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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 May 1903, p. 8

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his home with the Rosy family. His death was caused by his being tram- pled by his horse which took {right a’ a R. R. crossing some two weeks .. ' e was a Methodist. an! in politics a Conservative. He was a kind-hearted, industrious old gentleman He was buried at. Han- “. ... M H.917th- Rev. Mr. Miller boo V '-v over on the 17th, Rev. “1'. Mi in . the officiating clergyman. forty years ago. and took an active interest. in every department of church work, never unnecessarily absent from church or the union I'JUI'IuvkuuD- ~-._ - acted as pull-boners. _ Reivvs. Budge and Farqubarson were the ofiiciuing clergy men. u -v‘ _- AV' Eurlv Tuesday morning May 12th. Miss M. Sumpton Was visiting friends in Port Eigin for a couple of weeks iateiy. We are very sorry to say that. Mrs. Henry Brigham is very in u. present but hope to beer of her Speedy re- “ ‘ ‘ ‘ i-.. improving nicely. , The membara of the Allan Park} 1.. O. L. hue decided to hold a par-1 ado to the English church on Sunday. 1 Mny 31 st and the brethren from other lodges nge Ainvilodfo attend. .. AL!- Mr. John Beckenbauer, of this place, and Mm: Ida Lorenz, of Lam- hsh. were united in marriage ‘ tow wake ugo. We join in extending the young couple' can runlationa. It. and Mrs. ghnrlio Builoy, of huluh, were viuiting near this flat lately. Vickers. Allan Park. left. D." .â€"‘o.o.~o . ~- lm‘de. “ I For Gas on the Stomach. also his : Result (of imperfect digestionâ€"â€" Smith. i pressing up against the heart it ex- ;lie fami- cites alarming symptoms. Instant all. Mrs. Qrelief is afforded by the use of ten hos. Mc- ;drops of Nerviline in alittle sweeten- amestead. : ed water, half an hour after the meal. resbyteri- gNetviline aids digestion. expels the as and imparts a sense of comfort. Hampdeui‘i .. . erv1lme 18 good for a lot of other ized over 1* ' _ . . - things besides. Keep it in the house an active‘ . . tment 0(1‘01' Rheumatism. Cramps. Neuralgia, anon-urnv iToothache. Druggista sell it. Mr. John Hopkins is building an ad- '.dition to his housa this summer He ghas most of the lumber on the ground i now. "V'lv‘vh'e G. S. scribe to the Post did not tell us that they had a young lawyer starting out on that line as well as a doctor. _ _ “UV V Mr. A. Herd is building himself a new house this summer on the pro- perty which they bought of Mr Jas. Lawrence. That is the right way-â€" get the cage first and the bird after. Mr, Farley, of Ayton, has the con- tract of building a new bridge on the river near what is called Asbbury corner. The Adlam brothers are sup- plyingfhe spile timber. I'IJ 1‘." w-- Mr. J. i‘difikins is on the sick list at present. We hope to;hear of his speedy recover)" “ ' - â€".__ 1.----- We would like to advise our town- ship fathers or the pathmasters of each division. not for our sake alone. but for the travelling public in gen- eral, to have all the stones picked off the roads for they are not only a nuisance but they are a damage to the roads also. “ I suflered terribl and was ex- tremely weak for 1 years. The doctors said my blood was all turning to water. At last I tried Ayet’s Sarsaparina, and was soon reeling a}! tight..a8.ain.-.” .. AA No matter how long you have been ill, nor how poorly you may be today, Aycr’s Sarsaparilla is the best meeicine you can take for urifyin and en- ricbingt _: bloc . Dofi"t doubt it, put your whole trust in it, throw away everything else. , munch. 1mm s.J. Wu Fiala, Hadlyme, Ct. 30â€"1-30! what he thinks of I. _t_le_ 1:001:53}! ahpgtytyg At the call of the President of the Flesherton Dominion Day Celebra- tion Committee. the annual meeting of citizens was held at the Munshaw~ House on Friday evening last, when the minutes of the former meeting were read and adopted, as was also the Auditor!" report, which showed‘ cash on hand.8301.99. For the man- agement of the celebration to be held here on Dominion Day this year oflio ’cers were elected as follows: Pres. Mark Wilson ' ViceaPres.. J. A. Boyd; 3%., r‘. H. W. Hiokling; '1‘reas., W. A. Armstrong. Commit- tee. J. Runstadler. D. McTavish, A. Munshaw. W. J. Boyd, E. Thompson, C. Patterson. 