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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jul 1903, p. 2

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them. 1 asxed to see the list and . found that the resort for his mother Advance lllt'llllOllt’ll last Week as hav- p . , called fora much lar rer sum than mg been taken to Owen hound to; g, . the one for me. The young man Conron, whom the Stand his trial for the burglary at . . . Rocklx’n. has made a confession lt H Of course 1 agreed “"th his Idea seems .}_ ,. ”Jim“ v-lm w.” “Win” that his mother should have the beet , . A | , . u _ ( g l _ r‘ with Joe. lleitman who keeps a 0f anything that Was going, but 1 small “on, and postollice at Wode- was curious to know why he thought housie. alout nine miles north of 3°» andlasked him how it was his Fleshertcn. persuaded the latter mother was to get a better present young man to go into the business than his dad. ”‘9 answer staggered with hirr. They drove to Rocklvn me. and at :3 a. m. knocked at the hotel “ ‘ \Vell.’ he said. seriously, ‘ ma- door, and asked to have their horse me. is mama always, but you are per put away. The hotelkeeper arose ' pa only because you married into the and dressed. When out in the yard , family.’ ”â€"~Ex. he was confronted by two pistols and; a... ... a demand for money As he had none PROMETION‘ EXAMIfiATION. on his person the highwaymen fol- BOOTHVILLE SCHOOL. lowed him into the hotel but when in Promoted from Sr. III to IVâ€"All there became scared and bolted. The . . . . mum, was placed in the hands of. the class excepting, Willie Weir, who . , . . has been recommended. Detectne (xflPl'. Conron was arrested . i and taken to Owen Sound. On Mon; Promoted from J13 III ‘0 ST- 111â€" day,June 2S}, Heitman, when con~ All the class excepting Ida Wilson, fronted with certain evidence, con- “’50 1‘“ been recommended, leased to Grier, turning King’s evi-_.‘ Monthly report of Sr. II classâ€" dence. Conron pleaded not guilty, ! Bertha Love, Jennie Clark, Rob whereupon Inspector Grier proceeded ! Smail. May Ernest. Lillie Sackett (ab- to enquire into his (Conron’s) record, ! sent for a number of examinations.) “d found that he was a notorio‘f Jr, IIâ€"Eva Haw, Clara \Vilaon. professionalhorseothief That on May Pt 18 he stole a horse and buggy fromi IIâ€"Hardy Harrison, Jennie John Buckingham of the townships! i f::Â¥u?:gn§leflymnigggge ’ E52322; Nottaw asaga, drove to Gravenhurst, : Cameron Tom Weir . traded his horse for one of Dr. Grant’s i ’ - and drove his new horse to Markdale, 4 Inter.â€"â€"Jessie , 01"“ and D518} wheye he sold it to a hor.-e dealerfflfl'v “q" Jemima Ernest, Lydia, When confronted with his record,jFPl'iE‘mQn “d Ed!“ R)?“ 309.. An- Conron confessed to the Inspector i "‘9 Smail, Stanley Williams. . that he was the one who did the steal-l Jr. Iâ€"Robbie Lane, Ema McDon- hg. He had elected .to be tried by a ald, Janet McDonald and James Mc- jnry and pleaded not guilty, but has Donald aeq.. Alberta Whittier and greed to reoelect to be tried eum- Andrew Lane, aeq.. Mary kerguson until 1 ad nilt .--Flesherton and Joe Wilson aeq. . Adages?“ p e u ' y MARY Gannon, Teacher. ed necessary. The widowed mother, Women and Jewels. who was out of town at the time. has the sympathy of all in her sad loss. ' The funeral took place yesterday af- ternoon to the Holstein cemeteryâ€"- Mount Forest Representative. Jewels, candy, flowers, man--that is the order of a woman’s preferences. éJewels form a magnet of mighty . power to the average woman. Even. ' that greatest of all jewels, health, is _ , often ruined in the strenuous efforts A terrible accident occurred at a: . to make or save the money to pur- . s . '- (y ‘ ‘ ' A . ’ l - a barn ”mu“ 0“ “1' bamuel lofht ' s chase them. If a woman Will risk 1a.] m. township “f .I\lono, about six ; her health to get a coveted gem. then miles from ()l'anchlllc. A purline l let her fortify herself against the in- . I . .