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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Feb 1903, p. 5

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’ BACK PAINED SO BAD COULDN’T TURN IN BED. Big trees it would seem have not yet entirely disappeared from this part of the country. One day last week, Weiler Sons of Formosa, brought in a big pine lag to Truax’s mill that measured 2 feet 6 inches through ‘20 feet from the butt. The tree from which this lag was taken was grown on Robert Chambers’ farm near Enniskillen. Some idea of its value may be gathered from the fact that two years ago Weiler Son of- fered Chambers 360 for it but the ofier was refused. Subsequently they purchased a piece of bush from Chambers, this particular tree being A citizen of Ttenton, Ont., who suffered agony .with his back and kidneys, tells of his tapid and complete restoration to health by the use of 0:. Pitcher’s Backache Kidney Tablets. Mr. and Mrs. John Brnce. also their warelierwoman. Mrs. McKay. had a close call on Tuesday morning from eating wheat meal porridge, which it is now supposed contained poison. Mrs. Mc Kay ate her breakfast first, and immediately after was taken sick and began to vomit. Then Mrs. Bruce took her breakfast, and had scarcely finished when she too took sick. The next to take breakfast was Mr. Bruce and he too soon took sick, and was the worst of all. In his case the doctor had to be sent for. and it was only through the usuf the stomach pump that his life was saved. The three had eaten porridge and little else and Dr. Hall the physician in at- tendance although he had no Oppor- tunity to examine the porridge, has little doubt from the symptoms of the patients that there was poison in it. â€"- Walkerton Telescope. 14” V55!” “I had been a very healthy man until a. few months ago, k M when I was taken with u very severe pain across the small of the back. As I had a slight. cold, I attributed the pain to that, and commenced using finimvnta, whicjli I founzl gave me no relief. “Serving thc- testimonial of Mr. Kulxold, a Trenton gentleman, who had used Dr. l’itvhvr‘s Backwnlu- Kidney Tablets, I made up my mind to try them. I had used very few Tublvts’ ln,-z°ore I found relief, and I can tell you I was very thankful {or this, as 1 had M u so bad that I had to lay off work for days, and at nights I could um, turn in In: ‘. Ur. I‘itchcx":a 'l'hckache Kidney Tablets have made a rfect and lln. :l cure in 'nj' case. I am at work every day before 7 8.!!!» 1| work hard til day. and I can :~.-sure you my work isnot easy, as I hove a great den] of heavy lifting to do. and the constant steeping is a great strain on the back. but I am thankful to sin: I have never had a twinge of pain, nor he: my Wk bothered ‘0 since Dr. I’itcher’s Backwhe Kidney Tablets cured me.” (Signed) T308. DOOM “I gladly endorse all my husband says about Dr. Pitcher’e Backwhe Kidney Tablets. They acteel splendidly in his cam: and have inspired me with such Gonfidence d their ellit-au-y that I am wing them now myself. "I have been rumbled for some time v. 1th sick headache, weak Spells, tired feel- ings, anJ generalij. 1":21 down. I have use: the Tablets only for a short time, but {eel so very mm-h ln‘ Tm' already that you may ‘oe sure as soon as I have taken another bottle or two?“ the: 'lE-lylcts. you will hear mm me. “I tell» all my t'x'i'rridfl that Dr. ' xer’s Backac-he Kidney Tablets have done aplendidly for us, and both Mr. Douglas and myself have no hesitation in allowing you to use our names in endomtion of inch a reliable toned .” (Signed) as. Taco. Doom “ I have been L 53:, and genemlh bl so very mmh ‘» butt! 6 or tw o’df t1}; CLIPPIIGS. ! included in the purchase. Mr. Truax v, brought the lumber from the Messrs. The community was shocked onf Weiler at the rate of $40 per thou-. Sunday morning. on learning that‘ sand.