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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Feb 1903, p. 5

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A By-law wuinuoduced and pen- edits second reading. The council went into committee of the whole with John McKeohnie in the choir. u-vvu- â€"IV "IIADUJ appuru tcu, to consider the matter of Street light-; in; according to mutton by J, L. Browne and A. McLechluu. ~Carried. - By-law HS) appointing a collector for 190:: was paeeed through its see. erel stagee and Hugh McKay was .p. for the year 1902 with3 per cent add. ed. . J. B. Brownâ€"J. L. Browneâ€"That liberty be granted to introduce a By- law to increase the license fees" on ho- tels -â€"Uarried' A By-law waeintroduced and pale- ed ite aecond reading. The council went into committee of the whole with John McKeohnie in the chair. Udntyreâ€"MeLachlanâ€" -'l'hat By- law 444 be not read a third time un- til thia eonaoil get more inlernation ' etetuory and provincial leee and Bentinck council met in Elmwood on Wednesdav the 4th inet. Members all present, the reeve in the chair. 1 Minutee of January meeting reed l end passed. The report of committee i on treasurer’s euretiee being atisfae {tor waa ordered tohe ted; B ~ pointed coilector of all unpaid taxes! y eccep y Law No. 3 appointing Moeea Jechlin meeor o! the teweebip for the cur- rent year at a salary of $68.00 was duly passed. The auditore presented their report of the receipte and ex- penditures for the year 1902. On re- vision by council it was ordered to he adopted. After lull diacueeion of the matter a motion wee paaeed authoriz- ing the reeve to eign a trial order (or a Sawyer Maeeey Co.’e New Weatern Reversible Road Grader. a copy of ' eeid order certified being lelt with the. Reeve. The following aooonnte were ordered to be paid : Thee. Clark and J. ‘ epeeial neetlng he called on W. Videre. 300130". “euclidean. 4.1!». a. m g. M on true. ee_r_eti_ee 81 ”each and the J. B. Brownâ€"J. L. Browneâ€"Thu liberty be gnoted to introduce e By- law to increase the license feel on he- tels -â€"Carried° J. H. Brownâ€"J. L. Browne-1 That a committee composed of A. S. Hunt- er. J. L. Browne, Alex. MacLachlan, end the mover are hereby appointed to consider the nutter of Street light- ing according to motion by J. L. howne and A. IcLachluu.â€"Carried. By-law H5 oppointing a collector for 1902 um placed through its 90'. onl stages and Hugh McKay was gp. pointed collect" d .n unpaid mu J, L. Brownâ€"A. McLachlanâ€"That in view of the odium cast upon our town and of the disadvantages to our business men and probable danger to our citizens and visitors caused by the absence of street lighting and also that prevnous schemes for light- ing by contract have proven unsatis- iactory and further that it is the ex- pressed wish of the majority of the ratepayers that the streets should be lighted. Be it resolved that this ccuncil appoint a committee to con- sider a scheme for the municipal ownership and control of an electric light plant for public and private‘ lighting and submit to the councxl itsi report I‘Pgaldlng such scheme. not later than March 2nd 1903, bearing in mind the following points: lst. prespect of obtaining possession of present plant and an estimate of the cost of same, 2nd. cost of installing new and etficiunt power, 3rd. estim- ate of revenue from private sources, ' 4th estimate coat of maintainence w: 3'18 r.