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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Nov 1901, p. 4

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way and unnthvr (Io'n. Manic] 103 has drawn about 15mm,- Inry (mm the US. (invvrn- As Cnlnncl of the vac‘ntn-mh York \v'oluntea-r Infantry and , Forty-seenncl Regular Infantry, ‘Bern years. he rcm-ivnd $3.300 r, or 824.404). As major-gmwr- retired, fur thirty-live years he received $5,952.") a 3eur, aggre- ing $176,875. As: reprosvntutivu n (‘onstrcss from New York for {our etrrs hv- rvcoixml $3,000 at your, or £20,600, mu! as Minister tn Spain It is estimsfled that about 8.000 Icn are cxxwloyoi-d in the mines in nd about. Cripple Creek. For the bat, fiscal year the cam- I39 0! Kansas convicts exceeded the out 0: their keep by $41,000. An expWrors the flow of the His in the . .aumont oil district of has at. 3000,00!) a. day. st. year GOUJMDOfiOO foot. of im- were exported from the Pacific t, and 300,000,000 feet. sent. caS‘» rail. he thousand dollars have been 0. in vain for poison with which -kil| prairie dogs in Western Kan- IrIJ. H. Kimberly, o! Neonah. fia.,‘has agreed to give $5,000 {or be endowment. 0! the chair of do- natic scivnco at. Downer College, in fllwaukcm” provided the State Fed- tion of Women’s Clubs will raise 5,000. Lady Burion says she has soon; sex in the Sinai) (Insert, cry from1 st. a mule. cry from the pain or injured foot. and caunnls shed in streams. A cow sold by its fess, who had tcndcd it from , wept. leilh-rly. A young arc to cry from vvxntion if Living;- Ione didn't nurse it. in his arms a it. ash-d him to. Wounded 111305 died crying. and apes have ox'er tho-iv young ones slain by rs. A chimpanzee trained to water-jugs broke one, and fell g, which proved sorrow. h it. wonidn’t mend the jug. discovering: a young on! , have been moved to tears icf. A giraffe, which“ a hunts- riflc had injured. began to mâ€"lions weep for the loss of young. Gordon Cumming oli- tears trickling from the eyes dying elephant. And cVun an tang, when deprived of its Was so vexed that it. took to There can be little doubt. Cuncgic Museum at. Pittsburg ived from Andrew Carnegie a model 0! the Santa Maria, Humbus' flagship. Mr. Carnegie 3' the model in Glasgow, when: was on exhibition. It. cost $3,- ‘atters o! ?olitical end Personal Interest Gathered From His Records. Fhe longest. state is Camel-ma. 70 la: the widest, Texas, 760 mile». D next. in breadth is Montana, 580 received $12,500 a year Iccn 37th and 'k. have dim! ’. Dr. John “'1 .M’ Epismmp: 7. LI. Kuham and Dr. H. Murmur-‘1“: «ol Kiotn. Japan. profcssors in as Unchrsity u! Kioto, are in theme“ led Stz'utos studying educationaliuw litiona them; tlwy are to pursuc‘flh.‘u inquirim in Germany. Dr. Ku- jov is a graduate of John Hopkinslm‘y ity, and Pr. Muruoka of the-"vi.” 'ity of Berlin. Dr. “in six months three pastors of. 5, Rhos situated in Fifth (IVCXIUOwwh Icon 37th and 55th streets, Newgcu: k. have died. 'I‘hcy were themm . Dr. John Wesley BroWn, of St. :jf mas’ Episcopal church; the Roman-3 Ialtbic I). liuhrnck, of the Brick {on Dytcrian church. and the Rev. U); L Pun-v09. o! the Fifth avenuctgiv HJL R WITH UNBLE 8U employed as an uflicc boy ngcr {or a large firm. 10 to collect an account, from hich was considered very ' and I'm; told to get, the all hazards. The debtors lad a cheque for 5250. He the bank at. once to cmh it, ms told by the cashier that were not enough funds to meet, Iinrgmt Immoral on record in gun, Penn. was that of Dr. cxlor. which occurred on vinro his death he pro- that ew-ryonc attending his should have a {rec dinner. In a thousand persons availed Ives of his offer at the two hotels, where arrangements made to feed the multi- I much short ?" asked the WUE N COWS W EEI‘ THE BUSY YANKEE SIENDS THE DAY. it doHnrs,” vas the answer. but a minute or “to of {or the bank to close. The in his pockets, took out hrs and. pushing it through ow. said, “Put that to the Blank Co." ier did so, whereupon the ted the cheque and got the Rank Jr. (30., failed the next their chagrin can be better than described when they the trick that had been them. “a doubt that the destruc- s in France has produced I: dtccm upon agriculture. “fire and the grape industry. rtmcnt of llerault alone, calculated, the destrucâ€" nccustomed to teed up- te a loss of more than tons of wine every birds consume about daily, and a single lea. I. Levat esti- means of 'saving ~wheet and 1.150 b a good story going the out a man who has become M mnrchant. A {cw years A SMART BOY that animals do weepiqllire or pain, or annoyance. guest“. .A, A!