West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Apr 1903, p. 2

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to make. or save the money to pur- chase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem, then let her fortify herself against the in. elduous consequences of conghs.colds and bronchial afiections by the regu lar use of Dr. Boschee’s German Syrup. It will promptly arrest con- sumption in its early stages and heal .the aflected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the ”Item. It. is not a cure-all but. it is certain a cure for coughs. colds and d1 bronchial troubles. You can get Iii! reliable remedy at Darlings Drug here. :1 Miller’s S\Vlâ€"tfl)p. six miles east of Flesherton. has a bad reputation, and by a recent occurrence that spot has had still further horrors added to it. There is a rumor that aghast has been in the habit of “walking” in this swamp. The ghost is said to be in the form of a white horse which disappeared with a commercial trav- eller some years ago. So much for legend. Now for actual fact. Mr. Elijah Simmons. of this village. had occaaion to walk along the gravel at{ this spot one night last week when Iome animal came out of the woodsI and attacked him. It was dark and he could not see what kind of a beast it was, but he fought it as best he could. kicking it off. He eventually succeeded in beatingit OE. but not before it had lacerated the calf of his leg pretty badly. When Mr. Sim- mons arrived at John English’s his boot was full of blood, but after get. ting his leg dressed he bravely con- tinued his walk home. arriving about 2 o'clock a. m. The victim thinks it was a lynx. Others think it may have. been the ghost. All are satis- fied that no dog would make a wound ouch as Mr. Simmons carries. In any event it was an exciting experi- ence. and a very sore leg gives in- disputable evidence‘that the animal or whatever it was had the capacity for wonnding developed to an abnor- mal degree. Mr. Simmons appears to have been fortunate in frightening away his assailant before it did more damage.--Flosherton Advance. *" O..- o Women and J ovals. Jawels. sandy, flowers, mamâ€"that is the order of a woman’s preferences. Jowels fnrm a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even “gt. greatest of all jewels. baalth, is dun mined in the strenuous efiorts was a lynx. have been the fled that no d such as Mr. any event it ‘ once, and a Last Wednesday morning about daylight Wesley McDowell, who lives near Waldemar, was awakened by the rush of waters and grinding of ice near his house, and going out found it nearly surrounded by water. Realizing that at Mr. COOper’s the water must be much deeper, he and Wm. Warnock went over and found 3 feet of water '20 rods from the house. There was no life boat in night. not yet even a belt or collar, so they braved the waters and with a life line rescued the pigs and cattle from the stable, but not before two pigs were drowned. Almost stifi from the cold they returned to their: home where \lessrs. G. H. McDowell and Wm. 'l‘arte started in a sleigh lor the stranded Cooper house to res- cue the inmates While one kept a straight course through the waters the other shifted ballast to keep the craft together. Coming to in the lee of the house the inmates were remov- ed. “12”)le in blankets. their clothes and furniture floating around in two feet of water in the house. The ice jaminu at James 'l'ate's bend was the innocent vatuse Ol all this troublesâ€"- Star and Vitiette. Call: in and 80 the snaps we are 'lorinc each day. They wnll our rho yamâ€"H H. Mockler. *hile working with the heading on t the mill last week Mr. R. Nicoll met with an accident that came pretty nearly taking 03 his fingers on his left hand. In endeav- ouring to tighten a bolt which had worked loose. he put his hand under the frame to raise the bolt up. when on another street. discovered the missing articles on her vernndeh on Opening the door. The revivals be- ing held in that town get the credit of this display of honesty. The jer- diniere is in perfect condition, and the mat. is as fresh and new as on the night. it was taken.