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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Mar 1903, p. 2

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if used no directed will check the progress of this fatal disease and restore the afflict- ed to perfect health. Do not go to Florida, Madeira, California, Mexico or the Rocky Mountains. Remain at home with friends and home comforts around you and use PuLMo, which m the achievement of the1 century in medical science. Pul-mo is an absolute cure for Consumption. Throat end Lung Troubles, Coughs, Colds and all; fither consumptive svmptoms. ' .-\ (um 35‘ now within the reach of, Pul-Mo stands aloneâ€"the use of any every Muffin.” iothcr medicine as an assistant is not .YPQ'CC‘SSLU’Y. lint gupd, plain, nourishing P U I - M 0 mod, gct plcnty 0! fresh mr and out-door "-xvrcnse, and use Pul-Mo as directed if us‘ml n9 dirm‘tvd w?” ('hm‘k the Drogrvsxm‘fl '5. (Euâ€"Nature “111 (10th“ ““t' 9 FLESHBRTON Mr. M. K. Richardson preached in the Methodist church on Sabbath morning last. In the evening there waaa very large congregation pre- A Crystal Wedding-«Such was the sent to hear the Rev. and Mrs. Stein- occasion of a very pleasant gathering hauer, both of whom gaveinteresting at the beautiful residence of Mr. and addresses on their work among the In. John A. Boyd. Toronto Street, Indians at Fisher River. N. W. '1‘. on [31-May evening last when sur. ' Mr. and Mrs. Steinhauer favored the romp!” by their two Winsome daugh- ’congregation with two beautifully “,9. 3.135,, .\label and Lily, and ovcr rendered duetts and Mr. Steinhauer twenty-live guests they celebrated sangahymn in his native language in a very happy manner the fifteenth .-â€"Cree. The Presbyterian Christian .nlllVL‘l'S‘dl‘y (,f their wedding day. iEndeavor withdrew their service in Durinutlw early part ofthe eveninglordel‘ to hear Mr. and Mrs. Stein- Mr. and Mrs. Boyd received their-ballet. guests. who extended warm congratu- l The thaw has caused a remarkable lations to the bridal pair whosefdrop in wood the past few days. bloom has been but little diminished l Many piles have fallen to twenty-two by their decade and a half of wedded 3 inches. 1”... A: right o'clock the company: A , f h adjourned to the spacious dining. movementis on °°t among t 6 room u here beautifully spread tables 3 X00113} me‘rli lll ti)?“ for the forma- were laid and a delectable supper was i tron ('l‘hti ‘ .utua mprovementdSocie- Servwl. after which Rev, Ivison Wil- l t3' ‘5 '3 commendable, an s we son in a pleasing manner proposed a l trust, “"11 meet W‘th encouragement nd success. toast to the. health of the bride and T a groom. which heing disposed of. con-'1 Mr. and Mrs R. N. Henderson. of KTanflU-H‘V SW'BCheS were given hY:'l‘oronto, and Mrs. Grier, of Price- ReV- l.. W. Thom. Mr. George Mit‘ ville. attended the Boyd crystal wed- chell and Mr. F. W. Hickling. Mr. lding on Friday evening last. The Boyd replied ill a manner appropriate . former spent till Monday among old and happy as was the occasion. A ’friends here and the latter is visiting plezhillg programme of music was af- ifor a few days with Mrs. Boyd. terwards rendered and various games . enthusiastically engaged Ill till far ’ 1" Murdoch, Of Egremont. Inspec past the midnight hour when the7tor 0‘ “fights and Measures, spent guests departed with host wishes for Sunday In town. the highly esteemed couple who wereI Assessor Bellamy is making his given many beautiful presents in Eannual call on the residents of this crystal as nwmeutoes of the event. :place this week. ” Intended for last week. Sabbath last was Communion day in the Presbyterian church. Four new members were received. one on profession of faith. Rev. Mr. Wil- son, of this place, preached an excel- lent sermon at the preparatory ser- vice on Friday. - A Crystal \\'eddingâ€"â€"Sucb was the occusion of a very pleasant gathering u the beautiful residence of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Boyd. Toronto Street, WEAK g LEAD TO LUNGS; Consumption. Good Crockery. THOUSANDS OF PERSONS ARE HASTENING TOWARDS THEIR