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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Nov 1901, p. 6

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FURNITURE. UNDERTAKIN G "CRY TRUIODAV IOMIIO I? "it ““6“ MIT!“ I00“. W "I“ DURHAM, om. 3133”“ TH: Cummcuz w?“ be sent to an - -_- acidic», free of po~tuge, for_$|.oo pc TEE WWW BflfilfllflLl WI- “drew, (me of postage, {0: 3|.” pc “"8 o o.- o yanpayablc in advanceâ€"3L5. mat be charged if not. so paid. The date to which no.- gubscripcion is fin! is denoted Ly the number on "a cddrc-x hbcl. o {caper (ii.'.<..>nxinucd mm! all anew .p pad, except a: 3 Option of the proptiezor. M!“ For transient advertisements 8 cerr: 3.x: line lot the first amnion; 3 cenu 1" “YES . o . tine each subbcquem inscrtion- mim: mastic. Professional cards, not exceeding one im': “.00 pef annum. Advertisements without Speci' divca {ions will be published till furbid and charged a cardingty Tandem noticesâ€"3‘ Lost," “ Found " For 53".," (.15. ‘ 59 cent} In! first insertion, 35 can Jihaions vi wdllzgly " For Sa'e, k (uh '1Ub‘ AMES CARSON, Durham, Licensed e Auctioneer for the County of Grey Land Velaator, Baum of the 20d Division (.‘unrt Sale. end 3“ other matters promptly etunded toâ€"higbeet reference: tumls'ned l“ U6“ MachAY, Durham, Lfind Vglu Mar and Lwensed Auctioneer for the C on»! y of Grey. Salon promptly sttcndcd to and not“ cashed. tamed, Filed Pd Set. A _ E" A...‘ THE JOB : : 1“ RRIS'IFR. Solicitwr. etc. McIntyre»; Block. Lower Town. Collection and A39! vy promptly attended to. Searches made It the Ken Flry Office. 1 natured. [or each nubwquen: insertion. All advertisements ordered by strangers must be p b! in advance. . . Comma: nus for candy adventsemenu {mulled ”Katha to the 0 cc. . . . at Al! advgmge ne ~c-, go ensure mama) m um - - , , - I-A-_ ALA- 'l‘l‘D-l vwâ€"vâ€"‘â€"- _ All “knit: nc ~t~', go ensure insertion in mine week. should b0 broughn m no: late! than 1'08st homing. P .- { “No." he said. staying her with a Medical “ll'CCtOI'y. ‘Inel'lc grasp of her gown. “do not go .. . ~â€"â€"~~»~â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€" for n minute. Let, me have you 2111 DR JAMlLSO5- Durham. alone for a few seconds. 1â€"1 am 0““ and Residence a aha“; distance; not, much hurt. How Came you up us: of Knapp.» Motel. Lambtonihm‘f‘ {1'0"19- Street. Lower Town. Ulflce hours from3 "“hflt "009 that mattm'?” “he 12 to 2 o'dook.- icrinrd. wringing her hands. “How did __. _\'nu come here, and-â€"an(l~â€"-how d'ul “FENTIâ€"Q'P- [I b - I this happen?” ll ‘ ' ' ’ ' I L JV” ' ' )5 (33919.3!!!y3t0Cde"H DEPARTHENT Ml NEW TYPE. thus 32’ fording («times (or turning on: First-clam 0(fice:~â€"Fnrst door east of the Dur- ing; _|’butmacy. Caldera Block._ Residence.â€"FirsL dock iveisiti‘ot the Post Office. Durham. 10‘». Any amount of money to loan at. 5 per cant. i I ta. rm propel-t) . Furnace Kettles, Power Straw Cut. ters. Hot Air Furnaces, Shingle Machinery, Band Saws, Emery Machines, hand or power ; Cresting, Farmers Kettles, Columns, Church Seat Ends. Bed Fasteners, Fencing, Pump-Makers’ Supplies, School Desks, Fanning Mill Castings, Light Castings and Builders’ Sup- plies, Sole Plates and points for the diflerent ploughs in use. Casting repairs for Flour and Saw Mills. Farmers, Thrashers and Millmen A general Banking business transact. 0!. Draft.- lsaued and collections made on all points. DPpOSlts received 3nd in- terest allowed at current rates. A Hn'Ib'T CLASS HEARSE IX CONNECT“) Interest. allowed on Savings [but de- posits of .1 and upwards. Prompt utention and every (acuity afford- ed customers livin gt a disunco. J. Y. Ascot. “pita! Authorized. Pond Up; fin}; Fund . Agenda In 3|! principal polntsjn On- uric, Quebec, Manitoba, United Sutes and England. Standatd Bank of Canada Innpropnrodtofiu order: !« nod-hing]- WRITER SIITII, wu'ul 10030!th AMES BROWN, Issuer o! Marritg cheulen.Durham Out. ARRISTFR. Solicitor. etc. Offic‘a ova ’ Gorzlozz's new jewellery More. Lowe: DR. T. G. HOLT, L. D. S. SAVINGS BAN K. AT 11!: D’ICK FOUND} JACOB KRESS. Durham Agency. III-ad "Him“, Tamil“). 