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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 May 1903, p. 3

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Arrowsmithâ€"J'Kerneyâ€"o'l‘hat the clerk be requested to notify Hollund Council to pay $5 for their share of work done on townline Holland and Glenelg in 1902 â€"â€"Carried. The council met April 11th purau- ant to adjournment. All the mem- here present. The reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communications were read as follows: From Wm. Irwin account {or printing. from Thomas Dunn account for keep of Mrs. Fur- neux, from Local Board of Health special report. from council of St. Mary’s re wagon tirea. Kerrreyâ€"Sullivanâ€"Thut the Spec- iel report of Locel .Board of Health be edopted and that accounts thereof be paid in {MLâ€"Carried. fiavisâ€"Sullivanâ€"That the Treas. receive 813.81 taxes for 1902 on lots 11 and 12, con. ‘2. N. D. R:. and that the clerk be instructed to notify county treasurer to erase the same from his books.-â€"Carried. Daviqâ€" Sullivanâ€"That the account of Wm. Irwin, of the Durham Chron- icle. for printing amounting to 828 be pnid. -â€"-Carried. buvis-â€"-Arrowsmithâ€"-â€"-Thtt the treasurer accept $1.50 in full of ac- count against J. Varpx, Deputy R. O. for No. 3, to special messenger.â€" Carried. Arrowsmithâ€"-Davisâ€"â€"~-That Wm. Kerney be paid $1 for expenses r0 Mrs. Partisanâ€"Carried. Atrowsmizhâ€"Sullivan-that Thos- Dunn be paid 33.75 for keep of Mrs- Furneux for 3 weeks to April 13th, momâ€"Carried. Arrowsmithâ€"-Korney Turner Co. be paid ' stationery.-â€"Carried. Sullivan-«Davisâ€"Tbat the assessor be paid $41) on salaryâ€"Carried. The council adjourned to meet. as a Court of Revision when notified. . J. 8. BLACK, Clerk. â€"â€"v .â€"-.\.o.â€"o Kemeyâ€"Davisâ€"That C. McArthur be paid $2 for extra expenses incurred in recount re polling place No. 4 at municipal election for 1903.â€"-Carried. Brain-Food Nonsense. _ . Another ridiculous food fad has been branded by the most competent authorities. They have dispelled the sillv notion that one kind of food is needed for brain another- for muscles. and still another for bones. A correct diet wii't not only nourish a. particular part of the body, but it will sus'ain every other part. Yet. however good your food may be. its nutriment is destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or prevent their comigxg by taking regular doses of Green’s August flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses aids digestion. stimulates the liver to healthy action. purifies the blood. and makes you feel buoy- vâ€"v ant agdv gigorous. Yéu can get. this reliable remedy at Darling’s Drug Store. tf. He stood in the doorway. hat in hand. and the stuttering young lady was inviting him to call again. “ Come around 9 8-8 5-3,” she be- gan. trying to say Sunday. but the sentence was never finished. The dog thought she meant . “ Sic ’im,” and he did. Dont forget where to go for a. {inst-class Suit 0r 'l‘xousels. I have the finest stock in town (just arrived). Come and §ee for yourself. A large assortment to choose from. As to fit and style the same as any fierclass city firm. Author and 'l'caeher of the Nonparoil Syntom of Cutting. Lumbton Street, -‘â€" Dnrham,0nt. Olenelg Council. HIGH-CLASS an lormg. ’GENTLEMEN DRAPER. re special messenger.â€" He Got Out. ‘ GLASS >.O.