West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Feb 1903, p. 7

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111E illflififllfl WWW“ In" mono" mm gm. W m mu. m m O O F, P’GW 'uâ€"vâ€"v- v-- - -_ H, I no: Io’pald. The data to vhic‘ every 0 C b. charged § . . nbm'iptiou is $th n denoted by the numberon tho .ddre‘s labs]. a paper fl: .c‘mtmued mm] all m I. paid, W at the opium of the proprietor. m.“ For transient adnnimnts 8 cen (3 per line for the first insenion‘, 3 cents pet “"8 . . 0 line each subsequentinsertionâ€"mimon neuun. Maximal cams, not exceeding one inch. 34.00 per annum. Advertisements without specific di'ections will be published till turbid and charged ac- cordinfly Tmnaient noticc<-“l.ost," “I"uund.’ " For Sale: eta-59 cents {or fast insertion, 35 cents; [or each subsequent mscmuu. All advertisancnts ordaed by strangers must ha paid hr in advance. Contract rates logarly advertisements furnished on application to the e. . . . a All advertma ncnta, to ensure tnscrtton tn current cock, should be brought in not later than Tannin! naming. THE JOB ' ' ' '. I: completely stocked with DEPARTHEN1 all NEW TYPE, thus?“- Drc. 3amicsoz‘. “:acilwald O .v ‘n 'l r. fi'HH'f shaft di~t Lgmbhm \H'fi' ()rhc. '{glu ti“. hours. 1) In 13.1. r and Office, ”M Town Durham. boars p. m. Sgwrinl mmmmu an of woman null ('hlldl’Pll 9mm) l'rwby'vrmn Mum-h ,_ “-___.- Black. the sum 0“ ”vamo n! I {ording facilities i0: turning out Finhclm if}; Uzfim ham. CUHc atlundwl It. teas-nu borrw‘ the 1;. J. G. Hutton, M. 0.. C. M. L‘ PT. meeymwm, 9' ”1mm. UM 3-1"an kind? C‘Drfifc‘f‘y‘ u-V, ' bomrln am] .wld. Inns ()fl'uo'eâ€"Mac!‘ ". 2!? d H Donal” am] suld. Insurance 5 ()fl'iIeâ€"N'Im-K." zies Hid Stan: T0\H:. l'IIr'II-IIII. HM. |.::I.01_Va;hl:nnr and Licensed Aim-H. n- ”I’ h-r Hr: ~ auty n? Hun , 33h“ 'Irnnif‘.23‘ ‘th'hufll' '4 tom‘ units Pad'md. HUGH ‘1 AUKAY DUN HA *u-’ . “Til-AUKAY. .‘ It Divi-Im'. “rum 2‘} ‘ ‘2 .~\ R RI ST E .‘Jvlmym’ 7U VARY P U BL} rm.) 17mm DOOR E AK Di\;‘!"" $ "url .jwfifiur" ' """'.,'"" ' ' LUKI, .\r.”\ \. .... ‘-_,_ _7_ W . pnmfpth' {‘fmud‘fi " ’ Wm“ '9’”"'9“"‘ ris consented, and the carriage which “1'” “h‘d “ ”mm" came mund for him at dark returned M to Linwood with the message that ' ' ‘ ' the doctor would pm the night. at _d 34 . ' . . . . Deacon Bm'hm"s. ,8! s "03w me‘hnd ’ . During the evening he did not often} DOPTEU BY ALL LBAUIBG: address Kutydirectly, but he knew A Thh dos-erve‘m each time she moved, and watched .‘clvmb‘a i» T070“!!! m 0' chm“ drvlh. “WY expression of her face. kaolin! bu n‘rtofl by m“ . . firsthand fulfil“ "“‘_.°"‘°’ "."°':9::3“ , a kind of pity for her, when, without 4““? b: no...” lhq mil-mum tome}: l m appearing to do so intentionally. the a. mm): In family, one by one, stole from the “mean that». 3””!‘9‘9' flfiwi room-Uncle Ephraim tad. Ann?“ he Al’diml Dim U! R)“. . .‘ickering. 13.5. , L5); mi; (:RADUATE or 'm;~:o rank) Arthur Gun, tn 30 1PM): VD SURGWW 0‘10. “'1‘” LH' . rue. «hie rates. and Martins!” l.‘ ma COLLEGE PHYsyt. [mm Di/‘cz‘iorr ;.§' " '_' . t . 2' \wtiammr tut “to (Tom-x} 5‘. imbd V‘l..af0r. Bflnifi 0‘ “'10 2nd 4w. , .mn aghast“! a'l «Myer man".- nmlv Mumdfld 1.0. Human! rei‘eremwa ishul '15 "u“."u‘ n: and SH Tn: Cmmmcm: will be not to any , free of postage for 3|.00pcr fitmyable 'm advsnéIâ€"‘I. may mL - J-.- A- mk:n “an! i‘siacKay Dun“- . Lefroy McCau! Mrlnm Pharmacy. L's fidum'eâ€"lmmbtun Straet uwers. Etc. ”uh 2".