West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 May 1903, p. 2

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Every few miles there is : toll ~collector named Integrity. Itisn't “ways the man with the heaviest purse who gets the futhoa: No man has ever been tblo to find out just where it ends. A good many of the people on it are tons of great. men coming back. Judge Barrett of Walkerton last Saturday declared George Monkman, the man who was charged with felo- niously wounding Alfred Boulstrage. of Dobbington. “ not guilty.” Monk- man was brought before Magistrates Halliday and Catto on Tuesday. Apr. fllst. on the charge of causing the death of Boulstrage in a row in Dob- bington on April 6th. He was comv mitted for trial but was subsequent- ly admitted to hail of $4000. A week ago Friday he gave himself up. and was brought before Judge Barret, to elect how he would take his trial. He elected for a Speedy trial and the Judge tixed it for Saturday last with the result mentioned above. The case took about three hours and consider- able interest was manifested in the proceedings. A great many wit- nesses were heard. From the evi- dence it appears that Boulstrage. who was of a quarrelsome disposition when under the influence of liquor. accused Monkman of slandering him. and when denied by Monkman he hit him on the head with a bag contain- ing harness-i. Onlookers interfered. and took Boulstrage away. About half an hour afterwards, while Monk- man was standing at the side of the road. Boulstrage again appeared, and without provocation struck Monkman on the jaw causing him to stagger. Monkman naturally grabbed Boul- 3trage and they clinched and fell to- gether. Boulstrage ultimately turn- ing Monktnan under. It was dusk at the time.and the charge that Monke man struck Boulstrage with a knife was not vindicated. Of the crowd of witnesses there was only one young man to swear that Monkman had a knife in his hand. Monkman himself claims that he had not. The wound in Boulstrage’s side was of aslanting description and looked like one that could possibly have been made when Boulstrage rolled over on Monkman. The theory that is advanced by a number is that probably Monkman had a knife in his hand when the fra- cas commenced~probably he had been cutting some tobaccoâ€"and that he was personally unconscious of the fact. He is a man that is held in re- spect by those who are acquainted with him. After the men had been parted after the second afiray. Boul- strage was taken away. The next day he went to Hepworth and Shal- low Lake and again imbibed liquor freely. He returned home on Wednes- day evening with a severe cold which developed into pneumonia and cans- ed death. Under the circumstances there was nothing to show that Monkman had gone beyond his rights in any event. and the verdict will meet with general approbation.â€" Hanover Post. It winds around so much thtt the tnvelor finds it difficult to see very hr thud. The Ayton Cordage Co., Limited continues to forge ahead very satis- factorily. Messrs. A. Wenger, A. Schenk and George Calder returned from the city on Friday evening .f. ter interviewing the Lieutant-Gover- nor with regard to his granting a charter to the new company. On Sat- urday a message over the wire stated that the charter was granted and will he forwarded this week. It is now in order to hold the annual meeting of the shareholders and let them appoint their board of directors, and other oflicers, get their by-laws arranged. and get into position to begin build- ing operations. The shareholders will receive notice of the time and place of holding the mating in slow days. Those wishing to subscribe for stock should do so beiore that date so theyl 3383’ have a voice in electing the managementâ€"Advance. The committee from the incorpo- rated portion of Hanover. that ap- peared before the Private Bills Com- mitts;- oi the Ontario Legislature to have the Brant portion united with the already incorporated portion, was successful. When this question of the unity of Hanover came before the County Council of Bruce at the January session. three members, the editor of this paper and Messrs. Mc- Intyre of Greenock and Brill of Tees. water opposed a motion to send down the county solicitor and warden to Toronto to oppose the Brant portion uniting with the corporation of Ban- over. In speaking against Bruce County's opposition to ’the unity of Hanover. we said that Bruce had got the Huron portion of Lucknow, the Grey portion of Wiarton, and would get another slice from Grey by the incorporation of Hepworth, and this county could well aflord to let Grey have the Brant portion of Hanover. We are all well pleased that the un- ionists of Hanover have won. 