GRAVES AS A RESULT OF THIS DREAD DISEASE : PULMO is im-xpensivo, being sold by \irnggists at $1.00 per large bank, or you may procure .1 sample bottle for 15' cents. If your dx'uggist has nut gut I’ul-Ho in ‘stock. :1 munple bdttlc will be dvlivcrcd to (my zuldrcss ; FREE or ALL CHARGE. Mr. and Mrs R. N. Henderson. of Toronto, and Mrs. Grier, of Price- ville. attended the Boyd crystal wed- ding on Friday evening last. The former spent till Monday among old friends here and the latter is visiting for a few days with Mrs. Boyd. A movement is on foot among the young men in town for the forma- tion of a Mutual Improvement Socie- ty. This is commendable. and, we trust, will meet with encouragement and success. At the meeting of Orangeville Pres- hyterv last week we notice Revs. L. W. Thom, of this place, and J. A. Matheson. of Priceville. were appoint- ed commissioners to General Assem- bly which meets at Vancouver in June next. The honor befalling 'l‘he thaw has caused a remarkable drop in wood the past few days. Many piles have fallen to twenty-two inches. Address all letters to The PulaMo C0,, Toronto. Ont. The congregation of Zion Metho- dist church. \Vinuipeg. am intendmg to ask as a spwcial mmmwrfion from the cd’nference that thw Rev Hamii- ton Wiule will be permitted to :0. main a sixth year as pastor. .‘ \Vood bees are the order of the day , now. EveryLody is laying up a good ’supply for the summer and to have a :little on hand for next winter. At the figures which Gait, masonq tender for Stone uork these days. Central Church erPc ed abou' :30 yams“, 0 fun 553.5000. could not be built at. the present time for less than $7?) 000. Thoos scoundrels from Hanover that took the hound (10;; from Mr. Wm. Forsythe did not keep it as long as they expected an it was taken from them again. They had better be careful. The next time 'hey take adog that doesn’t belong to them they will get into trouble. Women and Jewels. . Jewels. candy, flowers, man-â€"that i: the onler of a woman’s preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous efiorts to make or save the money to pur- chase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem, then let her fortify herself against the in. siduous consequences of coughemohla and bronchial :.fl’ections by the regn lar use of Dr. Boschee’s German Syrup. It Will promptly arrest con- sumption in its early stages and heal the affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the system. It. is not a cure-all but it is certain a cure for coughs. colds and all bronchial troubles. You can get this reliable remedy at Darlings Drug Store. tf Mr. John Muldoon, of Uornoch, has engaged to work for eight months with Mr. R. Trafi'ord. While Mr. Alex Campbell, of \Vel- heck. was driving through here on his way to Hanover lasc week with a load of lumber he undertook to go down the hill here without a lock on his sleigh. When he got about half way down the ring in the neckyoke broke and the load ran against the horses. They ran anglewise across the road, and the tongue penetrated the wire fence of Mr. Wm. Brigham. As luck happened, however, no seri- ous damage was done. the horses coming 06 pretty safe, while Mr. Campbell paid fifteen cents for a new ring and Went on, well pleased that it was not worse. I Brain-Food Nonsense. l Another ridiculous food iad has i been branded by the most competent ! authorities. They have dispelled ; the silly notion that one kind of food ! is needed for brain. another for I muscles, and still another for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish ta particula1 part of the body, but it 1 W111 sus ain every other part. Yet. however good your food may be. its lnutriment is destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or p1 event their coming by taking regular doses of f(iree11’s August flower, the favorite ; medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses aids digestion. stimulates 4the liver to healthy action. purifies ithe blood. and makes you feel buoy- ant and vigorous. You can get this reliable remedy at Darling’s Drug . Store. tf. Mr. Wm. Alex. Hazlett’s sale last week was very largely attended and everything sold at a. good figure. The Clerk’s book amounted to $1800. Mr. ‘and Mrs. Hazlett, we understand, have moved to Hanover. Mrs. Wm. Forsythe is under the doctor’s care at present. \Ve hope to hear of he!" speedy recovery. Miss Jessie Park, of Detroit, Mich. is visiting at her sister’s, Mrs. Wm. Pierson, of this place at present. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Forsythe. of Riversdale, were visiting Allan Park friends lately. these gentlemen will doubtless afiord them a holiday of much pleasure and profit. “'3 are pleased to report that Mr. “'11). Sumpton is able to be around again after having a bad attack of La Grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Large. of She!- burne were visitors a; Mr A. Mun~ Shaw’s Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Large spent. tha past week with her parnts, Mr. and Mrs. P. Munshaw ac Eugenia. Mr. John Brown Sr. is on the sick list at present with La Grippe. We would be pleased to hear of his speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Little gave their friends a party the other evening. All enjoyed themselves to their heart’s content. Rev. P. and Mrs. Fleming, of Max- well. paid Mr. and Mrs. Thom a visit at the Manse on Saturday afteinoon last. Mr. M. K. Richardson, M. P., leaves todayâ€"Tuesdayâ€"to enter up- on preliminary duties at Ottawa. Mr. Alex. Davidson, of German Man, was visiting with his uncle Mr. Wm. Forsythe of this place late 1y. Rev. Ivison Wilson preached for Mr. Thom at Pres-Communion Service at Eugenia on Friday forenoon last. Mr. and Mrs. \V. Thompson and coildren, of Dobbington. visited part of 1:13: week and over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Barnhouse -"...O.â€"“ ALLAN PARK. Coughs. colds. lacunae”. and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Cresoleno tablet-s. ten cents per box. All dmgcints A H.01arke.nf (Jolling Wand, Whose child are pnisorwd cheeee and (HI I] w I»: cum it Ion! of I-I'iIIII nal can» Io - sl'eSS and ten 03 on susIeIIded sen- UWB It is the first conviction It: Had under this clause of this act. T. H. B . jumpedno-fluas the trtvtâ€"i‘Iâ€"l left Welland, and landed in the canal. He was fished out. with a ropu. There was a demonstration at In- gersoll when it was learnrd that, the Court of Appeal had given Donald Sutherland the right to Sit for South Oxford David McGrath, who was Stealing a ride on a blind bggeage car on the A serious rock slide occurred at Revelsmke. B. C. and crashmi into thn luka. causing a tidal wnve. Some thousands of tons of rock slid about two miles. The organization of a Svpal‘aie Grand Lodge for the North-west 'l‘er ritories is proposed by the Indepeml' em: Orderof Oddfellows of Manitoba The Hamilton iron monlders have decided to ask for an increase of .1” per cent on all piece work and up to H- 5‘2 4:: per day for day work. Action has been entered by the Hudson’s Bay Co. against the town of Rat Portage for 310.0001'01‘ alleged illegal expropriation of land. Mrs. Mary Armstronw of London. 8’ mother of A. L. McIntosh, manager of the Merchunte’ Bank is dead 95} years of age. The British Columbia Premier held a caucus of his {ollox‘vers and decided on a course to secure his: controi of the House for the session. Experiments are beinu made at “c- Gill with a view to making the pilm- ing on the St. Lawrence absolutely safe. A. L. Shambleau. the defaulting ex‘ treasurer of Kent County, has been released. restitution having been made. Rev. Thos. \Vilson, of London, de- clined a call to 'I‘horold, it is said, be» cause that town has Sunday street cars. An explosion of fire damp in am ine in Cumberland B. C. injured one white man and six Chinese. Lorne Hale. the Liberal candidate in North Renfrew, is only :27 years of age. Negotiations between the striking: machinists and the Kingston Loco- motive Co. have been broken off. George Proctor, of Allenford. put; up at an Owen Sound iiotel’ He was very tired and had warries on his mind, and so be promptly blew out the gas and went to sleep. In the mo'uiug he was found Just; in time to save his life. There are 1.200 bone tide reside 'lltS, in the city of London. who me on the pay sofl~ of the fom iuiixuus en- tering that city. A11 \gnicultural College, underpr-i vate auspices, is being estab shed at ngina. Both the C. P. R. a11d(r.'l.1{.