West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Jun 1903, p. 1

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Os Suadey evening a Song Service will be held in the Methodist church. Subject, “ Redemption’s Story.” OATHERED DURING THE PA8T WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READERS. \VANTEDâ€"Any quantity of fresh butter and 0333 nt J amos Irolund’q. You will hgve the latest if you buy your gents’ furnishings at Theobald’s. MORE of that 4c. toweling at H. H. Mockler’s. HONEY at 4970. MmKay d5 Dunn, Durh:m.â€"tf. LADIES, see our stock of Puritan underwear.â€"H. H. Mockler. COME to Gront’s for your all wool and union carpets. BUY your millinery where you can get most style and best values for least moneyâ€"that’s at. Ireland’s. Coaxâ€"The Ingest usartment of field corn at Pukor’l. DON’T forget the special sale in pipes June 6th at the King Edward Cigar Store. Local News Items THE Rev. Mr. Farquharson will preach in the Methodist church, Zion, on Sunday afternoon. H. H. Mocan is showing some very natty things in men’s fancy socks, neckwear. shirts. etc. THAT sprinkling cart. should be out. \Ve do not guarantee to keep dust off our clothing once they go out of our storesâ€"Theobald, The Clothier. A LARGE number of ladies and gentlemen of the Presbyterian church attended a meeting of the Ladies’ Aid at. Principal Allan’s on Tuesday. AUCTION SALEâ€"At. Lot 40, Con. 3, E. G. B... Glenelg, on Friday. June 12th. See list of articles in this issue. THE B. Y. P. U. of the Durham Baptist church will hold their annual Garden Party on Tuesday evening. June 16th. Particulars next week. A XEW incandescent arc light was placed at the McIntyre corner this week for exhibition purposes we pro- sume, and it makes such an improve- ment the citizens and Town Council will soon become a unit on getting htpi-to-date street lighting through the whole town. DON’T forget the meeting of the Farmer’s Institute in the town hall, Durham, on Tuesday next, June 9th. For further particulars see notice in this issue. Tm: Durham Manufacturing Co. is making good progress in the erection of their new factory, The building ie L~shaped, the walls being erected“ of cement blocks. The size is 100 feet long on Bruce St. by 100 feet long on Saddler St. The width throughout is :30 feet. Ample provision is made for good lighting. the Windows being placed about 3 feet apart along both A SERIOUS smash occurred last Thursday evening when the large plate glass in Miss Dick’s millinery establishment was broken by a frac- tious horse backing a wagon into it. hides. LAs'r weeh we announced the sale of Mr. \Vright’e bakery to Messrs. Stinson and Hind and stated the in- tention of the new proprietors to be- gin this week. Towards the end of the week, however. we learned that Mr. Stinson had riled-hie bargain. and decided not to enter the part- nership. Determined to go on with the deal. .\lr. Hind got his brother to join him in the business and on Mon day morning last the Durham bakery passed to the Hind Bros. who, we trust. will be successful in their undertaking. Though Mr. Wright is out of the business. we are glad to learn that he will still remain a citizen of the town. -vâ€"‘ _- citizen of the town. i Another riclicuious food fad has _-_._._._ , i been breaded by: the most competent. Rev. J. Layman. oi van Sound. { authorities. . lhey have. dispelled was in to an anl..y night and u: ithe eillv notion that one kind of food dressed alum-[lug in the Town Haldis needed for brain another for in the interest vi the negievted child. 2 muscles. and still another for bones. reu’s sheinâ€"r nt Owen Sound. 0115A correct diet will not only nouriqh Tuesday morning the writer in n * a particular part of the body, but it shut" interview "enrm- 0 that. {onltum i “H“ SOSCain every other part. Yet. chinw-u had been tmike!) from Dar Jiowever good your food may be. its ham and welnity and nflfnde-l theiuutrimentisdestroyed by indigestion benefim of the .he‘uer. We learned ; or dyspepsnn. You must prepare for “13-9 in the same ixivtetrskneetrI try“ [:03 their _ep:eara:.ce or pll'evegt their assistant'r new even y'r- m u e ojcomtng y ta 102 regu nr- 0863 Of support. the institution. which. to our , Green’s August flower, the favorite ntind :9 jesterving Of the formidera- ' :Iiedigine of .téledhenlthy millions. A to: 0 even; true s m cc, 9‘!” w; ew- osee at ' ' h ‘t l . f h' fellpow bein : {,Ve‘ti l' he igfistlon: etumuletee t ed“! owe; 0‘ 18 hi' I“ be: hot (I the bye; to don t. y notionf. purifies an arena tie pu w w: e o oo . no mnxee you eel buoy. in n lew dnye to mnke contributions not and vigorous. You an get this to the institution, which. in on: reiinble remedy nt Dnrlhg’e Ding judgment, in worthy of napport. , Store. tf. Bum seed Be. a. packtce at Grant’s 37-«N0. 1891. Parker’s. WE never advertise what we can- not prove. We have the goods and they do the rest.