West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 May 1903, p. 1

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GATHERED DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READERS. Moxnv at fix. MacKay a noun. Durhamâ€"ti. 11' will pay you t-n rend Miss Dick’s ad. on page 8. Wâ€". _) COTTON Sailor Suits and Linen Suits {or children at Grnnt’s. Ir vou read Theobald’s and. It may help you and save you a few dollars. Max’s so“ front. shirts shirts at. Grant’s. has that. ” made for-me ” I? you want to get asewing ma- dame call and examine the New Williams at Barclay Bell’s. LADIES, the Empress shoe embraces style. quality, comfort, in fact every- thing which constitutes a perfect shoe. Buy them at the Big Store. \Vn have on hand some splendid \Vm have on hand some splendid Kid Gloves for ladies. \Vouldn’t you like to have them on yours? James Ireland. 7A,â€"..__. ,_._. WORK is progressing nicely on the Cream Separator Factory. George MacKay and his gang will soon have enough cement blocks. IT’S up to you if you want a suit either ready-to-wear or ordered. The best, cheapest and most. up-to-date are at Theobald s. TRY Mockler for Dry Goods. WE are not like Ross or letney about who should judge for us. We want the whole country to bear tes- timony of the extra values we give. ~'l‘heobald, the Clothier. TRY Mockler for Groceries. _ .dâ€" SATISFACTORYâ€"The firm of Robin- son Corbett, Marble Dealers, of Mt. Forest, put in a monument re- cently for Mr. Wesley Williams, of this town, which he considers per- fectly satisfactorv and with which he is well pleased. __,_. - ,e.â€"_-4 Wm have a very strong letter from Wilder’s Lake. condemning the Ce- ment Company for what is deemed unnecessary Sunday labor. We are satisfied the management here is anxious to abide by our Sunday laws, and that they do not wish to do any work only to such extent as to keep machinery from injury. MR. WM. GRANT. ofVarney, pur- Ahased a few weeks ago from Mr. ,‘has. .‘chinnon a beautiful new .iano. manufactured by Small and will please note that by a recent change in the Postal regulation, let- ters addressed to a newspaper and marked “Printers’ Copy” and left, unsealed will pass through the maul at the rate of one cent for two ounces. Inscead of using a two cent stamp. one cent stamp will do the business. Mn. CHAS. BOYLE and his son,‘ Wm., of Glascott, were in town Tues- day. They delivered three three- year-olds to buyer McKinnon. The total weight was thirtyoseveu hun- dred, and the price received was about $160. Mr. Boyle tells us he didn’t get the high price for them. but. it seems to us to be high enough to give e fair living profit. IN'rELLmEscx-z was received here a few days ago of an accident to Mr. Archie McKenzie of Buffalo. son of the late postmaster of this town. Mr. McKenzie IS engaged as brake. man on a train running om. of 8033- lo. It. seems he was walking along the top of the cars when the train ran into a truck on the track. The injuries were sufficient. so lny him 03 work. but. he will be able to leave the hospital shortly and :9: m a few weeks here to recuperate. 0:: Friday of last week the morn- ing train from here to Palmerston- with passenger coach. three cars of‘. cement and ether freight. broke the' record of the road by their first reai i accident. Neither conductor nor o-n-l gine driwr can rxpinin the cztuw.i but at all event}: the. whole train. with the exception of the engine, left the rails and landed in the ditch ghout four miles this side of Palmer “on. The passengers were pretty‘ well shaken up but no one was injur- ed. About 70 tons of cement in the ditch. height care bed to be all trons- fmed by band into other care. The train did not return until ebont three o’clock the {allowing morning. I'vv ,, Arthur, of Uxbxidge. Immnsrosnsscs of THE Cuuoxnzm 37w‘ MacKay Dunn. B 933 or Wlfitney and Shoes If you want your Business and white PEWNEY’S Albertine Kid Gloves in black and colors at Grant’s. BUY Herbageum for your little pigs and calves at Grants. STRAWS show which way the wind blows. Go to Ireland’s and b .y one BOY wanted to learn printing, apply at. this Ofiice. PURE Manitoba. Flour from Ogilv vie’s Mills, Manitoba, for sale at A. S. Hunter’s. Jas. Ireland’s. and see. KEEP cool by wearing our swell new whitewear. See south window of the Big Store. REV. I". RYAN will conduct Divine service at Aberdeen on Sunday next at 3 p. m. FOR SALEâ€"~Pure bred Jersey heifer call got by beat milk and butter strain obtainable. Pedigree complete. -F. PEEL. tf. A $13 bill in the pocket. That‘s the way you feel when you buy a wor- sted suit worth $15) for $10 at Jas. Ireland’s. 'I‘nm' say the owl never sleeps. Mr. David Allan, of Holstein. was Neither do we. We want your trade 1" WW" Monday. our goods will guarantee a comma. Manager Stanhope. of the Cement ance.