West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Mar 1903, p. 7

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D “(lntvres Block Lowernl'own Dur- ham. Collection: and Agency promptly “tended to. Searches made at the Regis- trv ()tfica D Uflice over-Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Luwer Town, Durham. Anyamount of money to loan at 5 per cent. on farm property. reasonable borrower. the Bank ). the Durham Pharmacy. Calder’s Block. Residence-Lambtuu Street, near “)6 Station W. 0. Pickering, L.D.S., L.D.S. t) University; Graduate of Royal College nt' Dental Surgeons nf_().ntario. Roomsâ€"Calder Block. over Post Uthce. 1 rice over McLachlan’s store. Ofiice hours, 8 to 10 a. m.. 2 to 4 p. m. and 7 to9 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of wmnen and children. Residence op- pusite Presbyterian Church. “a, van ancers. Etc. Money to Loan. (es: Hunter‘s Vow Block apposite the Chrunicle (mic-e. A. C. MACKM. K. C. W. F. Dims. er. meeymwer, etc. Private money to loan. Old accounts and debts of all kinds vollected 'uu commission. Farms bought and snld. Insurance Agent, etc. Ofliceâ€"MacKenzie’s Old Stand, Lower Town. Durham. Uut. ' A. H. Jackson. 1UTA RY P L' BLIU. CO M MISSION- .L er. L‘uuveyam-er. etc. Private money 0’ Marriage Licenses. Durham. Ont. UGH MACKAY. DURHA M, Land'Yaluamr and Licensed Auction- oor for the Emmy 0: Grey. Sales promptly attended Yu and notes cashed. 1'1 ians and Surgeons, Ontario. Ofiice hoursvtuma. m.. 2 t0 4 p m. Residence and office. Old Hank buildings. Upper Town. Durham. Telephone No. 10. )HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- tim over Mclmchlan’s store. Office Am-tiunwr frr the County of Gray. 8.11“ prumpfh' “tended ‘0. 0." fi‘ '3‘ maiden-us or write In Allan Purl: P. O. Oder: may be left at the lemnicle ofice. DOPTED BY ALL LEADING Schcmls in Toronto. Thi-I deservedly puphlar M'stem by means of chart. drills, blackboard diagrams and other interesting device? hiings the folluwing topics within the child’s immediate comprehension : M U eased Auctioneer for the County 0! Grey. Land Valnator, Bailifi“ of the 2nd Divasiuu. {Tour} Sales 1951 a_'| other matters slmrt distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lambtnn Street. Lower Town, Durham. Office hmm frum 12 to 2 o’clock. Musical Noutiun. Rhythmical Motion. Technique Key-board Locitiou. Musical Emory, Piano Work. Drs. Jamieson Macdonald THE JOB : : DEPARTHENT ”dinzly Tammie-m 3‘ " F Ol’ Sale,“ ecu-~30 can (at each subsequent insert M! alvcrtimnu 0:ch bl‘ in advance. Contract nun for yrmly Qplicalign [0 “19 office. '1’! All advert'mc ne m, to on week, should be brought m a.. acume- Menu!) 13.00 pet umum. Iivccuom m” bep i comm; ly 'lrarzp «fie promptljr attended tn. Hmhest Margie. ‘urnished if required. ‘D'ER “3th * RATES. WI"!!! “- CHme-a win be ,m m gddrcm, {are at. phage, {or Slum. K.o_ “IE8 a o o o year,p.s;.;. .1" itIQV‘AJICC-‘SI.50‘:. m charted if not so p1: . Lu: mm: t") \v.'; 3.. in charged it not so pu'F ”Nfipgion b aid is dc uidress label. 0 pm r-r we. paid. except a: the J..': "IIV THURSDAY MORNING CI MOHNOLI "llTllc HOUSE. RAWIAXA 37?)” HIE flllfiiiftifi Bflfiflfllflu For urns apply t3 AMES BROWN. ISSUER OF lacKay h‘Dunn. ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- 'flws CARSON, DURHAM, LIC. J. P. Telford. ARRIS'I‘ER, SOLICITOK. ETC 6. Lefroy McCaul. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. FITCH-”FIRST DOOR EAST OF A RRIS’I‘BR, NOTARY, cox VEY- ancer,Eto., Etc. Money to Loan at ammble rates, and 0:; terms to suit rgwey. Utfice. McIntyre Block (Over l. G. Hutton, GBEH'I‘ BRIG HAM . LICENSED ONOR GRADUATE 0F TORON- FFICE AND RESIDENCE A .