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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Nov 1901, p. 9

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THE BE STEEE. J. HUNT TER WE HAVE no USE HERE FOR OUT-OF-DATE GOODS Ladies’ Mantles FOR ONE DOLLAR we sell you one of our last season’s coats. FOR FIVE DOLLARS we sell you one of this year’s newest styles, with velvet. collar and well worth seven dol!ars. Good Soap 3 Cakes for 250, high~ ly perfumed and Wrapped neatly, THREE in a box. FOWL 3‘3 S 0 me Snaps .1. A. HUNTER. THE BIG STORE. Brings some new and Up-to-dutc Goods m buy them w sell out quickly, and as an in- ducement we. mark the selling price lmver than ordinary Sturcs which carry their goods over t'mm sea- son to sousun. Our prices range from 81.04) to $10M) ouch. OWL bought. for Trade or Cash 'l‘hev must be DRY PICKED and Crops empty. Men’s For Coats. 810, 825, 845. Ladies’ Fur Jackets. Ladios’ Fur Caperines. Empress Shoes for Women. no". Blankets. élitor Shoes for men. i strength i grow. It is asad thing to see fine fruit trees spoiled by the blight. You can always tell them from the rest. They never do well their rights. \Vhilc the rest grow big and strong one stays small and weak. Scott’s Emulsion can stop that blight. There is no reason why such achild should stay small. Scott’s Emulsion is a medicine with lots of strength in it-the kind of Scott’s Emulsion makes Children grow, makes them eat, makes them sleep, makes them play. Give the weak child a Chance. Scott's Emulsion will make it catch up Mmak‘fltl? .\lr. Traynm', S in this part, lately .\.lr. 'l‘raynm', Surveyor, has been in this part, lately, running lines for a few of the farmers, and relieving them of some of their span: cliiuk and giving value for the same. liceve McFadden was along, so now we hope there will be no more (lis- putes. Mr. Robert Bradley, who moved onto the Lamb farm, is making llllllflS boom. He has had a well sunk in the farm, and has a lot of plowing dune. He is a hnstler. Messrs. Dick and Wm. Moran have got tired of drawing water and ham: sunk their well deeper, and struck a good Spring. Mr. Jul-m Duncan has built liitnsell a line new kltulwn this full. Ralph Purvis. of Bexka-luy, is plastering it for him just now. Mr. Duncan has leased his farm for a term of years to Wm. Kirk, of Holland 'l‘p.. and intends moving to town. THURSDAY. J. R. Duncan has just arrived home from Manitoba harvest fields looking hale and hearty. Neil Livingston has built himself a line new implement shed. It'pays to take care of rigs and implements of all kinds, and Neil knows it. Mr. Chas. Boyle and family are now snug in their fine two story cot.- Inge. He has purchased brick to veneer it next spring. ()ur postmaster. Richard English, has also purchased brick to veneer his house next season. Halioxxe’vn passed 03 quietly. ‘mess the night was too dark for the bOVS. The white flakes are beginning to fail. which warns us of the coming of winter. Never saw the roads so good at this time of the year. What has turned so many wagons up-side-d«.w;n on the way to Mark- dale, who knows? Farmers round here are beginning to talk beef ring fornext summer. Wonder who will butcher? T. ’I‘. has his hands full for next sason. Miss Fetis, teacher, and her pupils are preparing for a grand concert. about. Christmas. No doubt. it will be a success, as Miss F. is a pusher. BUTTER Commâ€"Golden butteri (gong... coldghmnflhtnd outermost color. a nure :eggtakglefibutto: c310".