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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Oct 1901, p. 1

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-W. '-' .Vvvv- 3: Punk Irwin, Philippine Islands, but 10: want. of Iptco it is crowded out this iuuo. poindomly rich, wax husband. Addressâ€" ingtou St. Chicago, 0 “I”! "(D DURING THE P487 WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READERS. Fun» 3nd Cloth Jun" u. u.- Di. Store. r Toâ€"Monlow, Friday, is Duflum’n .vie Holiday. , Mn 0. LAY'ros, master builder of the foundation of the Cannon Works. was about In: week u- tondinx the mnrringo of his daughter in Michigan. SSA? «300 yds. 36 inch print‘ior 10: per yd.. 10003119.. 3:? inch 125c hesvy duck print going “.100 per 316., 300 yds. 8c prints. while they '1‘!“ Big Store bought 3 large utock I lumps u u batgaimand is selling um ql at 10.10ch prices. Jâ€"-' â€" ' lat. “13¢ per yd. ‘u- v-"u-Uâ€"w ‘â€" v- v .givo an enteruinment in a}. Town 3.11 on Monday evening. Oct. 14th. They were here n year :30 and need - . 17_._1__ “AOLA !"'v '- J 'v- TV ,0 neommenduion. Under Motho. dist Cbuwh Auspicoa. Admission F. Morlock’s. , Mn. Bonner Convrnun met. with on accident. last week, by which he froc- tnred hie coilnr‘bone. It seems to have been done very simply, too. while getting on 4‘ wagon to ride borne lrom the cement works where he was emaged. He will be kid 0! work for several weeks. no doubt. Hummus Ametican eepecielly in wet weether. Lut week it was simply horrible. During the put two or three year: coneiderehle bee been done towards street improvement. but the work is for lrom finiehed. We hope the council will make e complete job of it as soon as pouihle. TnnTeechere’ Institute will meet here on Thursdey and Friday, Oct. 17th and um: All interested in int. both. of ~Toronto, with good testimonials. We bespeek {or the teachers a good turn out. Admis- -eion to Concert 26c. Plan of Bell et MacFerianee’ Drug Store. Till Cundian Jubileo_ Singers will ed. nre\ still in the class of the ' youthiuis,’ so far no yeere ere concerned in the furniture menu- lecturing. Fortuneteiy. in this pro. ‘greuive country youth is no deber ’to eucceu. end this new concern is e very decided veriticntion ol the fact. Their line coneiete of bedroom furni- ture nnd eidehonrde in out end elm. For the fell 'trede they ere out with e fine rouge o! neu deeigne. which excel their poet elorte. end a the Durhent Furniture Co. find them- eelvee ulreedy under the neceeeity ol enlerginx their-lectory, the future ioohe bright [or thorn.” On Thuredny lent we met for the firet tirne Mr. J. Jenkins, 0! Bevel- etohe, B. C. Mr. Jenkins in en en- pert Bnilroed Engineer end in juet now enjoying his honeymoon, having only recently mnrried Mine Alice DINO“. deughter of Mr. end Mrn. annnel Lewrenee, ol Glenelg. llr. end Ire. Jenkine ere now tnhiug in ;the Pnn-Auerienn, nlter which they -will return for n time before going: to Winnipeg end the Went. An ex- nninetion ol the big Loeouotivee in the Trnneportntien Building will oe- eupy eoneiderehle time oi en inter- eeted engineer. Ir. Jenkine in n hmy looking teen, 9! exeellent phy- _“A -‘ - “" VV- w-v .. Imp- to the in», young «cpl. I News Items . 1.. GRANT. wams good honest {gsâ€"EIEC, ‘93 wuh‘ .no. 1”- ‘i’F. )lorlock’s. Cunomcu: [or balance 0! your only 20:. Free to yearly subscribe". Palmv'lum Fur, to-mortow. Fri- day. Don’t miuit. Tn: Town Council voted 850 to the bond Monday night. Suzanna Gnu. WAmn- At Apply to Mrs. S. F. Morlock. le Tea Sets end Bedroom Sets. Pretty design: for 03.50 set et The Big Store the year only 206. or free to cash in advance subscribers for 1902. Banana the Pie end Box Social in the Button Hill School House on Pridey evening, Oct. 11th. Cumvm YETâ€"16 doz, grain bags u 82.00 per doz., 14 602, grain bags gt .1 80 per (102., at. S. F. Morlock’s. A LADY advertises in this issue {or sgood. honest hubby. She’s hand- some sud rich. What more does a fellow want. ? There’s corn in Egypt. F03 SALEâ€"Leicester Ram. 3 year old, and a thoroughbred Durham Bull. 2 :eors old. Both are good animals. Apply to Tnos. JACKSON, Bunouan P. U 2pd. Mu. Juana BURT, Lot. 1 of 29, Con. i. W. G. R.. clots his furm stock for able by public uuctiou on Tues- day, Oct. 1511). 