West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Mar 1903, p. 8

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Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Smith have re- moved from Collingwood Street to Mr. Yanlmsen’s residence on Spring Street. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm' Moore hove moved into Mrs. Flesher’s resi- denc end Mr. Flynn and family heve teke possession of the residence va. «ted by them at the drill shed. Mr. Archie Boyd, east back line, received the sad news on Saturday that his sister, Miss Flora Boyd. had died suddenly of heart failure, at Atcheson, Kansas, at the home of her hrother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs All Malloy, who with Miss Boyd were at one time residents of this place” Rev. Ivison \\ ilson left on the 5 p. m. train on Saturdm for Brighton to see his mother who is dangerously ill. His pulpit was supplied here on Sunday bv Dr. Christoe in the morn- ing and Rev. '1‘. R. White in the even- ing. Mr. Jan. FelStead of this place took Mr. Wilson’s work in the morn- ing and Mr. White’s in the evening. Miss Minnie Muns‘naw met with a simple but txni‘.hl+-.-i_\nm little” acci- (icnt ull 'l'mn'nilzty lint. \Vhile in the act ol Stopping to search for a needle she had dropped she unfortunately knelt on the llll'*‘fl(lt‘li end of it, when it, pvimtmreil. eye loremost, below the knew up and broke off. leaving need) half an inch imbedded in the flesh Dr. Carter endeavored to re- mova llm broken piece but was unable to locate it and as later the knee be- came sorer he reccomended the X-rays for the removal of the trouble. Ac- cordingly on Friday Miss Munshaw was accompanied by her father to the city where in the hospital on Sat- urday the X-tays were applied and Dr. Bruce removed the peice of steel which was found clinging to the bone. Miss Munshaw’s friends no plotted to learn that she will be able to leave her ward in the hospitsl in 3 week or so. The .‘Jeihodist Lmiies' Aid had ar- I ranged for a social at the home of} Mr. and M 1's. .los. Duncan, back line. on Tuesday evening of last week but bad roads and rain that night irus-. trated tin! plans. An invitation from the pastor to Hgnend the evening at' the pm'ammge was accepted: a good- ly nmniwr in the village turned out and spent a very enjoyable time to- gether. There was a fair sized audience in the town hall on Friday evening to Witness the Lam: Bros life motion! pictures rxhibit We are inforlm,‘ very fine and hi audience. The roads near the village are bare his wpek’s budget. FLESHERTON we waszu-cepted: a good. In the village turned out 1. verv enjoyable time to- 'uir sized n Friday lg Bros ed here t d the prc ‘53th p19! r sized audience in Friday evening to Bros life motion . here that evening. We programme was :ly pleasing to the 5 Mr. C. Patterson’s livery horse, §I)exter, got so badly calked coming :from Markdale last week that from Floss of blood he was hardly able to ’staxzd when he reached his own stable. ilie is, however, recovering and the fold roadster will likely be good for imany trips yet. 'and wheels running, but outside a , little they are reported very bad with l snow banks rotten and difficult to get ithrough. On Saturday Rev. \Vilson {tried to reach Eugenia in his cart but in the snow near the Morey lhouse corners broke the axle and had lto return home. The same evening la livery team from Durham conveyi- ;ing two passengers to Eugenia at 5the Morey house and the passengers {had to finish the journey on foot. The team after being rested here re- turned home on Saturday. Rev. M r. lThom endeavored to reach his ap- épointment at Proton Station on Sun- }day evening but was unable to get :through. I l l The principal officers of Prince Ar- thur Lodge, F. W. H. Hickling W. 31.: \V. A. Armstrong, 8. W. and John \Vrigbt J. W. spent Friday last at Shelbourne attending it Ms- sonic Lodge of instruction held by the GKnd Master and his District Deputy, Mr. Alex. Gowsn. of Barrio. The members of the Craft here were Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Cairns, who visited the past two or three months with friends in Ontario, left here last week for their home at Manor, Assa., and Miss Jackson. who lived with Mr. and Mrs. J. White. left for Bri- tish Columbia. An artistic and beautifully illus~ trated pamphlet of fifty pages 7x10, issued by the Chamber of Commerce, Everitt, Wash. reached us a few days ago with the compliments of Mr. I). P. ()swald. formerly of this place, but now a member of the Paci- tic Hardware 00., that city. In ad- dition to over 140 illustrations of buildings, ship in the harbor. beauti- lulscenery. etc., with explanatory reading matter, the book contains a fine map of the city which has a his- tory of but ten years and has now a population of over 20,000. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Oswald is taking a leading place among the pro- gressive business men of the young .. “if" n, QMALAQOAA‘vn ’, ...... .l D “ City of SmokestacksJ’ so named for its numerousindustries. We are al- so pleased to learn that a few weeks ago Mr. Oswald entered the state of matrimony in which we wish him a large measure of happiness. ()u the-1th inst. n son was born to Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘. A. Blakely. Their son Elmo, who a short time ago sus- tained a fracture of the leg which tor a time did not improve satisfactori- ly, is now doing well and will short- ly be about again. Mr. Robt. Whitmore who has been visiting friends in this part for the past three months left on Saturday for Manitoba. Mr. Joe Watson, who has spent the past six years with the Scarf firm of the Rocky, spent. part of last week at. the parental home here. (')ur community received a terrible shock when it learned of the sudden death of Al rs. \Vm. Dickson. who had seemed to enjoy her usual health Up to Tuesday last when she complained of a severe headache. and thought it an attack of La Grippe. But during, the night she lost all consciousness and remained in that condition until her Spirit winged its way Heaven- ward on Friday about noon tide. Dr. Brown. of Holstein, was called, who afterwards Dr. McDonald. of Dur- ham. But the case was hOpeless. and they pronounced it congestion of the brain. Deceased was of a cheerful patient disposition. a beautiful Chris- tian character. and a member of the Methodist church here. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband and nine children, who will greatly miss a helpful, loving wife and a kin-l. afiec- tionate mother, the eldest being a daughter of seventeen years and the youngest a baby girl of ten months. The deepest sympathy is expressed by the entire community for Mr. Dick- son and family in their very sad be~ reavement. The funeral service was held at the family residence, Sunday. at 2 p. m. and was largely attended by sorrowing relatives and sympa- thizing friends. Rev. Mr.Truax con- ducted the services, the interment, being at Mount Forest cemetery. A? number of relatives were from a dis- tance: Mr. Dickson’s two sisters and a brother. Mr. Thos. Dickson, from Hespeler, Mr. and Mrs. John Robert- son. of Ripley, Mr. David Robertson. of Southampton and also Mr. Wm. Dickson, of Mount, Forest. aunt and uncles ol deceased. The pull-bearers were her brother-in-law and uncles, Messrs. David, Robert and James Robertson, Thos. Dickson and Mrs. John Pettigrew left Tuesday of last week for her home in Assa. She intends staying with friends in Toronto a few days. She was accom- panied by Miss Belle Cornish who has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cornish. Mrs. Wm. Bradley accompanied them to Toronto where she will visit for a week or two. Mrs. Pettigrew has not enjoyed very good health of late but had improved greatly when she left. So much for the Ontario cli- mate. Mr. Harry Lewis, we are sorry to say, is quite ill at present. Miss Minnie Cornish was the guest of Miss Ida Mark on Monday. Miss Martha Queen was the guest of Miss Minnie Cornish a few days lasz week. We are pleased to' report the re covery of Mrs. A. Bogle. Mr. John Cornish left Tuesdm for his home in Assiniboia. He took at car with him. We “i511 him a safe journey. Mrs. \Vm. Pinder gave a very pleasant and enjoyable party 'l‘hurs- day evening of last week. A C. Benton doesn’t believe in let- ting the grass grow under his feet. Early last week he sold his three farms of one hundred acres each ; Friday this week he has his sale; and by \Vednesday next week he moves away. Dr. \V. Staples, of Hanover, bought the ' Jamieson” farm on the 3rd, and intends: to use it for pasture. Mr. McFarlane. of Proton. bought the other two and intends to work them. The first pays $14.30. the lust. $36M) As these are practically cwh prices. the farms have brought good figures. .\lr llea ton moves his family to llmhnm for atime, then to l'lvlmontun. Alta. The Beaten lamily;will be much miss ed for tiny have ever been gotni neighbors If the Chronicle would but print the name of the correspondent after each budget we think most of the trash would soon cease to be sent in. Try it. Mr. Editor. You are at liber- ty to use our name, if you use the others. A number of our young people have expressed a desire to join the Bap- tist church as a result of the Rev. Dr. Spencer’s specml services The mo- tive to lead a new life is gnod. if on- ly it be deep-rooted enough to lead to a. steadfast better living rather than a. mere better professing. Miss May Morton returned home Friday after staying a. week or so with Mrs. Britton, Mans ready help and sympathy would be appreciated anywhere. Archie McComb was home a few days lasm week. He seems to be do- in:- well in Toronto sorry to lesrn of the desth of their distinguished brother, His Honor, Judge Cressor, of Owen Sound. who had been D. G. M., and during his term of office visited Prince Arthur Lodge. Mr. and Mrs Nefi. of Nottawusa- g8, visited at Mrs. Bulmer’s last week. Miss Osborne, of Guelph, has re- turned to again take charge of Messrs. Boyd. Hickling Co’s millinery de'- partment. Dr. Ottewel pai\d a visit to the city the end of last week. SPRING BANK. BUN ESSAN. ORCHARD -â€"o.p.