West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Feb 1903, p. 1

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GATHERED DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READffls. TILSON’ 8 pan dried oats packages at Grant’ 3. __.-___â€"â€"â€"- Waxmuâ€"A first-class pant and vesthand. Apply to J. A. Glass, 'l‘ailor.â€"â€"'. q uarter. Local News Items A SYNOPSIS o! the famous play, '1 he Scout, of the Philippines" ap pears on page 5. HAVE you tried 3 25¢. package of Sloan’s Purity‘ Wheat? Just. the thing \VE don’t want a sum or m- left. Everything mum. go to room for Spring goods.--'l‘heob day. You SALE-A 1 Durham. For 1 Mrs. MoRae or :‘ ham, Om.â€" Q}. MR. 0. Boron wa: the Heady property on Saturday last price was $3050. 11111 Sm; “ The Scent of the 1rinrr4."Frida-.y night in Tov ‘- -- .. um--1.n- .Ail i‘r's good buying whether you need a suit or not at the price Theobald is telling his clothing. Keep it on 3 ms” until you do need it. ;; Lu. pails of lard at Grant 3. 'l'wu or :hree dollars ain’t very mm-h, st!” it, amounts to quite! a lot, when you save that much by bu: ing a suit. or an overcoat at. Theobald’s. SHAWL Lmrm-In Durham. on Thursday, Jan. 15.». a gray and white shawl. Fuadvr will obligv Mrs. J Olin Putt. Doruoch. by having it, a! Mr. ‘ . A Islu ’lfxâ€" Mr. Hm. 'H'mt imam: egg on our table \'Vt:«h;w-du_y wxmzh weighed eggs-actiy 6‘} 023. and meas- ured 7'} inchrs 1h» long way mound, A I'M“ A NUMBER of the mniture Factory i “a. Grippe, and fore u . ‘ lu‘rvll‘ L“ III" - a an“! H nuthws the NIH? \\'n§. A Ply mouth Rock hen laid it on Sunday Feb. 1. .. \Vkl’l‘E the R. Forbes 00., Limit- ed. Hespler, Ont.. for particulars or work in their woollen manufacturing nntl knitting mill Reliable firm, wages every week. good pay. nice work. Steady employment {or u number of families at once; boys and girls fourteen years and over, also young women. Good private accom- modation at low rates for hands de- siring board.” the 14th in Pricaville the followi'ng were elected officers (or 1903: Pres., D. McCormick : ‘lhsp- Vice, J. Nichol ; -V-vvv- 2nd Vice. D. McMillan; Directors, J Brodie. J. Geddis, J. Paxton, J. Mc- Lean, D. McLow. A. Muir. \V. Manda. D. Harrow, W. Watson; Auditors. J. McAthor and D. Dixon; Sec/Frau” J. Brodie. The duo of the Fan Fair is fixed for October the 8th wd 9th. AT the annual meeting of the South Grey District Agricultural Society hold in town hallon ‘ZIanstauc. the following officers Were elected for 1903: President. Jame-l. Edge; lsr Vice, Wm. Smith; 2nd Vncee, H. Parker; Seen. A. Dnvidson; Trout, Wm. Calder; Directory. Wm. Moun- tain, James Matlhnws. R. Murice. Thos. Gadd. “'m Scarf. W. Lawson. Geo. Binnie. C. Firth; Auditors. N W. Campbell. T. G. Land"; How): _\ Directors, D. Edgv‘, T. 0. Huh, R3; But her. mg 0s Monday evening a thxmtmin) DUMNG the past week most of the consisting of Mossw- Allan. (Jump cihzmw have been given the Oppor- bell, Ramage. Parquhmsm) m R 2mm,- uf obtaining shares in the Sparling. on helm” of the Mechunc 1)urhmn Natural Gas and Oil Co. The Institute. und Messzs. Mason um; lirectors are gratified with the suc» Thompson on helm” of the your; "ens Hwy haw met‘ in Durham and' men OI the town, pl'usmvN-d a pa": v: 'm. :iciuity. and hqm to be abie £0.31),- ligueol by over on» hundred mums uounce,iu a wry short time that. at: maxing the Town Couxmv! for a they have secure-d enough Subscrip- nraut of $100 in aid of eStaulNhnuu a done to Puablq them to put doyn branch‘ of the Mechanics lumivme two' wells. Sufiicient itock has um! Reading. Ruom down town. EM}. .dready been subscrjbed to wunnt of the nbove numed gentlemen spokp the Co. in going ahead and making: Iriofly in behalf of 1);... pention. Sn arunuemcnts for drilling. u soon as ‘ onus“ the noedflut the 0000- he now is o! the ground. Any azauiwout debug. pr_nutn_' thq granola “irons of Inboribing :3 3*.1- - "-__'-A‘..JI Lnfi A. [or porndge. 