12 month) credit. j"/° discount for cash. Jas Carson. Auctioneer. See bills. DON’T forget the concert in con- nection with the Teachers’ Institute on Thursday evening. Oct. 17th. Will J. White, Eccentric Monologist; Donald C. MncGregor. Concert Bari- tone. and Miss Whelpley. Accom- panist. have been engaged {or the occuion. Admission 25 cents. Tan new addition to the Furniturel Factory is now about completed and will fill a long ielt want for store room purposes. Two stories and a basement each about 50x60 feet gives the added floor space and it will not be long according to present indi- cations until further additions will be called for. We are pleased to learn that everything is going on all right. that the hands are con- stantlv busy and that orders are coming in lively. Some of the new ’designs are quick sellers. 313.0033. KNAPP, one of the most successful hotel men in this part of the country sold his hotel business on Monday last to Mr. George Ries, one of Bentinck’s best farmers. Mr. Knapp steps out about the middle of ,December but will remain in town‘ for sometime after that date. Mr. Knapp has always been regarded as ugood citizen. and as such we are sure the town as a. whole regrets to lose him. Mr. Ries is a member of Mn. Philip Eva, of this town, was eighty years of age on Tuesday last and celebrated his fifty-ninth wed- ding day on Wednesday. He has been a resident of Durham since 1854 He was married in St. Helier. Jarsey Island, by the Dean of the Island, who was succeeded by the father of i Mrs. Langtry. the well known actress We also learn that the father of the actress had the honor of marying Mr. David McClocklin, who is now stay- ing in town with his niece. Mrs. Wm. Caldwell. Mr. Limin. Sr.. is also a WI: mey refer to s metter which citizens have often thought of, but in which no ection has been taken. We menu the simple end inexpensive ect of labeling the streets. The cost confident there ere scores of people living in Dnrhnrn to-dey who know little or nothing of the street names, two blocks irorn their own homes. if indeed they know the nemes of the streets on which they live. The council is the proper body to tske this mntter in bond. . a‘ 5"“ - "I â€""â€"v. _ lut weak thin wu acne union. the Duthnin Furniture 00., the plaintil being It. John Cnmoron, oi Pnicovillc. who not with tn accident some time can, by which he petting! 01100- which Millinery Opening DELIGHTED CROWDS VISIT ALL THE 8HOW ROOUSâ€"A 'ORAND 8U00£88. u”. ‘ ‘ I‘D" -0â€" _ Joys of feasting for the ladies. They were not regaling themselves on culinary productions nor on the tempting vinnds many of them know so well how to prepare. Nor yet did they participate in n fenst of reason and aflow of soul. Oh. no, it was of the threev'establishments were vieing with each other in getting out the grandest millinery display ever witnessed at this season in the town of Durham. «x. “Iva-ov- w--- the graIIUUUD Jul aaaaaaa . l .._.__r _ -, _ ' Witnessed at this season in the town tenburg lace, caught down with ‘ 0‘ Durham. “* handsome steel and brilliant orna- Mr. Ireland and Miss Dick had ment at back. ’ 9 ' ntly ““10““ windows,.as Another black hat, also a beauty, well as loaded tables of exquisite medium sized shape, raised off the s headgear, to be examined inside in face, made of black silk v their artistic show rooms. The fall standing up .11 over $11.0 hat; facing n keeping with the of frills of black pleated silk. The . 