West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Feb 1903, p. 2

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Iiu Biuie is visiting Toronto and other pines among her mnny friends. “3 hurt: left behind. loan. John and Wm. Kingston .0 ho! tooling wood to town like _,-1 son in this action. THRILLING EXPERIENGE It. James Bank-a is handling the havor it the unit] here, and he can do it h-o. He inclomg his Work to the intisfm‘llcn of the customs“, His: Lizzie Lnughlnn is looking Alter the good things for the inner non at the boarding home here. She likes the place well. as Mr. Quinn “tries in all the wood and makes the fires in the morning. “'9 are ail glad to see Miss Marion Young able to be out again af‘cer a level-e. attack of illness. Inund Mm Alvan Boyd left. {or Bowtior a Mom! time ago for ya.- Ium green. Mr. George Furnnnu has his lum- bar cm. and hauled to Durham for his new residence he intends to build there next summer. Jim Ellison sold a horse to Mr Dan. Greenwood, realizing the nice little sum of $117. Mr. Dnn. Leitch is engaged with Colin Mcarthur for a few months. Mr. John McKenzie had the misfor- tune to loan a valuable horse recently cause-d by a kick. The Dr. Slocum System Presents a Positive cure for Humanity’s Greatest Foe. Four Marvellous Free Remedies for all euflerere reading this paper. New Cure Cor Tuberculooie, Consumption, Week Lungs, Oeurrh, and a rundown eyetem. Do you L‘O'rgh? Is your appetite bad? Do your lungs pain you? Are your lungs delicate? Is your throat sore and inflamed? Are you losing flesh ? Do you spit up phlegm? Are you pale and thin? Does your head ache? Do you lack stamina? These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the mo ' dangerous malady that has ever devastated the earthâ€"consumption. §ou arc inviied to test what this system will do for yéu, if you are sick, {y with) r for a " FREE TRIAL TREATMENT Since writing our last budget some of the items may appear to be rather old. Mr. John Mclnnes, of Carman, Mam, spent a week or two visiting at his brother’s. Mr. Peter Mclnnes and other friends. Mr. Colin MoArthur is at present hustling out the timber for his new barn next. summer. Miss Barbara Torry Spent. a {aw days visiting friends in Bentinck ru- «miy. and the Four Free Preparations will be forwarded yogi at once. with. complete directions for use. The Slocum System is a positive cure for Consum tion. that most insidious disease. and for all Lung Troubles and Disorders, complicated by Loss of lesh. Coughs, Catarrh. Asthma. Bronchitis and Heart Troubles. Mr. John McQuarry of Ohio. U. 8., in spending a few days visititg friends in this locality. Mr. Wm. Baker purchased a. horse from W. Kells, of Markdale. .n-I ‘ - Simply-:8}: to the T. A. Slocum Chemical Cqmpany. V‘Limitcd.‘179 King Street West. Toronto, giving ”3 Uith mid efprcss mldficss. and thc; trgc medlcme (the Slgcum Lure) wnlln Promptly sent. _ L'I .112- u. A___-_-_-_. _--_._..-. ...- ---.