'l‘. J. Sheppard. After the appointment of sub-committees and the transaction of some general business, the meeting adjourned till Friday evening this week, when matters relative to the celebration will be further discussed. The com. mittee is a strong one and intend sparing no pains to make the celebra- tion of 1903 a very successful one. [be early bird is said to get the worm, and so in like manner do some of the anglers we know succeed in capturing the finny tribe. Shortly after break ot day on Thursday last Dr. Murray and Will English found geen and in two hours started for home with a basket well filled with fine Speckled beauties. Your humble scribe greatly enjoyed amess from their Splendid catch. Mr. '1‘. J. Sheppard. of this place, has disposed of his branch business at Eugenia to Mr. McDonald, of King. Word has been received hereof theg death at Manor. N. W. T., of Mrs. J. j R. Anderson, who, we understand. has been for some time afflicted with cancer. The deceased lady. who for several years lived in the Orange Valley. later in Markdale, and in this place before going \Vest, was well known in this community. and was very highly esteemed by all who knew her. Mr. Anderson and fatnily have very many friends in this local- ity-to sympathize with them in their season of sorrow. Mr. Cameron, student Nicklaster 3’ University, Toronto, whois devoting ! the summer to evangelistic work. preached in the Baptist. church here i on Sunday. and is this week assisting 1, the pastor. Rev. Mr. Hurlhurt. in 1, special services at. Salem. Mr. Hutchinson. teacher. Port Law, conducted the Christian En- deavor service in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening last and gave an interesting address on the tonic John 13: 9â€"13. At the regular meeting: of the Methodist Lndies’ Aid Society held at the parsonage on Wednesday evening of last week. officers were elected for the ensuing twelve months las follows: President, Mrs. W. A. 'Armstrong; Vice-Pres. Mrs. J. A. Boyd; Sec.. Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling; Treas, Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. Parson- .age Committee, Mrs. Wm. Wilcox, ers. h’lark'Wilson and Mrs. George 1 Mitchell. Sabbath last was League anniver. : sary day in the Methodist church. the pastor conducting both services. In the morning Mr. Wilson spoke“ Specially to the Junior League on "Habit,” and by apt illustrations made his subject very interesting for the little folk. In the evening the Senior League and young people of the congregation Were specially ad- dressed, when from the life of Daniel ilessons uplifting and stimulating ' were drawn and forcibily presented. This Monday evening the League grill celebrate its fourteenth anniver- lsary at a Conundrum Birthday party lin the school room of the church. B u-Jc-vv_ 0 Rev. C. N. Chantler, of Markdaie, IS to give an address and a short musi- cal program wiil be rendered, after which refreshments will be served and a free and easy time indulged in. Fourteen cents, correSpondina with the age of the Society, is the admis- sion fee. Dr. Carter is having the stone fence in front of his property com- pleted to the iine. Mr. J no. Wright is doing the mason work. 1 Mr. Harry West, of Toronto Junco ltion, and Mr. F. Hollis, of Brampton. »_’ 2-1.2...- blvu, unpu- .-.â€". __ are up for a. coeple of 'days’ fishing, and are the guests of the farmer’s brother-in-law, Mr. '1‘. J. Sheppard. Rev. W. A. Sinclair and bride. of Thornton, spent part of last week with the farmer’s parents here. gave us a very pleasant hour or two. Mr. A. S. VanDusen and Reeve: Mc'l‘avish go this week to Ottawa in‘; the interests P. B. G. R. railway. 