'40c pair. 3 yd: long, 36" wide, taped edge, 65¢ per pair. 35 yde long, 42†wide, tnped edge. 90¢ per pair. ‘35 yds long, 48†wide, knitted edge, 31. 00. 35 yde long, M" wide, knitted edge. Don’t forgot us when you want a. good pair of Shoes as we carry a full ‘line of Sterling Bros’. Shoes. Colored wash Silk waist. lengths in white, black and colors. 82 up to I 33.50 each. , a Black ï¬nercerized Sateen Underskirts at $1.40. $1.50. 81.75 and 82 each. 131.40. r--." Roller Window Shades, 35¢ each. Tnble Linen :34“ wide, 25c yd. ‘ °‘ 64†wide, 50c yd. White Bed Spreads, 85c and 81.20 each. Floor Oil Cloth. 1 yd wide, 25c yd. “ 2 yd wide, 50¢ a yd. 2} yds leng, 30" wide. taped edge, Best Groceries at low Prices. ('21“ and See Us. Calland see the Disk Harrows and Steel lialiers made by 'l‘. E. Bissell, of Klara. Hut. “'3 handle them. Lace/Curtains. DURHAM FOUNDRY For Summer Fallows or Fall wheat grounds or on Stubble ï¬elds. The most perfect. implement for working Sod. Fall Plowing or Prairie. Built in (i. 8, 9 and 1;? foot lengths, with many real good improvements. Full particulars will be given, so don't hesitate to inquire. A fine assortment of new, up-todate Wheels gassey-llarris, eveland, Perfect and ‘ Other Makes. Bicycles. New Prints and Fancy Gingham. Second Hand Wheels taken in exchange for new Wheels. BOOTS and SHOES. -‘ lle Sells Cheap.†. SMITH 8: SONS STEEL ROLLER. have a number 7e Also of good second hand WHEELS which we aâ€" sell very cheap. REPAIRIN‘ done prompxly and Repairs kpnt of Wheels. GIVE US A CALL. (‘nltlvr Bluvk. Durham. DISK HARRUW. A393“ JBHN UVINGSTDN -â€" Durham. 0113. The guards at Kingston Peniten- tiary are petitioning for an increase in wages. None of them receive over 8500 per annum. London Board of Trade passeda strong resolution in favor of munici- pal ownership of eletrical energy to be generated at Niagara Falls. James Morgan, of Galt, was en- tombed in a well he was cleaning. and it took three and a half hours to dig him out. He is 70 years old. The suit of several Waterloo farm- tled out of court. The town will make provision to abate the nuisance. W. J. Lock, of Paterson, N. J.. for- merly of Hamilton. was presented with a purse of gold by the Trustee Board of Hannah street Methodist church, in recognition of valued ser- vices. J. A. Johnson, the late postmaster at Dalhousie, accused of robbing the mails, was committed lor trial at Bathurst, N. B. The spring freshet on the Grand River has thrown up thousands of dead ï¬sh, including bass. This is at- tributed to the refuse lime from the Berlin Sugar Reï¬nery. The Hamilton Retail Merchants Association has decided to place cards in the store windows stating that no tickets for bazaars, balls, concerts, picnics, etc., would be purchased. and that prizes would not be given for picnics if asked for at the merchants’ place of business. Rev. Charles Lewis, claiming to be Schhlatter, the divine healer, is in Hamilton. Spencer Stone, of London, was ï¬ned $3) for ï¬ring the shot which accident- ally wounded Mrs. A. R. Simpson in the neck. Angola Verino, an incorrigible. was sent to the Mimico Industrial School from Hamilton, at the request of his mother. Through gas escaping from a gas stove Mrs. Shillinglsw. of Sarnia. had a. narrow escape from ssphyxmtion. Hamilton is expanding. The city has just annexed {:00 more acres of Barton township. The London car shape have turned out the 300 cars ordered by the G. T. 1%. management. Gilt is to have a. glove factory and probably a sugar factory. After April lst Hamilton Gas Co. employes will receive a ten per cent. increase in wages. Three carloads of imported Italian laborers for the C. P. R. have arrived in Vancouver. Kingston liquor men are preparing a list of all those who owe them money for drinks on credit, and will post them in everv bar room in the city