â€"'¢‘ 'â€"‘°That W. 75 cents for David Sharpe’s residence at Lind- say was destroyed by fire. Mrs. Danard. wife of Rev. W. B. Danard, of Owen Sound, is dead. David Hogg. a Hamilton weaver, died on his way home from work. Goodfellow 8:09.. of Midland, are establishing a. weekly paper at Whit- Four rooms in Central Public school. Chatbam, have been closed, OWiDg to an outbreak of diphtheria. A three-yearoold son of Arthur Smith. Hamilton, fell into n privy vault When taken out he was dead. ‘Six new letter carriers have been added to the Winnipeg postoflice stafi. ‘ Andrew Riecso was dragged into a larg a pulley in a. Fort William ele- vator and will lose his life. One hundred and fifty colonists have left Ottawa and vicinity to take up land near Sturgeon Falls. Rev. Dr. Robbins, an associate, de- nies that. Rev. Mr. Barr is making big money out of his English colon- ists. Rev. J. H. Turnbull, Presbyterian Bowmanville. preached his farewell sermon on Sunday. He is going to Ottawa. John McKeever. a Hamilton men, robbed n boy of 10 cents. He had to go to the Central Prison for a year. Herbert, the sixteen-year-old of Major Cooke, of Stratford, down the elevator Ahaft at the Lagan Furniture Factory and killed. ~ London Street Railway Company have added another two-thirds of a cent per hour to the men’s pay, mak- ing it 16 2-3 cents. Alex, Johnston,. M. P., of Cape Breton, denies that he stated at the Hamilton banquet that " there was no such thing as a good Conservat. ive.” Lighthouse-keeperCartier’s house at the mouth of the Thames was com- pletely destroyed by fire. Mrs. Car- tier was prostrated through the ex- citement. The Dominion Government are of opinion that the session will termi- nate about June 15th. There will probably not be much contention over the redistribution bill. A fire at. Havelock did $3,000 dam- age to the building occupied by Mrs. Boyce as a dwelling and grocery store. the harness shop of S. S. Joyce, and the blacksmith 8110p of Herbert Williams. According to a return presented to the House of Commons there were. in 1901 742 cattle, sheep and horses kill- ed on Canadian railways at points of intersection with highways, and 1,485 were killed on other points on railway lines. In preparing to double track some of the road in British Columbia. the C. P. R. is operating the largest shovel seen in that province. It cost $11,500, weighs 100 tons, moves 4,000 yards of dirt or gravel in ten hours and requires ten men to operate it. It fills two dump cars with earth every minute. A further step in the establishing of the proposed Highland regiment in Hamilton was reached yesterday when Sir Frederick Borden was for- mally asked to grant permission for its enrolment As the cost of the Kiltie uniform exceeds by $26.00 or $28.00 the amOunt of $10 or $12 per man allowed by the Government for uniforms, it will be necessary to sup- plement the Government grant con- siderably. 'l‘wo boys, Roland and Fred Lane. were struck by the International Limited near Prescott. Roland was killed but Fred may recover. A hen belonging to a farmer near Amherstburg celebrated Easter Sun- day by laying an em; with four per- feet. )olks. An Almonite hen has succeeded in producing an egg 112 inches by 9:, incl es. and weighing 12 ounces. Ulairkahurg tried the experiment of gravelling the roads just before wintersct in. and the gravel Cnmr out in splendid shape when the snon went away this spring. The Reflectot thinks township authorities should adopt the method.. The germ that causes smallpox is. said to have been discovered by a. Harvard professor of medicine. Hamilton has an automobile club. Wednesday of last week was the hottest April day ever registered in Hamilton. A case of smallpox has‘ made its appearance at Sandwich. Essex Co. Wm. Connors, aman with a bad record. was sontenced to five years in the penetentiary for house break. ing by the Hnmilton magistrate. ' Hamilton and London Presbyterian Synod at its concluding session at Woodstock passed an anti-cigarette resolution. . A life convict was liberated from Kingston penetentiary for giving in- fo’rmation which led to the dismissal of two officials for carrying mail to a prisoner. * James V. Kain, a musician