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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Mar 1903, p. 1

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BOY wanted to learn printing, apply at. this Oflice. XOTufE-«There will be a Song set. vice in the Baptist Church Sunday evening next. conducted by Mrs. Newton. P12111111: are talking of the bargains they got at H. II. Mockler’s clearing sale. He bought the stock at a low rate on the dollar and that’s how he can sell at less than wholesale prices. ..___- .â€"_‘~ A MEETING of the Directors of the Public Library is to be held in the Reading Room to- morrow, Friday evening ot eight o’clock, for trans- action of important business. COURCE Plow Boots were 81.40 now 79c at Mockler’s. BURNâ€"In Normanby, March 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Bi. Radburn, a son. GOLDEN Syrup. ‘20 lb pails 900. ‘10 lb pails 50c. at Gum’s. Bil". lot of new Dress Goods in the newest weaves at. Jes. Irelend’s. THIS is the season of the year than.t Peel’s Hand-made Boots should be worn, and so they are end will be. Tm: Commission has been appoint- ed and have decided that Theobald has the best goods at the lowest prices. ___.__ I’m: SALEâ€"At less than half their Aalue. a litter of pure bred Scotch Collie puppies. sired by Allie C. K. C. No. 56318, whelped by Rose U. K C. No. {unitâ€"F. PEEL. tf. GATHERED DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READERS. ‘ LITTLE Girls! You can get a new rain coat for 32.50 at Ireland’s. JAs. IRELAxn has received a large assortment of new spring Rainwants for men. women and children. Mnuxnav Orr-mm. at Ireland’s lridw and Saturday of next week Mar. 27th and 28th. All are cordial 1v invited. To add insult. to injury the council is having the lower half of the Opera House paintpd. Davidson the care- taker is the artist. .lonn.\x Blruxm'r have just in- stalled a new np-to- «late computing scale, manufactured by the Toledo Scale and Cash Register Manufac- turing Co. The device is a very sensitive concern and the weig‘ite and prices are in plain view. Tm: Pilgrim Magazine, '50 pages, We a copy at News Stands or 15c three months. 45c half year, 90c year; or Ev’ry Month Music Journ- al a year and the Pilgrim a year, both {or 31. ball price. Send stamps or poem! note to \V. D. Card. Toronto. General Circulation Agent for the Publishers. MONEY at. 4579. MacKay Dunn Durham.â€"â€"4. 'i‘ur: School heating contract has been awarded the Pease (70.. of To- ronto, the contract price being in the neighborhood of 31800. This includes the. perfect heating and ventilating of the whole building, the boiler in- stalled to be of sufficient capacity to generate the steam necessary to heat an additional building. when requir- ed. of half the size of the present school. The Trustees have exercised wisdom in making this provision. as the school accommodation will. in the near future, require enlarge- ment. and the additional expense now is a mere bagatelle compared to the full equipment for the additional rooms added. Local News Items IN response to our request the fol- lowing items have been secureu in relerence to the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McComb. the former of whom died on Feb. 11th and the latter on March 8th. Both were born in Bel- fast. Ireland. and came to Canada in 1848, just after their marriage. and settled in Halton County, near Acton. where they remained till 18m.) when they removed to Glenelg and settled near Butte-man. About twenty years ago they mored t. town where they remained to ll." time of their death. ’l‘wo son.“i Thomas and Samuel in Glenelg, and‘ one daughter. Mrs. Allan McKinnon. of Durham. remain to mourn the loss in so short a time of a kind father and mother. Mr. McComb’s only blood relation in this country is a nephew Mr. Henry Ncharen, of Toronto H» leaves three brothers in Belfast, \Villiam. a shipping mer. chant; Archie. a farmer. and Samuel, a merchant. Mrs. McComb leaves five brothers and one sister. viz: Joe, at Rainy River; William. at Grand Valley ; Thomas, in the town- ship of Holland; Samuel in Palmer- mn; Archie, in London, and Ira. 3T I Brown of Mt. Forest. DURHAM CHRONICLE, , NOTHING like pretty curtains to brighten up the home. You will find the newest, daintiest patterns in lace curtains at .139. Ireland’s. You can buy the very latest and best spring Footwear at Peel’s at wholesale prices. A matter worth considering, isn’t it ? A COLORED man in town complains about being refused board in one of our hotels. and wishes us to enquire if such refusal is not punishable. HIGHEST cash prices paid for Beef Hides, Horse, Hldes, Sheep Pelts and Raw Furs at Peel’s Shoe Store. --Feb’y 03. 1 yr. GRASD Millinery Opening will take place at S. F. Morlock’s Friday and Saturday, March 27 and ‘28 and fol- lowing days. JUST as we go to press a. report comes to hand announcing a wreck on the G. '1‘. R. near Guelph in which several are reported killed and in- jured. A SOCIAL under the auspices of the Young: PeOpIe of the Presbyterian Church will beheld in the basement of the church Monday evening, the 30th inst. A good program is being provided and a good time guaran- teed. Admission 100. 