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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Jun 1903, p. 3

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The Annual Meeting oi the Women’s institute will be held at the same time and place when officers for the year will be eluted and general business trensneted. Miss Lnura. Rose. of Guelph, Will be present and address the meeting on some important subjects. _ V HE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE South Gre Farmers’ Institute will be held in Town l all, Durham, on TUESDAY, 10“ 9, 1903, At 1 I!) p. m.. for the nrpose of receiving the Directors’ and Au itors’ Reports, elect- ing oflicers for the ensuing year, and trans- ' ther bus'mess that may come before the meeting. Atter the usual busi- nose Mr. A. McNeil, Dominion Fruit In- apector will address the meeting upon “Pruning: g'mseberries, currents, shrubs, etc." and upon " Sprayin trees.” A practic-al demonstration wil be made if possible. -‘O Q _ JA 5. A LLAN, President. All are meetings . I ‘HE THOROUGHBRED DURHA M Pull “DA [INTLESS ” will be kept for service at Lot 17, Ouncessiun 5, (ilenelg. PEDIGREEâ€"Dmmtless, red. valved May 12th, 1:02. bred by John Smith dc Sun, Dxmtrunn. Uut. 2nd owner Thomas Mercer, Markdale. Ont. Sire gut by Tom -30ti4t’r dam Duntruon Maud e-37333- bV Dauntless 45581. Cora £4.35?- by Vilage Burgomaster 443.33“ - Red Dinah ~16537- bv Vanguard 431423 - Sincerity 7943 by Sir Richard Booth ”245%. - Grave Darling -3123« by Grand Monarqne 48601- Nora. 4172- by Remus 4W7; . Uracqyaflinfi .3126- by Pio ' . - -1 ‘17.. I...” “Cilia-‘5 ‘IWI' . Uluwv u"....." .v--- _' near .920- . Laura -:3544- by Prince of Wales (imp) 1:04. ”862%. Home of Autumn «.1612- by Nicol (imp) 484}. - young Starling (imp) ‘56]. by Strathmom (6547), Old Kate bf l'layfellnw M3297). - Old Rose, by Sir \Vi- liam (12102;, - Catherine, by Emperroro (W74). - TERMSâ€"31 January lst 1W, or .81.?!) April 1st 1904. Cows not returned Will be charged for whether in calf or any a-- .5- May 11th 2m. Don't forget where to go for a firstâ€"class Suit. m' 'I‘milsers. I have the finest stock 3:: town fmst :ll‘l‘innlz. ('mw- and see fur yum‘sulf. 5‘ large :n.«surt11m1t m chm-5. from. As tu fit and My}: the same as any (impetus ' citv firm. Farmers’ Institute. Author and Teacher of the Nonpurei Byxtm of Cutting. LambtonScreec‘ â€"- Durham,0nt. Bull For Service. invited to attend both of these HIGH-CLASS ’al lormg. GENTLEMEN DRAPER. . GLASS ~~ .mn'x M’VICAR. :UEO. BINNIE. SecretarY- P0 m was I MAN KILLING HORSE THE WAY HE ACQUIRED HIS HATRED FOR HUMANKIND. It All Be.“ wm: the Cute! Trent- nent He Received In His Colthood. Vlclou Incidents That Marked nu Downwnrd Career. The development of a vicious horse from an innocent colt is described by Sewell Ford in one of the stories in “Horses Nine.” 'The colt’s disposition was first spoiled by ignorant and cruel handling on the farm of one Perkins. Then he was sold, and his subsequent career is thus pictured: In the weeks during which he trailed over the fruit district of southern Mich- igan in the wake of the horse buyer Blue Blazes learned nothing good and much that was ill. He finished the trip A L9- [LII-IV... on... with raw hgéké, a hoot print on his flank and tooth marks on neck and withers. Horses ‘led in a bunch do not improve in disptesition. __,__. A‘.- k‘..A nl‘n.‘ fln" Some of the scores the blue roan colt paid in kind, some he did not, but he learned the game of give and take. Men and horses alike, he concluded, were against him. it he would hold his own, he must be ready with teeth and boots. Especially he canted with â€"Lâ€"--.‘ A. nun always a t man in general. So he went about with ears laid back, the whites of his eyes showing and a bite or a kick ready in any emergency. Day by day the hate in him deepened until it became the master passion. A quick footrali behind him was enough to send his heels flying as though they had been released by a hair trigger. He kicked first and investigated afterward. The mere sight of a man within reach- ing distance roused all his ferocity. “‘__A.. was something he loathed. One was not free to work his will on the de- spised driver if hampered by a pole and mate. In such cases he nipped manes and kicked under the traces un. til released. He had a special antip- athy for gray horses and fought them on the smallest provocation or upon none at all. As a result, Blue Blazes, While know- ing no masters, had many owners, sometimes three in a single week. He began his career by filling a three months’ engagement as a livery horse, but after he had run away a dozen times, wrecked several carriages and disabled a