-_ TRUCTI()N IN FRANCE. I ness and Fainting Spellsâ€"Her Health Became so Bad That She Was Forced to Give up School. Miss Catherine HeLellan is a young lady well known in Charlotte.L town, P.l$.l., and greatly esteemed among her acquaintances. Like so many other young people throughout the land, Miss McLellan fell a vic- tiin to anaemia, or poorness of blood, and although several medi- cines were tried, she lound nothing to help her until she began using Dr. Williams" Pink Pills for Pale l’eople. Miss McLellan tells the story of her illness, as follows :â€"‘°l am now eighteen years 01 age, and {or a considerable time suflered much .rom anaemia. My blood had al- Ernest turned to water, and I was Egry weak and pale ; in fact could t undergo the least exertion. My |appetite failed me : I sulxered irom headaches , i! I stopped 1 would be- come dizzy, and frequently 1 sull'cred from fainting spells. I tried several kinds of medicine and doctors pre- scribed for me, but instead 0! get- ting better I Was gradually grow- ing weaker, and eventually had to dis-continue going to school. About this time I read the testimonial 0! a girl whose condition was similar to mine, who had been cured by Dr. Willianis’ Pink Pills. I then decided to try these pills and have every ro; son to be gmtil'cd that I did so. as they lune Completely res tored my health. l‘ uiy one of the symptoms that had made my life so miserable have disappeared, and I am now en- joying as quail health as any girl of i'rheir Hold Upon Life is Slight, 1 and Mothers Have a Great i Responsibility. 3 Every lnbyn-exery little oneâ€"re- quires constant (‘ul'c and Watchful- ‘nesc, and Winn a trace of illness is gnutiu-athlv, the remedy should be 'lll‘nilliily eppllml. The little ones :ure frail. Their hold upon life is 'slight. 'l‘he slightest svmptom of :trouhle should lie met by the proper Lun‘rcct Lve nu‘wlicine. Baby's ()Wn fl‘aihlrts have it rurnrd surpassing all iUlLt‘l‘ medit'izwts for the cure of Chil-â€" Miren's nili'nents. They are purely \egstuble um g mmnteed to contain gilt) opiate or poisonous drugs such Tam form the base of most. so-called :":mot.hing" medicines. For sour istmznwh, colic, simple fever, consti- ”nation, all lionel troubles, the ll‘l‘l- :tut'un accompanying the cutting of g t. 0th. Slojt‘plt‘HSlll‘SS and Similar iSfl'mlil mnfi. tin-re 'l‘:=.l)let.9 are With- out an eqnnl. They act directly ‘upmi the organs which cause the Noni-.109, and gently but. effectively ll't'lllllvc the cause and bring back the finnditlon oi perfect, hearty health. {livery mother who has used these il‘nblets for her little ones praises them, which is the best evidence of their great worth. Mrs. David Duf- iield, I’gusonby, Ont., sayszâ€"“Baby’s Own Tablets are a wonderful medi- cine. 1 think they saved my baby's life, and I gratefully recommend them to all mothers.” Ask your druggist for Baby’s Own Tablets. If he does not keep them, send 25 cents direct to us and we will for- ward a box prepaid. We have 9. valuable little booklet on the care 0! children and how to treat their minor ailments. which we will send ' tree of charge to any mother who , asks for it. The Dr. William led- ieine 00., Brochvme. Ont. A guardian of the Law was relat- ing to a small audience how, after arrcwting a misdcmeanant, he was oist: m ted by another person, when.b upon he also mrcstcd the obstruc- tinnist. Dr. Willinms’ Pink I’ills make