West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Jul 1903, p. 1

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ON Thursday and Friday last. the whale captured about tWo years at." in Montroa! was on exhibition hm. and o great manv citizens and others. iolh old and yoqng. took in the show 1‘ was no fake but the genuine skin 0‘ o small Whale moonted on trucks . and stretched on a framework. I: won thinrfivo foot long. eighteen “foot. in circumference, and is said to ,hvo weighed. when caught, shout :Iflpon to”. Tho proprietor, A. H. “moo. a Fronchnon, woo on on- 5.; fish; :91!" “Alon-0d no point in WE have just been informed of the death of Duncan McDermid. which occurred in Toronto on the 24th inet. He was at one time a resident. of Priceville. but for the post thirteen yeure he has lived in Toronto. Per- dyeie was the cause of his death. He leaves e widow and four children. Jlrsr as we go to press we learn with regret of the loss by iightning of the fine barn and contents of Mr. Abraham Crutchley, a mile and ahalf east of town. 'The barn was built only a year or so ago and the loss'will be high A vmiv serious accidpnt happened Mr. W. J. Levy on Friday last at the Canaan} “Zeal". 3nd graveAdoubtn or: apprehended as to "whether he will recover or not. He came in con her. in some wuv wirh the cool grinder and received union-1 and heavy blows about viw Lea" and face. which left. him in an uncanScioue "no for two or three days. Ww how to he” 0! his curly recovery. ‘ Losr.â€"-Ladies’ Gold Hunting Case Watch, with Cashier printed in the inside and the initials "I. F ” on the outside. Waltham movement. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same with Wm. Green- wood. Traverston P. O.â€"‘2pd. THE Presbyterian Sabbeth School held their annual picnic at Holstein when about two hundred went down on the train to spend the afternoon in Mr. Petrie’s Grove. Tm: Quarterly Sacramental Service and Love Feast will be conducted in the Methodist church on Sunday morning by the pastor. Service at 10:15. BOARDERS WANTED.-â€"Two gentle- men can be accommodated with bond and lodging at private home. Apply at this otlice. BOARDER Wannaâ€"«Gentleman ac- commodated with board and lodging in private houses. Enquire at this oflice.-â€"-lpd. DR. BURT will be at the Middaugh House Wednesday, Aug. 5th. for consultation in Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose Cases, from 12 to 4 p. m. A CRICKET match was pleyed here Tuesday alternoon between the mer- ried end single men. The latter were victorious by three runs. F03 SALE.-â€"-"The Hedges.” the residence of the late J. H. Hunter, M. P. P. For price and particular: apply on the premises. Terms easy You can’t aflord to let our maps pass you. We are prepared to open your eyes in roady-to-wear clothing. â€"Theobald , the Clother. Dox’r you want to be in the fash- ion? If so. you wunc to buy a Tud- hope Buggy as they are all the go. Barclay Bell sells they). S'nun' black and tan bitch came to Middaugh House about two weeks ago. Owner may have her by prov- ing property and paying costs. -â€"3. Minsuuxmt cloning sale at. H. H. Mocklor’a. All lines of summer good: roducod. BOY WAx'rBDâ€"To learn the mould~ ing. Apply at once at the Durham Foundry.-l. .‘JACHmE OILâ€"Frat Class Machine Oil. 350 gallon. at Parker’s. To make room for full goods price: cut to pieces at Mockler’a. We lose, you find the dollere. Human»: shoe making is 30% lower at Peel’s. Most? :t 457. MmKay Dunn, Durham. â€"-tf. Pun: White Lad. in 25 lb. Tins. at Parker’s. Tannin) and rudy-tmwoar has at 750. u Miss Dick’s. CA THEEED DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READER-9. Local News Items Gm: furs :t Grant’s. sz'a rubber collars at Grant’s. full pattiéniul of tbo' cs; I growutioq of tho thin A FEW days ego Rev. T. H. Farr, of Wellseehurg, came home to spend a 'few weeks with relatives and friends. He had been oiling some- what. for u couple of weeks but did not-anticipate snythin serious. It seems however, that e is sufiering from an uppendiculur ubecoss or something that sounds like those two big words. An operation will be performed. We hop e no serious re- sults will follow. in“ usuuuu Tm: Durham Lacrosse Boys were \1 R defeated in Owen Sound on July 20,. 2'8- ( ° um score being 9 to 2. It’s no dil- Km“ 9" “‘ grace, however. when it. is known Lawrence. thtt Owen Sound raked the Dominion Mr. J em: for profusion“ players. when by Mr. Clerl they played with theiral‘ftermedintee dgy in town. ageins: our home brew ugrepfion . . oi J union: The Time didn’t forget M". WM a- “9.949.. _ M IT wasn’t through any evil design, malice aforethough: or an efiort to “forget some things” that caused us to omit publishing the notice of s new boy at the home of Ed. Kreu and a girl at. Dr. Holt’e. The letter was born the do] of the Cricket match with Wiarton and the Doctor never missed on inninge. AT the recent entrance examina- tion Hutton Hill school succeeded in passing the whole of the seven can- didates. an'd Dominie Graham feels quite proud of the result. Mr. Gra- ham is a successful educator. and he has piloted many a youth over the road to the other side of the entrance exeminntidn. The trustees saw fit some time ago to engage him for LAWRENCE’S Hall Sunday School purpose holding a picnic in W. J. Ector’s grove Friday, July 3186. All are invited. but everybody is expected to bring provisions. LOST.