'They were in the right and the right must prevail. ~~Chesley Enterprise. [TENS 0F mmmr L’UPPED AND RE- WRITTEN FROM OUR EXCHANGES. It iszpoorly paved u the start District News. The Road to Sacco-I. “no. 5â€". Goin JUNE 4th. returning until AUGUST 4th (a rail orS. S. Athsbsacn.) Goin JUNE 18th. rotuxning until AUGUST 18th (.1 mil or S. S. Athabasca. ) Going JULY 4th mturnin until SEPTEMBER an: an nil or 6.3 mf‘ tobn.) Tickets are not 006 on “Import“ Limited!) _For tickets nu pamphlotg [lying June 12â€"North Middlesex. from Appin. The following excursions have so far been arranged by the Farmers’ Institutes to visit the Ontario Agri- cultural College during June:â€" June ‘Jâ€"VVest Middlesex, from Parkhill. June llâ€"East and West Elgin. from Aylmer. June 15â€"\Vest and Centre Wel- lington. from Drayton and Elora. res- pectively. June 16â€"â€"East and WeSt Lambton. ‘ luuu uu anti-nun"; JAVDP‘Vu. u. “_ V“ from Sarnia. ; pense of $6,000. __ ‘The body of Miss Annie Orr. a pop- June 17 {3681’ from Brampton: ' ular delivery clerk in the postofice June 17~bouth OXfOl'do from 1‘01“ . at Chatham, was found floatingin the WiCh- River Thames near the House of Re- June 19â€"_North and West Bruce ' fuge, about a mile outside the town and North Grey, from Tara. :limits. Whether it was the result June lflâ€"Farmers’ Excursion, T, of an accident or design is still a H. B. Railway, from Brantford. mystery. June 90â€"Huron, from Hensall. Because of a derangement of the June 20â€"Halton, from Milton. icombination half a million dollars J g.) N h 0 . remained 1n the vault of the Royal une ".- 0” ntano. from Ux- 3 Bank of Canada at Halifax for thirty. bridge. ;six hours before the officials could June 23â€"North and South Water- loo. from Galt. June 22â€"Uniou Farmers’. from Brussels. June 27â€"South Grey, from Dur- ham. June 29â€"West. Simcoe. The following arrive by C. P. R. as arranged up to the present»- On my way out here I made a halt at Durham, got supper and drove around the cement building. It is a sight to see the black smoke from the high chimneys. It looks like clouds above. I was told that the residents ol Durham could not put their wash- ings out on certain days for they got all black with soot. Durham got a big Klondike when the cement works came. They sent me over a sack of cement last week to test it and I find it to be good cement. They must have spent a million dollars and it is the writer's wish that they will reap ten-fold their capital.â€"â€"Post. June 24â€"South and Centre Bruce. from Walkerton. June llâ€"East and West. Peterboro and East Durham. from Tweed. June lGâ€"East and West. Lambton, from Courtwright. June lbâ€"Haldimand, from De- cewsville. June lGâ€"«Centre Simcoe from Pen- etang. Hnmeseekels’ni"yfxcu13iuns Many come here to fish, and the speckled trout seem quite plentiful. the streams being the right kind of water f9: them to live in. Mr. Munshan has engaged me to build him a cement stoop with posts. The stoop is 135 feet long and 8 feet wide, the posts 10 inches through and 9 feet long. I intend making him a dandy front to his big hotel. He is not one of those small posted posted men and will pay all it is worth to get a good job done. I do not intend to rush the contract for I .like to live in this happy hotel. and I think I can squeeze in nearly a weal: extra. He seems to have plenty of the yellow metals, and it won’t do Walkerton any harm if I get my pockets filled, but for all that it is a little tough to leave sweet home and so many very pleasant faces on the Durham St. of dear Walkerton. A. Munshaw, who has lived here for 40 years and has kept a first class hotel all that time. In fact it has been so nicely kept that all tourists and travellers have driven five or ten miles more than their day’s journey, in order