‘6 3:19'5' «71.135. SOLICITORS. (‘03. Iq'éic-ttr1:s' "' to 19V"" .“ a mum 1'. P. Telford. ’iul’ H '17 ”H. Mch-Man’s 8mm. Oflice' a. m., 3m 40. m. and 7 :09 thzfinn given m «then meal "t 1A.: t; A It'xa‘llmzmus. um Pnomuwrnk. av Gordon’s new o'x‘u,l)nrh;un. 1‘ mm at I) per cm MM] Sway-um- utlhm Muck. nver Pure: Utfice N v and Agency pr M'L‘htH made at me 6%l‘!!b HI m-k . I .0 w e r P O) \\ ' n . Davidsan. east hIHi‘:':..\ Hoit, L. D. It“ 4p m. Re uk lmihlinsr". lunhmm N0. 10. Etc. the)’ hpLuaul bl in-nsaa, Durham. Hut. \z'rm RY. ri'e SULIUITOR. QDLICI'I'OH and 0:; 16mm tu_5HH )icintvre Nowk {Ont u'cl Grmhta r,Mr. Privawm .nt-e Mad debts u‘. (“vlnlvnisuivm .1": hum-aura Aster-Y. ‘ “.‘ Il)ifl.‘:( E .1 ;f !(1 Hum" H "v Annâ€"n Park I' “7 “DO Chm-"5'4“ uf’lw Ullhrim (Miro KIM-w \ uwn, m. Allynanzu‘ r cent. on law Rmidmt .‘n‘hllP-V 3:7. 00“ HI W. l" IH"§.\'. O‘I‘.’ E Y ppm-am swerve C;!ld8f awnilm‘ - FM" 129M. *’ ‘1 Q. . .. '{Hy' ll MI! IO. ‘ !‘ v.4 'la‘ b???" .U i m K‘n (H A $3 5‘11 \- --.‘.-_ . “u i haw forgotten it. darlinc‘. Ho refer- »?i 5, rod to a time “th you \xould 0an m" I. to he his widow. and he said he WHS 1 willingâ€"«aid so to hm‘. and you. Do "' iyon rmnembor it. Katy?” : “I do now. but I had for-gotton. I - was so stunnml the-n. so lwwiltlorml. _~\. Lthat it made I‘D impression. I did {not think he meant Mm'ris?” and ' “" lifting up her face, Katy looked at 5:23! E , . . . . )nrl her saster With a wistmlnuss' “'hu-h Mom how anxiously she Waited for ___ i the answer. i. “I know that, he meant Mort-m," ; H9101) repliud. “Both Roll and hvr fa- ther think so. and thciy haulc nw tell 03-, you to marry hr. Grunt, \viih whom .....». kyou will he so happy." ' A I j IXIQ* ”a, -ana mistrusted at once tint. something Wu to pay, for g girl don’t leave her umbercli in such a rain and g cryin' 11 mm for nothin'. " Morris coiorvd. rvsonting (or an in- stant this intvrl'vroywc by g, third party; but Aunt Betsy was so hon- est and simnlc-hoartcd. that he could not be angry long. and he listened calmly, while sho continuedâ€"- “I have not. lived sixty odd years for nothing, and I. know the signs pretty well. I've been through the mill myself.” . Morris laughed a loud, hearty laugh. which enihold.:nvd his visitor to say more 'thdn she had intended saying. n-_ -_ “You just. ask her agin. Oncej ain't nothing at all, and she'll come 7 to. She likes you: ’taint that which . made her say no. It’s ome foolish L idea. about. filithl'lllllt'f-ifl to Wilfondfl as if he deservul that she should be" faithful. They never orto have had ' one anotherâ€"onewr: and now that! he’s well in heaven. as 1 (lo suppOSu ; hais. it. ain’t I who hankor forhimi l to comeback. Neither {loos Katy, and all she net‘dfi is a little urging. ' to tell you yes. So ask hvr again. will you!" "I think it very doubtful. Katy. knew what she was doing, and meant. ‘1 what sh“, said." Morris: replied: and i with the consoling remark that it" young {017-3 wmaid he fools it was‘ none of MT lumian to liothm' with: them, Aunt llctsv plnnurl her shawl : w'ross llt'l' chvst. and hunting upf both has‘lmt :mzl umbrella. l":l(l'?- .