‘ . . II , . plate ”we“ 1““ a” l” was being, put l sxduous consequences of coughs.colds . ' . ‘ i‘ ' o a 1n posmon 0" the 1’0“” “”1 {ml to ‘ and bronchial affections by the regu the floor, a distance of ‘28 feet. crrry- l lar use of Dr Boschee’s German 0 I ~ . ' r I \. . . X‘iIW‘m ‘i £{°”§l’h Mafia; and '“t’ln :Syruv. It Will promptly arrest con- t ”’50" “ ”5 turner mer m w ‘ sumption in its early stages and heal air and struck the ground floor headl the affected lungs and bronchial tubes foremost. He “'i‘". ”01‘“! up l" a" l and drive the dread disease from the unconscious condition. and Dr. I‘. II, ' system. It is not a cure-'11 but it is . . t . °. . I . - Hear) “as hurrrcdlg summoned fromI certain a cure for coughs, colds and Orrngeville- “'8 physician foundfa“ bronchial troubles. You can get ' ’ ‘ l a y. 0 that the unfortunate man sskull was. the reliable remedy at Darlings Drug fractured, a hiphone broken and he; . . .. . Store. tf was also sufferingfrom minormJuries He will hardly recover. Atkinson “”‘°*""’"*"“ struck a brace before reaching the; ARelation by Marriage. floor. Ilis left arm was smashed from __ ‘he ShOUltler t0 the elbow. and he is; H Children have queer ideas,” said £180 badly bruised and shaken Upiitho happy father of a. bright young Joseph Batty. another 01: the WP boy toafriend the other day. “I men. would have been carried down , don’t, as a general thing, repeat the by the falling plate bllt for the action l Sayings or tell of the dojngs of that, of his companion,(_)liver Perfect,wh0:young one of mine, but really a seized him between his knees andlthing he said 10 me just before 3'83?” fifml." 110M 0‘ the 9053- As it ; Christmas is wortth repeating. was Beatty had both arms badlyt . . “ Teddie wanted to give a present scraped and bruised by the falling; - . timber. At the time of writing Haf- ‘ to “Oh member or the family. I on . . . . . . . . g couraged his generous thought and lay ls 8“” alne. PM hfs condition '3 l promised him all the material aid he hopeless. The d) me: man 18 about 32' years of a re and is unmarried â€"Tara , might need. So he made out the list Loader ‘5 ‘ ° jof the things he intended to give and Atexrible acuiduxt occurred at 33 baxn- -raising on \lr. Samuel Moffit’sl hum township of Mono, about sin miles from ()rangeville. A purlinel Art Gallery will be particularly at- town received another addition on tractive and the competition in the Monday. in the person of Milford. different classes unusually keen. older son of the late \Vm. Amos aged Details are being perfected for 1‘3 years. Abou‘ “10 middle 0‘ it", displays of machinery and'agricultur- 10113000" Of that ditY- he and a com- ‘ a1 implements that cannot fail to il- flde. named Findlay Lamont,.went to , lustrate the latest creations of inven- the river at Queen. St- bridge to 3 tiue genius as applied to farm culti- bathe. Amos DOB b81113 much of 3 ! vation Manufacturers on this and swimmer. Lamont says he advnsed 1 the‘other side of the line will be him not. to try 311d 3mm across; 14“] present to demonstrate the merits of meat then struck out and Amos rash. l their respective machines. and when ly attempted to follow him. but when it is said that the Live Stock Depart- SbOUt ha” way 0V9“ he sank in 1 ment seems bound to excel last year’s tbOdt 90W” {PM 0‘ water, The small- 3 success no further words are needed. 