â€"~'1‘heobald, the Clothier. Works. was up from Toronto last "m-..“ ... . week and showed a number of visi- T “41‘ __A 'I‘monrv Dollar American 1 tors “11'0“th the big plant here° Lawn-MA Twenty Dollar American Gold Piece, valued as a keepsake. Liberal reward on return to this office. tf. Emm'nuxu in Gent’s furnishings at the Big Store. Pleated shirts, white and colored, new collars, high turned down and roll, ties of every description. THEOBALD’S, the Spot. for clothing. iv you owe Tm: Canoe.“ 1E :my- thing why not. pay it? We need money to carry on business just the same as other peOple. The amounts are individually small, but in the ag- gregate the sum is considerable. We hope to have a number of remittances in reaponse to this notice. TRY Mockler for Hats and Caps. Do you know who is agent for the Karn Organ in Durham? \V ell, I guess I do. for I got one the other day. Did you? How do y on like it? Fine. it is the very best. You can get one. and I am sure you cannot be otherwise than satisfied. Barclay Bell are agents in Durham. AT the regular meeting of the Grey Lodge 169 1.0. O. F. held on May 4th. 1003, a vote of thanks was ten- dered the Rev. Mr. Farquharson for his very excellent address to them on the Met anniversary of the found. ing of the Order. Also for the very appropriate use he made of the col- lection made to him by the Oddielo lows. J. l’mrnet, Sec’y. Wt: have received from Mr. James Asli‘lnwu. of Frank. Alberta, a. copy of film " Frank Sentinel " nl May 2nd in which the Editor devotes about a page to describe the horrible disaster whit-h bm'el the town on the 29th of April. The moral condition of the mining mass is at a low ebb when drinking, carousiug and the 100nm: of propertv was indulged in as a pro- per sequel to the awful avalanche. which caused so much destruction, desolation and death. Tm; Indian Medicine Man, Dr.? W hiteeloud. spent a number of even~g ings in town selling his remedies to! eager buyers. He sold them on the! square. but we do not know whether or not the purchasers bought them ”on the square.” We didn’t think it square. however, when we saw some of them rushing up to the stand with money in their hats to buy salve while at the same time they were owing us for the paper for over six years. 'l‘alfe the cheek out of some maple and there wont be much left This is plain talk, but. its true. nevertheless, and no honest man will come round to diapute it. A); enquirer wants to know why a; boy at. school should he puhisbed fol" robbing birds’ nests, While his brother goes about the streets with a gun and‘ shoots the old bird without fear of being molested, and regardless of the town By-law which prohibits shoot- mg inside tho corporation limit. It is also complained of that the Town Fathers should be witnesses to viola-i Hons of the town laws and take no action to put a stop to the wrong. doing. Any citizen has a right to i make complaint when any law is dis- regarded and we presume the Coun- cil will not be slow to act when o charge is properly laid. Shooting in town is a menace to public safety and should not be allowed. THE GOING AND COMING OF VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF MA Y. Master Lloyd Be a few days, but nothing serious. Mr. Ed. Burnett. whom we referred to last week as suffering from pneuo monia, is not making much progress towards recovery. Mr. Wm. Slascher is seriously ill with little hope for recovery. Mr. Harry Benton is engaged with the Cream Separator Co. to take charge of the engine. Vlr. Pitt, of Toronto, is at present at Mr Chas. McKinnon’ s. T. P. Smith, Eye Specialist. will be at the Middaugh House on Wednes- day next. See his ad. Mr. John Livingston went to To- ronto Wednesday morning. Rev. Mr. Kettlewell. of Mt. Forest, was in town Tuesday night. Mr. \V. J. Young went to Toronto Tuesday to attend a. meeting of the Synod. Messrs. Roy and Alister Gorond have taken up land in the North- west near Brandon. \Ve wish the boys success as tillers of the soil. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Black and family went to Chesley Wednesday to be present at the marriage of Mrs. Mack’s sister, Miss McKinnon. Mr. George Sparling went. to To- ronto Tuesday. Mr. A. A. Catton spent a couple of days in Toronto this week. Mr. Charter Smith was in Toronto for a. few days since our last issue. Miss Dick Spent a few days last week in Toronto visiting the chief millinery houses. A very successful meeting was held at the home of Mrs. David 11c: Crie on Wednesday, April ‘29th. There was quite a number in attend- ance. Addresses were given on Hos- pitality, House Cleaning, Hygiene and Vegetable gardening. The nexn meeting will he held in the Town Hall, Durham. in June. at which there will be a, lady speaker sent by the superinh-ndent of Farm- er’s Institutes to address the