West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Nov 1901, p. 5

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Co'Chaiu [VI-l you 'inter Kins. L'ce Shells and Pots. mlban'ows, Gm. VIII/l/olf/Z/ ( Â¥ [0,, x STRATFORD. ONTARIO. In Full and Winter Mitts we lead. Our stock of lined and unlined Mitts and Gloves is something extra. up! and Lanterns. '0 Polish. We are in it. with Stove Pol- ish and Stove-pipe Varnish. One application of our best Stovo;pipo Varnish will last u season. Hardware. A nice line of 00589 Shells and Marion Harland Coffee Pots inst. to hand. 1")“ '1}; Us doors and of our We Wherlbarrows, ing Machines. Wtiugers. 33 “.60; Horse ( Met Strips. D’d you see our Cow? The Chain that holds it in the window will hold any animal you own. "BOdS, 30 CtS J . Elliott, Braduates Get Positions rling’s . . mo] Books and all kinds Of School Sup- plies. A new stock of all kinds just ar- rived. Books pur- chased here. covered free of charge. '0". 2“, l 901. '. A. DARLING e Here for ' Stationery nptiou or MIST AND DRI'GGIST. BTER, \‘OTARY, CON. mom. nun. Etc. thoan at reasonable rate! a. on 33 borrower. m ~m-clu an." in H . Black. ”UtrON. “n 00 c. u. S. DAVIDSON, :Xntyre Block (Over the Bank.) It I rrows, 03.23,); “'ash- nines. $33.75; Clothes I. 2.2;“); Chums, orse Covers. 50 ct: ; Halters, :30 cts.; Coal 9‘0 1‘2 I m. 2‘04 560. OUT 3nk bui his. yin. Gupta-ONO.“ DRUG STORE Ill Outaflo. xire a Lamp 0! any '. out where 43h iern, be M’ stock 1‘ Garat’raxa Street, Durham, opposite ( :uupbell’s Livery. Good site for busnlness, :30 feet frontage, gout! stable fitted to accom- modate sixteen horses. For terms and all particulars apply at this ofiice or to the prUprietur, rpm? COMMERCIAL HOTEL, .I. Priceville, newly bricked all round. new brick kitchen, new windows and other improvements. Un thé premises are 3 00d stable and two never laihn wells. he place has always- done a g business and “ill be rented right toa good man. The furniture will be sold to lessee. For further particulars apply to. Nov. 5 ti. July )at. U Egremuut. containing 118 acres. about 250 acres cieared and in good state of culti- vation, fit for all kinds of machinery. Good ll: ick House. Frame Barn, and under. ground Stuue Stable. “For Further partic- ulars apply to building lots. in one of the must desir able parts uf the town. Plane of the survey may be seen at Mr 'l‘elt'urd‘s otfice, or lots may be examined by applying to him. Prices right. Terms to suit the purchaser. Exéellent oppurtunity for cash buyers. Fur further particulars apply to Mas. THOMAS JACKSON, formerly Mrs. Middaugli. Clinton, Ont. _ nous»: AND LOT 0x QUEEN A Street. the property of Mrs. J. L. liruwue. The lmuse Cuntains 12 rooms, covenivutly situated. and quite new. Will maku an excellent boarding house. For particular» apply to J. L. BROWNE, July 10th, 11!)! l EINU Lots No. ll and 12. Con 1. N. l). IL. Glewlg, and H and I2. on {‘on, 2, N H. 9.. also 13am] M. on CON. 3, N. 1). it, each in: conniniug 50 acres. or :11) acres in all. nearly all cleared. “'ell watered, well fenced. good outbuildings and dwellings, gnod bearing orchards. In first clash! state «oft-uluvatiuu. within a law rolls M'schrml. 