01' boy dared "Gt 80 ‘0 his “NEW-““81 Farmers and breeders interested in comrade and he sallk ‘0 “39 “0 more i thoroughbred animals cannot afford div“ Fred (lilstorf. .3 farmer 0ft to neglect. this all important part of Conn. who drove along Just after the. the Western Fair. unfortunate boy .had ceased strugfi The list of special attractions has gltng. lllll‘l'lml on into town and gave' the alarm Vessrs Mex Duncan i not been completed as yet but ”1059 T .l. Aletander ahd L. (.l‘albraith re: already selected augur well .for the turned with all speed to the scene’contlnued triumph 0‘ the ““g and 5 platform events. " and revovered the body as soon as“ , ' \\ atch for the readers and adver- possibl.». llr. Meikle was at hand , tisements to appear in this paper lat- : er on and remember that the \Vestern of 19m} will outshine all its glorious ' predecessors. Prize Lists and all in- ._ formation may be had for the asking. The brief list of drownings in our when .t reached shore and tried the usual methods of restoration, but it was too late. The remains were then taken to Gibson's undertaking rooms, where they were viewed by Coroner Jones, but an inquest was not deem- -*-° ed necessary. The widowed mother, ‘ Women and Jewels. who was out of town at the time. has Jewels, candy, flowers, mathâ€"than l the s.» rnpathy of all lll her sad loss. is the order of a woman’s preferences. I . 'l. -l. . v a? v a _ | o 'tI‘he fumiialitOcl.‘l pllace 30s,erda3 at ”Jewels form a magnet of mighty ' 'C " I. ‘ ‘ ‘ ""00" '0 t 't’ O “H" cemetery». , power to the average woman. Lven ‘ t ‘ Al ' . " ‘ . mount I‘Ol‘tst R‘ presenatne. that ornatnsf nf all mwnlq hnnlfl] iq On Sunday an accident of a serious nature occurred at the bridge over the Grand River on the back line, Ielancthon. Mrs. John Funston and her son and daughter were re- turning home from Dundalk where the last named was receiving medical treatment for paralysis of the throat the outcome of an attack of diphthe- ria. The horse which the young man was driving stapped on the bridge and began backing up and there be- ing no railing at the place the rear of the buggy went over. The driver was by this time at the horse’s head and was able to prevent it backing farther. but the hind wheels and box of the rig became detached and drop- ped a distance of about six feet with the result that the invalid received a severe nervous shock and the mother is very badly bruised. Had there been the proper protection on the bridge the accident would in all likeli- hood have been averted. We have not learned whether a demand will be made on the Melancthon council or not for damagesâ€"Herald. [TENS OF INTEREST L'UPPED AND RE- WRITTEN FROM OUR EXCHANGES. District News. {r BOOTHV'ILLE SCHOOL. he Promoted from St. 111 to IVâ€"All :1 the class excepting Willie Weir, who :d f has been recommended. ,3. Promoted from Jr. III to St. IIIâ€"â€" ,9, All the class excepting Ida Wilson, n- who has been recommended. 9 “ Children have queer ideas,” said : the happy father of a bright young l boy to a friend the other day. “ I 7' don’t, as a general thing, repeat the ' sayings or tell of the doings of that ;,young one of mine, but really a 3 thing he said to me just before i Christmas is wortth repeating. ‘ "Teddie wanted to give a present f to each member of the family. 1 en- . couraged his generous thought and .‘promised him all the material aid he . might need. So he made out the list l'of the things he intended to give and 3 applied to me for the money to buy them. I asked to see the list and ; found that the presert for his mother called for a much larger sum than l the one for me. “ Of course I agreed with his idea that his mether should have the best of anything that was going, but 1 was curious to know why he thought so, and I asked him how it was his .mother was to get a better present ~ than his dad. His answer staggered Jr. Iâ€"Robbie Lane, Effie McDon- ald, Janet McDonald and James Mc- Donald aeq.. Alberta. Whittier and Andrew Lane, seq” Mary Ferguson and Joe Wilson aeq. Internâ€"Jessie Clark and Daisy Haw, aeq.. Jemima Ernest, Lydia Ferguson and Ethel Haw. aeq., An- nie Small. Stanley Williams. Monthly report of Sr. II classâ€" Berthn Love, Jennie Clark, Rob Smnil. May Ernest, Lillie Sackett (ab- sent for a number of examinationl.) Jr. IIâ€"Eva Haw. Clara \Vileon. Pt. IIâ€"Hardy Harrison, Jennie Ferguson, Mary McQue , Eva Pier. son. Jennie McCanne , Christie Cameron. 