\\ill, it is 321111.800“ Open uflices iu BrIistol it is Eng Mrs. (Dr.) Cow'per. of Welland, died suddenly. Rev. E B. Lancey, of Port Hope, delivered tlm valedictory address in the old Methodist church at Plain- ville. The building will now be pulled down and a new one erected. The Japanese Consul at Victoria says there will be no emigration of the Jaboring class of Japanese to British Columbia this summer. Thirty cars of applet: were shipped from Owen Sound to England. A big ice shove above the Victuria: bfidge, Montreal, raised the v; ater! two feet, and the flooding 01 the sewexs is feared. The coroner’s jury found that Dr. Alexander, of Saulte Ste. Marie, died from an overdose of morphine admin- istered accidentally. Brantford will do its own street watering this year. Colcheeter North is the fourth township in Essex County to abolish statute labour. Dr. Kelly was elected president of the Toronto University Alumni of Brant County. The convent school and public hall at St. Alphonse. Man., were destroy. ed by fire, causing heavy loss. \Valkerville is enjoying a building boom, and plans are already being made for the erection of forty new houses. I The prosecution of two employees‘ of a Bufialo ice company for working.I on Sunday at Welland, has been (10-- {erred for a week. Roman Cathole schoolsin Montre increased approp Montreal Council. J. King, a C. P. R. brakeman. slip» ped off a train at Douglass, ‘Mauq and was killed. La Patrie, of Montreal. discusses the desirability of a special flag; for French-Canadians. American capitalists will operate the gold properties in Manitoba ad- joining the Ontario boundary. The home of H. V. Fuedhouse. Nee- pawa. was burned while the family were at church. Rev. Caleb Parker. ofColborne. has receiyed a call to a large church in the United States. Canon J. P. Hincks. rector of All Saints' Church, Windsor, for seven. teen years. has resigned. GEN ERA L NEWS. Catholic and Protestant Montreal have requested appropriations from the SHOP Open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and brop. erly attended to. \JV. 0. CONNOR. Vi. 1"}. CUNNGH 7‘7 "7‘ ‘(YYVYYV'IY WYWV AMIX‘XKMAAMIW)‘ I , , ‘ 3! Next M I'ust (Whoaâ€"1n (alder Block, 3? - I '1. S W315 71h“ Vois‘ 71A“ V1.6 521‘." Van" ’05 3%“ 711$ 740“ WNW. 7V'Y7Y7Y7VV‘I7 'WWY’ 31x1; KAK‘AKAAK‘AKXAA AXAAK . CLOTHING . TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHT: ac. Arm-one sanding n sketch and description may Quickly "won-mm c-nr npémnn free W 19th?! an Inventiun m prummly pntmxtnmn. (‘ummumcw [ivnflflt rictly z'nllfldmltlnl. 11!")le 00k 0!) Patent: sent. firm. nlmwt numu-y‘fi{fucunungpatents. Wi‘h‘éfii’é Lin-ii i‘fih‘iizéhâ€" ‘M'umi ppm-lat notice. without. charge. in -AA- _ A handsomely film-tutu! weekly. [m m culation of any scientific journal. Terms. 38 Q your: {991’ months. 81. Sold by allies-63.1w! year: Your mnnth, {L DU xu Dy an new sue-met! MUNN 60. NM» New York Beach umce :25 F 8'... Washington. 0.!) um 95 of all Kinds. Galvanized and 111m Pipâ€" ing: Bras-:4, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders, mm “Wmâ€"p.03 n. -m‘u fl. Recouum-udvd and Sold by Maclemm 6; (‘o Sticn'tific Hmcrican. 180 Fulton Whooping Cough Bronchitis Group Coughs Catarrh. Colds Grip}; 3 and my Fever The Vaporizer and Inmp, which should his: a lifetime, together with .1 Im-‘tle of Cresolcne, $1.50. Extra supplies of ( rcsolcnc 25 ccnts and so cents. Write {or dencripti'lc booklet containo in; highest testimony as to its value. VAPO‘CRFSHLFVE 1‘; FOLD DY DRUGULH'IS LLVER (WHERE. It cures because the a’r rendered strongly antiseptic is Cau‘ricd mm the diseased sur- face with every breath, giving pro-longed and constant treatment. It as Invalu- able to mothers with small chnldren. Sylvester Farming Implements Tudhupe Cutters. 