We ugcasionally hear of some one failing: into the lake. and last week twu were so unfortunate, and for strunge’rs it is an unpleasant eXperio cucc. For those who wwk on Sun- day.» in Is all right, as changes are wlu:.l«-smue. and to get. an occasiouai dzp when if is lwlow Zero will only hwy chum to enjoy it. better in any mine. take they may happen to get People are beginning to realize how important it is for town and country to join heart and hand in every undertaking that is [or the bent it of both and to try and develon whatever resource s kind Providence has placed in our wsy. On the opin- ion of experts that there is gss snd oil not many hundred feet swsy. many of our citizens sre sssisting the Natural Gas end Oil Co. by reed- ily taking shares, and if all signs fsil and none is to be found they will st lust have done their duty, while in csse of s lucky ï¬nd it would beneï¬t nil in the psst. Mr. .\. Allan's brick bee happened on at \‘a;‘\' cold. day. yet. it did not pretein him from getting his brick all home just the same. A sleigh load of couples from Day ham mil Bentiuck «iron: out to Mr R. Mezul's one night last week, and enjoyed a line evening's pastime. As wood is scarce this winter and town peeple glad to get hold of any, wood-lruwers have been gathering up old knots rejected in better days. Some say it is a joke that we should write it up. but possibly the man who splits it will say it is no joke. So we leave the matter (or them to decide amongst themselves. 'X anm J’JIWJIXJLLAJIAJIJLX Mr. Wm. Allan enjoys a few dry Knox just as well as the next man, providing they are the good solid ones tli :t come from Knox Normanbv. who thirst after even thing that is spiritually refreshing and edifying, nnd amongst whom he has labored so long. On Friday night two sleigh. loads of those good people drove over to spend the night with him, and a pleasant one it was indeed. They sten’t in dreamlend yet. All who visited the Cement Works from this part 335' that after entering the buildings they quite forgot they were in the vicinity of the old town of Durham. Such ï¬ne buildings and the smouut of wonderful mschinery running so smooth end complete cer- fled them right sway. The courtesy the employees while passing the, spprecieted very ‘ '1‘ them and the _Ne- 'VVV H a we,†cold 6 Hour him from home just the A sleighload of m and Bentincl Mezul's one an joyed a ï¬ne eve As wood is scar A L 'iU Stock of Hardware and Groceries Always Kept on Hand. 3. ;; y Pm s :1 Come and See and. Get Bargains While They Last. ALEX.RUSSELL CORN ER CON CERNS. Cash or Trade Given for Produce. . w )lt-n's llcm'x' (fx'cn‘dftts must g0 at less than: Mmhw 119 price. To clear out prices 1'; {1’11“ ti Ulll $3 )’ N) 38.0â€. ' “'1': have still n m: are selling: Successor to J. A. Hunter. Co. the but :30, up tn$1¢L to 0‘ PW Lzulim’ Jackets left that .1: half whensâ€"«$2 and up. . ..â€".â€".__,_ A . Just as an Irishman once figured out that the moon is much better than the sun because it shows light when it is dark. while the sun merely shows light during the day. So our young people like to have their actions at evening parties just what they consider right. .lr. Jae. 'l‘u'cker’s Spacious house, which is one of the nest in the part. afforded ample room lasr Wednesday night 1 for a large crowd of friends to enjoy themselves till their hearts content in What ever way they pleased. con- sequently a very enjo; able night Was Spent in music. games and dancing. It was the first asSemhly of the kind since it was tuilt, and if success is any encouragement for a reputation. we are sure of others in the future. Valuable Advice to Mothers. If your child comes in from play coughing or show ing evidences of an approaching attack of Grippe Sore i,Throat or sickness of any kind, ï¬rst .thiug get your bottle of NERVILINE. Rub the chest and neck with Nervi- line and give internal