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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Feb 1903, p. 2

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m m" w u. Ill-U -""-I' â€" The minutes of the lust specie] In the absence 0‘ ‘ number °‘ meeting at Msrkdsle being confirmed, members on Tuesdey ““"Wn ‘t on resolution by Heartflsrneu and 3.0 o’clock, the 000:1 courtesy use Pringle . specitl commit“. composed “tended t0 "30 “99'"“3 in nn “1‘ of Messrs. Allen. McKinnon, Gordon. jour-ment until 7 °’°l°°k- 1‘ was Shute end the mover wee sppointed 30!“ “3mm“ 13"”- however. before , to strike the stsnding committees. the preliminaries of melting the de- . . . clustions of qu‘lific‘fion end of “,1 The council then adjourned until 2 fice were completed. so that Clnrk‘éO’CIWk- Butherlord could cull the council to; WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. order. On the roll being called the; , , , , following members snswered to their; On resuming “5 ““10“ {t 2 ° °l°°k mun”: James Allan. Varney; Skei-ithe first order of the business was fington Bell. Dundalk; George A. the Presentation of theoreport of the Brown, Meaford; R J. Doyle, it” special committee to strike the stand- (Sarawak) Owen Sound ; Charles Gor- mg committees. The report recom- mended as follows, the chairman bet don. Owen Sound; Thomas Harness, . . Jackson : John McArthur. Priceville; Ing elected by the various committees Neil fill-Coleman. 'lhornbury; CbfiS. Finance.._Au the members of tbq McKinnon. Durham; Duncan 510' council. Mr. Pringle, chairman. Lean. .\llt‘l'(!tan: A. C. Paterson, , , Blantvre' 1mm K. Preston, Max. .RWI “Dd‘BndBe-‘MGSS'S-Prmgle ‘ Sclienk. Mcbolman. Bell. Brown. Mc well: .1039 ;h l’ringle. Chatsworth; .. . Georw» H .llmnrzk A vton ° Anthonv lthnon. Shuts and Doyle. MP. Shun " ' ' ‘ ’ ‘ c airman. Shut». Holland Centre: .lumes M. Thompson. lingllol‘. County Pmpertymklessrs. Gordon “1..-. "nl‘l\lenuh \lnTmznn 'l‘hnmgon com__ 00111011- “ m.” of the [int Infill: and the procedure bylaws covering the election of warden. nominations veto called for and resulted as fol- lows : Mr. Joseph Pringle, nominated by losers. Allan and Schenk. Mr. Neil McColman. nominated by Messrs. McKinnon and McArthur. - Mr. I). K. Preston. nominated by losers. Harness and Slmte. Mr. John McArthur was also nom- inntec‘l by Mr. )lcColeman, but declin- ed to accept nomination. According to procedure the nomin- ator and seconder were allowed the privilege’of addressing the council in favor of their respective candidates. Mr. Allan strongly urged the elec- tion of Mr. Pringle as a capable man, who had tilled the position for three months. completing the term of the late \Varden Lemon. Mr Schenk endorsed Mr. Allan‘s remarks. Mr. McKinnon. in advocating the elaims of Mr. Alt-Colman. referred to the long years of service the latter had given the county, and regarded the election to the wardenship as a fitting tribute of appreciation due It. McCuleman. Mr. McArthur expressed similar views. Mr McColman deserved the honor of the wardenship. . Mr. Harness strongly advocated the election of Mr. Preston to the wardenship. He was a gentleman whose experience eminently fitted him for the position, and he was con- fident that the interests of the county would he welflserved by Mr. Preston’s appointment. Mr, Shute said it was his pleasure to ban several years’ acquaintance- ship with Mr. Preston. If entrusted with the chair of the presiding officer of the council he would bring dignity to the position. Few men were more able to fill the position. and he thought the council would show its good sense in Mr. Preston’s election. The vote was then taken and re- sulted in four ballots for Mr. Pringle and six each for Messrs. Preston and McColman. Mr. Pringle’s name being dropped, Mr. Pringle’s name being dropped, the