and once a member of Dan Godfrey’s fa- mous band, attempted to commit suicide at the Windsor hotel, Brock- ville, by cutting his throat. He will recover. ' ' There in a. use of smallpox in Owen Sound. Shelburne Methodists will expend $2000 on their church. A tower will be erectedmipe organ installed,beeidee Other improvements contemplated. Hamilton parents [were fined for mt tending their children to 0011001. GENERAL NEWS. W88 fell Alex. McGillivray has been appoint- ed postmaster at Chatsworth. Idy an explosion of dynamite at Elko, twenty-two miles west of Fer- nie, B. 0.. two men lost their lives. Fire did damage to the extent of 825,000 or 30,000 at Alexandria. It started in D. McMillan Sons car- riage shop, and also destroyed the Presbyterian manse, and barns be- longing to Messrs. McIntosh, Tif- fany and Chisholm. Partially covered by insurance. A Hamilfion lad was sentenced 60 days in jail for stealing $2.88. Mathigs Suicker, the olde t resi- dent of Waterloo, is dead at. be age of 94 years. Rev. Washington Morse, aged 86, was married to Mrs. Jane Emory, aged 66, at Peterboro’. The former, who is a " Second Adventist,” was for forty years a missionary among the Indians of the Western States, and has many times been threatened with a scalping knife and stake. Maily families have been rendered homeless by bush fires in the vicinity of Buckingham. Que. The Blatchford Organ Company removing from Gale to London. Plans and specifications are out for the new Y. M. C. A. building at Stratford to cost $15,002. The customs receipt?“ Halifax were $302,167 for April, an increase of 195,349 over the same month 1m year. C. C. McDonald, a. wealthy rancher of Russel district, Man” who had re- cently receiveu a large sum of money from Scotland was drowned while attempting to swim across the Assini- boine River. I John Monnette was crashed into the space of a few inches and cut in two from the shoulder to the stomach by the elevator shaft in the Valley- field cotton mills, Quebec. He died almost instantly. The concluding debate in the Hamilton Cebating League was on the subject, "Resolved, that the Chinese should be excluded from Canada.” It was decided in favour of the affirmative upheld by Knox club. who thus win the championship of the union. At Dannville a C. P. R. brakesman, named Watts, was jammed between two cars, and sustained serious in- juries. He had in his pocket a rail- way torpedo, which eXploded in the jam and burned him severely. Watts is an Owen Sound man, and is twen- cy-two years of age. He was taken to an hOSpital in Toronto. W. S. Calvert. M. P for \Vest Middlesex. and Liberal Whip, is seri- ously ill at the Russel house, Otta. Canadian Pacific land sales at Win- nipeg for April totalled 207.344 acres at $884 4:“ )2 -. as against 231,127 acres for $69.), 671 last April. Mrs. Simon Rupert, a woman about forty years old, hanged herself at Milverton on Saturday. April‘linh. in a room of her house. She had been in the asylum. London. for some time, and was only a few Weeks home. She had no family and when her husband came home about four o’clock he found her dead It was not considered neccessary to holdoan inquest. The Woman is the Female of the Human Race, which she wins by a Short Head. In the Human Race, Man is Scratched. It is quan who does we Scratching. She has many Curious Habits. One is to Tie herself up in \Vhale Bone, and Pull and Squeeze herself in Some- thing Dreadful. Then she Seeks some Man to put His Arm around her Wais: and continue the Squeez- iug. Woman’s Crowning Glory is her Hair. My Mother is a very Estimable Lady, but I do not Mind Telling.you that Halt of her Crowning Glory is Usually on the Dressing Table. The other Half appears to Get into the Butter. Father came Home the other night u nth a Bright Golden Crowmng