West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 May 1903, p. 2

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mus or mmmkr ULIPPED AND BE- WRITTEN mom oun EXCHANGES. It is understood that Mr. Alex. Smith who for nine years or more chief organizer of the Liber- al party in Ontario will shortly re- sign. Mr. Smith has been contem- plating this step for some months, and intends to enter the practice of law at Ottawa. Although Mr. Smith was in journalism at the time he was chosen to succeed Mr. W. T. R. Preston as Liberal organizer, he was nlso a barrister. and holds the B. C. The Schom berg correspodent of the Bolton Enterprise says: Peter Sim- ple received a payment of money for some cattle. He would not deposit It in the Bank. but took it home, as he intended buying a horse in two weeks. There wae no danger. he knew how to take care of his money. He put the money without his wife’s knowledge into an oid invalided boot which he hung up in the attic. When the day {or the payment of the horse came around the boot was missing. On making inquiries Peter found that poor hare-footed beggar and booted him with her husband’s bank. The tramp has not since been seen. Rather a serious accident occurred last Friday evening to Dr. McCul- lough of Walters’ Falls, While driv- ing to Strathavod. .When on the townline his horse suddenly started to run away. The doctor, thinking to stopthe horse, turned him into the fence. The animal, which was a large and spirited brute, sprang over the fence and continued running un- til finally he came in contact with a tree. breaking his shoulder and in- juring himself to such an extent that he had to be shot. The harness and cart were badly demolished. Captain Wm. Darling Andrews, the blind life saver and news-dealer, who was for so many years a famili- ar figure in Toronto. and who died in St. Michael’s hospital on Dec. ‘24 of last year. left an estate valued at $1,350. including a house and lot on Blocker street, subject to a mortgage. The inventory values his collection of medals at $160. Under the will filed for probate in the Surrogate Com-t office recently, the whole pro- perty will pass to the testator’s widow, Mrs. Isabelle F. Andrews, of l‘oronto. By this act lie. ignores his second wife. “ho was a former Clin- tonian. lint now lives in \Vinnipeg.-â€"â€"- that he had to be shot. The harness 3nd out were badly demolished. Fortunately the doctor escaped with a slight scratch on the face, although he was thrown violently out.-â€"Chats. worth News. Com-t office petty will widow. Mrs l‘oronto. } 8000!)“ ' Ionian. New Er Mr. 1"} Cameror working Alrx Mam. hm location I work so] cistern, V tools. 11 $boughtt tried to 1 cistern I: weak. \ six ()'('10( and on i fled to 61 tom of l went u rope an workin Open at when 1: he was: narrow penence and as able (‘( sectiox tem of a plea. that h scient who of :1 cont or Gm? .\ puz'fv of ('(niul't’tl it'mfllP artiste who avmmily Work the good people of llll~ .uui ulllt'l‘ towns [or monetary cont: ,l m. Stan» to a m} thical mission or smm- »indiur pious person in (Pm-13h ”ml" M.»-ir rounds last week and 2w ’1 «Jul .