rich, red blood, and give tone to the iici'Vos. It is because of this that. they bring bright. eyes, rosy cheeks and light fovtstcps to girls who have been weary, pale and listless and had begun to feel that. life was a burden. Pale and anaemic girls everywhere should give these pills a fair trial, as they are certain to iestore health and strength See that, the full name ‘llr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People,” is on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all leaders or sent. postpaid at. 50c. 11 box, or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Sir. Williams Med- icine Co., llrockville. Ont. "\Hmt would you have done ?" queried a bystander, "it, instead of actually interfering, he had simply spol.cn his mind, and callud you an importinont, olllclmxs, loul’lng scouti- (h‘cl, who only loitcrcd around and laid Violent, hands on his bettcrsâ€" adding that he considered you a. vag- aloud and a blackguard ?" nnvm'thclcss felt, that her experience, if known might be the means of brirging health to some other sub- fvrcr, and It. is this very praiscwor- thy motive that, has induced lnr to Tho Story of a Young Girl Who Suflerod_frogx_ Eeadagheg, Di_z_zi- mv ugu could wish, and I shall al- ways have a good word to Bay for Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills." PALE YOUNG GIRLS. HOW THEY MAY GAIN BRIGHT EYES AND BOSY CHEERS. "()h,” replied the policeman. ” I would have arrested him all the same fur inciting others to commit. a. breach of the peace." “Well," was the reply, “I can't arrest. a. man for thinking. He can think what. he likes.” 80. “ But,” cc ”suppose he thought 9..) ? .Thcodore firmly-“But, my dear fellow. )'11 pay In time.” ‘Peter nFlint-“I pref" 3: ha money." Only 24 per cent. of doctors reach! 70 years, but 42 per cent. 01 clergy- “Then,” said the qucriSt. ”1 think TRAIL LITTLE ONES. HE 'J‘UUUG “'1‘ IT. continued the querist, he said nothing, but just A new Children’s Infirmary is pro- posed for Liscrpool which will cost 0-. or 11." 0, 000. The present. institu- tion is; condemned. For an army of 30,000 men and 10,000 horses for three nmnths it. is estimated that 11,000 tons of food and forage are necessary. The English Society for the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Children se- cured the conviction and punishment of nearly 8,000 culprits last year. The Duke of Argyll is said to be one of the most fluent. and accurate speakers of French in the United Kingdom. At Douglas, Christopher Williams, 16 years of age, who belonged to. Liverpool, and came to Douglas from| home as an errand boy, lost, his life under sad circumstances. Seeing a puppy kicked into the harbor by a. man he told his companions he would save it. They tried to dissuade him! but he stripped himself, and crying! out "Here goes," jumped into theH water. He was drowned, the body not being recovered till three hours later. In Lincolnshirc the magistrates are impressing upon holders 01' public- hmxsc licenScs the legal obligation to supply tea. and coffee to cyclists and tourists. The London fire brigade ums 17,- 000,000 gallons of water a. year, against. 32.000,000_in New ‘Yog'ka -‘it is said that, for the 1'1th time, German stccl ship-plates have been bought by a. Tyneside shipbuilder. An advance party of Benedictine monks from France has already ar- rived at Appuldurcombe Park, in the Isle of Wight. They are busily en- gaged in preparing the new quarters for the main body. They are bring- ing over a magnificent. library of fifty thousand volumes. Twenty to )S of books have already arrived, a d there are thirty-two tons more to Ioilow. \Vhilc the vicar, the Rev. R. Mo- Clcverty, was in the pulpit of St. A little girl named Catherine Moâ€" roek, residing at the Woodlands, Hale End, Chingford, came by her death in a. singular manner. She and some companions were playing on the banks of the River Lea. when u greyhound came along. They stroked and patted the dog, and then it playfully jumped up. In doing so it knocked the girl backward into the water. and she was drowned. Occurrences in the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World. The widening of London Bridge is estimated to cost. £100.000. The population of Great Britain has doubled within the last. 58 years. The present growth of London’s population is about. 