as a protection to themselves. One proprietor says that h‘e is owed as high as 320 by a single person. Others are indebted to him in less amounts. The liquor men will, here- after. try and conduct business strict- ly on a cash basis. Dr. Elhoo, aPersien graduate of Queen’s College, will return to his native land as a. missionary. The rate of tuation in Kingston is 20 mills. _ Brantford bakers have raised the price and now sell a pound and a. half of bread for ï¬ve cents. The Portage la Prairie Conserva- tives have re-norninated Hugh Arm- strong, M. I’. P.. for the Legislature. Charles Koestner. a Canadian North- ern Railway conductor. is dead as the result af an accident in the Brandon yards. Hurry Clark, of Stratford, received a slight injury on the hand a few days ago and died yesterday from blood poisaming. A Michigan Central car was broken into at London on \Vednesday night and a quantity of valuable millinery was stolen. Hamilton Trade and Labour Coun- cil has expressed qmmval of the in- crease in the Chinese poll tax from $10“ to $.30». R. H. Lifdale. charged with making a change in a chattel mortgage. was acquitted at. Smithville, near Hamil- ton yesterday. Robt. Clohecy was stricken with paralysis on King sweet. Hamilton, vesterday. and removed to his home in an ambulance. St. James’ chï¬rch,,Montréal. is on a ï¬rm footing. $183000 havmg been collected for its relief. It." actual debt is now about 850,000. The attempt to man the steamer Joan at Vancouver with non-union men failed. Yesterday the steamer was manned only by ofï¬cers. General Manager McNicoll of the U. P. R. denies that the company has decided to diacontinï¬e shipments of gain after the opening of navigatlon The Nova Scotia Legislature has passed a. resolution urging the Gov- ernment to erect a memorial to Jo- seph Howe, orator. statesman and poet. Andrew Tuttell. Canadian Express Compam"s porter, is aueing the G. 'l‘. R. for $10,000 for the loss of a leg 'rhronuh being run over at Kingston Junction. The Building Committee 0' the Hamilton Board of Education have decided to beautify the grounds sur- rounding: the schools by planting trees. shrubery, flowers. etc. The Dominion Coal Company’s men are ï¬ghting the ï¬re in the colliery at Glace Bay and it will be drowned out in a few days, it is thought. with- out flooding the mines. GENERAL NEWS. John O’Mally and George Sweeny were arrested at Hamilton last night on the charge of breaking into the Royal Oak Hotel at. Ryckman’s cor- ners, and assaulting Mrs. Perry. A meeting of capitalists will short- ly be held in Kingston to discuss the proposed electric railway from To- ronto to Cornwall. It is expected to have the road completed by anusry Patrick Steep, while feeding the electrical furnaces in the Wilson Car- riage Works Merritton. with coke and lime, was terrible burned yesterday by a rapid succession of gasceous ex- plosions. Three men who claimed to be mem- bers of the United Brotherhood of Railway Employees started west from Montreal yesterday, after fruitless shorts to secure an 1\knterview with General Manager Mc 1col. Rev. T. Herbert Jones, who has been pastor of the Emmanuel Reform- ed church, Ottawa, for the paued two years and a half, will accept the pas- torate of a church in Cleveland. Wm. F. Schooley is seeking a di- vorce at Ottawa from his wife, Susan Martha Schooley, of Detroit, on the ground of desertion. The wife of Wm. Allan, of Grenfell, Assa., eIOped in December, and he also wants a di- vorce. Alexander McDermid went to Montana to get a divorce from his wife, who lives in Gilbert Plains. divorce. Capt. J. F. Foote, of Owen Sound. is dead. Public schools in Montreal are re- portml to be in an unsanitary con- ditiou. All the victims who were injured in the recent railway wreck near Guelph are doing well. A movement is on foot to establish