West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Mar 1903, p. 3

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An interesting event of which we were all pleased to hear took place last Tuesday in Toronto, being the marriage of Miss Mary Baird to Mr. obert Coleman at the Parsonage by the Rev. Dr. Sparling at R p.m.. and at the conclusion of the knotty ceremony drove to 104 Robert street where a reception was held. The bride looked charming in a dress of louisine silk trimmed with all-over lace and large madilions of lace with a white silk sash and carried a large boquet of white roses, car- nations and lilly-of-the-valley. and wore in her hair lilly‘of-the-valley and simlax. Ber travelling suit was of navy blue. The hapDY couple left to spend their honeymoon with Cbatham friends and will also visit other parts before returning to their new home in Winnipeg, where the best wishes of all in this part as well: as their many other friends. will be‘i with them for a happy and usefull life. Althougbt times seemed 1 little dull Mound here last week, there being only three pertieeâ€"Oueburn’e Adam’- and Jim Eden’s, they bid (are to be more lively tbie week. Mr and Mrs. Robt. Bubour spent an anxious time In: week as their. only child lny sick with infltmmnion of the lungs. At the time of writ- ing he is recovering. Mr. B. N. Wilder is 11 week from the school In Proton. when be In: Sc ployment for the summer A little daughter was born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam Chapman last Tuesday, but it is in frnil health and any not have come to stay. Mr. Wm. Methewe Opened the Den- Ion of wood-cutting been for his neighborhood lest Wednesday, end they will continue that sort of thing up there until the plough start... The pluck gnd enterpriu of the rising generation is worthy of ad. mirat‘on. A woo laddio was over here! om Vuney lust week looking {or a house to rent. and 18 a maul: of i: we any In" a marriage native (or our next budget. Mrs. J». Allan and her son, Lorn, were in Toronto attonding the wed- ding of Mils May Baird loot Wed nuday. Mrs. Ju. McMeoken returned home from Hapwarth on Saturday u hate she was visiting her daughter. There hee been e lot of Grip and grip medicine going {01' the past week amongst the old chops. and al- though the medicine leaves them bright end highly convereetional, it Ilene them etegger on their feet. In eome o! the neighboring schools tinge ere hei 3 held by the an. Although we heve not yet ‘e correct report '0! the pro" I " 'I @mmaxxmx. fir r3?“ C ORN ER CON CERNS. ‘;Q%Q®Q%Q“>Ofl>®‘>0%$% moving this residonce to secured em- All who have not known that if ninety per cent. discount was taken from all evil and sensational reports not one grain of truth would be lost, must be somewhat convinced of the feet now. The big sensation of the past two weeks that some one had stolen thirty cups from the borrowed basket in the school house at noon- (lay, and the almost frantic efforts of the suspected one to prove her- self innocent was turned into the clearest evidence of her guilt. Now that we have all to eat humble pie by taking exactly 100 per cent. from the widely circulated report it has caused some to suggest that possibly many another woman who has slipped from the path of virtue. or been supposed to have, though their efiorts from the time was for all that is good and pure and to again redeem themselves, may just as surely have been turned into ad-l verse critism. ‘ Sed, eudden and unexpected we, the newe conteined in a. telegram t \lr‘ Allen Black ennonnoing the death of his eecond youngest .son, Johnnie. from emellpox. et Spregue, Man. He bed peesed his 17th birth~ day and left home leet June, work- ing for n time neer Niegere Fella, hut es the rush come for the leni- tohe herveet he too deported for the Welt‘ where he worked [or hie nnele et Germ until the cold Mr. Goo. Tucker’s cosy new house now contains I. new Boll organ re. coolly purchased from Jackson 31-03.. of Markdalo Min Maude, who has been uking u course of louona from Professor Dundu, will be the muni. pnlotor. Io o’er long "not music will be hand issuing from his capocious porlor. Mrs. Welter Enright and her two bright little sons, Melville end For- est. hsving been visiting st the farmer’s mother, Mrs. Petrick Neil, of the 5th Gen. Forest. the younger of the two boys, hse been quits ill of lste from the result of a severe cold which eflected his lungs. Mr. Lorn Allan legvoo non Tun- dy for Raging, N. W. T. A social gathering in his honor is to be held this Tuesday night in his home. We all wish him ancceu. Negotiations are in progress for the purchase of some farms in this part which show a decided raise in the price of land. Mr. Robt. Mead has been engaged in hauling lumber to Mt. Forest for the past week. Prices down there are right. ceodings, we understand their motive is to memoralize the Govern- ment not to give any more land grant: or subsidies to railroad schemes. 51‘: T31 X‘I‘I‘I ‘22?! 1111311 X315191‘1".filfl‘fif‘l‘fl'fil‘fi?I'I‘Ifflf‘mrfllvblu _â€"â€"â€"â€"-__â€"_.