doses of ten 1 drops of Nerviline 1n sweetened wato Ler every two hours. This will pre- ;vent any serious trouble. No lini- ment or puin reliever equals Polson’ s :Nerviline, which is a necessitv in every household. Large bottles cost 1 only 25c. farmers disposing of their aged teams and buying young ones. An English friend informs m that the school board have secured for the children’s eating ï¬fteen“ cords of hash. As we were saying, young people are verv queer in their social habits We have some 1:) this part tlmt have no use for a countrv dance, and ye: are fairly in love with a Ball Intended for last week. Iâ€"JOULSW; -at-. The anniversary services of the the disease: Methodist church here were held on liable to r01 Sunday and Monday, 18th and 19th canker, di: inst. On Sunday sermons were theria. A preached morning and evening by the character, Rev. J. R. Patterson, of Grand Val- map. by P ley. The congregations at both ser- Bacteriolog vices were exceedingly encouraging. ‘1 College, The tee-meeting on Monday evening “.th in th was fairly well patronized. Thor- Ontario De‘ onghly practicsl eddresses were'de- ‘nd may be livered by Revs. Pntterson nnd Meg- write to :h. wood. Misses Minnie end Victoria. for a copy. Cornish rendered two numbers thet c lnstreted, 4 were heartily epprecinted. The pro. (9.â€;- Eu coeds amounted to .44- authorities Mr. end ï¬re. J_. _l._.lzine_n ore ,etlel hie m ‘l'be Hillis Bros. visited their uncle. Mr. J. \Vhite. uf Bentinck. who is dangerously ill. the ï¬rst of the week. HOLSTEIN. [M‘m-I IA... 1“! ,rIVnP.\£ V), mm“ It is very probable that the hum of1 machinery will be heard here next summer in connection with the Bind- er Twine Factory that is now in pre- gress. Quite an amount of the requir- ed stock has already been sub- scribed. A provisional Board of Directors has been appointed and everything points to the carrying out of the work. W. D. Mitchell has been taken to Palmerston Section of the G. T. R. He left Monday to enter upon his duties. Mr. and Mrs. Jno Doupe. of Owen Suund, paid a short visit lately to the home of A. Doupe here. Mrs. Philp and Miss Nellie are spending this week at their old home near Yeovil. One of the happiest men in town is Alf. McCabe since the arrival of that " bran-new †boy on Thursday of last; week. The beneï¬t concert held here last Friday evening was quite a success. The weather was favorable. the roads good. the entertainment ï¬rst class, the crowd very appreciative and the ï¬nanres all that could be desired. lecotwert was gotten up for the purpose (If relieving the mortgage on the propsâ€"n ty of the late Robt. Kerr, and now occupied by his widow. 'l‘hc Ilthks of the Committee are due to 11m nvmy friends who rendered theirswviees free. J. A Lambert of ih» Rep. oilice. Mount Forest. gave [me printing. Miss Whelpley and sm'eral ozheis from tin. same town did nohly and well gratis. Misses-Jean Rena-ink. of Dromore, and 3.linniu()0:11i3h. of Orchard, sus- tained fully their reputation. Mr. .J. D Roberts Ofwned his hall to en- termin the miter-miners .tf'tfil' the can- cerr. was over. Dr. Brown is never mmâ€: «Ii/[Il'i‘Clï¬iZ-rll tll‘dll in his own ton. riwl mi‘..,iiust, his own people. 'l‘lm p.m.:eeds amountud to $83.75), and the expenses for livery em. were 37.00. having n nat luau gin of $76.73) The fund. aw in the. hands of the Cmnlxxz- (ms. and Will be used to the The importance of women’s work in connection with the system of farmers" institutes is being more and more reCOgi'iiZed. and that it do:- sc-rves to be encouraged is the con- clusion one musr arrive at niterread- in; the excellent Report of Women’s [Halli mess of the Province of Ontario [or moi. recently issued by‘ the On- tario De .artinent of Agriculture. According to this report the member- ship of Women’s Institutes in 1900 was lJiHi', with a total attendance women. while in 1901 the