second ballot resulted in a tie, Mr. Preston being supported by Messrs. Bell. Doy 1e. Gordon, Harness, Preston. Pringle, Shute and Thom- son. Mr. McColman received his support from Messrs. Allan, Brown, McArtbnr. McColman. McKinnon, McLean. Paterson and Schenk. The third vote resulting similarly, the question of breaking the deadlock was considered. l'nder the proced- with the highest assessment, who but! received the greatest number of votts was entitled to a casting vote. This brought up a calculation as to the sssessment of the various county council divisions. The result was as follows: No. l. 392.989.2300; No. ‘2, “.252.C00; No. 3, $3,937,939; No. 4. $4.2M).000; X0. 7). $3,579.303; No. (3, 833188.706; No. 7. $4,334.000; No. 8.. $2,954,570. From these figures sndl the returns in the clerk’s hsnds it wss ascertained that Mr. Paterson held the casting vote. should it be required to break the deadlock. 'l‘hen- being noprospect of a change in the vote. on motion of Messrs Mc- Kinnon and Shuts an adjournment was made until 10 a. rn. \Vednesday. “'EDNESDAY MORNING . Penman: to adjournment, the noun. cil met at 10 o'clock. and the first oro' der 0! business was the continuing of vote for warden. On clerk Ruther- ford calling for the vow the result was as follows: For ‘11-. Prestonâ€"â€" lusts. Bell. Brown. Doyle, Gordon. Harness. Preston. r’reston. Priugle. 850“ “d 'l’homson«-9. For Mr. Mc- A“_A_ “A.‘_-Ln- "u.‘ “I. 'V â€" ‘â€" Cdman-:â€"-Me~srs. Allan. McArthur. “010a“. McKinnon, McLean. Pm. anon. Schenkâ€"â€"7. melerk then declared Mr. Pres- noketod and th“ send-mu: was ”nod to vhn ch55! bv who mover .11 second" of tho nomination, m Bun.” and Shun, am} in- 0n nssuming his duties the warden brieflv thnnlmd the council for their aggression of confidence. He w“ “ruin he would have the hearty n of nll the members. If he not been cotuin of £1)» {not he .. not hnn aspired to the poci. -- I. would ondonvor to on his " . in lb. interest of the ' _ by hi! ruling to donor" V ‘ 150 .00! iupon. > procedure the nomin- uder were allowed the dressing the council in respective candidates. .rongly urged the elec- ingle as a capable man, l tho position for three floating the term of the Lemon. Mr Schenk emon. All" Dcnelus Ian‘s remarks. 1. in advocating the cColman. referred to of service the hatter ounty, and regarded DTOCCQ- ivhfion , vvho iber of 3; vote. n “S to The clerk then presented communi- cations from the secretary of Eastern Ontario Good Roads Association. ask- ing that a delegate he sent to the an- nual convention; and also one from county the Western Ontario Good Roads As- was asl sociation, asking for a grant; from No. .3. Trustees Association. asking county No. 4. to send delegates; from Ontario Rifle No. ,3. Association, asking for grant of $10; x0. 3. application from Robert Harkness, and .‘iydenham. to have his son, John res tnds it Couper Harkness. appointed county arterson student at the Ontario Agricultural d it be college; communication from County of Victoria. asking the county’s co. operation in asking for amendment to act respecting grants to highways; from County of Waterlco, respecting the administration of criminal justice account; application from Hugh Mc- Kay with petition signed by Durham 1e coun- residents, for grant of auctioneer’s: first or. license; statement of )leaford High‘ wing of School board for extra maintenance, Ruther- $904.35, and from Owen Sound Col- 29 result legiate Institute for extra mainten- reston~ ance, 81240.13; and communication Gordon. from township of Artemesia, asking Pringle. for ratification of bylaw to close up Mr. Mc- and sell certain road allowances. A :Arthur. large number of accounts were also m", Pat- presented. and with the» communica- tions were referred to their reep.c~ 1-. p..._ tive committees. change srs )lc- r n ment nes‘lny. nu W” w. uâ€".