4 miles from Durham. Will be sold en blue or in separate lots. as pumhas- er desires. Easy terms. For lutther par- ticulars apply to 11.0. Bnnox, Nov. lâ€"tf Bunessan P. 0. A. 7 Con. 4 5.1). R Uleuelg. fifty-five :mes, titty cleared abuut 0.5 miles from |)1.rham.yUmd urchard, guud concrete hnuM', good well, in tair state of cultivation. k m parm ulars see the owner, l4 !flHE THUROUUH BRED SHOT- 1 Hum Dark Red Durham Hull “ Hunm “raven“ Nu. 298103, (I. ll. 13., will be he t fur wrvice at Int No. 15. con. 3, N. l). .. (ilexwlg. l’mling: may be seen an auplica- mm. Terms $.00, myable February lst. l’ersuns disposing heir cows and not re- turning them shall be charged full price whether the cows are In calf or not. JOHN P. FALLAISE, Nov. 27.â€"2m. Buuessan P. U. -l {egiatered Pedigree (No. “27). M Lot :5, Gun. 2, Egremont. Termsi‘lfl) CHAS. GRAY. from Now. 1st. 3mpd. VARNEY P. O. OLDINU SECOND OR THIRD ‘ Claw Certificate for School Section .\u.9. Beutiuck. Applications to be made ta) . JAMES STIXSON. Segretary. .\uv. 9.-4. Crawtord P. 0, 'PHOI{()'BI{ED CHESTER W HITE. I ‘HOROUG H BRED BE RKSHI RE Boar. Lung Bacon Type, bred by '1‘. A. flux. 3 prize winner at the Industrial and Butl'nlu Exhibitions in 12131, will be kept for service at Int 26 con. 4, N. D. 13., Bentinek, Dam and Sire were prize winners. Terms une dollar Nov. 12-21", pd, \J The undersigned, lot No. 2, con. 11. N. I). R. Ulenelg, nu or about the 15th of No- vember. four spring calves, lsteer ”3.63 heifers. Owner may have same by provmu property and paying expenses. The school is 91 ui d for full Junior LC“)! and Matri¢suht£onp§ork. under the tollowbl stat! of competent teachers for ti“ deptmt : , ALEX. ELLISON Nov. 23 rem-4 pd. Wmdby. 15. o. DURHAM SCHOOL. Into-adios students should enter at beginning of tom. or an soon site: a pouiblo. Fees. 01 on per not“. WI. JOHNSTON. C. L. GRANT. Thu. All... Principal. A. m, B. A., (Spanish-t), Ant. Prim. ”I. Lick. I. A.. Classic: and Modems. 6m pd. ES‘NG LOT N_O_. 9, CON. _2-2, N ELIGIBLE TOWN LOT 0N AME TO THE PREMISES 0F .\' IMPROVED FARM, LOT NO. Teacher \Vanted. Boar For Service. 13th, 1901. flour for Service. Bull fur Svrvice. Fa rm To Rent. CHOICE AN D VALU ABLE Hotel to lient. Calves Astray. Farm for Sale STA FF AND EQUIPMENT. Eur Sale. For Sale. For Sale. For Sale. A LEXAN DER BEGUS, tt. ALLA): PARK. JOHN MCFADDEN, tf. Durham P. 0. ROBERT BRITTON, Allan Park P. 0. tf. Jusmu J AQL’ES, Durham P. O. A. BUTTERS, Pricevine. Photographer (Continued From Last Week.) FLESH ESTON . A growing village near the centre of the township of Artomesia. at the intersection of the “Toronto and Sydenham ” and Durham and Colling- wood Gravel Roads. A few years ago, W. K. Flesher, Esq., for some years Reeve oi the township and Warden of the county, laid out a portion of his prOperty in village lots. and named the place “Flesherron,” by which name it is generally known, though the post oflice is Still known by the original name “ Artemesia.” Had the other owners of property co-COperated with Mr. Flesher, the place would doubtless have been larger by this date. Until the Gravel Road was opened up, there was little at " Flesher’s Corners ” but the two taverns, and a sawmill not now in existence. After the gravelling of the two intersect- ing roads, the place hegan rapidly to improve. The sawmill, the fulling mill, the stozes, c., are all the result of the last two or three years. The village has a post office, 3 Stores, 2 taverns. several carpenters. a pump-maker, a blacksmith shop, a sawmill, a. Cill'lllng and falling mill, 2 churches, :3 resident. clergymen, :2 churches, :3 resident clergymen, and a resident physician. It is s’) in. from Pricey-ills. 31 m. from Orange- ville. 