‘ording facilities work B M BER COLL EG E PHYSIC- Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. Myer's Music Method. Enmm AND Pnopmmou. Arthur Gun, M. D. Madiml Directory. Dental Dz'reciorv. w. 8. Davidson. Legal Dircclorv. Miswllanmus. 'or trans I3 fi'uLtSfll‘D llla’nc M188 MA 30431:? Gun. Tasha I. I. ll. I: completely stocked win all NEW TYPE. thus a‘ (or turning out ("first cu..- advertise Hi It inflation in curve ‘3' ‘bifl .‘u5 .‘t'1 1|an '9 U l‘ fl IOi "Hint System of Treatment for the cure of Consumption, Pulmonary Troubles, Catarrh, General Debility, and nearly all the ills of life, is medicine reduced to an exact science by the world’s foremost specialist, By its timely Ilse thousands of apparently hopeless cases have been pegnanently‘cpred. A _ 4 _ _ -A EOHSUMPTIOI BAH BE (HIRED The Bmfilsion of Cod Liver Oil is needed by some, the Tonic by The honor of thus effectively arresting the progress of this fatal malady rests with the wonderful system of treatment which has been reduced to an exact science for the cure of Consumption and for the cure of Catarrh and other prevalent conditions which pave the way for Con- sumptionâ€"that successful method evolved by America's greatest sciemific physician, Dr. T. A. Slocum. whose great liberality, through his Free Trial Treatment, sent broadcast throughout this broad land, has contributed most to the- rout of the most Nu otlwr nmdinine ever received such‘ overwhelming endorsation from the women of Canada. The Slocum Treatment consists of four I Simply write to the T. A. Slocum Chemi- distinct remedies for the cure of Con- cal Company, Limited, 179 King Street sumptlon, Weak Lungs, Bronchitis, West. Toronto, giving post office and Csterrll, end all pulmonary end waste express address, and the free medicine Ill: diseases, and is based u principles (the Slocum Cure) will be promptly sent. essential to the correction' function, the Persons in Canada seeing Slocum's.l'ree rebuilding of the tissues, theoverthrow of ofl'er in American papers will please send His FreeSystem of Treatment has arrested the hand of death in the cases of thousands of consumptives and has pre- vented the disease in countless instances. and the poisons whivh these organs shank] filter out of the blood are oirvulating through the systh and nmking havoc with Hm health. potent agency in the destruction of human life in this hemisphere. ”female complaint.” Nine cases out of ten the kidneys are at fault, There are so many women suffer- ing from backache, headache, drag- ging pain in the loins, and weary, worn-nut feelings, who attribute all their tumbles to same form of Dr. Pitcher’s Backache Kidney Tablets the Most Suc- cessful Treatment of Kidney AiIments That Cause Women Untold Suffering. Kidney Troubles of Women. AT BOTTOM EDITOR’S NOTEâ€"The Slocum THE FREE TRIAL A bird cannot fly through as small a hole as it can crawl through. so Page Poultry Netting is made with small meshes at bottom and large at tog). No. 12 gauge wire top and bottomâ€"no sag. Get age fences and gatesâ€"they’re best. The Page Wire Fence 60.. Limited, Walkorvine, Ont. Montreal, P.Q., and at. John. N.B. 8 page Acme poultry Netting others, the Expectorant by others, the OXOjell by others still, and all four, or any three, or two, or any one, may be med singly or in com- bination, according to the needs of the case. Full instructions with each set of four free remedies illustrated here. Our readers are urged to take advantage of Dr. Slocun’s generous offer. lishment of health in all the departments of the human body. The four eparations embody all the necessary cements of a complete treat- ment for Consumptionâ€"its cure and pre- ventlonâ€"as' well as for most of the chronic and wasting ills of