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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Jun 1903, p. 1

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GATHERED DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READERS. SEE the fine display of silverware at Gordon’s. FANCY new muslins and ginghams at S. F. Morlock’s. MONEY at 42). MacKay d: Dunn, Durhamâ€"ti. \ Arrnssncs WANTEDâ€"A good stout boy to learn harness making. Apply to T1105. Smxtb, Durham.-â€"2pd. Local News Items Ir you’re going to give a wedding present go to Gordon’s where you can get something good. THERE'S nobody can play the bag- pipes like John Stewart, of Bunessan. He’s a medalist and always ready. Tun friends of Mr. Ferguson Grant will be pleased to learn that he was successful in passing his dental examination. \VE regret to learn that Mrs. Sam- uel Whitmore, who broke her leg about three months ago, is still un- able to get around. Du. Gux will be absent from his office during the latter part of this week and first of next. attending a. meeting of the Ontario Medical As- sociation in Toronto. Ix this issue will be seen a com- plete bill of goods to be sold by suc- tion Friday at the farm of Mr. Wm. McCracken, who, we regret to say. is forced to retire from farming for a time on account of his health. THE Red Coats left here on Tuesday morning under Captain Snider for a two weeks’ drill at Niagara. There was very little fuss or noise to mark the event. but the absence of display is not to be regarded as a mark of indifference in military affairs. THE Owen Sound Association of Baptist Churches are holding their annual meeting here this week. about one hundred ministers and delegates being here in attendance. The meeting is in session as we go to press. Fuller account next week. MR. WELLS, of the Furniture Fac- tory, who left here a few weeks ago on account of illness, died at his home in Winchester on Saturday last. We understand that two of the children are dangerously ill of Diphtheria. We regret to learn of the series of troubles. ‘manax Partâ€"The B. Y. P. U. of the Durham Baptist Church will give a Garden Party on the beautiful grounds of Mr. B. F. Warner’s. on the evening of Tuesday, June 16th. The grounds will be lighted for the occasion by electricity. Music will be furnished by the Band, and Re- freshments may be purchased on the grounds. Admission 10c. A NUMBER of our Lacrosse boys went to Mount Forest last Friday to play a. friendly game with the Lornes' of that tow.n Although defeated by a score of 8 : 1, our boys are well pleased with the result as a majority of their players consisted of members of the Junior team, while the Lornes had all their heavy guns on the field. Jim Lambert will likely chuckle over the result. but that makes no difler- once knowing as he does that we have a fine lot of young stick-handlers that will soon hold their boys down. FOR over a year we have not heard from our soldier boy, whose lengthy and racy letters from the Philippines were eagerly read by readers of this paper. In his last letter he told us he would not write again for some time. but not- to be uneasy as he would be all right. The other day a letter from a relative in Pennsylvania stated he was still alive and well and that sinceleaviug the army he; had been in China. .-l ipan and Australia. and was 'hen ar LosAnge l 109, but Was about to 3: art fox Azi l zona. He has not yet written home l but may do so at any time. Siam making the letter mentioned abovi~ we have been told outsiders were! under the impression that he was dead, as he hadn’t Wl'lttV-‘D for so l0.l;.; 8 time, and in order to disabitsv 'lie public mind of such thoughts, we publish this item of news which in- terests us. which will also no done. he of imerest to distant enquire”, particularly Mr. W. R. Bone, oi Beardsley. Minnesota. who always makes special enquiry when he sends his regular yearly remiitance. We are glad to know he is alive and well. though we never seriously entertain- ed any other idea. APRICOTS, 2 lbs. for 25¢, at Grant’s. BAPTIST Gaâ€"rden Party, June 16th. PEACHES, 3 cans for 50¢. at. Grant’s. 37' DURHAM CH RN ICLE. TOMATOES, 2 cans for 25 ccents, at Grant’s. A LARGE shipment o‘f silverware and flatware just opened out at Gor- don’s. SEE S. F. Morlock’a large range of gloves and hosiery for summer wear. IF you need spectacles go to~Gor- don’s where you can have them pro- perly fitted. WE need a correspondent at Henry’s Corners. and would like to have some one signify his willingness to take up the task. DON’T forget to attend the Baptist. Garden Party, June 16th. All are cordially invited. Admission 10c. THE street sprinkler is doing good work, and during this dry weather its value to the business men can only be guessed at. A PUBLIC School picnic in CODDBC‘ tion with S. S. No. l, Noxmanby. will be held in Carson’s grove. on Friday. June 12th. Tum arrival of alittle boy at the