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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Nov 1901, p. 4

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Home . . Attractions \Vhat about ymu' Xmas Presents. It's not too MacFA RLA NE :2 CO. DURHAM CHRONICLE DURHAM, NOVEMBER '28, 1901. The Privy Council has decided that the Manitoba Prohibition Act is valid. This gives provincial legislatures the )ower to pass measures prohibiting the sale for drinking purposes within the limitso' their own jurisdiction. 'l‘he decision is hailed wish 'lelight hy temperance advocates through the Dominion. and as far as Ontario is conserned there is no duuht that the local legislature will be deluged with petitions during the coming session. The strong and growing temper- ance sentim. nt in this province will be brought to bear upon Premier Ross and it is highly probable he will be iorced to express himself in un- qualified terms regarding his position on the prohibition question. Dept”- ations waited on him last session. but owing to the unsettled state of the Manitoba question. then lefore the Privy Council he was unable to give a definite answer further than his willingness to give the province all the prohibition the law would al- low as soon as the judgment of the Privy Council was made public. The decision has now been given and as another session of the legislature is announced before dissolution, the government in pow er will be called upon to assert their position. Prem- ier Ross himself, has alwavs been an advocate of temperance, and having gone so far as to promise what he did it is only reasonable to expect he will make a bold show at carrying out his promises and pro-election pledges at least may be looked for. The Montreal Witness, which dis. cusses the question at considerable length, concludes with the following ing sentence:-" We await particu- larly with the greatest interest as the Premier of Ontario, himself a prohibitionist. has declared that if the act is maintained a bill as effec- tive will be passed in Ontario. If he stands boldly and nnequirocally by his promise the province will stand by him.” If a woman is hawisome aml inde~ pendently rich she’ll have no trouble to get a man of some kind. Beauty and riches, however. are not the only essentials to human happiness. and these qualifications without “ good nose” and “ honesty” are hardly a square deal to giVe in exchange for a .33 possessing the latter virtues. I fleet of the masculine human bipeds who are hunting for such game (and we believe the woods is full of them) are nothing more than human para. sites who least and fatten on the in- Instr, 0! others, and win for them- selves a name that no sensible person will envy. Riches and beauty, )shaw! what do they amount to anyway 1! improper 1] used or won through sordid meanness? The each- .s who has around society waiting let axle-dike had better take 03 ‘5“: m“ and go to work, and in dun-o marry some good. honest ”I“ with enough gumption to loop house an! enough industry to In: docking. without. lumps big plough t_o not: a poor hogan- [col in doing punâ€"nee "my time with... W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. DRIFUHIS’I‘S l5(u)K.s'El.l.l~;RS. For a trifle. It’s Mlonishing how cheaply one can now pur- chase standard works. We have u nice line in paper covers n We each. including many of the popular writers of the day. We have also cloth bound books at. lbc each. end a large line at 9%. Come and spa them. Just look at those 35 sets, 5 vols each for only 81.25. evenings. We hav e a full line of all the popular games. Make home am active, for '0 For the long winter ahgéry small outlay will do it. Let us help you. early to be planning: Come and see our new stock. We received last week a letter from