§£¥‘fffffie?§°kl’_tfhc:2bixm UIUI ’ I In ”I '5 5W 100 bottle. .3 Poker’ 0 "13ng Store. " srs. Wilson in, have been 1nd wife for m: the fresh rs. Wilson and Halliday, of . lmvu been \xitlx Mr. Samuel m1 wife for the inst ten days g the fresh country air, and in hurt: and partridge by the They brought along two dogs wuhlu of shot-guns worth ”'5‘ TORONTO CANADA 50c and $1. all druggists. GLASCOTT. that makes things This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott's Emulsion and is on the wrappcrof every bottle. Send for free sample. stay small and SCOTT 130\VNE, vv- -7 Mrs. ’t'hoa. Clnrk who has. long hoon a resident I of Artonicsia and lived on the buck lino north of ’ Louck's mill. passed away at hot homo thoro on l‘hursday inst, aged (if) yours. llerrolnains wcrc intorrod in the Alt-afoul Road (,‘ciuotcry on Satur- day afternoon, Rev. L. W. Thom conducting the l) urinl Stfl'Vith, 'l‘ho stutf and scholars of our Public School are busy preparing for thcir cntcrtainmcnt on the awning of tho 221111 inst. 'Whito practising a march in tho school ono owning last week Char- tio. sot-oml son of Mr. W.J, lficlluniy, cann- in colli- soon with the corner of our of the mats rn'civod a. nasty cut in one of tho temples. llr. Catl'lt'l‘ in- m-rtul a stitch in dressing tho wound. The Wonwn’s Missionary Socivty of tho Moth- mliat (.‘hnrt'h hold their annual 'l‘hnnkagix'ing "H‘t'i ing in tho chmrh on 'l‘hnrmlny nt'ternoon that Mrs. (lit-v.) Wilson moi-tidied and during tho pro- timh‘n- wssion short Anton-sting polo-rs wore giwu t,)u Sabbath owning last Rev. Ivison “"11.qu mum-had an linen-sting patriotic sermon to a large mugwgatiutl in tlw Mctluullstchurch thous- ing [01' lus text 1 Samuel, 10: 24. “And all the pt'nplt' slmutml, and mid. (lml rune tlue King." Monday cs‘cning in tlmsanu: place was “ Missiuu- any" with tlm bpwurth Lvagm- and the commit- tz-v's program was an Interesting and uppmpriutn 0H0 lIIIIllA\ l“ nu-Irun .y..".‘ -.--.-.___-_ "I I ‘. ‘ um lln- subjc-ct of thanksgiving by Mrs. Dame Mrs. Hum“, Mrs W. Tumble and ansClu'ialoc Mrs. S. ltunton and family left on Monday to join Mr. “('IHUII in their homo at St. Thomas. Mrs. ltunton will be grrmly missed in tho Moth- mlist rhurrh being an officer and uctivr Wul'km' in Worm-H‘s Missionary Society and Ladies Aid. a tearlu-r in the Sabbath School and 3 member of tho rho'u'. Anumg thaw who spent the King's birthday and Sumluy abroad wew Mr. M. K. Richamlsun. .\l. l’.. Mr. (‘. H. Munahaw, Mr. and Mrs. Harn- hunsvuml «laughtc-x', Miss Mclhmuhl and )“nfi Jauwl (iilmm at 'l‘m'unm; Mr. lh-rh Smith and Miss Ellie Slcwau't at llillaburg. Mr. lh-rt Runtou left last week tux-mend that Winn-1‘ an Wubiguon. EM ins i’urtmlm, of tho (.‘ollingxmml Ruml, who haw lwvu am invalid for a lung tunv, was taken to 'l‘nrumn nu Saturday last to «juusult a. spwiahst. 851i .4 i IIItIIIIIs, of tho ( IIIIiIIgIIIIoII Rural, who hum IN‘PM am 'IIIIIIIIII {III .I lung lllllt‘,\\1|8 IIUI'I‘II to lUlUlNU UH SMIIIIIIII’ last to IIIIIsult II. sva'iIIlist .