West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Jul 1903, p. 4

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THE COUNCIL SHOULD ACT. A few evenings ago a farmer from one of the adjoining tovnships was down about the nation when he head annmberofnhouinthedirectionol Church’s Potato Bug Finish and other Insecticides at MacFARLANES’ DURHAM CHRONICLE Durham. JUly 29 1903. REST “Al N YOUTHI“U L I M [’ULSES. The boy is father of the man is an old adage, and it has long since he- come recognized as a fact that the early part of a boy‘s life forms the foundatiun upon which the super- structure nf manhood is to he erected. The hoy whose. youthful impulses are; allowed to go unchecked is likely to‘3 grow up a hasty, impulsive, quarrel-L some and disagreeable man. \Ve are i not going to find fault with a boy be- cause he happens to he horn with a spirit of impulse as a part of his na- ture. Most boys are in possession of this peculiar characteristic. The dull, stupid. phlegmatic boy who has no spirit in him is generally a boy who is good for nothing. The impulsive boy, if only he can he made to realize the importance of controlling his na- ture has the right kind of stuff in him to make the very best type of man. VVe like to see a, boy who can play well, and who than fight well too if f. it's absolutely necessary, but we know 7' of nothing more conteniptihle in a: youth than u disposition always to he . quarreling with his play-fellows. The school hully is one of the difficult things the teacher has to contend with, and this is particularly true: when the said bully, is unfortunate! enough to have foolish parents, which to the writer‘s knowledge is too often the case. A boy of this kind is not wholly destitute of good points. but with foolish home training, and an uncurhed impulsive nature, it’s a hard matter to get at him. Over home in- dulgence has spoiled many a boy who pulled up at last inside the penitenti- THE MAN ON THE STREET. ary. Segue boys can he reached by moral suasion, others through the seat of their pants, but in extreme cases it would be better to take the pants off altogether. In any case the . parent has a great responsibility. and ' should the judicious exercise of theé prescribed means be ineffectual and the boy decide to go to the devil any]: way, the parent then has the satire-'3 faccion of feeling that he (lid his duty. THE MEANEST THING ()UT. The mean. stingy man is about the poorest product the divine. architeet‘ ever turned out of his workshop. \Ve sometimes wonder how he happened to make such a poor job, and more" than once we felt that some of these; miserable small souled creatures were mere slop-work counterfeits got up on 1 the Cheap John plan by some enter-i prising experimentalist who was only i an amateur in the business. They are i so tight that their skin isn’t big' enough to cover them without being stretched so as to glisten as though they had been washed with yellow “ A chiel'n amsng yo takin‘ notes. An’ faith he'll prent it.”-â€"anxs. W. IRWIN, Editor and Proprietor. soap. They think everybody is try- a 53",}, BMW. ing to cheat then), and they can never \, iygrpgmzflw: buy an article at the regular price. sows will be ch Infilealing with such chaps we believe ‘. that no man will be accounted guilty 5 June Wanâ€"C. of wrong-doing for putting the price§ u was to be able to meetthem b. «faxing down. We do not believi: Battle ‘ this “marking up” plan is exactly‘ honest in any case, but it does seem; We, the L. like a foretaste of heaven to get a ! "i"! *0 intiu chance to nip some of those miserable { 3:32:13? (1] ”PP“ "WW" lJul! 13th fl Paris Green DRUG STORE. 