meeting. Lam Agaiatant Roy. Eng., and to Golden Specialist: Eye. EXCLUSIVELY. Will be at the Mielclaugh House lst Wednesday of each month. from 2 to 6 p. m. Keelers Watchmakers Jewellers Opticians and Engravers. Watches IF YOU want. a \Vatch, KEELERS’ is the place to buy it. Also buy your SILVERWARE from them and save money and get the best goods that. money can buy. R. B. KEELER SON DURHAM, OWL, THURSDAY, MAY 14, S. G. Women's Institute. If your Watch or Clock is sick Keeler can make it tick. Lloyd Bean hgs been ill for AVE the Jewellery trade of this town. \Vhy? Because they are Practlcal ALSO because we can save you money on everything you buy in our line. DB. GED. 3. BURT. ‘ a“. O London Ophthalmic “03.. Sq. Throat, and Nose Hos. ', Throat and Nose hope there’s Know IN GREAT VARIETY. On Monday night last the town was honored with the presence of nineteen Mount Forest Ladies of' the Rebekah Lodge who came up here to organize a Lodge in Durham. which was duly instituted with about thirty charter members, twenty-I three of whom were initiated into; the mysteries of the Society. 'I‘heii following is the membership at pre-l sent :â€"Mesdames Morlock, Siegnern Card, Curran; Misses Jessie Laid- law, Ella Laidlaw, May Saunders. Mary McCreary. Erma Schwenk, Clara Siegner, Jessie Robertson. Sophia Burnett, Lizzie Lauder. and Messrs. W. E. Theobald. Frank Len- ehan, Fred Search, H. 8. Card, Pete Gagnon. Geo. Hughes. H. Burrows, Jas. Eden. Wm. Laidlaw. The nineteen ladies who came up from Mount Forest were exceeding afiable and even a shy newspaper man would soon learn to feel at home in the presence of such genial jollity. The members here were de- lighted with the Initiating and De- gree Team. and though they would tell us no secrets they went far enough to say they were beautifully costumed and had the work up to perfeCtgen. They were not only jolly. handsome and capable but on the au- thority of one of themselves they all have good appetites. When the regular organization} exercises were concluded the short'. remaining portion of the night was. spent in ways congenial to the com- ! pany. The Lodge organized is named as “ May Lodge, No.â€"â€".” and ' we are sure the members here leel grateful to the Mother Organization‘ for the interest they have shown in ; bringing them into existence. The following ladies and gentleman were . preSent from Mount Forest 2â€" l l Messrs. Wm. Conner, Jas. \Vl‘lgllt,; l Wm. Anderson : Mesdames G. Breh : .her, J. Hunter, I“. Chapman. 1“. \V. lScott, F. Gibson, G. McPhee. G. in! lnest; Misses R. Scott. G. King. J. l Kerr, Thornhill, B. Corley, B. Mc- lNiven, M. Boos, L. \Vilker, J. Gardi- Iner, L. Burrows. M. Wilker, A. Scott, J. Cooper. Messrs. Chas, Mcliiunon and Alex. Grierson deserve great credit for their enterprise in purchasing Lord Lockinvar (10797), the best Clydes- dale stallion ever seen in this part of the country. The horse was pur- chased from Mr. Wm. Colquhoun, of Mitchell, who imported him from Scotland on tne with day of Feby., 190:}. This is a thoroughbred im- ported horse weighing over two thousand pounds. Farmers should look to their own interests and see this horse before using any other. For particulars see posters neXt week. Bills are out for a big demonstra- tion to be held here on Monday, May 25m. The Lacrosee boys are taking the matter up and they’re determined to give the best day’s sport ever seen here. The Calithumpian Parade leaves the rink at 9:30 a m. Football Match between Varney and Holstein at 10:30 a. m. Lacrosse Match between Hanover and Durham at. 1:30 p. m. Tug: of War between six men from Bentinck and six from Glenelg at 2:30 p. m. He'luy Race Open to the Public Schools of the County of Grey. Scrub Horse Race. last horse wins. Each man drives another man’s horse. No whips allowed. Lacrosse Match, Walkerton and Durham, at. 3:15 p. m. Evening Concert, “Scout Philippines.” The quarterly Sacramental service and Love Feast will be conducted on Sunday morning in the Methodist church by the paster. Service to commence at 10:30 o’clock. The Rev. Wm. Kettlewell. chair- man of the Mt. Foresc District, was a gu_est fit the Methodist Parsonage T- ““A-An‘ on Tuesday. and with Dr. Jamieson went through our Cement Factory and reports himself as surprised at the magnitude of the concern. The monthly Moonlight Service of the Junior League will be held in the Methodist school room on Monday evening. Service at 8 o’clock. Par- ents and guardians of she juniors in- vited. ME-QB-{hIâ€"vTâ€"his is the last: notice. and all not paid before that date will be placed in other bands for collec- tion. Durham, May 11 '03 Rebekah Lodge Instimted. All my Accounts mpst _be paid by CHURCH NOTES. Victoria Day. NOTICE. METHODIST. NOTICE . R. XCGOWAN. of the $1.00 PER YEAR.

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