hostler he was sold for half his purchase price. Then did he enter upon his wander- ings in real earnest. He pulled street cars, delivery wagons, drays and ash carts. He. was sold to unsuspecting farmers. who, when his evil traits cropped out, swapped hini unceremoni- ously and with ingenious prevarieation by the roadside. In the natural course of events he was much punished. Up and across the southern penin- sula of Michigan he drifted conten- tiously, growing more vicious with each encounter. more daring after each victory. In Muskegon he sent the driv- er of a grocery wagon to the hospital with a shoulder bite requiring cauter- ization and tour stitches. In Manistee he broke the small bones in the leg or a baker’s large boy. In Cadillac a boarding stable hostler struck him with an iron shovel. Blue Blazes kick- . ed the hostler quite accurately and 1 very suddenly through a window. Between Cadillac and Kalaska he spent several lively weeks with farm- ers. Most of them tried various tam- ing processes. Some escaped with bruises and some suffered serious in- jury. At Alpena he found an owner, who, having read something very con- vincing in a horse trainer's hook. elabo orately strappul the roan's legs ac- cording to diagram and then went into the stall to wreak vengeance with a riding whip. Blue Blazes accepted one cut, after which he crushed the aveng- er against the plank partition until three of the man's ribs were broken. The Alpena man was fished from un- der the. man’s hoofs just in time to save his life. This inv'alent earned Blue Blazes the name of “man killer,” and it stuck. He even figured in the newspaper dis- patehes. "Blue Blazes, the Michigan Man Killer." “The Ugliest Horse Alive.” ".\lpena's Equine Outlaw”â€" these were some of the headlines. The Perkins method had borne fruit. The Btu-red Road. “There is only one road to success in life,” said the man who had made his luvky :éu! retirod. ‘mi w‘And how shall 1 know the road?" inquired the budding young man. ".‘i‘ell” replied the; 1111111 with the lucky.‘ 'you go right along this path of advprsity until you reach the fi1st turn to the right." "Yes. yes.” “And you’ll find a road barred of! with a gate and a sign that says ‘No 'l‘rvspussiug.’ Well, that’s it." Her Own Idea. "Your daughter." said Mrs. Oldcastle after being conducted through the'now. 1y finished wing of the magnificent pui- ace occupied by the Bullingtons. “has such a splendid vocabulary!” “Do you think so?" her hostess re- plied. “Josiah wanted to get her one of them escritoires. but i made up my mind right at the start that a vocabu- iary would look better in a room tur- nished like hers is even it it didn’t cost quite as much.” Knew What Ila least. a “That grocer of ours speaks the moat fragmentary English or any one I ever heard." said Mr. Precise. "You mean ‘broken English.’ my ‘ The Tenn-39h, dear.” corrected MfS- Preclse. "You The first electric telegraph know he is a German.” _ laid i'n Switzerland by Lesag “I mean fragmentary.” repeated Mb! The Morse transmitter wan Prod”. “The man stutten”â€"Jndxe. In 1837. black furious hatred of of a vicious horse Chlorotorn. The great anaesthetic chloroform wan discovered by Guthrie in 1831 and was first employed in surgical operation: in Coiled Snakes. Snakes cannot and do not strike tron a coil, and though a portion or the body remains coiled that portion thrown for- ward from a central point must cer- tainly be free from the coil. A Savage Superstition. Among certain savage tribes there it: a belief that on the seventh day after the birth of a child the woman who cares for the mother is in danger of be- . I.â€" “fivw -v- .â€"v â€"â€" mg transformedâ€"”into an animal by some evil spirit if the necessary steps are not taken to prevent it. Continent of Europe. The continent of Europe, which no- commodates 300,000,000 peOple, is so small that there are upon it on aver- age of ninety-three people to the square The Lockjuw Duct-obs. Kitasto, a Japanese microscoplst, first Ihowed that the pin shaped microbe of lockjaw lives in the earth. In order that it may multiply and poison tho' blood it must be deep in a .wound I0 that air does not reach it. Rice Cake. For rlce cake beat to a cream five ounces of whlte sugar with two ounces of butter and two of lard. Ml: in five ounces of flour, five ounces of ground rice and a teaspoonful of baking pow- der. Beat one egg with a quarter of a pint of milk and mix all well together. Bake slowly for an hour and a quarter. Lightning Stroken. Where lightning has struck once I. the place in that neighborhood where it is most likely to strike again. One of Shakespeare’s Slips. The great Shakespeare said “Peace! Count