- ..._...J t-â€" ---.._._i-.. A__ UV" Perm‘ms in (1%:th seeing-Silhoédx‘xâ€"{sr t'iéénbrfieâ€"rfiin‘ American phpefs will ‘plcase'sénd f6: samples to Taontu. Mention this papa. Mr. Wm. Bell, who is engaged with Mr. Winlaw, arrived in Slocan, B. 0.. after a sixteen day’s journey. Will is an Al fellow, hence we all miss him from our corners. We wish him every success in that die- tun land. Mr. John McEachern, Bottineau. N. ll, visited {tic-ads in this neigh- borhood. John looks as if that country agreed with him. Mr. Sam Leslie. of New Ontario. .001 Mrs J. Leslie, of \larkdale Sun- dayed at Mr. Alex. Ellison’ s. Mr. Thos. Greenwood. of Edge Hill. has purchased Mr. Sam Edwards’ (um. Miss Martha, of Bentinck, was over visiting her cousin, Mr. George Torry. Mr. Alex Aubory. 01 Toronto, paid an extended visit at My Angus Mc- Kechme's and other friends here. Mr. Alfred “'alden. 7 Cornwall St.. Toronto. who h- been in the employ of the Street Railway Com- ps, for a number ol'.ycars as motorman. informs us Ihl he had an attack of la grippe. followed by typhoid fever, and after many weeks of suffering it malted in a complication of throat and lung troubles. During this illness he was under the care of one of It. best physicians in this city, who pronounced it :1 var, serious case and advised him to stop work. Cinch ho \g as finallyficompellod to do... “if; Wa’ den heard about the Dr. Slocpm Remedies .4 commum-J their use and after using them but {a a kw wcuas he noticed a gteat. improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerney spent the first part of last week in Mount Forest. Mi. Geo. Twamby purchased a. horse lrom Mr. Erskine, of Euphraisa Mr. \\'.n£,:un hoard zx'nuut the Dr. Slocum Remedies ' Mr. \Yaldcn has also been accomplished in thousands and (wmm. 'n w l szr Im- :u:.l um- r u n 1- ; tin-:1 1 but ’ u! other hopclcas cases, which tcsnmomals we lune {at a kw \-.-._-\ .5 he notwcd .L g wax. in. )ruxcncnt. on Me. 8 . A New Discovery that cures consumption. “O IO‘" WAIT TO OIVI OF WORK .07 WA. MOIO TO DO OOâ€"‘I’ILLO HOW POI IIOHTIII ”OUT”. ”I HOVIIIO cum". U'I AID OMfH, 'flu‘l'IO IV VIII Om PHYOIOIANO II TORONTO “O I“. O“! PIOIOUNOIO OO IIIIOUO 'I’HA‘I’ HI “A. AOVIOIO, A. A L”? Rum. 'I'O U“ 1'". OR. OLOOUH TIMTUIITâ€"l. NOW IN GOOD HILL?" AND BM 7H3 MY HI umo OP 1”". IARVILLOU. RIIIOV. GLEN ROAD EN \VA'I‘E RSVILLE. TOIOITO STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. OOO>0 WMInthoomphyof Dear Editor and readers of the Chr'onicle, we an- a very quiet and law-abiding paople in the put of Glenelg culled Gumbo], but some- times little eve-nu hnppen which we are mu would interest the public. Miss Marion McLean and brother Spurgeon returned last week from a few weeks visit to friean in Bruce. Mr. Dnn. McLean sold acow and call last week for $50. I) Believes in keeping good stock. Mrs. Donald McQuarrie, who has hven duwn with er) siplas. is improv- ing slowly. Mr A. McLean Sons «old a horse Ia'ely and purchased a yoke of oxen Inst week from Mr. R. Twamley for a lmndnome pricn " For the days of Auld Lang Syne.” Mrssrn Quinn and Stewart are hustling out the McQuatrie pw‘amp. The Putherbough brothers leave shortly for London, where they have secured contracts of mason work for