\lm'- :' i'is good night. and wont hack. arrow the t‘mlth to Hit fal'lll-lIOHQO. hearing} from Mrs. Leimnx- that. Katy had gone to bed with a racking hvud~ ache. "1m vou love Mnrris‘.” Helm ask- ed. abIIIpth without uniting for Katy to finish hm SQ‘IIHHCr‘ 1"0I an instant IhI‘ hands stoppod in their work and Katy’ s ems ml- ed with t'som VIII ('h dI'OjIpI.,-I! iII'.o her lap as she 1% III; (III: I: 1 -n..:._... l H. “Are you of the some mind will?" Helen asked. “hen three weeks later she returnfwd from New York. and at the hour of retiring. sat in new chamber watching; Katy as she brushed her hair, ()C(‘il-<i()ndlly man-hug; I). “-1..v‘- "V- .â€" a tress around her fingers and letting . it [all upon her snmvy nightmdruss. They had been talking of Murris, whom Katy had seen but once since that rainy night, and that at church. where he had [mm the preâ€"; vious Sunday. Katy had written an 3 uccmmt of tho trnnszu'tim'l to her! sister. “'hu had chosen to reply by word of mouth rathm‘ than by let- ter, and so 1119 first mnmum Hwy! Were almw sho swim-(l Us HUDINN‘UHJU' ; to ask if Katy “us of 11w sn'nv mind 5 still as “11011 she rm'lzwd the dm'tm‘. i “Yrs, “by shouMn't I he?“ kaly'; replied. ”You, lwitm' Hum any (me! also. know what puss”! he‘wvcn Wil-i fm'dâ€"---” i â€"â€" . .nn .‘ ‘ “_ -_ W. -_ “More than 1 wish I did. swing l f must always toll him no. It’s :strango. ton, how thu low. for him i keeps coming, in spite of all I can i do. I have nnt been there sime. nor !spokcn with him until last. Sunday, ibut I know the lnonwnt ho (-morod {the church. and “hen in 1h.‘ first. {chant I hoard his~ \‘nivo. my HHLN‘I'S ! tl'cmhlml so that. I could hm'diy play, ‘ while all the time my heart goes: out !a.ftor the rest. 1 always mm with "him, 11m. it cannot ho. ('h. i'n-l' ? on! I wish Wilford had m-vnr known ithat Morris low-d mo." She was sobbing: now, with hor mud in Helen‘s hm. and Helen. snumthing hm' hrighl hnir, Said gently: _ . -_--‘-..§l.. 10 "Ynn do not H-uwm correctly. It. is right for \‘(m In nns'wvr Morris: yes, and Wilford wmlld say so. too. When I received yuur luttor I read it to Bell. who then told what Wil- “’ v - fora! 2.1id lwfmv h1- divd. You must _B_ I‘v‘ru u... ”v .V_,._' i “I cannot. It is Hm Mir. 1 10H! him no. and Hc‘lvn. I told him a ‘falsvhnnzl, too. \.'hich I wish 1 might Etakf- hark." she ud'h-d. "I said I Lwas SOI'I'y he ever 'mx'vd nw, “him I ; Was not. Im' ”1:" kx‘unving that h“ hm] mud? we may happy. My cm1~<rit'~1w0 I has smitten me cruelly for mat falsi- ahoo'l. told not. intontinmxfiy. {0" I I" 'U 5. \uu“ idid nut ('nnsidcr “h It I .39. id. E Here-'11s an idva \xh‘xch Helen I’ .cnught at (mm, and the new, warn- she wont tn Linme and b'rmluht Morris: home with her. He "15 um! taxing his 19,“:th e .V hard. after L51, the thought. mm 11.0 “£1.03 £9.02.“ ”'11. u ‘l'i'y lilfi- [HOéeLP‘] to hm! 2' Mn b0 :‘hem‘ful, whim shy ixzu. s;«';;1'.,'._l)' Mmm a moment's ‘-e"3 t, 23“!“ :ho day she cu'riod him the rusmn‘s um: [orgnt to bring amuy hor umbrella. As it haul rained that . (luv, 30 it. did now, a “guided, mur- gctic min. \\hi(h sot in after Morris irumc, and er'lude the possibility ' of his coming home that night. 3 “He would catch his death of ' cold, ” Aunt Bctsx said, while Helen, V . too, joined her entxcatiw, until Mor- Chtkh‘ in t'.:( sit 4U not CHAPTER XLV III. 3-H _ :Lz'ne lung’s Ad 253', 8:1;1. nu:- \u-n- Mmlct as she um him yvmlnr and tried to lw num- riid not look unhappy. I40 M taking his lejcction "645' Mar nil, she thought” and the mi‘.‘ fish. it Very “Hit piqau‘d Mm bu cheerful, when 5310 but" _\' 1mm”: :1 momvul's w-i‘t l h Ill 1 \'I.