\II'.. HIIIII, IIf this pl;.'III3,II14II IIIIIt III thI'IitI’ IIII “I'EHIIH IIt of (III' I I I:.4. Mia: Mal cl Munshaw is Visiting her musin Miss (in illiths, in Owen Sound. Mr, Andrew Buyd, of Mt. Furrst, Vifiiu‘ll his lnmhrr J. A. torn day nr hm last “wk and unu- ph-lrd 1hr drul for the Hunt propurty. Miss hlhrl 'l‘rimhlc arrived last wwk from Dr- trvil tu pay her parents a Visit. Mrs. Juhu Sheppard, of Moosjuw, Assn” is viz-5- iring Iu-r luthur-m-hnv, M r. 'l‘hos. Slwppurd. Mr. Sum, uf Port. llopv, is Visiting his sistcro Mrs. Andrew Carr, who has been wry ill but is slightly better. \h. (.‘hmt'u RiL'hmdwn and Mr. John Hah- lmw ntmuul fmm Manitoba “hue thm sprn the past (Inn 0 months plailic fanning. M r. 1"rml. Wariwr, of Tomnto. \‘isitmi over Suwluy at his uncle's, Mr, 1’. Luuck's. Mr. Bayer, student MuMaster Hull, 'l‘urontu' prvzu'hetl in the Baptist chuxch on Sunday. )lx. Frml licnt is moving into Mrs. Quuy's mt.‘ tugv nu Spring street and Mr. '1‘. (iridium In M!" Lt-in-lw's dwelling vacated by Mrs. Ramon. )il'_ 'l‘lmrp Wright, of 'J'm-outu Junction. was in it)“ n on Sunday and druppwt in on your Scribv. Mr. Wm. Lawrence was around last week willecting the taxes, which were somewhat. easier settled then while we were paying all a rixty thousand dollar railway debt. So it. was a goose that was shut in the neighboring swamp. We reported it a I”! keyjmlging by the price paid It is not. nftun a farmer is so squarely dealt with by the town men. Mr. Dave Hillis came home from Shallow Luke last W'erk to be present at the mar» ringe «.f lus mater. 'l‘heymmg ()rangemen of this par; were 3”? brnght 9nd early Sunday murmng to Juli! “1911‘ \arney brethren m the church parad e. Mr. A. Baird had another line young son added to his family on Wednesday. This is buy N0. 3 in less than years No. 3. The 'l‘mverstou man advocates the cstztb- lishmeut ufa Sugar Beet Factory. Sou‘e dnwn this way are of the same mind, and nfl'ur to assist in its establishment by taking shares in it if started, but it is none ufthuse who housed three or tour acres nf routs leaf alune uwixu,r tn every 'man and buy being eng .ged on the cement railroad An interesting event took place on Wed- netiay night at the home of Mrs. Jamex‘ Hillis; it being the marriage of her daugh- ter, Maggie. to Mr. James Donnelly, uf lientinck, The wedding was a quiet une. none but the families of the Contracting parties present, and the Rev. Mr. Farqir harsmi whn tied the knot. We extend the ('ongratnlations and good wishes of all fur a happy and prosperous life. There are some people in this part 80 for- getful, that Uharit should begin around home. that they wiii entirely neglect dear friends living on bread and cold water, to go carrying grub to a blamed scallnwag \lvho would not even thank them for it when ( one. Say. Mr. Editor. why don't yuu answer that marriage advertisement 'ourself? [I’m ower young to marry yot.â€"-E .] (.