West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Jun 1903, p. 8

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"‘h: remains of 511'. John Jones, who .1 ed at his home at Merritton on ind-u last were brought here on Saturdav evening to the home of his son in law Mr. Chas. Bellamy. from whexe the funeral took place to the Publir cemetery on Sunday afternoon, Rev. Iyison Wilson officiating at the house and graveside. Mr. Jones was a resident of Flesherton in the days of its infancy, and was for a number of years a prominent figure in the bmimss life of the place. The firm. tannery that existed here was oper- ated by him. He also for several years conducted the then well known B03111 Water llomel, and subsequently engaged in general business. Later. Mr. Jones moved to the old ashery near the station where, for some time he engaged in the manufacture of black salts. etc. Since leaving here he has lived at Owen Sound, Titerton and Merritton, where he was engaged in the grocery business. Deceased was 7?.» years of age, and is survived by his very highly respected widow. one daughter, Bertha. at. home, and one son, James. of Owen Sound, all of whom attended the obsequies. The widow and executors of the late Hugh McPherson, who lived near Fleshercon Station. have been {or some time in the courts defending the estate against a‘clulm made by a sister of the. deceased. . The Owen Sound Times of Thursday last. report- ed the issue as follows: " His Honor Judge Morrison handed out his decis~ ion this morning in the matter 01 the McPherson estate. Respecting' the claim of Mrs. Blunden, of Chicago, a. sister of deceased, for $2,700, the judge said that he believed the note to be a forgery from a signature at- tnched to a letter in the possessmn wâ€"vw - of the claimant. This contention was supported by expert evidence, though it must be said in fairness to the claimant that Thos. Bengongh. court stenographer, and a recognized eXpert on handwriting, held the sig- nature to be genuine. Of claims amounting to almost 35,000, only $64.64 was dlowed, the widof’s right to almost the entire estate being thus recomxized.” . On Tuesday evening of Inst Week the football club here visited Price- ville and pinyod a match with the dub tilmre, which resulted in a. score of 2oâ€"«1 in favor oi Fluhonon. On tho (allowing evening the Clippers By the decision of the court at Owen Sound lssr. week Artemesia and Euphrasis have to pay Wm. O’Brien 8350 for alleged injuries by an up- set from his cutter on the townlinc lust winter. The judgment carries with it the costs of the court. which, with the above, wiil be cconsidcrsblc item {or the townships to put up. Flasherton. of the of this place visited Ceylon and made a score of 1â€"0 with the boys of that place. At the regular meeting of Prince MTS- 1- 3- Lucas, 0f Markdale. vis- Arthur Lodge A. F. A. M. on Fri. ,ited her mother, Mrs. M. K. Rich- day evening last installation of offi- ardson, Monday and Tuesday. cers took place The following is the _ Mr, and Mrs, Howard and Mr. and complete stafi for the ensuing twelve : Mrs. White, of Markdale, were in montns: 1“. \V. Hlellng. ‘V. M ; ‘V. ‘ town on Sunday, A' Armstrong. 8' ‘V'; J01“) Wright. . Mr. and Mrs. Thurston visited‘Sat- J. \V.; Rev. J. S. '1. Wilson. Chap.;. d - d S d , 'th A. S. VanDnsen, Trees; C. H. Mnn- flags :tvigixrlei‘éerl‘env. on a) w: Shaw, Sec.; W. J. Boyd, S. D.; Henry ,Heitman, J. D.; T. A. Blakeley, I. G.; “ James Sullivan, Tyler; Ira Perigo, ls. s; R. P. Legate. I. S.;, R. A. Park. , l a Top Cliff. D' 0‘ C‘ The W. M' appbinted on B‘ We saw a number of young ladies: of G. P., J. A. Boyd. ‘V~ ‘1' Arm- going up the highway this evening. 7 strong, W. J. Bellamy, A. S'.. .me'mnd on enquiring what was trump" busen and C. Hi Munsliaw. Vientmg ; they told us a baseball match was to . Committee, Rev. Ivison Wilson. 1%.; be played at or in Mr. Hiucks’ pasfi J' Sproule and M“ K‘ Richardson. 