() (3 l' ”OW. Katy might not have thought strange. of their departure, were it not that neither one came back again, and after. the lapse of ten minutes or more [she felt con- vinced that she had purposely been left alone with Morris. The weather and the family had cnnspired against her, but. utter one throb 0! fear she resolved to brave the difficulty, and meet whatever might happen as became g Woman of twenty-three, and a widow. She knew Morris was regarding her in- tently as she fashioned into shape the coarse wool sock intended for some sotdicr, and she could alumst hear her heart beat in the uiiomc which fell botvwml thmn em Morris said to her, in a tone which reassur- red her: "And so you told me a falsehood the other day, and your conscience has troubled you ever since?" “Yes, Mom-is, ‘xcs; that is, I told you I Was sorry that you ever loved me, which Was not exactly tum, for. after I know you did, I was hummr than before." ml you?” ”F I m n \\ illnrdâ€"‘v cs, ” Kat y {alto 1'â€" “I undorslumi now why you have been so shy of 1m- " Morris said; "but, Kat}, must this «hxuess con- tinue alwa5>? Think, mm. and say if you did not {4'}! more than one falsehood the o“wr nightâ€"us you count falsehoods"? ' 'llllV‘ll Illowu. “I had, until Helen reminded mc,’ Kany replied. "But Morris, tho talking of this brings Wilford's «lmuh bau'k so Vixidly. making it 5.0011} but, yesterday since 1 hold his dying hmld.” ‘ A “In“ III'IIII. Hho- was beginning to rolent. Nur- ris' know, and bonding nun-m to her '10 said: ‘ '- â€"-2I‘ 1“ lll’ hulu “it was nm ys-stvrday. It; will be two years in February; and this, you knmv, is November. ] nved you, linty. "I want, you so mm-h. l huh- Wmltvd you all your life. mem‘u it, was wrong; to «In so, I uscd with day to pray Hm (:ml \vnnld give yuu tn mo. and now 1 I'm-l just :19 sun- that ha has (my-nod tho any fur you to com“ tn mu as l mu sure that \‘(il- ford is in hvuVon. 110 is happy HH'I'L‘. and shall a mnrhid fanny lwep you from being happy hon“? I'vll nw. than, Katy, will you ht' my wn'u?” Hr was. kissing hm‘ ('nld Lumls. and us hv (lid su he NH 1101' hams drumming on his hair. and us hv (lid Sn dimming; on his ha "If I Stay 3'09. U think Hm.‘ I lu'Vvl‘ I (IN, uh. yrs! I «I 1 might, huvo luv. asked mo first, hm i was hum»); with m \\'02'.\ Hith- Hands, 1] ‘hvm nil u'wujc.” it Was WW3 liltO t, Katy went up tn I! who “as not, asleep, lawn on which the la! Morris had not sued ‘u-tm' know it, tno, n it Was Wm Into that, night when Katy \Vom up tn bed, and “den. whn “as not, asleep, knew by thv [mm on which the lamplight fell that Morris had not sued in vain. Aum _‘.«-t..~;_\' know it, tnn, next. morning. by Hm sumo look on Katy's {are whvn shv mum! down stairs, but. this did not provnnt. hm' saying abruptly, as Katy stood by the sink: “130 you U“) ongugvd?" “W0 are,” Was Katy's frank roply, whit'h brought back all Aunt Betsy's unions uf mustod imfls and frosted (-nlw. and mau'lw a (lum'f- in tho kitvhmn. to say unthing nf t'm‘ {math- ('1' but! \VHH‘h 8110 had not. (1le In 0170? Katy "nun-run, but whit'h shv U‘HHQ’h! “'0 I”: (fume in play for "Miss Dr. 12mm." You know it. tlu-n, before I told ‘Mmr: m‘ thv mmh’os \vm-v coming; hmw'. :md all along the Northern loving hmrts \vm'o waiting, and E‘thy hands uutstH-tchml to “'01- .' mu: thvm hack. to “God’s land.” as pg. punl', sufi'm'inq ('roatmos termed t'w uni! mnr \Vhith wmwd tho stars um! afrixwu, fm' Whirl} they had furl-17'! 