â€" v..- enough around :5; bond to bring this nutter to n successful issue. On resuming its session at 2 o’clock the first order of the business was the presentation of the report of the special committee to strike the stand- ing committees. The report recom- mended as follows, the chairman be- ing elected by the various committees: Financeâ€"All the members of the council. Mr. Pringle, chairman. Road and Bridgeâ€"Messrs. Pringle. Schenk. McColman. Bell. Brown. Mc- Kinnon. Shuts and Doyle. Mr. Shute chairman. County PrepertymMessrs. Gordon, Allan. McColman, McLean. Thomson, Bell, Paterson and Pringle. Mr. Gordon, chairman. Educationâ€"«Messrs. McArthur. Sbute, McColman, McKinnon, Allan Gordon. Pringle and Brown. Mr. )IcArthur, chairman. Printingâ€"Messrs Paterson, Schenk. Harness, Thomson, McArthur. Mc- Colrnan. Doyle and McLean. Mr. Paterson, chairman. Communications and Memorials‘r - \lessrs. McColman, Doyle, Shute, Al. Ian, Harness and McLean. Mr. Mc- Colman, chairman. House of Refuge~~~lIeSSl'S. Gordon, Harness, McKinnon, Allan, Shute, Brown, McColman and McAthur. Mr. Gordon. chairman. Warden’s Committeeâ€"«Messrs. Gor- don, McKinnon and Pringle. Judicial Audit-”Messrs. Gordon, McArthur and the judicial auditor. Before proceeding with the regular hnsmess it was moved by Mr. McKin- non and seconded by Mr. McLean that a committee composed of Messrs. Gordon, Allan, Harness and the mov- er be appointed to ascertain‘the cost of securing a reporter to report and have the business of this council in. telligently reported in one of the itown papers. Mr. Moliinnon said this was an; important matter and one which must g impress itself upon the membersâ€"«l that of getting a full report of the; proceedings and discussions of the council. It was due to the electors of the countv to have more informag tion and a better knowledge of the1 transactions of the council than the minutes of the council afforded. In ifact a great many copies of the min- utes now lie in the offices of the 'township clerks, and the electors simply have what meagre informa~ tion the reports which the papers are willing to give. With a full report the papers of the county will be in a position to give a full report of the council’s work. He had always been in favor of some plan to get the in- formation to the public, and was in receipt of a paper from an adjoining county, which had a full report of the council’s proceedings, and {or which the council paid. Mr. Gordon endorsed the position of Mr. McKinnon, [and said that if such a report had been given to the public many of fialse statements and erroneous imp sions circulated in the recent election would have been set at rest. The motion was unanimously car- ried. Mr. McKinnou. before the council ruse. stated that Mr Marsh had com. pleted the title to the propel-w pur- chased as a site for the house of refuge, and that he had in accordance with the terms 0! the bylaw signed the necessary cheque The deley in doing so was due to the county solic- itor no getting the neceesuy diucher: Mr. Gordon said thn he was no: utilfiod with the notion in the nut. tgr. 80 did not intend to my my- gee. The documents had been secured and the title passed by the county’ 9 eolicitor. The hylaw’ e provisions were that the money should be peid when the title wee completed. ~ 10 o’clock Thursday morning. THURSDAY Iowan}. The report of finance committee recommended the payment of clerk’s postage account, $12.41; that the subscriptions to the Municipal World for members and ofiicials as last year; that Hugh McKay be granted an auctioneer'e license for 1903. free; that John Couper Harkness be ap- pointed county student at the On- tario Agricultural College at first vacancy; that the county treasurer’s statement of non-resident land fund be filed: and that no grant be made to the Ontario