1;. P. mam. G. LEFROY McCAUL. Legal Directory. J. P. TELFORD: E51103 up I napalm-on. Imbolming a apecialty. -- WE MAKE -- M 3366!! (means . WI REPAIR-- lasing; Ham Powers, I, Movers,” Rage“. DENTIST. I! PU 31-13!!! D fill orders ”Who?" ho asked, vying her with a suspicious light, in his dark eyes all the darker ior.thc black line which pain had drawn around them. "Let. them be!" he said, almost wildly. “(‘nnstancc. I would rather lie here and die than live without you. Can you swear you do not. love me?” he gl‘unhcd out. grasping at her. “No, no," she murmured, “1â€"1-â€" you do not know. Let me go. They me ofldmu} there. Oh. Qet me go!” With :1 sudden. érlmson flush. she ltid hvr face in hm‘ hands. He l'a’LiSNl himsvh‘ until his face was on a level with lwr shoulder. “I loan! you coming down the Pathâ€"J was just, in from: and think in}: you wmnltl he displeased. I struck off by one of the narrow paths. I slipped somewhere above this and fell hare. (.‘onstnnce, you hme saved my life." \‘.ith a low sol) she still hill lwr fau‘v. 'l‘lwn slw sprang up. “Now lut me go for thom." s‘ne pleaclml. for lw still hold her dress. "You have sun-(l my life." he said. with a faint smilo. “You czymot still insist on making it a curse to “:0. ('(mstnnco (l0 nut go away from In: winin. [mlâ€"Jolt, your (lcm' {are against mineâ€"surely I did not dream it. I did not dream that you loved me. (.‘unstqncc--my Con- stance!" With a sudden pullor she put his hands from her. “No. no!” she said. “l"or your sake. no. it is too late. Iâ€"l " "Too late!" he echoed, hoarseiy. Then a fierce iight [lashed across his face, followed by a dull, deadened despair. “You have promised your- self to himâ€"to Guy Ilau‘tlcigh?” He fell back, white and death-like. With a loud scream). Constance sprang along the ledge and down the narrow path along the beach. crying for help at every step. Loud shouts of alarm arose in answer. and Guy and the rest came dashing' toward her. Aml .«hn sprain: in hvr foot. and lmil't-(l c-um'i'ly along the beach. "or n im- i'misml him again. and. with a g'rcut «fart, hp raised himsoli on his arm. but. still staring at. her. “(‘imstaliLCe‘P” he said. “Yo.sâ€"~_vcs. it is I," she'answcred, looking (lawn at him in Wild agita‘ limi. “Let me go for help; there are otlwrs there below us. 0h! How did you come here? Are you much hurt? Let me 1:0? “MI :1 shudder she drnw hor dross from his hand. and shrunk from him like a guilty creature. He beckoned her to come noarcr. and in her agitation. She could not disorcx'. Forgetting the narrowness o! the ledge, and her own danger, she bounded {orwurd' and knelt beside him. “I nhcyod you.” ho faintly said. “I ldt tlw castle this warning. But, I knew you worn coming here. andâ€"and it, was Wonk and foolish. but, I thought I could come lu-re by u by~ path. and get a last look at. you." His face was white. his eyes closed. She thought he was (lead, and all the love that she had so carefully re- pressed went out to him, as with a. low wail she threw herself on him and pressed her cheek to his, her lips to his. '9, ”N0. no. shu cried. “IL is I, Con- stancc! I am not. guing. Oh, What shall I (10'3” “Nut yetâ€"mot. yet,” he muttered. a spasm 0! pain” crossing his white, hzundsmue face. “:50. it is really you! Oh, do not ‘cave me! No. it is u dream.” Fur 3110 had drawn her arm away. and. as she did so. his head fell back and his eyes closed. Then her voice came back to her. “hen they came she could only point above her. but Guy under- St-UUG. and making his way up the cliff, was soon kneeling beside the unconscious man. Not a Word passed her lipsâ€"in that, supreme moment, all power of thought. or speech seemed to desert her. "Ili! you fellows!" he shouted. loaning oxer; “'don t. come up hereâ€"â€" you can do no good yet. Go around to the point and hail the boat. then twg _of you come npâ€"the two strong- Last night she had for the second time sent him from herâ€"had bidden him go forever. and he had obeyed her and gone. to his death. She could new-r send him away again. ost‘ For an age it seemed she crouched thus. then suddenly a thrill ran through her. and she shrank away from him. She had felt the heart beating bcn-uth her arm, the dark. mnurnful eyes were fixed on her, op- en amd staring in confusion. With a luwfcagcr cry of hope she tried to rise. but he put out a weak hand and feebly held her. They hailed the boat, and t'wo of therp_went up to him. “Why, gredt Heaven! It’s Caryl Wilton," exclaimed one. “How on cap-Eh did _he get here?" “Don’t, knoxuv." said Guy, quietlyâ€" he was always cool in moments of ginger. ‘ “Is is more important to know how to get him away from here... As gently on possible they liited him, mid with no little danger to themselves carried him down the narrow path to the booth. There they mode on comfortable 3 bed for him us they could with their abate. and two of them volunteered tom the boat. O O 0.9 O O O O 0.00 O O O O O. O... O O O... O O O O. O .0 O O O O CHAPTER X XVIII.