3 care field. Whether the match was ' Artemesia Agricultural SOCiBtY .' to be played between the ladies and. have elected Mr. A. Butter. of Price gentlemen we cannot say, but the‘ ville, secxetary Vice Mr. Jas. Brodie! moon’s p319 light shone gloriously? who has resigned and is about to and bright, and we fancy, aga natur- leave for B- 1- MV- Brodie was aVial result, of course, that the ladies‘ faithful secretary and looked after 3 did not tramp the highway alone go. the interests of the Society withging home. Mr. Ed” we were young great zeal during his long tenure of 5 before. “office. We believe a g°°d choice has I Bob Fisher has been busy shearing been made in his successor- . ,LM.‘ rm. um “human" furmnrn z Mr. and Mrs. \V. C. Davidson. or- ganizers (or the R. T. of Temperance. have been working here the past few days to resusitate the R. '1‘. Council which, in the Royal Degree, has been inactive for some time. Mr. and Mrs Davidson gave an interesting entertainment. in the town hall on Friday evening last. The program consisted of vocal and instrumental “I have used your Hair Vigor for five years and am greatly pleased with it. It certainly re- stores the original color to ay hair. It keeps my hair soft.”-â€" rs. Helen Kilkenny,New Portland, Me. Black Hair Ayer’s Hair Vigor has been restoring color to gra hair for fifty years, an it never fails to do this_ work, either. J"‘ W‘ "a and In one doflar and we Mil e'xp'reu’ ghott' e. Be sure and ive the mum d your nearest ex was: 0 co. Address, J.C AY C0., Lowdl, Mm. for sto ping irour hair from fa ling, for keeping your scalp clean, and for making your hair grow. 81.. I mu. All «mists. nrgdru is: cannot Iu pply you, one do 1‘ and no mu _expreu You cah rely upor) it : The volunteers of No. 6 Company. * who are going into camp at Niagara, 3 left on Tuesday in command of Lieut. 'Chus. N. Richardson to be joined in Toronto by Capt. E. K. Richardson. Mr. Ernest Armstrong. Lieut. of No. '5 Company, Owen Sound, who has been home from Toronto for a few days. also left. on Tuesday for Ni- 'agara. music and stereopticsn views. emong} which was the old tempersnce drums, ‘ “Ten Nights in s Bsrroom." On Snndcy evening. sfter the church scvices, they cgsin, in the same plcce, which was crowded to the doors. held n gospel tempersnce meeting during which stereopticsn views of the life of Daniel were shown. A good list of names has been secured, end 3 meeting is to be held this Tuesday evening for re-or- \ ganizing the Council. At the Methodist psrsonnge. on Wednesday of last week. Rev. Ivison Wilson, B. D., joined in marriage Mr. W. J. McConnell, of Richard th.. Lennox County. to Miss Nellie I. McConnell. of Proton th , Grey County. Mr. Chas. Mosier has a name all his own for successful angling. From a splended catch on Saturday laSt he treated your Cor. to two of the lamp est speckled beauties we have clapped an eye on for many a day. Dr. Mur- my pulled more than teeth on Mon- day. He. too. had a magnificent catch, and didn’t lorget us either. Mr. James Felstead is moving his family to Collingwond Where he is now employed. Mr. A. Munshaw and Miss Mabel spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mr. Walter Loucké and sister, Miss Eva, visited for a couple of days with friends at Meaford. Miss Ethel Whitten is home from Toronto visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Whitten. Mrs. \V. J. Douglas and children, of Collingwood, are spending a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. VanDusen. who are also being visited by the former’s brother, Mr. Henry VanDusen, of Owen Sound. Miss Flossie Thurston is home from Owen Sound Business College. Mr. Samuel Smith, of Dakota. who has been absent for 16 years, is visit- ing his father. Mr. Wm. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ruthven. of Alliston are visiting the latter’s brother, Mr F. Cairns, west back line. Rev. J. R. Newell, of Markdale. spent a few days last week with Rev. C. L. Mills, of this place. Church matters on the latter’s field were re- ceiving their attention. Miss Ella Barnhouse is Spending a few days with Miss Deagle at. Eugen- in. Miss Christine Richardson left Tuesday to visit her brother, Dr. K. Richardson, in Toronto. Miss Hannah Bellamy paid a visit to the city on Saturday. Mrs. Goo. Mitchell spent most. of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. McGirr. at Feversbam. Mrs. I. B. Lucas, of Markdale. vis- ited her