1°88 gaudy than “16 trimming consisted of two pointed ‘1 mer styles, and hence ro ttes of pleated silk on edge of f color was the first fro trim, from which along plume the attention 0‘ went back over left side of hat. i A beautiful large hat in grey, had 5 Mr. Morlock had no display win- a bell crown. and rim something like dow in the neat, natty millinery “Gameboro’” style. This hat was 1 .notions so tastefully prepared by made 0‘ panne velvet, and had a. i Miss Sweet, who is in charge of the facing of white tulle over satin. Wlth l establishment. but the exhibit inelde Battenburg 1800 round edge 0‘ hat. ' ' v consisted of white made full compensation for any lack elsewhere. The opening days here. as well as at the other establish- 'd of rim. Handsome buckles? ments, (all of which permit us to S} f3 _ . . say would do credit to a much larger 11018th this charming hat. , place) were pronounced a great suc- A large Gainsboro’, in black, had a 6688 by way 0‘ admiring visitors and bell crown of folds of chiffon, with ”“9333“? opening-days’ 83108. Mr. facing of same material. This hat Ireland’s millinery is under the had two long plumes, one going each management 0f Miss Euart, a young way' from front, where there was a woman of considerable experience. large looped rosette of soft satin lib- and Skilled i" bringing out the best hon with fringed ends brought over eflects known to the millinery art. rim. , Mlss Plck. too, Wlth so able anoartisl Another turban, “'thh attracted a 39 “‘33 De L30" for an assistant” great deal of attention, had a plaque has full confidence ln her ability to: crown of folds of panne velvet. The satisfy the most fastidious, and fromlmmng rim was made of folds ’of ”"3 large display 0' pretty things ‘0‘ white and castor velvet. Castor vel- he seen there, we have nc doubt she vet was draped above the, rim to 1? amply able ‘0 accomplish if". 39' meet the crown, which had three 5‘91 Each place. “'35 certainly a hands or straps coming over to edge a mllllnery cynosure, and wlth such “lof rim, where .they were fastened dlsplay of taste at home there is down with fancy buckles. 0 es surely no need to go elsewhere to be . . it - . One glrl s hat was a large flap . fully sulted m the line of head-wear} shape in brown. of the new style of “ â€"-.-n AAFA‘ the visitor. 90 l ° Durham, Ont, Thursday, October The stylish tricorner shape made in beautiful chenille braid and panue velvet, the top of brim in cream applique. three nodding black plumes secured to crown by two rossettes composed of velvet. ribbon. .A very handsome hat in dark red velvet of the beautiful pattern shows one of the new fancy feather plaques in irridescent reds. two straps of velvet joining plaque to brim, and fastened with pretty enameled buck- les. A beautiful display of millinery goods will be seen at the show rooms, which are in charge of Miss Sweet. This firm has achieved a reputation in Durham as having as fine a display of trimmed hats -as could be 'seen any where. They have surpassed -m, nrnvinnfi season. The show Ill yuanâ€"-_ “â€" .___ of trimmed hatsra; could be 'seen' any where. They have surpassed room, which is large and well lighted electrically, gave the many visitors an excellent Opportunity to examine the various styles, of whitfh they have many, but we can only mention a few of the leaders’. ‘ Large Gemisborough hat, made in black velvet shin-ed crown and up- per bfim, leeving e soft pufiing ’198 V. on“, â€"v..- _ around. crown. fegming a turn, and else 3 pnfiing on edge of brim. under brim covered filein. At. front. on under brim.- holding two large plumes, is a large gold and brilliant- buckle, which gives a. decided efiect {to this pretty but. J onuson Hotâ€"«This exquisite hot is one of the stylish hats for winter. The crown end under brim is oi mink with n loft draping of pnnno velvet knotted in front, with ospery going to left side, drope held in plnoe 3: book with gold buckle. The Anchor her. mnde in white velvet. upper brim drepped with velvet, e sequin bend it edge of brim, under brim covered. pluin end ram sequin crown lined with whize. Large plume stem 1» front. end following the outline of but finally ; droors at