-Cliflord Express. a. piece of bark suddenly caught in the saw and hit his hand, shoving it forward. His fingers came in con- tact with the saw just below the nails and caused very ragged and painful wounds. This is Mr. Nicoll’s first accident of this kind. although he has worked around a mill since he was a boy.-â€"Tara Leader. Fourteen years ago Mrs. A. F. Holmes, of Napanee. left at her door over night a valuable jardiniere and mat. Next morning they were miss- ing. )0 trace of them could be had on these years. The other morning Mrs. Holmes, though she now lives A very valuable driving horse be- longing to George Haines, of the 8th concession of Garrick, committed sui- cide on Saturday night by hanging. The animal. while attempting to scratch his head, got his hind foot caught in the tie rcpe and strangula- tion resulted. The animal was one of the finest in the township, and was valued at 8150 ~Clifiord Ex- press. ITEUS OF INTEREST L’LIPPED AND RE- WRITTEN FROM OUR EXCHANGES. District News. The undt rsigned having bmm restorwl to health by simple means, after suffvring for several years with a sevrre lung aflection. and that, dread disease Consumption. is auximln to make known to his fellow sufl'vrers the Human of cure, T0 thou» who denim it. he will cheerfully send (free 0! char-gr) a copy of the perscription used. which 'they will find a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma. Chltlf'll. Bronchitis and all throat and lung rial-din. Ho hopes all sufferers willtry his remedy. as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prrscridtion. which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please nddren, R". EDWARD A. WILSON Brooklyn va Yotk. And that’s the way with children. They are like young plants. Same food, same home, same care but some grow big and strong while others stay small and weak. Scott’s Emulsion offers an easy way out of the difficulty. Child weakness often means starvation, not because of lack of food, but because the food does not feed. Scott’s Emulsion really feeds and gives the child crowinrr strgqgth. Every farmer knows that some plants grow better than others. Soil may be the same and seed may seem the same but some plants are weak and others strong. Whatever the cause of weak- ness and failure to growâ€"- Scott’s Emulsion seems to find it and set the matter right. Send for free sample. 0 Scott Bowne. Chemists Toronto, on“ wind 81. oo ,alldmggists. paida dollar to learn 116w to live without work. and was told on a postal card to “Fish for suckers as we do." A man who answered advertise- ments in cheap “ story papers " had some interesting eXperiences. He learned that by sending $1 to a Yan- kee he could get a cure for drunken- ness. Sure enough he did. It was to take the pledge and keep it. Lat- er on he sent 50 ‘2 cent stamps to find out how to raise turnips success- fully. He found out-J‘ Just take 'hold of the tops and pull.” Being young. he wished to marry and sent ‘31 l-cent stamps to a Chicago firm for information as to how to make an impression. When the answer came it read, " Sit down on a pan of dough.” It was alittle rough, but he was ai patient man. and thought he would yet succeed. Next advertisement read " How to doulle your money in six months" He was told to con- Vert his money into hills. {old them and he would see his money doubled. Next he, sent for twelve useful house- hold articles and he got a package of needles. He was slow to learn, so he sent $1 to find out ‘ How to get rich.” '- Work like the devil and never Spend a cent.” And that cured him. but his brother wrote to find out how to write. a letter without pen and ink. He was told to use a lead pencil. He Young Plants Mr. S. Harris. a painter by trade, living at 138 George St.. Toronto, has this to say :--“ For some time I sufl'ered from a pain in the back and a stoppage of my water. I have tak- en one box of Dr. Pitcher’s Backache Kidney Tablets and they helped me promptly, and I feel confident they have cured me. I think the Kidney Tablets are a grand thing for kidney