5:0 hmvoly. Wistfully thousâ€" mfig mi 03114 ram over the long (‘0'? ".--n.» of mmws of those rm'n'nna. (“4.21 (we :coixing for its nwv, mu! "'l'l'.m‘n;1.-. 'l'uisL the list of Hm unzm‘is'. bin Wan; nut Hur- '..1)’. . . ..m; n! 'n'lL‘ l‘. “.K' :1 .rl' ’.;‘1"'_~' 2-041“. 923'. 6!: “MP“ "'3" 3” .‘w I \‘u:‘«, imiun’; m ’Zt'al' mm.» 1' r- . Elm“)- , and P": hi! 5 ' t“ S‘D‘I 2'. ‘li 1 , ‘. :“r,;. l")‘. as “t“tt‘ ‘rlo ils l bl?“ "‘3’ '9 I .:u- him from ropm'l.“ Of 'mhcl'F. ho \VatS last at Antlm'smnillv. ' Hut. there was no mention made of ? him. no Sign by which she could tell Hu‘tho-z' he still lived, or had long m» been relieved irom sufl'oting- .‘urly next day she heard that. Matâ€" tio- 'l‘nlilis had received a telegram from Tom, who would soon be at home. while later in the day Bell Cameron came . round to say that IBM» was living. but. had lost his right arm, and was otherwise badly crippled. It. never occurred to Helen to ask if this would make a diner- once. Sh: only Maud Bell fondly, rejoicing at her good tortuno, and hi . yus, Norris. you will not I Hl'Vvl' law-d \Vill‘m'd, for )‘o-sf I (lid. Nm vxm-tlyas uvo lmml ynu, hm] you First, but I lonl him. and m}.- with him, fur if thvro - clouds, his dying; swept ( H \"W l’ XLIX. ‘\\| h :(i hit? V -! fl haunt": $1?“ j " muh‘ur-m-Q to “ch :2: u n' 50 month 1 upnn 11m. Katjf'fi hvtrmha L. is, I told u ever loved 1y Unv, fur. was hupphr 7.111;“. 31153 hoping W :11! "it was preposterous to suppose. Bob would ex ect it," Juno said, am while the mother admitted that it 1'9" was a most unfortunate affair. as ‘ “09‘ indeed the whole war had proved. clue For her part she sometimes wished hop the North had let the So *th go qui- hen etly, as they wanted to. and so saved "N thousands of lives, and prevented the a“: u ples and negroes, and calls for more ‘ he men and money. 0!! the whole. she W31 doubted the propriety of prolonging NO the war; and she certainly doubted the the propriety of giving her daughter ” to a crippie. There was Arthur Grey ' tell who had lately been so attentive: he. 111" was a wealthier man than Lieuten» ant Bob, and if Bell had any disme- i 0!“ tion she Would take him in prefer-euro ’ V0! to a disfigured soldier. } he: Such w .8 the purport of Mrs. (‘am- i 110‘ I ' eron's'rf'marks, to which her h'Islmud . m" listened, his eyes blazing with liaw- g “'0 aion. which. the moment she finished. 1 We burst forth in a storm of oaths and I '1“ i to invertives against what. with his pet . udicrtivo, he called her “Copperhead ' C01 1.!i'inciples,” denouncing horns a trait-i W? 5or. reproaching her for the (-rueity an !whi('h “'(Hlltl separate her daughter 191 ifrom Hubert Reynolds, liez'nuse he ‘ hi! i had lost, an arm in the service of his ' go country; and then turning fiercely to 0‘ . Hell with the words: I in: LU ‘ After this no more was sum 10 i Bell, who, the moment, she hmu'd Bah twa. at honlc, wont, to his father's I house and uskrd to $00 hhn. ‘ 110 was shnqfing “Wum shv nnhwod 1 his ronxu; a1”! pushing;lu|ck tho hour I; vy curtain, so than tin-Jig‘nl \vmald I {£111 111(»r12 (Jinn-c:.l§' il|)()ll lxixnx, ..l s. ! Ih-ymflds Wont out. and lvft her alone. . ‘ “But it. isn't. or he shall or She is of age. self.” -a\u.n And she did speak, lht- nohlc hm'oic girl, who haul listened with hitter acorn, to what hor mother and sis- ter