- J. H. l’rowâ€"n Sharpâ€"That a com- mittee composed of the Mayor, Alex. McLachlan J. L. Brown, John Mc- Kechnie be appointed to confer with Livingston Bros. in reference to loan from town to aid in the construction and maintainence of a factory to manufacture cream separators. - Car- ried. McLachlan- -J. H. Brownâ€"That. the Mayor be instructed to advertise in Mail, Globe and Canadian Record :iissues for sale of Debentures for bridge and granolithic sidewalk.»â€" Carried. McKechnieâ€"Humerâ€"-That Alex. McDonald be paid for his services as engineer for the year 1903, the sum of $50.â€"â€"Carried. McKechniewJ. H. Brownâ€"That the clerk be instructed to procure a cepy of the Municipal World for each member of the Councillor the year l903.â€"-â€"(3arried. McLachlan-â€"J. H. Brownâ€"That Culin McDougall get the market field {or the season of 1903 for the sum of 85.00 in advance.â€"-~-Carried. McKeehnieâ€"~A. s. Hunterâ€"That! aid to the extent of one hundred dollars be granted to :he Durham Public Library ~»â€"Ca.rried. In response to a deputation on be- half of the Public Library. composed of’l‘. Allan, N. W. Campbell. Chas. Ramage, Rev. Farqubaraon and others asking fora grant to enable them to establish a Reading Room and part of the Library in connection with the same. W. S. DAvwsox. , A. DAVIDa'o. . }Audntors. McLachlanâ€"J. H. Brownâ€"~That the Auditor’s report be accepted and fifty capies be issued.â€"Carried. To His Worship, the Mayor, and the Councillors of the town of Dur- hem, Gentlmen, Herewith we beg to hand our Report on thetown accounts for the year ending Dec. Eilst, 1902. We found the accounts all accurately kept and the Town Books in firSt-clase shape, all of which is respectfully . submitted. HuntermMcLachlanâ€"That M. K. Richardson, M. P.. of the South Rid- ing of Grey he and is hereby request- ed to assist the directors of the Huron and Ontario Electric Railway Com- pany in obtaining an extension of their charter for which they are ap- plying at the approaching session of parliamentâ€"Carried. end that the eccount of Royal Artifi- cial Paving Co. be laid over. All of which is respectfully submitted. J 0le MCKECIINIE. Chairmen. McLachlannBrownâ€"Thet Report of Finance Committee be accepted and cheques be issued for the several amounts.-â€"â€"Carried. nary 8;. ’2 08, postage 15c 22 R. Torry, Sroker to Fire Hall 5 00 G. Ryan, wood to market 413 L. McLean, wood to Fire Hall 56 62} G. Meikle as second engineer to January 3lst 3 75 Charles Brown, work and'cedar 1 88 J. Cowardine, fence viewer 2 00 Report 0! Finance Committee: Your committee hen bed under con. ciderction the following ecconntc and recommend pcyment: George Blcir, wood {or mnrket 85 18 George Craig, wood, Town Hall 1 95 Amos Chislett “ " ‘2 50 W. S. Davidson. Auditor 15 00 A. Davidson. 15 00 W. B Vollet salary for Jnn- Council met. rogulu muting. lumber- prount, N. McIntyre. Enq.. Iuyor, Councillors McLuhlw, J. H. Brown. McKochnio, Hunter, Sharp. J. L. Browne. â€"â€"'u â€"â€" vâ€"v c9930“ die-m1 unlwmd m. 56.} TO" 00111011.. 383 74 Kerneyâ€"-Arrowsmithâ€"-That the lots assessed to Matthew Scott he not returned to County Treasurer. as in default, and that the clerk and Mr. Sullivan be instructed to interview Mr. Scott and find out his intentions regarding the purchase money on said lots.-â€"-Carried. The council adjourned to Apri llch at 10 a. m. Davis-Sullivanmâ€"That Patrick Fo- garty be paid 82 for one cord wood delivered at the Hall.-â€"-~Carried° Davis--Arrowsmith--That the clerk be paid $60 on account of salary. â€"Carried. Davisâ€"Kerneyâ€"That the Reeve and Councillor Arrowsmith be acorn- tnittee to let contract of bridge at lot 20. con. 11, and to let contract of abutments as soon as possible to give contractor a chance to have material on the ground this Winter if abut- ments are to be of cedar.