~-. -- 0.9 O» Miss Marion Young is visiting her Aunt. Mrs. Gillin Boyd. Mr. James Vaughan sr., is making arrangements to build a dwelling house this summer, he has good pluck for a man of his years. Mrs. John Dununore was visiting her daughter. Mrs. John Quinn for a {cw days lately. Mr James Banks was on the sick list recently, but alter the attention of a doctor is well again. Miss Lizzie Laughlan, who has been emplayed at the Glenroaden Boarding House for some time. is leaving, as She has put. in her time. Mr. HUgh Vaughan has Mr. Andy Kelly busy at, work drilling for water. He went through 19 feet of gravel before he struck rock. he then let down his 22 foot drill and is pound- ing away. Mr. Kelly is an expert Well-(ll'lllt‘l‘ and expects to get water at. ahoui, :50 feet. Mr. John Kingston has moved his family up near Mudord, where he intends to reside. Mr. John Quinn has sold his fancy driver Black Joe. to Mr. Albert Mid- dlumn, {or a fancy price. Mr, John Moore will leave next week for the West, taking with him a car-load of farm equipment includ- ing house material. a number of homes, farm implements, etc. We wish him a fair success in the much talked of \Vesr. ' All are pleased Y0 learn of the re- covery of Mrs. .laS. Hopkins, who has patientlv emlm'eda very severe and trying illness. A. little son of Mr. Wm. Aljoe’s was seriously ill with a complication of diseases but is now on the fair road to recovery. 'l‘he Jacques family intend moving to their new home on the 2nd con. this week. We can reccommend them to the people of the 2nd as be- ing obliging neighbors and respect- able citizens. Mr. Joe Brown is still confined to his bed with his maimed leg. the re- sult of a kick which he received from a cow over a month ago. As Joe is a stirring ambitious young fellow we hope to see him speedily resmred to the full use of his injured member. Mr. Albert Watson res-engaged with Mr. Wm. Pinder, of Orchard, and resumed duties on Monday. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Mr. George Furneaux had an ex Ask your doctor whst he think. 01 Ava-'- Gunman. Ho knows 0.11 .50!“th old family modlclno. Follow his “mom n will!» attuned. J. 0. Art; 00.. Levon. Inn. Pure and rich blood carries new life to every part of the body. You are invigorated, refreshed. You feel anxious to be active. You become strong, steady,courageous. That’s what Ayer’s Sarsaparilla will do for you. 8|... 1 um. All m “For 25 years I have never missed taking Ayer’s Saneperiue every spring. It cleanses my blood, makes me feel strong, and does me good in every way.”â€" John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y. Health GLENROADEN ‘0..- It was reported that three cases of Smallpox had broken out on the 10th con. of this township. but later re- ports qay it. is only chickeupbx. It is to be hOped the latter report is true, rather than the former. Messrs. A. and M. McCormack just got nicely warmed to haul logs to the mill when the snow took a sudden start. and disappeare'l. which caused a stop in log hauling. Mr. Wm. Kingston is moving into the house vacated by his brother John. We regret to hear of the death of Mr. John Berry. who died on the 12 inst. 'l‘he sympathy of the neighbor- hood is Intended to the sorrowing friendv. in their and bereavement. tensive sale of live stock and farm. Implements on the 11th insc.. pro- ceeds about $2000. 00. Or, “ when you see a better thing, take it." A better thingâ€"sayâ€"Our hIOCha Coffee. We have secured scores of customers Wltil this particular blend. have dropped all others after giving our spec1al blend a test, and it’s up to you to get in the game and make the same experiment. This Coffee is sold only in bulk at 400 a lb. and you can only get it from The Durham Foundry. THE NEW DOMESTIC Mt. Forest Laundry. Charter Smith 6: Sons. BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. A good thing behind you until you know there’s a better one in front. Next Door to Mockler's. -â€" SOLE AGENTS FOR Rummage Cut. Flowers. v““‘~“““5 li“”%““““€ 3 Easter Term ! 0 ~ â€" ('(HIMI9N1'FS ._.- W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL An excellent time to cmnmeuoe a (‘uurse of study so as in be roadv to take a gnod position in the full. All. saloons ARE qu AIIKE. (let our catalogue before IDI'X‘IIDINU 'm «:0 ELSEWHERE. Mail L‘ nurses in Shorthuud Bookkeeping l’en- mansliip Etc. Makes Either Chain 01 Lock Stitch. Two Machines in One. Was Awarded The Highest Award Given at the Pan American Exposition as the TH E GOLD MEDAL April the First. STRATFORD. ONTARIO. -- COMMENCES â€"- anmith’s Bread. Phone ll.

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