â€"“'alkerton Telescope. Mrs. .las. McDermott had been found dead in her bed at the home of her De- son~in-law, Mr. E. J. Harrison. ceased had not been in good health for along time, but was as well as usual up to the time of retiring on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Har- rison were attending to their child at about 6:30 on Sunday morning, and hid then heard Mrs. McDermott coughing lightly. The latter had lighted a lamp apparentp' about that hour, and it was still burning about nine o’i-lock when Mr. Harrison was prompted to look into her room and discovered that Mrs. McDermott had lied in a state of repose but a short time before. Deceased had been a resident of Paisley for many years. and was a daughter of the late \Vm. Meadows. She has for some months been living with her only surviving daughter. other friends. have the sincere sym- hereavmnent.â€"â€"Paisley Advocate. ’bit of glass pierced the eyeball. Mrs. Harrison. who withi At concerts and various entertain ,lments in most towns, it is the silly lparctice of some young people. who by age ought to know better, but .who apparently don’t, of throwing ;candies round. It is decidedly‘an- lnoying to say the least. and such ex- , ubernnt spirits should be perem- . torily quashed. The following 'incident will be of interest in this connection : Rev. C. R. Morrow. near Hamilton. was chairman at. an entertainment a few nights ago, and while presiding,‘he was struck in the face by a candy thrown by a foolish young lad. The candy broke one of the glasses of his spectacles, and a It hled‘ profusely and Mr. Morrow had Ito drive at once to Hamilton to have his eye attended to by an oculist. He may lose the eye although the doctor has hopes that he may be able . lto save it.~-~Clifford Express. pathy of the people Ill their sudden f â€"â€"o -Jâ€"r ,4.. if used as directed will check the progress of this fatal disease and restore the afflict- ed to perfect health. Do not go to Florida, Madeira, California, Mexico or the Rocky Mountains. Remain at home with friends and home comforts around you and use Pul-Mo, which is the achievement of the century in medical science. Pul-mo is an absolute cure for Consumption, Throat and Lung Troubles, Coughs, Colds and all; ither consumptive symptoms. ‘ l A cure is now within the reach of every sufl'crer: "I an we“ arqzz: Joy of the Uiii is a. hard mm 3ng and bl: citiz the statement. he given 0 his can b a {t wag from- :13)" stops the '1’ng yoga BREAD DISEASE SO DOES MR. SHURIE. DRUGGIST. thet lots of pure strong blood will be ryx-inted with Thou. Douglas, of this town who is a teemster in formed to nourish the broken down 3mm“, Co. . ’ system. Ferrozone will drive ewey l-working and res table citizen, and I have no hesitation in the tired ‘99n38v "no" your 39"“. gment he gives_ o_-h_is_a euro by D:-: Hughes-’9 Rachael)? Kidnq end energy. revive yogr embition end We desire to present to you the history of the case of Thomas Douglas, of Trenton, Ont., whose occupation is that of carter for the Hillmnn (30., an avocation which involves heavy lifts and fre- ( utrnt exlxisure to wet and coldâ€"all hard on the kidneys. That )r. l'itoher's Backache Kidney Tablets could so quickly cure a mu? so severe as that of Mr. Douglas is a splendid tribute to their rapid-acting, thorough-going curative qualities. MRCDOUGLAS TELLS HIS STORY. MRS. DOUGLAS CONFIRMS IT. Accidents will happen. On Friday of last week as Mr. Charlie Nowell was coming in to Durham with a load of wood for Mr. G. Sparling on Lamhton Street the reach broke. and the team gettingscared started off on a spirited run with the front bob to town. and by striking a telegraph pole broke the tongue into splinters. but were caught there before they could get away again. Charlie of course followed to town and found his spirited animals safely caged in R' Aljoe’s blacksmith shop. Fortun- ately no harm was done axcept that the harness was badly damased