30 m. to Owen Sound. and 30 m. to Collingwood Harbor. The post office was first established about 12 years ago. at the first settlement of the “Toronto Line.” J. P. Fowler is the present postmaster. Mails daily to and from Collingwood and Durham ; on Wednesdays and Satur- days to and from Chatsworth; on Mondays and 'l‘hursdays to Orange- viile, and on Tuesdays and Fridays from Orangeville A section of the township Library is kept in the vil- lage, W. K. Flesher, librarian. THE COUNTY OF GREY. Boyne Water Hotel, John Jones. promietor. Cairns, A rchibald, farmer. Campbell, Peter, Cardng and Full- ing Mill. Campbell. Richard. township clerk. Clayton, W m., boot and shoemaker. Davidson, William. farmer. Dinwoodie, John. farmer. Flesher, Wm. K., J. P., proprivtor sawmill, general 1m reliant, warden of the county. In the year 1837, no townships were surveyed north or west of Gara- fraxa township. It was the Ultima Thule ol civilization in that direction. Before that (late, Lewis Burwell, Esq., afterward of ‘Brantford. had been sent up to lay out some town- ships at the head waters of the Grand River; and in the year mentioned Charles Rankin. Esq.. now of Owen Sound, was directed to carry a line through to the waters of Owen Sound. He started from Garafraxa, near Fergus, through what is now the townships of Peel and Arthur, to the present site of Mount Forest. Here drOpplng the formal survey, he ex- plored the route northward. In 1840, the line was opened out in a fashionâ€"a few necessary removals of logs and Small trees made. In 1841. anew survey of the line was made by Mr. McDonald, of Goderich. The new line is the one now used The variations between the two were not very important. The first horse team that our came through was in the summer of 184;, driven by a per. lson named Boulton. The road Logan ito get better after the ” grant lots ” were pretty well taken up along it lam!p settlers had occasion to travel it 'Preta about the year 1848 it beeams There is at present no grist mill in the village, though one is contemp- lated, and partially erected. There is a very large traffic through the village, setting eastward toward Collingwood. The mill stream is small, a tributary of the Beaver River, sometimes called “Boyne Water.” “The N. C.‘ Methodist and Wesleyan Churches are both frame buildings; the latter was erected in 1864. Ainsley, Julius, farmer. Bonnar, Dr. D., Associate Coroner, c. Jackson. Rev. Thomas. New Con- nexion Methodist. Keefer, George. carpenter. King, J. H., farmer. Marshall. James. teacher. Munsbaw, Aaron. proprietor Flesh- erton Hotel. Munsbaw. Aaron, Sr., farmer. McSorley, Jolnr iarmer. Rolph, Bartholemew. Stewart, George, farmer. 'I‘rimble, Robert. general merchant and farmer. Flesherton Hotel. A. Munshaw, proprietor. Hooper, William, carpenter. Hurd, John H, general blacksmith. Hoax, Ward, pump and sieve maker. Fowler, James P., postmaster; general merchant. Jacques. Rev. George, Wesleyan Methodist. Jones, John, preprietor “Bovne Water Hotel.” GARA FRAXA ROAD. FORTY YEARS AGO. an important highway ts", the north- ern townships. though a had enough road at certain seasons. Within the last four years it has been gruvelled from bPlow Arthur all the way to Owen Sound. It has always: been called in the County of Grey the " Garafraxa Road.” from the Cil‘Cllmv stances ofits first survey. But. in the County of Wellington it is .spcken of as the " Owen Sound ROM.” (Cuntinuml Next \Veek.) Deafness is Curable! Sufferers from impaired hearing will be glad to know that their affliction is prob- ably not due