the summer. Their sister. Miss Ell- en. accompanies them to keep hOll'dr for them. We wish them sucm-ss. D. McLean. C. C., callml at Mr. John brown’s one: day lass week. In a. chat we had with Mr. Jabez Banks, of North Bay, he informed us that he raked and bound all that his son. Wellington, could cut, and at night he was not two sheaves behind. And before coming down here he cut alone with a. X-cut saw 40 cords of wood. Something wonderful for a man of his years, 81 last birthday. Long may he live to repeat. Mrs. Wm. Quinn. of Bentinck, was visiting her sisterin-law, Mrs. John Quinn, of this place, one day last week. Mr George Twamley is buying horses just now. and is prepared to pay a fair price for good ones. either farm horses or drivers. George has the stuff to put down for them on the spot. Call and see him. Mr. Angus \icCormick. Sr., is ris- i ing under the parental roof. “'9 are pleased to learn that \Ir. Caswell, who has- been seriously H! the greater part of the winter. is greatly improved lately. It is some time since the news of our corner has been written up, so with all due respect to our last scribe I will send in a few items. Miss Kate McDonald, who is at tending High School in Durham. is the happy possessor of a fine organ. She is taking lessons and is able 10 play verv nicely. Kate is clever in her studies. Mr. John Jordan is delivering some fine soft elm logs at the mill her». John is a hustler at whatever he un- dertakes to do. It will be done right and at the right time. Mr. Jas. McDonald visited Will iamsford friends last week. Mr. Wm. L. Falkingham, of the» Falls, rode the I. O. F. goat lately; not the 'l‘raverston goat, and Says he enjoyed the ride very much. He.- wnll make a good active member of that great Order. “'hcn interviewed. Mr. “'aldcn seemed to be in the best of spirits and exprcssed himself in the most. grateful terms. as he considers himself completciy cur”! and _in the enljgymcnt 2f goqgi hqaltb. After using this valuable treatment for some little time. the cough stop -d. pain in left lung ceased. appetite improved an night sweats were checked: and in about three months he was able to go back to wgrl}. feeling an we]! at} _ever. â€"-- A‘ 4 Ind and in the en oymcnt at good health. “'hat the Dr. (locum Remedies have done for .\l ULL CORN ERS. GAMBOL. -. 0.0 -- Saturute some batting with Poison’s Ncn'ilmg sun! plane m tho cavity of Hm moth. Rub t1)“ painful pan. of the Luz» “ill: Nu-v'viiine. bind in a hot {lunar}, and thee toothache will disappear mm‘edimwy. Norviline is a sple-mfid housebmd remedy for Cl'mups. Indigemiuu, Summer Com. plumt. Rhmnmatlam. Nanny. and Toothache. vaetful, penetrating. unfn and plan-om! fur “Kern“ and; vxcorunl use. Psiw 25 cents. Try: er 93.51:“. I CNN. Arm-H had a. wool l-u- late- h'. \\ M! h Wk arvpufu m an om: xmu “Hm“: in or around thh \m-inhy Cblll'! 9....” it. Ann) .vr hupiigl LIN)" Will I". 15.4 ilc IHIQ' Inioipt ”'QI[\ 9-00”. ‘)’|' . "4', [an c‘usninx. A fan Cmcknr Jack 8 from urnund here took in the pie social on :he 12!}: inst. The grnmzd 3:0" into-Iv w .- its P. $11.0(lk’“.. 