said. and who now, with quiw-r- ink nostrils, and voice hoarse with emotion. answered slowly and im- pressively: “I would marry Lioutmmnl Reyn- olds if he haul only his ours h-ft to hear me tell him how “Huh I love and honor him! Arthur (:rvy! llnn’t talk to me of him! tho rmw-n ('uw- ard, who sWoro ho \Vus fifty tn uvuid the draft." “ A- With a homing; hmrt sno smuu looking at his hullmv vyvs. his sunk- (‘n (11ch, his short. dry hair, and thick gray skin. but (lid nut. think of his arm. until sho glaunml at, the, wn'l. when. hung a lurgr-sixcd photo- graph, taken in NH Hn’n‘urw, tho lam! tinw lw was at hmxw, and in “'1th his \Vcllvdt-Volmwd [ig'nrn show- ed tn growl auhfintugg (.‘(mld it, be \hat the \u'w'k lwforo hur had ever lwcn as fut] m" lifv and Vigor as the A..-“ that the ner lwforo hM' had ever' Iwcn as fut] of lift! and Vigor as the picture would indicate, and was that. arm which hold the sword several from the body. and left a token of tho murderous Wu "'3' ' "Poor “oh? how )nlhh he must haw» snfimvd," .shc \t‘hiszps-rvd. and kneeling down lwsido him sho hid hvr {are in her hands, Weeping; hittr-r tears (or hq-r armless hero. The motion awakened Robert. who gazed {or a moment in surprise at the kneeling, sobbing nmidr-n; thvn when sure it was she, raised himself in hm}, and (are Pull] could look up, two arms, one quite as strong as tho other, were wound around her neck. m! her hnad was l‘villowed upon tht- hrt-ust, which hl‘zu'ed with strong mnotions as tho soidior said: "My davrling,r Boil. you don't know how much good this nu-vting (1003 n]['! ’0 .1 He [\isscd 1101' many Linws, and Bvll (lid nut prvu'nt it, lull gun- him kiss aftm' kiss, t'cwn. still doubting: the (widmutu of hvr eyes. shv l-ll‘ luslu-d his clinging arms. and hulding lmlh his pour humls in laws, 1:qu Vont to it seem"! gmh m‘ t'ut's as sho said: “I am so gladâ€"ruin. so glad!" Then. as it ()ccurrvd to imr 11m he might perhaps misjudgn her, and put. a wrong (°()nstrm°tion upon her juy. she whim] Don’t think I can-u nu “pm... was mw‘ sorry a hit nu my (m'n av- count." Huh lnnkvd a “$17!! In "'i'thn‘vd :19 3‘0. rup‘icdi ”NPK‘PI' ‘.‘.’+“"‘ ‘~".' " '31!!! HU'H'I' curmlFâ€"l can 2-.rn:'.'a-?_\- WWW. Hint, "(‘3' surely your tours and invf-‘1‘ll3 emu- tions hvlio yum' words." Boll know hv haul not Hndvr'suuul her, and slu- said: “Your arm. Hubert. your arm. Wn heard that it was; out. ufl'. am! that you were nthm'wisv mutihxtmi.” “Uh. that's it, thou?" and 5mm»- thing li'w’ his old misvhit-Vnns smih‘ anmwrmi uhmit. I‘mh's mmzth as he “Wind: “'l‘hvy szu‘Pd my arms. um." and he tried to look very solmnn, "supposv l in” ynu that Hwy hark~~ ed ofi' lmth my logs, and if you murâ€" ‘ry me. you must Walk all your life. 4m tho side of wooden pins and ry me. yuu must, ways an 3"... .., bv the side at wooden puns and ,g!’ Cl'dtt'l‘Cb . Bell knew by the cur] uf his iip that; he was hum-mg her, and >110 sun-“new; ml lu‘wghiugly: ' “\‘(uwh'n pins and ('I'lehvs xvii} be‘ all the I'ur=i1iu1| when the “u! is«ncr. ----hal.'!;.:(':~' ()i hurml' (If which any \‘.'