2,500 a. month. There are in the United Kingdom over 122,752 places licensed to sell ingoxicaping liquors. Westminsier Abbey is to be closed for the preparation for the coronaâ€" tion service early in April. Great Britain’s wealth increases about. £450,000 at dayâ€"that is 3d. a head a day. J1 MERRY OLD ENGLANIL NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. An American desk factory is about to commence operations in London. Chad’s, Stafford. the wife of a. local publican was seized with a fit of reh ligio-us mania and shouted that she was a prophet and that the world was coming to an end on the fol- lowing Saturday. She Was carried from the church, but clung to the gates outside, where she remained for tanty minutes. Eventually the unfortunate woman was removed to an asylum. Tooth Powder 25° Nearly 4,000 persons are accl- dentally drowned every year in Eng- land. 01 these only 150 are skating accidents, and 200 from bathing. A novel fire alarm has been fitted up in the big recreation room of the London fire brigade headquarters. It takes the form of n 4.7 shell, which has been converted into an electric alarm signal for a general turnout in the event of fire. The shell was sent to Commander Wells as a souvenir from South Africa, and the chief of- licer has had it converted to this novel purpose. It makes a resonant fire signal. Twenty-nine out of every 100 Eng- lish people live in cities 0! 100,000 or over. In Russia only 5 out of 100 Good for Bad Teeth Not Bad for Good Teeth Bozodont Liquid 25c. Large Liquid 3nd Powder 756. At all stores or by mail. Sample of the Liquid for the postage, 3c. ADVIOI 70 A IIIDI. Don't take any chum u the outnzt of you Mod 111.. Giro Mm HALL . RUGKEL. Montreal. bfiiLoN rm; I A representative of the Citizen re- cently learned of a remarkable cure of a Wellâ€"knuWn resident of Ottawa who has suliered for years with a eterrible afliiction. The Well-known 1e- sident is Mnb ”A Cassidy, and the affliction was stone in the kidneys [The Citizen representative called on 'Mr. Cassidy to verity the 1eports of this recovery and found them to be 'true. He is the proprietor of the Bi 3011 Hotel, Metcaue Street. Sydney, Australia, reports a new scheme worked by a shrewd beggar in that city. Dressed in a respect- nble suit of clothes, he has saunter- ed through the streets, explaining to passezsâ€"by that he has accident- ially left his tobacco-pouch at home. ;and would be obliged for a. “fill” for his pipe. Colonials are so open- liandcd with their property that in a day's work he has collected a valâ€" uable stock, which he has "classed" at night and sold to tobaccomsts. He was lately shown up by stopping 110 is known by almost everybody and is liked as generally as he is known. His hostolry is between the main entrance to ’arliamcnt Build- ings and the principal thoroughfare of the city, and it is not to be won- dered at. that he has more than a nodding acquaintance with the gen- tlemen who hold the destiny of this country in their hands. When old residents of Ottawa. are in a. reminiscent mood and talk of the good old sporting days, they ul- Ways associate the name of Sam Cassidy, who took an active part in Sport 20 years ago. He was a. fast runner and jumper of local renown. and took an active part. in all lines of sport. To~day he is forty years old, and tips the scales at 250 pounds. The intimate friends of this robust man have known that for the past ten years he has been a sun‘erer from a disease that ballled medical skill, and that he has lingered between life and death on many occasions since he was first attacked. At the ini- tial stage of the disease he was tak- en with violent cramps in the left side of