2 THEY say that there were more people at Mockler’s clearing sale last week than could be waited on. Why? Because they were buying goods at less than Wholesale prices. THE Post. Office at Aberdeen has been moved to the residence of Mr. John W. Smith, a. mile and a quarter north. IF Gamay and Stratton would call on Theobald and buy one of his up- to-date suits they would both be of the same opinion, namely "None better made.” “ADAM ALICE \V'Alxrz is a growing favorite with New York and Brook- lyn a-zdimncus. She possesses a very swear. and plaint voice and much skill; and what is best, is unpreten- tious in hrr methods. She sang last evvning emwisitely. both in her first and Second numbers -Xew York Tinwa, Will swing at th) Town Hall on Friday, March 27th. NEVER mind the mud in front of Theobald’s store. ”It’s all over”, but. the best values are inside his store. THE Easter term in the Central Business College, Stratford, Ont., commences April lst. Mr. W. J. Elliott, the Principal of the College, will be pleased to mail a beautiful cxtaloguo to all who wish to secure a business or shorthand education. READ Mockler’s ad. on page three for bargains. IF the Legislature would send Ross and Whitney to Theobald’s they could both get trimmed up. A SNAP in Bird Seed. Three pack- ages for 256. at Gran t’s. PURE Gold Jelly Powder, at Grant’s. BOBxâ€"In Durham March 2nd to Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Rourke. a son. DON’T catch cold; get a new pair of boots or shoes at Ireland’s. That’s where you get the best. values. ON Wednesday last an accident? happened at the Furniture Factors" by which Mr. John A. Black will be forced to rest for a few weeks or longer. He was working at a buzz planer when the piece of board he was handling caught in the knife and was hurled from his grasp. the unprotected hand coming suddenly down on the revolving knives. Three fingers were badly cut and the flesh at the back part of the hand was seriously slashed. As no bones are injured and the wounds are all flesh wounds the injuries will not be so serious as one would imagine at first sight. Mr. Black put in a painful time so far, but feels easier l now. we are pleased to say. BOYS may not be aware of the fact that they are liable to a fine of two to ten dollars for loitering round a hotel. HIAWATHA, the Ojibway Indian Picture Play, by Cary W. Hartman. 1:311 illustrations, will be rendered in the Townhall on Friday evening, \larch 28th. under the auspices of the Public Librarv. Mr. Carey will be assisted by the famnus soprano. \liss Alice Waltz and Mr. Clarence \I. Robson, Scientific Electrician. all of whom come highly recommended. The Library is a deserving institu- tion and should be liberally patron- ized A matinee Will be held in the afternoon at three o’clock, to which school children will be admitted at Special rates. The New York, Phil- adelphia and Detroit papers give excellent press notices. General ad- mission 25c. Reserved seats 850. Plan at Maclarlanes’ Drug Store. The Chronicle is the best place to put your Advertisements. Jack Nedigar went to Manitoba last week and intends to remain for be summer. Mrs. Robert Hill Jr., of Neepawa, Mam, accompanied by Master Orual Spears. of Caledon. were visiting at Mrs. R. Hull’s for the last two weeks. Dr. Jamieson is in Toronto at- tending the session of the Ontario Legislature. Mr. John McDonald. son of En- gineer McDonald of this town. and Fred Lynn. of Allan Park, left Tues- day morning for Crystal City, Man. Mr. John McCaul, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McCaul. Miss King, of Mt. Forest, visits town every Tuesday to give in- structions to a number of pupils she has in vocal training. Miss Maggie Spears, after visiting the Hill Bros. left for her home in Caledon and will return again in a few weeks. Mr. Bogardus returned Monday night from Rockmart, Georgia, where he engaged in engineering the Cement plant under construction. Rev. Dr. Spencer left Tuesday morn- ing for his home in Brantford. On Monday night he concluded a suc- cessful series of revival services in the Baptist Church. Miss Nellie \Vatt, of The Chronicle Staff, is recuperating this week after an attack of la grippe. Mr. Wells, whom we formerly re- ported ill. is not making as much progress as we would like. Rev. Mr. Fnrquharson. of Pilot Mound. Mam, Visited his brother. Rev. Farquharson. over Sunday and preached in the Presbyterian church Sunday. He left on 'l‘nemlay. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Whelan were in town a few hours last. week. They are both looking well. ’l‘ne solo and quartet-tie was sung with Spirit and power. It is needless to meniion names where all did SO well. Such a working force of con- :e;raned young life in a church should he a powerful factor in the \iqrepening and quickening of spirit- ual life. The scripture reading. .luhn IV. was conducted by Miss M. Irwin. The pastor. Rev. Wray Smith. announced as his subject, “Womanâ€"and ombers~of whom the World is not worthy.” taking his text from Hebrews XI : 33'), 36, 38. . Mr.'George S. Watt, of the Polson Iron \Vorks, Toronto, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. King, of Georgetown, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A. Glass. Miss Frankie Saunders is home from Kincardine. A large gathering assembled in the Methodist church on Sunday even- ing. The service of prayer and praise being conducted throughout by aboutzil of the young ladies of the church. The songs from the Hymnal were choice in selection and beautifully rendered with expression and spiritual power. The anthem rendered by the members of the choir was well balanced with contralto and SOpraHO. The obligato 5010' was very ‘ahly rendered. Miss Ethel Limin is sufiering from quinsy. Mrs. Glass is on the sick list. Rev. Mr. Newton is suffering from an attack of la grippe. _ "â€"Mss. ThomasI'Ailsn has recovered from a spell of sickness. THE GOING AND COMING UP VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF MARCH. People In the closing hymn, “We’ll all gather home in the morning,” with the chorus of “Sweet bye and bye,” the congregation joined heartily and the pastor pronounced the benedic- tiou. The Epworth League is preparing foraconcert to be held about the end of the month, when a firetclaea programme of music in quartette. duet, trio and 8010 will be rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard and the Joy sisters, and a selection of choice readings by Rev. C. L. McIrvine. a master in the art of elocution. On Sunday evening the pastor will preach at the usual hour. Subject. "The GOSpel in picture. song and story.” At the present rate the British government will soon cease to be English. It will be composed of Scotsmen and Irishmen. The pre- sent prime minister is 3 Scot, so are the leaders of the opposition. the chancellor of the exchequer. the at- torney-general and the secretary of the board of trade. The lord chancel- lor, the solicitor- general, the secre tary for India. the foreign secre- tary, the wor secretary, and the chief ”oratory for Irelnndâ€"nll Irishman. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1903. CHURCH NOTES. .\l ls'I‘llODIST. .a 0.0 - Know I DEAR Sinâ€"There seems to be an ' impression prevalent among the rate- payers of the town that because the council of the municipality are equal- ly divided on the question of the town owning its own Electric Light Plant (It is well known that when a council is equally divided any motion put on which the vote is equal is lost, the mayor in this case not being able to vote on account of his interest in the question,) the council cannot sub- mit a by-law under these circumstan- ces. Now this idea is a fallacy be- cause at a public meeting of the rate- payers, duly called according to law, a resolution was almost unanimous- ly adopted in favor of the town ac. quiring its own electric light; and surely the members of the council, being only representatives of the rate- payers and trustees for them of muni-l cipal property, surely they (the coun-l oil) are bound to carry out the wish ‘ es of the ratepayers as so expressed in the resolution and to submit to the ratepayers a by-law for the pur- pose of acquiging the franchise. Ratepayers are not forced to vote for the bylaw and if the requisite majority of ratepayers do not support the by-law then of course it is IOSt, and other means willhaxe to he tak- en to supply light to the streets. It is ce1tai1ily a ve13 disgraceful posi- tion in which this town stands at present as far as regards the supply- ing of lights for the streets. Many towns and villages on all sides of Durham have their streets lighted. and in many cases own their own plants, and there is no reason under heaven why Durham should remain in the position she now occupies, and her citizens and visitors be compelled to carry a medieval lanthorn to light them on their wa\ “hile passing along the highways of the town Late Asmistant Rm. London Ophthalmic 1103.. Eng” and to Golden Sq. Thmat and Nurse 1103. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose Some remedies cure this distressing complaint in a day, some in a month, but NERVILINE never fails to cure in a few minutes. Just ten drops of Nerviline in sweetened waterâ€"that’s enough, and away goes the dysentry. cured to stay cured. Nerviline also cures Cramps. Colic, Pain in the Stomach. and Sick Headache. It has five times the strength and curative properties of ordinary remedies, and should be in every household. Bet- ter buy a 25c. bottle and' try it. Nerviline is all right. EXCLUSIVELY. Will be at the Middangh House lat Wednesday of each month. from :3 to 0 p. m. Watchmakers Jewellers Opticians and Engravers. Keelers’. . . To the Editor of the Chronicle. Watches IF YOU want a Watch, KEELERS’ is the place to buy it. Also buy your SILVERWARE from them and save money and get the best goods that money can buy. All Goods Bought It Keeler’s Engraved Free. R. B. KEELER 81 SON A Sure Cure for Constipation. Big Jewellery Store. MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP. If your Watch or Clock is sick Keeler can make it tick. HAVE the Jewellery trade of this town. \Vhy? Because they are Practlcal ALSO because we can save you money on everything you buy in our line. DR. GEO. S. BURT. -‘ 0.0 ’ As You LIKE IT. IN GREAT V ARIETY. $1.00 PER YEA.

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