an art school in connection Wlth the Public Library in Woodstock. Seven hundred immigrants arrived in Halifax yesterday from Hamburg and Boulogne, on their way west. Mr. John Armstrong. of Hamilton is dead. Mrs. Agnes McClement died at Kingston yesterday at the age of 100 years. - The G, 'I‘. R. has bought additional pmperty in Stratford, in the vicinity of their shops. which they intend en- larging. William Thibeaudeau, at Dawson, has completed a map of the Yukon. John Douglass, Grand Trunk engi- neer, was fatally injured at Longon. Eighty Bufl'alouians members of an American secret society known as the Eagles, received a cordial reception in Hamilton last night. There is a general dissatisfaction among the halfbreeds of Manitoba over the promotion of half-breed Commissioner McKenna. Frank P. Robinson and wife, of Hamilton, charged with unlawfully passing Mexican money, have elected to be tried before the county judge. 3113. George Kingston, of Hamil- ton. is suing the Salvation Army for $1,000 for injuries sustained in :1 run- away caused by her horse becoming frightened at the Army band. A west-hound freight tram crashed into a height which waa' standing in the yard at liothwell, M; u. The en- gine and eight cars were piled up in a. heap. but no one Was seriously hurt. Mrs. Daniel Gavin, oi Hamilton, was in the railway accident near Guelph and was pinned between two seats when the car went over. She was in water up to the neck when re- leawd. Joseph Pope, (3. M. Gr. Under-Secre- tary of State. has found among the archives of the Chateau de Ramsay two old atlases published III 18:33 and 1824, which proves the Canadian con- The Hamilton City Council will submit a by-lnw to the people to raise .510(.),UUO {or the construction of a high level reservoir at $27,000, the city’s share of the \Vellington-Ferry street bridge $23,000 and for good roads $50,000. E. D. Cahiil has entered an action against T. H. Pratt. Robert Peebles and the 'l‘. H. Pratt Company, Hum- ilton, on behalf of himself and the other stockholders in the Pratt mer- motile business. It is alleged that the funds of the company were ille- 1 gally appropriated and the salaries of l certain olï¬cials impmperly increased. tentiou pute. The Council of the Montreal Board of Trade has sent a communication to the Dominion Government, to the eï¬ect that anything short of 21 knots fast Atlantic service would be un- ksatisfactory. Coughs. colds. Ila-rune“. and other three: ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets. ten cents per box. All drncgiatl SETTLERS' ONE-WAY EXCURSIONS .To Manitoba and Canadian North-west, will leave Toronto every TUESDAY during March and April, 1903, if sufï¬cient business oflers. ii â€"â€"â€" â€"I'"" -â€" V- Passenger-n tnéelling without Live Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 1.45 p. m. take the train leaving oronto at 9.00 p. m. Colonist Sleeper will beattached toth train. For full rticnlarn and copy of .“Seulers' Guide,†‘3 eaten) Canada†or â€BritishColmn- out.†_apply to your nearest Canadian Paciï¬c Agent, «31" {o ‘, "NV 11109 In VIOUVOU a .w.--..., .. and she is now looking fora Assists!“ General Passenger Agent, 71 Yongo 8t., Toronto. in the Alaskan boundary disc A. H. NOTMAN ’4‘... If some people were olIered a dollar‘ for a cent they would hesitate before making the deal. This is just what a great many people are doing every year by not joining the Horticultural Society. The Directors are anxious to get a respectable membership and notwithstanding a most liberal return for the one dollar expended, they have difficulty every year in getting enough names to make a respectable showing. The following circular will explain the whole scheme, and furth. er arguments are wholly unnecessary: Durham, February 18, 1903. DEAR Sm on MADAM,â€"--The Directors of this Society beg leave to inform you that the fee of $1.00, for the year 1903 secures to each person. in addition to membership in this Society :â€"- let. A certiï¬cate of membership in the O. 1". Cr. Association for this year, which entitles the holder to “The Canadian Horticulturist †for the year. worth $1.00; a copy of their Annual Report, bound, containing the Annual Report of the Entomolo- gical Society of Ontario; and a choice of the following premiums free of COSI :â€" :Lâ€"Hydrangea Paniculata Grandi- flora. B. â€"Pl1iladelphus Coronarious. C.