West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Jun 1903, p. 5

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~ Darling’s . . Boot and Shoe Store We have them in all sizes for LADIES. MISSES CHILDREN. SHOE DRESSINGS. We carry in stock Packard’s Combination Gilt Edge and Nonsuch, also Black Cat which is a very popular dressing. Sunbeam Oil and Skinola, two in‘one. See our Stock. Have You J. S. Mcllraith Eggs taken in Exchange forgoods AS SOOTHING AS A MOTHER’S TOUCH Is the efiect of our Imperial Cough Syrup upon the tired lungs and ach- ing breastâ€"it stars the tickling in the throat, the cough that rncks the chat, brings gntofnl sleep, nids np- potite, renown health and vigor. What n benefit for no mnll n price! Our Grip Tablets 3;: 112;: for La Grippe. Will cure speedily 1nd if taken in time prevents. Used once will always be in the house JNO. A. DARLING Remember the place, Jordan’s Old Stand. next door to Dan. Campbell’s Implement Shop. Alto other styles of Strap, Tril- by and Oxfords. Try a pair of our $2.95 “Peerless” Ladies’ Bale for wear and comfort. Trunks, Valises, Club Bags and School Bags in stock at. lowest prices. Custom work and Re- pairing promptly attended to. TERMS CASH. They are just the thing for SUMMER WEAR. Seen those “00' onial Slippers” at the NEW “In our househom ‘l’orco’u :- 1a- mmar and welcome to ‘Bnnny Jim,’ and that’s saying a good dad, for we are all ‘Bnnny Jims’nowz‘n. L. 8 n Large size for 25¢. DRUG STORE when in doubt, a}! it. “Bunny Jim" low. It househom ‘Forco’ is u 1.- I welcome as ‘ Bunny Jlm,’ and 113 a good deal, tor we are all ny Jlms’ now. . “B. L. Bron.” \ Sofiaâ€"o {locuito mode with greatest pdde. Jim looked with feet upon the food, But to o bride one can’t be rude. “Let’s eot ‘ Force ’ firot, deer, ’tlo my fin Dmps’ young wife while yet Last Wednesday while the two Joe Lennoxs were putting on a load of wood in the bush a tree fell in such a way as to give all present a narrow escape It angled between the horses taking them to the ground, crossed in front of Joe, Jr.. and across a large stump, behind which his uncle was StOOped in the act of picking up wood. When the harness was cut to let the horses up it was found that a broken axle of the wagon was” the greatest damage done. a joint well out, but by, resorting next day to the gOOd old we} of put- ting in butments it was raised, straightened up, and the joints put back and made to look as good as new. We were asked to describe why Jim Mathews’ barn fell, inflicting such a severe wound in the head of Councillor McFadden. It was the inefliciency of a new method of stay- ing it that was being tried while jacking it up. But we need not de- scribe the method, because without some improvement we could not con- scientiously recommend it for use to anyone except our enemies. It had originally been raised to some height and a part of it excavated and used for stabling, and it was in that part that Mr. McFadden was at the time it slipped from its props. and into that hole one end dropped while the other end rested upon the bank and kept it a few feet from the ground where he was. Of course the barn was sitting up on its hind legs in a very ungraceful posture with many Quite a number of the young peo- T DaCKCII'S UOI'IICI'S. ple around here spent Victoria Day' _____. at the lake picnic, where an enjoyablei The weather continues fine, the time was spent, dancing being the frost oia few nights ago not doing chief attraction. ! much damage. Mr. H. McDonald. of your town. commences the brick veneering of Barbour Bros. house this week. Your 'l‘raverston Goat seems to have come out behind, three to one. in that sheep clipping contest with his neighbors. It must surely have; been the bottle of smelling salts or the liniment he speaks of holding for. them that put him so far behind. He . shouldn’t have bothered with it at‘ all. It wouldn’t have hurt the sheep ‘1 a bit. Why the very best sheep? raisers of the day will have a Goat‘; to resume again. ?tended. his work on the farm Mrs. G. Witter has returned from visiting her friends at Brerlarie. The football match between Price- 'ville and Dromore was largely at- Everyone was out with his best girl. Dromore won with a score of 3â€"0. \Vell done, Dromore. Price- ville. try it again. a bit. Why the very best sheep raisers of the day will have a. Goat at any cost to put with their flock, because they believe the fragrent smell of one is healthy instead of hurtful to themz Miss Agnes Baird came up from Toronto on Saturday to spend a few weeks with her mother and other friends. The Spring Bank Badger is still' chewing away at us yet, and we don’t ‘ blame him a bit, for hang the under; (102; anyway who won’t bite even i when he knows he is licked. Mrs. H. Bennett. is spending this week with her uncle near Conn. He is in poor 1 ealth. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moflat, of Owen Sound, visited the M05“ fam- ily here on the 24th. Mr. Wm. McCracken has rented his farm and we understand he in- tends moying to town. Mrs. Thos. Btnks. who lately :11on to Owen Sound, wu visiung in this part lac week. Mrs. C. Williams returned on Thurs- day from a month’s visit with friends in Toronto ond Homilmn. ll) ‘Lorontu nuu uuulueuu, a...“ .â€"..-_ - --_- . _, - . 1: Rev. Mr. Parquharson’s prayer.“ woman of courage. One nigh meeting in the Grange last Tuesday 3 last “7”: ;h°'l;°"d 3 gglietlonurtlof was well attended considering the 9911”?“ . “WY‘WDE d the unfavorable weather éinvestmatton. She discovers . - intruder to be a cow which had lound Mt. Geo. Ritchie and M’B' Wm. 7 entrance through the open door. Ritchie drove out to Greeuock lasthOBB had done no damage. and she! week to attend the funeral of thew,“ ignominiously bundled out.1 youngest child of the farmer’s sister. ‘Therefore we rise to remark that a Mrs. Wm. M053" ' I woman who can face a cow burglar During the‘ thunderstorm last i under such circumstances must of "Wednesday evening, Mr. George inecessity beabrave one.â€"Flesherton ,Rimhie's house was 3"“01‘ by “81H- i Advance. To our mind the cow was ; ning. The side was knocked out of i no coward or she wouldn’t walk into 'thachimney, the floor splintered andgthe cellar of a nutcher shop with some pieces knocked out of the cellar ' such perfect nonchalance. Mrs. Wil- wall.’ Fortunately at the time it son was a Durham girl, and no Dur- was struck, the inmates were all in barn girl was ever afraid of a cow. lthe other end of the house and so so... P‘ them wouldn’t hesitate to Rev. Mr. Farquharson’s prayer meeting in the Grange last Tuesday was well attended considering the unfavorable weather Mr. Geo. Ritchie and Mrs. Wm. Ritchie drove out to Greeuock last week to attend the funeral of the youngest chilcl of the farmer’s sister. Mrs. Wm. Moist. . Corner Concerns. Edge Hill. By 311 means let the‘ “ Poet" ad- vance. We are no pugilist. but our eldest son is a regular “ scrappor " and we feel that. be is quite cepeble of upholding hie daddy’s cause in this Mr. Editor, we most emphatically insist on not being mentioned in the cams paragraph. or even on the same page, as that Saugeen Valley fellow. You need have no fear that the Bun. essan budgets will cast any odium on THE CHRONICLE. Just print a few. more of those Saugeen Valley pro- ductions and you will have all the odium any paper can need. The Glenely Centre correspondent for- merly reported for all the district now called Saugeen Valley. Has he resigned the oflice or do you wish to shame Glenelg people by continuing to publish such trash ? We really be. lieved you thought enough of your correspondents to protect them from such interlopers. So far as we are concerned the present incident is closed. Perfect Cure for Bronchitis. This disease can be treated only by a rem- edy carried to the aflected parts along with the air breathed. for nature in- tended these organs for the passage of air alone. and sprays, atomizers and internal medicines utterly fail. But Catarrhozone doesn’t fail. for it goes wherever the air breathed goes, and its healing antiseptic vapor is sure to reach every affected part. Catarrhozone is inhaled at the mouth and after passing through every air cell of the breathing organs is slowly exhaled through the nostrils. Ca- tarrbozone protects and heals the in- flamed surfaces, relieves congestion, allays inflammation. and perfectly cures all bronchial afiections. Price $1. Small size 25c. Druggists or Polson 00.. Kingston. Ont. Mrs. Anderson has gone to Pitts- burg to settle up her afinirs before settling down with her parents here. On Wednesday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Benton in town were presented with a handsome couch by their Glenelg friends nnd former neighbors. Mr. Benton lenves for Edmonton this week. Mrs. Grey, 01 the P. O. has been quite unwell for some time, and her stalwart eon J ack has had quinsy. We hope to see both qulte well soon. Messrs. G. Roan and A. Little have rented Sam McComb’e farm for pas ture for the summer, and Geo. Binnie has rented Alex. Bell’s farm for the same purpose. We notice Jim White wheels out to town every evening and back every morning. with a dinner pail strapped to his bicycle. He now board! at Hunter’s and works with the night .. Mice Alice Hunter has lately re- covered from a threatened attack of appendicitis. We hope soon to see her as lusty as ever. We are sorry to learn that Mr. G. Lane had the misfortune to cut his foot. \Ve trust he will soon be able to resume his work on the farm again. Mr. G. Witter is pathmaster this year. No doubt the work will be done in good shape. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Haw, of To- ronto, paid a short visit to their 'uncle. Mr. G. Sackett, this week. Mr. Haw leaves this week for Cal- :gary, and if prospects are good in- tends making has home there. We are s'orry to learn that Herb. Childs has been sick with brain fever. We trust it will not prove as serious as reported. The prayer meeting held recently at Mr. G. Sackett’s was largely at- tended. The Rev. Mr. Mathew", of Priceville, attended. We are sorry to learn that Mr. G. Haw of Balsam Valley. is again very poorly. We haps to hear of him be- ing better soon. Miss Maggie McDougal is taking music lessons. Success, Maggie. Mr. George flaw, of this place, has returned from Port Hope. bringing with him 3 thoroughbred running stallion, which is celled Manitoba. Era. Burk Wilson may b3 not (1933) Sackett’s Corners. Bunessan. o--.- 0.. The muleâ€"he is a. gentle besst ; And so is men. He’s satisfied to be the least; And so is man. Like man he may be taught some tricks; He does his work from 8 so 6; The muleâ€"when he gets mad he kicks; And so does man. The muleâ€"he has a load to pull; And so has man. He’s heppiest when he is full ; And so is man. Like man he holds a. patient poise And when his work’s done will rejoice. The muleâ€"he likes to hear his voice ; And so does mun. The muleâ€"he has his faults ’tis true; And so has man. He does some things he should not do; And so does man. Like man he doesn’t yearn for style, But wonts contentment all the while. The muleâ€"he has a lovely smile ; And so has man. The mule is sometimes kind and good: And so is man. He eats all kinds of b:eakfast food ; And so does man. Like man he balks at gaudy dress. And all outlandish foolishness. The mule’s accused of mulishness ; And so is man. Twenty-Six Days After Vaccinationâ€" The Question of Connection. The death of six~year~old Willie Simpson. son of R. L. Simpson, 336 Crawford street, from lockjaw. after vaccination, is causing some com- ment. The child was vaccinated, in order to enter a public school. on May 2nd, at the City Hall by Dr. Sheard. with six other children. He went to school and sometime after- wards became ill, and lockjaw set in. resulting in death Thursday evening. Dr. Sheared stated this morning that this was the first fatal result. if it was a result. he had known in 25.000 cases. It was easy to draw inferences, but not easy to draw cor- rect ones. If not impossible. it was highly improbable that the vaccina- tion was the cause of tetanus, because this did not develop for twenty-two days after the vaccination. “Tetanus might have resulted from any wound,” said Ald. Dr. Har- rison this morning, “and the {act that it did not result earlier. and that the other children were not affected. seems to be evidence that it was not due to the vaccine.” HE undersigned begs to inform the people of Durham and sur- rounding country that he is pre- pared to drill wells itlirOUgh rock, sand or any kind of soil and guaran- tee satisfaction. References may be made to Mr. Edward Kress and Mr. Furneaux. of Durham. for whom he recently drilled wells, doing the work rapidly and furnishing satis- faction. Particulars as to cost of drilling, piping and pump may be had on applying at. The Chronicle office, Durham, or writing to July 3rd.-â€"3w. Ready-Mixed Paints. Lawn Mowers. ' Spray Pumps. Well Drilling. \Ve are meeting with such great success with our Sherwin-Wil- liams paints that we cannot speak in high enough paise of them. Every person their own painter by using these paints. Our weekly shipment is now in. DIED FROM LOCKJAW. Almost any Lawn Mower will. run easily and cut cleanly when newâ€"that’s not the best. It’s the way the mower runs and cuts after it has been used a sea- son that distinguishes a good mower from a poor one. Yong expect a. Lewn Mower to lest‘ more than one summer. Then: come end see the line we carry: Our gnerentee of true worth goes with every one. Keep your lewn in good shape. Hardware You have allowed your bush to be destroyed with catterpillere, but do not let your orchard go in a similar way when you can buy 3 Spray Pump so cheap. WM. BARTLEY, Ian and Ink. MARK DALE.

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