and the tongue broken. We are pleased to see Miss Maggie Hewitt able to be around again. Under Dr. Gun’s skilful medical treatment she is steadily improving after a tedious illness. Mr. John Ferguson, our worthy miller, and his able workman. Mr. A. MacGillivray, are doing a rushing business at present. Mr. John McKinnon of your town and brother Angus of the Rocky had the sawing machine on Thursday. and gofabout fifty cords of wood cut. Owing to the recent snow storm which blew over this part on Sunday the roads are pretty heavy at present. Mr. John McKi‘nnon who has been holidaying at the parental home re- turned to his duties in Toronto this week. Pal-Mo is inexpensive, being sold by druggists at $1.00 per large bottle, or you may procure a. sample bottle for :5 centS. If your druggist has not got Pol-Mo in stock, a sample bottle will be delivered to any address FREE OF ALL CHARGE. Pal-Mo stands aloneâ€"the use of any other medicine as an assistant is not necessary. Eat good, plain, nourishing food, get plenty of fresh air and out-door exercise, and use Pal-MO as directed, that is allâ€"Nature will do the rest. ARI HASTININO TOWAIDC Address all letters to The Pal-Mo 60., T oronto, Ont. ROCKY SAUGEEN. ' Weary Brain Workers. All lagged out, ideas flow slowly as molasses. snap and energy gone! The buoyancy that made work a pleasure. that gone also. A doctor would say you are run down, ener- vated, neither eating or digesting enough. It’s Ferrozone you need to brace up that fitful appetite and im- prove assimilation and digestion so that lots of pure strong blood will be formed to nourish the broken down system. Ferrozone will drive away Sr. Ibo-Florence Davey, Maggie Weir, Florence McGirr, Kate Ritchie and Pearl Hopkins aeq., Henry \Villo oughan and James Crutchley aeq. Iâ€"Herbie Atkinson, Claud Mat.- hows. Jr. IIâ€"Ernest McGirr. Clara Ritch- ie.Ada Aljoe, Willxe Aljoe, Willie McGirr. Pt. IIâ€"Maggie Ritchie, Blanche Mathews, John Weir, Myrtle Crutch- ley, Maggie McGirr. Joseph Staples. H UTTON HILL SCHOOL . IVâ€"~-~Alice Lawrence, Bella Petty. Elsie Petty, Joe Reid and George Hutton eeq., Dollie Hopkins. IIIâ€"Janie Milligan, Willie Morice. Selina Hopkins. Sr. 11â€" Chas. Lawrence, Bessie Milligan. Will Noble. Edna. Reid John Picken. Jr. IIâ€"Florence Mountain, Sadie Langrill, Willie Wells. Sr. Pt. II~Fred Cufi and Percy Aldred. aeq.. Arthur Moricé. Jr. Pt. II (a)-â€"â€"Bessie Webber. , Jr. Pt. II (b)â€"Leila May Vollett and J can Picken seq. Sr. I-â€"Nina Noble. Jr. I-- Herb. Noble. Sr. Pt. II-â€"~Thomas Grasny, Eliza Jane Edwards. IIIâ€"May Hapkins, Ethel \Veir, Agnes McGirr, Susan Lawrence, Alexander Aljoe. Jr. IIIâ€"Flossie Brittou, David Nichol. Blanche Benton. May Young. Sr. II- Archie Kennedy. Jr. 11- VGertie McComb, Laura Beaten, Amelia Rigby, Lcwrence Mc~ Keown. Jr. Pt. II-â€"-Jessie Benton, Wilfred Nichol. George Mclnnis. Jr. Pt. Iâ€"Mary Beaten. ALEX. FIRTH, Teacher. I\"~--Arthur Weir, Annie McGirr, Maggie McGirr, Fred Ritchie. I\'â€"~Cassie Kennedy, Violet Brit- ton, Kate McArthur. Jack Beaton. Sr. Illemma Beaton. Sadie Mc- Keown, Jesse Edwards. Why Sniflie and Sneeze “.3 Don’t suffer any more with a cold in the head, just carry a CATARRHO- zoxn 'INnALER in your vest pocket, use it now and again and you won‘t have colds. Catarrhozone knocks out a cold in ten minutes. kills a headache in five minutes, and hard racking coughs in half an hour. In- hale the pleasant Catarrhozone vapor five minutes {our times daily and it will cure Bronchitis, Lung Trouble, Deafness, Asthma and Catarrli in any part of the system. Catarrho- zone is the most direct, modern and scientific method. and is guaranteedl to give satisfaction. Complete two‘ months’ treatment costs $1. 00 tiial size 250. Drnggists or N. C. Poison. 00.. Kingston. ()nt. ‘ In the absence of a correspondent on the Gravel Road we report a couple of land sales. 