troubles to which painters are sub- ject. and I am pleased to recommend them.” AMichigan paper reports a mar- velous case. A year ago a needle entered the waist of a young lady at Crosswell. Recently it worked its way out of the arm of a Carsonville young man who makes frequent vi- sits to Crosswell. The physicians are in a brown study over the incident and lady friends of the young man have grown green with jealousy and gone into black rage at the lady of the needle. Altogether. the case seems to be highly colored. Price 50 cents a bottle, or three bottles for $1.25, at all druggists, or sent by mail. The Dr. Zine. Pitcher 00.. Toronto. Ont. There is no other remedy can do so much {or the kidney troubles of painters, as for all kidney ailments, as Dr. Pitcher’s Backache Kidney Tablets. They soothe and heal the kidneys and correct all urinary ir- regularities. Every painter knows the trouble his kidneys give him now and again. The White lead and turpentine are hard on these organsâ€"inflame and irritate them and produce pain in the back. difficulty and pain in urination, scanty and high-colored urine and many other complications. All the Kidney Ill: and Ailments F1 on Which Painters Snfi‘er so Much, Rapidly Relieved and Completely Cured by Dr. Pitcher’e Backsehe Kidney Tablets. KIDNEY THUUBLES TO CONSUMPTIVES. HITS AND MISSSES. 0F PAINTEHS. Newspaper subscribers often won- der why the publisher keeps on send- ing the paper when the subscription has expired. An exchange thus ex- plains the matter: When a subscrip- tion is paid to a certain time. and the time expires and the paper stops, it looks as if the editor doubted the integrity of a subscriber. and in nine cases out of ten the subscriber will give the editor a calling down for insinuating that his credit was not good. Rather than cast any reflec- tion against a neighbor’s honesty toi pay a small debt, it has been customJ ary for newspapers to continue send- ;ing the paper after the time has 'eXpired. The city weeklies and dail. ies do not generally follow this rule! as their subscribers are at a distance. | and besides they are n0t acquainted] with them and do not know their financial standing. One should deem it an honor to know that his credit is not doubted when the publishers continue to send the paper. Should the subscriber wish to have the paper Township Hall. Glenelg, Feb. 7, 1903. The Collectors’ Rolls were all in before the last of the year. and we have audited the same and found them correct. We have examined the Treasurer} sureties and consider them more than sufficient for all that is required. All ol’ which we submit for your inspection and approval. .joeN MeINNES. A (H u. I. EDWARDS, ‘ '1 l 01‘8- To Tm; Rmzvn AND Cmrmrmmns or THE T9. 01’ GLENELG : GENTI.EMI«3N,~â€"\Ve, the undersigned, declare that we hav- carefully examined the Treasurer’s Books the vouchers and receipts in connection with the same, and have found them correct and are very neatly kept. We find the total receipts of the year to be 311138.70, and the expenditure for the same time of $9181.18 leav- ing a balance on hand $1957.52. Jan. 1, 1902. Balance on Roll ..... 8 125 2;") Jan. 1, 1902. Balance on Roll., Dec. 31, 1909.. Amount on Roll.... 3 2291 18 Dec. 31, 1902. Amount on Roll.... 3 20:25 38 Dec. 31, 1902. Amount on Roll.... 3 ‘2011 40 Collected ........... $ 2002 47 Defaulters ......... 8 93 Dec. 31, 1902. Amount on Roll.... $ 2216 18 Of the Receipts and Expenditure, Assets and Liabilities, end the Collectors’ Rolls of the Township of Glenelg {or the year ending December 31st, 1902. Statement of Assets and Liabilities. ASSETS. $2291 18 S BALANCE OF COLLECTORS’ ROLLS OF 1901. To By Municipal Election Expenses” Ontario “ Referendum “ " . . . Salaries, allowances. etc. . ...... Printing. postage and stationery County Rate .................. Charity ....................... School Trustee Rates ..... ‘. . .. Board of Health ............... Law Costs .................... Loan and Interest ............. Roads and Bridges ............ Gravel Account Miscellaneous ................. Cash balance on hand ...... 