incmhership increased to 3,081, and theattendancuoi “omen to 16.410. Judging by brief extracts given from reports of local institutes. the meet ings have aroused much interest and done much good in many ways. The main point of the report, how" ever, is given to pointed papers, chiefly by women who Speak iioni a practical vauaiutance with the s uh- jects in hand. Most of these pupers are on some hnse of household science, and y range from hints on good manners to directions regard- ing ventilation, cooking, and other items of domeStic economy. Con. siderable space is also given to the women’s flower and vegetable garden. every article on these themes being contributed by women. Health and comfort are not neglected, papers boo ing given on such tepics as “ Home Nursing,†â€Heredity,†“[ll Eflects of Mouth Breathing,†“ How and When to Rest,†etc. In fact, the report is one that every woman, whether re- siding in town or country, will read with pleasure and proï¬t. It is sent free to every member of a Women’s Institute. It is desirable that such institutes should be established in every section of the Province Those interested in forming an institute should communicate with the Sup- erintendent of Farmer’s Institutes. Toronto. There are over eight million ol fowl of the domestic hen variety in Ontario, and the number is steadily growing, owing to the increased demand for poultry at home and abroad. Among the diseases to which these fowl are liable to ronp, which is also known as canker, distemper and fowl diph- theria. A valuable treatise on [the character, prevention, and cure of roup. by Professor F. C. Harrison. Bacteriologist of the Ontario Agricur- al College, Guelph, has been- pub- lished in the form of a bulletin by the Ontario mpartment of Agriculture, and may be had free by all who will write to the Department at Toronto for a copy. The Bulletin is freely il- lustrated, and gives evidence of Pro- Women and Farmers' Institutes "V he Critical Time of Life mum 4â€"..â€" ROUP. '8 wide of bel Bad coughs. colds and catarrh are responsible for more consumption than is traceable even to heredity . Catarrhozone cures more quickly than ordinary remedies because it is the only antiseptic yet discovered that is volatile enoUgh to reach the root of the trouble in remote parts of the lungs and bronchial tubes, and impregnate every particle of the air breathed with its healing. germ-kill- ing vapor. Colds can’t laSt ten min- utes. or coughs more than thirty minutes when Uatarrhozone is inhal- ed. 1t clears nose,~ throat and air passages at once, stops drapping. headache. and erradicates catarrh from any part of the system. Two month’s treatment 3100; trial size -50. Druggists. or N. C. Polson 00.. Kingston, Ont.' Miss Ida Morrison is sick with La Grippe. We nape she will soon be around again. Mr. Arthur Clark moved to town last week. He has gotu situation on the G. '1‘. R. Success Arc. Mrs. McConnb, from Bunessan, called on Mrs. Uadd and Other friends in Vuruey one day last week. George Morrison’s children are sick at yreSUUL Glad lhal George is looking so well himself. He is busy getting out ties. ' Harry Caldwell, from Dauphin. Manitoba. visited over night with James floy lass week. and called on Others in this place. Messrs. Thomas Petty uud Jolm Kerr sold their {at cattle to Archie Little, of your town, last week. Mrs. \Vright, {rum ~-â€" ~-, United States. is vlsitiug at. John 50;.e’s for a time to improve her health. Miss Al. Wallace was llm gum; of Miss Mchecc om: (lay lam. week Miss Jeaa'iu Derby and Miss Nellie Gudd visit-cad an the lattcx’s home on Saturday evening. Miss McUauuel and Miss Lizzie Guild visited Miss McNiecc on Smut-l day. 09.? %%%%%%%%ï¬ï¬$§$%%**e%%»»%%%% And let such bur gains in Clothing pass hy. We hex en't 1'1 1y 11111111' M11113 Suits left 1101' do we want 11ny.0u1'Sp1'in<r Suits will 111'1'ivethis next ' 111111; and all our tables must be cleared of suits just note the p1 ices 111' :1 few 1111111. : \Ien’ a Fine Black Serge ............... $6. 