West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Feb 1903, p. 1

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AM it name to pass that after he Lu! :vl .mrtised his goods there came tutu emu great multitudes from all the u-éions round about and did buy of him. And when his competitors Saw it they marveHe-d among them- selves. saving. " HOW bu it that this man is bmy while w». have to loaf abmn. our 1001's?" And he spake Huh“ thnrrt. -’W.\'illgf " Va: Sly. verily. Isuv mu . .0”. m this fast, gge of push uh". wwtleoin i4 radar {01" cauw' tn . 'v'o-z‘ "iv F)“ (If a 0003'“ than for i- wines» man in flourish witho .v .‘n; . -isin:_:.” 1 any '1“ pUSh uh!“ came' tn than 1'0? witho .r acting was good, and the ploy being from hum ultra vulgaxism has one great! .t-lvantage over manv of the Comedy companies now on the road. THE Quarterly Love-feast and Sec- rament of the Lord’s Supper will be held in the Methodist Church on Sun- day next. Service at. half-past ten o’clock, in the morningzconducted by the pastor. who will also preside in the evening at seven o”clock. Sub- ject. " The Greatness of Little Things.” â€"â€"_â€".-â€"câ€"‘ A CITIZEN was fined twenty-five dollars and costs for buying whiskey and giving 1t 1nto possession of an- other citizen, to whom the sale of intoxicsnts is prohibited. This is simply a warning, and ss it Wuuld do ql.i’,¢' interestingfihough the first act 5.2+:an rather tame. Some of the varas we go to press we learn of the death of Mr. Alex. McComc. In- terment, Friday at '2 p. m. at Trinity Church Cemetery. Us Monday and'l‘uesday nights the citizens had the privilege of listening to two comedies by the Madam Pelle- tie: troup, now touring the country. ’l‘hex are a vm respectable looking ((anMH, and the play on \londay Iligln', entitled His Better Half, was ANeux-rm SOCIAL will be held in S. S. No. ‘2 Egremont. on Friday evening, February 90th. Proceeds in aid of School Library. All 816i"- vited. NOTICEâ€"If the party that tool: the hills of! the Standard Bank counter last Saturday noon will return them either by mail or personally, it will save exposure and perhaps imprison- ment, as he is known. Tm; Public Library hasa brimch reading room down town, in the new J. 31. Hunter block. This is a move that received some consideration for the past three or four years. and we hope the new comfortable quarters will be well patronized. -.-.“r-v no good we witfihold the names of all parties concerned. Mayor McIn- tyre and J. W. Crawford were the magistrates, before whom the one was tried. IF you are in need of clothinir you can’t. afford to lot. the Inn-gains Theo- bald is oflering slip by. Read his ad. A MEETING of the District L. O, L. Scarlet Chapter will be he (1 at 7 :30, Feb. 14th.â€"â€"Jas. Eden, D. 131. DURISH 1.4m \\ w l. uu'V. My F‘tqu batsm.‘ 0 "u r;.9 “EV Dr. M‘ck. F'Q 16"), Pl!:\ . a! 0: I ' In I)’ UBiVOI‘Si'y. Torontoflna [0. I: v. m . cummuuicuion uhivh is o inhu . :.. Prosbvtprun ctmtnzs: " Mr. v! “Mm .‘ch'nIic has don‘te.‘ Irl’ or I'H. “H Bali-.508 of fhe YMH" ". ‘3‘ " ' V . uo'h. [in can”. ,jo’yed pro 'vghk} h. i‘ n h «rial! Stu- din". hm“- : _. : .. \ T. u- dSn in re.- ids-boa in '1‘: :5 '3' Uw-V Mn ~ next 0c- tober. I! you Mum any mum Mt ‘3 \ our (3.1 ~,;r-u-,: ' ull \ 9x0!“ you SNAPS in everything a man or boy wens at Theobald's. was’ heavy walking skirts at Grtnt’a. CATHERED DURING THE PA8T WEEK CHRONICLE READERS" B. C. STRAIGHT front. and long hip corsets at Grant’s. Local News Items OX P‘l.13. \ 3 LB. pails of lard u Grant’s. 37‘ HIJ id 3 .;u-h. [001‘ an- r. o-rianStu m -18Hilll'e.' asn ~ Mel! ”C- mzy man-Eco ull \9.0ln you a b - one of V-h. 6th. a DURHAM C H RN ICLE. With the idea of bringing buyers and sellers into touch with each oth- er. a number of breeders of pure bred cattle in Durham, Northumberland and adjacent counties last year form- ed the " Central Ontario Pure Bred Stock Association.” and started a series of annual auction sales. Their initial s-«le was fairly satisfactory, and they are now arranging for their second sale. which is to take place at Catnpbellctoft, on the 18th of March next, withJ. W. Martyn. of Canton, as President, and W. B. Campbell, of Campbellcroft, as Secretary, of the Association. There are many other counties ani districts which would find it beneficial to inaugurate sales of thr’s kind. and as a guide to breeders interesredin the subject. the rules governing the Central Ontario soles are given below : l. A committee of three will be appointed to inspect entries, value same. confer with contributors, and reserve the right to either withdraw from sale or accept the bid oflered. In many districts of Great Britain aucdpn sales