Mr. .las A. Davis, now of Van- couver. formerly of Dawson. but a native of Glenelg. After saying Mr. Davis is well and enjoys the CHRON- tcee's weekly visits we reproduce the heading of the Dawson hotel stationa ery used by him in his letter. It sounds like a pretty ruin afiair. and reminds one of the " Joe Beef Cau- teen ” well known a few years ago in Montreal. and visited by thousands out of were curiosity to see " Joe,” and the curiosities he always had around him. '1".e heading of thelet- ter we recoiVed reads as follows: SOUR DOUGH HOTEL, 1:333 Icreus Avmvn, Best House North of Mexico. First Class in every particular. Every know u t1 aidâ€"water excepted â€"lor sale at the Bar. Private entrance for ladies by ladder in the rear. Rates: ‘One ounce per day. Special rates to Ministers and the gambling ” Per- fesh.” Indians and Niggers charged double. Guests will be provided “his break- fast and dimxex, but must made their own lunch. Spiked boots must be removed at. night. ' Dogs not allowed in the bunks. Candles and hot water charged extra. Towels changed weekly. Crap. Chuck Luck, Stud Poker and Black Jack games run by the Manâ€" agement. s No ice worms in our water. Dogs bought and sold. Insect powfier for sale at the bar. 13()\TI) it. is with a feeling of sadness that we write the following lines on the death of our friend and noighber, .\lr. Wm. Boyd, who calmy fell asleep in Jesus. Thursday evening, Nov. 7th. at his home, 9th concession. Bentinck, after .an illness of several weeks which he bore with Christian fortitude. The. deceased was born in the Emerald hie at a place called the Braid, near Bailymony 79 years ago. \Vhen a young nunxluacanua to this country and lived for some years near the city of Hamilton when he moved to the 'l‘p. of Bentinck some forty years ago where, by dint of hard work and frugality he amassed considerable of this world’s goods. To him and his surviving partner were born 13 cth en 0f\Vh0flllO are living which are as follows: Robert. of Louise, William, near Lamlash, John, at \Viarton, James. Samuel and Thomas at home. Mrs. Donald McLean, at Shallow Lake, Maggie, Lizzie and Nancy at home. Two died in childhood and Mrs. Arthur Ellis. near Hanover, died suddenly some two years ago. M r. Boyd was a man possessed of great energy, agood husband and father and a kind. hOSpitable neighbor. He was a faithful, consistent mem- ber of the Methodist Church. His pew was seldom vacant on Sabbath till failing health compelled him to remain at home and for the past few years a steward of the Methodist Church at Crawford. In politics he was a staunch Conservative. His Pastor, Rev. Eckir, of Elmwood, pt‘t‘att‘hl’tl his fum-t‘al Sermon at his late residence to the largest funeral thattnuw gaflunedin thetufighbon hood after which the remains were taken to Hanover and laid at. rest in the New Cemetery there. It might well be said of him ” Mark the per- fect man and behold the upright man furtlu3 end of that Huntis peacafl’ The family of the (ieceased have the sympathy of the neighborhood in this the time of their afflictionâ€" Com. ioYDâ€"In antim-k. on Thursday, November 7, \Villimn Boyd, aged 79 years. ASIDERSONâ€"In Gionelg, 0n Sunday. November 2411). Mary Weir. lem'vd wifo of George Anderson. aged 70 years. )lClXXIsa-In Gina-1g, on Munday. Jun-lube: 23th. Angus. infant son of Mr. mu] Mrs. Peter Mclnnis, aged .3 months. THURSDAY. HH‘JH‘UXâ€"M[H.IfiAX-At the rectory. Dur 1mm. by the RH: Rural Dean Ryan. on Wed. :mth ins-L. Mr. 'l‘hmmm Mixhtou and Miss Mary Milligzm, hath uf Bontinck. \h‘KEXZH-‘m-BRUDIEâ€"In Egremont. at tha reside-nee of Mr. Wm. Long. on Wednesday. Nov. 20th. by the Rev. 1). L. Campbell, Dro- mnre. Mr Wm. B. Mth-nzie. Dromore, to Miss [min-Ha B. t-Meqt daughter of Mr. and IF YOU are anxmns to get the best when buying vour heavy rubbers for winter. come to us. “'8 keep only the first quality in men’s heavy rub- bcrs There's too much risk selling second quality. We have a big stock of the famous “Snag Proof” as well as other kinds. All sizes. J. H. Brown, Holsteiu.