to stay where they could get everything of the very best. His tables no so neat and clean that it would take a body over abun- dred years to eat their pack of dirt there. Dun Panama-J um now in Flasher- ton, a small town about 15 miles east of Durham I have a contract from Mr. Munahaw’s parents were of the atock of the U. E. Loyalists, and any- body knowing the people will agree with the writer that they have the cakes from all others. Fleshetton has many churches. stores and shops of all kinds. They have just this one hotel and goods are cheap here and labor can be had at a (air price. The C. P. R. is 1} miles from the town. What a mistake those leading men in those R. R. building days made ; they must have been as stu- pid as they were at Walkerton. EXCURSIONS TO THE 0. E. A. TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-“'EST AT RETURN FAREB. Amount General Poo-eager Agent, 71 Yonp St, Toronto. Pluhorton sad it: People. A. H. NOTMAN. gpply to your 'near'oot WILL RUN (By McTnfl.) H 0.. w-.___v--- Regina: ..... ; Clara Binoski. a Pole, who has been noted as a shoplifter at Guelph, has 'been sentenced to five years in the Industrial School. The ofience this ‘ time was stealing a bottle of whisky. Fires have wrought considerable devastation in Newfoundland. The town of Little Bay was wiped out. ‘rendering 250 people homeless and causing losses to the amount of . 850,000. The Leplndere ere the ehorteee people in Europe, men "erasing 4 feet 11 inches, women 4 feet 9 inches. Within the In". ten you: than bu been a grog: docrouo in the number of divorces in Pruuit. ' The total sum collected in Europe for the generel Boer relief fund amounts to £103,819. A bill is to he introduced to pro- vide that the printing for the Gov- ernment railways. which is done in the Maritime Provinces, shall be per- formed st 3 cost not exceeding one- tomary and fair commercial rstes for similar work supplied in similar qusntities. The same bill will estab- lish s standard rate of wages at the Government Printing Btu-eon. which is to he the same as that prevsiling in Toronro and Montresl. Col. A. E. Belcher. of Wiarton, sn- nounces that he is after the Conser- vstive nomination for North Bruce for the next general election in view of the fact that Joe. Hellidsy has said he would not seek re-election. Part of his platform will he the pub- lic ownership of all public utilities. and the people’s welfare as against all trusts, combines and corporations. William Hare of Petrolea was in- stantly killed as the result of anitro- glycerine explosion. and Leonard Beadle is sufiering from a severe shock. The unfortunate man was driving a nail in a box which had a number of years ago been used in the manufacture of nitro-glycerine. The head was blown 03 the hammer he held in his hand. The governors of Kingston Gen- ersl Hospital have ordered tenders to be called for 3 Nurses’ Home, to cost $10,000, and for the complete transformation of the Nickle wing into an Isolation HOSpital at an ex- pense of $6,000. Because of a derangement of the combination half a million dollars remained in the vault of the Royal Bank of Canada at Halifax for thirty- eix hours before the officials could get at it. The brick wall had to be pulled down. and funds were bor- rowed from the Bank of Nova Scotia in the meantime. Guelph milkmen have formed an organization and elected oflioers. Milk will be five cents a quart with no extra tickets. Hon. Chas. Fitzpatrick has given notice of a bill to amend the crimi- nal code. The measure contains a number of amendments. one of which will prohibit the sale of cigarettes to minors. Hamilton police failed to convict John Murray of perjury because he said he had not been drinking. The Winnipeg Free Press is author- ity for the statement that the Dan- ish Government is exporting its con- victs to Canada. and that eight are now in this country. As the choice of Toronto Universi- ty Fred. P. Clappison. B. A... son of the Inspector of Customs at Hamil- ton, has gone to Boston to take a position with the Boston News Bu- reau. Hon. W. S. Fielding gives notice of a. bill to provide for the establish- ment of penny savings banks. or a. em to provwe tor we answer» The desth rate of the l b i ,. ment of penny savings banks. mated st 68 per minute? ($733002: Guelph milkmen have formed an dgy, or 35,740,300 per year. l‘he organization and elected officers. birth rste is 70 per minute, 100,800 Milk will b? fit"? 