of live stock have been held annually for years. Large num- bers of pure-bred animals for breed- ing purposes have been marketed in this way, besides a great many “ store” cattle and Other animals. In several provinces of the Dominion. Provincial sales have been established with satisfactory results, and have created a feeling in favor of county or district sales. There are hundreds of farmers throughout Canada who raise yearly from one to four good breeding males, and perhaps a few females. Many of these men under- stand the principles of stock breed- ing, and have from time to time bred noted show yard specimens. Yet the progress and profits of these men has been greatly hampered because of their inability to sell their surplus stock properly. In some years they have been able to sell; in other years they have bad to keep a number of animals longer than their means of feed warranted. On the other hand many farmers desire to obtain suit- able breeding males, but do not know where to buy what they require at a reasonable price. The cc st of travel- ling from place to place in search of suitable animals deters them from purchasing at all. 2. All nnimels must be registered in their respective herd books. All parties indebted to Chas. Mc- Kinnon are requested to settle their notegand accounts by the first day of Match as all accounts not settled by that date \\ ill be plat ed in‘other hands fut cellection. â€"â€"‘.’. 3 Each animal to be in good con- dition 3nd well halter broken. 4. All entries must be made with the mercury on or before Wednes- day. February 18th, 1903. ’~ THE annual meeting of the County L. O. L. of South Grey was held in the town of Mount Forest on Tues- day, Februarr 3rd, 1903. for the trans- action of business and the election of officers which are as follows;â€"Bro. \Vm. Ritchie. W. C, M. ; W. C. Allen, D. M. ; John \Villiams. Chap.; J. G. Wilson, Rec. Sec.; Thos. McFadden, Fin. Sec. ; R. J. Eden, Treas.; Jas. Eden. Direc. of Cer. ; J. R. Anderson, Lech; .Lohn Aldred, Jas. Blyth, Deputy Lect. 5. An entrance fee of $2.00 to mcompnny each emu-y, same to be returned if snimal is sold. 6. A charge of 3% on the «10 price will be made to cover oxpenus of sale. 7. All entries to be in place not later than ll‘a-m. on the day of ine, to be numbered for sale. end for in- emotion of intending put-chm". HIGHEST cash prices paid for Beef Hides, Horse dees, Sheey Pelts and Raw Furs, at Peel’s Shoe Store. â€"Feb’ .03. 1 yr. REV. MR. NEWTON of Durham Bap- tist church and Rev. Mr. Miller of Varney circuit will exchange pulpits next. Sabbath. Feb. 15th. LADIES’ sateen under skirts at Grant’s. FOR SALEâ€"A fine house and lot in Durham. For particulars apply to Mrs. Mch or A. H. Jackson, Dur- ham. Ontâ€"3. READTheobald’s ad. It will pay you. 8. Etch mimgl vixen sold become. In. Law: ‘ *0 Proporty of the purchmr. h" “d.“G‘ _. - _- . _ County or District Auction Sales BARGAINS in suite at. Grant’s. The Chronicle is the best place to put your Advertisements. ~ .- Notice. Bert Mockler had a heavy role in the play. but figured well throughout the whole affair During the intervals, Mr Norman McIntyre cheered the audience by his nimble touch on the piano, and so well did he manipulate the ma- chine that he put some of the travel- ling show specialists sadly in shade. Wes. Theobald, a hemp grower, under the title of Dietrich Dingle- hannes. made a. tvpical Dutchman. and kept the audience in good humor from his quaint speeches and pecul- iarly funny actions. Lauder Buchan made a capital “ nigger.” and an old maid. dead in love with anything in the shape of a man. was well represended by Miss Munro. She was bound to marry somebody, and even the portly Dutch- man to her was a “ dear. sweet man.” The stage was nicely decorated with new scenery, the property of the company, which. by the way, was artistically painted by Bert Mockler. who certainly shows considerable ability in painting scenery. Mr. Archie Beaten, of Pierson, Manitoba, who was born about a mile north of here over forty years ago, and left at the age of nine months with his parents for Paisley, visited here last week with his cousin, Mrs. J. C. Nichol. Mr. Beaten was over twenty years in the West and saw his birth place last week for the first time to his knowledge. He likes the Prairie Province well and from his robust appearance we imagine it agrees with him. To describe the plots and treasins. and thunder, and lightning, and all the thrilling incidents in connection with the play is beyond our ability. It must be seen to be appreciated, and to save us the trouble of further description we advise all to see for themselves when it’s next presented. ‘The