-â€"A Gold Plated Bracelet. Anyone leaving it at this afice. or returning it to the owner, Mrs. Warmington, will be suitably re- warded. _â€"‘â€"â€" _â€".____.... BARCLAY BELL have now a shipment of the Toronto Cordage Co ’3 Twine on hand, and are pre- pared to supply their customers with {our different grades. Give use call. INFORMATION wanted as to the whereabouts of Martin Dunn. at one time of the township of Glenelg. Write or see John Delaney. Postmas- ter, Traverston.â€"3. WE haven’t got all the snaps to be offered. We only handle men’s wear and in them we have the snaps.â€"â€" Theobald, the Clothier. 0N Sunday evening next Rev. C. S. G. Boone, of Leamington, will preach imthe Baptist church taking for his subject, “ Man’s most Important Ro- quest to Man.” MISS DICK was in Toronto Monday and Tuesday and made a large pur- chase of White linen and white felt outing hate, which are now placed in stock. YOU don’t have to fall over the bridge embankment to see our extra values in clothing. We are nearly opposite McKinnon’e Implement shop â€"-Theobald, the Clothier. CRICKET match to-daf. Thursday. between the Grits and Tories. Game at 4 p. m. on School grounds. Don’t miss the fun. ' MR. GEORGE RYAN purchased the Carson property on Lambton Street. neor the old post omce. and intends to move there shortly. YOU need the goods now. Take advantage of the big cute in prices at Mockler’s midsummer clearing sale. HAVE you seen the new stock of Floor Oils and Linoleums at. Jas. Ireland’s. JAS. IRELAND’S store {3 where you want to go for your Carpets, Rugs uud Mats. A DOLLAR bill found! during a. half hour’s shopping at Mocklor’s mid- summersale. 50 PLux shapes in black and colors regular :31 and $1.25 for 250. at Miss Dick’s. BOILED and Raw Linseed Oil. barrel lots. as Parker’s. THE fastest and neatesc oytem shoe repairing at Peel’s. I? you want money-Busting bar- gains you’ll find them In. Ireland’s. A swnu. serge suit for Theobald’a, the Clothior. LAmxa’ 'wgterproof costs. extra value, at Grmt’s. CAR of Baaâ€"el‘SeltMI-Lt Parker Warehouse. Rowxr’s English pickles 1t Gum’s. TEAS from 150 a lb. gt Parker’s. The’ Chronicle for the Balance of the Year for only Forty 'Cents. Dominion Mr. J omen Stinson. oocompnnied nrticloo-wo sell, is gnormteod. Our {3333: 32136:- 32:]? °f Dnndnlk, ’9‘“ 8“" reputation is back of our gnuantoo. of gt 5}“- (Reva) Newton end Mute: jewelry receive the best of cue in Kenth “9 ““08 “ trip down “10 St. the process of repairing. In feet ell Lawrence. our repeir work.’ as well u the _‘ â€" L Mrs. Thos. Storrey, of Winnipeg, is spending the summer with her parentsfin-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Storrey. ' Misses Irene and Mabel Latino: have returned after a. few weeks in and around Walkerton. they have been visiting the farmer’s sister, Mrs. J. Ball Ml. Fred Glass returned from a week’s visit with friends in George- town. Mir. Will Glass returned Monday of last week from a. trip down the St. Lawrence. Mr. Graftie. of Montreal. in visiting his futher-in-law, Rev. A. Stewart. Mrs. Whelan. of Durham, and daughter, Mrs. Charles Urquhart, are Visiting a week at. Jackson’ a Point, at ” Idylwild. "â€"Newmarkut Era. Mr. and Mrs. Boynton. Torohto, are visiting the latter’s mother, Mrs. Lauder. Mrs. Poole, of Mount Hape, is via- iting her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Wolfe. Miss Vollett is spending a few weeks with friends in London. Miss M, Clarke, of Fergus. is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Russel. Mrs. R. Grant, of Toronto. and children are visiting in town. Mrs. J. H. Ackert and son, Harold. of Holywood, who have been visiting with Mrs. Shaw. returned home Fri- day. Miss Lexie Anderson returned Sat- urday to her home in Hamilton. Mr. Jack McCaul and Miss McCaul, of Toronto, are visiting their parents‘ Mr. and .\1 rs. G. L. McCaul. Mr. James Ireland was in Toronto last week as delegate to the annual meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge held there. Mr. C. E. Nightingale, of Wallace- b,urg, representing the Oddfellows Relief Association, is spending a few days in town. ' . 