‘n'nut McUumb is home from the \Vest. During his three mnnths’ absence, Grant has developed considerable flesh, and a third eyebrow, Mr. and Mrs. Green of Toronto are visiting the lat’ters old homestead, Mr. Alex. Bell’s, Sr. The department of Inland Revenue has generously presented our school with a sample set of metric weights and measures, with chart. ’ l) H. Brown is away on his annual hunting trip. Dave never fails to brin his twmleer. and can always be depend on to bring no more than the law allows. His reverence for the law is unbounded. Rog. Mr. Parquharsou visited his parish- nors 3“ this neighborhood and held a prayer meenng at W. Young’s last Friday evening, me what we have heard we suppose Allan llell will never again try conclusions with a Toronto streetcar. He may well consider himself fortunate in getting no mnre than a bad shaking up and a. few bruises from his last tussle with one. lie might easily have been crushed to death. DIED. HARTFORD-In Glenda. Oct. 27th. Mar- aret McCain, relect of the late Bernard utford. an in years. Obituary notice will nppear out weak. CORNER CON CE. FLESEERTON . BUN ESSAN. uâ€"â€"<. 0.. .- ¢ last Rov. Ivison Wilmu .0.â€" FJRN S. JUDICIAL SALE IN THE TOWN OF DURHAM. l the High Court of Justice made in this action. there will be ull'etetl fur sale with the approval of human Murrisun. 1'3qu a Local Master at Owen Sound. by public anctiuu at the ” Bliddanull House.” In tlm Town of Durham. in the County of Grey. on Wednesday, 27th Day of November. A. D. I901. at the lmnr of two n’vluck in the afternoon, the fulluuiuq pmperty, namely : The Smith halfuf the South half and the Southcriy sewn feet of the North half of tho Sumh half ut' Lut number 'l‘wenty-seveu :37) East ut' Unrat'ruxa Street (Edge’s Sur- vey), in the Town nt, Durham, in the County of (3: my. Upon the mid lands are said to be a brick veneered dwellim; home containing four mums: a frame stable, also a frame and grout blacksmith shop. The prnperly will be Sulll subject. to a regerve bill. '1‘le Ventlur will only be re qnnred to inruish n Registrar‘s abstract and to prmlng'c sncli deeds and evidences of} title, a~' are. in lieu: pn.<.~'es.~'iun. In all other ‘ respwts, tlm qunditiuns nt' sale will be the standing cvinlitmns of the Court. TERMS. Ten per mm. uf tlm lmrvlmse money to be pnnl at the lune ul 'sn (9. and the balance in tlnrty «lnys timrcnlter imp Court to the credit of [llh‘ :uzlmn \utlmu'. interest. For furtlugr. particulars apply to J. P. 'l‘elfurll. Sulicilur, lhnlnun; J. W. Frost and A. D. 019215913 lzn'nsters, Owen Sound, or m the undersigned. l Dated 21% Octuber, l‘JOl. lmxuxx MORRISON, )Uusu-\x1‘ 10 AN ORDER OF AII‘JJâ€"v _-_ The p mers cuntaiued in the last will and testament, nf Walter 'l‘ueker. deceased, primate nf which, will be produced at the lime uf sale, the “\‘(Et‘lllul's‘ if the said \Val- ‘ ter ‘l‘uvker will uti'er inr sale by public auc- tmn on . Saturday, 23rd Day of November. A. D., [901, ‘ a l, the hunr mi '2 u'vlm-k aftermam at “ The Middaugh ”muse.” in the 'l‘uwu uf Durham. in the (Runny uf Urey, All and singular let lllllllbt'l‘ furtv-mne in the semnd concessiun 12).“. IL, in the 'l‘uwnship of (ilenelg in the County ui' Urey containing one hundred acres nmre ur less : The male will be subject to a lease tn Edwin Limin with whom pos- session has been a rranged i'ur the first day i of April. A. l). 1902., Purchaser allowed in to do fall plmving. 70 acres of the lot are clear and under cultivatiun : 30 acres hard- Wmvd and cedar bush . The farm is well wateied and has a cmuful‘lilblu house and barn and stablesâ€"also a small urchard '! bill." z‘iid Statiltlsâ€"z‘lS‘J it .