the clock. The clock has stricken three.” This was in the days of Julius Caesar, ages before clocks were in use. Nineveh. Nineveh was fourteen miles long and eight miles wide, the whole city sur- rounded by a wall 100 feet high, so thick as to fumish ample room for th1ee chariots to be driven abreast around the top. The Great Value 01 Shellac. The great value of shellac is its use in making varnishes. on account of the tine, hard polish it imparts to the var- nish. A line. thin preparation made of this material constitutes the lacquer with which brass and other metals are coated to preserve their polish. Iron Terml. .. When iron is melted, it is run off in a ' channel called a “sow.” The work has ' nothing to do with swine, but is de- . rived from the Saxon “smvan”-â€"to scat- , ter. Still, it is owing to the term that the bars of iron cooled in the lateral grooves of the “sow” are called “pigs." Coins. Coins are classed, according to their Estate of preservation, as “proof,” “un- circulated,” “fine,” “good,” “fair” and “poor.” For Sleeplennenl. A Canadian doctor, when called to prescribe for insomnia, always advises before drugs are employed a hop pillow instead of feathers. It is made of a thin muslin slip stuffed with hops and hop leaves and sprayed fresh with al- cohol every night before the patient goes to bed. Oylter Liquor. The liquor from oysters, being salt and water simply, has no nutritixe value. Animal Life In High Altitudel. Mules stand the climate of high altitudes better than horses, but re- quire some weeks for acclimatization, and if urged to undue exertion at great altitudes they are liable to drop dead suddenly. The Cont of a Tulip. ; During the tulip mania in Holland ; in 1636 and 1637 a single bulb of a tulip named the Viceroy was sold for ' four tons of wheat. eight tons of rye. four fat oxen, eight pigs, twelve sheep, two bogsbeads of wine, four barrels 'or beer, two bar; ; of butter, 11 thou- sand pounds of \leeese. a bundle of - clothesgmd a silver pitcher; A Quaker Ton-t. ‘ A Quaker toast is thus quaintly worded: “This is from me and mine to thee and thine. I wish when thee and thine come to see me and mine that me and mine will treat thee and thine as kindly as thee and thine have treated me and mine.” Austrian Royalty. The father of Count Werner, the founder of the reigning house of Aus- tria. was a robber, and Werner him- self followed that business for most of his life. A Flying Machine. Airships are not new, for when a Conestoga wagon carried freight and passengers from New York to Philao dolphin in three days in the early part of the last century the vehicle wal called a “flying machine," so unprece- dented was its speed. Plneapple Juice. The juice of the pineapple contains a proteid digestinfsubstance and is also furnished with a milk curdling ter- ment. ‘ The Telegraph. The, first electric telegraph line was laid in Switzerland by Lesage in 17823 $5: invented The Bank of British North Ameri- ca. has opened 3 branch in St. George, Brant county. A western deputation ie interview- ing the Government in regard to needed amendments to the Grain Act. A fire covering about in extent run its course county recently. The ladies of the Grand Lodge Orange Benevolent Association are holding their tenth annual conven- tion in London. In a fire at Hull several draught horses belonging to Joe. Tarose were burned to death. They were valued at 8175 each. Children playing with matches set tire to a barn 1n Belleville. A horse drawing the hose can dropped dead on its way to the scene. The wife of a hotelkeeper at Bill- ings Bridge was fined 81 and costs by Justice MeN abb at Ottawa for refus- ing to give a meal after meal hours The vete at Listowel on the by-law to repeal the sewers by-law. carried last fall, resulted in 229 votes for the repeal and 90 for the sewer by-lsw, As the result of an accideut in the Bellmont mines, Cordova, near Peter- boro’, Eleezer Yeomans was killed and two others seriously injured. They fell 14o (eet. Mr. J. Lawrence Sutherland. con- tractor, and Mr. Miguel-on were killed at Makafa, Quebec, by an explosion of dynamite. and another man was fatally injured. It is stated that Ottawa. lumber interests in the city will test the validity of the hy-law recently passed prohibiting the piling of lumber with- in the city limits. Among the 2.898 immigrants who made up the load of the Bulgaria. which recently arrived in Halifax, there were {our births and three deaths on the voyage. David Brown fell from a beam to the ground. a distance of about. ‘20 feet, while assisting in a barn rais- ing near Stratford and but. slight homes are entertained for his re- covery. Eli Holmes. 