Rifle Association. The report was adopted without de- bate. Thc road and bridge committee’s report recommended that the request from the County of Victoria asking the Legislative Assemblv for amend- ments to the act for improvnnents to roads be granted : that no action be taken in the recommendations from the Eastern Ontario Good Roads Association asking for a grant; and thata delegate be sent to the con- vention. The judicial audit committee’s re- Mr. Allan stated that with regard' to the first clause the board found that the county was paying large sums for cases'that evidently should not have been taken up. The costs in the "snake eaters " were about $137, {and the committee thought if the agricultural society persisted in allowing such exhibitions, grants ‘vu-v vv â€" must be withheld. With regard to the last clause the board found large bills for bringing up men who would be willing to walk, at one dollar a trip. The town pays the constables their salaries and what. ever the con- stables get ont of the fees goes back to the Town. The constables should send a reason for employing a cab. Mr. Gordon said he was quite in‘ accord with the clauses of the report. With regard to the previous clause Mr. Cochrane. one of the board, stat-9 ed that every possible means was in- dulged in by the county crown at- torney in the snake eater’s case. while one indictment would have covered the whole case. This course could only be met by public discus- sion and by the council not being too accommodating when applacations are made. He characterised the course as the most unreasonable that had ever occurred, and the council should take every means of stopping that kind of thing. No amendment was ofiered. and the report was adopted unanimously. The report of the special commit-i tee on reporting recommended that James H. Rutherford be paid the sum of $14.50 for insertion in The Time? newspaper of a. full report of the dis- cussions and proceedings of this ses' sion of the county council. The re- port was unanimously adopted. Mr. McKinnon informing the council that advance sheets would be sent to the various papers of the county to admit ol reforts appearing in next ,lseue. Bvlaws 625. to appoint a trustee for the Owen Sound collegiate insti- tute; 626. to appoint county audi- tors; and (:27. to appoint a mates on the Meaford High School board was than introduced. Bylaw 628;. to amend the procedure bylaw. to add a house of refuge committee to the standing committee; end bylaw 629. to appoint members of the board of judicial audit. No. 62:3 was filled up with the name of Robert McKnight. resppointed; and 627 by thet of Themes McCarroll. reappointed F the appointment of enditou. I: Gordon nominated C. A. Flemi; ’ who was nnonimously oLpoint Mr. Bell nominated finance committee nluh of bar. Hsnbury, Bylsw 629. The council then‘ journgd until 10 o’clock Friday mor . FRIDAY 1:03st It was shortly after 10 o’clock when business was resumed. there being no ahsentees. The disposmon of the minutes of the previous day over. the warden asked the council if it would hear Rev. James Lediard and Mr. John Armstrong. who were present as s deputation from the hospital trust. Permission being given, Mr. Arm- strong, after apologizing for appear- ing before the council after so recent an appeal, said the necesssity of the case was so pressing that he thought it right to place it before the council. Since the erection of the building in 1893 the work had grown so rapidly that it was now quite behind the requirements. The building was now too small and the equipment inadequate. The erection of the building cost 9511.000, and the council i had granted $1,000 towards the cost. The council had since stood nobly by the institution in an annual grant i for maintenance. At present there ‘ are fortyoone beds and one operating room That may strike some as being sufficient, but in the past year , it had been necessary to place ad- ditional beds in the corridors, which [did not do justice either to the l patients or nurses. The point had i been reached when it had become 3 neceSsary to extend building and lequipment, and to meet this would i involve an expenditure of $10,000. 