Your correspOndent had the privil- J, age last week of examining and in- ‘ teresting document which had been ‘ discovered among the long ago fyled ( papers of lhe late J. W. Armstrong, ‘ Esq , of this place. It was news to ‘ Mr. Armstrong’s family to learn that l he had been a military ofï¬cerâ€"Ensign ‘ in No. 6; Battallion, Grey County ' Mill: ia -- his appointment having been regularly made by a Commission, the tlocmuetit we have referred to, issued July 1.), lb’Dï¬, given under the hand and htf‘ctl of the then superior comol' mainline ofï¬cer of the Canadian Mi- l litia. Hutsule his family Mr. Arm-l strrng's surviving friends here, asl far hh we have been able to learn,‘ Were also not aware that he had al military otiicial standing such as has been disclosed. Though one of the ï¬rst in Grey County to be honored‘ with a military commission, Mr. Armstrong’s modesty appears to have prevented him talking about it. To many who are now interested in mil- itary matters it may not be known that such military organization was in existence in Grey County at that early period of its history. Such, however, we have evidence was the case, though we think there was but little activity up to the time of the Fenian Raid in 1866, when the whole country sprang to arms and formed volunteer companies in almost every town and village. and this section of Grey County was not behind. Flesh- erton. Markdale (then Cornabus), Maxwell and other places enrolled volunteers, who regularly marshalled and drilled every week. They had a l l "u“ ‘.--.-v“ no government recognition at ï¬rst but selected their own ofï¬cers and drill instructors. Markdale Company was commanded by Captain Mc- Knight, now County Registrar, Owen Sound. He resided in Mark- dale then and had received a military training at the Toronto Military School. Flesherton Company select- ed for its oflicers, W. K. Flesher, Esq, Capt. ; M. K. Richardson, now M. P. for South Grey, Lieut. ; R. Cr. Campbell, now Major Campbell, Col. lingaood, Ensign. The late John Field, of this place, who had been a Regular in the British Army, was appointed drill instructor. The per- sonel of the company were a hne body of men who were drilled everyi Saturday and were not long in gain- ing good military bearing and fairly good mastery _of company drill. Subsequently the company had an- other efï¬cient instructor in Mr. J. Palmer, who then taught the public school here. He ale'o was a graduate oi the' Toronto Military School, and out of the company here selected a class to whom he gave lessons in sword exercise. The Flasherton Co., new-No. 6 of the 31st Miner“, is only one that received govern. Flesherton. ment recognition and to which arms and uniforms were issued. Captain Flesher was succeeded in ofï¬ce by Mr. R. G. Campbell, now Major. who was succeeded by his brother. Mr. A. Cr. Campbell, now Lieut. Col. He was succeeded by the late J. J. Field, who was succeeded by Lieut. Col. Campbell’s nephew, Mr. C. J. Sproule, now Adjutant. Captain Sproule was succeeded by Dr. E. K. Richardson. who is now in command and has associated with him as Lieutenants his cousins. Mr. 1". G. McFarland, of, Markdale, and Mr. C. N. Richardson,‘ of this place. Among the subordin- ate otï¬cers who in the past took a deep interest in the company we now can recall the names of Richard Stone (deceased), \V. J. Bellamy, William ISharp, Wm. Johnston. Jas. Hannah, Robert Buchanan, John Weber. John ‘Hales. \V. J. Davis. Wm. Clark and lJos. Field. The Company is at pres- ‘ent represented at the annual drill at Niagara where it has sustained a good record all the years of its exist ence. The station road from the village to the Orange hill is now McAdamiz- ed, the work being completed on Monday. This will be an improve- ment to this much travelled thor- oughfare. which will be much apprec- iated by the public. 'l‘he Presbyterian, Toronto, con- tained the following note last week concerning Rev. J. and Mrs. Wells, who formerly resided here: “The Board of Managers of the Presbyter- ian congregation at Holland, Man., held an informal meeting last week and voted the pastor, Rev. John “My hair was falling out very last and l was greatly alarmed. I then tried Ayer’s Hair Vigor and my hair stopped‘falling at once.’ ’â€" Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, O. No Hair? The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. SaVe your hair. Feed it with Ayer’s Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are beginning to show, Ayer’s Hair Vigor will restore color every time. swam Ana-gin Wells. s month’s lesve oi sheenoe,‘ errsnged for a. supply for his pulpit while he is swsy, end presented him with s ticket for himself and Mrs. Wells to Vancouver, B. C. .. and re- turn, end s enng purse for expenses. Rev. Mr. Wells was tsken entirely by surprise snd made 11 very feeling sclrnowledgernent for the kindness shown himself and Mrs. Wells." We oongrstnlete Mr. and Mrs. Wells on this warm token of devotion from rtheir people in the West. The Fleshorton and Ceylon football clubs played here on Tuesdsy evening of last week and the score was 1â€"0 in favor of the home club. On Mon- day evening Mr. Reid’s school played the Juniors here and the result was a. tie. The Orange Lodge at Ceylon had arranged for a picnic in Wright’s on Friday last. but the weather being unfavorable for outdoor sports Mr. W. L. Wright’s unoccupied house was made use of. There was a fairly good turnout, and notwithstanding the conditions all had a good time. There was consternation for a while one evening last week on Host Munshaw’s crouquet lawn when the family’s pet pUg met with a mishap which caused him to suddenly turn up his toes as if to quit this life. Toy, a sagacieus little fellow, takes great delight in crouquet and is usual. 1y around when that divarshun is on. A game was about to be played when one of the company With a sharp crouquet sent a ball across the lawn which landed on poor Toy’s temple. and so disturbed his equilibrunn that death only loomed up before his fond attendants. Restoratives were hast- ily applied. the patient warmly blanketed in bed. and by Miss Mabel’s careful nursing was the next day able to be about again. but a little jaded for his untimely tap. Rev. C. L. Mills, of this place. at- tended a garden party in his Maxwell congregation on Tuesday evening of last week. The party was held at the residence of Mr. David Scilly. 31d line Osprey, and wasa success ï¬nancially and otherwise. Rev. Ivison and Mrs. \Vilson, of the Methodist parsonage, who are the happy parents of two bright little girls, are receiving congratulations from their friends on a pleasing addi- tion to their family circleâ€"â€"a son born to them on Thursday last. The young gentleman is doing well and likewise his mother. As the result of Mr. and Mrs. Davidson’s work here, ‘20 new mem- bers have been initiated for the Royal Template Council. in which ofï¬cers will be elected soon. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson are now at Salem and ex. pect to organize a Council there. 0n Sabbath last Rev. G. S. Burl- burt preached in the Presbyterian church here and at Eugenia and Pro- ton. Rev. '1‘. R. White of Eugenia, will be the supply next Sabbath. Mr, Felstead took Mr. Hurlburt’s work last Sabbath, and will supply for Mr. White on Sabbath next. Rev. Ivison Wilson will preach to the Foresters here in the Methodist church on Sabbath morning next. Mr. Lou Fisher, of the suburbs, went out with his gun on Monday to demolish Some ravenous crows and! by the bursting of his ï¬rearm had a very close call himself. The breech, we understand, burst. and a fragment of steel inï¬icteda nasty cut in his forehead. Messrs. Jas. Stafl’ord. H. Holman, R. Allen and mother were delegates from the Baptist church here to the annual meeting of the Owen Sound Association at Durham last, week. Mrs. McPhatter, of Owen Sound visited her mother, Mrs. William Wright, back line. last week. Thanks. Mr. Editor. for the bit oï¬ news last week re your roving boy Frank. “’63 were pleased to learn that. he had got beyond the reach of war bullets and now hope that before long there will be his own arrival or something from his racy pen. Mr. A. McNeil, ofOttawa, formerly High School teacher at Windsor, paid one of his old pupils. Mrs. J. Black- burn, a short visit last week. Mr. MCNeil, who is now Dominion Fruit Inspector, was on his way, accom- panied by Secretary, J. 1. Graham, to address the Farmer’s Institute meeting at Kimberley. Mr. J. P. Bout was in Collingwood the beginning of lust. week and took in the Sons of Scotland excursion to Parry Sound. He repozts 9. delight- ful trip. Mr. Joe. Henderson, of Rob Boy, was in town on Wednesday of last. week, and dropped in cheerily on your scribe. Mr. Frank Howard, of Collingwood. is now diapensing drugs for Moreen Douglas Co. Mr. Newt Cornï¬eld, of Toronto. paid his brother Joseph 3. visit on Saturday last. Mr. W. C. Gillespie, who has been three weeks in the Hospital at Owen Sound very ill with pneumonia, came down on Monday to recuperate at. home. A load of young people from Dur- ham were in town on Friday last on route to Eugenia. to picnic. Mrs. Greer, of Pricevillo, was the guest of Mrs. J. A. Boyd a few days last week. Mrs. Oscar England. of Goldwater, is viaitmg her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Broen. Mre. Gear 9 Rutledge and daugh- ters, Mrs. oe. Mueller and Mice Kassie Rptledgeerrnged from Mont- chit: hero. Miss J ninotg Stove: arrived 1th week Irom Brannon-d to spend : .iâ€"rtN. J ., on'Frichy last to summer few wash with her cumin... Mu. Firth n the Muse. Mr. and Mn. Geo. Moore. of Eur. Normenby, ere epending a few deye thie week thh their eon, Mr. Wm. Moore here. Thu Rev. Wilson on peint. end paper 9.: well u preech on be eeen