â€"‘.’. PUT T0 BOUT AN ARMY 01’ roman KLONDIKE A CURIOSI'I‘Y. “PM Constipation. Dizziness, Pun undo: tho snowm- Blndea, lick WJDOM Pauling, Blown: mu hung. bounty Dr. Agm’s Liver Pills. 40 little Rod Coats. at a cost of :0 cent: will not you right in short order. Piles of testimony to prank. Manual-h; toopms 25 M rs. Daniel Brodie, of leuag. 43 RED-COATS mm Qumnm.mmw '1‘". £9“. HOUSE RULES OBITUARY. MARRIED. DIED. It’s a terrible thing, isn’t it? Somehow, that awful cough, that hard struggle for air, can never be for- ., gotten. Be a little fore- Keep Vapo-Cresolene in the house, and when the children take cofd let them breathe-in the vapor during the evening. It goes right to the throat, just lvhere the croup lies.’ - All irritation subsides, the cough quicts down and serious trouble is prevented. It never fails to cure whooping cough.i2 Vapsfresalene is sold I” .dmggists everywhere. A V'.-pO-C'.' sowne mufu. inc vdine the Vaporizer and Lila)", which sh-ml! last a 'ife-tixne. az-zl a home of "r ‘ -I ma. C'i-lnf’l.?t’?. 87.5 _;_rx ra 5:333; .5 . {Creso- ‘0 ll ._-_‘ Rm'mmnwmlul and Sold by MavFarlmw Umggists. Durham. Mr. David Goodwin, of Owen Sound, was vi~iting at J. W. Leltcln’s for the past week. Mr. Juhu Brigham, of Walkerton, was vi-iting his arents and other friends in this part late y. John is doing a good busi- ness in the implement line. Mr. ~ James Livingston, of Paisley, is Vlsmng trlends m and around thus place. James 15 luukmg well. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Robert Kennedy is under the Ur.’s care at present. We would be pleased to hear uf her speedy reruver y. We were informed that Mr. John Brown suld $500 worth ot'hay in the barn. Some 01' our farmers can grow hay, but Mr. b'mwn can sell it. Mrs. Henry Erlmonds has had an addition built to her house, which makes quite an inmrmement to her dwelling. Messrs. '1‘. Brigham and l). Adlam did the frame work. Mr. Robert Britten takes great pleasure in keeping the best class of pigs in the mar- ket to accomodate the public. M r. James Forsyth received the sad news about the death ot his mother and went to attend the tuneral last week at Stouflvnlle. A short time ago, in the threshing season, one of our farmers, a little eager to have an early start to thresh on Monday morning, took the tank away and filled It with water and hauled it to his barn on Sunday. but he was a little surprised to tind it empty in the nnirning, as some ot our boys thought it mo good a chance turned the tap and let the water oil. ’l‘he Vickers scribe was so well pleased with the cap we made for him last summer he wants us to make another tor him this winter. Well, we will endeavor to do so. M r. scribe, if you will introduce yuurself to that tine Chicago lady. Come now Billy, don‘t let the Corner than get the start of you. What is wrong with the marketmen of your town, Mr. Editor. We hearda man my the other day that peas was We a bushel in Ehnwuod and $1 a bushel in Chealey. lint he did well to stop there and not go to Tara, fur we heard another say that they would take your load and give you the total there. There has been quitea number of wed- dings around this part lately, and we had not time to write them up, and mm’t en. (louver to write them now, but wejuin in wishmg all cungratulatiuns and best wishes. Are either a mark of beauty? This would be a suggestive topic for de- bating societies. .For the information of such, let. it be known that Put- nam’s Painless Corn Extractor re- moves paiinlessly warts in a very short time. Druggists