â€"Carried. Davis-~Kerneyâ€"That the reeve and clerk issue cheque for 82 paid to Geo. Roy, an indigent.-~Carried. Arrowsmith-â€"Davis~-â€"-That M. K. Richardson, M. P., representative for the South Riding of Grey be and is hereby required to assist the Direc- tors of the Huron and Ontario Elec- tric Railway Company in obtaining an extension of their charter for which they are applying at the ap- proaching session of Parliament. â€"-Carried. : Kerneyâ€"Davisâ€"~That \Vm. Elli- ;son be appointed assessoyfor the ‘y year 1903 at a salmy of for all the i l work in connection with the same. ~â€"-Lost. Kerneyâ€"Arrowsmith-â€"That J. P. Telford be paid 34') for County map for hali.-â€"Uarried. Kerneyâ€"Davisâ€"-That Dominion Express Company be paid 35 cents. changes on parcel from St. Thomas. ~Uzsrried. Davis~â€"-Sullivanâ€"~-That By-Law 4'27 to appoint an assessor for the township of Glenelg for the year 1903 be now read a third time, signed, sealed and engrossed on By-Law Book.~~-Carried. Sullivan~ArrowsmithHThat. John A. McDonald be appointed assessor an a salary of $5135.00 for all work in con- nectiou with oflice.-â€"Carried. Davisâ€"~Kerneyâ€"~-That Alexander Bell Jr. be appointed assessor for the year 1903 at a salary of $70 to cover all work in connection with the of- feeâ€"Lost. Arrowsmithâ€"Uavis~~That Wm. Irwin of the Durham “ Chronicle” get the printing for the present year his tender being the lowestâ€"Carried. Davisâ€"Sullivanâ€"-That the audi- tors report as now reaudited by the council be adepted, and that they be paid eight dollars each for their eer- vices, and $1 each for extra work per- formed by them.-â€"-Carried. Arrowsmithâ€"Sullivanâ€"That the Municipal \Vorld be paid $6.81 for as- sessment rolls and forms.â€"Carried. Davisâ€"Kernevahat By-Law 428 appointing tp. oflicers, By-Law 429 defining duties of treasurer, and By- Law 430 authorizing treasurer to de- posit tp. funds in Standard Bank in Durham be now read a third time, signed, sealed and engrossed on By- Law Book.-â€"Carried. Kerneyâ€"Sullivanâ€"That the report of the committee on the treasurer’s security be adopted and that they be paid 81.00 each for their services, and that Thos. Lauder be paid 81.00 for searches in Registry office.-â€"Carried. - l The Council met Feb. 7th, pursuant i'to adjournment. All the members ' present. Messrererney and Sulli- ' van having made the necessary dec larations all took their seats. the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Com? munications read as follows: From the reeve and Mr. Davis report as to ‘the Treasurer’s sureties, from J. P. ’ Telford account for map, from Messrs. Irwin, Ramage and Rutledge tenders 5' for printing, from County Treasurer list of lands liable to be sold. from John McDonald, Alex. Bell, Jr. and ' Wm. Ellison applications for the of- !fice of assessor, from Municipal : World account for assessment rolls, from A. McK. Cameron re Electric Railway, By-Law 428 Tp. Officers, ByuLaw 429, defining the duties of treasurer, and By-Law 430 authoriz- ing treasurer to place tp. funds in : bank was introduced and read a first 1 and second time. The auditors pre- sented their report which was re- audited by the council. BENTINCK COUNCIL. . S. BLACK, Clerk. Four marvelous free remedies for all _ sufferers reading this paper. New curetor'l‘ubercnlosls,consump- 3K COUNCIL. “on, Weak Lungs, Cum-m, __ _ and a rundown system. a..