‘III‘III L'l V|IC§I‘- thereon. TERMS :-â€"L.‘O per cent. nf purchase money at tune ut sale, and balance In 30 days thereafter wnthuut Interest : 01' 1t purchaser so deswe‘he balance may rental.“ on mort- gageuu the premises, bearing Interest at lave per cent. Fur particulars apply tu J mugs TUCKER. Vamey 1’. (2. 'l‘umus BlmWX. Durham 1’. U. m to J, l’. l‘mmmw. lgurlmgn, ‘l‘heu' Sulxcntur. IN THE MATTER 01“ THE ESTATE 01" JOSEPH SHARPE, JIL, DECEASED. Hum: MACKAY, Auctioneer. Durham, November 4th, 1901. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. Re Sharpe : Walden vs. Sharpe. ‘. ()TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN L pursuant to R. S. U. 1897, Chapter 129 that all Creditors and nther persons having claims against. the Estate of Joseph Sharpe, .lr.. late vi the Twin of Durham, Black- smith. whu (lied un ur about the 8th day nt' lune A. l).. 1593. are required to send by puss prepaid, or dvlivvred to the undersigno (Ml Solicitor fur Joseph Sharpe. 51“., the Administratur uf the said deceased, on e! hefnre the 5th day uf December. 19M. full particulars t-l' their claims and the secm'i- tics (Nanny) lwhl by them. That. after the said last] mentioned (late, the said Admisis- trunn' will prwcod to distribute the assets cf the said Edam, having regard (ml tn the claims of which he shall then mve nntice. ."‘-u-vv J. l’.'l‘1~;1.vunu, Durham, Solicitor for Administrator. Dated this 9th day of November, l‘fll. EBEU Txmu Axu 13y vmjrun OE Fa 1 '1 n S ‘t 0 c The undersigned has been authorized sell by Public Auction, at Lot 37. Con. 2, U. R.. Ilentmck, near Aberdeen, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1901, Executors’ Sale. The following articles : ‘2. working horses, 1 brood mare. 7 milk cows supposed to be in call, 6 sprin calves, 2 two~year-old steers. 2 two-yearel heifers, l steer 3 years old, 1 heifer 4 years old. 1 [)eering binder nearly new, 1 new McCor- mick mower, I lumber wagon, [seed drill. 1 single bu ,gy. 1 top buggy, 1 democrete. shafts an pole, 1 sort bob slei s. l eett spring-tooth barrows, 1 sett iron arrows. l Chatbanr fanning mill: l. 010". 2 1508 vnawnm [unsung . ..... . -. ,_- _ 7' __ plows. 1 horse rake, l turnip ulper. 2 sett double harness, l sett sing e harness. l wagon rack, 1 grain cradle. 1 stone boat. I grind stone. 1 crow-bar. 1 sugar kettle, 2 scythes, l rifle, I heating stove. :Z‘bed steeds. '2 sett bed 9. ings. 1 No. 3 Daisyphurn, 1 kitchen tab 0. 2 rocking chairs, 1 sideboard, cheese presses milk onus, butter bowl. end a number of ot er articles .too numerous to mention. Lunch at 11:30. Sale begins at 12 o’clock sharp. TERMS :â€"All sums of $5 and under. cash; over that amount 13 months’ creght will be given on furnishing s proved Jelnt poles. 6 per cent. discount sl owed for cash in lieu of notes. Evervthimr must be sold as “10 pkoP'i“ ”Bfâ€"rerything must be sold tor gs saving up farming: ~ FRANK, CATON‘ .. ' L TEAS, PROPERTY FARM LANDS. CON UI'I‘IUNS U1" SALE T EUEHUN SALE! 01" VALUAHLE â€"- 0|" â€"-OF- fiudu MAOKAYu Implements. Fall Whe'at .......... 8 60 Spring Wheat ........ 60 Oats ......... . . .. . . 36 Peas ................ 65 Barley ............. . 43 Hay ........ _ ......... 8 00 Butter .............. 14 Eggs per dozen . . . . . . l6 Apples per bag . . .. . 