by the pleuing tuneiormetion within md without which bu under his head teken place an the personage lately. We regret to lenrn thnt Wilfrid Whitten, who has been in Toronto Hospital for eeverel weeks with hip trouble, has bed to undergo further surgical trentment. The funeral of the late Mrs. Mc- Kinnon was largely attended Tues- day of last. week. She leaves seven sons to mourn her loss, viz : Charles and John, of Durham; Dan and John. at Toronto; Malcolm. of Port Wil- liam. and Allan at home' Her six sons acted as pull-bearers. Mr. and Mrs. George McKecknie spent Sunday visiting friends in this vicinity. The Spring crops are looking ï¬ne. but the hay, it is feared, will be light this year for lack of rain on the start. A gang of horse-traders were I camping on the banks of the Rocky! Sangeen from Saturday till Monday 3 morning when they left. going South. 2 They had three tents and must have been having a good time. Miss Jane Vessie, of Paris. Out†is spending her holidays at the parental home here. Pleased to see her looking so well. NEW white vests, the correct thing this season. at H. H. Mockler’s. Have You Boot and Shoe Store They are just the thing for SUMMER WEAR. We have them in all sizes for LADIES. MISSES CHILDREN. SHOE DRESSINGS. \Ve carry in stock Packard’s Combination Gilt See our Stock. Eggs taken in Exchange forgoods J. S. Mcllraith Farmers of South Grey - a-uâ€"vv - - that is a. particularly good snap. It has ï¬ne barn, dwelliug'and other im. movements and one of the best pieces of bush in Bentinck. Price about $2,000. I Have 100 acres just now that in n. narticularly good snap. It I lend money at lowest rates, smallest cost. shortest notice and on your own terms. All kinds of debts and claims col- lected. No charge if no money made. Any and every kind of business transaction attented to carefully and with strictest privacy. MOTTO: “Always prompt. never negligent.†Four years in David J ackson’s oï¬cs in Durham ; 20 years in the same business at Hanover. That experience should count for something, abould’t it. HANOVER, â€" -â€" ONTARIO. Remember the place, Jordan’s Old Stand, next door to Dan. Campbell’s Implement Shop. Also other styles of Strap, Tril- by and Oxfords. Try a p-air of our $2.25 “Peerless†Ladies’ 138.18 for wear and comfort. Trunks. Valises, Club Bags and School Bags in stock at lowest prices. )ustom work and Re- pairing promptly attended to. TERMS CASH. Do any of you want to sell your farms? Have you got rich and now want to retire? Do you want to sell out and go West? Do you. for any reason. wish to sell? Then let trio place your property on my list. No charge if no sale. I have sold a great deal of land lately and have just now but little left thought I al- ways have inquiries from per- sons wishing to buy. It will pay you to deal through me. Con. Knapp advertised his farm a long time in several papers but couldn’t sell it. He placed it with me and I sold it at once. I have had many similar ex- periences. Seen those “Colonial Slippers†at the NEW Rocky Saugeen This week’l budget. H. H. MILLER Look ° of Canned MEATS We Have a Full Lme such as Com Beef, Smoked Chipped Beef, Boneless Chicken, Roast Goose, Sardines, For k and Beans, Crosse Blackwell’s Pickles, Canadian Mixed Pickles, Imperial Cheese, Bow Park Cheese, Silver Cow Condenced Milk, Patterson’s Camp Coffee, in fact anything in the Grocery line to be had here. JORDAN BURNETT This week and next we are showing something en- tirely new in Millinery . We are also Offering special prices in Ready-to-wear and trimmed Hats. Call and se cure a bargain. McIntyre Block. â€" Durham, Ont. MISS DICK Men’s Blue and Black Serges. regular 37 50. now .. ....8 Men’s Fine Fancy Worsteds. reg. 810 $15. now $7.50 8! Men’s Grey 'Pweeds, regular $10 85 $3 50. now ...... $8.00 S .50 .50 .00 .3 2 6 SUMMER HALF HOSE. Underwear. everything in Men’s we", cool for summer. IN SHIRTS we have the best and most up-to-date. Can untidy anyone. What About a nice Felf or Straw Hat 1’ The latest New York Blocks. H alf=Price. HAVE A LOOK ut our Neckwear. Collars. Slumâ€. Invictua Shoes. Working Shit-ta, em. em.- The Clothier. Summer Millinery Clark’s Devilled Ham, Chicken, Turkey. Game, etc. make the only sandwich. J net the thing for a company or ï¬shing expedition. . E. THEOBALD Newest and up-to the-minute Summer Clothing at; prices to suit any buyer. For the Little Red Devil on the Can. â€"Up-t0-date__a_ ’Phone 27. Underwear. everything in Men's we". To the Citizens of Durham and LADIES AND Gasman“.â€" BAKERY Special Attention given to WEDDING CAKES which we shall turnish on shortest nomice. PBOI‘RIETORS. DURHAM, â€" ONTARIO. HIND BROS. Prompt Delivery of all Goods. We beg to announce that we have purchued the Durhnm Bakery from Mr John Wright, and that we shell continue to cater to the public for a share of their patronage for Bread. Pies. Cakes. Buns, etc.. etc. Vicinity I 99