‘H'llé'l'tlll ill CODSltltél’o able win. The} block a town out in sections :lls'l lutx'v recluced their sys- tem of l»:”:amlu;;e to aline art. Even a Mm on 1le part sf the assailed one that lw is a Catholic. and cannot ('on- scientism.»ly romribute to Protestant. institwtwns. is of '10 avail-«they will qnme you tlu- eat-ample. of some prieSt Wlu‘nev siuxkels they have captured. If you \‘t’lltllt‘v to hint that it can hardly lm‘ necessmy to go all over western Untario with a garden rake In order to get the wherewithal to support at little Sunday school, they will lmmllly remind you that it is only form- or fifty years since they emerged from a condition of Slavery. and of course they have not had time to learn to Stand on their own feet. Any statement that you are short of cash or that there are many other prior calls on your purse is quietlv ignored and the plea of the poo’ cul- lud folk is pressed with a gentle per- aiatance that forbids a rude refusal. Then you begin to look around for a chance of escape, and to calculate 'hetherit would be better on the whole to shell out or bolt for the back door. The chances are that in the end you separate yourself from a coin that you would rather have WHO I. vow-aw-..â€" np the neat? victim. That poor. urugglmg little colored mission in Guelph should be ublo to build a: athednl scamâ€"Bruce Herold. , District News. ”“3..qu . and the pirates leave you their blessing arid go forth to round -_‘ all f? I) “ W 1‘ ugh escape, and he has no '9 a repetition of the ex- Economist. uueron, son of Mr. Jas. 'lwlburne. who has been 51 trade as tinsmith at village near Brandon. .arrow escape from suf- L5 recvntly. Fred was at \V as d fastened Fred to a vas drawn up. After him for a while in the was brought to, and 9 home a few days ago ht again. But it was s Bentinck Council met at Elmwoodi on Tuesday the filth May instant. ‘ IE- Members all present except Mr. Tor- ‘ry. Motions Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 l and 80 x. Leslieâ€"Griersonâ€"That John Pat- re terson be and is hereby appointed :r- Operator of the township grader at a .e,.salary of $1.75 per day of 10 hours’ work, he to have full control of ,3, teams for working grader and to pay of . $3 each {or such teams per day of 10 th ' hours and that the Commissioners of as each Road Division give the said R. Operator all the assistance in their as ' power in way of giving directions as C. to work to be done. and further that the moving of the grader from place to place in reasonable distances be , done after working hours. ru- 70- lto To the Reeve and Council of the Township of Bentinck : GE:€TLEMENâ€"-Since last meeting of the Council I paid Simon Habermehl half cost of hauling stone to sink hole, $7.75 ; 2, day in connection 75c. in all $8.40. I also paid to Edward Roland and Frank Wagner, for work on Roland’s hill 85; to make it p03. sible one day in connection 81. 50, in 211186 :30. Both is reSpectfuliy sub- mitted. R. Leslie, Committee Ward No. 3, Croninâ€"Griersonâ€"That the report. of Robt. Leslie be adopted and cheques be issued.-â€"Carried. Léslievariersonwâ€"That George Fisher be paid $11.15) for ccfiin for Mrs. McConnel and that cheque issue. â€"-â€"Carried. Croninâ€"G rierson-~That a refund of Statute Labor money, paid on lot ‘20 con. 13, $2.50 and on lot. 1. con. ‘2, north, $2. be given to the Com- missioners in each Division and cheques do issue.â€"â€"Carried. Leslie-â€"-Croninâ€"â€"-That the Reeve pay Sawyer and Massey Co for gra- der by cheque as soon as the same is received satisfactory.--â€"-Carried.â€"â€"- Hanover Post. Leslie-â€"-Cronin~â€"That the Clerk procure a wheel scraper, price not to exceed $50.-â€"Carried. Leslieâ€"Griersonâ€"That $350.00 be appromiated to each Road Division and $30 for Elmwood ~Carried. EDITOR’S NOTEâ€"The Slocum System of Treatment for the cure of Consumption, Pulmonary Troubles, Catarrh, General Debility, and [)cul‘l) all the ills of life, is medicine reduced to an exact science by the world's foremost specialist- By its timely use thousands of apparently hopeless cases have been permangntlxcpred. ‘ I. _ j I 2..