fronugoJ particular: apply It this THE TOWN OF DQRHAM-: perl law: , ALEXANDER 83008. July m. tt. ALLAN PARK Lambs Astra y. . lawman. a. Sheep Estra'y. Stock for Sale. N ELIGIBLE TOWN LOT 0}; HOUSE AND LOT OX QUE“ 8T., TE! “In. I. L. Browne. The house bmposyme. conveniently “mod. and 3e newâ€"would make a excellent Min. Io. Aw: to J. L. 3mm Farm for Sale For Sale. For Sale. For Sale. For Sale. ALEX. Gnumsox. Vickors P. 0. THURSDAY. $3?“ “metiï¬ F" \S'M-Q‘. '4’... “ 2