5“;‘} ‘\‘.1) Il|0||tiufl lt.‘,v_‘)' C'f \‘ inn-f z‘wgl‘Ht'r H“: h“ I’H‘. "o-~*|5t. 2. J. )1!1UIHJ_‘1§H, franc yourtown. Wu‘ in»); {ain'ing M". J. ‘LHH-‘v vrnb 3' wow brmk house lutvly. to be to Curtain Snidnr go and he “ith K Next Spunky Sergeant. Scotuhnmn Gordon brad of judgment, full who when Britain in danger Poirl uonld round her banner rally. Canadian men are we Strour and _ _ Ls healthy to True Loyal Subjects of the King let from land to land to rev, to cee. Hip Hip Hip Hut-ml; for Britains men. 'l‘hivty fiv» i4 ()0. Small forty five is (In. full f0:- er: .lnmw month of gay we’d like with C0. full to \lusko Plains too 20. Any 01'” has mmw im'ole wnuM like». plums with Cowpany full to go, Exuwmations are Cnptizm Snider with Spirits high Cu. 4 wall onward lead Company half mzdur the. Stermcns Firth With Splillgey 5‘39!» and head t‘l'Pltt ureat Lord Rglen we’ll take to he. Staff Sarge‘aut Human-,0 duh rmazmtion full True L0) an Subject of lbw. King against Um en'cmay would fight ' Next Surgeam Irish Bell who for “[0 and crown mould fight to keep #138 flag a. Hum 8, Sergeants voice McDonald’s onlurs will ul'my. Nth come will Svrgo-unt English If life Spare us wil! for lwxv Jluws mowhof ua) vsc'd like too Musko. The “math-or in 'his loculity is always better, we think. than in other places an: we never think of thtnkug the government for such favors \V You want cu know where Gamhol is? Well. it. is a little corner in Sangeen Valley \thch corner? Ob,any one. We used to live in Sangeen Valley, but there has been a great immagrmion of ersh bards and others of an equaliy pretical turn of mind. and thev now inhahi' the Valley" so we had to creep back into what “'H ("all Gnmhol. as our prosaxc mmda‘ could not, begin to keep pace with those. of the im-a- grants. The community was thrown into greatexciwmentluu wank when a very eloquen‘. pwm' of pavtl'y, under the lwaling 9f Sanger.“ Vallvy, came out in the Chronicle. We were greatly intervstel. as the writer seemed to be an inhabitant. of the "allay. although we believes the events related to lock place in lenvlg Carine or Scntchtown, The- naliww 0f Uamlml heâ€"gau l0 disagl‘be about who thre wri'er was, as they would all h» proud !0 claim him. m her as a relutlvv of theirs. One deâ€" claxml it. must he blg A.. auozher, it was llttle 13.. another. young C. another that if. was Jim Hall, and fine gillsaid she was: sure it. was Leewic'. but 1le older ones shook their heads :md 99M they wera sure non» in the Valley could soar 03 into eloqnem-e like that. and that. with the- help of \Vehster’s Dictionary and the Practical Spell“. he or she. would mum to {game some day. Now. Mr. Editor, just a wold. If their are any words: in this budget tlmt ,\ ou haw: illltjtllrl‘ \\ ay of spell- ing, just, write them your way. for we alway H like. ‘0 Sea any “ordq that have n parxivnlur way of hvlug Spelt. Spelled right. Toothache Cured in one Minute. “HIM“ ,e. (Hi! you: name will im'ole. SAUL; 1-} EN W ALTER N . .