mother, Mrs. M. K. Rich- ardson, Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Mr. and Bob Fisher has been busy shearing sheep for the neighboring farmers during the past week. Herbert Watson and Wm. Reily are busy building astone basement under John McKinnon’s barn at present. . Mrs. Neil McDonald spent lass week visiting her daughter and son- imlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLeod, Jr., of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Francis McLeod, of Collingwood, visited friends‘ here lately. Uur teacher is busy preparing his pupils for: the entrance. which is to be held in a couple of weeks. Commissioner Sullivan will be com- mencing his duties by way of letting contracts. c.. this week in Ward No. ‘2, Glenelg. Our young ladies are busy house cleaning. Some of them are painting and carpeting. while other are satis- fied with she whitewash brush. We are not. prepared to say whether pre- parations are made for future events or to keep up good habits by way of attending to domestic duties, for it is said, and it must be true. that cleanliness is next toGodliness. .c. As we are not far from the town of Priceville. and by the way we go to church there every Sunday, rain or sunshine, we feel it our duty to take walk there this evening and see if we can produce some of the events of the week in that place. John McArthnr Son, merchants, were decorating their store lately by way of putting up a new verandah and a cement platform in front of their store. which adds much to the appearance at the eetahliehment. on Prioeville played football with Dro. I, more lately but lost. Priceville boys , will score well at. home. so Dromore fmay look for a defeat when they geome to Priceville. Alex. McLeod will econ heve hie mill dun in running order, but the water in very low et present. end like- ly it. will be some time before any sewing will be done. . Bunessan and Saugeen Valley chaps are hitting one another with hard blows. Cuteness and refinement lought to hold tight reins to their . temper. for it is easier to lose it than F to find it. Josh Billings says: That ‘au editor must bea man that will please everybody. But Josh is mis- taken. An editor sometimes cannot please himself. If he did. he would throw some correspondent’ s produco tions in the waste basket. As he is generally a good natmed fellow he :t1ies to please all parties as best he can under the circumstances, and if we. who are correspondents, deviate from the paths of common decency in our writings the editor is not to blame. Mr. Peter McKollu in viniting a proton: with friends ut. Pricovilla and Egremont. We snw Editor Mortimer of the Shelburne Free Press in town lntely. Mr. Mortimer is having ceternct on both eyes and will soon be obliged to have en operation. ' Rev. Mstheson and Teecher D. Mc- oneld are away attending the Pros- byterian Assembly at Vancouver this week. A Rev. Mr. Watson fills the Presbyterian pulpit till Mr. Mstheson returns. ' The Following: - l span working horses. 4 milch cows, .3 heifers 3 years old, Qheifers 2 years gold, 1 steer ‘2 years old, 3 heifers 1 ' year old, 1 steer 1 year old. 4 spring l‘calves. 4 ewes with 8 Spring lambs. €2 yearling ewes, l brood sow, 7 3yonng pigs 6 months old. 6 young pigs 2 months old, 30 hens. 1 Noxon ’binder. 1 mower with pea harvester complete, 1 sulky rake nearly new. %1 seed drill nearly new. 1 pair bob Isleighs with box, 1 heavy bob sleigh. 1 1 cutter, 1 buggy nearly new. 1 road I cart. 1 wagon, lscuffler, 1 fanning . mill, 1 set spring tooth harrows, 1 ,set iron harrows, 1 plough. I grind- ;scone. l hay rack, 1 set heavy har- fness, 1 set light harness. 1 buffalo irobe, 1 set horse blankets, 1 Daisy churn, 1 set whiflletrees, 1 neckyoke, 1 wheelbarrow. 1 grain cradle, 1 tur- nip pulper, chains, forks. shovels and Iother articles too numerous to men- ition. A quantity of hay for cash. Sale at one o’clock sharp. . TERMS zâ€"All sums of five dollars ;and under, cash ; over that amount Lten months credit will be given on ‘ approved joint notes. 