3 Dr. Lang had explained the situation i from a medical. point of Yle\\'. Two leperating rooms at leasr were re- quired, as it was not safe. to risk op- .’ erating upon contagious diseases and . '3 Other cases in the same room. Tel ’2, meet. these urgent demands the dep- -' utation had come to the county -lcouncil for assistance. The present ‘ihnilding has been builtâ€"by the dona- ‘tions of the public, assisted by the L liberality of the county and other .1; councils. He was in a position to - ‘ offer the members of the council the, I“ privileges now enjoyed only by the‘ a“ warden. and for every one thousand (1'. dollars granted the members would u have the privilege of sending ten if poor patients, or for two thousand e i twenty patients. If any councillor >f } knew of any needy patient, he could :s 2 have the patient sent to the hospital difor one year free of charge. The Rev. Mr. Lediard always found iti a pleasure to meet the council, usual~ ‘ ly in the capacity oi the representa- tive of the Children’s Aid Society.but this time on behalf of the hospital. He endorsed entirely the statements made by Mr. Armstrong. The grow- ing fame of the excellent work was pressing upon the present accommo- dation, and the demand for enlarge- ment must be made. He had no thought but that the council regarded the institution with the kindliest thoughts, and he asked them if it were not pos’sible to give it good fair assistance as would seem right to them. He emphasised the privilege ofiered by Mr. Armstrong. of the privileges extended to the individual , members now enjoyed by the warden. ' to send the sick poor to the hospital {free of charge. in proportion to the lamount they would see fit to grant. The warden assured the deputation that from the sympathy he knew existed amongst the members of the council for the hosrital. he could as. sure them that the members would give the subject their best thought ( Communications were then readi by the clerk, including the report of Public School Inspector N. W. Camp- bell of South Grey, which dealt in- tensively with remarkable progress in the public school education matters in his inspectorate. Five new brick school houses. displaying a greatly improved architecture, had been erected; the equipment of schools was being brought up to adequate modern demands. Happily only a few school boards retained non-pro. gressive ideas, andin several sections a school library had been esrablished. The teacher’s institute of the inspec- torate dition. Public School Inspector Grier of East Grey reported that owing to the failure to receive returns from several schools, he would not report until the June session. The Prisoners’ Aid Society asked for a grant to assist in it’s work; and the Owen Sound and Grey County Poultry Association asked for the usual grant of fifty dollars. Mr Gordon asked that all accounts in connection with the house of reiuge be handed to the committee. in order to be placed in their proper account. The finance committee’s report re-i commended the payment of the ac counts incurred for election expenses; I and that 325 be granted the hospital for sick children, Toronto. 5 The county preperty committee‘ _ A ammended the payment of a num-, " ' ,of accounts for repairs to the o; and other incidentale; and' ilcd attention to the [act that, ICEOHUOH bu um: I-.." ...