â€"Spirea V an Houtii. 2nd. A choice of one of the follow‘ ing premiums. given by the Society- lst. 1 Plum, Ren Jeune, 1 General Hand. 2nd. lApple. Grimes’ Golden, 1 Apple, Roxberry Russet. 8rd. 1 Peer. Bartlett, 1 Flemish Beauty. 4m. SetTea Roses, all diï¬erent colors. 5th. 1 Asparagus SpreUgeri. or Plumosa, choice. 1 Red Begonia. l Chrysanthemum, Australian Gold. Additional premiums will be given members in autumn. free of cost. for 1903 will please call upon the Secretary or any of the Directors, soon. pay the fee andselect premiums. as the Secretary of the O. F. G. A.. and the Secretary of the Durham So- ciety, must know at once what prem- iums have been chosen. A Dollar for 9. Cent. Chinese Engagements. A Chinese engagenwnt dates its be- ginning from the exchange of red cards between the parents of the (-l'mtraeling parties. These cards in many districts are immense documents, almost the slze of a horse blanket. They are im- portant for the reason that they are used as evidence in case of disagree- ments in the future. We seldom hear in China of broken engagements. Yet it a quarrel cannot be settled peaceful- ly recourse ls had to the law, and the judge usually imposes a ï¬ne upon the party who has broken the contract. -_A- The chief incident in a Chinese mar- riage is the arrival of the bride in her bridal clothes before the house of her chosen one. That is a de facto fulï¬ll- ment of the contract. The wqiding day is determined by the parents of the groom. The imperial calendar names the lucky days, and on such days the so called red celebrations take place. both in the cities and country. The Leverage In a Screwdriver. It is sometimes supposed by persons imperfectly informed in mechanics that a long screwdriwr gives greater lev- erage than a short one. 'i'his. how- ever. is incorrect. The action of a screwdriver. the pressure on which is direct, is not in any way analogous to that of a lever. The euperiority of a long screwdriver rests simply on two factsâ€"first. you can generally get a better grip on a long screwdriver than on a short one and can bring the whole weight of the body and strength of the arms to bear on it. and. second, the tor- sion of the iron in a long screwdriver comes in to supplement the force em- ployed. The only way in which lever~ age can come in is in connection with the breadth of the point of the screw. driver. and even this counts {or noth- ing beyond the breadth of the head of the screw. An [rt-In Squire’n Advice. An upstart Irish squire went to an old squire tor advice as to sending a challenge. “iiéii'y'or Loughllnstown." said he. “has threatened to pull me by the nose whenever he meets me. What would you advise me to do?" ‘ “ 4 4‘-â€"_--Ln', AS SOOTHING AS A MOTHER'S TOUCH Darling’s . . Is the eï¬ect of our Imperial Cough Syrup upon the tired lungs and ach- ing breastâ€"it store the tickling in the throat, the COUgh that racks the chest, brings grateful sleep, aids ep- petite. renews health and vigor. What a beneï¬t {or so smell a price! Large size for 25c. Our Grip Tablets 35:: 32;: for Lt Grippe. Will cure speedily and if taken in time prevents. JNO. A. DARLING Used once will always be in the house. OM‘~“‘.‘“‘ Easter Term ! â€"- CONN ENCES â€"- The People’s Drugsiut. April the First. DRUG STORE