â€"-Continucd. érimmn flush. shn lmnllS. llc l‘ujsml .cc was on a level "Common 0’ COCK)”, IIW you, mlmswu nu uullnu, uuu my uv’vu uâ€" â€"v -_- -.. obtdnublc for diseases of tin kidneys and liver Ono pill a 4090’ . 35 cents '. and he Idmmon, Ides Co, Toronto. item But, I During the early hours of the night the sick mph Was delirious and talk- cd incessantly of Muidu Cm'ringfm'd and linmeoz and Mildred, hearing him, anw he Was talking of the fa- nmus actress who created such a fur- or at the time she was in San Fran- oiscn. But after a. time he mixed the nunw ,of Muicia ()urringford and (.‘onâ€" Going at a walking pace they reached Lougham. 'l‘here one of the grwoms. who had gone on with the dog cart, met them and told them that Dame Chester haul prepared a. romn in the cottdg and \’:.LS vaulting f0: them. Guy looked up with a sudden start. ‘He had not. intended that, they should go to her cottage. but, it Was too late to alter ur- mngt-ments, even if he had wished to (10 SH. ’l‘lu- (lame met them at the gate, and Mildred stood in the doorâ€"Way. Ilc anoide'l her eye, but, he need not hme feared. She as sellulously u‘s'uidrd his. She Waited with WO- niuuly sympathy for the sick man to fe l'rnuglzt in. She haul yielded up her mmn to him and was ready to do what hay in her power for him. At. first the (lame was not willing. hut Mildlell was so persistent, that she yielded and allowed Mildred to With h him during the night. mamvc IIurth-igh, and little by little (old the whole of his own and her story. And Mildred. listening as if to a, voice from anuthcr world learn‘ Cd :1” fore. And so, all through the lonesome night. she listened to the wild utter- aw-c-s of the sick man. and struggled with her own thoughts. She pitied this man who had been so kind to her. and still more she pitied the or- rimg‘ woman who had brought so much misery to herself. "All right,” was the response, giv~ on with languid indifl'ercncc; “that, will do famously.” Then he added, lnoking around. “You fellows have had an anul troublq. I'm very gru tofu]. ' ' much misery to herself. “Two weeks," she muttered to her- self: the man said tWO weeks. I must do somethingr within the two weeks to save her from that man. If I had the money that would do, for all he cares for is money: but then. there is that wicked little creature who stole the memorandum book. What shall I do about her? What shall I do at. all? ()h, if he would only get well in time." "Don't alarm yourself, my dear Algy: it Was all my fault. (Jim’- climbing is not my vocation, I find. How did I get there? By the quick-- est and simplest routeâ€"by falling. It beats an express train. my dear boy. Oh. you mean what brought me to the cliff at all? Wall, you see, I could not rtSiSt. this picnic of toms. and “11111 [ haul got half \ av to the station I turned back and made straight for the 'l‘itun’ 2. “hut- yuu-cnll-it. ’ ’ Oh. my! don't ask me any more mediums,” he retorted tostily. “What (1008 it mattm"? What does anything mutter. if it comes to that? Where are you taking me?" But he did not get Well at all, seemingly. Every morning (1 host. of inquiries were made at the little cottage. Lord Algy was almost l1e1rt-broken,and he never allowed a day to pass without calling. Guy. too, rode over every morning, but. it. “.1 sent. on to gut yuu a room at Ixmglmm,” said Guy. “There's an old nurse of ours out that Way; you couldn‘t be in better hands.” "But why didn’t you wait for us?" asked Lord Algy. anxiously. jumped in and took his place in the boat. Then as be seized an oar, he said: “We shall row to the point. The first man who gets to the top of the cliff, send a. carriage to the point- send a wagonctte. The. dog-cart can. go on to Lougham, to Dame Ches- ter'sâ€"she must find a room In one of the cottages: the castle will be too far. NOW. then!" And with a strong stroke he sent the boat towm'd the point. “My dear old man!" he cried, lean- ing over him as they laid him on the floor of the wagonctte, "are you much hurt? How did this happen? For the first time Caryl spoke. On regaining Consciousness in the boat, Guy's face and voice had been the first. to greet him, and he had turned his head away in silence; but now he explained: Long before they gained the point (.