()-; 1mm might we pmud.” ' "\VeH, lie-H," he replied, “l mu{ afraid the":- is mnsuch hmmr in More! {02’ 3H); \Xiuj, fur if I 1' m‘ gr! INH'L" my strength and the flesh upun my; hum-:~. sht' mum. lathe mm with legs; and arms included. No! men a; swatch or wmtnzl of any kind \V'Ixhi “Huh '0 awaken synumlhy.” ; He appeared \my hright and (beerâ€" i In]: but, when after at n'umu'nt Hell; I asked fur Mark Hay, there vauuv a‘: { shadow (“or his fave. and with quivâ€"i el'ing Ii; 5 he tuid u lulu which} blanched Bell's cheek, and made her! ! shiu'r win: pain and dread us .she' thought 01' Ilelenvâ€"fur Mark was dead ‘ --shot down as he attempted to 05v cu: e from the train which took them from one prison to another. He Was ‘ always devising means of escape, sue-y ceeding several times. but was im» mediately captured and brought back or sent to some closer quarter, Ro- bert said; but his courage never de- serted him, or his spirits either. He was the life of them all, and by his presence kept many a poor fellow (tom dying of homesickness and de- spair. But be Was dead: there could when he gamed. hard the an wluch went whining after him. saw him a Thunonmopqndd,uvcnw MAM «our: hurts! to did not Cure for 1 think 1 Curvd Vfor you to say wheth- shull not have Bell. Let, her SIH'alk for her-- “301'? “'89 said 10 hvm't shn st and nlym‘”. Hubert. fux' myson. or (In my own ac- “HI-lilo wwâ€"â€"â€" â€"-_. , _ revolver: u it to make the (lath it deed doubly sure. Then a the troin : clocked it. speed. with a How. per- hops.totokethebodyonboord.hol heard the man who had reached lurk, and was bending over him. all out: “Go on, I’ll tend to him. the bullet went right through here." and! he turned the dead man's late to- wards the train, so all could see the blood pouring from the temple which the finger of tho ruflian touched. “()h, Helen! poor llclenl how can I tell her, when she loved him so much? ’ ' Dell bobbed. “You will do it better than any one else,” Bob said. "You will he very tender with her; and, Bell, tell , her, as some consolation, that he did ”not break with tho tn-utment. as : most of us wrutrhcs did; he kept up! 1 Wonderfullyâ€"said he was pvrfq-ctly‘ !_ Wellâ€"and, indeed. he lookvd so. TomI ? TUbl'lS. who was his shadow, clinging ‘ i, to him with wonderful fidelity, will I corroboratv ulna: l have said. lie 3 Was with us: he saw him, and only animal form proVoMod him from leaving from tlwc our and going to L hilll “‘lllrl‘v Iw to”. I shall anm- fur- . get his shrill, of agony an the sight of that blood-Shilllt‘tl fau‘v. turned an ,lnslunt. towards Us." "lmn't, don't?" lit-ll (‘riwl again; “I ram't. omlm'l- it'." and as Mrs. Reynolds mnu- in xlw lvi't her-luu-r . amtl sturtml i'm‘ Minx. llamlu-r's, mm-t- ' ing‘ on tlw Mops 'l'um 'l‘uhbs llllllHI'll, . who had t‘mnv on am vi'i'amd similar . to her own. I aurnealy towards him. luring his own is ”N0, llnhvl‘t, is just unm- l'rum 13 ”011'. “tic“, tan. did an HI “'0 ha! all Lh'lurnuuu ‘wsidmâ€"z admins own. Mark \x' No dmnhtuf it m' :1 strum: mmh~r clung s;;:.:\‘ :h«- max all" Hm”)- u . bx. that mm? ugnm the “ME \kldC'n slwn .1m in}; him 2-0;: hizzht 5101'!!! f and hurrying: to ho dis-.1141: m si-n hm [40“. n‘ in til nf h 'Hh' twm'n him and ms haul sum-d lu me Hm. Wnuld «(uninz'L And it did ¢ thod up at 1 09:5 :HHI ”1qu Was Xhoro I trial. and it was thorn trial, and mugnitmh‘ MILH‘.“ “1 in! vl‘y' And it did ('mnfM'l. 1‘. thod up :11 “Av clvm' \'.‘-:. [ms :md thmug‘ht than hr. WHS ero. It Was hm- h'iul, and it rmshw! h-w mugnimdu. sn LII-M shv submit ul 02m". and Penny (EIU-(‘LHO agony htuko Hw 3 buy $001)]. “here the “‘1“ thrm‘uh she NH musing: m' um! mining Lisnw u; ."\ 1m" of hair which from 1M Prism: haul ruuw tn hm'. :m “w husband so dnufly !:~\¢~ '3' mmn‘nud. Hux'.