'l‘orn Weir. The list of Special attractions has not been completed as yet but those already selected augur well {or the continued triumph of the ring and platform events. ’ \Vatch for the readers and adver- tisements to appear in this paper lut- er on and remember that the \Vestern of 1903 will outshine all its glorious predecessors. Prize Lists and all in- formation may be had for the asking. 'I‘he footsteps of the exhibition management never did lag. No loon- er were the gates closed upon the last fair than the Directors commenced broad liberal planning for this seal. on’s show. Splendid features of unique interest have been thought out and beneficial ideas devised for rendering the exhibits of the main building and other departments even more alluring than ever before. The Art Gallery will be particularly at- tractive and the competition in the different classes unusually keen. The combined victories of peace and commerce in this third year of the new century are destined to il- umiue the brightest pages of Can a~ dian hiatory. Prosperity is abroad in all the land, from acres vast and plentiful. and from mining fields both east and west comes the bar- mony of buoyant progress. To few will be granted the inspiration of witnessing the activity in the east, the west. the north and the south but to all is Open the Opportunity of seeing the sum total of Canada’s cur. rent deveIOpment summarized and represented in the great \Vestern Fair to be held at London, September 11th to 19th. Do not be the one to missit. mada’s Premier Exhibition Will Show the Conntry’s‘ Unexampled Growth. WE8TEBN FAIR, LONDON. Watchmaker. Jeweller. Optician. DURHAM, ONT. RINGS: Frigpglghip, En- A Gem for July cheap line of “WATCHES. They don’t pay either you or us, their life is short. If you want good work, good goods and up-to-date, at living prices, we are the ones. We don’t handle the Take Laxative Bromo Quinilye Tablets. All «In: rgiats refund the money it it fails In cum. E. \. Grave's Signature 15 on much box. 256. You want. cheap. common, sloppy work, we are not in it, Thomas Tina! and his dog were out walking along the road in Albemarle township. near Wiarton, when they met a big black bear and her cub. The man fired and missed. The dOg clinched, the man separated them and ran for home, and the beer fight was over. They have not. been Seen since. The dead body of a Pole was found in the bush some miles north of Win- nipeg, with its head split open, ap- parently with an axe. It is‘ believed to have been the result of a quarrel and the authorities are investigating. In the action of Edna Wallace Hop- per against ex-pretnier Dunsmuir. of British Columbia, the latter has won the first point by being successful in his contention that the case must be tried by a judge withou' ajury. Milford Amos, aged 17, of Mount Forest, attempted to swim across the river at. that place. He was not 1 good swimmer, the water was seven feet deep. and he éank in midstleam. never to rise again. Andrew Carnegie has remitted a cheque to cover the expenses of John Hotson, son of George Hotsou. of Innerkip, near \Voodstock. incurred by being affiliated With fever at Cor- nell University. While playing with a. number of other little girls near the Gatineau, near Ottawa, the 13-year-old daugh- ter of John Cyr, lronsides. grasped atapassing stick. fell in, and was drowned. While getting 06 a moving train Jolan Hydermau, a laborer from Dos- eronto, about forty years of age, was killed on the Grand Trunk