‘m'yl Came to. but he still looked so white and haggard that when Lord Algy, who had come down in the wagonctte. first caught sight of him, he sent. up a cry of alarm and sor- row. Few people realize what a vast proportion of serious illnesses arises from cold settling on some delicate organ of the body. The kidneys and liver, as well as the lungs are. very easily affected by sudden changes of temperature, and the results are often suddenly fatal. It is a common experience with farmers, teamsters, railroad men and laborers to have a cold settle on the kidneys and throw these organs, as well as the whole digestive system, out of order. There is usually backache, pains in the sides and limbs, deposits in the urine, pain and scalding with urination and irregularity of the bowels. ‘ Goldh Settles on the Kidneys. So many thousands of cases of serious kidney disease have, been cured by Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills that they‘hnve come to be considered an absolute cure tor d“ kidney derangement: They are purely vsgstnble in composition, promptand pleasant in action, and thorough and far-reaching in their efi'ects. They are endorsed by doctors, lawyers, ministers and others, and are beyond doubt the most elficacious treatment main-hi. (no (“an A! He. Lida-n and “'2'. On- Bill ‘. d0”: 15000” ‘ m; It m M“. “ that had been a mystery be- CHAPTER XXIX. 68"... :....:.... .z............. ‘ Dr. Ghase’s Kidney-Liver “I Came by the Loughum road. I have just been at the cottage to 011-- quire after poor Caryl." “And how is he this afternoon?" “A little better, they say: they wx'oukin't let me see him. No, one sees him but the doctor and his nur- ses. i’oor old boy! but he’s lucky to haVe such such nursing. 'l‘hut pretty Miss Thorpe is as devoted us a sis- ter." Guy winced, but said nothing, and Amy Went on with sudden in- quiry. “But I say, Guy. is it true?" “Is what true?" “'lh'lt you and Constance are to he nmrried soon? You don’t mind my asking do you?" and he looked up at. him wistfully. “Yes. it’s true, Algy,” replied Guy With a. hat” frown. i "1 am so glad," said Aigy, pres- sing the. strong arm. “Guy, you gought to 10 very happy, very happy fâ€"an~i you are, of course. And Con- stance. is she at home?" U °i\'n. don't" he said, dropping into a cl1-131' b.1idc her “I like this Iig ..t but for one thing. I can't sec your face distinctly, dozu Constanco " “Constance," he suddenly asked. is it true that. you and Guy are to be nmrrici directly?" 'l'horc was a moment of stillness. Then she answered, distinctly and slowly: '5‘, - “)‘es, it is quite true. Papa wish- es 1t, and a wnsh of his now is law." "l hopu you will be humwâ€"yuu know that, Constance. 1 think Guy the hummst man in the world-you know that. too.’ “Do you.’ ’shc said, quietly. "D0 vou think he looks happv?” and there Was almost a. touch of irony in her voixc. "Is it yuu, Lord Algy‘?" she said, in her law musical voice. “1 cam ss'nrcely see. Let me ring for more lights.” -1- Algy looked at her. Her eyes were dnwncnst. It was not the voice or the face of a bride blushing with anâ€" ticip..tiuns of happiness. With all his low for hm Algy was beginning to think he did not. understand her. "She is in the morning room. or Was a few minutes ago," said Guy. as they entered the hall. “(30 in and see her, and 1 will finish my pipe." 110 owned the door, and Algy went in. The room was almost. (lurk, lighted by a candle or two at. the tabic; but he caught the glimmer of a woman's dress at the further 9nd of the room. and Muidu came forward to meet, him, putting her hand into his extended one. She lulrglhrd absontly and invited him to be St‘iltcd. “Guy ahvays looked grave and wise." said Algy, putting her hand softly. There was a pause; then he said, suddenly: “By 'thc Way, I have just come from Lougham." â€"â€"â€" I VDJU u, up“; uUJuulg "IS “(1130. More than a week. had elapsedgdrew him to the candle light and si co the accident, and the interest 'or-cned the case inpit had not disappeared, when the: A cross formxd of emeralds and prospect of a still more exciting diamonds flashed in her eyes. At :1 event stirred the country to its gance she saw that it was of enor- depths. The engagement of Guy and lmous valueâ€"a gift lit for an empress. Constance IIartleig'n had not madef'l'he feeling that