who sell the best alnuys sell Putnam’s Painless Conn 13 xziactor. Mr. (Jon. Turnbull let the contract for the erectiun of a brick house to Emke Bros" of Elm wm u! . Mr. Jnlm Richardson has returned to reâ€" >(‘1‘mt tmm a severe shakmg up he recexved t'rum a run away team. Miss Vickers is iii Durham aetistiug her sister, Mrs. R. Snmh. Miss Simms intends to spend 'l'hanksgiir- imp: day at her home in Owen Sound. Miss Adeline Reay was on the afick list last. “eck, but is almost herself again. Mr. R. Lindsay sold a pmr of butcher cattle to R. Brunt last week for a handsome price Mr. W. K. Reid is St!" unable to move about witlxuut the aid of crutches. “1'. Thus. \lirhton and Miss Milligan “ere “edded last 11 eek and have taken up the dithcnlties of house- keepinw. Congratu latiuns. Mr. fl‘inos. Reay spent Sunday .in the tuwnslp) nf Brant, and the query :5 who was \th 1 lnm. Line recently. and was the guest of Mr. Jos. Corbett tor a few days. Mr. McLeish cumlucted seryices in Durham some twenty five years ago, and intends paying it Iauother visit an the near future. \ir. \ch eish, from Gait. an Emngclist gttended the prayqr meeting on the South fl I. 1 Mr. James Livingston. Paisley, spent jfiunday with relatives hero. Cont 1.3. carts. hoaraezzess, azai other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Vapo-Creso Rene tablets. ten cents per box. All druggisu Say. Mr. Editor, we never told on about the young couple who went to oronto to see the Duke and Duchess. and ho 9d it would not. appear in the columnso THE .CHRONICLE. Readers of Tum Uuaoxlcm who pay one dollar a year in advance can get the following papers at. the clubbing rates named: Other papers at. equally low utes of subscription. We must have cash in advance at. above prices. Address all correspondence to III... vâ€"IIICI uv- -' v 'J P TM and 5orwus I Instr ted sic ms' v s imv:i_l~3 {n e um. Mail and Empire. weekly ............ $ .70 Family Herald and Weekly Storm. .75 Toronto Daily World ......... . ...... 2.00 Toronto Daily News .................. 1.25 Toronto Daily 8hr ................... 1.25 Montml Witneu, weekly ...... .65 OUR CLUBBIRG RATES. ALLAN PARK Warts, Versus Moles. ...- ___..-.. 0.. .p-oâ€"fl The Croup. VICKERS. THE CHRONICLE. M 0.0 z‘s (f CFESO' H. tclwmin- '! u s". VAPO- 5L (‘0., THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. MASSEY -- H AHRIS SHOVVROOMS. Canada Carriage 80. Our Banking Stoves. a Specialty, at the Massey-Harris Showrooms on Lmnbron Street. west of the Middaugh House. JOHN LIVINGSTON. FIRE INS RANGE promptly at- tended to. Furnmrs’ Insurance in the Grey Bruce Furmnrs’ Mutual WM. WHITMORE. Durham, June 25%|), 1901. Swedish, Scotch Canadian Monuments Repaired, and Inscriptions Cut on Shortest Notice. GARAFRAXA ST. Wm. McCalmon, |, New and Beautiful Things in ..JEWELLERY.. Don’t expect'us to describe them! Be sure to come and see them! We offer a magnificent, array of \Vatches, Clocks, Rings and Jewellery. ' GBAMTE 8: I‘MRQLE WDRKS. I... II .---â€"â€"'â€"V mmnce that, he hae now removed his Blactsmithiug business to (Tuchrane’s old 3 and, where he “ill be pleased to attend tn all the requirements of his nld cushmwrs and others. Satisfac- tiuu guaranteed. WM. WHITMDBE. Biacksmithing. A. H. Jackson, Private Honey to Loan : Farms Bought and Sold. Insurance Agent, etc- 0311310. Over ‘28 Cutters cm band to make your choice from. Give us a call and see them on Sat- urdays, as we make this our special day. A smail line of Cooking Stoves and that famous Top Draft Heating Stove. A trial will cost. you nothing, so try the Queen. It will please you. Notary Public, Commluloncr. AGENT, A. GORDON CONVEYANCER. Old Accounts and Debt: of all Kinds Collected on Gom- IMI’HRTER OF AND DEALER IN zâ€"MwKenzie'o Old Stand. shop open every nftOflIOOIIo OWN ~ - ”UREA“. All REPAIRING promptly “Id PI'OP' ' orly sttondod to. “r“. I. 00“". DURH A M. bogs to DURHAM. an- “Furniture warcrooms. Shem" Balclay 81 Noble, BARCLAY NOBLE desnre to imi- mate to the public of Durham and vicinity that they have now opened out in the Calder Imple- ment. Wurerooms a full line of Agricultural Implements and Domesmic requirments including Maxwell Binders and Mowers. Sylvester Machinery. all kinds. Adams’ Waggons. 