__' . . d red chewed ' 9‘11"”. accountant: e 1 It. Men I t}? the old style of not “hum! ch. " “ 3- AnLIn- h 612‘. containing 100 acres, a cleared and in good sum! 01 “God house and faily good well wa tered. good orchard. For further particulars apply ises to 1’0“ it not seem more breathes“ a remedy, to cu the breath“: organs, than remedy into ‘he stomach? l“eb’y4-â€"tf' Recommended and Sold bv MavFarlane 6 Establishd 1879. Cures While You Sleep It cures because the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried owr the diseased sur- face with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treatment. It is invalu- able to mothers with small children. Is a boon to asthmatics. Whooping Cough The Vaporizer and Imp which should last a lifetime. together with a ‘mltle of Cresolcne $1.50. Extra sup tics of (‘rcsoiene 25 cents . 50 cents. Write or descriptive booklet contam- mg highest testimony as to its value. VAPO°CRFSOLFNE IS FOLD BY LRUGLISTS EVER (WHERE. Group Catmh, Colds 180 Fulton Street Ncw York 79 tion in the minutes. The memorial committee reported recommending the petition of the village of Prieeville to be erected in- to a police village be granted. and a ,4 4L- M-.. W "- rv-"v . ""'o u by-law to carry into- effect the peti- tion be passed. Also that the council co-operate in memorial from the county of Waterloo asking the legis- lature to amend the statutes respect- ing the expenses of criminal justice. as set forth 1n their memorial, and that the warden and clerk sign and forward the same memorial. The clerk read acopy of the me- morial which he had prepared in ac- cordance with the resolution of last council. relating to the powers possessed by the Judges in dealing with the equalization of the assess- ment. Farm for Sale or Rent. E Mr. Brown said that Euphrasia and- ‘St. Vincent had been hit hard in the lappeal decision. He thought the warden should have called a special !meeting; of the council to deal with . the matter. The witneeeee certainly 'sbonld have been paid. but represent- ! atives iron the two townshipe in his 'divieion would have been preeent bad ltbere been any idea that evidence 5 would be called from other munici- The reports were adapted without discussion. On motion. Messrs. Bell. McArthur, Doyle and McKinnon were appointed -_L- ”VJ -v “__ a. Special committee to examine into the county treasure: ’s surcsties and report to the council. OT 33 0013.3. E. G.I}.. GLEN \Vithout the formality of a motion Mr. McKinnon brpugh-t up the ques- tiOn as to who should pay the {are and expenses of the witnesses called by the county in the equalization up meal before Judge Creasor A numo her of parties had not been naid. and looked to him to bring the matter before the council. The county was entitled to pay these witnesses. The costsoi the pleintifi’s witnesses had been paid ’on the Judge’s order on being certified correct by the taxing officer. Mr Gordon claimed thnt Owen Sound did not get all its costs paid, only those taxed by the tsxinc oflicer. Who was it that subpoenaed the ! witnesses? Faun Implements, Etc. Sylvester Farming Implemeum. Tudhupe Cutters. 'I‘olton l’ulpers. Adam’s Waggous and Sleighs. Clare Stoves and Furnaces. Brantford “"indmills. Robes, Coats, Rugs, Etc. Proven Steel Bod Track A Sl’lfl‘lALTY. Next. to Post Officeâ€"In Calder Block. THOS. NOBLE Vapo-Cresolcuc Co. liuing 100 acres, about 75 acres in good state of cultivatinu‘ and faily good nut~lmilding, , good orchard. Terms right. :varticulars app! y on the prem- seem more efi‘ecfivc to medy, to cure disease of organs, than to Lake the FULL LINE 0}“ ~FOR‘ MRS. C. WILLIAMS. Edge Hill. Bronchitis Coughs Grippa and my Pom 165: Notre Dame Street a Montreal . Con. 1.3“ Lo“ 11 . 