it xvnuld he unjust much stir, simply because it had been tn him to take the gift once more foreseen and predicted from the first; jovercaine her, and she held the glit- but new it was announced that thegteiing mass toward him saying: marriage was to take place almost' "Oh, no, no! Not such a. gift as immediately. thisâ€"l am not Worthy." As he drove up to the house in a low pony-carriaee, which he preferred to the stately barouehe he saw (:uy Hamlin: on the terrace. It lacked an hour or more of dinner time, and (by was smoking his favorite. pipe. Algy's eyes; were sharp, and he keen- ly scanned the frank. handsome face. “Hello, Algy, where have you dropv-r-d from? I didn’t see you Coming." “From Lougham?” repeated Maidu turning on him with a swift blush and a sudden quiver of the delicate lips. ”Yes: I tried to see poor Wilton. but, couldn't: they don't let anyone see him. Poor fellow!” “lsâ€"is he better?” she asked, the words dropping from her lips slowly, as if they cost. her an effort. “A little, they think: nndâ€"-â€"" Lord Algy got. up and began fidget- ing about, and fumbling in his pock- The news ran around like wild-fire. and the neighborhood was divided in- to two parties; the men who envie!‘ (my and the women who envied Malian. Poor. unselfish Algy wcm straight to the Hall to hear if the news Was true, and to get. a fen words with Maida. V“Uo might to look happyâ€"us hap- [RV as a, mortal can look," sighed the bay, “but he only looks grave.” W3 en he called to him, (my came down the steps with h‘:s open-lu-urted smile. was not often that. he saw Mildred. or it he did it was only to exchange a _s_hg_good-mo_m_ipg with her. Haida seemed the only one of all the neighborhood who did not call. and Mildred, though in daily expec- tation of a call from her. and on the alert. to slip out of sight in case she did come; was very much relieved to have her remain away, for she did not know what. would be the elicct of a recognition. It was rather strange, considering how frequent a visitor to the Hall the iniuied man had been that that one, of all the ladies in the neighbor- hood, iefrnined from calling. a porpoise,” we hardly associate. a quick rate of swimming with that, individual, yet he. and e\'er,\'bod.\'1 else. would like to be able to get,l through the water as rapidlyj I’orpoises have been seen to dart. round and round a steamer tra‘relâ€"i| ling seventeen miles an hour, thus} proving their t‘apacit}r to swim at. a! greater rate than that. The! dolphin! may be placed on a. level with the? porpoise. but the bonito has 00-? easionally been known to approach, forty tniles‘for short distances. llerâ€" rings. in shoals. move steadily at a rate between ten and twelve miles :1 mackerel swim much faster. and both ; trout and salmon go at a. rapid pace! when migmting up a stream for; spawning. Whales are not fish in: the scientific sense. but. it is inter-i esting to note that these monsters: swim at a rate of sixteen miles an; hour when excited, although their; ordinary Speed is estimated at be-} tween four and five miles. l Very often Tommy's mother ex~ amines him to see hmv much he has learned at school. Not long since the following conversation took place between them :â€" Motherâ€"“'l‘ummv how are you going on at school ?" Tommyâ€"“First late. ma.” "Mention the. names of some of the dmncstic animals.’ "The horse, the (log. the pig." “Mention some morc. 'l‘ummy." “The goose, the hem, and the Lord Algy shook like a lfiuf. and 'ent over Mr, “Constance! (‘4 1181:: my“, you unhappy? W 3011 can trust. me. Constance. you know 1 would die to shield you from one minute’s. 1am white and .lgitatml. V (Ions! once. “0.”! r . hat, is it? Tell nw: What is it?” you will kill me! Are Few of us have an accurate idea of thv rate at which fish swim. “hon we say that u porsun is "as fat, as "The horse, “10 dog, the NH." ] English history towns with inciâ€" “Mcntion some morc. 'I'ummy." gdcuts of successful surrct. sorviw. not “The 30050. the ‘10“. and the ,ulwuys to its own advantage. The duck." ifuilurc of the historic l-‘ronrh ima- “Yes. I ““43 thinking 0‘ ‘UUI'Jesim; of Ireland. in 1796. Was largely legged animals. What animal 55 3(1th (.1 a judicious use of the Secret, that which lives mostly in the Service funds. house. but which often makes a: The expedition. which Was under dreadful noise. so that people cannot : the (:mmnund of General “(who and v.- ..