0000000000000000 To Balance from 1901 ..... . Balance of Roll of 1901 ....... Colloctors Rolls of 1902 ...... License Fund, ............... Loans and Interest on deposit Land sales .................. Refunds .................. . . . Non-resident Taxes .......... Rents ....................... Miscellaneous ............... Total Receipts .......... $2216 18 ROLL 2, ARCHIBALD MCLELLLAN, COLLECTOR. Excess of Assets over Liabilities Lands, buldings and furniture.. >3 1000 01» Village lots in Priceville. ...... 34') 00 Road scrapers ................. 150 00 Township safe ................. 75 00 Cash on hand . . . ............... 1957 :32 ABSTRACT STATEMENT. ROLL 4. Joux ELLISON, Coxucmon. $2025 38 Row. 4, JOHN ELLISON, COLLECTOR. COLLECTORS’ ROLLS OF 1902. ROLL 1, Tues. MCGIRR, COLLECTOR. R011“ ,Tuos. COOK Commune. $2011 40 ROLL 3, Tnos. COOK, COLLECTOR DECLARATION. $ 5-1 4‘.) Collected ...... Collector’s fee. LIABILITIES. 1â€")!) 20.) EXPENDITURE. toll of 1901 ......... 10118 of 1902 ........ d, ................. ntereat on deposit... '8 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ,eceipts ............ 54 "19 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO co on hand ...... L 9 The world is full of sickly. de- ‘ epondent, tired. wanted people. all hoping to be well some day. The sures: road to health is along the way of taking Ferrozone after.meals. {Ferrozone is a great appetizer and ’enables one to eat plenty of whole- some food without fear of indigestion or dyspepsia. This results in the rapid formation of an abundance of red. vitalizing blood. which will re- store the nerves, increase flesh and vigor. and nourish and feed every organ of the body. Ferrozone is an! ideal restorative and invigorant. It: is a tonic of unequalled merit thatiJ anyone can use with benefit. Price: 50.}. per box. or six boxes lor 82.50.] at Drngciets. or N C. Polson Co") Kingston. Ont. discontinued he should inform publisher and remit to date. if amount. is owing Collected ....... Defaulters ..... Collector’s fee. . Cullected ........... Defaulters .......... Refund re 8. Labor. Collected .......... Defaulters ......... Refund re S. Laban. Collected ......... Exemptions ...... Defaulters . . . . . . . Completely ragged Out. 3 1908 81 125 29 8504 86 83 17 286 45 1957 52 311138 70 59 00 16 00 16 00 796 27 115 32 964 30 320 30 4201 O7 24 00 302 70 1995 10 ...... $2015 06 532 315 05 should inform the 48 31 54 05 96 83 92 54 49 ‘ 9291 18 {I 3 2283 16 50:? 3 2025 38 s 2198 97 3 40 13 81 s 2216 18 $ 2011 40 311138 70 99 4S) 25 On 43') 00 any C. SMITH 6: SONS Built in 6. h‘. 9 an I 12 foot lengths, with many real good improvements. Full particulms will be given. so don’t. hesitate to inquire. For Summer Fallows or’Fall wheat groundq or on Stubble fields. The most perfecr. implwment for working Sod. Fall Plowing or Prairie. Call and see the Disk “arrows and Steel Rollers made by T. E. Bisspll. of Elora. Gut. We handle them. DURHAN FOUND R1 - ,___ __.â€"~...â€" Proven Steel Rod Track A SPECIALTY. 'U’IU II ‘-‘-_)o \ ’I‘I Patents mk ‘ 'I I- ‘v-‘v'_ (3n thrnuizh Munn a: mega! 130““. mthnut charge. in the _ AL Anyone sending a sketch and descrigtion may quickly usmrtum nnr opinion free w ethet OI Inveminn is pruhnhly patentable. (‘nmmumcap nuns strictly (-unfldential. IIandbnok on Patent. Ieyt free. (Hm-st agencyjuLm-cunpg‘putenta. -- --l..â€" A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lament clb culation of any sclentmc nurnal. Terms. '3 ‘ {gun that Inoyths. 81. 80 d by uleewsdgalel'g your: four months. *1. Sold by all rww Neale" MUNN 00. 361mm”. New York Bunch mm c. 625 F St. \Vasbinmon. D.C Recommmndad and Sold bv Macl‘arlaue Co. 180 Fulton Sttcct New Yolk Whooping Cough Bronchitis Group Coughs Oaturrh, Colds Grippo and my Four The Vaporizer and Lamp which should last a lifetime, together with a hottle of Cresolene $.50. Extra sup‘plies of (‘resolene 25 cents “J {,0 cents. Write or descriptive booklet contain. tug highest testimony as to its value. Scientific Hmerican. Next to Pust Ofiice-In Calder Block. and constant 'trcatmehC It" 35 invglu? able to mothers with small children. Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy, to cure disease of the breathing organs, than to take the remedy into the stomach? Ertablislwd 1879. Cures While You Sleep It cures because the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried ox'cr the diseased sur- face with every breath, giving Prolonged and final-inc. Sylvester Farming Implements. Tudhupe Cutters. Tolton Pulpers. Adam’s Waggons and Sleighs. Clare Stoves and Furnaces. Brantford Windmills. Robes, Coats, Rugs, Etc. Falm Imp STEEL ROLLER. gr, g bs‘Vb w 919 922 Sleflks‘k DISK “ARROW. Is a boon to asthmatics. THOS. NOBLE VAPO-CRFSflLENI IS SOLD 3' DRUGUISTS EVERYWHERE- Vapo-Crcsoleue Co. FULL LINE OF â€"FORâ€" ements, Etc. 165! Notre Dame Street Montreal 1 Years old. and a tw-(nur-uld. One mum well blfiti “00d bv (magi: and an Orqudo mare- CHAS. “RAY. Karel: 5. Lot 3. con. 2. Egremo ct. rpwp YOUNG MAM-1S, ONE “V0 )EAR ()LD BLOUD hTAL- lion from “C [ear Grit. Dark buy stands 15!; hands high “a." broken to rein or rig. For further particulars apply (A) ll. “'A'rmx, Feb‘y firm-*2 m. l’ricoviflo. Jun. :L‘irâ€"tf. Terms reasonable : Cash payment duwn. bglance (secured by mun-mate; to suit pur- chaser. Will be sold in separate lots or en bloc. The proprietor is going We»! and in nuxiom m hell. For {umber partwuil rs apply m 4U" and 59 on Hm first 00“.. N. D. R" and lot {-4 on the 2nd con” N. D. h’.. Beu- nmsk, well watered in good Mute «of cultivw (ion. good barn. and other out buiidings, comfortable house. well Ieucml. young bub ing orchard. three males from Durham within halfa mile from church. School and mat office. ”200 l’edigreed Eleven months c ( unre of H. W Ilkmmu. In! 7. mm. L. Xurmauln a mile and a half \mnexn- Jam "41.11- if ORO'BRED DURHAM BULLâ€" A“Pg'in¢o of Wsles."_9'ill b9 kgptflfor H toe OROUGHBRED SHORTHORN Bull“ Lord of Aberdeen ” Registered Pedigree No. 3184!. Dominion Shorthorn Herd Book, will be Rest for service at Lot 19. Con. 2.. W. G. IL. eutinck. TERMS:â€" Slfl)” payable on or before Feb. 1. Jill. Cowgdlsrosed of or not returned. if neces- ury. wil be charged for whether in ulf or not. llnxm' ALEXANDER. IIIIIWUI VI“ service during the you 1913. at Lot 7. Con. l..E¢remont Termsâ€"750 (insured). RICHARD MORRISON. Much sowâ€"3. tf â€"-p0. July 10th. 190]. March 24th Street. tho property of Mrs. Browne. The house contains 12 coveniently situated. and quite now make an excellent boarding house particulars apply to August 19th. HIM 1 “ Newton Prince," will LeVViopt’IJrâ€"tia': vice at Lot 25. Con. 12. Egromont. a nice Farm. One of the most con- veniently situated terms in the township of Bentiuck. 100, or 150 acres, three and a hnlf miles from Durham. everything in good shape unthe place. Apply to JUHN COLLINSOX. Durham 1'. U. D-) .4.. 1-.) 4451).. Eebruary 17th. 1903.4. pd 'v 1 for sale the water power Iénuwu u ” Hayward‘s l‘alls," Uleuelx. NEIL MCKECHNIE. Durham. Ont. fl‘horou hbred Shorthorn Bull. “ Golden Vlctor.” fiegistered l’ed' roe. brad from Imported Stock. Also ot nor young short- horns bred from Imported Stock. Short Horn Bulls for Sale. OUR YOUNG BULLS FROM 12 to in months “Id. "lm. nun ... a 1' 12 to 20 months uld. â€" two mans choicely bred. Feb. 26,â€"“; mime NEWLY CALVED AND IVHE UNDERSIGNEI) OFFERS March 10th, 2 m. pd. Mfgnmq‘saogmoan BULL. March 9, 2 m. Water Power For Sale. HORTHQRN PEDIGREED TWO- Farm for Sale. 0w IS YOUâ€"{Thus}: TO BUY '1‘ LOT 31,00NCESSION11, BEN- . tinck, Durham Bull for Service. ALEXANDER CAHPBELL D. 33,â€"“. Crawford. House 6: Lot for Sale. three in calf due in AmiLvnAH :. Apply tu HOUSE AND LOT 0x QUEEN year-old. An extrn gaudgmck bull. _BLLL _CA LF. SHORTHORN, A CR ES BE] NU LOT Bull for Service. Bull for Service. Bull for Service. Farm for Sale. Cows for Sale. Bull for Service. BULL FOR SALE. Bull for Sale. WM. LEUUETTE, Vic-ken For Sale. For Sale. For Sale. tf. GEORGE SNELL. H. PAfRKER. Durham t GEO. A LJUE. Lot 53, E. (3. RN (ilenelg. \VX. LEHGETTE. Victor. 1’. O. J. L. BROWNE. 1f. l’lmtugrapher ‘935‘531 P. o. (f. L \K' SU M: at wui 'ur

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