-“ “3' rvhlllb---â€"v~â€"â€"J wva . The ‘mulsion of Cod Liver Oil is needed by some, the Tonic by The honor of thus effectively arresting the progress of this fatal malady rests with the wonderful system of treatment which has been reduced to an exact science for the cure of Consumption and for the cure of Catnrrh and other prevalent conditions which pave the way for Con- sumptionâ€"that successful method evolved by America’s greatest scientific physician, Dr. T. A. Slocum. whose great liberality. through his Free Trial Treatment, sent broadcast throughout this broad land, has contributed most to the rout of the most Big Free System of Treatment has arrested the hand of death in the cases of thousands of consumptives and has pre- vented the disease in countless instances. The Slocum Treatment consists of four distinct remedies for the cure of Con- sumption, Weak Lungs. Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all pulmonary and west- lng diseases, and is based u n principles essential to the correction 0 function, the rebuilding of the tissues, the overthrow of parasitic animal organisms and the estab- >otent agency in the destruction of human ife In this hemisphere. BEN TIN CK COUNCIL. others, the Expectorant by others, the Oxojell by others still, and all four, or any three, or two, or any one, mzu be mm d singly or in com- bin: ltion, uccvrdinw to the needs of the. case. A misplaced comma made things warm for a local editor in an adjoin- ing town. His paper recently pub lished the following sentence: “ Two young men went with their girls to attend the teachers’ institute, and as soon as they left, the girls got drunk. The comma belonged alter " the girls, and the latterrare mak- ing it hot for the editor. \VAN'I‘EDâ€"SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PER- eons in each state to travel for house established eleven years and with a large capital. te call upon merchants and agents for successful and rrofitahle line. Permanent engagement. \Veek- y eaah salary of $18 and all traveling expenses and hotel hills advanced in cash each week. Ex- perience not essential. Mention reference and enclose self-addressed envelope, THENATIOX- AL, 334 Dearburn St., Chicago. May 6th -16 Full instructions with each set of four free remedies illustrated here. Our readers are urged to take advantage of Dr. Slocum’s generous offer. lishment of heaith in all the departments] of the hpman body. ~ u u .---..-u--- ‘-‘ ‘s The four preparations embody all the iwcessary elements of a. complete tn .‘tl- mcnt for Consumptionâ€"its cure and pm»- n-utionâ€"as well as for most of the chronic and wasting ills of life. Apparently hope- less cases are cured by their timely use. These free remedies comprise the great curative forces discovered by the emi- nent physician, Dr. Slocum, they represent the acme of the pharmacist's skill and with them will be found explicit directions for their use in any case. You are invited to test what this system will do for you. if you ‘are_sick. szliting‘ will do for on. if on are sick. writmg for a. FRE TRI L TREATM NT and the Four Fre_e_‘f’r}}a}éii6ns will beofor- warded you at once with complete du-ec- lions for use. ,, Simply write to the T. A. Slocum Chemi- cal Company, Limited, 179 King Street West. Toronto, giving post office and express address, and the free medicine (th_e Slocum Clare) will be promptly sent. . _.A '- t..