9. well known contrac- tor at Collingwcod was found haug- ing by a snap to one of the rafters in his stable Family troubles are said to have been the cause of the suicide. Two Hamilton ladies, Mrs. Mauser and Miss Nellie Ripley, were badly injured as the result of a runaway. They were thrown about fifteen feet over a stone wall, but are expected [0 recover. While the parents were at the barn two children of Mr and Mrs. Fred. Celmurray, near Brockville, got. matches. and set fire to the bed- clothes, burning one child so badly that she did not survive many hours. The annual report of the Stratford Y. M. C. A. shows the total member- ship to be over 360, a. good increase over last year. The financial report indicated a prosperous year. A new building at a cost of $123,000 or $20- 000 is to be erected. Angus Munroe. wholesale liquor dealer. fell imo the machinery at the Brandon Brewing Company’s works yesterday afternoon while visiting the brewery. Every bone in his body .u'as crushed. The unfortunate man died ten hours after his removal to the hospital. An innovation in railway work in the Ottawa district was introduced by Mr. G. A. Mountain, chief engineer of the Canada. Atlantic Railway. who pulled out of the Central station on his new gasoline motor car. known officially as the chief engineer’s in- spection car. On several American roads the gasoline car has succeeded the ordinary section car driven by hand. Another who faced South Africa’s bullets and came back to tell the story. has sought death by his own choice. A. W. Smith. a young Eng- lishman. was dashed to pieces in the whirlpool in Beaver River up the country from Vancouver. B. C. It is supposed he jumped in himself. He was well educated and is believed to have acted as correspondent of some CONSUMPTION 1" ° ., Lngllflh paper. Four marvelous free. remedies for all sufferers reading this paper. New cure tor'l‘uberculosls,consump- tlon. Weak Lungs, Catnrrh. and a rundawn system. Do you cough ? Do your lungs pain you ? Is your throat sore nd inflamed? Do you spit up hle ? .Does your hea ache 1’ Is your appetite bad ? Are your lungs delicate ? Are you losing flesh? Are you pale and thin? Do you lack Stamina. ? _ These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the most dangerous malady that has ever devas tated the earthâ€"consumption. “:39 are invites! to test what ibis system will do {or you, If you are snck, by writing for a and the Four Free Preparations will be forwuded you at once. wnth completcfiirections for use. The Slocum System as a . itive cure for Consump- tion, that most insidious "tease, and for all Lung Troubles and Disorders. com heated by Loss of Flesh. Coughs. Camrh. As Bronchitis and Heart Tron es. Simply write to the T. A. Slocum Chemical Company. Limited.n119 King Street West, Toronto. giving post office a «prune address. and the free medium: (the Slocum Cure) Will be promptly lent. Persons m Canadt seeing Slocum’s free ofl'er in American pa .wifl pieaue land for samples to Toronto. . canon that paper. 'FREE TRIAL TREATMENT GENERAL NEWS. Porkhill’s populotion is 1,374. Oxbridge’s populotion in: (311011 03 an]: of British North Ameri- ond is now 1,167. FREE. three miles in Carleton The hotel at Killerney, North Shore. wee destroyed by fire. Lose Mrs. Dickson, wife of the principal of the Orrilli: Collegiate Institute, is dead. The cottage: of J. Cox and S. Shel- broke a Stoney Luke were destroyed by fire. Two boys from Lockport. N. Y., were drowned 0E Port Colborne while sailing on Lake Ontario. The lighthouse at the entrance of Pictou harbor, N. S., was burned to the ground Thursday night last. Recent rains have greatly enhenc- ed the prospects for a good berry crop in the Niagara district. Belleville district Methodists con- demned in strong terms Premier Ross’ failure to carry out his pro- mieee. Four firemen were hurt in a blaze at Ottawa on Thursday by felling bricks. Four houses and two stores were destroyed. at a loss of 87,000. Present indications are that the Yukon’a output of gold the season will exceed that of last from one to three million dollars. David Snowden. a. G. T. R. brake- man. (all from a train at Stratford and broke his leg. He had a. narrow escape from being killed. A college in memory of the late Geo. McDougall, the veteran mission- ary to “Western Indians, may be estab- lished at Edmonton by the Method- iete. \Vbile bathing in the millpond, Thos. Clark a blacksmith of Hawtrey, near Woodstock, got beyond his depth and was drowned. He was unable to swim. Thos. Gauthier has been arrested on a. charge of merdering his brother- in-law, Jos. Vaillant. whom he as- saulted at, Marsham Mills, near