GATHERED DURING THE PAST WEEK CHRONICLE READERS. MONEY gt 4973. MwKny «In Dunn. Durhamâ€"ti. 0)! Tuesday Dr. Wolfe and Rev Smith attended the District meeting et Mt. Forest. ALL leading cigars and tobacco: at the King Edward Cign Store. Local News Items LADms’ oponwork mi fancy em- broidered hosiery 25¢. a pair u H. H. Mockler’s. DIVISION Coin is being held to-day. Wedneaduy. Master Lloyd Beun will he held in the Methodist church Sunday morn- ing next. - SOME very choice goods in men’s shirts, collars, neckwesr, hosiery and under-wen. just in. at H. H. Mock- ler’s. DR. GEO. S. BURT, Specialist in Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose Cases, will be at the Middaugh House on Wednesday, June 3rd, 1903. A waw at. \Velbeck. under the auspices of the school, is advertised for Friday. June 5th. Agood pro- gram is promised, and a dancing platform and music Will be provid’od. ONE of our composing staff was sick for acouple of days. and this together with a public holiday throws our paper a little out of joint this week. We hope, however, to bring it up to the standard next issue. Couxcuum McFA‘nDEx, of Egre- mont, had his head badly injured last. week while working at a. barn belong- in: to Mr. Jas. Matthews. A num- ber of stitches were necessary to repair the wound. \Ve expect our Corner Cor. to give full particulars. TENDERS Waxrnnâ€"For handling the Street Sprinkler by the day or hour when necessary. Sprinkler and all ï¬lling appliances supplied by the town. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk before six o’clock Monday evening next. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. _ J. H. Brown, Chairman of Committee. Tun Saugeen Valley hard is after the Bunessan Raven with a long stick, but as he assures us his bark is worse than his bit we allow it to go just this once, hoping, however, that correspondents will so demean them- selves as to reflect no discredit on themselves nor cast an odium on this paper. We like good clean jokes as long as the joker and “ jokee†can take them in good grace. Weigh your thoughts gentlemen. and do not give the outside world an idea that you feel the least bit ruï¬led. Dox’ 1' read Theobnld’a ad. SNAPS in millinory at Miss Dick’s. We; regret very much to learn of the death of Mrs. Robert Bull, of Pincher Creek. She died Monday morning. and as a telegram, which simply announced the death, is all the information we have. no particua lars can be given. Until about ï¬ve' years ago Mr. Bull and family were highly respected residents of this town. At that time they moved to the North-west, where Mr. Bull, who was not in good health for some time, died a couple of years ago, Last fall Mrs. Bull paid a visit to Durham friends and looked so well that few thought the end so near. She was a sister of Mr. Thomas Harris, of Dur- ham. and Mrs. McRae, of Hamilton, but late of this town. BARNS BURNEDâ€"Just at the noon hour on Saturday last the citizens were startled by the sound of the Fire Alarm, and the brigade were soon on the spot for action. It was discovered that Mr. Thos. Barclay’s barn was ablaze and the energies of the brigade were at once turned in that direction. Before they arrived on the scene. however. Mr. Barclay’s barn was down. the flames had leaped across to Mr. Warmington’s barn and it, too. was soon doomed to destruc. tion. All that could be done when the water was on was to save the adjoining property. and no doubt the streams poured into the burning buildings and on and about the ad- joining houses saved a much greater loss. Mr. Williams’ stable seemed to be almost doomed, and had it not been for the vicilance of a number of citizens before the engine was get to work that too would have fallen a prey to the devouring element. The ï¬re originated, it,ie supposed, by children playing with ï¬re crackers. The loss of both buildings would be aboutâ€"-well we can’t say how much 37-400. 1890. (I! SPECIAL bargains in pipes at the King Edward Cigar Store. PIGS FOR SALEâ€"20 young pigs ï¬ve weeks old. Apply to H. W. Hunt. Vickors. AT Zion Sunday afternoon Rev. Wrey Smith .will give an illustrated 86711101). MR. ALEX. CAMPBELL, of Crawford. sold a ï¬ne horse to Mr. W. Black the other any at a fancy price. THE newest summer fabrics, Grass clomb, linen Batiste, Oxford Vellons, Picot stripes, white Madras, and manv other new muslin eï¬eots too numerous to mention, just arrived at H. H. Mockler’s. Mn. JOHN WRIGHT, who has been engaged in the bakery business here for the past eleven years. sold out this week to Messrs. Geo. Stinson and Homer Hind. THE new street sprinkler arrived this week, and appears to be a quite up-toldate concern. Just after its arrival on Tuesday we had a most delightlnl rain that brought gladness alike to the hearts of .farmers and citizens. THE funeral of MaSter Lloyd Bean on Friday last was very largely at~ t.ended the cortege being;g led by about a hundred and ï¬fty of the school children. Mr. and Mrs. Bean have the genuine sympathy of the whole town in the loss of their only child. AT the fcotball match played here Victoria Day between Holstein and