99!”? 3 9031" With per day. or 36,792,000 per year, took- no extra tickets. suing the year to be 365 a." in Acsucus of the Quebec membersllensth- has been called for today to discuss The carious spectscle of mushrooms what their attitude shall be in regard growing in cement h“ been witneu. to the Grand Trunk Pacific “11° ed st Hsbkern, Switzerlsnd. A smell Belleville Council has passed I. res~ shopkeeper named Blintz had his olution asking the Ontario Govern- yard partly covered with cement. end ment to withdraw its Assessment Act next morning discovered it number at in order to admit of further consider- | fine mushrooms RI'OWiDg on the Spot- Belleville Council has passed a res. olution asking the Ontario Govern- ment. to withdraw its Assessment Act in order to admit of further consider- ation London civic authorities will en- force the by-law prohibiting the dis- charge of firecrackers and other fire- works without the permission of the Mayor and Council. It is said that instructions have been sent to Immigration Commis- sioner W. T. R. Preston in London not to encourage the immigration of artisans to Canada. Raymond’s Woodworker’s srs still on strike at Guelph. A ssttlnment is in view. Owing to the employment of a. non- union man a. number of Montreal longeboremen went on strike for e few hours yesterday but returned to work. The Department of Marine and Fxsheries at Ottawa has received a. letter from Newfoundland, contain- ing $400 conscience money in pay- ment for fishery licensee. Alex. Campbell. Chief of Police u Fort William. is dead. Stanley McMillan. son of Daniel McMillan, Hilleburg, and a college graduate. is dead at the age of 31. The application of Belleville for the brigade camp has been denied by the military authorities. From the efiects of a dose of wood alcohol John Taylor, a painter of Dundas, came to his death. The validity of the by-lew to raise 8100.000 for civic improvement: in Hamilton will be tested. GENERAL NEWS. Cures Pain in the Back. Makes life miserable for many. Can it be cured ? Yes, in a night. Nervi- line gives a complete knockout to pain in the back. because it is strong- er. more penetrating. more highly pain-subduing than any other remedy extant. One drop of Nerviline has more power over pain than five drape of any other remedy, and it is true strength you want when you’ve got a pain. Your money back if it is noti so. Drugaista cell Nerviline. 0b! hold I pray in us your trust. Think of the Cap. then noble pard. Remember that we’re apt to bust And do not work your'mem’ry herd. In order to help keep us yet. Can’t you forget ? Can’t you forget? â€"Brentford Courier. â€"-â€".-.â€"-.â€"Q..-._‘ Except to closer bring the axe ‘3 In order to help keep us yet. Can’t. you forget? Can’t you forget? The tumult and the shouting cries Which people raise in town and mart, In calling for our sacrifice Gives me cold chills right to the heart. In order to help keep us yet, Can’t you forget? Can’t you forget ? If much that happened should get loose And your tongue tell them all the facts. I ask you now who‘ra’d be_the nae, Scribe of our modern days ;‘ not old Think of our far flung tattle line Beneath whose tricks and quirks we hold Dominion over spruce and pine. In order to help keep us yet,n Can’t you forget ? Can’t you forget ? “Can’t you forget some of the things ?”â€"-The request which Mr. Hammond. Globe reporter, swears that Mr. Stratton made to him after the Gamey disclosures in the House. Tendency of Catarrh is to Spread. Just a slight matter at first. and be- cause slight, neglected : but the seed sown brings forth a dangerous har- vest, Consumption, which is the har- vest of death. Better spend a few minutes each day inhaling Catarrho- zone. an aromatic antiseptic that re- lieves at once, clears the nasal pas- sages, and restores lost sense of taste and smell. The immediate efiect of Catarrhozone is magical. so prompt and efficient. Cure is certain and permanent if you use Catarrhozone. Price 31. Small sizes 250. at Drug- gists or Polson Co., Kingston, Ont. After feigning