029' :3: u 3;! my! :4. i-D.B.G-' .Moutlyclui'odsndin fintcllu Into cultivation. well guard. -‘ fintchgl sumo? cultiution. well water“. Four union from Durham. buildi on :11. Will be not! ”porno y or in bl on rumble toms of mymont. For further particnhn apply to A. C. BEATON. Buns-an P3 0. October m. 1903. tf. \ NY PERSON WISHle TO PUR. chase desirable building lots would ‘10 Nu take a look at John A. Warren‘s 1m 0' "lb-division ot l’ark Lot number ‘our. “0",“ of Chester street. in the Gov- erumeut ”NV.“ of the Town of Durham. Fla“ 08“ be 8°“ at. the “film of J. 1’. Tel- fm‘d. Durlu‘lm. 0" “- the UlllCP. of the under-- ‘sigued. 1‘07 ““1“” urticulars apply to A dersigued have for sole three Durhun Bulls fro nine to twelve months old. a number 0 young Durham heifers. and also a number of young Yorkshire nigs, of both sexes from one to six months old. Prices right. < THUS. SCARF SONS. Jan. Riskâ€"6 pd. Thoroughbred Stock for Sale. 7 1H}? l for sale the water power known as ” Hayward’s 1* alls," Gleuelg. NEIL McKmuxm. Durham. Ont. August 19“., 1M2. A Street. the propertv of Mrs. J. L. Brow.ue The home contains 1:! roams. cmenientlv situated and quite He“. Will make an éxcellent boarding house For particulars apply to July 10“). 1901. T ROCKY SAUGEEN THE UN- Yorkshire Boar for Service Building Lots for Sale. ‘A1{RO\\ E]? by l) (‘_. l‘_la I by I). (1. Flatt sun. Mill Grove. um. :3de owner W. L. Falkingham, Edge Hill. 0m. Sire Louk Me Overâ€"2619:: (bred by R. G. Marting. Marysville, Ont). dam tigmmer: Hi“ llolxwell -Li1.\"2n'd (mumâ€"T Water Power For Sale. 3555“. \bred by S. Spencer, St. Ives. l‘fug‘, by Holywell Dublin (2681 ).â€"llnlywell Kath- leen, by llolywell Squire :.’.ml (l337).â€"-llolyâ€" well Kittye 2nd, by llolywell Jackie (9‘9), -llnlywell Katie. by llulywell Tyke (70‘J),-â€"- Smithfield Beam ' 6th (834), by Young Snub (379).-â€"Smithfiel Beauty 2116 (178). by Samson (127).~~Spot. (186). by Samson 2nd (ll9).-â€"â€"-Mrs. Xiclwlso bv Jack. The abme will be ke t for service at L 56. (‘01:.2. ..I) R. (Henelg Oct. mm. 190' Short Horn Bulls for Sale. 12 to 20 months uld. two mans choicely bred. JOUR YOUNG BULLS FROM 1 12 to '20 ‘mo‘ntbs (31d. Two reds and April 14th. NE Pure-bred Durham Cow. (fight years old. with pedigree; also One Durham Bull. pedigreed. (en months” old. BULL CALF. SHORTHORK, Pedigreed eleven months old. Ruâ€" fiuire of H. Wilkinson. lot 7. can. I, W. G. Normanby. smile and a lmlt’south of Varney.‘ Jany 24th.» 4" “CU" and 59 on the first 00".. N. I). R.. and lot 54 all the 2nd cum, N. I). R . 1km- uuck. well watered in good state of cultiva- tion, good barn. and oflner out buildingn, comfortable house, well fenced. young bau- ing orchard. three mules from Durham. within halfa mile from church. schml and p03} office. ‘I I. ' ‘ A ‘ _-._ “300 ' Terms reasonable: Cash payment down. balance (secured by mortgage) to suit pur- chaser. Will he sold in separate [Ms ur en bloc. T he pmpriemr is gains: West and is anxious to veil. For funher particuhn apply to W 7 Jan. 23.-â€"tf. Farms for Sale. D elg. containing HI) acres. about 70 acres cleared and in good date of cultiva- tion. 10 acres of fair hardwood bush. the mmainder mixed timber. comfortable frame house. new frame barn with stone stables nndornaatb. stood bearing orchard. Half milegfrom Maul. one min from Church. about Smiles from Durham. same distance from Markdale. Terms reasonable. For further particulars apply to Wu. MQNALLY. Jan. 27w.-â€"6 Dd- 00 ACRES, LOT NO. 40, CON. 3. E. Q. 8.. Glenda. about 75 notes clou- ed and in god state of cultivation. Cou- House 8: Lot for Sale. HOUSE AND LOT ON QUEEN Farm for Sale or Rent. EING LOT No. 9. CON. 6. GLEN- " SlTMMER Hm. OAK rum." ARCHI BALD DAVIDSON. Clerk Divwiun Court UN DERSIGNED OFFERS Stock For Sale. T. J. Moummx, Rocky Surgeon. ACRES BEING LOT. 'm. 58 Farm for Sale. Farm to Rent. For Sale. JAE. ATKINSON, l’rop. u. ' H. PAfRKER. Durham. t Nov. 26th, 1899. bred J. L. BROWNE. tt‘. Photographer .. um you I) WM. LEUGETTE. Vickeru l'. U. (f. und' igi Traversal" .

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