-‘ "Ee:;3:.;'i}{caa'aag‘sgaa'g Sl'ocu'sm's free offer in American papers will please send for samples to Toronto. We have summer in earnest now,‘ for we have the beauties of nature with us. and its magnificence is to be seen everywhere by giving the face of the universe a beautiful aspect. All creation seems to rejoice that it is once more liberated from the bondage which it was in durw ing the severity of winter. The little birds are singing their notes of praise.. The little lambs are skipping- from hillock to hillock, and our bon- Enie lassiee are singing the milkmaid’s song. “When the Kye comes flame." The small boy is tripping to school in his bare feet. His old straw hat, which his mother stowed away in the attic last fall, is called for. and ':once more he goes on his way rejoic- ing to Top Clifi academy where he always finds a good reception from the master (Mr. Dixon) of that fam- ous academy, who spares no time in educating those under his charge for future prosperity as the years roll Roger McEachern had his barn raised with block and tackle, a great improvement on the old system, as it is less dangerous and takes but about a dozen of men, who do their work as quietly as if they were sitting in a church pew. Great saving in using profane language when in a hurry putting up the paraline plates and rafters, c. Miss Christena A. McDonald left for Oak River, Manitoba. a couple of weeks ago to spend the summer months with her aunt. Mrs. James Black, of that place. Inspector Campbell visited our school some time ago. but we did not get his report yet. We are sure it is a good one anyway. Mr. Humphreys was at. our school the other day and had the whole school photographed. done in elegant Style. Miss McCannel, of No. 1. Norman- by, spent lasc Saturday at the old home here where she is always wel~ corned, not only by friends of the old home. but by her old scholars. whom she faithfully educated for five years in branches of useful learning. The remains of Fred McGillivray were brought from Toronto and in- terred in the cemetery at Pricevllle on May 6th. He was born in the township of Proton, and was in his 30th year. Gaelic Sacrament was held in the Presbyterian church. Priceville, last Sunday. and English communion will be next. Sunday. Kev. Buchannan, of Duudalk, will preach preparatory services on Friday at 11 o’clock lore- D0011. Robt. Fisher attended the funeral of his niece’s husband at; Durham on Friday last. We did not hear partic- ulars as to the cause of death. Duncan McDonald, G. Road. lost a. fine mare rcomtly. He found her dead in the. stable one morning. Martin Murphy. at Pat Sullivan's. had a roller run over him lately, and is going about with a lame shoulder. Alex. McLeod is busy making his mill dam which was taken awav by the spring floods. Died at. his residence, one mile above Prieeville. lately, Archibald McPhail, in his 66-)[11 year. Mr. Hugh McPhail. of Duluth, is spending a few weeks with his father, Mr. John Moi’lmil. of South (ilenelg. Mr. l'kumM Mclkma'xd, teacher. re- cehwd the ug’upoiutnwut of delvgqtte to the general assembly of the Pres- byterian church to he held at, Van- couver. B. (1.. on June lsx. Rev. Mr. Mutheson Will be away from his congregation for a couple of months amending the Assembly and visiting friends. A Rev. Mr. Wat son is to fill his pulpit during: his absence We Positively Guarantee To cure Anaemia, Pale and Sallow Com. plexion, Nervousness, Sleeplessness. lin- paired Memory. Depression of Spirits, Dyspepsia, Poor Appetite, Ijlpure liluod, Pimples and Eruptions, Poor Circulation, Heart Palpitation,Dizziness, Shortness of Breath, Female “'eakness, Nervous llead- aches, Coldness 0f the Hands and Feet, Loss of Vital Power,- Geneml \\'enkness and Debility, and all diseases and disord- ers arising from a run-down condition of the nervous system or weak and watery blood. There is no other rcmmiy which will so quickly restore you to hoalth and strength and animation as Dr. Harto’s Colory'lron Pills, and there is no othor ynu can buy which is accompanied by a positive