'l‘hos. Gray sold his place to his brother Jim, and Robt. Braithwaite his fifty acres to Tom Russell. Bob goes to the North West shortly. A very pleasant exening was Spent in the home of Mr. Samuel Queen, last Friday night by way of a social gathering gathering. While some enjoyed the crokinole board and other games the majority present preferred dancing to the music sup- plied by Messrs. Woods and Kreggor, and kept it up till the wee sma’ hours. A Neck-tie Social to he held on the night of Feb. 20th., in the school house, will be a profitable afl'air to all who attend, or at least to young men. For an admittance fee of fif- teen cents they will get a tie worth something less than a dollar and the company of a young lady to keep them quiet and well-behaved while an interesting programme is present- ed. A sleigh load of young peOple from this part attended the ,Fumer’e In- stitute: concert et Holstein. There were but few from this neighborhood who attended the day sitting. M r. J ersmish Bridges, of Balm-ave. spent a put of is» weak visiting his sister. Mrs. J as. Tucker. Mr. Robt. Billie laid of wood saw- 1 ing last week to pay due respects to 0. young son thet arrived et hie phase. I CORNER CONCERN S. Jonx A, GRAHAM, Tewher. s. 8. NO. 9, GLENELG. s 9.. x0. 1, ULEJELG. H. F. TYERMAN, Teacher. HONOR ROLLS. â€"Q 0.. 9-- V _‘,, ----.,.-, .-;u. vaxiau.â€"Ual I ICU. McIntyre-«Robbu'l‘hat Comr. Gor- ‘ don be authorized to cover the bridge fat 10th sideroad, con. 4and 5. as soon i as possiblerrâ€" Carried. Robbâ€"~hlcFaddenâ€"-Tlrac the reeve lmeet the reeve of Arthur township ito adjust all accounts of ex )enditure on townlme.â€"Carried. Resolved that the following ac- counts he paid :â€"--â€"Municipal \Vorld :ass‘or’s snpplies. $13.34; A. Mitch- ell express charges. 45c.; Jas. Shiels gravel, $2.33; clerk’s registration fees for 96 births, 15 marriages and l Colin Ray is engaged with Mr. Dnncnn McArthnr {or this year. Welter Ledinghem is buying horses which he intends teking West. in the Spring. . We learn tbu Miss Clan Hill is going West in the Spring, Mr. W. Lake lost a valuable horse on Wednesday, Mr. Doug. McDonuld was spending a few days this week with his sister, Mrs. Alexander. He intends moving to his farm about the In of March. The Sullivan brothers broke the road on the 2nd can. last Tuesday. This has long been needed. to enable peOple to get along the road in com- fort. Mr. W. J. Bell, from the lake, medea. cell on friends in Welbeck this week. Mica ls: Cunpbell, toucher gt Mulock. spent Saturday and Sunduy gich _ho£ seq. 9nd uncle. Mr. and Jewels, candy, flowers, man-~that is the order of a woman’s preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous efiorts to make or save the money to pur- chase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem. then let her fortify herself against the in- siduous consequences of coughs,colds and bronchial afiections by the regu- lar use of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup. It will promptly arrest con- sumption in its early stages and heal the afiected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the system. It is not a cure-all but it is certain a cure for coughs. colds and all bronchial troubles. You can get this reliable remedy at DarlingtDrug Store. tf Six teams are now busily engaged hauling saw~logs from Mr. Sullivan’s swamp to Mr. Potter’s Haw-mill. Mr. Neil Wilson is making squire timber in Mr. H. Alexander’s bush. Robb~McIntyre ~-That council do now adjourn to meet on March 18th to appoint patbmusters ands. road comr. for Holstein, and general busi- ness. -â€" Carried. --â€"â€"â€"huw ‘v .0“ 46 deaths amouiiting £0 $31. 