about, two miles and a half west of Trenton. A. GORDON Nearly all reports agree that the crop prospects in the west were never better. and the report sent out that the yield would not he more than 10 bushels to the acre in laughed at. Immigration from Newfoundland to Nova Scotia increases. Durlnp, June 852 passengers, about 700 of whom were laborers landed at Syd- ney, an increase of 300 over May. From $3,060.000 to $5,000,000 gold dust will be taken from the Klondike this season, more than last year, ac- cordmg to estimates of officials, mine owners and bank managers. \Vhile bathing at Merritton. Louis Wood. of Niagara Falls, N. Y. got beyond his depth and was carried away by the current. His body was found an hour later. Extensive changes are being planned in the Galt post-otfice. \Vhile the current price of anthra- cite coal is $6.75 a ton cash, dealers are said to be ofiering it at $6.50 and even as low as $6 a. ton in Hamilton. Every steamship arriving at Vic- toria brings with it large numbers of Chinamen. who are swarming in be- fore the 8500 tax comes in force. While working in a sawmill at Chatham, George Simmons had both jaws broken and forced back to the base of the skull° He just lived 12 hours. The financial statement of the af- fairs of the Hamilton Board of Trade shows a. deficit of $105.41. The by-law for granting the pro- posed Alliston shoe factory a -bonus of 87,000 was carried, the vote being 102 for, 41 against. Notwithstanding the indignant pro- tests of Hamilton citizens. the Board of Works has decided that the quar- rying of the mountain must go on. Late on Saturday night. a Carberry man named Lowrie was found dead on the prairie east of Brandon. C. P. Bolton’s steam sawmill at. Belleville was destroyed by fire. the 1093 being estimated at about 37,000. John Kerr, aged twenty-six, son of Geo. Kerr. manager of the Western Bank at Pickering, has been drowned at Sacramento. Cal. Arnott Sons big dairy barns at Winnipeg were totally destroyed by fire lately. Loss, $4,000. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. gagement. Wedding: The glowing RUBY should adorn those who in warm July are born; then will they be exempt and free from love’s doubt and anxiety. BUT [F MONEY at 42. MacKay Dunn. Durhamâ€"fl. Mr. W m. Hengan. of Morden’ s Corners. intends leaving for Durham this slouday morning where he will place himself in the harness making trade under the care of Mr. J. Smith. “’0 wish Wil success. . Tenting again on the old Camp Ground. The camping party from your town who spent a couple of weeks on the grounds of Mr. Arch. McKechnie near the Rocky river last summer are again enjoying a holiday in the same old spot and taking in all the beauty of Nature. Mr. D. Clarke. of Aberdeen, spent last Sunday evening with friends near the Rocky. Miss Ruby Scarf is at present tak- ing a holiday visiting friends in Waterloo. - Mr. Thos. Scarf purchased a fine team of colts lately for the handsome sum of 8190. Some of our go-ahead farmershave started haying. A middling fair crop so far reported. Quite a number from this part spent an enjoyable evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Staplee of Edge Hill a week ago last Wednes. day, the occasion being the marriage of their daughter. Miss Nellie, to Mr. James Wilson. son of Mr. James \Vilson, of Tohermory. It is report- ed that about eighty or ninety guests were present and spent the night in music and dancing till the wee ema’ hours of the morning. The numerous and useful presents showed the esteem in which the bride was held. We wish to attend to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson our heartiest congratulations. 