to any organic deieCt in the ear, but results probably from a thickening of the lining of the mid- dle ear caused by catarrhal inflamma- tion. Hundreds of perfect recoveries as the result of the inhalation of Catarrhozone are reporud. and on the highest authority we iecommend this treatment to our readers. Ca- tarrhozone quickly restores lost hearing, and its efficiency is placed beyond dismne by the case of Mr. Foxall, of St. Thomas, who recovered perfect healing by using Catzurho. zone. after years of (lminess Price $1. At druggists or by mail, from Poison Co.. K'ngsvon, Ont. Mr. Editor. it is some time since we have sent any Items from the Corners, but trust we are not too late. Better late than never Mr. D. Rubisun has treated himself”. a new well, and intends gelting a new flow in his home. Get a house-keeper nmv, Dan. and you will be all 0 K. Mr. .Robinson Haw has rammed to hi< lmme 11: Port Hope, afmr a lengthy visit. with his son, Genrge, Miss Carry Paris has game m) a vnsit 1n Stratford and other [)lflCéN, but intends tn return and resume her situation as. Imuse keeper for Mr. H. Atchison. Mr. Sandy McDonald has returned hnme from Montana, where he has been for :1 few months. and gives a good account uf that Country. The young people ufthi~ partnnd sur- rounding neighburhnod spent a most eniuy able exening at the hnme at Mr. \\ 111. Brown on F nday 01 last \\ eek Mr. Geo. Haw has impruved his house by movmg It on an elevated me, which will be much better than where It was turmcrly. We are sorry to learn that Mr John McQueen, of Bouthville. is very ill at present. but under the skilt‘ul care of Dr. Sneith, of Dromore, we hope to hear of his speedy recovery. Mr. Jake Smith is engaged in working for Dan Mclnues. of the South Line. Mr. George Lane was uufurtunate in cut- tulg his arm. but we lmpe It will soon be well again. Mr. [180. Snckett has ”1"“)! wed a I} ('1 k shirehog from “1'. Mean} lune, of Vow Eng] and. We are sorry to ’earu of the death of Mrs. W. Aldcurn, offiwintou Park. Mr. Aldcuru being away at the time makes it all the more sad. Mr Wm. Hunter and his sister, Aggie, visited friends in Hampden the beginning of the week. The road job that was let on the hill oppo site lot 6. con. l9 20. to a I’roton man, was not finished according to contract, so there was $20 kept back by the Council, and the $20 was put on the same hill in another job taken by one of the neighbors, and it is finished this time all right. Mr. George Atchison is home at present- He has been engaged in working fur Mr. Geo. flaw, of Balsam Valley, tins year. Mr. Peter Reid had the misfortune to luse a fine steer by Its falling intoa feed rack. ~The farmers here have formed a beef rim. wnh Mr. Wm. Thompson as butcher. Mrs. Peter Brown. of Holstein. is visiting her daughter Mrs. Wm Hunter. T. MORAN, l1 Shoesmade for all kinds uf diseased .r deformed feet. A CALL SOLICITED. Mill Streetâ€"In Rear of Calder’s Block, Lower Town. Durham SOME OF YOU will want to buy more land. I have a lot of good farm properties for sale. Some of yo WI” want to sell. [can likely eel for you, and if I make no sale I make no charge. Some of you will want to trade. I own some good town preferty and a farm or two and am a ways ready for a fair ex- change. Some of K0“ “fill want t) borrow money. I ave Just receiv- ed a letter rem parties having a large amount to lend at var? low rates. Some of you have a at of old notes and accounts that ought to be collected. If you will bring them in