‘.. cqu rum. V A IJ ‘1 I: 3' . MAN 131nm. ll The“: is just. «me vnrv and I'm! is phamy I»! load In: the. lob.” and IU‘I‘v'V-‘h WhHTII ‘5 MS" sIIngHi M Emu-zone. than which Ian hum} MUM- er, nvrve Ionic or attrhgth prawn W is [103N612 ,P'erruzuma 3 culluflz :; III-III Ihy digIinou, which nesulw in m- proved nutrition. 'l'he Nomi gl' w~ duh and In), [unnahw- s-hof'L \ 3" the c-II-Ix‘e 3,9 «In. am; am- I .... 0' Imr\t3 Iorae am: a.“ . I I..-- «o a: "’j duly. A rebuilding of me consu u- ‘ non Ia',t'\\'8pilits hvamn «nu ssrength all mm» [mm Hm usu uI Foam zuw .i Thu muIVeioua Inuovmor Is sold by Druggmfs ‘ur 5101: a box. uI' I? N' X” for $2.50. By mail {rum l’ofdm It Cm. Kingpttfll, Out. ()u Apl i1 20th of last year Miss A. Smwaul of Uorbettou. wrum, her mune and address on an egg which was sold with others to Mr W. G. Ruwlaml. uwrchaut, Shelburne. The following letter explains where the up: went: I DEAR Mushâ€"You will no doubt be surprised as m where this letter Cum»: from. But. lwim; I “'ns the on» who receivwl the egg you had “-rivn-n on.[ thonght. I would an- su'nr MI am Sure yun would “kn :0 know Where the egg travelled tn. It seews quite a distanc» for one little lmw egg: to travel' W991. I have Mm: Wuwim’ilzg how lung: nun you Wiuiv m: the egg. and wit! bu. [Human] m hmr from you something an to tn hom' ’1'0'] huw 30m; i \Viw‘alnu _\0‘L a happy new 'I'nl}. On Friday, February 13th. lug Mary Frost, widow of the late John Frost, died at Sheldon Place. her ree- idence in the south end of the town. Mrs. Frost was in her eighty-rights. year, being born in South Wales,‘ Enaland, in 1815. She married the late John Frost. in 1833, but her hus- band predeceased her her almost a tlird of azcantury ago. They red el in Bytown (now Ottawa) for twelve years. and then decided to come to the Georgian Bay d.strict, which Was being boomed toa remarkable extent at that time. The journey to Owen Sound was decided upon in 1844 but as the steamer was laid up on which the family had hoped to make the journey, they started for Otvvu Sound overland. The trip from To- ronto to Holland Landing was made I by wagon, and when one consideres :that the roadway in those days was in adeplorable condition, some esrim- ate may be formed of the hardships ‘of the journey. A boat carried the pioneers to Urillia, and the wagon trail was again resorted to as far as Goldwater. A sail boat was the next agency which carried them to Pene- ! tang, where a Brit;sh War sl00p Was lying in the harbor. and a company of British regulars occupied the bar- lriclts After some delay, p. ssage for ()wen Sound (then the village of rSydenhatn) was secured from Capt. Barkley, on his lumber laden sloop. 1n the open they encountered a storm and put into Meaford for shelter. Finally they arrived in safety out. side the bar of the Sydenhatn river, where they were transferred to a smaller boat and taken up a landing ,just south of where UiVlSiOil street l bridge is now located. and which was loilposite the residence of the late jGeot'ge McDougall, who aftet'w-arals «jlistinguislied himself in the Western mission field. At that t.ttne(.)wen Sound, or more properly xh' village ol Sydenimm, consisted of about a dozen houso is Mr. Frest embarked in a general ttioi'catitile business and real estate agency at whit-h he met with a l'dl‘uv- measure of success. 