2 day a 2 vatio ,? swee‘ an . ing f‘ '29- ', book the lumber piles at the Furniture Factory, a little to the north of him. He could see nobody and paid very little attention to the shooting till he iheard a bullet whiz by only a few feet ,from his head, when he thought it was time to make tracks for safer quarters. Went reference has been made to the utter disregard of the By-law which forbids shooting in- ‘ side the town limits, and if the Town Council is going to permit conduct they had better resign their positions, and, if 'ble, let the honors be . ‘ transfe to persons more worthyl { of the ofiice. Let the matter be taken [up at the next meeting of the Board, and if necessary a reward offered for i information leading to the conviction t of the wrong doers. It is better by far 3 to nip the evil in the bud than to wait i for some one to be killed before a move The Twenty-third Annual Report of the Ontario Bee-keepers Association held at Barrie on the 16th, 17th and 18th of December last has been receiv- ed at this office. It is published by the Ontario Department of Agriculture at‘ Toronto, and we should judge from a casual glance at the range of work dis- cussed that it contains in its eighty- four pages a great de-Bl of valuable in- formation to any one who is interested in Apiculture. A Question Drawer of several pages is well worthy of perus- al. The first question, “Can slightly fermented honey be safely used for spring feeding ”? brings us back to _xnany years ago when we lost a few ‘ dollars over a recipe by which we could 1 take away all the honey from the colo- UIUI‘U tvvv ‘v --__ ny in the fall and substitute a small quantity of flour and sugar for the winter’s keep of the poor little work- ers. \Ve tried it in one case. and we ,l can recommend it as a stunning suc- ; cess, for the bees were all stunned in a ? day and the whole colony died of star- } vation, without even tasting the l sweetened batter. \Ve are still wait- . ing for the. large five hundred page bee , book of instructions that formed part ; of the contract. it must he twenty- : liVe or thirty years now since we start- . ed to wait for it. but the postal regu- . latious under the old Tory government ‘ were. so defective that it’s likely the valuable hook miscarried in the mails. The fellow said his name was “ Jones ” ' but we are. unable to say whether he ' was related to Gamey or not. Any- . way he got the money and we got the experience. . “I.“ ww--'_â€"â€"â€"v __ by. in honor of Miss McCannel’s de- parture as teacher and friend from this locality. A program was pro-l vided consisting of recitations by the pupils together with instrumental and vocal music. The evening was socially ended by indulging in re- : ireshments provided. The more im fportant feature, however, was the presentation to Miss McCannel of a beautiful silver tea service together g with the following address :â€" Z'I‘o MISS MCCANNEL. l PRESENTATION AND ADDRESS. On Friday evening, June 26, a so- cial gathering, consioting of children and parents of S. S. No. 1, Norman- - -n- n t} 'qUMMER HIiL DA'LMENY JA- ik son Hap.) frqm Herd of Lord .Roee- 1 berry. England, ml! he kept for eervnce on ’ the premises of the underexgned. Terms- 3For grade sows 01.0). pure bred 81.50. Saws will be charged for if not. returned. to be rememborod. We, the L. O. L. of South Grey, wish to intimate to our friends and brethern of Ontario thet- we will cel- ebrete the Battle of the Boyne on July 13th at Harrieton. Come and enjoy a géo'd day with the Harrieton L. O. L. 1152. W. Jonnon, Soc. Harmon, Juno 15th. ’ WE GOT THE EXPERIENCE. Battle of the Boyne. Boar for Service. JOHN A. BRADLEY, Orchard P. O. While deeply regretting your de- perture from our school end neigh- borhood, we desire you to he eesured4 of our best wishes for your future prosperity end heppineee end thet iour recollections of your sojourn will be emong the pleesent end pro- fiteble “ pictures thet heng on Memory’s well.” | Signed on behalf of the school: Tnonesnxe Bums. Wm»: WATSON. Bum Mcchn. Gnecn WALLecn. Awe Lnrm. LYDIA Gennn. Normnnby. J an 26th. Here is s letter sent by s Topeks men with a present to s bride in Dnrhsm: “ M y Desr Girl: You will find in the box a. thingsmsjig. which hes something to do with esting grub 03 s tsble. I don’t know whet it is. It looks like s. cross between s har- poon end s hey fork. It may be for epesring pickles, or it msy be for stocking chapped cabbage. I am so old fsshioned that I don’t know; you will be so happy you won’t care.” . , A farmer named Smith, hired a. boy to help him oround the form during the summer. One morning he told the boy to go and salt the calf. The boy took a quart of salt and rubbed _-LA boy took a quart of “It and