home of John Ehrhardt makes the happy dad feel as big as a. house. The dear little thing started John off early on Monday morning. DURHAM District Orange Lodge will meet. on Monday, June 15th, at the hall here at 2 p. m. All members re- quested to attend. Jas. Eden, Sec REMEMBER the 23rd. That’s the day of the Lacrosse Match with Owen Sound. Ball faced on the agricultural grounds here at 3 p. m. Everybody come and see the game. Tm; Presbyterian Guild will hold its regular Social Met-ting on the evening of Tuesday, thv 23rd inst. at eight o’clock. Everyone is cordially invited to be present. Tim Canadian Order of Eorestexa will attend Divine Service in a body at Trinity Church, on Sunday morn- ing, June that, The Brethren are requested to meet at the hall at 10 : 30 a. m. sharp. Mu M. MCGRATII has just given up the hotel business at Ceylon, and in aconversation with us yesterday he informed us that he never in his life tasted liquor of any kind. Few men, in or out of the husines , can say that truthfully. } â€" â€"-.-â€"- WE regret to chronicle the death" of Mrs. Thos. Rogers, of Toronto. which occurred on Monday last. The remains were interred at Mount Forest yesterday, Wednesday, morn- ing. The deceased was the mother of Dr. ROgers. at one time a resident practitioner of this town. THE operation of drilling for oil or gas, or both, will commence some time this week. Mr. Randall, a practical oil man, of Petrolea. is here with his outfit making ready to be- gin work, They expect to have to go twelve or fifteen hundred feet to strike the oil region. A DISGRACEl-‘UL row occurred at one of our hotels last week when both combatants were badly pomelled, and one of them had his eye so badly in- jured that it was thought he would lose it. Such conduct should not be allowed to go unpunished. A few good stiff fines would settle the busi- ness. and the fighters themselves should thank the magistrate for im- posing them. PHOTOGRAPHER Browne is an artist of no mean repute, and the pictures recently exhibited in the post office, bear a strange contrast to the ordin- ary smudges palmed 03 as works of art. A scene on the Rocky Ssugeen near Glenroaden, end the lscrosse boys of 1903 are real gems admired by scores of visitors to the post oflice during the past two or three weeks. This is not an ad. THE citizens of Durham were sur- prised on Tuesday morning to learn ‘ of the death of George HOpkins, as reSpected resident of Bentinck where he spent his ‘whole life. A week ago Saturday he was taken down .with inflammation of the lungs. and ling. ered on until Monday night when the hand of death relieved him of his sufferings. Deceased was fiftydhree years of age, of a kind quiet disposi- tit)". honest in his dealings and in- dustrious in his habits. Fcr some time he has had heart trouble but o'herwise appeared strong and heal- tuy. He leavesa widow and eight children. three sons and five daugh- ters. to mourn his death. The sons .are Peter at Proton Station, Wm. at 'Markdale, and Bobt. at home. The daughters are May (Mrs. Peter Mo- Ilvride) at Brandon. Winnie. Cecilia. Lily and Selina at home. the young- est daughter. Selina. being nine years of age. With his large circle 0! relatives and lrienda we join in our OXpl‘OSSlOD of sympathy. The Chronicle for the Balance of the Year for only Fifty Cents. THE GOING AND COMING 0F VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF JUNE. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas Rogers, at Mount Forest Wednesday. Mrs. R. Aljoe, Sin. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Matthew Scott, at Pricéville. People We Know Mr. Ed. Limin went to Dauphin last week and will Spend some 'time there. Mr. W. H. Bean is attending the High Court. of the Canadian Order of Foresters at Hamilton this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and child. of Cumnock. visited at the home Cf Principal Allan this week. Miss Lexie Anderson. of Humilton. is visiting in town. Mr. Levi Morlock was in town this week. Mr. John Legget, of \Valkerton, District, Agent for Canada Life As« surance (30., was in town this week and gave us a call. Mrs. (Dr.) Black, Paisley, is visit. iug Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Black, and is delegate to the Baptist. Association. Mrs. J. McLean, of Priceville, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. McDougall. 1 Mr. Edward Burnett. is improving slowly. Miss K. Shier, of Uxbridge, is visiting the Sparling families {or a couple of weeks. ' Miss Grace Brown, 'of Petoskey. Mich, is Visltiug friends in town. I Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Petrie, of Holstem, were in town Tuesday. Mrs. Oliver \Viggins is visitingher daughter. m London. Mr. Robert. Burnett, of Detroit, spent a few days in town and vicini- ty. Miss Lick will attend Convocation Friday at Toronto University where her newly acquired degree of M. A. will be conferred. Mrs. Thos. Moffatt, Owen Sound, attended the funeral of her brother, the late George Hopkins. Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hoa.. Eng., and to Golden Sq. Throat. and N080 Hos. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose County Commissioner McArthur, of Priceville. was in town Wednes- day. Will be at the Middaugh House lat Wednesday of each xuunth. from 2 to 6 p. m. June ... Weddings FINDLAY GRAHAM, th. B. That’s what he is now since taking his de- gree in Pharmacy at the Toronto University examination. Mrs. Grier. of Pricevxlle, is visiting h‘ienda in town and gave usa call. SOLID GOLD Wedding Rings in 10k. 14k and 18k in all the latest styles. Big Stock of Engagement Rings to choose from. ' Nothing as Sliverwal‘e nice as our SILVERWARE for Wedding Presents. and at Keeler’s is to be found the largest stock of good Silverware in the county. GRAB OUR SNAPS in Brooches. Necklets, Long Chains, Bracelets, Cnfi Links, Pins and Wrist Bags. Big bargains all this month at Keeler’s Big Jewelry Store. R. B. KEELER 818011 LAUIES’ black silk belt-I at Grant’s. DURHAM. â€" ONTARIO. DURHAM, OWL, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1903. DR. GED. S. BURT. THAT RING. «‘95: EXCLUSIVELY I and my family desire to express our sincere thanks to the many friends for their kind sympathy in the hour of our bereavement, the re- Cent loss of a faithful wife and loving mother, and we feel that the kindness shown is a tribute to the sacred memory of the dead that is not for- gotten. Tenders are asked for, {or ditching and pipe laying from Springs in rear of Creamery, to the Durham Ceme- teryâ€"distance about 300 rods. J. P. TELFORI), Secretary, Durham Cemetery Co. June 7th ’03. c Allan Park, June 8th. ’03. Tenders will be received up to the 26th. June 1903, by the undersigned for the building of 14000 square feet more or less Granolithic sidewalk; also 1000 square feet of crossings for the town of Durham. June 8th. Notice is hereby given that parties owning or harboring dogs in the cor- poration of the Town of Durham are requested to call at the Clerk’s office on or before Tuesday, June 30th. After that date ten per cent will be added according to By-law. J une 8thâ€"3c. A MEETING of the Bonn: of Directors of the Public Library will be held in the reading room this Thursday evening at 8 o’clock. The full board is requested to be present. ON Wednesday last a large number of farmers were in town for Frost and Wood machinery,tbe sales hav- ing been made by their agents. Dan Campbell and his assistants here. A Suou'r obituary of the late Mrs. McKinnon. of Rocky Saugeen, has been contributed by our correspond- ent. \Ve hope to be furnished with a. fuller account next week. Ex- \Varden McKinnon and several other sons remain to mourn the loss of their mother. THE uneXpected death of Mrs. Henry Brigham, of Allen Park, on Thursday last. was a sad blow to the family and a sorrowful surprise to her many friends. No particulars have been received at this office more than the obituary sketch given by our Allan Park correspondent whom JUST after the burial of the late Mrs. Brigham at Hanover on Sunday last a number of rigs turned in to the Queen’s Hotel stables and sheds to escape a threatening down-pour of rain. The barn was struck by light- ning during the storm. and great consternation following in the at- tempt to get the yard and stables cleared. tion. WE take pleasure in congratulating Miss Lick, of the teaching stafi, on her recent success in taking her de- gree of M. A. Miss Lick is a gradu- ate of Toronto University where she obtained her B. A. in 1898. To most people this would be sutficient, but higher educational standing was the object of Miss Lick’s ambition, and while others allowed the corroding influence of time to dull the brilliancv of their educational armour, this young lady was burning the mid- night oil to furbish her literary accontrements. TERRIAUL'râ€"WILLnrâ€"On May 25th, 1903, at New Liskeard, b7 the Rev. F. E. Pitts. Presbyterian minister, Mr. Antoine Terriault to Miss Mary Willey, formerly of Durham. BORN. SMITHâ€"In Bentinck, on Sunday, June 7th, 1903, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, a son. Eunnaan'râ€"In Durham, on Monday, June 8th. to Mr. and Mrs. John Ehrhardt. a son. MCDOUGALLâ€"In Durham, on Friday, June 5th. to Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDougall. a daughter. DIED. Barmanâ€"At Allan Park, Thursday, June 4th. 1903, Rebecca Brigham, beloved wife of Henry Brigham, aged 63 years. HOPKINSâ€"In Bentinck, near Hutton Hill, on Monday, June 8th. George Hopkins, aged 53 years. McKnmoxâ€"At Rocky Sauceen. on ; Sunday. J 11119 7th, Flora MoKinnon. mod 73 years. thank for his proxhpt considera- TENDERS WANTED. TENDERS WANTED. CARD OF THANKS. DOG TAG NOTICE. W. B. VOLLET, Clerk \V. B. VOLLET. Clerk. 3c MARRIED. Yours truly. HENRY BRIGHAM. $1.00 PER YEAR.

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