Glory on hisCoacg. \lother Dusted his Coat for Him. Woman considers herself to be the Ornamental Portion of the Communio ty. She is the Drone of the Hive, and Never Works. Only with her Tongue. And that never Stops. Inâ€"thst Organ, the Tongue, Woman has Solved the Secret of Perpetual Motion. VVomin has One Great Quest. It is to Chase Some Poor Fellow until he Gets so Rsttled that he preposes to Pay her Board and Lodging for the Rest of her Existence. She then says, “ This is so sudden!” end the poor Fool is Booked. She has Three Objects in Life: First. Dress; Second, Dress; 'I‘lnrd. Dress. She really has another Object--her husband. But he is an Object of Pity. She is very Fond of Him, and says she Hones she will never Lose Him. If she Did, she would either have to Get Another or else Work for her own Living.â€"-From “ Living Ani- mals.” by Ally Slopper. A farmer near Clinton sold a. call the other day, eleven months old. which weighed 780 pounds. He got 5 ate. 3 lb. for it or $39.20 in all. It was more of a. bsby elephant than a calf, and the farmer now feels sorry thst he did not keep it for two or three years longer, just to see how big it would hove grown.â€"Ex. An Essay on Woman. 0 ‘0..- t0 2'th jgntiyo _B§9mo Quinn}? “'l‘gbleu‘. All éfiVEfaâ€"Ffiiud' ii); ho‘fléifi it' fin-7 to cure E. . Grave‘s signature is on cash box. 250 Normanby Council met pursuant' to adjournment of February meeting“ on April 14th. All the members. present. Minutes of former meeting were read and passed. The following ' fenceviewers. poundkeepers and pathmasters wero appointed: Fence- viewers, G. Johnston, '1‘. Ryan, P. H Esch, M. McPhee, J. Robertson.J AOI l1 1 Schoen, P. S. Schaus, M. Doyle.A O’Farrell. D. Widmeyer andJ. Wid. meyer; Poundkeepcrs, J. M. Reist, H. Bieman. H. Hoehler, W. Neville,i R. Carley. R. Ovens. J. Hanev, \Vm. Crawford. Wm. J. Halliday, V." Pfefier. A. Hergott, D. Knapp, G.i1 LaFrance, O. Schwartz, J. Flynn and Wm. Rekhopf; Pathmasters. D. Mc ,1 Crie, Wm Crawford, H. Barber. Q. ‘1 Pettigrew, J. Calvert, Wm. Haney, J. Haney. W. Cameron. Wm. McFar- lan. E. W. Bradwin. James Carley, 1 W. F. Ward. E. Petzold, L. Weber. Wm. G. Gardiner, '1‘. McAlister. J. 1 Gray, T. Wallace, E. R. Watson. J. : Marshall, Jr., D. McIlvride, J. Pet- ‘ ere, C. Blyth, J. Cornish, Sr.. E.' Bogle. H. Elder, W. Moore, J. Cur- ran. A. McPhee. J. Robertson. E. Halliday. R. Owens, J. Herzberger,‘ H. Sockett, H. Miller, J. Williamson.; H. Chalton, J. Long, M. Kenna. T.: Stevenson, C. Adair, John Moore. H. E Braun, J. Yuers,J. EidtJ \Vm. ElliPs.; Wm. Ogram, H. Klug,J .Dreir.P . S. Schaus, G. Reuber, C. Herbst. .‘ '.| Oehm, F. Henry. Jr ., Wm. Hopi, H. Werner. J. Mort, Jr... D. F1scher, P. Burke, T. Sullivan, J. Goessel, Bender. H. Koenig. N. Wenger.‘:J Feick, V. Gerbracht, F. Koester, ’Kenna, V. Hahn, Con. Filsinger,W Hawkins, J. Grein, J J. Tone,C Wiseman, P. Hollinger, M Widmey- er, P. Lynch, C. Weber, C. Dammg (Con. Becker and Jas 'l‘one allowed? to perform tl1ei1 work on sideline between lots 25111111 26, con 14,) L. ’ Siegtnan. H. Gaiser, C. Dietrich. \'. Weppler. M. Sheehy,J. McQueen. H. Damm, V Reiner. J. F01d, J Allen-g son, 0. Schenk, F. Hintz, ’1‘. Ryaxni H. Dahmer, R. Mack1e. J. Mackie. Wm. Little, J. Hughes. R. S. White- ford, V. Pfefler, N. Hopi, Jr., A.