0‘ UXCCHBHE ”mt" their nnnws, :«Itldt‘P-‘sps. and descriptinns, V . iand full statement of articulars of their ours very tru 3. . P . . . W A CI FIOVS clatms, and the natnw ul the wvnrtttes 9 O 4 J ¢ Q _ . ,(if any) lmhl hv thmn duly certified, and PUbllcatIOD Clet‘k. ; that after the said (lay. the mid exernturs Dept, of Agriculture, Commissioner’. ' (\iwll .tn'oieotfd to t'lts'tt‘tlfnte .“l’ :ts‘ftlflsl 1va the Branch “UM-‘9‘ . almum. t w. ,onrnea entnt m t wu - ;tu..h:n'ing regard only tn the claims of _._. . .... g which they shall then lune nutu'e. The Anjou is recoenized as one of the best export peers as far as the qualities of the fruit, are concerned, but unfortunately on its own root- it is sometimes very long in coming into hearing and is then only mod- erately prolific. Topgraftecl on Keit- Ier, in Mr. Powell’s experience, it be- comes one of the most prolific bearer: of excellent fruit. If it should appear that the Keifier has been overplanted it will be a satisfaction to know that it. is so good stock forSuch excellent varieties as Bose and Anjou. These are always in good demand in British markets. Keifiers have been so largely plan?- ed in the United States and Canada that there is a reasonable doubt. whether good prices for them can be maintained. This experience of Mr. Powell’s, extending as it does over a period of some twelve to fifteen years. will be of especial interest to all pear growers. In a letter to the Fruit Division, Ottawa. Mr. G. '1‘. Powell, of New York, Consulting Horticulturist, re- affirms the statement which he made at the Cobourg meeting of the On- tario Fruit Growers’ Association in 1891), that the Keifl‘er pear makes an excellent stock on which to. graft Bose anu Anjou. He says,â€"â€"“ My Bose and Anjou toygral’ted on Keiflers are exceedingly tine. The union is perfect and the trees are bearing: very heavy crops. I think it is necessary to take three years to make the change. working only two or three branches at a time. Many have failed by cutting the entire tap in one year; hence this warning to take at least three years to complete the t0p- grafting.” The booklet is from the press of the London Printing and Lithograplr ing Company, Carling street. This souvenir is an excellent sample of typOgraphic and litlmgraphic art â€" From the Daily Free Press, London, Jay 23rd. ISM}. American-Candi“ In the Deerinp. booklet they em- phasize the fact in a neat way that , the works are “ British.” The frontis-§ piece shows a young British tar sup. l porting the Union Jack. and sur- roundded with warships; and the} outside cover contains portraits of ‘ ‘ Queen Victoria, King Edward ‘11dlbiln at I’lll'hiUlI I‘Ulllldl‘)’. Queen Alexandra, the Prince and' ).'(.'â€",q 2(‘(‘ .( ' H. a . - . Princess of Wales and Prince Edward 1“ L 1‘01 ill], to (“L11”) ' of Cornwall and York. This is artis- tically lithographed in colors. The inside comprises engraving of the founder. William Deering, a large C SMITH SONS bird’s-eye view of the works at Ham- ilton. Ont.. also views of the different factories and the interiors. The Deering Company have issued to the farmers of Canada a handsome illustrated booklet, putting forth in pen and picture a description of the opening of their mammoth works at Hamilton, Ontario. The fact of the Deering Company, the largest makers of farming implements in America. selecting Hamilton for the manufac- ture ef their machines, shows their confidence in Canada as a manuiao turing center. At this point all their export orders will be manufactured and shipped to all parts of the world, including Great Britain, France, Rus- sia, Africa, Australia and India. This means an enormous annual ex- penditure of money. This bringing in of these large industries is a fore- cast of the great future before the Dominion, and will be an incentive for other industries to follow. Top-Grafting Keiffer Pears. Rocky Saugeen. trated by a London Fir'm, A WORK OF ART. Th? umh rslgnml havinghm-n H‘stmw'd in liq-alt!) by simple means. afivr snfl‘vring inr wveral swim with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption. is unxiuus in make known to his felluw sufferers Um IIINHIN of Hire. To ‘ those who desire it. in» will cheerfully send (“1‘9 ‘ 0t charge) a copy of the pi-rwriptimi use". which 'they will find a. sure ('nrc- int Consumption. Asthma. Chaurrh. Bronchitis and all thmat and ' lung Handles. He hopes nll snfl’vrvrs will try : bin remmiy. an it is invaluable. 