Varney, Mr. Fred Benton, of the lat- ter team, had the misfortune to have one -of his arms broken through a pure accident. Dr. Hutton reduced the fracture, which we learn was a pretty bad one. LAST week Mr. Allan Maciarlane‘ went to Toronto on a business trip. That. at least, is what some peeple thought it was, and they found they were not disappointed when became home a few days later bringing with him a charming young bride in the person of Miss Kate McLean, daugh- ter of Mr. Hugh McLean, of this town. The young couple will make their home here, and we heartily congratulate them on their matri- monial venture and welcome them as citizens. Two weeks ago we copied an article from the Harriston Renew and at the close we gave credit to the paper but stated that we didn’t know whether the Editor wrote it himself or stole it from somebody else. We didn’t see the Review since, but learn from an outside source that he’s after us with a gun in his last issue. Per- haps when the article appeared in type he felt so ashamed of himself that he wouldn’t send usa copy. On the other hand the article may have been so caustic that he feared we would not be able to survive the shock. Never fear about that Brer Dewar, we can stand it no matter how dirty you make it. Send it along please, and if it’s worth copy- ing we’ll give it plac‘e, and credit you as the " only original†author. SEE Gordon’s ad. on back page. DON’T read Theobald’s ad. I beg respectfully to intimate to‘ the people of Durham and vicinity that I have sold out my bakery busi- ness to Messrs. Stinson and Hind. who take charge on Monday morning of next week. For eleven years I have been dealing with the public here, and as nothing but harmony existed during those years I feel it my bounden duty at this juncture to express sincere thanks to the many customers who have given me such a liberal patronage. M y successors are well known here, and I trust they may receive in the future the kind consideration that the public has ac~ corded me in the past. Again thanking you, I remain Yours, etc.. The preprietors of down-town ho-j tel barber shops are disturbed by the? steps taken by the oflicers of the morality department to put a step to the shaving of guests on Sunday. In the past some latitude has been al- lowed by the Police Commissioners in this respect. but an act- passed at the last session of the Legislature making it an oflence even to open shops between 12 o’clock on Satur- day night and 12 o’clock Sunday night has taken the matter complete- ly out of the hands of the police board. Under the new law if guests require to be shaved on Sundays the work must he done in their rooms. and not in the shops. The not pro- vides for a ï¬ne of 820 for the ï¬rst The Chronicle for the Balance of the Year for only Fifty Cents. Law Against Sunday Shaving. H... H- ---- Card of Thanks. JOHN WRIGHT. '23?! THE GOING AND COMING 0F VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF A“ Y. PeOpIe We Know Rev. and Mrs. Ferguson, of Mount. Forest. were in town Friday lest. Mr. Clayton Fairman, of Guglph. spent Victoria Day in town. Miss Winnie McCanl has been quite ill threatened with appendicitis. Editor Flynn, of the Ayton Ad- vnnce, was in town Monday. Mrs. (Dr.) J amieson is Spending a week at the old home here. Dr. Park, of Hamilton. was in town from Saturday till Monday af- ternoon. Miss Pearl Armstrong. of Listowel, is visiting'Miss Bertha. Sparling. Mr. Samuel Wright, of Honfryn, was in town over the 24th. Mr. Emerson Kinnee spent a few days this week with friends in Guelph. Mrs. (Dr.) Hutton had the misfor- tune to break her leg by stepping 03 the sidewalk. Mr. Samuel Wright. of Kincardine, spent. a. few days in town last. week and this. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Roberts, of Holstein, were in town Victoria Day the guest of Principal Allan. Mr. George Todd, of Grand Valley, spent Monday and Tuesday with friends in town. Mr. Patterson. of Howick. attended the funeral of his grandson, Master Lloyd Bean. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boulden visited the farmer’s sister. Mrs. McKenzie, on Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Armstrong left last. Thursday morning to visit her son at. Brimlev, Michigan. Mr. Geo. Mitchell. of the Hanover Best, attended the Victoria Day sports. Mrs. W. A. Harris, of Mlchigan. is visiting her sister. Mrs. Alex. Camp- bell, Crawford. Mr R. J. S. Dewar, of the Standard Bank, Harriston. was in town over Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs J. Fiddis and Miss Annie Fiddis, of Owen Sound, spent from Saturday till Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. C. McDougall. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Bell are back from Toronto and are going to live in town. We welcome them as citi- 2608. Miss Lottie Davidson. who has been visiting her brother, Barrister Davidson. for the past month, left Tuesday morning for her home in PeterborOUgh. Mr. Fred Ryan, who has been in the Standard Bank at Forest, Ailsa Craig and Bowanville during the past year or so, was transferred recently to Toronto. We are glad to learn of his promotion. Mr. Nat. and Miss Tilly Williams, of Palmerston. and Miss.) ean Fergus- on, of Toronto spent from Saturday till Tuesday in town as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams and fami- 1y. Mr. Pete Matheson returned to town Monday and will again be seen wearing the blue and white uniform of the Durham Lacrosse Club this season. Pete’s presence in town has caused the boysâ€"and even the girlsâ€"to wear broad smiles. Dr. Macdonald left Monday morning for Scarborough where he was mar- ried Tuesday to Miss Alice H. Carna- ghan. We have no particulars more than that he will return early next week and resume his professional practice. During his absence Dr. J amieson is home. We congratulate Dr. and Mrs. McDonald and extend our welcome to them as cititens. They will occupy Dr. Jamieson’i residence. Messrs. W. Tucker and Allie Little- Johns. ol the Markdale Standard Staï¬, were in town Victoria Day and gave us a pleasant call. They are real gentlemanly fellows, and though they represent what is considered the best equipped and neatest oï¬ce in the County they don’t seem to be troubled with a swelled head. Bro. Rutledge may let the boys out any time without fear of them doing him any discredit. They were accompan- ied by Messrs. Thompson Plewes and Gordon MoMullen. Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson. Sr., Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson, It", Mrs. Cooper. Miss Nettie Patterson, Albert Patterson, all of Howick, Mr. snd Mrs. Geo. Ayers (stepfsther and mother of Mr. Benn), Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Armstrong and two children. of Listowel. Mr. C. A. Benn. of Newry_._Mrs;'1_‘hos. _Best, of_ l’slmer: ston, Mrs. Dilworth and Rev. and Mrs. Ferguson, of Mt. Forest, were present at the burisl of Mute: Lloyd Been on Fridsy lost. Mr. and Mrs. John Pstterson, 8r., sre Mrs. Bosn’s persnts, the_ot‘her Psttersons ore her DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, MAY 28, I903. mi and m". FOR an easy smoke try the King Edward Cigar Store. PURITAN underwear for ladies, the nicest goods on the merket. just ar- rived ac H. H Mockler’s. Women and Jewels. Jewels, candy, flowers, manâ€"that is the order of a woman’s preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous eï¬orts to make or save the money to pur- chase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem. then let her fortify herself against the in- siduous consequences of coughs.colds and bronchial aï¬ections by the regu - lar use of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup. It will promptly arrest con- sumption in its early stages and heal the aï¬ected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the system. It is not a cure-all but it is certain a cure for coughs. colds and all bronchial troubles. You can get this reliable remedy at Darlings Drug Store. tf HE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE South Grey Farmers’ Institute will be held 111 Town Hall. Durham on At 1.30 p. m.. for the purpose of receiving the Directors’ and Auditors’ Reports, elect- ing ofï¬cers for the ensuing year, and trans- acting any ther business that may come before the eeting. Atter the usual busi- ness Mr. A. McNeil, Dominion Fruit In- spector will address the meeting upon "Pruning gooseberries, currants, shrubs. etc.†and upon " Spraying trees.†A practical demonstration will be made if possible. The Annual Meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held at the same time and place when oflicers for the year will be elected and general business transacted. Miss Laura Rose. of Guelph, Will be present and address the meeting on some important subjects. JAS. ALLAN, All are invited to attend both of these meetings. Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos. .. Eng., and to Golden Sq. Thwat paud Nose Hos. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose EXCLUSIVELY. Will be at the Middaugh House lat. Wednesday of each month. from :3 w 6 p. m. How to Get a Homestead in the West. Moore McFadden, May 26, tf. PRINCE ALBERT, SASK. You’ll ï¬nd the newest of the new. KEELER’S is the place to buy new goods. We have the stock to choose from, so come along and test it. It’s Here DON’T read Theobald’s ad. Just KEELEB’S the Expert “Inch, Clock and Jewellery Bepuirors. R. B. KEELER 8130K TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1903, Farmers’ Institute. the largest snd [St See BEST STOCK of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Snlverware ever shown in Dur- ham. We can’t begin to tell you here what we hove. it would take half the psger. Come snfl 8381116 goods. They are worth seeing, having and buying. DURHAM. ._ ONTARIO. So many people are settling in this country that in a short time it will be difï¬cult to ob- tain land along the line of railway. Anyone wishing to have a homestead here will do well to have us select and enter it for him as soon as it is surveyed. We can locate you in any part of Saskatcheo wan. For full particulars write at once to DR. GED. S. BURT. President. GEO. BINN IE. Secretary. $1.00 PER YEAR.