40. ac- cording to the Registration Act. - Carried. McIntyre~~~Gordon~â€"â€"That the Aud- itors’ Report as read he received and adopted. and that John Ross and J. A. Swanston, auditors, be paid 83 each for their services; and we get 200 copies of said report printed at the Rep. oflice, Mt. Forestâ€"Carried. By-law No. 138, for appointing an assessor. passed the usual readings, c. The name of Walter Hastie was inserted in By-law. Salary $60, not including selecting jurors. Gordon -1\IcFadden---Tliat the clerk notify. Mr. Traynor. P. L. 8., to come immediately and survey the base line con. 18 and lf‘l.wCarried. McIntyreâ€"McFaddenâ€"-That the tender of Royal Grafton. for bui-lding bridge at lot 6, con. 5. {or 3525, be accepted, and the tender of Charles Kirk for building abutment-s for said bridge for $165 be accepted. tOtal $690; and 0. Kirk remove the old bridge and abutmeots which are in. cluded in his contract. Pile driving done subject to iDSpection.-â€"Carried. l _ _ -wâ€" .uuycvvuulcllbq and no Comr. spend more money without the sonsent of the whole council.â€"Carried. Robbâ€" Gordonâ€"That an appropria- tion of $100 be made to each road ‘l .. and _3, to Dowling’s sideroad. Comr. Gordon. cons. 8 and 6 from 15th sideroad to O. S. R, and from waling’s sideroad, included, to Ar. thur townline.-â€"Carried. McFadden -McIntyre-â€"-That the ‘following be the road divisions for 1903: Comr. McQueen. cons. 6, 8, 10, 12. 14, from Proton townline to 15th sideroad. inclusive. also towulines. Comr. McIntyre. cons. 16, 18. 20, 22. from Proton townline to 15th side- road. inclusive. also townlines. Comr. McFadden, cons. 22. 20, 18. from 10th sideroad to O. S. R., also townliue, and to lot 25, inclusive 2 and 3. Comr. Robb, con. 16 from 10th sideroad. cons. 14 and 12 from 15th sideroad out to O. S. R., and con. IO from 15th sideroad to base line. and from lot 26- innlnniva nnn An appoal was modo'vfor a donotion on bobolf of the Sick Children’s Hoo- pitol. Toronto. ‘ Robbâ€"Gordonâ€"That a donotion of 85 be granted to said hospital.â€" Carried. Council me: Feb. 4th. D. Mclu. tyre subscribed to the required de- claretioue. Minutes epproved. Women and Jewels. EGREMONT COUNCIL. WELBECK. a...” . Robb, con. 16 from cons. l4 and 12 from out to O. S. R., and 15th sideroad to base lot 26, inclusive con Dowling’s sideroad. . cone. 8 and 6 from . ALLAN, Clerk. is JNO. A. DARLING Fred always pulls a good price. We are glad to hear that Jim Hill who has been on the sick list lately is recovering. The CHRONICLE “’6 are glad to hear that J. Turn» bull is out again after his recent ill- ness. Several Sizes _and Styles from 75 Up iIs an apprOpriate name for 'the Quick-action Style of Hot Water Bag we sell. Ready the minute the water is hot. It often stimulates parts of the body where the blood isn’t coursing properly' Acts more promptly than: any Medicin and so often? really saves life before a} doctor can reach you. . flarling’s . . A Life Saver Don’t be without 11 Hot W ¢1te1 Bag 1'01 uches pains and do fecti\ c ci1c11111ti011. J AS. DRESS GOODS. LADIES' SK IRTS, LADIES’ JACKETS. MEN'S HEAVY AND FINE RUBBERS, FURS. MEN’S WINTER UNDERWEAR. at p11ces that will pav vou cv on if vou dont quire them immed1atelv. We’re selling good, shape-keeping clothing at the pace you usually pay for poor, ill-fitting garments. We are showing: Men’s and Boys” I‘llsters, Shape keeping Clothing is the kind to wet. We sell it, and it you don t wean it you ought to. J AS., IRELAND El 916 BARGAINS! ere Chemist and Druggist. Subscribe For genus: me me: . . mm m Come here for Bargains in After Stock Taking WE WANT BUTTER AND EGGS. And all Other Winter Goods. REMEMBER THE PM Of Overcoats, DRUG STORE Reefers, Men’s Suits, at plices nm on befone hand of Common lamps 1n almnd an<c Skates and Hand Sleighs at slaughtex mg p1 ices. Fancy Lamps Do not miss the opportun- ity of buying one of our Is the time to buy Horse Blankets. If you want all- wool ones, come to the right place. we are offering at greatly reduced prices, Bargains! ; Bargains! We have a few robes which LAIDLA W'8 OLD STAND. W. Black Boys” Suit-s, - \ '» =:<’-.Â¥W

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