‘. I .v‘.‘ “I hope you won't mind. but]! thought I'd bring my wedding pre- sent now. It isn't a regular sort of Present. as it ought to be, fresh I..- .._ n - -â€"â€" present. as it ought to be, fresh from a. Bond Street jeweller. It is quite an old trifle. It was my moth- er’s .Constance; but you will like it none the less for that. I am sure." For a moment it seemed to her that she could not take this thing which his mother had worn, and which could not be worn by such a one. as she; but her sense of caulion came quickly to her aid, and she. rose and, still holding his hand. drew him to the candle light and opened the case. A cross formxéd of emeralds and diamonds flashed in her eyes. At at 31111013 She saw that it» Was of enor- "Is it nothing"."" he asked, Wist- fully. “Don't, )nvol-«lun't kneel. I don't like to sea )ulll‘ proud head so low-you. whu are my queen. Rise, dear Constance. ' ' She rose slowly. and put both lwr hands in his. “You will km-p my poor gift." he said. “It is a poor one. ton. Think of the. Ilurtleigh diamonds. You will kmp it?" “Yes." she said, slowly; "I will keen it until " “Unl.il--â€"-" he said. wonderingly. “Until you yourself um convincod that I am unworthy to wear the poms that have shone on your moth- er's bosmn. Ullfih? Here is Guy. ID To be Continued. sleep Between 1815 and 1820 poor rclipf cost English people 125 8d a head. This amount has now dropped to six shillings. "Not. worthy?" he echoed, looking at her with a. rapt. smile of Wur- ship. “You not worthy? Tell me who is then?" With a gasp, she sank to the flour. and hid hvr face in her hands. Ills question had pierced her to the soul. Who was more worthy? He should “or good and bad angels strugglud for the m story for u ummcnt; tin-n she luukcd up, a. smile quivering on hm‘ lips, hor oyus wet and. languid, and put her hum] on his arm. “It. is nothing. _’ she nnxrmurcd; “it, is past, now. I am a naughty. 1m- rousmmblu girl; don’t tell on mm, as thov say at school. Lord Algy." "Four-legged animal ?” “Yes.” Tommy (triumphantly) -â€" “"l‘hc piano." have asked who 'ais less worthy than sheâ€"Chan Shesâ€"tho impoflor. the criminal. Onlv half satisfied. he bout and touched her furohnud with 11h lips. FORTY MILES AN HOUR '1‘( )LI M Y ’S 1 D10 A 0-)" 01" IT. John Bill! Pay: $320,000 0. Year in Secret Service Honey.â€" Dangerous Work. When. at the beginning of last year Mr. Balfour announced in the British Parliament. that the vote for Secret Service was to be inc-raised from 5150.000 to $320,000 a great many People felt surprised. The majority ;of folks had long seriously believed lthat the British Service existed {only in the pages of the novel. " As a matter of fact. however. it is in very live organization indeed. llut girom their very nature, its workings .seldoni come into the glare of pub-i inf-‘5‘.“ No details are ever asked or‘ igiveln, provided the Ministers re-- isponsible for the expenditure of the; :fund take the following oath I I “I swear that the money paid toi line for foreign seeret service, or for‘ ldetecting”. pretrnting‘. and defeating lconspiracies against the State, has ibeen bona lido applied to the said. fpurpose and no other." I l Occasionally a few facts leak out, lbut it is Very seldom. l Only last January it became of‘ :vital importance that the British" gAdmiralty should obtain certain in-l {formation almnt. the French snh? linarine boats. For months past the‘ 3French naval authorities had been :trying to throw dust in Britain's eyes by the publication in I’reneh'l :engineering journals of misleadingl {planx It was recognized that there? bras only one remedyâ€"11 secret ser-1 lvice agent must he employed. ' ‘_ The selection of this man was no light task. llis identity is to this :day known only to a few. llis en;â€" lployers may have been the Admiralty] lor the warship contractin‘s. Messrs.: i:‘t'i(.'kers Sons and Maxim. 