Royal Stock Co. made their first appearance here on Friday even- ing of last week, and for a new company, giving their first public exhibition, they did excellent work in the Scout of the Philippines. We often listened to travelling concerns, “highly recommended by the city and country press.” that didn’t give half the real enjoyment of our own young people in this comedy. No need of that now. Thst sort of psin can he knocked out in short ord- er, for Polson’s Nerviline. which is five times stronger then eny other, penetrstes st once through the tis- sues. resches the source of 'snflering. drives it out and thus gives relief almost instantly. Not magic. but strength thst gives Polson’s Nervi- line this power. You will think it magic, however. if you try it. pein goes so quickly. Sold by deelers everywhere, in lerge 25o. bottles. George W. Brown, of Regina. M. L, A. was a. caller at our office Wednes- day in company with his brother-in- law, W. T‘ Petrie of Holstein. Mrs. Collyer. of Guelph, returned home Tuesday morning after spend- ing a. week or so with her father, Mr. Philip Eva. Mrs. G. McDougall, of Deloraine, Manitoba, is visiting her brother, Mr. Thos Smith and family fora few weeks. Mrs. Wellington Banks, of North Bay, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Porter. for a couple of weeks. The Rev. Wray Smith will preach in Zion Methodist church on Sunday at 2.30 p. m. Mr. John Firth, ofJeSSOpville, was in town Saturday, gave us a call and renewed his sub. Mr. Philip Eva is still quite low. but apparently on the -mend. Miss Alice Petrie, of Regina, was in town Wednesday. Mr. Wm. Wells has been ill for the past couple of weeks. Mr. '1‘. P. Smith. of Elora. visited town professional], Wednesday. Mr. Thos. Brown, of Holstein, was in town Wednesday. THE GOING AND COMING 0F VISITOR? IN THE MONTH OF FEURARY. People We Know Royal Stock Go. Concert. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1903. All.“ Bought at Koch’s Bag-raved Pm. IF YOU want u Wotoh, KEELERS’ is the plooe to buy it. Also buy your SILVER WARE from them and an money ond get the boot goods that money on buy. Watchmakers Jewellers Opticians and Engravers. Watches D Glenelg. 100 acres“; 70 cleared and in good state of cultivation. Good concrete ouse and farm outbuildings. Good orchard well fenced. well waterfil For further par- ticnlars apply on the premises or write to the owner. The proprietor made a. specialty of breeding these classes for a number of years and his success is well known to the general public. H. BRIGHAM. BRIGIIAM FORTUNE Proprietor. Auctioneers. Feb’y 9th.-tf. Sale at 12 o’clock sharp. TERMS or SALE :â€"Twelve months credit will be given on approved joint. notes: Five per cent. discount will be allowed for cash. No reserve as the proprietor is giving up farming. Keelers’ '. 14 Young breeding Oxford Ewes with registered pedigrees supposed to be in lamb. All bred from Imported Stock. Nothing better anywhere. There will also be ofiered for sale a number of Grade Angus Cows sup- posed to be in calf. Also anumber of Oxford Down lambs. 4 Promisieg young bulls from 9 mos. to 12 mos. old. 1 Cow 6 yrs. old. 1 Cow 6 yrs. old. 1 Cow 3 yrs. old. 1 Bull 3 yrs. old. 1 Bull 18 mos. old. . 1 Bull 9 mos. old. l Cow 12 yrs old. 1 Cow 7 yrs. old. 1 Cow 3 yrs. old. 1 Cow 2 yrs. old. 1 Heifer 1 yr. old. 1 Heifer 1 yr. old. The undersigned has been authorised to sell by Public Auction at Lot 40, Gen. 1, N. D. R.. Bentinck, at Allen Park on the following Polled Angus and Short- horn Cattle and Oxford Down Sheep : CREDIT AUCIIUN SALE! EING LOT No. 2, CON. 4. N. D. R... â€"OFâ€" THOROUGHBRED STOCK. Wednesday, February 25, 1903, If your Wutch or Clock is sick Koala: can mko it tick. ALSO because we can save you money on everything you buy in our line. AVE the Jewellery trade of this town. \Vhy? Because they are Practncal Farm to Rent' POLLED ANGUS BULLS. POLLED ANGUS COWS. SHORTHORN BULLS. SHORTIIORN COWS. DAVID MCAULIFFE, SHEEP. Edge Hill P. O. ' ' ' iCold Weather IN GREAT VARIETY. J. J. HUNTEI Xmas Groceries COFFEEEâ€"Cspitd Co!» 30c. par-lb. in one pound BAISINS, CURRANTS, FIGS. DATES AND FEELS .11 new fruits. EXTRACTB AN D JELLY POWDERB in 0.11 tho :41!»- ent flavors. REMEMBER The best place to buy your Furor Cloth Cap, Gloves and Mits, Way’s Muffler or Fancy Scarf, Underwear, Socks, Cardigan Jackets, Sweaters, Collars and Ties or anything in Men’s Furnishings, is at this store. Goods to' suit every one. Best value at lowest prices. BLUE RIBBON TEA, Buck. Mixed and Green Ceylonzst 25, 80, 40 and 50¢. per lb. FOREST CITY BAKING I only. me mm was on m: um noun. $1.00 PER YEA.

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