back. Front finished with jet buckle. end velvet draping from! buckle to bend at the left side. finish- ed with jet buckle. The beautifully dressed window was the first thing to attract atten- tion. We next met the genial little V milliner, Miss Euart. who was evi- dently proud of her tastely decorated i surroundings. And now for a word about a few of the hats brought ¢ before our notice, such as: A draped turban. very much ad- 1 mired, with shirred facing of dark green velvet. and a green shaded feather plaque crown. Draped around below crown was cream Bat- tenburg lace, caught down with a handsome steel and brilliant orna- i l ment at back. ’ medium sized shape. raised 03 the face. made of black silk velvet. folds standing up all over the hat; facing of frills of black pleated silk. The trimming consisted of two pointed ros ttes of pleated silk on edge of fro t rim, from which a long plume went back over left side of hat. A beautiful large hat in grey, had a bell crown. and rim something like “G'ams'ooro’” style This hat was made of panne velvet. and had a facing of white tulle over satin. with Battenburg lace round edge of hat. , The trimming consisted of white , tulle and grey panne velvet. and a . large grey breast lying along left'. , side of rim. Handsome buckles p finished this charming hat. - A large Gainsboro’. in black, had a 1 bell crown of folds of chiffon, with . facing of same material. This hat a had two long plumes, one going each g way' from front. where there was a ». large looped rosette of soft satin iih- â€"-â€"-- ._“b Al'n“ vet. feet. and standing alone appears to an be a large concern. 8°“ Excavations are now being made out. I for the rotary building which is 135 also ‘ by 143 feet, and the foundations will etty ! begin in a day or so, and no_titne One girl's hat was a large flOp shape in brown ol the new style of soft felt; this had white satin cords going round all over hat. Its lacing was of white panne velvet, and the trimming consisted of a large white hackle, curling ronnd rim. with the quill caught through the felt. At the left side, toward back, was a large pretty bow of tafieta silk, bound I l with brown velvet. ‘ Everything is moving nicely and ' rapid progress is being made around the Cement Works. The gigantic {scheme is taking on definite shape 1 and everybody is pleased at the result ‘_ so far. The good will of Mr. Layton in hisl obedience to Canadian laws is evid- ent from his action on Saturday night last. On the American side where he belongs a person can work right along seven days in the week if he feels so disposed. Some of the pillars being unfinished in the cement building now being erected. Mr. Layton requested a few of the me'n to return Sunday morning to com- plete the job. but as soon as thev told him that it was contrary to Can- adlan laws and contrary to the feel- ings of the good people of Durham, ' he. immediately conntermanded the order and nothing was done. nor will anything be done contrary to our , law of Sabbath observance. We re- 1 speot Mr. Layton for his redeao- . quiescence in a matter so dear to l every Canadian heart. AT xxxuxn's. CEMENT NOTES. THE GOING AND OOUINO OF VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF OCTOBER. Mr. McWillisms. of Owen Sound, wss in town last Friday. Mr. Fred Lewis, Piano Tuner, is in town this week. Dr. Park, of Hamilton, wns ian over Sunday. Mr. Stanhope. of Toronto, «as in town Saturday. Miss Maude. Davidson visited Hol- stein fair, and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.Allan. - ,, Mr. G. I. Brown, of Portland, is spending a few days with his per- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Gun. of Inne- skip, visited the former’s father who is seriously ill. Mr. MacKenzie. of Seattle. Wash- ington, is visiting his grandfather, Dr. Gun, at present. Miss Ida McEwen, of Mt. Forest. was the guest of Miss Maude David- son last week. Mr. Archie Robertson went to To- ronto Wednesday