‘ twin! 2‘ ‘Jw :‘i4'h ‘v'vuv' "1'0 H‘Hh“ hwy haul t IN hwv "\ sUH "I' :1 H'uH/A' in purl 7.!w SKIN”. whirl) luv! warn so an“: 2‘: “H‘s: z\.\'~'t‘.‘\'- 1 “US s'i'u'm' 4:1 ur (h'vulmnl (‘f hi'n‘ Flt. ef "a than :«zhv might. so as In «Win her mind, if pussilflc, tlw 1.4-1 the prostrate torm upon nu damp field, and the Mm,” ,~.- fare turned in Us mortal ug-w «hunk-r n the l fave turned in its mount up Wards the southern sky and 1 lesa foe above it. So shw aha; him. shuddering as shv \mmi \h- for had hurivd him due! loft his 1.01105 to blend) Hum 1 plain. fm‘ml I!‘ ought m h« um his head :‘isnn. and l4 J! (On Who h Bird: In India. Legends. 1 All primitive people regard the bird ' t‘s‘. s:;.:wi:1lly wise and favored. Living i in :1“! air. he is regarded as exercising ; Munro] over atmospheric phenomena. ; H 1::1'. knowing so well his own migra {1| 1 seasons. the indians observe his ahts as foreboding ill or good to w“â€" H) high as to be out of human vision uni carries a fresh water lake on his back. so that when he plumes himself it rains. when he winks his bright eye! it lightens. when he flaps his wing! thunder rolls. The Alaskans hold much IS m -wâ€"â€" . 1‘he “lions believe that the dove nun-ies the souls of the departed hence. 'i‘lw Dakotas say the storm bird dwell! the bird.‘ uml v 131mg them all the eagle ll milk”. brave. uplrlnx. the symbol of their wet-don for apparent run-one. The kwumlooetoeervehuhmtb JUN VI" km-w ht ‘r \\‘n1t"'.‘ mm l storm In hurrying: d p dis-3.1mm}. hmoly Hm. t throng}! {h Hvlvn H s, An'u-x- t mam} \V (“II all!!! md W53 in that Ind 1 (I (i H“ 1m 81; rm: rattan.) lh r‘mang to her mother- hv laid down her book \Vv'd'an Bell, detecting :imticm in her mznmor, shv hm! bad news from is at homv: 1 have 1 wow. and hu told me .11: um huu it‘Pâ€"Murk 1“in us he juunud 1 1‘. im: him tn .mut'm'r >11“ i1 um. know NH: (ii (l |I| 1H- unfit hv salt" H hm UH \\' he: \V H'H 1d 314 s H 0 IN": 4‘. for “Led m [10 l! m d 1H 1i l'( u N n th HHI the “thunder- I have M NH uuld l‘w rmu‘i‘y 2w. Hw “'31 H “S (I hu H. d?- {mm rum! 1f EPumpe. "0|- life. long; c'l \. )5 su u 'I \‘d Ill. ~ fr me m h H (I 1-111 1H M‘- IU- \V UI' ill ('3) d 49““ “ Nww PUMPS AND Hummus Dam. CURB, BECK?!“ PRESSC U83 - 1., -‘-- ALL Won: GUARANTEED at “Live an! are open ‘0 those who can Properly prcm- ms stuclmm fur good positions. I FANONR BY MA". in Bookkeepim'. Shortlmnd. Penman- ship. etc” are given to Hume WIm cannot aflvm‘ mnr sohml This annexe is well knnwn (mm mm and nf Canada (a We nflner for its sh‘ir‘fly first class \mrk. Circular.» fmo. GRAND PRIZE AND GOLD I‘DOL PARIS IXPOSITION. 1.00. (The fluted Avail.) 'l‘ho Hnud Cream Sepnrtzor TAKES ONE THIRD I‘m Pom Practical Watchmaker. 1‘" Thirty Years Experience. vv-u’ â€"-â€" - _. - wELLs. Allomérémken M u... old at... near McGowau's Mill will he pmmptlybt traded to. [BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CU.- l'OMERS and the public in arm-ml “It! I am prepared m humid: Most. efiiciemiy neonates the II est quantity in the lent time, and MOST SIMPLE AND DURABT let live" PRICES. Makes Ono-fifth More and BMW. Lou no more money. or write at can. '0 STRATI‘URD. ONTAmn ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL . GORDON Soc the Snaps in Watches we ofl'er. GEORGE WHITMORI. -- ~§~$~0 fin '2 am

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