paralysis for eight months. Campbell. a Brisbane con- vict, has at last acknowledged the deception and taken to walking again. He was imprisoned for per- jury in an action for damages which he brought against the Queensland Government, when he declared he hod become paralysed by falling from a train. The doctors insisted that he was shainming, but Campbell stood sevsre electrical tests, which he now says was the greatest punishment he ever suflered. How to Get up en Appetite. Disteste for food often follows Grippe, end fevers. end is essocieted wnthe generel weekness ofthe sys- tem. To impart e reel zest for food. end give power to the etomech to digest end assimilate. no remedy cen equel Ferrozone. This is e new end stertling discovery. It strikes et the root of diseese end by removing the ceuse. cures quickly and permenent- ly. Ferrozone will enable you to eet and digest enything. All drug- gists and medicine dealers sell Ferro- zone. Out of a population of 58,000,000, the German Empire provides a stand- ing force of about 600,000 men on a peace footing. with an estimated power in time of war of about 3,000- 000 men of the active reserve and the Landwehr, and 4,000,000 untrained men of the Ersatz Reserve and the Landstnrm. Curiosity as to the cause of some noises caused a boy at Philidelphia to look through a hole in a fence. The next moment he fell back, shot through the eye by a bullet from an an airgun, a lad on the other side having used the hole as a target to tire at. The injured boy will lose his sight in that eye. The entire population of Greater Berlin now stands at two million. Of this total the city itself is put down for 1,800,000. Ex-President Kruger will leave Montana in three weeke’ time, and spend the summer at Heerlem, nesr Amsterdam. While watering his garden with a hose. H. Straitz. of Metz. Germany. stepped into an open well, the side: of which collapsed upon him. He was buried gfteen feet deep, but, retaining hold of the hose, which snapped at the connection with the water main. was able to breathe through it until dug out. Stratton’s “ Interceuional.” 0. SMITH SONs'xug-Bza Built in 6.:8, 9 and 12 foot length, with mnny reel good improvements. Full pnrticulnrs will be given. IO don’t heeitete to inquire. For Summer Fallows or Fell wheat grounds or on Stubble fields. The most perfect. implement for working Sod. Fall Plowing or Prairie. Calland see the Disk Han-owe and Steel Rollers made by T. E. Bissell. ofoElora. Gut. We handle them. DURHAM FOUNDRY qfil'é'k'l'ymisl'éfiiiin" Stirâ€"oblnton free whatnot (I Invention is probably amenable. Communion. non-{strict‘lfigmtndent u.‘Hnndb%ok on Pam Ion roe. as n ency orncu nu pmn Patents taken (growth Mann C0. 300:" 01)ch notice. without. clings. in tho Recommended and Sold by Muruhne in Co. A handsomely “haunted weekly. enigma}: of nnygcleg‘ungjoumq: AL__, ear: four months. 81. Sold by." newadealel UNN 00. "WNW- NewY Bunch omce. 625 3' 8t. Wuhtmtomb. 0.2! Vnmereoolcne Co. 880 Fulton Street :65: Not“ Dame Sm New Yurk Montreal Whooping cough Bronchiti- Cronv Cough: Cot-uh, Golds Grippo end mm The Vaporizer and Lunp which should last a lifetime, together with e iaoxtle of Cresolene $1.50. Extra sup lies of Cresolene 2 cents anti 50 cents. Write or desaiptivo ot connin- tng highest testimony as to its volue. 5113136}? 'ihi'ééiéh‘iiéé Mai-Elf. ire: gal-3199!- point“. 81. 80 d by nleew: It cures because the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased sur- face with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treatment. It a invalu- able to mothers with small children. Does it not see/tn more effective to breathe in a remedy, to cure disease of the breathing organs, than to take the remedy into the stomach P ’ Séiéfitiflc H'mcrican. STEEL ROLLER. DISK HARROW. la a boon to asthmatics. Eitaélzkfied (6’79. Cures While You Sleep VAPO-CRFSOLENI IS SOLD 3' 0110601515 EVER'IWHIRI. rename line. Permanent engagemeut. Week; y cash ulary of 018 and all traveling am sad hotel bills Advanced in cub etch week. h. -‘dn-A‘ â€"..‘ ---.__Al_‘ ‘.__,‘ -._ _â€" â€"‘â€"-- 3‘.- I‘- looe self uddrouad envelope .‘l‘fllw NATIO‘. inf, 33¢ Deal-born 8L; Chm“. my 0th -1. WAXTEDâ€"SEVERAL 1N DUSTRIOUS PIR- uom in each gm» to travel for house ambit“ eleven you-- and with 3 hr e capital. to all upon merchant- nd agent. or coconut“! 