Ot- tawa. The belief is growing that Mr. W. A. Sanderson. of Peterboro’. who was reported drowned, was shot by a stray bullet: while in his canoe and fell overboard. Guy M. McCallum. clerk in the Royal Bank of Halifax, induced his father to place 311.000 in the bank on deposit. The son drew the cash and has gone to the States. Fire threatens the total destruction of Marieville. a town of 1.200 in Rou- ville county, about 2.3 miles from Montreal. Already about 50 houses have been burned. Stratford Council are threatened with being put behind prison bare if they do not remedy their sewage sys- tem in order that tne river Avon may not be polluted. The body of John McLaren who died so suddenly at Kamloope. B. C.. was interred at Brockville yesterday. the funeral being one of the largest, ever seen in that place. Trees were uprooted and burn roofs removed by the storm which raged in Kent county. The r’ain was the heavi- est in years. A farmer driving home was killed by lightning. C. H. Aslidown. aged 68 years, and for 10 years town clerk of Sandwich, has been suspended by the Council of that town on account of suspected ir- regularity in his dealings. For about $600 an acre the Cuna- dinn Iron and Foundry Co. has pur- chased ‘22 acres of land in Hamilton, upon which they intend to erect a foundry for heavy castings. John B. Eagle. hotelkeeper at Bul- lock' 3 Corners’ near Hamilton. is en- tering an action for S5 ,000 damages from a neighbor who, he alleges, is trying to injure his business. For the seventeenth time since it was built the Montreal Cotton and Waste Company a factory took the and after burning for more than two hours was completely gutted Loss $40,000. The Kingston Locomotive Co. is considering a scheme whereby all em- ployee of the works will he covered by a blanket accident policy. which will assure them their wages in the event of accident. Miss Annie Moulton. Gammoque. one of the teachers who went toSouh Africa. over a year ago, has decided on remaining there. and has accepted a position on the stufl of the Gymnt- sium School at Pretoria, at a sultry of over 81,000. Appetition couched in rather strong language is being circulated among Gore etreet Methodiete. et Hamilton, asking the Stetioning Committee to transfer Rev. J. T. Morris to them or else declare the pulpit vecent that the General Superintendent mey be up- ‘penled to. Women and Jewels. Jewels, candy, flowers, manuthat is the order of a woman’s preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous efiorts to make or save the money to pur- chase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem, then let her fortify herself against the in- . siduous consequences of coughs.coldsl and bronchial afiections by the regu ‘ in use of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup. It will promptly arrest con- sumption in its early stages and heal the afiected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the system. It is not a cure-all but it is certain acure for coughs, colds and all bronchial troubles. You can get this reliable remedy at Darlings Drug Store. tf Massey-Hams Showmums. (WEST or moowau HOUSE.) The Hygeine Cushioned Fume elong with the new style Morrow Center Brake makes wheeling e pleasure. We hnve them on Bicycles ! Massey-Harris Cleveland Perfect and llyslop Bicycles. ALSO_ pmun MAKES and good second-hand wheels for sale Hero. The New Era Gas Lamp is a dandy. Shows 100 feet ahead All kind! of repairing promptly attended (0. The Agent. W. D. CONNORâ€"- Pumps of all Kinds. Pumps from $2 upward. SHOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly und prop- erly attended to. The Big4 2% yds long, 30" wide. taped adv. Lace Curtains. 400 pair. 3 yds long, 36” wide, taped edge, 65¢ per pair. 3} yds long, 42" wide. teped edge. 90¢ per pair. 3} yds long, 48" wide, knitted edge, . 81..00 3; yds long, 54" wide, knitted edge, 81.40. Roller Window Shndel, 35c «ch. Table Linen 54" wide, 25c yd. " 64' wide. 50c yd. Whit-.9 Bed Spruda. 85c and 31.20 Floor Oil Cloth. l yd wide, 25c yd. “ 2 yd wide, 50c e yd. Colored wnsh Silk wniet lengthe in white, bleck and colon. 82 up to $3.50 each. Black mercerized Seteen Under-kitt- et $1.40. 81.50, 81.75 end 82 each. Don't forget us when you went 5 good peir of Shoes 0.. we our] n full line of Sterling Broe’, Shoal. Best Groceries at low Ptiees. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. W. H. BEAN. Something New in Bicycles. “ lle Sells Cheap.” New Prints and racy Gingham. Gas Lamps. JUHN UVINBSIUN BOOTS and SHOES. Call and See Us. Calder Block. Durban. Mnxufacturer of And Dealer in â€"- .W. D. CONNOR Durham . Ont.

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