___________ POMONA . Now is the Time for Bargains. B0! wnnted to learn printing. Apply :4 gm. oflco. We have no thought of trespusing on the domains of the cspeble end spicy Centre correspondent, but we were wondering whet Johnnie B.’s reflections were as he climbed the long hill on his return journey after the sooieble and enjoyable evening petty et the hospiteble home of Mr. end Mrs. John G. Beeton. Could his thoughts hove been plsced in the cup thet the young lady wee so snxioue to hove reed sfter tee they would heve mode on admirable couplet. No doubt Willie is looking for his nuns in printer’s in]: also. but gs_he end she are youthful and b.3111]. we’ll drop thém any this ti o. .' A new bridge is to be built this coming summer crossing the Rocky Suugeen on the 10th and 11th Con- cessions. Reeve McFadden and Councillor Arrowsmith were out there on Thursday of last week had let the contract of erecting abut- mente, two in number, to be com- posed of cedar on which the new trues bridge will rest. The job was knocked down to Mr. R McDonald at 390. the council to provide the timber, as Mr. McFadden first tried to let it so that the contractor would furnish the meteriel for the shut- mente, but 8300 wee as low as he could pull it down, I0 that could not be entertained I0 he tried the other plan with the result es above. Mr. Ferelly, of Normenby will build the bridge efter the :ebutmente ere erected, end eimiler to the Pomona So the Gambol correSpondent in- timates that we Pomonaitee are {and of jigging or in other words tripping the light fantastic. We anppoae we will have to admit the corn as our poetieal and gambling (Gamboling) education was neglected, so we must try and make it up some other way. weather set in when he took a posi- 'tiou as assistant cook in a lumber a . . . . scam}: 1;)0 nules from Winnipeg. i'l‘he first news of his illness received ’bv his parents was by wire and said: ” Your eon, Johnnie, very low. lSIIMtllpfiX, look for worst, ” {wimved {quit-kl» by a second telew ,- :m of his idea: h on the 27th ult. .1 my boys do not renunnher their giurunts hizt ltangihle way after lt'“i\ nghome. but it was otherwise with. Johnnie {or he sent his father Sade with a promise of there Vvh never needed. lie' wrote a lett‘ . home dated Feb. 18th, but it did not arrive until after his death. His remains were interred at Sprugue, Mam, there to await. the resurrection summons, for whether laid to rest at home or abroad, ‘° the earth ii the Lord’s and the fullness thereof,” and we leave it to Him who atilled the waters on the lake of Gelilee'to soothe the broken hearted I l parent; l m Lanazamamfimmappmfimxrmxwmunmmuammmmmxmnrr E m ~â€" L We were sorry to beer thet Mrs. Thee. Allen slipped end fell on the ice on Monday hurting her side. We hepe she will soon be eronnd eggin. Mr. and Mrs. C. thd visited 3t John Ctr-on’s in Durham one day lut week. Nellie thd is home this week nursing stud cold. Hope she will soon be well agsin. Mien Annie Neil, of Mt. Forest, is visiting her uncle and ennt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morrison, at present. Mr. Wm. Eden and his eon-in-lew,‘ Mr. George Smell. from Arthur vill- nge. visited the farmer’s brother. Robert J. Eden, end other reletivee in Verney on Snndey end Monday. Jake Ymdt had a. wood has on Fridq md a. dtnca u nig' Mrs. Hibbnrn wu the “East of her brather. Geo. Morrison, on Thursday tnd Friduy. George Morrison’s little daughter, Rose. in etill under the doctor’s cure. We hope to beer of her speedy re- covery. The Misses Wolfe. from Durham, visited Mrs. Hey one day last week. Mr. Geo. Spence. from Egremont, celled on J es. Boy on Friday lest. John Mchmon purchued a cow from Nolnon Eden on Sum-day. Cutting ice in full swing. The champion cutters are Mr. Hay and Rob Gadd. Melvin got acool bath on Friday. but is none the worse for his dip. Miss Lizzie McArthur arrived home from Toronto the other day and looks as if city life agreed with her. Dr. W. D. Staples. of Hanover. visited his brother. George, here. over Sunday. Mr. John Edge, of Aberdeen. is en- gaged with Mr. Dan Edge for the summer months. Mr. Jas. Paton, the well-known horseman. of Swinton Park, passed through this way lasr week. Mr. P. G Morrison is away to take up a lucrative situation in a drug store in Prescott. , Messrs 'l‘hos. Greenwood and Wm. Ritchie attended Mr. A. Brigham’s sale at Allan Park last Wednesday. Mrs. Andrew McGirr, from near Durham. has been visiting friends in this locality for the past week. Mr. Mche, from near Owen Sound, has come to reside with his siszer, Mrs. Hugh McFayden. Miss Lily Gardiner, of Mt. Forest, is visiting at Mr. Dan Greenwood’s as present. Intended for last week. -9â€"-.0.0 Intended fur last week EDGE HILL. VARNEY. "1,6. ‘J. Mckechnie. A Happy New Year. A new pair of 811008, a new Suit of Clothes, or afinew Hat, such as you will get at N., G. J. Mc- Kechnies’, will make the heginning of 1903 Happy to All. A large stock of Crockery Up stairs. Call and examine our line. THE POPULAR 018i! STORE. %O%Q%Q%Q%0%Q%Q%Q% THE POPULAR CASH ST ORE. Moved

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