6‘}; per annum ldiscount will be given for cash in ’lieu of notes. . Everything must be sold as the ‘pmprietor has rented his farm. ‘ WM. MCCRACKEN, HUGH MACKAY, t Proprietor. Auctioneer. Mrs. Scott. has veneered her dwel- ling house in lower town, Herb, Watson being contractor. John Burnet raised his frame barn one afternoon last week. All went together well. Mr. Albert Purdy, near Ceylon, cut his hand with an axe on Saturday last, nearly severing it across the palm. Dr. Dixon, of Priceville. had to put six stitches in the wound. Farm Stock and Implements. The undersigned has been authorized to sell by Public Auction as Lot 40, Con. .G. R. ,Glenelg, near Edge Hill, on Friday, June 12th, 1903, CREDIT AUEIIUN SALE ! H‘ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED l- by the undersigned Trustees of S. S. N0. 3. in the Township of Egremmxt. up to the 27th day of June. 1903. for the sale of theJolluwing pwperties, viz.:-â€" Public Sch’l Properties for Sale. The Public-School site and buildings of the abov named section, situated in the village of lolstein. Alse the property known as the Teacher’s Residence, situated on Centre street. The hie: best or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. For full particulua ap- pl K Tnos. J. REID. GEO. F. CALDER. JOHN D. ROBERTS. Winnipeg. . . . Wukada... . . Estevan ...... Elgin ......... Arcola ........ Mommin. . . . Wswanesa . . . Minion ....... Binacarth . Grand View. . Swan River“ . Gain? JUNE 4th. returning until AUGUST 4th (31 rnil or S. S. Athabasca.) Goln JUNE 18th returning until AUGUST 18th (a! rail or S. S. Athabasca.) Going JULY 4th, roturnin until SEPTEMBER 8th (311 rail or 8.8 toho.) Tickets are not good on “ Imperial Limited ” For ticbto oncl pamphlets giving full Radioman, opply to your more» tCunodinn Poo! cogent. or to A. H. NOTUAN. Autumn Genoa! Mater Agent. 71 YonQ It. Tot-onto. Holstein, J 11110 8th.â€"3w. Humeseekels’nfifxcu[sinus TO THE CANADIAN NORTH? AT RETURN FARES. WILL. RUN -â€"OF-â€" Pr. Albert“ moleod ...... Calgary ...... Red Deer... Strathconsn Smoked Clipued Beef, Boneless Chicken, Roast Goose, Sardines, Port and Beans, Crosse Blackwell’s Pickles, Canadian Mixed Pickles, Imperial Cheese. Bow Park Cheese, Silvm' Cow Condenced Milk, Patterson’s Camp Coffee, in fact anything in the Grocery line to be had here. For the Little Red L00 Devil on the Can. JORDAN BURNETT TlliS week and next we are showmg‘ something en- tirely new in We are also offering special prices in Ready-to-wear and trimmed Hats. Call and se- cure a bargain. ’ Millinery . McIntyre Block. â€"â€" Durham, Ont. §Well I Should Say So HEE“_9'391'_’3N€_W 131001.?- The Clothier. convince you of the truthfulness of our claim. Your own eyes, your own good judgment will DO you want the best of any of the above at the lowest price. Give us a call. you’ll be satisfied. It’s Just Like This Summer Clothing. Hats and Caps. Collars and Ties. Fine Shirts. Summer Underwear. Belts. Fine 6: Heavy Shoes. MISS DICK Half=Price. Have a Full Line Summer Millinery W. E. THEOBALD Clark’s Devilled Ham, Chicken, Turkey. Game, etc. make the only sandwich. Just the thing for a company or fishing expedition. A true story, if it’s a good one. never tires. We take that View in writing; our ads and telling you of tie extra value we carry in Ready - to - Wear ClothinO‘. You can’t get over the tact if you once visit our store that for the choicest of goods, perfect fit and the same degree of elegance that the best tailor in the country can boast of. and the prices are a little over one hall any ordered suit will cost you. That’s what this store is here‘ for. We certainly have the most upto-date Furnish- ings for men that can be bought. Take a look at the list of some things we carry. ’Phone 27. To the Citizens of Durham and LAIuEs AND Gunman.â€" Special Attention given to \VEDDING CAKES which we shall furnish on shortesc natice. I’ROI’RIE'I‘ORS . DURHAM, â€"â€" ONTA RIO. ---- DURHAM â€"â€"â€"-- BAKERY HIND BROS. Rainproof Coats. Overalls and Smacks. Sweaters. Working Shirts. Handkerchiefs. Suspenders, etc., etc. Prompt Delivery of all Goods. We beg to announce that we have purchnsed the Dnrhnm Bakery from Mr John Wright, and that we shall continue to cater to the public for a share of their pntronage for Bread. Pies, Cakes, Buns, etc.. etc. Vicinity : of Canned MEATS such as Corn Beef,

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