Guar- antee of Cure or your money refunded. If you purchase 6 boxes of Dr. Harte’l Celery-Iron Pills for $2.50, take 3 boxes of the Pills, and find you are deriving no benefit from their use, you can return the 3 empty boxes, together with the 3 boxes you have not opened, and get your money back. No fairer. squarer proposition has ever been offered, and we wouldn’t think of making it unless we were confident the remedy will do all that is claimed fog“. By the single box the Pills are 50c. CHEMIS’I‘ -â€" AND â€"- DRUGGIST MVRIITEN GUHRHNTEE. JOHN A. DARLING Top Cliff. DURHAM, ONT. DR. HARTE’S CELERY-IRON PILLS I Mclhna'n), teacher. re- mnoiutnmut of delegate I 71. v: .8 '7. Does it not seem more effective to breathe in aremedy, to cure disease of the breathing organs, than to take the remedy into the stomach? Recommended and Sold by MacFarlaue Co. Whooping Cough Bronchitis Group Coughs Oat-uh. Colds Grippa and Ray Fever Established 1579. Cures While You Sleep It cures because the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased sur- face with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treatment. It is invalu- able to mothers with small children. The Vaporizer and Lamp which shou‘d 135! a lifetime, together with a imxtle of Ctesolene $1. 50. Extra sup‘plies of Cresolene a 5 cents so cents. Write or descriptive booklet contain- tng highest testimony as to Its value. VAPTVCRFSOLENE I“. SOLD BY DRUUUINTS EVERYWHERE. Vameresolc-ne Co. 880 Fulton Street New York Call and see the Disk Harrows and Steel Rollm‘s made by '1‘. E. Bissell. of Elora. Gut. “'0. handle them. DURHAM mummy Anyone sending a sketch I quickly ascertain our opium invmmmx is pruhnhly pate" tions strictly vmmdentinl. H 0833!. (reg. (‘ngrst numwyhfu: For Summer Fallow groundu or on Stuhl most perfect implt-n Sod. Fail P10“ i: v v V v Anyone sending a sketch and doscfl “on may quickly ascertain nur opimun free w lathe! u invcmhm \s prnhnhly pntentablo. (‘ummunlc-u tions strictly vmmdential. llnndbunk on Patent! cent. free. (Hdr'st gummy fur securing patents. Patvnts mkvn eruuuh Munn 8: (30. race". [pedal notice. withuut charge. in the A _ .- A. a. ...... , A ‘Q- Faun Implements, Etc. vvâ€"vâ€"v' A handsomely illustrated ieekly. Largest. Mb culation of any scieuuuo 3nurnul. Terms. 83 Q year: four yu’rgths. #1. Sold by all-Pewsdealer: Built in 43.3“. 9 and l: with many reai good Full Darticulats will \‘(mrz four nmmns. u. rmu u, an -. Muuu co.amwaawav.newm hunch unicc. 625 F 82.. “Washington. Sylvester Farming Implements. Tudhupe Cutters. Tolton Pulpers. Adam‘s Waggons and Sleighs. Clare Stoves and Furnaces. Brantfurd Windmills. Robes. Coats, Rugs, Etc. Proven Steel Rod A SPECIALTY Next to Post Officeâ€"In Calder Block, §Eiéiitifié Iflmgrican,‘ Is a boon to asthmatics. tin (3.3“. 9 and 12 not lengths. I many real good improvements. particulars will be giwn. so don’t. hesitate to inquire. THOS. NOBLE STE EL RULL'aiR. DISK HARROVV. FULL LINE 0!“ .51 (mice â€"â€"ln Calder liluck :2 h: I? ywwwv 574» 'r av”? W W 165: Notre Dame Street Montreal st or Fall wheat nhblv fivtds. The lvment for working hi'lu or Px'agrie. Track v4 5. nerd Book, will be kc} '- 19. Con. 2.. W. G. R.. , SLCD. payable on or : Cows dnsppseq of or E“ HOBOUGHBRED , Bull “_Lord__g£ ‘Ahg tiny. wil] not. VA. MPORTED SHORTHORN BULL. ” Nemeu Prince," will be kept for ser- vice at Lot 25. Con. 12. Egremont. .Thorou Inbred Shorthoru Bull. “ Golden \icwr.” {registered Pedigree. bred from Imported Stuck. Also other young short. horns bred from Imported Stock. GEORGE SNELL. March 9. 