life. Apparently hope- lesgcasee are cured by their timely use. These free remedies comprise the great curative forces discovered by the emi- nent physician, Dr. Slocum, they represent the acme of the pharmacist's skill and with them will befound explicit directions for-their use in any case. the Four Free Preparations will be for- warded you at once with complete direc- tions for use. ' J Simply write to the T. A. Siocum Chemi- cal Company, Limited, 179 King Street West. Toronto, giving post office and enprggs eddiesst ant-i. the free medicine You are ini'ited'to test what this system will do for ion. if you are sick. bx‘yvjting" will do for vou. if on are sick, b writing for a FREE TRI L TREATM NT and Mrs. John \Viseman, Vdelmm Street, St. Mary’s, Ont... says: “ During a recent sharp attack of lumbago, due to exposure tn cold. I used Dr. Pitchcr’s Bzwkzwhe Kidm-y Tablets with (-nmplete relief. I (lid not 93:" the entire bottle. which speaks well for flu i; ability to cure backache kidney troubles. " “For some time I suffered m1. :1 good deal of backache and kidnvy H'Ulll)]('.1.£‘.d with a severe headache whirh 11111011111111 to 0w worm". I heard of tho many (12:11:; E. Pitchcr’s 811111.111“ Kidm": TM 31 is were making and (11181111111911 to t: 5 1.1 :21 I 11110111er :1 bottle from our drngrgim '.l.1. 1’. \I. Dunham, and they acted ~pi11:1111 is, stopping the backache 111111 11011111111211 .111] curing the kidney complaint. I st 11113115 recommend thws'c Tablets toany one 31 '211‘ in" as I did. ” B‘CKACHE IND HEADACHE. Mrs. A. Craigie, Lighthouse Flux-t, GtX!(_'f’i('h, Ontq‘ relates hgr cmx-rit-zwcz V‘Aft-er enjoying the most perfect health for many years it was a .‘Ll't' trial for me to realize that my health was failing. I had, in the first place, acute pains in the small of my back, and was losing flesh rapidly. Then other complications :U'le‘, which so weakened me t lat it Was only with the greatest amount of determinaticn that I could attend to my work. I mind a number of remedies and consulted sever a} physicians without obtaining more than temporar relief, and as a last resort. I thought would try Dr. Pitcher’s Btu-k. ache Kidney Tablets. Their beneficial action was almost instantaneous, and tie results highly gratifi. ing. The pain in n \ hack disappeared in a short (51110, and n-K general health improved greatly. I mi' now feeling fine, and am glad to have this opportunity of expressing my appreciatic_,=n of so valuable a remedy.” IS I “81’ RESOI'. Mrs. May thdard, 332 Adelaide Shea. VVesb, Toronto, whose portrait appears on the omnsite column, speaks in the follow- mg: terms : geen. Bht Excelsior’s the watchword in Durham to day. Since tlhey’ve got marl they’re boring tor c sky. And expect that unless the promoter':: an us, They will soon get to rock and than natural Is told by impure blood, poor di’w- tion. sluggish liver and tired ner as It is a warning of very seriom- thlll)16 ahead, and should prompt sensible people to take a brecing tonic like Ferrozone, end energetic invigorant and rebuilder. Ferrozouo will give you e sherp eppetite. pro mote good digestion end sound sleep; it will feed and energize the enfeeblrd again, strengthen the nerve and vital lorcee end retulete the been Ferrozone chenges thet tired feeling into vigor. strength end embitiou. end does it quickly Remember the innate. end insist on heving on!) B‘snuozoxn; it’s the best tonic mede. Price 50c. per box. or 6 boxes for 82.50. at Druggists. or N. 0. Poison Co, Kingston. Ont. A motion was introduced in Inger- soll Council recommending the com- missioners to grant no new licenses to botelkeepers who had been guilty of any violation during the Van Only the mover ond seconder