â€"Theobald, The Clothier. THE lost baby has been found and his father bought another new suit at Theobald’s. The Clothier. ITEMS of immediate interesc are the men’s shirts for work-day, Sunday, high-day and holiday. Now on sale at James Ireland’s. BUY your summer footwear at Peel’s. COME and get yourself a nice pair of boots or shoes at Grant’s. PURE gold jelly powders, all flavors, at Grant’s. Tm: very latest and best class of footwear obtainable at Peel’s. BARGAINS in prints for this week at H. H. Mockler’s. AUCTION SALEâ€"Household Goods and \Vagon Stock, Saturday next, at residence of J. A. Mann, Queen St., at Q) d WE are the leaders in cigars and tobaccos.â€"King Edward Cigar Store. 801'. MR. H. S. CARD resigned his posi- tion as chief engineer of the National Portland Cement Co., and leaves this Thursday morning for Cleveland, Ohio. where he has secured a better and more remunerative position with the Hill. Clutch Co. of that city. To Honsennx.-W. Guthrie having bought out the Dentistry outfit of Mr. Shortreed is now prepared to null. file and out long teeth. Satisfaction guaranteed. He may be consulted anytime at his black- smith shop. 2. Jusr as we go to press a magis- trate’s case is in progress. Jim and Charlie Lee of the Chinese Laundry are the complainants. The charge is one of assault and battery against two young men of the town. It seems hard to believe that Durham has a man mean enough to originate a quarrel with those poor little beg- gars whose conduct here some of the young white peOple might imitate withagood eeal of profit. Mayor McIntyre is the presiding magistrate. A writer of keen observation says : “We live in a land of high moun- tains and high taxes. low valleys and low wages. big crooked rivers and crooked statesmen. big lakes, big pumpkins, men with pumpkin heads, silver streams that gambol in the mountains, pious politicians that gamble in the night. roaring cataracts and roaring orators. fast trains. fast horses and fast young men. sharp- tued shoes, noisy children, fertile plains that lie like a sheet of water, and a lot of Grit and Tory newspap- ers that lie like thunder. An inneeper, referring to a horse which two novices were to drive. told them he was perfectly quiet. but the rein must be kept off his tail. “ Right.” said they; “ we will bear it in mind.” When they returned the inneeper inquired how they pm on. “Splendidly,” was the reply, “ \Ve had one rather sharp shower, but we took it in turns to hold the umbrella over the horse’s tail, so there was no real danger. A newspaper was running a. serial story, “The Truth.” One week. so much space being devoted to other matters, the editor was unable to continue the story. so made the fol- lowing announcement. containing perhaps more truth than any Other item in the paper: °‘ ‘The Truth’ was crowded out of this issue on ac- count of the press of more important matter.â€"Farmer’s Advocate. SUGAR-~Rodpath’a granulated sugar :.20 per 100 lbs. in bbl. lots, at TAKE your shoe repairing to Peel’s. The Chronicle for the Balance of the Year for only Fifty Cents. KITS AND MISSES. Brain-Food Nonsense. Hugh MacKay, Auction- Mr. W. A. H033 and Mr. G. Hagg, Toronto, were in town this week. Mr. John McKinnon. Jr., of Ches- ley visited his sister, Mrs. John A. Black. Miss Annie Weir returned from Pecrolea on Saturday last. ' Editor Mitchell and Mr. Maurer. of Hanover. gave us a. pleasant call on Friday last. Mr. Charles Ryan was in Mount Forest on Wednesday. Mr. Findlay Graham, of Toronto, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Calder, Mr. C. P. Rason, of Buntin Gillies 00., Hamilton, was in town Tuesday. Dr. Fraser, of Stratford, consulted with Dr. Gun last week. Mr. Peter McRae, of Wellwood, Man., is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Moore. Miss M. Hutton is home from Chatham on account. of her mothér’s illness. Mr. George Stinson returned to town Monday night and is now en- gaged with Baker E. W. Rowe. THE GOING AND COMING 0F VI8ITOR8 IN THE MONTH OF JUNE. Dr. McDonald and his bride ar- rived home Tuesday night. We ex- tend them a cordial welcome. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Palmer. of Galt, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Gun over the holiday. People The Rev. Wray R. Smith and wife and Dr. Wolfe are attending the Methodist Conference in Brantford this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, of Tiver- ton. spent a few days this week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Brown- ing of town. Mr. Archie Hunter isgome from McGill Medical College, Montreal, and will remain till the re-Opening in the latter part of September. Mr. Brad Jamieson is again the lucky winner of a number of medals for athletic Sports he recently took part in in Toronto. We have plans are in congratulating him on his success along that line. June ... Weddings Specialist: Eye, Ear. Throat and Nose NEW muslins. splendid assortment of the latest English and American qualities and patterns.â€"â€"-Jas. Ireland. Late Assistant Roy. Lomlcm Ophthalmic Hos.. Eng, and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. Will be at the Middaugh House lat. \Vedneaday of each month. fr230m to 6 p. m. WE read your ad. and just came in to see what you have. They are al- ways satisfied at Theobald’s. A run of our patent leather Ox- fords, the very newest last, completes your summer outfit.