I will try to get the money for you and wall make no charge if I collect no money. If you want Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Will: or other writings drawn I will do thowork for you promptl . Just now I hove some as dalry good buggins in forms. .llbusx- no“ atmy office. I: attended to promptly and math strict privacy. H. H. MlllEfl, FARMERS! General Blacksmith. ORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. SA CKETT’S CORN ERS Harvest is over and you will now be arranging your businees aflairs. HEN RY’S CORN ERS. -<.oao.â€"¢ c. v.. Q- CHRONICLE. The Council met Nov. 9th. All the mem- bers present, The reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmEd Commnnications and accounts read as fol- lows : ~ R. Uarszavel account for lumber. C. Rainage account for {tinting G. Mc'l‘ag- gart report as ponn keeper. Robert B. English re sale of road allowance. 1. l‘raynor account for survey. Commisioncrs for wards 3 4 their report. Mclunis-.McUaunelâ€"s-That an order be issued in favor uf'l‘hus. McFadden fur the sum uf $27.40 to be paid (m the McCormick deviatiun, and half eusts uf conveyancing and rugiatratiun.-â€"Uarried. McCauncl ~ Arrmvsmithâ€"That the reeve. clerk and. assessor be pawl 333(1) each fur selecungJ:xrurs.-â€"Uarrxed, McUmmel~lr)avisâ€"â€"That the following accuunts be. paid, viz. C. Ramage ad vertis- ing Musing road, $1.80; “Mun World" order bunk, $6.00: other municipal forms, $1.37, and exln'css charges on same, 50 cts. â€"-<U:u'ricd. The reeve intimated to the council that it was the intention 0f the treasurer to place the attire of treasurer at the disposal of the council in the early part 0! next year, completing his term of :56 years as treasurer. Mcb‘a“nobâ€"Arrowsmithm'l‘hat the c'erk bar, and is hereby instructed, to advertise in the 1mm! papers asking fur applications for the nttiwe of treasurer, fur the township of Ulcnuig, with suritics to the amuunt of not ices than 52:000.“). Applications to be re- ceived up till “mm (m _the 12th day of December nextâ€"Carried. Uzu'js'wArruwsmithâ€"'l‘hat John .Bulbert be .paul {51.00 damages to crops wlule pro- Lm'mg gravel.-â€"Uarrled. Vkluhis â€"Armwsmithâ€" That Rubert Dar- an e! be paid the sum of $14 .81 for lumber tux sidewalks at Duruoch. -â€"-Ua|ried. \IcCaunelâ€"McInukâ€"T hat Bylaw No. 411 be now read a third time, Si gued, sealed and engrossed on By-law book --()arried. Boo. 1t is‘on unusually strong lmi- men: that cures rhoumstism in un- madly quick time. But household unimnt known. 95 cents. I)2:\‘is-â€".\Iplnnisf'l‘llat Isaac 'l‘raynor. 1’. L. 5., be paid .5201ur surveys on cons H 8: lb,â€"â€"Carr1ed. Mchnnui -.\Iclnnisâ€"-That Wm. Richard- son he paid $11.50, {. cmt of filling at bridge lnt 2:7, iuwnline (i. A. Also I). Ferguson $4.70. .fimst fur filling at lot 27, townliue (1.. A. C's i‘.-â€"Czu'riL-d. 133"le w 411, appointing Deputy Returning Officers and defining polling places, .was introduced and read a first and second time. payments were made under prmtmns ward 3 as follows : J. Haley wnk at lut 17. con. 6 H, \j'ulkcr " Int 90, cm]. 3 R ............................... 9 4.) J. l' lmk \wrk at Int 26 0011.8 ....... 18 {)0 J. Halev ” lot20 (3011.8 ....... 3 40 Geo. Lcitcll ” MB 20 '21. con. 11 4 90 J. Haley “ Int. 2!, con 11 . 2 50 J. W atrou ” lot 19 con. 8 ....... 15 50 I) bu 091W “ Jot 10, owns. 9 Si 101.) 00 l).1\h(.‘a.~tkell " lot 20, 0011.9 ....... 