sup- ported it. When “Annen who cleanliness make quite a la . Find their washday's a misery they screea-h and get magi. And fervently msh such things had ne'el been AI cement mills put up by the noble San When gh‘iégoal is reached it is greatly de- mr 'I‘hat tfileedborers may not to the heavens be I' . As then” on the _surface mixed with that ffbm the rock May tesult when combined in a terrible shock. I) T1" "" ins: apacen A great emxgratlon no doubt will take place. For tggether they’ll raise such a terrible ume That the glzumblers will move for the wire ,_ _ â€"v_ v--- , v v to uiike rodm. If fresh air without smoke us “but you do- sire, You must_get 30 a place where you've no Dr. 'I‘urnbull, of Goderich. recent Iv took a dose at chloroform and salts. but. in mixing the preparation pome'd in too much of the former. It. took the combined oflorts of all the medi- k-al men of Goderich and his Wife~ to sub his life.‘ true. You can’t. have your cake and eat it up tun So those city builders must bear it in mind. That cement mills to raise quite a smukr are inclined. Whenpement mills and gas wells get work r""' ""' d"' " "‘ need for tire. For fire without smoke to raise power and steal. Will never build a city along the Saugeeu. Thcy mustclose up their dour s and “imhm quite tight Whit h at noon makes their dwellings as dark as midnight. I he water in wells and cisterns is blat. -,k To Egyp tian darkness they think thex’ ve gune back There's a saying quite old, but mrfectly Saugeeu. When this project was first, brought tn Durham folks’ vimv, They were wild with delightâ€"it was suuu - thing quite new. It would build up a city, the like was nwu‘ seen As this city they’d raise an the river San gee". The business is now running lively and well, And the grumblers are starting tlgeir atur) m to”. 'l‘heysax e\'ery_tlniug’s black with emukv. - cin'ders add grime. . And declare that, they’re havmg a h a “me. In the old town of Durham is now to be men A group of strange buildings and mud smnke and steam. 'l‘here cement it isa madea inb not we: - _~â€" ‘v ~wviv‘.‘ I. "'u I." I- clean. Such \_vnrk never betore was done on \Ve hear that a large number .f [lu- young men from the South Lim Artemesia. are leaving,' in a few days for Montana. U. S. This does up look very much like good timrs 21) this section of the country. When 'lw best of the rising generation are 30 ing to the U. 8. to better their con dition. there il somsthing radii“ la wronp‘r somewhere. The farm. r~ complain they cannot get enoug' men to do their work, and still on young farmers are leaving the com try in large numbers every Spring. Query, what is the reason? ls Cm.- mla not good enough for Canadians? Mr. Alex. D. McLeod. our sawmill man. is busy taking in logs at pH s~ em. and as he can now turn om lumber second to none, he is bound to be ahead in ohomving also. He has just received a first class up-t-J- date Plate chop mill. which he is m w getting put in ordcr for running. and will shorily ha able to turnout as many bags of chop in an hour as 1le customers can bring along, and first class sfyle. Mr. Chas. Tryon, of Nonhfiel-i Minn , U. 8.. is at present on a visa? at the parental home here. He 100!» as if his sojourn amongs: the Yanks has agreed with him. His mum friends here “an: him a hearty \Vc-L come on his return. Mr. Bvrt Patton. who has Jim finished a busy season at his tradv. bricklau ing, in and around Bramitu. , visited Friceville for u short tint. and ielt last week to take a aux months’ course in one of the best Business Colleges in Toronto. Very little of any importance M uy regarding any thing of iurea. s to our readers has happened her: bf Inte. Now there is a little more an! we hasten to chronicle the same ”OHM-o- The Story of Morning Tiredness. Smoke In Durham. PRICEVILLE. ii ”It The walking sick, 11 hat a crowd of them there are: t: Persons who are thin and 1 weak but not sick enough ito go to bed. i The Agent, SEED .DRILLSâ€"Our New No. 4 is the most complete Seeding Machine ever invented. This Drill is securely covered by Canadian Patents which are controlled by Massey-Harris Co.,Toronto CULTIVATORSâ€"-\Vith or wi Y .