'l_‘hitteen trhildti-z: resulted fiom the union. t-f xx hom lite survive, as well as twenty-three gl‘allth-llll'll't'll and nine gloat-uranilcliiltlren. 'l‘he sur- vivxng members of the family are John W. l‘iost. tax-mayor of Owen Sound and town solicitor; William l*‘ro:-.t ol ()shaWa ; James A. Frost. 0f Owen Sound; Airs titer.) Green, of Clinton. and Miss Nellie Frost. who is at lionue. The late Until“); Crown Attaii tic-y Float. was also a son of the wneralle lattly. .‘ilis. Frost was a memlwt‘ of the Firsx, Methodist church, and her life was one continu- ous Christian example. The funeral look place on Tuesday altei‘noon to Greenwtmd eetne my. and was at- tet ded hy a large number of citizens Impressive funeral seivices were: conducted lit' Rev. Dr Langlord. assisted liy Jim's. .‘tii‘. Glenn anl Ur. Stilllel‘t'llll‘. 'l‘he pallâ€"l‘warers uex'e three s~ns anal thtee grand-ans of deceased. namely: Messrs John \\'. host. \Vm Frost .las A. Frost. sons, and Alfred J. Frost. John 1“. Frost and "jdwnld Frost, grandsons. () S. Times. Miss Axxu'r'm STEWART, Vancouver. w inul‘ue Corbettou. Can Nervous and Sleepless. M Ii?! 1‘ The Egg Travelled Death ofln. Frost. it has {UH-n vrnvt-Iling. U N. “ZEN“. (‘i|€“::l.it‘ who! V3021. I It‘llru'H. yours E. liluurmumlc 880 Cu: (lrlls rt: UHOILI‘ B 0.. Dec. 13: .4 “run \08 0"!" SHOP All REPAIRING promptly :nd prop- erly uttended to. V0 "-‘--- .- Cmdi: (Ira IIIII quIIeI-Itod IuIiIe I}; air claims wiIII IIIII \s~i..;uw “ilh HIP pIIIIII‘II IIIId pIII‘IiI-IIIIII .~ IIIIIIwI INIIIIIv-II IIV IIIII mid AI-.I cm n: he! III: the ch} I I -"\I1 II IIIQ‘II'UBIL'. AIIII II rIiIIe I-‘ IIIIIIIer gnu“ III;.: IIcI JET-“110;“ Hf ‘Ihl'III 1““). III? ;\P.‘i‘,"lot‘(f ' .IIII Inward hidlnIE'HHO‘ I£II Inna-I II' IIIII .Ilt‘btul‘ mmnv'st “It! :IIrtwr (IIIIIIII-«I “It‘l' Y.“ ”mung ”3.;qu uIIl. III the ('5 “Inch I I \I Huh I IIIIIIIII shall ”2“” lIit\H been gn'm IIIIII III“ “B WiI'IIInI. helium" Iur (IN IIH'HH“ UI' «60' pm! IIIIIII-IIf MO «III-nib IIeII. III IIII\ IzvrI-IIII '1“ I» InoI.‘ III' II IInI-v Cl II II IH‘ I-I: III. I III the“ ham: IIIm IIII'K'I'. Bums»; oi’ as“ him». Galvanized and Iron Pup- tug: Brass, 13mm Lined and [mu Uylmdcrb. [Lutul 1' g." . “.1,“ W. 133nm---“ A IIII’EIIIIL.’ ('I his (-I'eIIimrs will III! IIuId nt the uIIIIII II HIP Amimwe. 5H .IIfKIIIflOll BIIIIIIIIIJ. in the (It-3‘ ' 'IIII‘IIIIIII. UII .‘IUII- (Ia\.1 11w 2;.III I, a} In {I‘m .II'}. ”0.3 .‘t' Hm IIIINI' III I\\I.- IIIII.(‘K III Hm Lucian" -. to receive a ILIIIIIIIIIIII «4' HTML ~ In a] {mint III-i; Ie-(‘t Is III. II In II I ir It‘lfllll HHIIIHH :IIIII IIII IIIIe IIIIII'IIIII.r I I the IIII. III .~ III 'III‘ Cum“ “898! II I I_\ . In the matter of HERBEELT WILLIAM IIIOCKLER of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, Merchant, lflSOIthlt. :0'I‘I' GI; is IIeII:I)3 ,zium (nut 1 mm IIIJR'I‘ WILLIAM .