'J‘hmw desiring ' the permridtion, which will cast them nothing. 'lnd may prove a blessing, “ill pleam- nddrcau, v..- â€"_-â€" enclose eelf eddreeeed envelope .THE NATION AL. 334 Durham so. Chicago".e 'my Btuâ€"16.1hy 11th 2111. “’ANTEI)-SEVERAL lNl.)I.’S'l‘lll()l'S l'lflb sons in each states to travel fur lmmm t'fllabllflhf‘d eleven years nnd with a large capital. to call upon merchants and agents for successful and rofltableline. Permanent. engageuwut. Week- y cub salary of 018 and all traveling «prime: and hotel bills advanced in cash each week. Ex- perience ntbt- fluently. Mention reference Ind RCV. EDWARD A. WIL$0N Bnmklyu Xvw Yul‘k pun-Ham tn ll. S. 0.. 269', (‘ap. 129, S00. 38. and anvmuling avts, that all per- sons liming claims again” the eslam (at the said Philip Eva. Mm (“Pd un or about the nineteenth day «of 1"eln'uary A. I). 1903. are required tn send by pus! prepaid. or in deliver m the undersigned Suliriuu' {urtlne l‘ixemltm‘s. cm «or befurb tlw In the Matter of the Estate of Philip Eva the Elder. late of the Town of Durham. in the County of Grey, Gentleman. deceased. IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF GREY. MaCFAI’ LANE: CO. Notice to Creditors yzear four months. fl. Boldby allnewadenlerl Mu 80. NM» New Ygrl 011108.625 6258' St. Wuhl Halon. Patents taken thruuuh Munn ' special notice, without. cl_n__arge. In the ‘AA A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Larsen ctr culauon of any scientific numsyl. Terms. {can four months. $1. 80 d by aII_ newsdeslag Anyone sending a nketoh and deportation may quickly ascertain our omnimflree w ethet Al Invention is probably patentable. (‘nmmuntcs ttona strictly mnfldentlul. Handbook on Patent. lent. tree. 0|th mu'm'y for securing patents. Patentlnt nken -thruugh Munn‘g Cu. receive DURHAM FOUNDRY Children of bright parents are not naturally stupid. When study is disliked, study is painful. Suspect their eyes rather than condemn their intellect. We make a specialty of examining children’s eyes. Examination costs nothing. We prescribe glasses only when 9.180aner necessary, and guarantee satisfaction. ~â€"-â€"â€" FOR â€"--~---â€" The McCormick Twine Stupid Children. Dated this 6th day ufJuLv A. I). 190:5. .l. l’. TELI“()RI)‘ NOTICE IS" H 1511””; Séiélitific Hiiic'rican. 3lst szy of July A. D. 1903, T0 CONSUMPTIVES. (the best. in the world) lh'ngiets and Booksellers. Sulicimr fur Execute! s S. 0.. 169'. Pap. 129. ng acts, that all per- auainst the estate of “In; died ml 01’ about G 1 \'EN TERMSâ€"~81 January 18! 1‘1“. ur $1.25 April 1st 1904. Cows not returned will he charged for whether in calf or not. -I9587~. Cora ~245M- by Vilugo Hurgomumr 44%:‘3- Red Dinah 46537 bv Vanguard 6142-. - Sincerity 7942 by Sir Rir-hard Booth ~2454-. - Grime Darling 43123- by Grnud Monarque 484'0-1- Nora 4172‘ by Remus 4007- . Grace hurling .3lfi}- bv i’io- near .925- . Laura ~35“- by Prince ol'\\'ales dim )) ~21”: (186%). Rose of Autumn 4612- by 'icol (mm) 485-. - young Starling (imp) -561- bv Stratlunore (6547). Old Kate bv l’layi'eilowwfi'i). - ()ld Rune, bv Sir Wii- liarn (12102). - Catherine, by 'Empcnoro (i974). I’EDIGREI‘Iâ€"Dauntless, red. valved May 12th, 1332, bred by John Hmiih 8; Son, Dnutroon. ()nt. 2nd owner Thomas Mercer. Markdale. Ont. Sire got by Tom $0646- dam Dullgtrwn‘Mnuq ec:j‘.4'_334- by Dauutleuu a...