‘m u t Seeding attachuwnts for two or three horses. M \S§ EY-HARRIS SHO‘V ROOMS HARROWS» All kinds: Diamond, Ossolating. Spring'l‘uoth, and Disc Barrows. There’s new strength and flesh in every dose. Scott’s Emulsion can be taken as longr as sickness lasts and do good all the time. PLOWS-d Scott’s Emulsion gets thin and weak persons out of the rut. It makes new, rich blood, strengthens the nerves and gives appetite for ordinary food. EPPHINU ES EUWM It makes new flesh and gives new life to the weak system. To st0p the continued loss Of flesh they need Scott’s Emulsion. For the feeling of weakness they need Scott’s Emulsion. “Chronic cases” that‘s what the doctors call them, which in common English meansâ€"long sickness. ALL KINDS of business deals negoti. ated quietly and carefully. 2:: years experience. “ Always prnmpt. never negligent.” Debts Collected. no charge if no money made. Moneyto Loan at very low rates. The Malcolm Cameron 100 acres above Durham on Garafraxa Road. H. H. MILLER Luck Duvet fl. HANOVER. .ON'I‘, The T. “.0 Stem Farm, 10! 16. (won W. (LR Bentjnck. “I!“ re: nith about an cleared frame home and other buildings. Said to have a lot «of fine lurduond timber. 1m Acres in Bentinck, in excellent Hate of cultivation. good building‘s and fences. good soil. school and church close at hand. Post office on the farm. Owner getting up in years and bound to sell. OFFERS FOR NOTHING 1Hue Fits! Chance to Buy: Hanover Conveyancer H. H.Miller . . . Call and see our Spring Lines all set up ready to work at the West of Midduugh House Stables JflHN LIVINGSTON And More Farm Im- plements \Vzmtml. 'Su-Smglr. '1‘\ Riding Pious. We will be glad to send you a few doses free. Be sure that this picture 5 the form of a label a on the wraprer of every bottle of Emu sion you buy. Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. 50c. and SI. all drugglsb. SCOTT 6: BOWNB, THE â€" Durham. Ont. Two Farrow and ision you buy: :I paiI. White ()1: lllllA IpIIII1 s. .85 1-01 “ms 1 ac [1. 'Table Oil ( i1ItlI.4 I iII1 III 5 wi1ie,25 cm. 5 II I. .ud. ‘ Floor 0i! (10111.1 yard “Me, 25 cents II yard. F'lnor Oil Cloth, 2 \aI-ds w ide. 5) cent: It ymd 5A Fine line of American fire polished Ghaswam in l’mve Dishes. Cake Stands. Biscuit Jun. Fruit Bowls. Syrup 1m andGIus Tnble Sets u Ilka. 3513.. 401-. per set. large bar. Jockey Club and Medivatvd (‘arbnlic Soap 10¢. a cake or 3 for 251. Fine. Table Syrup in 5 1b.. 15 lb. and :5) 1!). Tina. Salada Ceylon Tea. Miami or Black. at 25. 30 and «Deena-3 3 lb. in lead Gem Toilet Soap 20. a cake at 3 for 5c. White'Castile and Guinea]. 11-. for a W. H. BEAN. Flanneletw Blankvts. 1mg.» sizv, $1.00 The Big4 nunâ€"pm {o furniéb New Pumps AND REPAIRS. Dam. Pumps. Shewell diljenahan FURNITURE Watches. PROMPT ATTENTION TO UN DERTAKING CURB, Raf-CURB, ; PRESSCURB wELL's. Allordardukcn n the old mn- nenr McGowuu's Mill will be promptly at minded to. IBEG LEAVE 'I‘O INFURM MY CUB~ I‘OMERQ gm} (ha. nublic in genera ant I .1. W03: GUARANI‘EED at “Live and let live" PRICES. “ IIe Sells Cheap.” puzkem. Call and See Us. of the. host makes DEPA R'l‘ M EN '1‘. A . GORDON For all kinds of See the Snaps in Watches “‘0 “Mar. GEORGE WHITMO“ Pi'u N in!) \V 9 WI] maker. TR Y

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