'l‘his 1nat~i Eters little. His qualifications “(We a ‘ ithorong‘h knowledge of t‘llfJ‘lDW'i'llltz', {the Capacity to speak Frenvh like. a; gnative. and the ability to ohtain the. lsuem. mom that day to this he ’has been as one dead. There is a {rumor at (‘hcrlmurg that a British ispy “as reCeutly caught. relHuuuh-(l. land secretly sentenced to life-long- fm'tress labor. Butâ€"that is all. iGovernments (lo nut refer to these 'malters officially, and the spy “hu 5 Jails is lost. Rather loss than (on years ago a good-huniorcd looking,r little man boarded one of the Mossag‘cl‘ivs Muriâ€" gtiine mail steamers. plying hothn {Franco and Australia. and sin-mlily :fl'allL‘l'lliZl‘d with its chivf enginm-r. :lle Was the now under-(mmncor. nnd Ilic'ovincmi nn inu-rvst in his work {that put him \‘oi'y high in the esti- jinalion of his chief. { Early and late he Wits to ho found ihovoring round the vessel's “Bello- lvillos,” anxiously Watching tempora- lturcs, pressures and fwd vulvos. uml jam-115's ready to loud a hand :it the «slightest, hitch. lie niacin tvm Voy- ages out and home, and than bui- dvnly quittod the. servin- , A fcw hours later, Edouard Gnu- }liii. a native of (:um'nscy. who spoke l-‘i’cnch and English with oquul facility. and than whom the British f 110 spoke of its wonderful capacity 'for raising stvam at a 333w hour.“ notice, of its safety in Case of avi' Mont. of the thousand and um: ad- la'autagos of the LCW type of H.343!) raiser. Porchancu h«- dark, t« o. ‘upon its disadvantages. BRIBERY STOPPED SOLD] ENS. Be that as It, may, It is not, too anuch to Say that tho intrvpid vu- [gim-cr took his life in his own hands {when he entered the French com- 'pauy’s ROI'VR‘P. Had his identity ,boou discovered he \vould probably Hum} “fallen overboard," or been '-“crushed in the crank pit." or met !with one of those thousand and mu} Hittlc disasters whichâ€"accidentaIly, jot coursch-lmppou to unpopular [Wu- {pic on the high seas. ‘near Waterloo. in which some Brit- ish regiments were quartered. Check- ing his horse outside an inn door, he called to some artillerymen who were lounging near, and demanded to see their officer. Major Leathes. lie was informed that the emcer in question was not in the village. He then thoroughly catechised the gunners u to their strength in horses. men and guns, in order that he might deter- mine whether Lord Uxbrldce could stable there an additional 200 homes {or the night. After bullying the local mayor. and ordering the men right and left. he (receiully w facility. and than whom the mun-.1. Navv had no more loyal (-nginmyr ofl‘u‘vr. had told Sir John llnrstnn, Bugincorâ€"in-Chicf of theJh'ilish Amy all tln‘re was tn know about, tn..- watcr-tubo boiler. SEGRET SERVICE HEROES THEY SPY OUT THE SCHEMES OF OTHER NATIONS. Threi- Weeks later she ran into La Rochelle Without her eonsurts, who. after \‘illllly waiting their (:enerul’s return reluctantly returned to France. The ’im-usim. had mum. But the failure was not so much due to the warring elements cited by the Fruternite's captain us to that gen- tleman's venial proceeding in accept- ing a. heavy British bribe to delay the landing of the expediticm by every means in big (lower. . "I finnâ€" the. capacity to Speak Frcnvh like u native, and H10 ability to obtain the necessary billvt, as a mechanic in (‘hcrbmu'g Dockyard. V-vv.’ , ' ' P h 1815 the evemng of :Iunc lat . _ , nogmcer in the umlorm of thg 4th :{usms rode into _a‘ _little vx_lluge Within a few months of his ap- pointmcnt he had furnish-d the Ad- miralty with the most valuable in- formation. Everything Wax guilty; swinmling‘ly, when suddvnlywhc Was silent. From that day (0 this In- lms been as (me dead. There is a The expedition. which was under the commnnd of General lloche and the notorious Wolfe Tone, (‘Olll- prized forty-three ships and 14.000 soldiers. besides heavy siege artillery and large quantities of arms and ammunition. With its arrival oll’ llnntl'y Buy, it heavy tempest and snowstorm not only [ll‘OVt’illcd an immediate landing. but drove many of the vessels out to sea. Amongst them was the Genera/5 ship. the Fraternite. INCLJJCVI 1.1.16 1“ )l LENS l Those who have read Fennimo !Cooper's fictitious "Spy." and In 'folluwed the fortunes of the gall yuung British spy. llujor And iwho Was shot by Washingtuu's under. ‘must be numbered by millions. But ‘it is a. curious fact that (he most. :uscful spy ever unmluyod by u Brit,- ish gem-ml died in poverty. practi- tcully unknown tn the muiuu hv hud : honvlittcd. be possible In rerun-r it lrum broken tins and sell it at a g profit-Which he Illti. j living a mun of sumv ingmmi' .llllpl'nVlsed at small furmicv, and modiutoly began making i-xpcr in this (lirm‘tinn. They turned .sntisl'uetm'ily. and the price. t, solder thus realized enabled keep g‘uiug'. l “(2 saw that. there was 0‘! ‘Iihuml of n guud luminous, dnnwâ€"thc germ of it had ' jitselfâ€"nml so he. contracted number at muster I'ug‘pickers Eply him with all the old tins they could lay hands soon found himself at. the head growing concern. and looking matters one day he mmeeiv Iidea that there was a deal of fin the metal that, Was thrown d after the solder had boon extriw At all times mntmiul inc-ans I :ney. only we don't always know [to ('mn'ert it. into pnumls. s ”and rem". ed his pony and rode out of the V“! Inge. just as Major Leather. mt it from the .oppositc directlo Eventually it transpired that he w a member of Napoleon's celebra secret service‘. But. so boldly he played his part. that none (0| more pleased at his nsvupo than u. 