'l‘udhope Buggies. Tnlton Pea harvesters and Pulpers. Blatchford Organs and Pianos. Gurney’s Stoves and’ Ranges. The New Williams Sewing Machines. Magnet Cream Separators. The Knoll Washer and Wringer. Maxwell Churns and Barrows. Brnntford Windmills. Gas and Gnsoline Engines. Etc.. Etc. NEXT TO POST OFFICE. Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Lower Town. Durham. Pumps tmm $2 upward. The Furniture and Under- taking bnsiness formerly‘ carried on by J. A. Shots-ell will henceforth be known by the firm name of Shewell Lenahan, a partnership having been. formed for the transaction of business. Old Customers and new ones are reapectiully requested to call and visit. us in our new Show Rooms in the McIn- t3 re Block, next door to the Bank, where we will he found night. and day to cater to the wants of all. Special [”10“ . 't ' III furniture ‘ ‘ ‘ During the Holiday Season. p 142: Mauumturor of And Dale: 1n â€" Balclay_ Noble. Emban. CALDER'S OLD STAND. J. C. \Healy, m**##¢#%**$¢$¢flflv~§s $?%%§ O $Ruhhers S cs.k 3' Grocery 6: Provision 5t We’re Selling Suits at Cost While They Last. w¢¢¢»»§%**»a ¢»H:L9;.?g 49rd 6‘ Id l .04 (9...? 39: at manta” nun olun' price. When we eey we eell at coat. come along end prove an by 'exunin CROC§RtB - Fresh Grooeriee at the lowem runes. nine, Cur sou. 8nger,‘1‘eu. Cd Parker’s Drug Store Parker’s Drug Store Felt Slippers, Gaiters, Mocvasons, Rubbers, Socks, Cartig‘ans, ()verslmes and (iverg'aiters. In fact everything: that. is nvvessary to keep your foot. warm and dry ur to be found here. Our [wives ramp; from 350 up. THE CASE SYSTEM HERE. DON'T SEND YOUR CHILDREN to scheul through dvep SHO‘ without a [Mr of our next fitting Leggings. Our Man Heavy Rubbers ale ubSJluLcly Stub-proof and patented. Every farmer has some choice, but there, is no muz'iiiner’l universally in favor as that manufamured by liw Fun-i Wo< CO , of Smith’s Falls. Ont. “'8 have Hm local an: my for H KOOJB manufactured by this firm. and as they sun so extensive. known throughout the Dominion, it is Hot. “(‘méswtry l0 at anything by way of introduction. Before buying. lmwuve we may be permitted to suggest, the wiedum of cxmninli'g 0| goods, which sell at. sight in many instances. Sut- Hiel We also carry a full line of Mowers. Rukrs. Champion So Drills, Disc Barrows. CUlLivaterS. in short uvmflxthingjai Tum needs on the farm or in the house. The Smmlmel Sep'i Machine carries with it a five-year gum-mum. l-Iwrybo knows the McLaughlan Buggies and Camus. the Gray Bug of Chatham. audzthe Armstrong Buggies of Guelph. We l3 them all. give usacall. Don't forget we haw the Kati Cream Separator and Famous 'l'hresllers made by White dz q D. Campbell, Durham, 0 Flour, Feed, Groceries, Fruit, Nuts, Confec- tionery, Fresh and Cured Meats at lowest prices. Goods delivered to all parts of town: HRISTMAS PRESENTS 1 E Our No. 3 Open Back Binder in a Leader in the Market. IMPLEMENTS You can depend upon getting: good Rubbers and Wintm Wear at all kinds 110111150 110 hm 1110 01111 the 1111 host l11:111ds.\Ve 1111101111 1111111 :1 full line of Men’s, Gir’ls, Womens and “(1)5, Will all 0.11 our Ready-made Suit: at assortment to «lock. from u uto 5.22 A u Ea. ,aflafiwwflghfi A Large Variety of FROST WOOD. to choose from at SOUTH END PEEL, Nov. 28, 1901. The Shoe Ma 31111117

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