his stomach, and the best skilled physicians could an'ord him very little relief. The attacks were of about two weeks’ duration, and Doctors state that by means of the X-rays it 7» possible to deter- mine beyond (iouo- Whether heart disease is or is not. present in any particular case. Under the penetrat- ing rays the whole outline of the heart can be discerned and anything abnormal in its size or shape detect- Following 'l‘h’ Report of G. H. Kent’s Cure of Bright's Disease By Dodd’s Kidney Pills, An Ottawa Paper Calls Attention To Another Remarkable Cure. ANOTHER STABTLING OTTAWA CASE, A LETTER FROM ME. S. A. UASSIDY. "Six nautical milcsfor knots," are roughly equal to seven English. To pay and board a. British soldier costs the government $2 7 a year. The man who invented Work ought to have finished it. flinard's Liuimcnt Cures Diphtlu-ria. waâ€" vwâ€"â€"â€"vvâ€" v- We n Ono 'fihilfibif 5511383 is: on, one at on (conned by «harm tutuu not be cured by nur- Cotu'rh Cure. loud tor circulars. tron. r. J. CHENEY 00.. Toledo. 0. nab-31mg“ £11: on tho best. T6) (run A (201.!) IN ONE ”A". Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets; All (_‘._ruggi§t3 refund the mogey it it {ugh to age. y.._ _ ___ E. W. Grové’g'éfghiture‘is in each box. Deafness Cannot be Cu red b local applications. as they cannot reach the d sound portion of the ear. There ieonly one way to cure deafness, endéhet 1: by constitu- tional remedies. Deafness le caueed b an inflamed condl'lon of the mucous llning o the Eustachian fl‘ube. When thle tube in ln-. named you one crumbling eound orlmpor tech hearing, and when lb ie cnt'raly closed dentueee la the result. and unleu tho lnllem. motion can be taken out and thie tube restored to no normal condition. hearing will be de- etroyod forever: nlne cues out of ten ere conned by outerrh. which to noth but. no in tinged 99941601; of the mpoopgnr aces. Xâ€"ILAYS AND THE HEART. IIIâ€"II A CUNNING BEGGAR. From the when he left his bed he was reduced in dlesh and was almost a physical wreck. Some years ago an eminent physician diagnosed his disease as i‘b‘tone in the Kidney,” but even af- ter the diagnosis the physicians were unable to effect a permanent cure. 'l‘o-day he is a well man. He has found a lemedy that has banished the diseaseâ€" a remedy that has cured where medical aid was ineffectual. ;The remedy is Dodd’s Kidney Pills. and Mr. Cassidy feels so elated over his release from the excruciating suf- fering that he has given the follow- ing statement over his own signa- ture to a Well-known Ottawa news- paper man. Ottawa, Aug. 8. 1901. Dear Sir,-â€"I want you to publish for the benefit of others who are suf- fering as I have suilered for years about how I was cured of Stone in the Kidneys. My friends all know that I have been a martyr to this disease for years. They know that besides consulting the best physi- cians in the city and trying every kind of remedy I could think of, I was unable to get better. Some time ago a friend of mine told me that Dodd’s Kidney I’ills would cure me. As a last resort I tried them and they have cured me. This is the first year in a great many that I have not been confined to my bed with the disease. I could not im- agine more severe sull'ering than one endures who is afllicted with Stone in the Kidney, and I feel the great- est gratitude to Dodd’s Kidney Pills. for they have cured me. Anyone who has suffered need suffer no more. O! the ten leading cities in the world, the United States has throeâ€" Ncw York. Chicago, and Philadel- phia. Ottawa Citizen. the same man with the same story about his own forgeuulnesa Within a quarter of an hour. It. Is an in. teresting legal point. whether he can be punished. If so, one may be liv able to be arrested {or asking a stranger {or a match. Although no one has ever seen that bill the story clings to the doctor’s name to this day. Of 1,000 British girls there are 136 Marys, 122 Elizas, 72 Sarahs, and 66 Anncs. ASTHMA Toronto Physician cold ho would not got hotter and «flood a chaos. 