‘- Fulton and N. McNaughton. By law nurnber'l’oi 1884~respecting statute labor, is amended by By-law number 5 of 1903. The assessment of the township being raised, the number‘ of days’ labor is not increased; eight hours faithful labor of one driver with team attached to a waggon. ‘1 scraper. plow. harrow, roller ori grader, shall constitute and represent l Three Days’ Labor. Statute labor lists with extract from noxious weed act. duties of pathmasters, and Spec-l ial instructions by the provincial in l structor in roadmaking to be procured from the Municipal World. The ‘. .communications received from R. | Legato re granting subsidies, J. R, Carstairs re the Laura Secord Nation. a1 Monument and from the council; of the town of St. Mary’s re widtlr tire of the wheels of vehicles designed l to carry loads of one ton or over; were laid on the table. Council will 3 furnish material for a six feet wide: sidewalk from north end of chairg factory to Queen street in Neustadt, the village to supply the gratis labor for putting the walk down. a four foot walk will be substituted if coun-. oil has to pay all cost of construction. 3 One 10. one 18 and one ‘28 inch mould to be bought from the Good Roadsl Machinery Co. for the purpose of manufacturing cement concrete pipes ; for culverts at a convenient place in , the township. The following orders issued on treasurer : A. Seip ‘200 yds. g 'gravel. 312; H. Riepert repairing' scraper, ‘25 cents; .I. Sieling 356 ft. . cedar and hemlock. $5.60; J. Helwig, repairing sidewalk in Neustadt, 82; C. Fleischman. 50 cents; H. Gebhardtl repairing bridge, 50c.; total 83: V.; 1‘0 CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Fisher repairing bridge at lot 1, con. l 18, 32; J. Lobsinger 2434 feet cedar {or approaches to bridge lot ('3, con. 3 If) and 16. 331.62; M. B. Flynn on} account of contract. 330, printing assessment schedules, $4 ; total $354 ; ‘ H. Mess payment of salary as assess or, 9560; Con. Becker repairing pile- driver, $3.20 ; Messrs. Morice, Easton, Ryan and Weinert, members local board of health. for services at meet. ing. respectively. 32. $2. $2, and $2.60; Commissioners Gardiner $2, Schreiber $2. Glebe $3.. Morice $2, for rletting and inspecting jobs; council- lors for services at v meeting of date, 812.80. Clerk to publish court of re- vision to be held on Tuesday. May 26th. At the close at the meeting G. Hopf resigned as cletk of the township, having filled' the position for over ‘23 years. resignation accept- ed by council, servjces to end May 31st. 50¢: per box or six boxes for 82. 50, 3t Druzzists. or Pol-on 00., Kingston, Council adjourned to meet. as s court of revision on Tuesday. May 26th, and for general business. Is paid for by an irritable condition? of body and mind. by exhausted en-i rgy, poor digestion. unstrung nerves and broken sleep. If you must and will live the killing pace. better keep in mind the sustaining powers of Ferrozone, a wonderful tonic and re- constructor. Ferrozone is a blood maker, a nerve strengthener, a heart and brain invigorator. It creates a!)- petite, insures perfect digestion and undisturbed sleep, restores the vital- ity and strength lost by excessive living very quickly. Ferrozone will do you inestimable good, try it. Price ‘4‘ .A Normanby Council. The. Penalty of a Past Life. G. HOPF, Clerk. She was thin and weak and paid one dollar for a bottle of Scott’s Emulsion, and by tak- ing regular doses had gained twelve pounds in weight before the bottle was finished. Eight cents a pound is cheap for such valuable ma- terial. Some pay more, some less,‘ some get nothing for their money. You get your money’s worth when you buy Scott’s Emulsion. Eight cents a pound is what a young woman paid for .twelve pounds of flesh. We will send you a little free. SCOTT 8: BOWNE, CHEMISTS. Toronto, Ontario. AT COST . CLOTHING . Macgregor’s Last. Pure-Bred Clydesdale Stallion 1 "U UIIUUI anus-cu uuu """n'-' -_ __n Sorby. (:‘ruelph. the above named stallion out of his last importation, and will ofl'er him for a limited service for the season of 1903. Will stand at his own stable. Lot 4, Con. 14. Egrelnont. each day except Thurs- day afternoon ot each week. when he will be at Klempp’g‘ llotel, Holstein. Macgregor's Last (11419) imported 1903;} foaled July, 1900; he is a beautiful hay,‘ large and symetrical. possessing size.