â€"â€"H. H. Mockler. SOLID GOLD Wedding Rings in 10k. 14k and 18k m all thn latest. styles. Big Stock of Engagement Rings [0 choose from. ' Nothin as Silverware! mw‘iu, SILVERWARE for Wedding Presents. and at Keeler’s is to be found the largesn stock of good Silvm‘Waru in the county. GRAB OUR SNAPS in Brooches, Necklace. Long Chains, Bracelets, Cuff Links, Pius pod Wrist Bags. Big bargains all this month at Keeler’s Big Jewelry Store. R. B. KEELER 8130M DURHAM. â€" ONTARIO. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, JUNE 4, I903. DR. GED. S. BURT. THAT RING. EXCLUSIVELY. Know $258 76 And the following be held over for further information :-â€"Dr. Gun’s, F. Seignor’e, The Royal Artificial Pavo ing 00.. all of which is respectfully submitted. hall .......... ' ............. 25 68 W. 8. Davidson account ...... 7 85 Chas. McKinnon road scraper.. 7 50 Hugh McKay work ........... l 25 J. Falkingham work on streets 8 12 George Meikle “ “ 9 37 Time. Smith “ .. 8 12 Chas. Brown “ “ 28 75 Wm. Moore work with team.. 62 62 Herb Vollet work on streets.. 17 25 Geo. McLean ” " 13 50 Robt. Watson “ " 13 50 broom postage .............. _ $22 50 C. Elvidge balance as assessor 10 00 G. L, McCaul drawing By-law and agreement ........ V ..... 2 0 00 Mrs. Parrott work town hall. . 2 75 Alex, Russel paper for town Sharpâ€"McLachlanâ€"That the re- port of finance committee be excepted and cheques be issued for the several amounts.~â€"Carr1ed. Report of finance committee: Wm. B. Vollet salary for May, By- laws 448 and 449 were intro- duced, one for appointinga fireman to fire engine. 1‘0. 449 granting a right of way to the Durham cemetery Co. to lay pipes for the purpose of carrying water to cemetery, passed through their several readings and carried. A number of tenders were received for street sprinkling, Dun Campbell’s being considered the most advantage- ous for the corporation. Council met regular meeting. Members all present, with the Meyer in the chair. Hunter McLachlanâ€"Jl‘hat Dan Campbell’s tender be accepted for Sprinkling the streets for the season of 1903, and the mayor and clerk to draw an agreement witn him.-â€"-Car- ried. Jno. H. Brownâ€"McLachlanâ€"That the prayer of ratepayers asking for granolithic sidewalk on George St. be granted with the exception of that portion from Garafraxa St. to Queen St., which shall he built within one foot of outside line, and that the pe- tition of ratepayers asking for grano- lithic sidewalk on Bruce St. be granted in full, and that action be taken at once to comply with the statutes.â€" Carried. Jno. fl. Brownâ€"McLachlan â€"That the prayers of ratepayers asking for granolithlc sidewalk on Lambton St. be granted. and that action be taken at once to comply with the same ac- cording to statutes.â€"Defeated. Health Inspector Warner reports finding the town in a favorable con- dition with the exception of'some three or four places. the parties promising to comply with the regula- tions at once. On motion council adjourned. WM. B. VOLLET, Clerk. Neglected and Dependent Chilldren of the County of Grey. The a50ve was the subject of an ex- cec dingly interesting address given Tuesday night in the Town Hall by Rev. Jas. Lediard, the Agent of the Children’s Aid Society. Mr. Lediard is the master of a persuasive elo- quence and he employs it in his plea for Neglected Children. They are. he says. the country’s and the churches’ best assets and no pains or expense are too much to train them to good citizenship. The following facts came out in the address : Many instances were given of cruel. ty and neglect. and immoral surround- ings from which children had been removed by the speaker and by the very eflicient help of Constable J as. Carson who has always been a warm friend of the Society. No less than 14 children have been removed (rom this town and the adjacent country. On this Mr. Lediard based a strong plea for financial help. and instanced the bases of Meaford. Hanover. Thornbury and other places who by an annual canvass of the citizens are enabled to send in a good round sum yearly to assut in this import- ant and benevolent work. There are about 30 C. A. Societies in the province. Over 2,000 children have been rescued and placed in homes. Of these nearly 100 belong to this county and are wards of this society. As a result the following Indies were appointed a committee for this purpose and will at once solicit sid for this work :â€"Mrs. Grant. Mrs. McArthnr, Mrs. Remege, Mrs. Stew- art, Mrs. Wolfe. The chair was occupied by Ex- VVsrden Binnie. who with the Revs. Ryan and Fsrquhsrson spoke briefly and approvingly of the work for our wsiis sud strsys. JOHN McKncuNm, Chairman. TOWN COUNCIL. l 25 8 12 9 37 8 12 28 75 %€ Ladies’ A full line of Yarns, Flannels and Blankets always kept in stock here. J.J. HUNTER Wool Wanted Having secured a large quantity at a price we are selling them at 25 per cent. less than regular price. 10,000 pounds of Wool wanted. Highest pnce paid in cash {or trade. THE 8087 87085 0” THE 808' CORNER. $1.00 PER YEAR.

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