0! Climate. Mnny of the old-school phyoicinna will tell on asthma. ioinournblo. At one time it was one ht so. but. thanks to Dr. Clarke's wonder. In! discovery. there to now n cure and a permanent one. within the roach of even: sufferer from asthma or bronchitis. You m I notbodiuppolntodl! you try Clorko'n Kola Compound. -- _ I AI _ __-“ L_-__ “_‘L-“ CLARKE'S KOLA COIPOUND CURED. wuyvuuue Mr. H.831lllon. the well known merchant, 655 Yonge Street. Toronto. write-4 :â€"-‘ For home yeere I had been a great eu il'erer from esthme end bronchitis. The ettecke becemo so severe and coughing spells lasted 00 ice that I became much elermed. I had coneulte many Tor. nto physicians but their medicine only gave me at little temporary relief. 1 wee becoming thinner and weeker all the time. fine of t eleedlnz phyeielnne told me I Was .hreetened with consumpiicn end ndvleed e chance of climate. I heard of e Toronto lady who hed been cured of Aethrne by Ulerkee Xole Compound. eo decided to try it. The first bottle did not help me much, but I continued ee directed end before 1 bed finished the fourth bottle I wee completely cured. 'l‘hie wee overeyeer ego end have since rained nearly twenty pounds at my loet weight. cennotrraiee thie remedy too highly. ee it her restore me ngein to perfect health. which 1 bed long eincc dlspnired of ever rereining. Dr. Cierke'e Kole Compound ie sold by all Chemiete. 89.00 per bottle. three for 85.0%. eent on receipt of price by Macpherson Co. Limited. Toronto, Cenade. A tree seuiple will be sent to any pereon who he: eethme. Enoloee Go in etempe for postage. 01' The Griffiths or" u. nuucl'cr Irom nroncnuu U'OUDle. and would be so hoarse at times that I could scnrmly speak above a. whisper. I got no relief from anyâ€" thing till I tried your MINARD'S HONEY BALSAM. 'l‘vm bottles gave relief and six bottles made a complete cure. I would heartily re- commend it to any one sun'ering from throat or lung trouble. J. F. VANBUSKIRK. Fredericton. m-“ c A...“ I e e . . I‘heic are 20,000 engine-drivers in the British Isles, and these average 40,000 miles' travelling u. year. liinard’s Linimcnt Cures Colds. etc. S. A. CASSIDY, Ottawa, Canada. Married women live on an average Permanently two years longer than single ones. Cured. 11â€"517 tom. nnd ’60“â€" in 07¢}:- lidu‘olâ€"w'fli; M. ‘h-: F. E. Km 00.. 131 Victoria and. --_-_A - Mcn-of-war cost $244 a ton to build in British dock-yards ; but in- cluding gufis. etc., the total cost is raised to $400 a ton. GENTS. WE RAVI: NO FAKE SALARY offers to nuke. but. we cw put any hon- est. induutvtons mu or womun in the way 0! awning 8100 between now ad Christan“. Writ. no to-night. McDermid Loan. 009'! 0. London, Ont. Did it ever occur to you that bulk Tea without nay wad 1:60“ name or brand may easily vary in quality ? is packed in air-tight lead packages, and its unvaryiag fine flavor it tho result of skill in blending. Lead packages. :5, 30, 40. so M4 60. __._â€"â€"â€" Torimm. Ont; ENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. T03- ONTO. Twelve Teachers. an. c m»- monr. eiuhty typomuing muhinu. III or: cunts“. thorough work. invtun oormpund~ once from all invcrenod patios. Addrcu W. D. Shaw. Principal. one of the oldest. lld mo ~t mliobie an" m Cumdo. Solar-y or commission. Excluolvo territory. Outfit (no. Polhm Norton-y 00.. Toronto. Ont. ANTED-PARTIES 1‘0 D0 ANITTING for us at home. 7W0 tux-nub yarn lld machine. Euy work. Go ~d puy. Bond - mm £9:- mrciculsm. Studu‘d Hose 00.. Dept: __ A‘ 'FABMERB’ SONS WANTED -'l‘o tnko n short, practlcnl course on veterinary work; uzr‘o monthn'ltudy during spore time at. home wilé quality to genes an examination: successful rturentn wll altered permnnenl position at $600 n yenrin our vuioua bunches; splendid ooportunity for young men to secure a thorough Veterinary Courte and food poul- tlon ; wme at. once for full pnrwm an. Ad- dreuâ€"Hpndfifllcg, Valerian" Science Alon. Priceless Rooms. 