‘ quality and action. and. as his name de- notes. he is the last youngest of the get of the famous Macgregor (1487). His dam is the prize-winning mare. “ Sweet Pea ” (12912). and sired by the Cawdor Cup win- ner. Prince of Curachan (8131) by the tam- ous old Prince of Wales (673). Hit: a. dam. Sweet Lavender (918)) was also a winner at many of the largest show in Scotland and has for her sire the renowned Darnley (222). In looking over Macgregor’s Last’s pedigree it will be easily seen that he is an exceptionally well-bred animal himself and dam and grand dam are all by champion stallions and ssessing a stron degree of Darnlev and rince of Wales h ood, which has gone to make all the best sires of the present day. It would he imgossihle here to enumerate all the rizes t e and their products have won. ny inten ing to im- prove their stock should patronize this ex- ce tionally good young horse. Pedigree in fu I can be seen on application to owner. goernme balm? P. S.â€"This horse was carefully selected for m_e_ b53111 brother, Geo. Match. of Lume- The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means after euflering for several years with a severe lung eflection. and that d dieeeee Com-won. ie enxioue to make known to hie fellow enfierere the means of cure. To those who deeire it. he will cheerfully eend (free at charge) a copy of the perecrlption need. which the will find e sure cure for Com”. no, Chunk. Bronchitis and ell thrust and inn; fill-flee. He hopee ell sufferers will try 1 _ _ IA ‘- Iâ€"nn‘n-k“ 'l‘hm dflifln‘ hi: remed . u itTa'm’éiiifibxe. Thole desiring the per-ct dtion, which will cost them nothing. and my prove a binning. will photo Add”... ROV. “WARD A. WILSON Brooklyn flow York' 5 CCIIIS Termsâ€".12. S. SCOTT. And Guernseys and $1.00: T0 CDNSUIPTIVES. Ready-Made â€"â€"-Forâ€" Ten Days been restored to _health aria/#144,- “ ., .. ' Massey- Harris, Cleveland, Perfect and Other Makes. Bicycles. Second Hand Wheels taken in exchange for new Wheels. The Agent. ; w. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. P‘“~““~~‘1 SHOP Open every afternoon. W. D. CONNOR” All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attended to. The Big 4 Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pipâ€"- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. 2!; yds long, 30" wide. taped edge. Lace Curtains. "400 pair. 3 yde long, 36" wide, taped edge, 65¢ per pair. 3} yda long, 42" wide. uped edge. 90¢ per pair. 3‘ yds long, 48" wide, knitted edge, 81.00. 3} yd: long, 54" wide, knitted edge, 81.40. UUI “luuuuww um", --‘V--- ,1 positions bouuso our high and. training premren them to render first-class services. Businncs men want first-ch33 workers and have no time to wnste upon the other kind. Commence a warm now and he rudy for a position in the full. \h rite for handsome catalogue. Roller Window Shades, 350 etch. Table Linen 54" wide, 25c yd. “ 64" wide. 50c yd. White Bed Sprudo. 85c md 81.20 Floor Oil Cloth. 1 yd wide, 25c yd. “. 2 yd wide, 50c n yd. Colored wesh Silk weiet lengths in white, black end colore. 82 up to 83.50 eech. Black mercerized Sateen Underskirte 3: 81.40. “.50, 81.75 end 02 each. Don’t forget us when you want t good pit of Shoes on we carry o full line of Sterling Bros’. Shoal. Best Groceries at low Ptiees. hand WHEELS which we can sell very cheap. REPAIRING done promptly and Repairs kept of Wheels. GIVE US A CALL. " lle Sells Cheap.” Now Print: ad Fancy Gingham. BOOTS and SHOES. JUHN LIVINGSTON STD ATPORD. Pumps from $2 upward. A fine assortment of new, up-todate wheels Call and See U a. have a number AISO of good second . H. BEAN' Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€" W. D. CONNOR. Durham. Ont.

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