1" profitqblo fine. Permanent cunning-t. Wank. April 21â€"“. lpd. ON April lch, n 'l‘wo-venr-old Bay Mnre Colt strayed from the remis- os of the undersigned. Lot 32. Con. . E. G. 8.. Glenelg. One white hind foot. (lurk mane and tail. Finder will be rewarded by communicating with owner. April mu. EING LOT NO. 1 EAST HALF, and No. 2 West half. Con. 21. E. G. R. Enremont. containing 100 acres. Eighty acres cleared and in good state of cult:- vation. the remainder in good hardwood hush. Comtortable lo¢ house. good frame barn 45x60. atone basement. orchard of about lm trees. well water . fairly well tenoed, convenient to school and church. 3 miles from station. Terms to suit puro chaser. Small cash payment. balance secured by mortgage. For further parti- culars apply on the premises or write to 1. (3013.3. N. D. R. is for sale. For fur: ther particulars apply to W. S. STAPLES. thovor. or to (”‘20. STAPLES, Edge Hill. HE BARN ON LOT 13 AND 14, Con. 3, N. l). R. is for sale. For fur- ALEX. ALEXANDER. Durham. April 13th, 1903. tf. n The “Fraser Property ”. ronuininu Fifty acres, nearly all cleared and in good state of cultivation. Brick dwelling. frame barn. small orchard, bemde post-oflioe and within half a mile ot Church and School. Apply to Taurus II. LAWRENCE. \‘ickors Post office. or in Max. A. HESS, 200 Mac- aulay Street, East, Hamilton. March 11th, W. H. LEE, Val-nay P. O. Mny 15th. “fl-Gama. HOB'I‘HOBN PEDIGREE BULL ‘ for service 1t Lot 29. Con. l. Bentinck. one mile south of the Corpontion or Out- hun. Pedigree shown on application. Terms Z§c pt time of service. 81 at end of 1 will be kept {Jr service 3t Lot 50. Corn. 3. W. G. R.. Reutiuck. Terms 8!. pnyahle on or before Feb. 1st. I“. Cows oisposed off or nof returned if necessary wall be charged for, whether in calf or not. ‘ OUNG CLEAR GRIT STALLION “ Prince Bobs.” Anyone. wishing to .l “ Prince Bobs.” Anyone. wishi to use a horse of this kind would do w. to this colt. Matthew Scott is nlwnys m It- tendance. onefioor out of Crown haul. Feb'y 26.-2m. HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS for sale the wuter power known 30 “ Hayward’s hulls," Glenelg. NEIL McKncnxm. Durban. Ont. August 19th. 1902. tf. HORO’BRED HEREFORD BULL will be kept { Jr service at Lot 50. Con. you. No insurndce. Jan 0 23o-t'o JAMES BURT. Proprietor. April 14th. 2mo.â€"pd Durham. Ont. I. up farming and offers for sale Lot No. 25. on the 6th Concession of lientinck. The lot is well fenced. in a good state of cultivation. 75 acres cleared. no waste lend. house. driving shed. bsnk horn 50x70. two never failing wells. good bearing orchnrd. school on adjoining lot. post office 1nd teleo phone on premises. church close by over so sores growing grain end grass which _w_i_ll be soldâ€" with the farm st 0. valuation. Will sell at say time and ive possession. Price very ressonsble so on easy terms of psyment. Apply on premises or sddress P. O’NEILL. Mnlock l’. 0.. Out. May 2. 1903.-â€"3m.- pd. A HOUSE AND LOT ON QUEEN Street. the property of Mrs. J. [0. Browne. The home contains 12 rooms coveniently situated. and quite new. Will make an excellent boarding house. For particulars apply to HE UNDERSIGNED IS GIVING up farming and ofioro for sale Lot No. July 10th. 1%] Terms reasonable : Cash payment down. balonce secured by mortgage to suit pur- chaser. Will be sold in separate lots or en bloc. The proprietor is going West and is anxious to sell. For further particulars apply to IOU" and 59 on the first con" N. D. R.. anflot 54 on the 2nd con., N. D. R.. Ben- t'mc , well watered in good state of cultivr tion. good barn. and other out-buildings, comfortable house, well fenced. young betr- ing orchard. three miles from Durhun within half a mile from church. $01100]an post office. Water Power For Sale. EING LOT 60. CON 1 N. House 6: Lot for Sale. Bull for Service. Bull for Service. Farm for Sale. ACRES BEING LOT 55. 53 Farm for Sale. Barn for Sale. Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. For Service. DURHAM DUKE. Colt Lost. WM. KENNEY. Edge Hill P. 0‘ J. L. BROWSE. tf. Photographer . WM. LEG G ETTE. H. WATSON. Vickers l’. O. ‘9

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