â€" me?! the earthâ€"c'onsumptiofi. _ Yéominvitedtotestwhatthkmmfifldofa mun-unfit. bywritiogforn Are 'you 1035ng flesh ? Are you pale and thin? 19: you lack stamina ? coo symptoms are proof that on have in your body the seeds of the 1:03: dawn molady that has ever devas- FRI! TRIAL TREATMENT GONSUMPTION The long anticipated concert and pie social in aid of St. John's Sen. S. materialized without a bitch on Thursday of last week, and to say I A young Glenelg farmer came well nigh snufiing out the vital Spark last week, but not with any suicideal in- tent, however. As far as we can learn he purchased a small vial of Catholic Ac1d for use among stock, but as it congealed with the cold or 'as he put it, froze, he concluded it was only water or a little stronger at least and so took it back to the drug store and began an argument with the clerk about its strength. When to prove his contentions, as he thought, he Opened the bottle and took a quantity of it into his mouth, but immediately found be had grossly mistaken its strength Dr. Ego was with him in a few minutes and ad- ministered antidotes. It is supposed be swallowed little, if any, so beyond a badly burned mouth and throat, he is not much the worse. Another nuptial knot will be tied in our midst this week. Particulars next week. A hearty little sou arrived at the home of M r. and Mrs. Geo. McRue on Tuesday of last; week. Sunday week Andy Maher was kindling the fire in the morning when he gave his left forearm .an ugly wound with a drawing knife. 109.? Do an: “mung? _ pain Prevented and cured. layout thron§orcand W? Do E' flux“? ache? Mr. T. Anderson. of the 6th con , is somewhat indisposed of late. but. homes are entermined that no serious results may follow. He has been a patient sufferer; from para!) sis. _-_-_., v-v.u w -.--v "u toll unuu nu“, ‘7 it . J. He would Spend Sunday with his son- -in- law and daughter, Mr. and st. John McDonald. of Toxomo. On Saturday of last week Mr, J. S. Black went on a brief vacation from gifiutit-s to visit a friend at Brooklin, Council adjourned to meet: at Allan Park May 25th next as a court of re- visiou.--Post. Fence Vie warsâ€"Neil McLean, Robb. Corlett Sr.. John W. Smith, Matthew Campbell, Wm. Hunt, Wm. Grier- son, Geo. Purvis, John Patterson, John Carson. Wm. Irvine. Adam Laldlaw, ’l‘hos. Clark. n N. D. R.; John Badertscher. David t Eidt, John Pokrandt, Wm. Schmidt. . Wm. Pearson, Henry McCaslin,John . Coutts, Cons. 4 and 5: John Monk. Jas. Park, Chas. Zimmerman. Frank I: Schmidt, Samuel Vickers. Geo. Hend ry, Jas. W. Johnston. Cons 6 ' and 7; Joe. Litt. Simon Habermehl. I \Vm. Willoughby, Jas Garner, Du- _ gald McDonald. John Forster. Wm.‘ Lunney, Gone. 8 and 9; Geo. Bouldol e,n Wm. Scbrieber. John Krueger,l Walter Burgess, Herman Schreiner, Alex. McDonald, Richard Boice, Dun- can McKinnon, Alex. Brown. Cons. 10 and 11, Henry Giesel. Chas Courd- to, Louis Dirtz, Adam Laidlaw, Wm Hastie. John Henderson, Jos. Teas- dale, Jas \Velsh, Cons. 12 and 13; Robt. Gillies, John Robertson. 'l‘hos. Clarke, James S. Wilson, Andrew Milne. Geo. Fischer. Geo. Harvie. . ,Cons. l4 and 1:3; Jas. Coleman. Geo. j'l‘olchard, James Hewittson, Robert Miller. Geo. Tolchard, John Kennedy, 1 Fred Last, Alex. Taylor, Jas. Hodg- 1 son, Jas. Lister. I Pound keepers â€"-John McCalluni, Geo. Skene. John W Smith. Thomas Bailey, Thomas Hutton, Hugel'l‘yer-, man Robt Patterson, John Hilgard-' ner, Charles Bailey. John Dodsworth. John Leeson, Henry Geesel. t l v -â€"--’ “v. .1. “CU Pnrvis" Julius Barkman. Wm. Willis. Alex. Archibald, Robt. Johnston. Terence Finnegan, Cons. 2 and 3 ‘V ‘\ _â€"â€"v' â€""v- H. Lawrence. Cons 250d 3 S. D. R. Edward Rowland, Henry Tramp. Geo. IR. ; John Corlett, Daniel Campbell. 'Duncnn McArthur. Hugh Riddel, John Punt, Samuel Putherbou h. Robt. Ewen,“ John McDonald, Jo n Collinson. Robs. McCracken, Wm. Scarfe, Charl‘ 3 Lawrence. Alex. Hop- kins, Robt. Webber, Wm. Vollec, Durham Road; Jno. Hilgardner, Moses Jacklin. Edward Lynn. John Bailey, Herbert Livmgstone. 