‘JIN‘KIJJII. M We "ImsIIoI l)'!lIIIIII in the (handy (If (I'Iev. (arming UH Whine-u as (inneral MIIIIIIIIII at IIH‘ said 'In “II «It IIIIIIII.4III IIIu-I mIIdP IIII IIsaigIIIIIrIIt IIIIKIPI’_ II. S 0. I897. v. H7. (Wall his“ mmm. ('rt'dits and (4?ch tn h’icllmd lmc. ut Um (lily «of Fur-Mn. fur the gmwml lnelmfil hf M} rtmilfffrf‘. TRADE MARK: DESIGN. Copvmcm's he. Anyone sending a sketvh and description may quick‘ny mwerudn our opinion free w lethal a. Inventiun is pruhnhly patentuhle. (‘ummumcub uons strictly m umdentlal. Handbook on Patent! sent free. Uldvst agency {or sec-urn": patents. Patents taken thruuzh Munn Cu. recs!" mega! aorta, “fiepnuc charge. in the A handsomely illustrated weekly. lamest. cm culatlon of any sclennnc ournal. Terms. 88 1 [13311; {991' pogths. $1. 80 d by aleewadfialers fiar: four montbu.$ Sold by an newaaealen [INN 00. "WNW- New York Branch Office. 325 F St. Washington. 0.0 Iccumuwmh-d and Sold bv Mm-hxrlam- .t- ( Whoopmg Canal; Bronchitis Group Coughs Catarrh. Colds Crippe and Hay 1’0”: '3.) Fulton Street T'ne Vaporizer and Lamp which should in a lifetime, together with a ‘m tle of Cresolcne $1.50. Extra sup lies of (' rcsolcne 25 cents “J 50 cents. Write or descriptive booklet contain. mg highest testimony as to its value. VAi‘n-CRFSOLI"\'E 3‘? SOLD I!" l‘KL’Gblb‘l‘S ‘:.\'L'R|\VHE!:E. Va po-Crwalsm Co. Does it not seem more effect-Eve to breathe in a remedy, to cure d..-:-r.sc of the breathing organs, than tu take the remedy into the stomach? Er/ablz'sficd 1579. Cures While You Sleep It cures because the air rendered strongly antiseptic is curricd over the diseased sur- face with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treatment. It is invalu- able to mothers with small childicn. Is a boon to asthmatics. Scientific Rmerican. Next, tn I'm! ()flice-â€" In Tahiur Black. Sylvester Farming Implements Tudhupe Cutters. 'l‘oltou [’ulpers'. Adam's \K'aggnm and Slflighfi. (‘Imc- Stmm am! 1 mm: 905'. I’nmntfm'd \\ indunillx Rnbcs, Unats. Hugs, Etc. Proven Steel Rod Track; Notice to Creditors. Fumus hum $2 ugimna. olmu UVI‘I') it“ dfqull. THOS. NOBLE Hammommvc . AIM Dealfll' in ~ x (H 49“” 1'25?! m 71‘: W War." a“: " A SPECIALTY. NICHABZU LILI'L, FL'LI. LINE OF HI ,-. ranâ€"- h\ ”ain't i'c-lwu ‘74 ., -_v---.. . u‘,. ¢'\r. I‘J' UU¢‘. o 1 1'2. 6. 1%.. (:Ic-m- a. (mum 75 acre» clout m and in y. c v Haw M rultimtimu. Ct.- au: MM“ tum-«- m» n harshynul luodet‘troc‘ ~I. Inc. 1 Hum Hum! lbw. (sumo! IL“. ricklmn U" prom-damn Apply to Jan. 27th.â€" (3 pd. '1) «In, cuntaimm: HI) Mileh. uhout 70 o I“! ('l: and am] In mud .* fl‘t‘ (of cultiva- ..... w... .v- «f 9-." “mammal (MIMI. the ”manna.“ mix“! lm imz'. c-umt'm aubke fr... (mouse mm "mum In." uilia Memo unblo- unflfihrath. and {marina ua‘c'iml‘d. “In (”“0 {Hm .‘rhcu‘, 011° Othr {rum (3‘00“. alum! Find.“ In a. 'LHmtu, mum ding-u from burials-Iv. [mum reasmmble. For turtlmr particulm o~ apply m Jan. :38 â€"4f. \HBEE HUNDRED ACRES. BE- iug Lot 11 tad l2. Con. 1, sad hot- ll 31“ 12. Con. 2. nnd Lou l8 .nd M. Con. 8. . D. 8.. Glonela. Mostly cloned und in firstcluu ante of cultivutiou. well «mu. Flclmr 5311:: from ‘ urhun. good buildings on in. Wili b'.’ £u'éb11'i'éa'137‘3'r'33'31‘3 33 msoubk terms of payment. For furthet putiwhn upply to A. C. BEATON. Buncsun P. 0. October 20m. 1902. tf. LU‘] and 591m Ute first (MIL. N. D. R.. and '01 54 cm Hw 21nd mm... X. V). IL. Beu- nmzk. ml“ wutmed in gm 4! Hate-r. c fcultivu' lint“. gum! burn. and um»:- uutbuildinfls. rumfnrtublu home. well "éled. young but- ing «*urclnu'd, Ilurvv ["th frum Durham within lmlt’a mitw frum church. behool Mid p05! oflivv. 5200 Jan. 318t.- 6 pd â€"--_ U-“ A dersigned have for me three Durham Bulls from nine to twelve months old. I. number of young Durham heifers, and also a number of young “Yorkshire 0313, of both sexes from one to sxx months 01 . Prices right. -v I1 chase desirable building lot:- would (in well to take a look at John A. Warren's lnn of sub-division of Park Lot number Y‘our. north of Chester street. in the Gov- ernment Survey, of the 'l‘uwn 0f Durham. Plan can be seen at the uflire at J. 1’. Tel- i‘ord. Durham. or at the office of the under- signed. Fur turther particulars apply to £1 l’ediureed, eleven umnthn old. In- ( uire of H. “'ilkilmm. In! 7. con. I. “C (3. .. Nurmauhy. a milv and a lsah'muth of \'arney.- Juny 24m.- 22'. w--- -â€"-v.. -vv- .. V‘Jt‘o “I. 4‘. U. 1‘0. D (ileuelg. 100 acres : 70 cleared and in good state uf cultivaticm. (flood concrete house and farm outbuildings. (1'00“ orchard well fenced. well watered l-‘ur further par- ticulars apply on the premises 0rd write to the owner. 0"". mt“. ‘3'r*‘m HE UN DERSIGNED OFFERS for sale the water Dower knnwn n: 1‘ aIIIcelIIrm. Hue «If the must cou- \enieIItlx situated farms in the. township of BeIItiIIck 1(1) or 150 acre» three and II. half miles from Dur,lmm exeutlling In good shape OIItlIe plan-e Avmlym JUHV CHI l !.\'S_()N 7 Short Horn Buiis for Sale. 1' 12 to 20 months uld. Tm. reds and two roam (-huioely bred. April 14th. July 10th. 190]. Feb’y 9th.-- M'. l for sale the water power hick-1:"; “ Hayward’s hills,” (Heuelg. NEIL Mckmmm. Durham. (Jul. A HOUSE AND LOT UN QUEEN Street. the property of Mrs. J. L. Browne. Tho home contains 1:: rooms covenieutly situated. and quite now. Wili make an excellent. boarding house. For particulars apply to ()NE Pure bred Durham Cow. eight venrs old. uith ywiiwree: also Ono Dmham Bull. Dali; ten-,d n n munfllh old. Eebruary 17th. 19m.â€".. pd «(5th Lu'l' x0. -1u,CON A ugust 19th. “02 Thoroughbred Stock for Farm for baie or Rent. 30m: YOUNG BULLS FROM Farm for Sale. ELM; LOT X0. 9 W ater Power For Sale. Building Lots for Sale. T IROQKYP‘AU‘GEEN THE UN- NXj PE1§sQN_ wlsmxa 'm PUB- [SING LOTNQJ ’_.U()N. 4. N. I). R House 6: Lot for Sale BULL (? Farms for Sale. ACRES QEUVG LOT 55. Farm to Rent. Stock For Sale. I ‘ l. J. Mulmlsux. lucky Sum. ' "“P “'i': tut Luld in 500;]!!‘6 hm; or Farm for Sale. Farm to Rent. ARCHIBALD DAVIDSON, Clerk Dinsiun Court. iyrâ€"Dd. DURHAI. Om. For Sale. THUS. SCAR!“ SONS. :ALI“. H. I’AfRKER, Durham . t DAVID MrAFLIFFE. ng‘e Hill 1’. 0o ‘. MUURAGKEI. v. M. lJ-fiufl-ZTTE \‘xcLern l’. . CON. 6. GLEN. J. L. BROWNE. u. Photographer. \\ M. M! \‘A LLY, "l ruveruton. SHORTHORN, Durllani I'. U. tf. TO B If Y 5h:

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