75 Potatoes per bag. . . . . 40 Flour per cwt ..... 1 75 Oatmeal per sack. 2 50 Chop pet cw: ......... l 20 Dressed Hogs per cwt. 6 00 Hides per lb ......... 5 Sheepskins .......... 25 Turkeys per lb. ...... 3 W001 ............... . 12 Beef ................ 5 Lamb. .............. 8 Tallow ......... 5 Lard ............... . 10 Dried Apples ........ 4} Ducks per pair ...... . 3O Geese per 1b,. ........ 5 Live Hogs per lb ..... 5 Thousand owe their enwend. ' W'ith HAIR GOODS, Ladies' and uenua FEES, BANGS, WAVY and PLAI SVVITGHES of every description, em He can improve your personal appearance Plain features and (“811ng heads caused loss of hair made perfectiOn. 3 per lb. ...... Apples per pair ...... . per 1b,. ........ [029 per lb ..... MARKET REPORT. DURHAM Nov. 13, COMING ! it fine looks to the skill of Prof. 1901. 10 00 15 16 625') s’ and Gent 3 \VIGS. TOU- PLAIN F R'ONTS. 70 40 13 MacFarlane 6: CO. Many cases of eye trouble ere averted by early nppllcation of proper lenses. Present neglect mean: future trouble. Dru ggists Booksellers. Men’s “'09! l'ndet: filling: and Orr ”-vuu v vvvvvv from 00c up to 8|. 40 each. Men’ a [lean y Top Shirts 50c up. Men's Cardigan Jackets at 8! and Cl. Men's All-“~90! Swenters. red and MOO each. Women‘s Lou Slome l uder \ a“. 25c. t5c u: 50¢ each. Women‘p FugCupp‘rinigsmat fitg " 'Tsfim, 03.00. «£50. 37.00 and a! All-wool Funnel, rod and white. “I All-wool Flannel. grey. 20c yd. 1 Flaunelette Blankets, large size, OI. White Counterpanos. large size, 81.0 81.40 etch. “'omen's Misms’ Bl'k Wool Minn! Men’s Wool Mitts, mule skin tat-ed, I Men's Wool Mitts, 25“, pair. Boys’ Wool Mitts. me. pair. “rs. l’tn’s Sad Imus. uicHe plated. for sett of 3 irons. SHOES; Don’t forget; when you want a pair of Winter Shoes. “'9 carry ull line of Srumeu Buns. hum made shoes. W. H. BEA IMPLEMENT THE LQRGEST ST‘ Do You Want a 1’ lust Received Perhaps you need a new We Call supply you at I iugly low prices. REPAIRS of u‘l Kiul- Istaml hamL C. MCKINNOI Lower Town. Duliuam T. MO RAN. I ORSESHOIC]: filmm- mruh‘ far or defurnwd fm-t. A WI. WHITKORE. be. W. D. CONNOR l’u n 1| N (01 a] l K 8110p Open every afternoon.1 All REPAIRING prompdy I erly attvnded to. “JV. 0. C1 Blacksmith‘ '02‘ Sewing Machines, Organ! Pianos, give us a n ial. Durhun, J uue 25th. I”. “Mt-M Nov. 14. Mill Streek lll The Se: son is now on wh‘ mers will [ind a pressing I get sume labor-saving dad keep up with the times. u we have General Blocksmi 0! Farm and Domestic meme ever seen in Dun-l will (-o-rtaluly pay i1 purchasers to Call and} goods before purchlci where. 1 Cream Svpnratm' suit you to a '1‘. Galvanized and I. iug‘: Brass, Bran and Iron Cyjinde; Pumps fmm $211 ORSESHO 1-2] M: A SPECL made in bound to sell ”mm at no tom Pl'iuvh‘ m make. room Harvesring Machinery. will be hvl‘c in good time uounce that. he has now ll Blacksmithing busing” to old stand where he “ill h “mud m MI flue requi uld customers and out two guaranteed. WM. WI! McKinnon’s 5:": C Map Machine Oil, I Axle Grease Ointment, go Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€"- a Large St. - flu: best. W' Xanadu. and H 'lwm at Rock to makv room In “par of Fame!" 1.. MM Tow A( Plow. I. Scumu 1| lemfs 0! Ala]; S("JIG If w I I

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