2 Alumni Mrs. Wm. Smith. accom-‘s panied by their son, Wesley. who? visited them from the N. W. last; .week, have gone to Spend a. couple of? ‘weeks with their daughter. Mrs., Wm. Bentham, Dunkirk. N. Y. I Mrs. John Wright. Sn, left on Monday to visit. her son. Wm. H., barrister. Owen Sound. after which she will make an extended visit with her sisters at the Canadian and American “ Soo.” Mr. James Felsteed is spending week in Collingwood Mr. and Mrs. Barnhonse spent Fri- day late; pleasantly with friends at Port. Law. M re. Baruhouse has re. covered from her severe illness so as to enjoy the drive and day’s outing. Mrs. J. Runeudler received the sad news on Monday of the death of her sister, Miss Stetia Egan, at. Hum- ilton. Mr. Bunetedler lett. to attend the funerel. Flesherton. .1 2!. Mrs. Christopher Williams is enjoy- ing a. well-enrned holidsy with friend! in Toronto. Miss Annie Greenwood bu gone to Durham to learn the dressmaking. Somebody is wearing a long face. Mr Chins. Boyle end eon Will. of 61.300“. were callers around here last week. Mr. Fred Staples, who is at present in the employ of Limin and McClock- lin. spent Sunday at home We are sorry to report that there is very little improvement in the con- dition of Mr. Joe. Firth, Sr. Mr. Roht. Mofist, Toronto. is visit- ing his father and other friends in this vicinity. Mr. Thos. Firth has invested in a bycicle. It will be a. great conveni- ence to him in coming home from his school at Williamsford. Quite a number from here attended * the funeral of Mrs. John Burgess. ; The deceased lady was well and fa» vorably known here and much symfi pathy is eXpressed for the sorrowing i husband in his sad bereavement. ' Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Banks have -. moved to Owen Sound. They were :, good neighbors, and will be missed in the neighborhood, especially in the L Sunday school of which Mr. Banks was superintendent for the last seven ' Lyears. We wish them every success . in their new home. ‘ - .,... ... ”.mi ._.â€".. Mrs. McNeil and daughter. of Port. Huron, Mich, visited at the post~of~ fice for a few days. Mrs. White from Toronto has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. John McArthur in the Glen. Mrs. Willet and son are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bell. at the Rob Roy. On May 10th there was born to Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ryan a. son. “he are sorry to learn that Mrs. Ryan is noc as well as might be expected. It’s old news now. but since we last. wrote. a son also arrived at the home of Mr. Geo. Mathews. Last week there was a raising at John McArthur's in the Glen. Through poms cause the work was not completed in one day. Jack Meagher was the framer and as usual has made an excellent. job. Mrs. Leslie returned last‘ week to 1 Mount Forest, after visiting at her brother’s, Dan McInnis' Sudden and sad indeed Was the news which was telegraphed from Pittsburg 10 the family of Mr. Chas. McArthur here. The word was to the effect that Mr. McArthur’s son-in- law, Mr. Wm. J. Anderson, was dead. ' and his body was being brought here ' lby his grief-stricken wife. Mrs. l l l 3 V S rher parents. She is hearing her Anderson and her charge arrived by the late train, May the 13th, The funeral took place the Friday follow- ing to Durham cemetery. the Rev. :Mr. Matheson of Priceville conduct- ing the funeral service. Mr. Ander- son had been ill but two weeks. of * appendicitis. He was a native of Ireland. was twenty-five years of .age, and his occupation that. of a street-car conductor. But fourteen months ago he was married to Mary. daughter of Mr; and Mrs. McArthur,i While here for a short visit last sum- mer he endeared himself to all by his simple unassuming way. A father and mother and brothers and sisters in Ireland will mourn his early death. But saddest of all, he leaves a young wife and two-months-old son to miss . him as none other will. Mrs. Ander- son after settling up her affairs in Pittsburg. will return and live with d trouble bravely. and much appreci- ates