rubbed Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"George Catton, it all over the calf. working it into Mirna Saundera, Belle Ector, Bertha the hair. A lot of colts scented the 1 DOWN", En Burngt, Foator Saundgrg, salt and hunted the 0‘” “Po ThOYEElla Kinnee. Lillie Harris, Bea Wil- licked all the hair OR the poor calf’s ,‘ son and Laura Siegnar, aeq.. Willie back. The farmer tried to catch the ‘, Gadd. Nellie Becker, Willie Cameron, calf to wash it, but the calf thinking ‘ Marion Currie. he wanted to lick too, disappeared ‘ . down the road. The boy stands up S" II “3 Jr. III",L"“"' bm‘th, now when he eats his pie Moral::Ruby Knisley, Edd” McAnulty, ' iRuby Mills, Maggie Mitchell. Clar- Never be afraid to “k questions. ence Darling, Vaddio Caldwell, Ber- â€"'â€"â€":'t._'â€".'â€"" that Harvey. Willie McCrio, Lottie . . . Daniel, Archie Gray. Hazel Guthrie, For Sea smkne‘B’ Rauua’ ‘ Ida Harbottle, Jack Davidson, Grace and maladies Of this Wife yield QUiCk- , Hunter, Catharine McDougall and ,1}; t0 ”19 31111093 magical power OfLBurney Hartford, aeq.. Arthur Hut- :Nerviline, and if you suffer ‘periodi- ton, Fred Falkingham. 13' t0 the almoet 1119:5081 POWâ€"81‘ OfiBurney Hartford, aeq.. Arthur Huh Nerviline, and If you eufier periodi- ‘ ton, Fred Falkiugham. 11 f fth t b1 ' ca. y rom anyo ese rou ”dust Jr. II to Sr. IIâ€"Nellie Hepburn, N '1' t d. At ' - keep am "1“ 1’“ “W amps James Smith. Elma Holt, James Me- in sweetened water will give almost . instant relief and in the course of‘L‘Chl‘m' Harold All” and A2118! half an hour the cure is completed. Ramage, 880.. John McNally. M”? Y b k 1 d t fi ‘Wright and Delbert Moore, aeq., Lour money no 1 you one nd James Vollet, Russel Burgman ‘and it so. The Rev. \Vray Smith will preach ' a blackboard Sermon on Sunday; morning. Subject: ”The Parable of: the Bicycle.” The puyils of the School rnd young people of the con- I, gregation will occupy the front gen-f tre seats. In the evening the subject: will be "An Appeal to Patriotism.” The Social evening of the members of the Epworth League of Christian Endeavor, and their friends, held in the Methodist Parsonage on Monday night was an unusually interesting, and pleasant event. The pregram was excellent. consisting of Phono-1 graph selections by Mr. W. H. Bean, Recitatations by Miss Jessie Caton and Maud Irwin, Instrumental and Vocal selections by Miss King, of, Mt. Forest. and Misses L. Lauder. .Limin, Sparling and Irwin, of our own town. Mrs. VVitchchurch and Messrs. H. McCrae, Gearge Wright, H. Benton and F, Vickers. all did well and your reporter notes the marked improvement in tone and ex- pression of the pupils of Miss King, as especially in evidence in the selec- tions they rendered. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, the Temperance Evangel- ists also rendered two instrumental duets on the Mandolin and Guitar. The rest of the evening was spent in friendly rivalry at the difierent games, after which light refresh- ments were served and the gathering was dismissed. IU JJ-lfinuu â€" v--- composed of men and women tb“t'L\J{Villiamaon.,Sam Hillis. Willie Hes. spend heart and soul in the vain: . , . efiort to overcome a lack of vigor in ‘Rg'uigrman MCDOM‘l‘L LOWS“ M0 the body. To replace inertia by vig- or, to make good, red blood that will Jr. B to Jr. Aâ€"Harold McKechnie build up the system, to have strong j and Ian Campbell, aeq., Frankie Mc- nerves, you must eat more. digest Ilraith. May McKecbnie, Percy Bry- more, assimilate more. How can it on, Harold Redmond Janet Mar. be done? By using Ferrozone. It . 3mm. Myrtle Daniel. Bennie Benton. invigorates. strengthens, possesses 1 Cassie Russell, Berthan Havens, Gil- magical health giving powers. Get : bert Gordon. Mary McKechnie, Mur- Ferrozone today and make yourself ray Williamson, Wilbert Knisley, strong and well. All reliable drug- Charlie Havens,Willie Morton,Emily gists and medicine dealers sell Ferro- Lloyd, Annie McGirr, Mary Stewart. ZODB. Meetings of the South Grey Wom- en’s Institute will be held at the fol. lowing places :â€" Rofiéfts’ Hall. Holstein, Saturday, July 11th. Iiussel Hall. Dromore, Monday, July 13th. ' T'own Hall. Durham, Tuesday, July Orange Hall. Allan Park, Wednes. day. July lfish. Bohlander’s Hall. Elmwood, Thurs- day, July 16th. There will he an afternoon meeting at. each of these places commencing at 2 O’clock p. m. Evening meetings will also be held at Dromore and lElmwood commencing at. 7 o’clock p. _â€" Delegatesâ€"Miss J eanie Boddick. Cobpurg: Miss Lily M. Beam. Black Creek. Th8 former will give demon- strations in cooking. Good music will be provided 9.: the evening meetings. All are welcome. Mas. Tues. Mchnn, Durban, Prenident. M188 Kurt. L. D1103; Dromore, - Secretu'y. A G! eat Increasing Army. CHURCH NOTES. Women's Institute. a...” 0.9 .