37-40. 1874. of the employees at the sqtory are sufl’ering from ml forced to take a holio ’01: was the puusbaser of ape-my sold by auction last. The purchase A fine house and lot in parvti'éulars apply to A. H. Jackson, but. a. suitor overcoat At Grant’s. ill Town Hall, in ten cent H to make zobaM. HI GOLDEN syrup in five, ten and twenty lb. pails ac Grant’s. . YOU will find the best that close hunting can find at Peel’s. DURHAM School Board wants 70 cords of good green wood. Apply to the trustees. Mn. Jonx THOMPSON of Varney. has leased the farm of Mrs. Samuel Stewart, of Normanby, one of the choice fail-ms in the banner township of the county. A COUPLE of school reports reached as too late {or this issue. Let others get their reports in early so that all may appear next week, You: shoe ideas will be met at Peel’s in money saving prices. A MEETING of the Scarlet Chapter, Durham District. L. 0. L., on the 14th February, 1903. All members are requested to attend. James Eden, W.C. M.C. Thos. Ritchie, Scribe. Ix our report. of the-congregational meeting last week a. little paragraph referring to Inspector Campbell’s contribution was wrongly placed un- der our reference to the Baptist church opening. “'8 hope nobody wwz hurt. The Council did a very proper thing on Monday night, by makinga grant of $100 to the Public Library. There seems to be no way by which the town money can he used so as to betLe-r reach the who‘u: 0f the rute~ payers.‘ 'l‘mc Sunday labor question is now settlud to all appearances. President, Cowham in an imerview with the employees at the works gave instruc- tions to do no kind of labor except what was neécssary to keep the plant from injury. A MEETIM; for the purpose of or- ganizing the Lacrosse Club for the season will be held in \V. S. David- son's Law Otfice 911 Monday evening, Feb ‘Jth, at. 6 o’clock. All interested in the welfare of the Club are re- quested to attend. Dun ASTRAY-â€"\Vhite and Tan pointer. answering to the name "Bufi'eu," white dollar round neck. any person :elaimng him after this nomze will be prosecuted. Finder will :ulvnSo- 'l‘. G. Staples. Edge Hill, or in: Smplvs. Hanover. Tm; annual banquet of the Canad- ian Order of Foresters Court Durham No. 446 will be held ix'Kthe parlors of Jordan and Burnett on the evening of Flid'd). Feb. 97th inst. Tickets 50c. may be. procurred of the Com. mittee, J. L. Browne nr'l‘hos. Noble. MR. Hum: Bmmmu, of Allan Park, begs to announce his intention to give up farming and purposes selling by auction about the firs: of March his Foiled Angus. Durham and Grade cattle, and Oxford Down sheep. Look out for his hills. which will appear latex. This will be a. great opportuno ity for farmers to secure a good ad- ditiOu to their stock.â€"-tf. “'16 have been watching: the Weath- er pnedicnons of Rev. Irl R. Hicks lor the manth 0t January, and find his almaxmc so carrect than we pun pose an tonne to give a forecast. of the elnugs me "my look for in each? ummh. we intended to start. this week but feel hundcapped for want of time. The first four days be pre- dicts sofc weather, the heaviest atorm of the period to occur (in Feb. Huh, LUH). and fllst. The work is apparuuuy scientific and is really a I wondefi ul prediction. "Tm; Scent of the Philippid’es” to be rendered here on Friday even- mg is a purely local afiair. and well worthy of pa'ronage. The proceeds ever and above expenses will be set «Side for charitable purposes. The file ul the surplus will depend upon new a... peeple turn out, The young °3A.