'l‘hos 71" Chequel for eight duller: each were the: t issued in fever of Mrs. Finnerty and gutific June: Smith, indigents. Bylaw No. mildly 3 appointing the following: as path been a masters: Getting: Road, Neil \Vil- the ten son. Geo. Skene. Robt. Corlctt Jr., Daniel Wilkie. John Ewen, Alex. Morton, Geo. Newell Jos. Burt, Henry Burnett, Cons. 2ond3 W. G. POMON A. Eat your stock or you’ll have .tew. As you how so must you rip. Sweat on the uses of diversity. Where there" 3 VII! that-0’. 3 low- God gives us our relativesâ€"thank God we can choose our friends. Misery loves company, but com- pany does no: raciprocuu. Look befor- yon shun. Many no called, but few get up. Peeple who live in glass houses should pull down she blinds. God help those who do not help themselves. A church fair exchange is robbery. The poor ye have with ye always â€"hur are not. invited. Oliver Herford, Ethel Watts Mum- ford and Addison Mizner have, in a little volume. twisted our old stahd- bysâ€"the proverbsâ€"to harmonize, as they believe. with the modern spirit. Here ere a few quotetions that. have a peculier zest to them : “ The meetings have been Well at- y tended and satisfactory all round,” {said Mr. Geo Binnie, secretary of the ’ South Grey Institute to The Post on I day. Last week he was at Droniore. Holstein and Axton on Thursday Fri day and Saturday respectively and had good results everywhere. He had taken the names of about 150 new members since Thursdav last. On Monday afternoon last at Elm- ? wood the principal Speakers were Mr. Duncan C. Anderson, of Rugley, and Mr. F. A. Sheppard, of Queenstown. Mr. Anderson is a very able and lucid platform speaker while Mr. Shepprrd is thoroughly posted on the subjects he treats. At this meeting the form- er spoke on “ Soil Cultivation,” and Mr. Sheppard on "The Growing of Fruit Trees.” At the evening gath- ering Mr. Anderson took as his sub- ject “ The Farm as an Investment,” and Mr. Sheppard dwelt on "The Coddling Moth ” and ‘° The Apple Crop.” Mrs. Campbell. who appear- ed owing to Mrs. Mc'l‘avish’ illness. charmed her hearers with a receipt for health and how to maintain it. Councillor Eli Miehlhausen occupied the seat of honor and executed thel duties in his characteristically genial way. Mr. George Binnie referred to the advantages of Farmers’ Institutes and Mr: James A. Lamb of Walker-. Cynic’s Calendar of Revised Wisdom Post. ton made a lew complimentary re- marks and the crowd dispersed.- D-_L [is said to have been at least two ' hundred and fifty there. In the ef- trrnoon while the men were being ediiied and instructed in the finer points of their business, their good wives at a meeting-house across the way were being similarly instructed. by a lady Speaker named Mrs. Colin Campbell of Goderieh. It was a branch of the South Grey Women’s Institute that was in session and it is said to be prosperiug splendidly. Great interest was manifested by the farmers of the neighborhood of Elmwood in the union meetings of the South Grey and South Bruce Farmers’ Institute held on Monday afternoon and evening last. Miehlhausen’s hall was the scene of the oratory. practic- gal discussions and all the rest of it. This event will go on file as the first i union meeting of the two Institutes and it is indeed gratifying to note the general success which attended it. At the afternoon meeting an estimate of the audience was put at seventy- five which is considered a pretty good showing. while in the evening people were jammed in like sardines in a box and besides many had to Stand. There. Mr. Chas. McKinnon, although unable to attend St. John’s concert