morning. He in- 'ends to go to Bufialo beftore return- I ing. Mr. Courtice. of Clinton. Mr. Broadfoot, of Snafonth. and Mr. Cline, of Wingham. were in town Saturday and lofled over the cement. .t the parsonage on VVUuuouuu-J, September 4th, when the Rev. John ‘ Jawrence. uncle of the bride, united n the bonds of Holy Matrimony, Miss Edith Parker. daughter of Mr. Richard Parker. of Uno Park. Lake l‘emiscamingue, and Mr. Flavius J. Stoufier, of Stoufiville. The cere- mony was performed at 2 p, m. In the absence of her father, the bride was given away ty her cousin, Mr. Levi L. Lawrence. Robed in her travelling dress of light grey, trim- med with rich silk lace and pearl buttons. the bride presented a picture of womanhood true. and handsome. The following were the guests: Miss IA. Lawrence. Toronto; Mr. Claton Stoufier, Altona; Miss Etta Cook. Orillia; the Rev. J. Jewitt, Minniao- ta; Miss Edna McPhee, Mr. Howard _ McPhee. and Miss M. Brown, ‘Ather- ley. After the ceremony a light lunch was served, and amidst the cries of good wishes from the whole ,,_..1 -..A .. acnrm nf rice and Old \\ ONE PRICE A. Lawrence. Toronto; Mt. \ Stoufier, Altona; Miss Etta Orillia; the Rev. J. Jewitt, Mi ta; Miss Edna McPhee, Mr. H McPhee. and Miss M. Brown, ley. After the ceremony a lunch was served. and amid cries of good wishes from the Jl'llllu , huo .Luu ............ ta; Miss Edna McPhee, Mr. Howard _ McPhee. and Miss M. Brown, Ather- ley. After the ceremony a light lunch was served. and amidst the cries of good wishes from the whole crowd. and a storm of rice and 'old boots, the happy couple took the 4:20 train for the city, to spend their honeymoon. From thence they will visit the home and friends of Mr. Stoufier, and will finally settle in Uno Park. Lake Temiscamingue. The presents were many and costly. In the bride Rama loses one of her best Sabbath School workers and Mr. Stoufl'er gains a prize. May they live long and happy, and may their wedded life be one of peace and prosperity.---Orillia Packet. It seems to matter not what other newspapers may ofier as premiums, the 'Family Herald and Weekly Star. of Montreal. can always go them one better, and this year they have again clearly outclassed all competitors. SubScribers to that great family pa- .1__ L2- UuuavaaVu-u vv -_-_- per will this season receive the big- gest value ever offered. In addition to a very much improved paper. each subscriber will receite no less than three valuable and seasonable pre- mium pictures. The pictures are large portraits of our new King. Ed- ward VII, and the beautiful Queen Alexandra, each 18x24 inches, on beautiful paper, making a lovely pair ’0! pictures ready for framing. and which should be found in every Canadian home. . The third picture :a a "and sunrise. We have all is a grand suprise. We have an heard of the renovirned Gainsborough picture, the Duchess of Devonshire, the picture stolen and recovered si- ter 25 years sud recently purchssed by J. Pierpont Morgen for 875.000 cash. The publishers of the Fsmily Hersld sre giving each subscriber this sesson s beautiful copy of this [historical picture. 22x28 inches, in tam rich colors. ssms ss the originsl, “V. w.“ â€"â€" _ U this season a beautiful copy of this: historical picture. 22x28 inches, in ten rich colors, same as the original, along with the pictures of the King and Queen. All three pictures and- a year’s subscription to the best Family paper on this continent for one dollar is certainly a big dollar’s 'worth. The plates of the King and Queen-will be. a surprise. No such plates were ever given with a newspaper. 10, 1901. :3 One Better Every Time. Rama Reserve. Miss. Etta Know Sound, CASH AND ONE PRICE BOOTS _ SHOES a f. $1.00 Per Year. and the Hem.i.. u Ibut buy imiuli um I“ ‘ D|'UH‘J "cw w- V ' maud. mm and ; 0t yum- runs in Shun :Iudd‘fllvbers {rum us. \‘o new tlu Hahn «- ‘rmu' “rand ....-I Ihn ‘it‘llhi..|‘. 514“ "Ml". always in

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