'l‘t-nunics he had an clovm'ly hoaxed. The man in question Was Culqu- houn Grunt... wlm lhrmurhout tho Peninsular War was “ellinflun' " most trusted inlvHign-ucor. His culty {or spying out an en. plans and slrvnglh was that o! “l$.l’.," whHst his (-M'almdos "U.l’.," \vhflst his vscupudos littlutl those of at he Rutlgomo His \Vutchwurd “us "'l‘hnruug‘h. and to this hl' (mu-(l most of great, sm'cvssvs, at which um- i dent must. suflicu. (m a. curtain cusinn \Vlwn tho I‘m-m'h uccu 'l'aunauuos. thvy hvg‘nn to openly [)ul‘v fur the stunning: of ltodr' 'l'hvir ullit'm's maulv 1m .-c<‘l'0t. of an fact that. Murmunt mtvudml tn mot. against tlmt tnwn on the ourli ‘ ptme<ill|v ut't‘nsiult. Wellington. ho (‘V'H' him his Mispit‘inna of this lutn‘m‘sinn' ft'unkuvss. and Grant w disputzhmt tn t‘vrrvt. out the trith. t'uncmlml himSt-li in a Wood 'l‘nmamws. \thn- the road hru tn Ruth‘ig‘u and l'n-rulcs. S atftt-xwvurds the l-‘u'nt'h mnw‘d 0 ('HHCMI‘NI himw-li in a “nod 'l'mnzmu-s. “lwn- Hu- rum] hl‘u tn Hmil'ign and l'm‘nh-S. Sh ut‘h-ruurdx Hm l-‘H'M'h “mu-d on HM- .‘mMmIl. lit-351mm! ufh‘l‘ “wilt, gun nHvr gum, “ngpnn Waggon. tl'nlnlwd (ln\\n HH- R! I'mul. until “rum c-nlvulutvd [Mulchâ€"(“HM lin- \Vlmiv I‘l‘vlu'h hm! pnmwl. Niuv mm nut “'Hlllt] lun‘v l‘rlln'm'ol pus! hast. » ll<~:ulqn;u'lwr~~. um! rulun'lwl the milwnl assault of ltmh'ip‘n. (:mm \\'.'!H nlu‘ Hf HH' lc'nLh. wiL'lc' «"U' hm! HM Imvll MI dazzled- Hu- huge) fnrw'. 1h:- sio-gc urUII and thu din-Minn uf llw march, that it had mirw'd mm intlimwnsub adjunct uf :m uwâ€"amlt. ”0 ram dullhfml hawk 1.x) ’I‘nlrmllws. fo the hm'n vay. 5‘qu fur Hm Fran nwn's M'uliug lmldmx. and fumhwi \Vuu ulva 1') l‘rpul“ HHH HIP iHVOSt‘ )Hvlli Was “Ill-V u frint H is this “34‘ fur de-iuil Hm! marks Hm divid- ing HMO lwtum'n tln- prr‘ut spy and: NW nwrc puS-lmgf. 'l‘hu though! struck. himâ€"‘ make tin SUldit‘l'H and other 1 ol‘ the metal which up to flu ment was considered as only The result of that. illsplrath the â€"â€" in after years -â€"- a mom. of several factories In parts of France. “mu 0_ Millions of metal pieces shape of children's toys al‘ out annually from these we and Monsieur Drag has bun huge fortune on old strain" Sardines. in his lwtter days, can ed his especial putrunuge, and a I: of them was found on his (at every day. At the same time a he came ucroxs this pile of old “I he happened to learn that the 80“ with which thm \u-re hermetic. sealed Was a valuable vummodll am! it. occurred to him that it mi. Taking the ‘liltm met. Sy‘ney. 10130 post: (I: tut «1 hr. At the end of the siege of Paris the l‘russians, the lu-cpcr of a I’ isiam wine-slum found himself 00.- plt-tciy ruined. He did not knot where to turn fur hrmd fur his fam- ily. In a yard .11 the b.::k 0! shop thorn “as u lurgc: accumulu ' of old sun-dine tins. “This man Dobbin in ‘ luckiest fellows I know heard at his arm being blo week in that explosion ?" there in nothing lucky ab "It was his right, am. y “Well. what of that ?" " lefta-hwdou' l" Frenchman Made a Fortum of Them. your:1ourmnntho.l. Soldby all newsdadm mum (:0. Wm New Ygrk [Ranch 031100.625 I“ St. W 1. inflow!) A handsomely I‘Iuatra:ed wet-My. Lamont an culauqnpt anygdemmg jqqmq: Tern”. 03 I invention is prdbnbly pm‘tnible. (‘ummm Hons strictly confident“! Inndbook on PM lent free. Oldest n envy {or noun-ma puma. Patents taken 1 Wm h Mann (‘.0 read" sperm Mace wltlmutc agents. in (In Scientific 1|ch m Tue: Nun Dunn Common" to. Anyone sending n ska! oh and «manna II! Quickly Wftgfippgfppmton {no other I. AAA_‘_-_.A n,_,___.._-l-_ 'l‘lll‘.‘ (:lH'IA'l‘l-ZH'I‘ S! Y 3'6 '0'? Hi $566155 13mg: i‘m-. 03". {our pay». 81. 80 d by [paw-GM SARDINE TINS in his lwttor d leor days, con: U'ulmg't‘. um] 11 h mud on his W the same tune («I

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