__LI_ 'IU" 'Il‘ var‘v â€" uoOph' have gone to considerable rrouhzo and expeme in praparingthia May. and they’ll be delighted to see won :.t the Opera House on Friday evewnz. Feb. 6. The Chronicle is the Mr. Thomas Brown is not improv- ing much in health. Mrs. N, W. Campbell is recovering niceiy from an attack of La Grippe. Miss Ly dia Swallow is in town on a ViSi‘. s Manager Stanhope, of the National Portland Cement. 00., spent Sunday in town. THE GONG AND COMING 0F VISITOR-9 IN THE MONTH OF FEURARY. Mrs. Wm. Irwin, of Hamilton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw. President Cowham. of the Cement \Vorks, was the guest of Dr; Jamie- son over Sunday. Mrs. Lindsay, of Welbeck, will move back to her farm in Mona after the first of March. Mrs. John Russel and her young- est daughter Nellie have returned from a two week’s visit. to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Mark \Vilson, of Flesherton, and two children age vi-icing relatives'and friends in town. Mr. Philip Eve has been quite ill for the past. week 'or so, but we are pleased to be informed that he is on the mend. .N. r. J. W. Andrews, of Port Arthur brother of Mr. Jas. Andrews and Mrs John Russel, who was visiting here left for a friends. Dr. Spencer. of Brantford, who officiated at the opening of the new Baptist; church on Sunday last, was a caller at our sanctum on Monday morning. 'As he was at one time connected with newspaper work himself, the short, visit was a pleas- ure to us. The opening exercises in connec- tion with the Baptist church opening were continued on Sunday last when three sermons were preached, the work being taken morning and even- ing by Dr. Spencer, of Brantl'ord, and in the afternoon by Rev. \Vray R. Smith, of the Methodist church of this town. Of these discourses we are able to give only a mere outline as follows :â€"- The morning service was well at. tended. the choir being in good voice and rendering special aid in song. Dr. Spencer preached on a ”Model Church” from Acts ‘2 : 4:3, the points being : «It should be (1) A Scriptural Church; (2)31issiouary ; (3) Spiritua}; (4) United; (5) Obedient; (6) Thank- ful; (7) Powerful. In the afternoon Rey. Wray 1%.! Smith preached an excellent sermon from the Book of Samuel. enforcing the lesson of unity in effort. The choir snug Well. and Mrs. Newton and Dr. Spencer sang a duet, “ When! the Mists have rolled away." The evening; service was crowded, every available space being occupied. The service was hearty, and the choir again did excellent and particu- ;larly in singing The Holinty, unac- companied. Father Stewart led in prayer, and Dr. Spencer preached fronitl TimOLhy 1 : 1‘2 entitled “Paul’s Creed,” the points being (1) Courage; (:2) KDOWledgfl ; (:5) Faith ; (4) Assur- ance; (5)) Surrender. The sermon was practically illustrated and com- manded goon attention. Monday evening followtati with 8i fine musical concert, which was evi- dently enjoyed by all present. In addition to the excellent work donei by the choir. the entertainment was materially heightened by the duets of Dr. Spencer and M re. Newton, and the very fine selections rendered by Dr. Brown. of Holstein, who is a favorite in this town. In high class music the Dr. ranks well and makes a very favorable companion with these who call themselves profession- als. end in our opinion he surpasses many of them. Mrs. Newton’s 5010 \entitled HHome,” which she sang unaccom- pnnied, mm, to us. the prettiest number of the evening. and from the breathless attention given to the se- lection while being rendered we are confident it was a. treat to all present. A telegram ‘from Mr, Davidson, who was billed to sing, announced his illness from toneilius. and a few extre numbers from Dr. Browntnnd {du‘ec from Dr. Spencer and Mrs. Newton made up for "the vacancy. The meeting closed with the National Anthem shortly after ten o‘clock. CONTINUATION SERVICES. DH. EH]. 