â€"¢ Leavingâ€"Chnrlio Forquhorlon, Kuto McDonnld, Boll: Binnie. Llowyin Moran nnd John Johnston neq., Maggie Grnnt, Arthur Allan. Edith Grsnt, Edith Allan, Murray Smith. Jr. Pt. I Luving to Jr. Pt. 11 Loving â€"S:uh McLun sud Ju. Ector, uqn Lily Walker, Ctrman Al- P. 8. DEPT. Jr. IV to Sr. IVâ€"Bertha. Sperling, Edith Allen, Fennie Maren. Jennie Wilson, Mex-y Ritchie, Willie Lur- renoe. Clerkeon McCenl. Willie Cempbell end Archie Devideon. eeq . Peerl Werner and Alfred MoClocklin. zoq. . Ciifiord Sinner, Albert McClook- lin. Emma. Envoy, Muion Gun 3nd John McKinnon, «q. Sr. III to J r. IVâ€"Bcuio Telford. Iron. Luimor. Kntio Clnrx. Robbie Lnidlsw. Ell; Ector, Sunloy Mo- N nlly. Nellie Smith. Chm-lie Dowling, May Glue, Efie Hunter, Ruby Wat- son, Thou. Holt, Annie Aljoo, Clan-lie Bumtgo. Ada Limin. Lizzie Kinnoe, Hugh Hawly nnd Cecil Wolfe. ”q” Churlie Cruwford, Stdib Krona. Lynn Grunt. J euie Caton. Oscnr thn, Flint Hind. Reggie Sharp, aeq., Willie Browning, . Mabel Grasby, Roy Calder, Vernon I = Elvidge, Anson Lloyd. Gertrude Mc- ?Comb, May McGowan. . Sr. Pt. II to Jr. II-Jamie Farquhar- Ion, Laudell Lauder, Retta Darling,j ' Devina \Varmington, Annie Ector, l Edna Limin and Florence Bryon. aeq. : Willie Lawrence,Raymond Ebrhardt. '. Mery Billings, Calvin Kinnee. Jessie Currie. Wilfrid Calder, Marjorie . McKenzie, Ruth Moran, Nellie Mco Lean, Annie McKinnon. Eric Kelly, Mabel Latimer. Hortense Livingston. I Ross Turner, Maggie McNally. John , Vollet, Joe \Varmington, Lorne f ' Williamson and Robbie Campbell. 1 Jr. Pt. II to Sr. Pt. IIâ€"-Edna Mc-l Crie. Sydney Holt. Zetta Marshall, Clara Lawrence \Vinnie McCanl, Aggie Becker, Willie Clark, Leonard ,Lavelle, Roy Fluker, Bessie Saun- ders,Gerty Smith and Milton Mills aeq., Maud Burnet, Lorne Dean, Winnie Brooker, Maggie Torry, 3 Campbell McLachlan. Sr. I to Jr. Pt. Il-â€"-Horace Elvidze, Nettie Daniel, Willie Ferguson, , Ruby Catton, Carl Lenehan, May Clifi , Marnie Mountain. Irene Lawson, ; Vivien Crawford, Evylene Levi, Sam :Hartiord, Lida Livingston, Annie . Vollet. Fall Wheat .......... 1 '- Spring Wheat. ........ L Oats ................ f Peas ................. ‘ Barley .............. . :Eggs ................. Potatoes per bag. . . . . . Flour per cwt ........ Oatmeal per “ck. . . . . Chop per cw: ........ Live Hogs .......... Dressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per lb ........ '9Sheepekins ........... ‘ 3 W001 .............. . 'gLamb .............. f'l‘ellow .............. Lord ................ . . Clover Seed ......... : ;Timothy Seed ........ Intermediate to Sr. I~Jas. Lloyd. Russel Lavelle. 'l‘hos. Lauder. Earl McDonald. Gertie Nedigar, Beatrice Turner, Jennie Benton. Harry Guth. rio. Jr. A to Intermediateâ€"John Har- bottle, Leone Russel, Marion Mc- Kenzie. Edwin Search, Maude Kress. Lizzie Hillis, Pearl Mitchell, Charlie \Villiamson, Sam Hillis, \Villie Hes. lip. Norman McDonald. Louisa Mc- Anulty. ................ Market Report. DURHAM 0.0.0.. 000000000 no 000000 ....a.000 0.0:.0000 0000.... ed....... .JULY 1.1903. 1 ..$ 66 to 8 68, ,, 65 to 68' .. 28 to 28 60 to 60 .. 40 to .45 . 7 00 to 8 00 14 to 15 11 to 1‘1 . 7:3 to " 80 1 90 to 220 2 40 to 2 40 . 1 10 to 1 10 5 30 to ‘75 30 wt 7 75 to 7 75 5 to 5 40 to 50 14 to 15 7 to 8 5 to 5 10 to 12 8 00 to 8 65 2 00 to 2 65 PURE PARIS GREEN. . . IMPLEMENTS . . D. Campbell, the Agent Potato Bug Killer is death to bugs and a good Fertilizer. $1.00 for 100 pounds at Pin-ker’s Drug Store. 20¢ a pound. In quantity at a less price. DURHAM, '_. _ ONTARIO.

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