3000 sect-cu for Lt. mo. Farm. Laboratory. WorkshOp, and ovary deportmont of human endeavor. with toll indox to oontonta; 383 men. bound in cloth. Bond 25 cents for n 00 v, nnd it you thxnk the book in not. worth ! o mono send it book and our money will be re nndcd. Thu to o co nude-lino tor cnnvnnorn. W11- 1 on Brian. Monhoduo Book Room. Toronto. Ontu'lo. yAVE YOU BEEN I1" WHAT! LE“ 0 Dear Sirs,-â€"I was {or seven years a sufferer from Bronchial trouble. and would be so hoarse at times that, I could scarcely speak above a. whisper. I got no relief from any- thing till I tried your MINARD'S HONEY BALSAM. 'l‘wo bottles gave relief and six bottles made a complete cure. I would heartily re- commend it. to any one sun'cring from throat or lung trouble. V tlomen ”- ndies-mot. to canvas. w to employ scents: DOQiUOll permanent: par yen and expenses: roihbo nm' bod roteronm; oxnorionco unnocemry. M. A. O'KEEFE. addms 480 Truth once. Toronto- ANTEDâ€"GOOD MEN ONLY TO SELL put you kqun specialty-a. _Wo a." The Dawson Commission Co.,~_.Limited. Toronto. 51â€"56011; Lindon. 05%. HI: BUN SAVINGS AND LOAN COM. PANY is rollin Mocks sud debentures duwing good rates 0 Interest and mkinc do. posits; those opportunities for .nvcstmeat we unequllod; reliable agents an wanted Wri o to the Compuy' 3 address, Toronto or oomm‘uetcn, with expenses nuanced. Apply now. 81‘0qu 8r. WEI. NGTON. Canada's Greatest. Nurseries. Toronto. Dept. A. A - 13ml” (In Canal and works ol the Cali. Loxstlvo BromoQulnino Tumour cure 3 acid in one day. Ko \ are, No Pay. Price 25cm“. V "ia'lbcnl oftraiofhni n'g'éiu, 81th.? 32 wholoor par}. Iimo. “Liberal beta 0 on salary APPLES. ANTEDâ€"32 PER DAY BOREâ€"GEN. plomen tr lung-fact. to «any, bu] ANTEDâ€"RELiABLE MEN m Aci no 10011 or tmvollin. agent... either 0'4 VEI’EBINARY COURSE. AGENTS WANTED. HELP WANTED. Ludella Ceylon EDUCATIONAL. The Cape exports the feathers at 40.000 ostriches yearly. mum's 11mm W88 Game: In cm There are 810.000 marriages year- ly in the United Kingdom. and 713.- 000 Beams. Greenwich Observatory was found- ed in 1675, Paris in 1677. Leyden Observatory is the oldest in Europe. ”.Wmmw'o locum- anur in boa and by Pillow“ nothcn tor that! dmdm wh'nlo not“... ‘M8 m “3% 2"?" ‘5' PHI".- .“M! ”in: w.- m'msaue" ’ ' rim?- (hi noun: tom-<51 or Dun-bu 'l 34. N99“!!! Wflm‘ Dominion Ling gummy. The massed navics of the world in- clude 360 battleships. 471 cruiser», 1,255 gunboats, and 1,600 torpedo- boats. W P 0 HM hr all «In diluent. 0.0.0nlmtu. W.Il I'm" 0-- “an. watt-III hut Ill-II. .u-y- ”a". m colic km the noun ad howelu. sadl- wmm ormmm floaty nu mu 0 ho d an aluminum. tho wall. Ion-o at (at “ In. WWII”. a Bonus. IYIDI.' I§zi ("L-Jr sad Put lac-lit... flu or mud-Mo. clam-oi mom“ Buoou ad Guyâ€"room “on“! “motion“ hoes no to III t3:“‘“" 4! Gucci ud asm-cu- mul- non. [a “amend .u mum no!) u a: null It the Company. or ”hull. II“! t 00. D. Tom”. t 00.. fl unmanned... Ion-uh“ PM linard's Liniment Gum ”islenper. CALVERT'S GARBOLIO OINTMENT. mpg! 1mm 22 00.. Limited. 1 wanna: 3:. lost. Toronto. Canada’s Largest Tailors Will make clothes to order for _every man in Canada at LOWER PRICES than any other firm, and DELIVER AT YOUR NEAREST EX- PRESS STATION. Drop a card for their FANG. PAIPRLET. SANPLE. 0? 01.07.. All IEASUCEIENI' 30318. Lowest price. over noted. Fine cabana. Willuacrstlml.malle free. Write an {or any thing in lane or Inn“! Instrument -. BENCH MEANING. In a“. Goou‘ lulu I- bel. Value. 9: [an “4;?! «I» 1: ho.» Isn‘t-cu. out“: -L_ ALA EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND CMWN Brass Band Instrument; Drums. UnWormo. Etc. COCOA EPPS’S Ionuul to Burp“. M. a Li"- pool. Perth.“ to 11me 'hQIOCIlo Int-.403 lathbquvegluh 83m Ill lulu abut-n. not)“ “mung-numb“ m “M“ I'll“ O... mum-t. GRATEFULâ€" 00 M FORTI NO. mu. Out... and Winnipeg. 3.1m THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. BREAKFAST SUPPER. We want thousands of burn]. to supply our cus'amn. Ship yam to us and we will I" you all they no worth. For Over Fm, You. ““0le ‘9

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