8. BURT. L'uo Aux-am Boy. London Ophtlnlmio 133., and to Golden smut-cot ad Non DURHAM, 0NT., THURSFAY. FEBRUARY 5. short visit, with Toronto best place to put your Advertisements. s0. Know IT is only rarelv that the citizens of Durham are given the opportunity to listen to artists of the same status as Miss Helena Pelletier and her splendid company. who will appear at the town hall for two nights, Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 9 and 10. Miss Pelletier, who is indeed a musi- cal and dramatic star of the first magnitude, has appeared with great success in all the principal cities and towns of Canada and the Eastern States. The press everywhere speaks in terms of highest praise of this clever lady and her excellent com. pany. “His Better Half,” which will be presented on Monday evening, is a splendid three act comedy, ting- ling with the most laughable situa- tions, blended together with a fresh, bright, spontaneous humor, that is irresistable. It is a veritable foun-j tain of bubbling mirth. The skillful way in which all the latest song suc- cesses are introduced forms a de- lightful feature of the charming productial. On Tuesday evening the company, will present Jerome K. Jerome famous play. “The Girl From Mexico." Admission 2230.. re- served seats 30c., children 1530. 'Plan of hall at Darling’s Drug Store. IIILLlSâ€"On Svynday, Feburary 1, to Mrs. Robert Iiillis, a daughter. HARTFORDâ€"In Durham. Jan. 8th. to Mrs. E. J. Hartford, a daughter. ARMSTRONG-11] Beutinck, Saturday. Jan. 3|. infant son of Mr. and Mrb‘. Elijah Armstrong, aged 3 weeks. 1) e12, containing 100 acres. apont 75 acres cleared and m good state at cultlvatlon. Good house and faily good out-building, well watered. good orchard. Terms right. For further particulars apply on the prem- ises to _, MRS. C. WILLIAMS. Feb'v 4â€"tf. Edgé Hill. Feb'y 4â€"tf. DOPTED BY ALL LEADING Schools in Toronto. This deservedly popular svstem by means of chart. drills. blackboard diagrams and other interesting devices brings the following topics within the child’s immediate comprehension : Musical Notation, Rhythmical Motion. Technique Key-board Location. Musical ll istury, Piano Work. p Fe‘b’y 0,â€"3m. Keelers Watchmakers Jewellers Opticians and Engravers. Watches Farm for Sale or Rent. 01‘38. 0031.341. G. 3., ‘(iLEN- is. the ‘glnvoemt'ow bu§1tAlso buy your SILVERWARE from tfiem and save money and get. the best goods that money can buy. If your Watch or Clock is sick Keeler can moke it tick. All Good: Bought at Kaelct’s Ban-"ed Fm. Myer’s Music Method. AVE the Jewellery trade of this town. \Vhy? Because they are Practlcal ALSO because we can save you money on everything you buy in our line. B. KEELER 8180M- BORN. DIED. Miss MARGARET GUN. Teacher M. M. I IN GREAT VARIETY. £J..J.HUNTER§ Xmas Groceries FOREST CITY BAKING POVVDEB at 10., 15 BLUE RIBBON TEA, Bleck. Mixed end Green Ceylongt 25, 30, 40 end 50¢. per lb. COFFEEâ€"Copittl Cofieo 30¢. per lb. in one pound can: only. . RAISINS. CUBBANTS, FIGS. DATES AND PEELS 311 EXTRACTS tN D JELLY POWDEBS in 0.11 “10:41!”- ent flnvo . new fruits. THE BUBY STORE ON THE BUSY CORNER. $1.00 PER YEA.

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