'l‘olton l’ulpers. Adam’s Waggons and Sloighs. Clare Stoves and Furzmz‘es. Brantfurd Windmills. Robes, Coats, Rugs, Etc. Proven Steel Rod Track Pumps from ”$2 ugwam. S. SCOTT. Is a boon to asthmatics. THUS. NOBLE And Guernseys Ten Days Es‘laHislml 1579. Cures While You Sleep AT COST ‘ ’mmfacturpr 0 \nd Healer Ill - RemLya-Made Street pkUGUIS'I S LVER u'WHl‘LKI Vapo-Cresolcuc Co. A SPECIALTY. FULL LINE OF ‘ â€"â€"F0râ€"-â€" )li 1 Notre D SI rec: .1 Years uld. amla 1w extra “ell lned Mund In Orlando mare- March 5. 'K' ‘12. 1. A M. I‘XG '0 _. x ‘0 “f rp 1. lion frum Man «Is 157'. ha rein to!‘ rid. l '0 “V0 YEAR OLD LLOUH STAL- limn frum ”('lnarhrit.” Dark huv Feh'y 2fi.â€" :2 m. Jan. 27th; 6 pd Jan. elg, mutaining 100 acres, abuzz! TU ores cleared and in good Hateuf culiiva- on. 10 acres uf fair hardmmd' hmh. the remainder mixed umber. cumfin’tablv f1 ame house. newframe barn with e-tnuu stables underneath. cor-d baring nn'lmrd. Ila” mile from NIH-oi. nine mile {rum Chart-h. abum Smiles Irnm Durham. ~amedisuuwe fnuaMarkdale. Tam» flammable. Fur turther particulars apply to chaser . \\ ill bloc. “.0 pl. unximm tn wll apply to ‘HOROUG HBRED SHORTHORN Bull“ Lord of Aberdeen” Registered Ped igree No. 3184]. Dominion fiiiortborn Herd Book will be ke t for senice at Lot 19 Con.:. .W. U. R. en inck. Teams:â€" 31“) payable on or before Feb. 1. 1W. Cows dip:rosed of or not letnrned if neces- “3:32 wil bedmrged for “bother in calf or no 4‘", and 59 on the first ('ntl.. N. l). R.., and lot 54 on the 2nd can, N. ID. IL. Ben- tlnck, well watered in gum! Hate nt'cnltiva» tion, good barn, and other nut buildings, comfortable lmnse, well tencod. young bear- ing orchard. three miles from Durham, within lmlt'a mile fl‘hlll rlnn'cln. N'lnml and post «thee. Terms reasonable balance «secured In Jan. 311%. ~ 6 pd. fl ders lgued haw" mr ale three Durham Bulls from“. nine to twehe months old. n number of mung Durham heifers and also a number 01 Vuung Yorkshire 0 s of [goth aexep from one to six months 01. Pnces right. THUS. SC'RI 8' SONS. April Nth 1f 12 to 20 months 0 two mans clwicely bred HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS for sale the water nuwpr lnmwn An l’edigrmld vlown mumhs “M. En- quire uf ll. Wilkinmn. L017. um. I. W. G. IL. Nurmauby. a mila and a half wuth m \'aruey.â€" Jany 24th - if 24m Eebruary 17m. 19033-4. pd Short Horn Bulls for Sale. 1 for sale the water power known to “ Hayward‘s hills," (ilenelu. NEIL MCKMWIXIE, Durham. Out. August 19th. 1902. tf. .L‘ aIIicel‘aI‘m. UIIe ut the aunt cou- \eIIieIItlv situated taI'IIIs in the tumuhip «It Bentimk 1(1) «Ir 1. I0 :Icr res three and a half llllleh {rum DIIIlIanI emuthimz in gum! shape unthe plum: Apply III [1 Street. the property uf Mrs. J. L. Browne. The house contains 12 rooms, coveniently situated. and quite new. Will make an excellent boarding house. For particulars apply to July 10th. 1901. Thoroughbred Slmrtborn Bull. “ Golden Victor,” Registered Pedigree, bred from Imported Stock. AIM) other young short- borus bred from Imported Stuck. Feb. LILâ€"tr I “ New ten Prince ’will be kept for MB! \ice at 1101-5 Gun. 1:. .Egremom. Thoroughbred Stock for Sale. HENRY ALEXANDER. March 10th, 2 m. pd. Dornoch. POUR YOI Farm for Sale or Rent. Water Power For Sale. 30w IS YOI'R CHANG} March 9. 2 m. pd. EING LOT No. 9, wk“. «z. (.‘ngx- MPQRTEU SHOR'I‘HORN BI'LL T ROCKY SAUGEEN THE UN- '1‘ LOT 9).“: Ii‘OUSEJANI) LOT ON QUEEN thick, BI’LL CA Ll”. “'iH lu- Tlm ppm! Bull for Service. ACRES BEING LOT :33, Bull for Service. Bull for Service. t f. Farm for Sale. BULL FOR SALE. Farm for Sale. ;m ”(‘lmr Grit." Dark bu}, hands high. “to“ broken to For further particulnrb‘ apply H. “Sums. 2 m. l’riceville ForS 3-..6. :n , coxcessmx 11. BEN- Durham Bull fur Survive. For Sale. For Sale. JOHN COLLINSUX, Durham 1'. U A-‘ H. l’Aflx'Kl‘lR, Durham t ALEXAxmm (Lmvmcu. Crawford. (1‘ 1501mm SNELI. .ul :3. con. \VM. LEUUI‘YI‘TE. Vickt‘ra 1'. U ('“A 1". “RAY. J. L. BROWVE. tt. Photographer. “ )1 Mi NA LIA I nu "non BULLS FROM (1. Tm; reds and SHORTIIURN x-m~...zd. One “mum and In Yeuvil l’. (J, TO BUY

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