2m. OUNG CLEAR GRIT STALLION “J’riuceAlipbsflA’ _ Anyuug wishing to l “ Prince Bobs.” Anyone wishil to use 3 horse of this kind would do we to this colt. Mntthew Scott, is always in no tendanoe. one door east of Crown haul. H. Wnsox. Feb’y 26.-2m. l’ricevillo. Feb‘y 26.-2m. Marc-1:10:11. 2m. pd. ‘3 for service at Lot 29, (ion. ). Bentinck. one mile south of the Corporation or Dur- hun. Pedigree shown on application. Terms 750 at time of service. 81 at end at year. Nu insurance. April 14th. ‘HE 111‘ 1 up farming and offers for sale Lot No. 25. on the 6th Concession of lientinck. The lot. is well fenced. in a good state of cultivation, 75 acres cleared. no waste land. house, driving shed. bnnk barn 50x70. two never failing wells, good bearing orchard. school on adjoining lot, post ofiioe and tele- phone on premises, church close by. over 60 acre< growing grain and grass which will be sold with the farm a! a yaluation. \Vill UV |3VIu V'I‘I vuu‘t uwv w- wâ€" se! at any time and give-“possession. l’rnce very reasonable and gm easywrms of payment. Apply on premises or address P. O'NEILL. Mnluck l’. 0.. Out. May 2. 1903.â€"3m.-â€" pd. ‘Hl’ .l. for sale the water [Mower known .3 “ Hayward‘s l‘alls,” (ilenelg. M2114 Mch-zvuxuz. Durham. Om. August 19m. 1902 A Street. the property uf Mrs. Browne. 'lhe house cuntaius 1:: coveuientlv situated andq uite now make an ex xcelleut bnardillng hmzw particulars apply to ‘ April mm UDUUU Bull “ Lord of ”Aberdeen" Resistant! area No. 3184!. Dominion Shorthorn 1 Book “ill be ke tfor senice 3t Lot on 2.. W. (LR «egeutinck. Tatum:- '. payable on or befure F.9b 1. I”. 5 dis 30d of or not «returned if neces- wil be charged {on “bother in calf or 11mm ALEXNN DER. July 10111‘ 1901 and lot {'4 an 11: tum , “'0“ “ate timl. gout] lmru cumt'ortable lum iug nrclmrd. t} Wiflliu half a mi pus! uflice. Terms reawnablt balance (secured b chaser. Will be m bloc. Thepruprie auxiolw tu Ike“. apply to DURHAM Dl‘KE. HORTHORN PEDIGREE BULL ”“10 “0‘15 R 1'2 1) 3. \\'. G. R” UH Ul' befure at? ur and charged for. mm; BARN ox LOT 1:; AND 14, --""â€".v â€" l’«.,~tofli(Â¥e:(»r mMRs. A, ”less, 200 um. aulay Street. East. Hamilton. March HUI, April 1721.. ban:‘é'un‘k‘lâ€"l-(‘xrlllvafiL beside [mst-oti'i'ce and within half a mileut Church and 85.0.1100]. Apply 1:. 'l‘mmAs H. Lmvmcxva. \ nelson I.-- .A. _M I. 1 Con. 3, NJ). It. is {or sale. Fur fur; ther particulars appiy ‘0 W. 8. STAPLES. Hanover. ,, or mum. s’l‘Al'LEs, Edge {1‘ Anril 17th. tf. \Vater Power For Sale. n The “l raser I’m; Iertv ummiuing l iftv acres. Inearlv all cleared and in good Hale (It cultixaliuu )3er k dwelling. flame ()N April lMii. a 'I‘wowear-old Ba) \laro- (.‘uit atra) 9d {mm the premi- esofme under-xiii“). [4M 32 (Jun. 3. E. 0 It. (ileueig. Une white hind foot. d1 mane and tail. binder “ill be round by communicating with owner. J Apt 11 21â€"“. [pd . an. 23; Bull for Service. House 6: Lot for Sale. HOUSE AND LOT 0N QUEEN Bull for Service. EING LOT (30. CON 1 N. D. R. will be kc BULL FOR SALE. UNDERSIGNED IS GIVING Farm for Sale. For Service. JAMES BI'R'I‘, Proprietor. 2mu.â€"pd Durham. 0110 Bull for Service. ACR I‘ZS BIC] and -4 an 17 X DERSIG N ED OFFERS Farm f 01‘ Farm for Sale. U. ALEX. ALEXANDER. Durham. Barn for Sale. 110 I’d). mtwm. Cows «turned 31' necessary whether m calf or not Colt Lost. three nuke f 11H Mum-k HEREFORD BULL snonrnoax H mungagv) ‘ i In Mummy ll WM. KENNEY, Edge Hill P. WM. LEHUE'I‘T} 3T\'l('8 “gage; m suit pm- | M‘pfll‘fl'? IMF or an s uning \Veat and its {umber particulars Yeovil 1’. 0. II Sale. “I'm" ut'rl if u‘ at I. LU'I bornoch. RUWNE. n'nwnt \'i( ~(‘mo u! m Diarlmm L. Fulton! and kers til) (‘01:. , [unable (Hammad ' “all be m pluor vultivu {ildiugs u: bear I'Uflmfl wan 39H wn, 'Ul' U

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