4 Miss Rita. Irwin returned Saturday from a month’s visit in Georgetown. Mr. Archie McComb, of Toronto, is Spending a few days with friends in the vicinity. Mr. H. A. Hunter, of Minneapolis, left Monday morning for the West after spending a few days in town. Mr. Archie McKinnon, traveller from Winnipeg to the Coast, is visit- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan McKinnon. Mr. H. H. Miller. of Hanover, was in town Monday. Miss Bell. daughter of Rev. Mr. Bell, of Varney Mission, arrived in town last. week and will remain for a few weeks with her father. Master Edwin Glass returned Sat- urday from a month’s visit in Georgetown. Mr. â€" Lyons. painter, of Mt. Forest. is engaged to do the painting of the Cream Separators. He began work Monday. Miss Jessie Allen, of Mt. Forest, is visiting friends in town. Mrs. Dee, of Toronto, is visiting her son. Mr. R. H. Dee. ren . Mrs. Wm. Hopkins. who has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Carson, for some time. leaves §eturdey for her home in Hortney, Mrs. Turner and four children. of Detroit. are visiting the farmer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Firth. Mrs. C. McKinnon. accompanied by her daughters. Fodie and Ada. has gone on an extended visit to friends in Toronto and North Bay. Dr. Sinclair, of Woodstock, spent a day or so last week the guest of Dr. Gun. Mrs. Alex. Robertson, of Fergus. and her daughter Miss Me. ggie, of Toronto, visited last. week wginh Mr. and Mrs. George Turnbull of South Bentinck. Miss JoPD, of Moosimin. Man.. is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Edge. and other relatives in Glenelg. Master Guy Parker. of Alvinston, is visiting at. Dr. Gun’s. THE GOING AND COMING 0F VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF JULY. Miss Irene Flood. of Paisley. is visiting Mrs. Frank Livingston. People We Know .. accompanied by her two chilal DURHAI, ONT" THURSDAY, JULY 30, I903. In ineXperienced heads the attempt- ed repairing of Watches and Jewelry is likely to result dissstrously. At Keeler’s. only skillful experts are employed. - sad the finest wstch movements‘snd the most delicste Specialist: Eye, Ear. Throat and Nose EXCLUSIVEL? Will be at the Middaugh House let Wednesday of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hon, Eng. and to Golden Sq. Throat and N030 Hos. Women and Jewels. Jewels, candy, flowers, ma11--that is the order of a woman’s preferences. lJewels form a magnet of mighty ' power to the average woman. Even Ethat greatest of all jewels, health, is ioften ruined in the strenuous efiorts ito make or save the money to pur- chase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem. then let her fortify herself against the in~ siduous consequences of coughs.colds and bronchial afiections by the regu lar use of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup. It will promptly arrest con~ sumption in its early stages and heal the affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the system. It is not a cure-all but it is: certain a cure for coughs. colds and1 all bronchial troubles. You can getl this reliable remedy at Darlings Drug Store. tl‘ MISS LICK. M. A., of the High School Department. and Miss Davey. of the Public School Department have resigned their positions on the school staff. Miss Amy Meredith succeeds Miss Davey. Miss McKenzie resumes duty in her former room. The Board has advertised for a model School assistant and a successor to Miss Lick. We hone wise selections will be made. THE B. Y. P. of Durham, held a very successful Garden Party at the home of Jacob Yandt. Varney, on Thursday evening last. Proceeds about $40. DELINQUENT Subscriber! Did it ever occur to you that we need mon- ey? Quit your meanness and pay: up at once: YOU can’t make money faster than by wearing Peel’s handmade foot- wear. ' ’ 56-in LACE Curtain. 3} yards long. big est snap you ever saw. only $1.00 at reland’s. your man’s wear at. Theobald’s, th'e Clothier. Mrs. W. Black is holidaying at the Summer Hotel. Port Elgin, with a party of friends. _ Mrs. Lat-tor and daughter. Mabel. of Toronto, are visiting the farmer’s brother, Mr. C. Smith, and family. Miss Cora. Patterson, of Howick. is visiting her aunt. Mrs. W. H. Bosn Miss Ayers. of Listowel find of Mr. W. H. Bean, and Miss Wilhel- menia Armstrong, niece. are waiting at the Big 4. Mr. John Burns: is home from Do- troit on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Burnet. Mr. Robert Bax-net, of Detroit. is visiting his purents here. Mrs. Wm. Caldoris home from : visit with her sister at Snginaw, Michigan. GET in_With the gowgl gud buy B. KEELER MON DR. EH). 8. BURT. J.J.HUNTER3 A full line of Yarns, Flan fuels and Blankets always kept in stock here. Wool Wanted 10,000 pounds of Wool wanted. Highest. pnce paid in cash :0r trade. "IE DUO? "DRE 0” "IE “’8' CORNER. Having secured a large quantity at a price we are selling them at 25 per cent. less than regular price. $1.00 PER YEAR.

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