the sympathy every one shows The McArthur brothers. Dan and Jack. have Hugh McKechnie. of the Rocky at work framing the timber for their new barn. . her. Mr. and Mrs. McArthur realize to the full the saying that “ troubles never come singly." Besides that re- ferred to above. their son Archie is bed-fast through an attack of pleur- isy ; their daughter. Annie, is ill in a hospital in Detroit. and their daugh- ter Lizzie is under the doctor’s care in Owen Sound. “’9 how to hear soon that all are in their usual state of health. Just a word about that thing from ISaugeen Valley that signs itself . “P oet.” We never boasted of our 5superior education as he insinuates, land never intend to ; we never pub , lished our ignorance, either. and ‘ inever intend to ; we’re glad we are a l good Englishman and intend to re- . l main so. He says he is a good Scotch- ‘ ; man, but we know many good {Scotchmen who would be ashamed to town him as such. And finallv we 1 would say that the so-called “ Post ”1 [hasn’t wit enough to compose even { that poorly-composed drive at us. i but has to depend on others for help. ; 3 who have perhaps a little more edu- tcation, but exaibit even more ignor- lance than he does. HOW One Million is Spent. Not less ' than one million dollars is annually spent. by peOple seeking an absolute ' cure for Catarrh. Bronchitis and Con- sumption. Numerous are the reme- dies. but the one standing pre-emir nently above all others is Catarrho- zone. It nures these diseases because it. is sure to reach them. Catarrho zone is inhaled into the lungs, throac and nasal passages, and bathes every . part of ti e diseased membrane with 5 its germkilling, healing vapour. ? You simply breathe Catarrbozone audit cures. Price 25c and. $1 at druggiats, or Poleon 00., King- ston. Ont. Edge Hill. Bunessan. Just Supposjgg OUR FRUITS ! Owing to the Teamsters’ Ttrike :_______,___,.:â€"_â€".â€"â€"â€"________ we have not been able to secure Olll Strawberries and other Fruits. But we will have them here regularly after this. JORDAN 8: BURNETT 011 Satugfdaynwc will show a. special line 6f very pretty Trimmed Hats from SL753 t! to $53. Call and see them. McIntyre Block. -â€"â€" Durham, Ont. E92 “it! Last week we visited the largel Wholesale Millinery Houses inj the city and have selected an entire new stock. As the sea- son advances the styles change. and this week we are showing something entirely difierent in Trimmed Hats. One that is worthy of special notice is the “Cavalier” Hat. of flowers and lace. The coming of a taller crown is here indicated. This is only one of the many new ideas. Give us a call. Our Up-to-Date Hats 2: V ‘33 Q} “ Roaming Old" .‘ 4 $ r- Up.to-the-minute. " Sole Agents for The Sea. A. Slater Invictus Shoe. J. M. Hunter’s New Just Suppose you want your Groceries delivered at once. Would you buy eome place where they don’t think about it until the next day, or would you buy at the Star Grocery where you are sure of immediate delivery ? We have a nice line .of House Plants. Also a novelty in the Sacred Resurrection Plant of Bay pt. Place it in water and it opens up in. a lovely Rosette. Will grow in any kind of soil and thrives in summer and winter alike. They are 200, or 3 for 500. It. The townspeople and the farmers notice itâ€"tlie fine qualities and perfect fitting Ready-to-Wear Clothing: that we have. No better finish can he. put on a suit than that which we show. We carry special lines of Summer Clothing, beautiful patterns. Also a nice line of Light Summer Trousers. At our Summer Enact-wear. Everything :1 man wears SOLD HERE. ’Phone 27. Block. The Clothier. Boot and Shoe Store IF IN NEED of a pair of Lacrcsse Shoee or Bale give us a call. Cus- tom Work and Repairing promptly attended to. TERMS strictly cash. Eggs taken in Exchange to: goods Remember the place, Jordan‘s Old Stand. next door to Dan. Campbell’s Implement Shop. For reliable Footwear, Trunks. Valises. c., c. Try... THE N E“'

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