“ _--_ ‘HE THOROUGHBRED DURHAM Pull “DAL'N'I‘LESS " will be kept for service at Lot 17, Concession .3 Glenda. liI‘JG ISTER EU TUOROL'G 11 BR I'll) Yorkshire‘s-six weeks old. Apply to THUS. SCAR!" MASS. June w-Gwâ€"c. Rocky Snugven 1'. 0. RING LOT GO,CON1 N. D. IL, The “Fraser Property mmainiuu Fifty acres, nearlyali (-h-arvd and in good Ma te (of cultivmiuu. lirlvk dwelling. frame! lmrh.'mmll orchard, hmndo pm! hair? and wilhiuhalf a milent Church and School. Apply to THUMAs H. LAWluam 1c. Vickers l’uatoflice. «or tn MRS. A. “l‘lh‘h, 2(1) Mac- aulay Street. East. Hamilton. LIIU‘CII llth , â€"l'nm_ .luue 30- BEING LOT N0. 1 EAST HALF, ‘ and No 2 West. half. Con. 2|. E. 6. ll... Euremont. conulning 1(1) acres Eighty acres clenred and in good state of cult:- vation. the remainder in good hardwood bush. Comtortable 102 house. good frame barn45160. stone basement. good orchard of about mo trees. well watered. fairly well fenced. convenient to school and church. 3 miles from nation. Terms to suit pur- chaser._ ‘b‘mnll ash mymem. bnhnee sun (imp. Z) {rum Herd uf Lurd Ruse- berry. England. will be kept fur sen-ice uu typ premiums of tlu-_u_g|_derslmned. Termsâ€"â€" I’dr'grade sows $1.00. pure brad 81.." . Sows ml! be charged for If Mu. returned. IQUU and 59 nu thc lirst mm. X. I). It. and lot 54 on the 2nd an... N. 1’. ll.. lieu- tiuc , well watered iu gond state. ul'cultiva- tinu, good barn. and uther unit-buildings, comfortable house, well leuccd. young hear- ing orchard. thrc. miles from Durham, within halfa mile rum church. wheel and pest, office. Terms Mamuablc : Cash payment down. balance secured by mortgage tn suit pur- chaser. Will be suld in separate luts or en blue. The pruprietur is guiug \\'e.~t and is auxiom to cell. l-‘(rr further particulars apply to 11 Street. the nrnperty uf‘ Mrs. Browne. The [mum («attains 12 coveniently situated. and quite new make an excellent boarding lumw particulars apply to D School Section No. 9. Bentinck. for the balance of the year or longer, if suit- oble: Applicationn.stating salary and en- closmg testimoninls will be received by the undersigned up to Friday July 31st. l. for sale the water power kmmu u “ llayward‘s falls,” (ileuehz. Nun. McKncumu. Durham. Out. August 19th. 1S0}. (f. JAIES Sussex. Secretary. anford P. 0. J une 9th '03. 8c. rpm: Irxhnusumlau OFFERS July 10th. 190! secured by 76671483}; 'l":o'rwfix.;'t‘her pal-ti- cuhrs apply on the premises or wnw to .I. up farming and ofl‘ern for sale Lot No. 25, on the 8th Concession of lientinck. The lot is well fenced. in a good state of cultivation. 75 acres cleared. no waste land. house, driving shod. hank harn 50x70. two never failing wells. good hearing orchard, school on adjoining lot. post oflim and tele- phone on premises. church close by. mm 60 acres growing grain and grass whivh will be sold with the farm at a valuation. Will fell at any time .a‘ml give possession. May 2, lWS.-â€"3m.-â€" pd QITMMER HILL DALMENY JA- HE UNDERSIGNED IS GIVING up farming and offers fur sales 1...! N... May 15th, ’03. ' OUNG CLEAR GRIT STALLION “ Prince Bobs.” Anvone “'ishilur m .I. “ Prince Bobs." Anyone wishi to use a horse of this kind would do we to this colt. Mltthew Scott. is always in It- tendance. one‘door east 01‘ Crown hotel. Ii. \VATSON, Feb y 26. -”ID. an Water Power For Sale. ECQN D OR THIRD CLASS. FOR House 6: Lot for Sale. 23.-tt HOUSE AND LOT ON QUEEN Bull For Service. Boar for Service. Teacher Wanted. ACRES BE] NG LO'I Farm for Sale. l’. O'NEILL, Mnluck Pigs for Sale. Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. JOHN A. BRADLEY. ()rvhard l'. U. '. H. LEE. Varuey JOHN»! ’VICAB. Pomona. J. L. BROWSE H. WM. LEGGE'I‘TE. Vickers l’. 0 mympnt._ baliuoe l'lmh ygra pher l‘riceville. 0.. ”alt I‘Ot wan Fur UH

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