50 4 Men 3 Owrceme .................... 815.911 ' Scotch Tweeds ........... $7 ‘25 1 Men’s Beaver ..................... $6.00 “ Canadian Tweeds .......... $5. 25 1 Men’s UISter ...................... $5.25 11 Cnnndian Tweed ........... $5. 00 l Boyle Qvefcoet ..................... $4.75 Three aizea: 25o. enou h for an ordinary cold; 50c..1ust right for rouchltll. house- ncu, hard coldzs. ctc.; 8|. most economical for chronig cases and tokeep on Dagny: You forgot to buy a bot- tle of Ayer’s Cherry Pec- tosal when your cold first came on, so you let it run aiong. Even now, with a}! your hard coughing, it will not disappoint you. There’s a record of sixty years to fall back on. “An attack of la grippe left me with a bad cough. My friends said I had consumption. 1 then tried Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral and it cured me promptly.†ffly Lungs They Father cmumpgion. Please WE HAVEN’T MANY LEFT JUST A FEW SIZES Boys 3 Piece Suits cut down to exactly wholesale prices from $3.00 to $5.50. Boy’s2 Piece Suits We have a large number of these Suits that must be sold. Exactly what they cost at themill is what. they are going: [H be sold for. ‘ Don’t Let This Blip Youâ€"Don’t Ask Any Lower Price For You Can't Get It. Sole Agent for Geo. A. Slater lnvictus Shoe. A. K; Randlés, Nokomis. Ill. New Nothing and Furnishing Store Men’ 8 Fine Black Serge ....... ' Scotch Tweeds. “ Canadian Twoeds “ Canadian Tweed . . . " Black Serge ....... “ Clay Worsted. . . . . 5.7T. 'Aiki‘iifcbif Ldie’li‘fnun. VARNEY. KEEPS EVERYTHING A MAN WEARS. DON’T SLEEP HAVE YOU ? JORDAN BURNETT LAKE HERRING. BOOTS and Shoes repaired neatly and promptly. In Puscoe Saunders" Harness Shop. next door to Chronicle. Ofï¬ce. OOOOOOOOOO H. H. Miller . . OFFERS FOR NOTHING The First Chance to Buy: Hanover Conveyancer The T. 0. Stewart Farm, 19: 16, The Malcolm Cameron 100 acres above Durham on Garafraxa Road. Debts Collect_ed, ALL KINDS of business deals negoti- ated quietly and carefully. 2:! years experipnce. " Always prompt, never neghgent.†Lock Drawer 28. HANOVER. ONT, Money to Loan at very iow rates. 100 Acres in Bentinck, in excellent state of cultivation, guml buildings and fences, good soil. scluml and church elme at hand. l’ost uiiicc on the ï¬rm. ()wner getting up in years and bound to sell. Jan. ‘21.-â€"â€"2Iu MANY LEFT JUST A FEW SIZES“ con. ‘3. W. (1}. IL. Hentiuck. 100 acre-s with about 30 cleared, frame house and other buildings. Said to have a lot of fine hardwom! timber. money made. Boot and Shoe Repairing. If you have not tried our 1m 01-131 M Syrup we would advise an immgdiate trialftpllet has that real Maple Flavor essential to stamp it as the genuine article. H. H. MILLER We have Sarnia and Lake Herring Fish in 50 and 100 Tb ptg. each and every ptg‘. guaranteed. i. In J. M. Hunter’s New Block McKinnon’ 8 Implement Shop. Next Door to Mockler's. Phone ll. TH E S. A . RIDSDA LE no charge if no 4 Men’s Owrcoa's . . .. . 1 Man’s Beaver ........ 1 Men’s UISter ........ l Boy's Overcou. ....... 5 Boy’s Roofers ........ 3 Boy’s Over-coats ...... ADDRESSES will I)... dvlivermi by Mr. Duncan Anderson. of lillplu'J’ and Mr. Sheppard. .Ir., of (gm-em.- ton. on intercuting sul~jwctg. Dromore, Holstein, Ayton. SHOP open every afternoon. FARMERS’ INSTITUTE MEETINGS ALL are invited to attend. Pumps of all Kinds. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- early attended to. W. D. CONNOR Mrs. McTavish will addl'cns the \VOMEN’S INSTITUTE in the af- ternoon and the cheml Meeting in the Evening. Galvanized and Iron Pip- mg; Brass. Baas Lixwd and Iron lylindels. Each Meeting commencing at. 1:30 p.m. Pumps from $2 upwam. ONW. 9. 003MB WILL BE HELD AT moan»; lexug Sevn-etary. A ud Dealer in Manufacturer uf Feb.5 66 66