40 J. \\_’ xy-«m‘ _“ lot 19, con. 8. statute Where Medical Science Fails to cure rheumatism. and all the time you sufier dreadfully. \\ by don't you get 9. bottle of Polson_’s Nervilino and try that? Rub it into your stifl’ joints. sore arms. lame book, bent shoulders-vwherever the pain is Nerviline has cured plenty of maple in this way. and that ought to be proof gnough that it __wi!l cure you con 1, n. u. .................. J. )tk'ifinon work lot. 16 con 1,13. Thus. Davis committee work ........ " letting and inspecting” Peter Mclnnis committee work ...... letting and inspectipg 680.13 Arrowsmitli letting and in- specting ......................... 'l‘hos. McFadden surveying work... J. b’, B_la_ck_aseistiug SDl‘VBYOI‘ ...... 15.0. R ........................ Thus. (ilencross work at lot 5, con. 9 Wm. Kingstun ‘-’ lot 1. can. 9 John 'l‘urnl_)_nll_ “ lot 1 of 9, can. 1 E.(1‘r. R.... John Ellismu walk at lot 4 0011.10” Jolt:g_Cn_l}m:‘ t “ lot 35. con. 3, E. "'T‘h‘e Edda: adjourned to December 16. at 10 t. m. labul‘ fund ....................... 1). He“ “3 “wk at lot 25 con. 7 stat- ute lnbur fund .................. l’ Halu \xuxknt Int 13 con. 7, 5'. at nte labur fund” .............. H. \\ alker work at LA 113.com. l4, statute labur fund. . .. . .......... ll, Faster work at Int 90. can. I. \V. ’1‘. IL. statute labor fund... ..... Thai. \Yilsun work at lot 27, con. 3. A. F. Black Thus. Cunnelly work lot 20. con. 7. .. John Quiilinau ” Int 20. con. 7.. I). McUaskell ” lot 20 con. 8. .. J. uillinan ” lot20 0011.10. M. {yam “ towuliue G. .1. 11111111311 .. 1.1120 con 1.0. 3140 .\I. {31111 “ towuliue G. A J, cost ..................... I? '30 \V. Bartlm “ork tmxnline Ur. M. '5 00% .......................... 7 m J. Dodds “ork tmsuline G. M. 5 cost ............................ 18 00 Geo. Sewell work townline G. M. 5cnst ............................ 6 50 JOIN; Colbert work lots 5 6, con. 5. 25 (I) D. McMillan“ “ lots 32 36. con. u. u .................. ' Wm. Lemmx wmk atlut 1.1mm. E. (n R .................... Alclgjo \\ ilsuu sunk at lot 14 con. THOR-Maia“: work lot, 14. can. 5. . . Allggs [film-k work lot 47, con. 2, N. Dan Edgé GAL-k idi M851}: 111-. GR: Duncan Smellie work lots 195'. 21. 'v2\ v.1: ........... Arcl_1ie\_\lc.\!illan wonk lot 33 con. 2 con GLEN ELG COUNCIL. J. S. BLACK, Clerk. ........ 150 01,13 ........ 125 ........ 100 actm 265 rk ...... 500 wa rd :1 9 pro- $13 90 1‘2 65 I4 40 275 2200 400 fmemmmmmmndrIn?”mm?EI J AS; IRELAND If you’re going away for the Xmas holidays don’t forget that we carry a stock of trunks and valiases‘ from the big family trunk down [0 the handy hand bag. We have on hand in this department some. of the season’s prettiest creations. They’re all right and the prices are all right, as you can get a neat, stylish trimmed hat for $1.23 up, and Sailors of course for less than that. This is the right tinw to buy Millinery, for we are making great cuts on all our hats. TRUNKS VALIASES J AS. IRELAND Be good to your feet and you1 feet will be good to you. Get a good, well fittmg boot and a good warm ove1shoe or 1ubber and Iz’tind walking easy. We have heavy and fine boots and shoes and rubbers for men, women and children at the \ u \ closest p1ioes. BOOTS and SHOES and RUBBERS Our puncture proof rubber carries with it the maker’s guarantee. It is made by a reliable maker, of pure gum and is absolutely snug proof. REUE'BER THE PLACE - - LAIMWS OLD 8TAND. REMEMBER THE PLACE . . MILLINERY. a THURSDAY. LAIDLA W'S 0L0 STAND. WNW» 0 ‘4‘ ‘Ir A 5?”. H

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