rnd pie social, kindly sent one dollar to help swell the school fund. M1. Joth. Benton has been con- siderably under the weather of late, but is improving nicel) now. Glenelgers will be visited by a new assessor this year in the person of Mr. John McDonald. who received the appointment at the last council meeting. Miss Julia. Barry visited her cous- ins, the McGrath_ family. a few days last week. _ .' .V'_â€"â€"- â€"v - lmildly. The weather had previously been so blustery that Miss McCabe, - the teacher. felt very uncertain as to . the result. The Twp. hall was as- cured for the occasion, and the ele- ments had received their quietus from an unseen hand, for the night was an ideal one. both as to light and temperature. The audience was as large as the hall could comfortable accomodate. Those two stalwarts. Messrs. R. McDonald and Geo. E. Arrowsmith, acted as doorkeepers, while Mr. Jas. Staples, Glenelg’s Ex- Reeve. ably filled the position of chairman and auctioneer. We need Various pieces had to be lopped olf us. There were a large number of pies to be sold and the young people were waiting patiently for the dance. The bidding was very spirited from first to last. Miss Leo O’Neil carried off the palm for the highest priced pie. It realized $2.65. Black, Ar- rowsmith and Miss McCabe supplied music for the concert, while others kindly assisted for the dance. The proceeds after deducting for expenses amounted to about $50. GOOD MEETING AT ELMWOOD. thnt. the trustees and catcher were gunfied :fth the {can}: i_s putting it â€":I.Il_ 5010:! and the bill *‘OGOooâ€"c BOOTS and Shoes re and promptly. In Pas Harness Shop. next doc Office. JNO. A. DARLING Several Sizes and Styles Is an appropriate name for the Quick-action Style of Hot Water Bag we sell. Ready the minute the water is hot. It often stimulates parts of the body where the blood isn’t coursing promrlyll Acts more promptly than any Mediein and so often really saves life before at doctor can reach you. I Jan. 21 Come here for Bargains in DRESS GOODS- LAD at prices that will pay you quire them immediately. ‘”"""!§’§,,:-:Imnwnn£z Shape-keeping Clothing is the kind to get. We sell it, and if you don ’t wear it. you ought to. We’re selling good, shape-keeping: clothing at the price you usually pay for poor, ill-fitting garments. We are showing: Men’s and Buvs' Ulsters, $16 BARGAINS! are Don’t be without a Hot Water Bag for aches, pains and dc- fective circulation. Boot and Shoe Repairing. Subscribe For Chemist and After Stock Taking 05.5.36! "If PLACE - . (JIM?! 0” am. 0‘ WE WANT BUTTER AND EGGS REMfMBER THE PLACE Overcoats, hoes repaired neatly In Pascoe Saunders’ next door to Chronicle S. A. RIDSDA LE DRUG STORE Druggist Reefers, from 75 Up. Secure a tin of our Black Jack Stove Polish and you will be happy. Have a look throng Department if you r. Harness. even if you don’t Every person should have one of Winter Whiffi. Our Pocket Knife Show case stocked with the best that. bought. The \V. Black Silverware is getting widely known {or its superiority. We have just received anathe-r largo shipment. of it from England, A very fine line of Basin Student: in stock at present. Silverware. If you require a Man Cutter we have the quality and quantity to pick from There is no Razor or Scissors to equal the Clnuss. and we always fur. a great number of them. If you cannot get what you want in any other store be sure and call at the store where you can get anything from a Needle to an Anchor. LAIDLAW'S OLD STAND. Harness. 303’8’ Suits, Polish. Whips. Kn IVES. Seeders. Razorsc gh our Harnou quuire asett of 4 ”2} our 5%.

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